The benefits of thyme tea, recipes for preparation and use for various diseases, contraindications.

24.09.2019 Buffet table

Among the many medicinal herbs used in folk and official medicine, thyme is one of the most popular, it is on a par with chamomile, wild rose, calendula and St. John's wort. The benefits of thyme for men, women, children are noted. Most often it is used as an expectorant for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract - laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis. Infusions and decoctions of thyme help to cope with "male problems", have an antitoxic effect on the human body, helping to fight alcoholism.

natural healer

Thyme, aka thyme (not to be confused with cumin) is a perennial undersized shrub that has many inflorescences that are attractive to bees. During the season, these workers collect up to 15 kg of honey from flowers. The plant bears fruit in boxes with four oval dark-colored nuts. For the preparation of raw materials, leaves, flowers and thin stems of thyme are used. After drying, the herb is crushed and sieved to remove thick, woody stems unsuitable for medicinal use.

Thyme grass contains tannins, which have a pronounced astringent effect. It has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, has a positive effect on the human body. Thyme is used in the treatment of stomatitis, tonsillitis, nasopharyngitis, gingivitis. To eliminate painful symptoms, an infusion of herbs is used, which is used to rinse the gums and throat. This procedure moisturizes and disinfects the oral cavity.

The use of infusions, decoctions and tea with thyme helps in reducing the secretory function of the intestine, in the fight against diarrhea, flatulence. The benefits of using thyme decoctions and herbal baths in the complex treatment of prostatitis, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation in men were noted. The trace elements included in the composition help testosterone production. Weekly baths with essential oil or thyme infusion help to get rid of psychological stress, fatigue, having a beneficial effect on "male strength".

Remedy for ailments

The effect of thyme on people who abuse alcohol has been proven. It contains thymol, a phenolic compound, with excessive use of which, together with ethanol, there are signs of poisoning - nausea and vomiting. Currently, thyme infusion is the most commonly used natural drug to combat the initial stage of alcoholism. It is important not to overdo it in an effort to cure the patient, the harm of such a method may be greater than the expected benefit. Perhaps a serious disorder in the human body, leading to dangerous consequences for him.

Cold compresses are used for cuts and burns. To do this, brew thyme herb with boiling water and leave to infuse for at least 10 minutes. The use of such a compress will relieve inflammation, soothe the wound. Tannins will contribute to the speedy recovery of damaged skin, will not cause any harm, because they are a natural natural antiseptic. With insect bites and skin itching, such compresses with thyme are also effective.

Thyme is also used in complex therapy for the treatment of women. Its anti-inflammatory properties have been used in the prevention of painful menstruation, inflammation of the appendages, cystitis and pyelonephritis. Many women buy thyme essential oils for cosmetic purposes as a natural alternative to synthetic creams and tonics. Home-made masks and lotions based on it are rich in flavonoids, ursolic and oleanolic acids, which have a beneficial effect on tissue regeneration. At the same time, homemade masks do not contain preservatives, thickeners and other substances that cause considerable harm to the body of women.

You can brew thyme herb to rinse your head in the fight against hair loss, this problem is relevant for pregnant and lactating women who are deficient in calcium. Daily rubbing of the skin of the face and neck with a decoction of the leaves stimulates the restoration of skin cells, creates an antioxidant effect, relieving the skin from the harm of the aggressive environment of megacities.

Despite the many useful properties of thyme, there are some limitations to its use:

  1. The plant is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. Oral use is not recommended due to the possibility of increasing uterine tone and lack of clinical data. The use of thyme for cosmetic purposes is unlimited and even beneficial.
  2. Thyme infusion, used for oral administration, is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age. For the treatment of cough in babies, ready-made syrups containing herbal extracts are used. They are preferable for taking in mild forms of the disease than chemical drugs.
  3. Thyme is contraindicated in functional disorders of the kidneys and liver, gastritis with high acidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Substances that make up its composition can be harmful during the period of exacerbation of these diseases.
  4. With a tendency to allergies and individual intolerance to the medicinal plant.
  5. The use of thyme is not recommended for violations of the thyroid gland, high blood pressure, because it is able to increase it with prolonged use.

Before using thyme infusions, it is necessary to consult a doctor: uncontrolled use of any medicines can cause not only benefits, but also harm to health. Do not be ill!

Thyme, also known as thyme, is a perennial shrub with a pleasant aroma. The plant has medicinal properties and is used as a sedative, analgesic and prophylactic. Usually grows on the outskirts of pine forests. Thyme is common in Eastern Europe, Kazakhstan and Russia.


The plant belongs to the Yasnotkovy family and the Thyme genus. It is a small, branched subshrub with fluffy stems of a grayish tint. The flowers of the plant can be pink and purple. They are small in size and produce essential oil. The fruits appear in the form of nuts.

Bogorodnaya grass, small mother, pine forest, greed, fly fly, thyme - all this is thyme.

The shrub blooms in summer or early autumn. This is the time of procurement of raw materials. In agriculture, thyme is harvested using hay mowers and then dried in the open air. The plant is packaged in bags and placed in a warehouse where the dry collection is stored for up to two years.

Chemical composition

Although the plant has been famous for its healing properties for many centuries, it was not until the twentieth century, thanks to emerging technologies, that it was possible to figure out why exactly thyme is so good. Characteristic for thyme beneficial features due to its rich chemical composition.

The leaves and grass of the plant contain the following elements:

  • Essential oil (0.5-1.3%), which contains thymol, relieves worms, has an antiseptic, antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Tannins have anti-inflammatory, astringent and bactericidal properties;
  • Flavonoids - these include vitamin P. They play a significant role in the prevention of cancer, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and suppress allergic reactions;
  • Cymole and terpineol are sources of the pleasant aroma of thyme leaves;
  • Carvacrol prevents the occurrence of atypical cells;
  • Acids - malic, saponic, ursulic, caffeic and cinchona;
  • Trace elements - magnesium, cobalt, lead, copper and others;
  • Macroelements - potassium, calcium, iron and manganese;
  • vitamins;
  • Minerals;
  • resins.

Beneficial features

Thyme has always stood out for its wonderful aroma and pleasant appearance, and most of all for its healing potential. Even folk healers of the distant past recognized the amazing possibilities of this perennial shrub. A rich set of useful properties makes the leaves and grass of the plant popular to this day as ingredients for useful infusions.

The essential oil in the composition of the plant is the main reason for the pharmacological importance of thyme. Bacteria do not tolerate it because of thymol. This element has an antihelminthic, antiseptic and analgesic effect.

Among the useful medicinal properties thyme herbs and leaves include:

  • A sedative effect, thanks to which thyme decoctions help to effectively deal with chronic sleep deprivation, and also suppress the feeling of constant anxiety and irritability;
  • Analgesic effect - as an external agent of local action, thyme is used to make medicinal lotions, compresses and ointments. These remedies help eliminate joint pain and skin inflammation;
  • The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect that thyme herb has during. The plant is considered an effective diaphoretic, so it is often recommended during colds and flu;
  • Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, and in particular - the neutralization of heaviness, bloating and elimination of constipation. Regular consumption of thyme contributes to the normalization of intestinal microflora and the separation of gastric juice;
  • The expectorant effect of the plant is useful in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • The diuretic effect of thyme herb helps to eliminate excess toxins from the body;
  • Antihelminthic action - herbal decoctions and infusions of grass and thyme leaves are used to prevent helminthic invasion.

It is useful for women to use thyme for normalization hormonal background and suppression of pain during menstrual days. Men can use thyme herb to increase potency and improve spermatogenesis.

Application in traditional medicine

Traditional medicine based on thyme is used internally and externally. Internal preparations include decoctions, infusions, herbal teas and essential oils. Speaking of external methods of treatment, they mean ointments, compresses, lotions and special baths.

In addition to the typical uses for thyme, there are non-standard uses for the plant. Folk healers never cease to amaze and advise in case of a headache to sleep on a pillow, inside which instead of fluff and feathers is thyme grass.

For cough and bronchitis

Thyme is used as an element of complex treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory system, such as bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, laryngitis and tracheitis. With inflammation of the throat, thyme grass and leaves become an ingredient in gargling solutions.

In this case, official medicine did not bypass thyme. Pharmacy cough syrups with the addition of this plant are very tasty and fragrant, so children with a cold take them with great pleasure.

For cooking homemade cough syrup and sore throat you will need:

  • One bunch of fresh thyme, or thyme;
  • Five cloves of garlic;
  • 300 grams of natural honey;
  • 450 ml of boiled water.

Wash thoroughly, then dry and chop the thyme. Boil the plant for approximately 15-20 minutes. The water should boil away by half. Strain the decoction through a sieve. Add honey and chopped garlic, and then mix well the resulting mass. If the decoction is intended for a child, and he is picky, then garlic can be omitted - it will be tastier. Homemade syrup take one tablespoon twice a day. Keep refrigerated.

With hypertension

Oleic acid and vitamins in thyme help lower blood pressure, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and normalize heart function. The plant also relieves spasms.

To prepare infusion for the treatment of hypertension you will need the following ingredients:

  • one tablespoon of dry thyme;
  • half a teaspoon of medicinal chamomile;
  • one teaspoon of fireweed;
  • one liter of water.

Mix all the components of the tincture thoroughly, pour a liter of boiled water, cover with a lid on top, wrap it with a warm blanket and leave to infuse for an hour. Take a quarter cup of decoction three times a day.

With prostatitis

Thyme is an effective remedy for increasing potency, getting rid of prostatitis, eliminating inflammation and pain. The herb has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, and also facilitates urination.

For cooking decoction against prostatitis based on thyme you will need:

  • one glass of boiled water;
  • two tablespoons of dried thyme (thyme).

Pour dried thyme with boiled water, put in a water bath, bring to a boil, then keep on fire for another ten minutes, and then leave the broth under the lid for two to three hours. Take two tablespoons of medicinal tincture twice a day before meals.

With alcoholism

Thyme causes an aversion to alcoholic beverages, and therefore in folk medicine the plant is often used to treat alcohol addiction.

You can get rid of alcoholism with the help of decoction of thyme and bitter wormwood. To prepare a decoction, mix the ingredients in ratios of ¼ (wormwood / thyme). Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of water and boil for ten minutes. Medicinal decoction should be taken one tablespoon three times a day. Therapy should last several months. As a result, people become indifferent to alcohol. The decoction also soothes the heart, relieves tension in the lower and upper extremities.

With sciatica

Thyme is known for its relaxing and restorative properties. The plant is added to therapeutic baths during sciatica, gout and rheumatism, and is also used to create medicinal tinctures to strengthen joints and eliminate muscle pain.

To prepare thyme tincture for the treatment of sciatica, pour five tablespoons of finely chopped grass with half a liter of high-quality vodka. Close the container tightly and leave to infuse in a dark room at room temperature for a week, then strain. Wipe tincture of sore joints before going to bed. The effect is noticeable within a few days after the start of application.

For the nervous system

Thyme herb has a calming effect and restores the shattered nervous system. For preventive purposes, medicinal teas, infusions, as well as products based on essential oils are used.

For cooking remedy for insomnia mix a teaspoon of dried thyme herb and two tablespoons of alcohol. Close the container with the liquid tightly and place it in a dark place for a week, then strain. The remedy must be taken a few hours before bedtime, thirty drops. If a person has a strong emotional and nervous breakdown, the dose can be increased to fifty drops.

aromatherapy also perfectly normalizes psychological balance. Purchase or borrow an aroma lamp from your friends and pour a few drops of thyme, jasmine and lavender essential oil inside. Turn off the lights, lie down and relax. A few drops of essential oil can also be added to the bath.

For the cardiovascular system

Antioxidant flavonoids and potassium in thyme herb contribute to the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Potassium restores the correct heart rhythm, but its excess leads to destabilization of the heart.

Before using thyme as a remedy, you should consult a doctor, as in the case of atrial fibrillation, cardiosclerosis and atherosclerosis, thyme herb is contraindicated.

If the heart is healthy herbal tea based on thyme will be an excellent prophylactic. Take dry collections of such medicinal herbs as chamomile, thyme, fireweed and oregano. Mix them in proportions 1:3:2:2 and brew with two liters of boiling water. The infusion can be taken as an alternative to regular tea several times a day.

Application in cosmetology

Numerous acids, vitamins, natural antibiotics and tannins in thyme make the plant an effective cosmetic product. Especially well it copes with problem skin and weak hair structure. Homemade lotions, masks and ointments eliminate sagging skin and remove swelling, and decoctions of thyme in shampoos strengthen hair.

To prepare facial compress based on thyme, pour a tablespoon of dry grass with a glass of boiled water and let it brew under the lid for half an hour. Take a soft piece of cloth, soak it in the resulting decoction and wring it out. Lie down and apply a wet compress to your face. The cloth must be wetted every five minutes. The procedure lasts from twenty minutes to half an hour. Regular use of the compress removes swelling and oiliness of the skin, and also restores the proper functioning of metabolic processes inside the cells.

For cooking hair rinse use an infusion of thyme. The ingredients of the remedy are:

  • 5 grams of thyme herb;
  • 5 grams of hop cones;
  • 5 grams of birch leaves;
  • 5 grams of nettle;
  • 1 liter of boiled water.

Mix all the herbal ingredients and pour the mixture with water. Put on fire for fifteen minutes, then cover with a lid for half an hour. After regular shampooing, use prepared rinse aid. The procedure must be carried out at least twice a week. The infusion prevents dandruff, baldness, nourishes the hair roots and eliminates split ends.

Steam bath with thyme herb is an effective procedure for cleansing and restoring problematic skin. The pores open, and the skin itself becomes softer and more tender.

For a steam bath with the addition of thyme, the plant should be finely chopped. Calculate the amount of grass needed at the rate of one tablespoon per half liter of water. Boil the infusion for half an hour, then lift the lid and keep your head wrapped in a towel over the pan for 5-10 minutes. The time depends on the level of sensitivity of your skin. After taking a steam bath, you should not go outside for about three hours.

Application in cooking

In cooking, thyme is used fresh and also as a seasoning powder. The plant becomes an aromatic ingredient in meat and fish dishes. Thyme leaves are added to vegetable salads and used during pickling of cucumbers and tomatoes.

Types of thyme that are used in cooking:

  • Ordinary;
  • Caraway;
  • Citric;
  • Creeping.

The leaves of common thyme are the part of the plant with the most pronounced pungent aroma. They give dishes a refined taste, emphasizing the unique properties of other ingredients. In professional cooking, the use of fresh leaves of the plant is preferable, however, in home cooking, dried thyme is usually used.

Can it be taken during pregnancy?

Pregnancy rarely goes without additional medications, but sometimes the body of the expectant mother does not accept them. In some cases, due to side effects and drug intolerance, thyme can be a good alternative. Herbal teas in small portions will be good helpers in the fight against mild colds, fatigue and headaches. The main thing to remember is not to abuse it in any case. An overdose causes headache, nausea, vomiting and affects the development of the child.

As for the important contraindications to the use of thyme, the list for expectant mothers is as follows:

  • High blood pressure;
  • Problems with the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney disease;
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.

It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to the question of the permissibility of using thyme during pregnancy. The opinions of medical specialists differ, but in some ways they agree - there are no general cases of the course of pregnancy. Whether or not to take thyme is a personal decision for each woman, which should be based on the individual characteristics of the body and the opinion of the attending physician.

Contraindications and harm

Despite the fact that thyme is a pure and natural product, in some cases its use is not recommended, since certain elements in the composition of the plant do not interact well with problematic human organs.

Below is a list of the most important contraindications when using thyme:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • kidney disease;
  • Heart failure;

In the presence of serious problems with the liver, the use of grass is also contraindicated.

For many centuries, thyme tea has been included in the "recipe book" of the world's best healers.

The composition contains a huge amount of vitamins, other substances useful for the body. If you learn how to prepare and use thyme tea correctly, you can improve your overall health and prevent the development of many ailments.

Tea with thyme: benefits, calories and composition

In oriental medicine, thyme is known as thyme herb. There are many varieties of it. Thyme is a small semi-shrub, reaching a height of about 40 cm. Thyme, due to its rich composition, is in great demand not only in alternative medicine, but also in cosmetology and the food industry. Plant-based infusions can prevent, even cure many ailments.

Thyme contains:

Tannin and mineral compounds;

Ursolic, oleanolic acids;

Organic pigments and essential oils;

Vitamins (ascorbic acid, vitamins of group B, PP).

There are 70 kcal per 100 grams of dried thyme. Tea with thyme contains only 2 calories per 100 grams. The drink is recommended for use in the absence of contraindications. It can be drunk even by women during pregnancy, lactation (only after consulting a doctor).

Proper tea is characterized by a slight sedative effect. It is this property that will give a woman and her child a calm, deep sleep.

Tea with thyme: benefits for the body

1. It is an excellent antihelminthic agent, characterized by disinfectant, antibacterial effects.

2. The drink is considered a strong pain reliever. A cup of tea in a matter of minutes relieves headaches, discomfort during menstruation in women.

4. The drink helps to strengthen the immune system, due to its rich composition. It also normalizes digestive processes, relieves bloating, and normalizes intestinal motility.

5. Thyme tea is known for its beneficial effect on the human nervous system. It has been proven that the drink perfectly relieves stress, will allow you to gain peace of mind.

6. For men, the drink is also useful. It improves potency. Women are advised to drink this tea with weak lactation (as prescribed by a doctor).

7. Tea with thyme, the benefits of which are invaluable, is also useful for cosmetic purposes. Regularly including a drink in your diet can get rid of acne, acne. Moreover, the presence of essential oils and vitamins in its composition prevent early withering of the dermis, strengthen hair and nails.

Healthiest Thyme Tea Recipes

Tea with thyme will not harm the body if you learn how to cook it correctly. There are several recipes. By choosing new ingredients each time (depending on your condition), you can get the specific properties of the drink.

Invigorating morning drink

The perfect drink for the morning is black tea with thyme. It's fragrant and incredibly delicious. A cup of tea will invigorate, give a great mood for the rest of the day.

Making a drink is easy. In a teapot, add 1 teaspoon of thyme and half a spoon of black tea. Everything is filled with boiling water. The drink should be infused for 7-10 minutes. Then a slice of orange (lemon), 1 tablespoon of honey is added there. Additional ingredients will improve the taste of the drink, make it more saturated.

Black tea with thyme not only invigorates, it will normalize digestive processes, cope with colds. It is not recommended to drink it before going to bed, so as not to overcome insomnia.

It's no secret that green tea is incredibly healthy. If you add thyme to the drink, it will turn out to be even more valuable in terms of its properties. Such tea is prepared in the same proportion as with black tea.

The benefits of the drink:

Normalizes blood circulation;

Helps lower blood cholesterol levels;

Relieves headache;

Facilitates the well-being of a person with a cold;

It is characterized by excellent antioxidant properties;

Strengthens the immune system.

During the day, it is allowed to drink no more than 3-4 cups of this tea. The last one is 2 hours before going to bed. The drink is characterized by a strong diuretic effect.

Herbal teas with thyme

Herbal teas with the addition of thyme are extremely beneficial for health. The main thing is to choose the right ingredients. It is necessary to rely on the desired effect.

1. Thyme and oregano. The presented herbs are combined in a teapot in a ratio of 1 to 2. It is necessary to insist the drink under a closed lid for at least 15 minutes so that it absorbs all the vitamins from the plants and is saturated with aroma.

2. Thyme and coltsfoot. Herbs are combined in the same proportion (1 teaspoon, no more). The mixture is infused for 15 minutes, then a tablespoon of honey is added there, as well as a slice of citrus (lemon, orange). Tea should be drunk when it is at room temperature.

Mint tea with thyme

If you add mint to thyme, the drink will turn out not only fragrant, but also incredibly healthy, tasty. The ingredients are combined in the same proportion. Everything is poured with boiling water - for 2 tablespoons of herbs 300 ml of water. The tea should stand until it reaches room temperature. You can also add 1 teaspoon of honey to this. It is useful to drink the drink before meals, it is recommended even before bedtime. Mint tea with thyme improves digestive processes, normalizes metabolism, calms the nervous system and improves sleep.

Thyme tea recipes for colds

1. To strengthen the immune system. To 1 tablespoon of thyme, you need to add a little rose hips, currant leaves and strawberries. The drink must be brewed with boiling water, let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Tea is incredibly beneficial. It contains many vitamins necessary for immunity. With a cold, this is just what you need.

2. Thyme and coltsfoot are mixed in the same proportion, a tablespoon of dried raspberries is added there. Tea is poured into a teapot with boiling water, infused for 15-20 minutes. You need to drink it with a cold - 3 mugs during the day. It allows you to remove cough, soothe sore throat, relieve headaches and other ailments.

Tea with thyme: harm, important contraindications

Tea with thyme harms the body very rarely. If you remember about contraindications, unpleasant surprises can be avoided.

Having heart problems

Diseases of the kidneys, liver;


ailments associated with the thyroid gland;

stomach ulcer;

Disorders of the nervous system.

Tea with thyme, the harm and benefits of which were presented, is a very valuable drink. The main thing is not to abuse the quantity, remember the contraindications.

Thyme (thyme)- not just a fragrant spice, it is a plant with an unusually wide range of applications. It is used in cooking as a spice, in medicine - as a medicine. In addition, they decorate the interior.

You may not have even thought about using this herb earlier in your daily life. The fact is that thyme contains ingredients that have antibacterial and antifungal properties, which makes it popular among manufacturers of cosmetic, medicinal, food and other types of products.

Thyme is an ideal remedy for maintaining high immunity, the health of the respiratory, digestive and nervous systems, as well as for the proper functioning of internal organs. We offer you to get acquainted with the beneficial properties of this unique plant, which will help to significantly improve your health.

1. Helps eliminate sore throat.
Thyme oil is rightfully considered one of the strongest natural antimicrobials, which makes it a powerful weapon in the fight against colds. Thyme essential oil contains carvacrol, an organic compound that is superior to many antibiotics in its antibacterial action.

Polish microbiologists from the Medical University of Lodz conducted a study that examined the effect of thyme on 120 different strains of bacteria taken from patients with infections of the oral cavity, respiratory and genitourinary tract.

The results were impressive: it turned out that thyme is highly active in the fight against all clinical strains. This confirms the high effectiveness of thyme, especially in comparison with antibiotics, to which certain bacteria are resistant. Therefore, as soon as you feel a sore throat arising, immediately add this fragrant herb to your tea.

2. Lowers blood pressure and the level of "bad" cholesterol.
Thyme has a high antihypertensive activity, so its regular use is indicated for those who suffer from high blood pressure. Animal studies have shown that thyme extract reduces the heart rate of patients with high blood pressure.

In addition, it normalizes the level of substances, the increased content in the body of which leads to the appearance of cardiovascular diseases and obesity. We are talking about "bad" LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. At the same time, thyme increases the level of “good” HDL cholesterol. This is what makes the plant an important ingredient in the daily diet.

3. Reduces the risk of food poisoning.
Thyme has a unique property not only to prevent infection from food products, but also to deactivate the action of harmful microorganisms if you have already been infected with them.

The results of experiments published in the journal Nutritional Microbiology show that thyme essential oil can have a decontaminating effect on lettuce leaves that have been found to contain Shigella bacteria, which can cause diarrhea and possible serious intestinal damage. Washing the product with a solution containing only one percent thyme essential oil killed absolutely all Shigella bacteria.

Thus, adding thyme to the menu almost completely reduces the likelihood of food poisoning. Try adding fresh thyme leaves to your salad and you'll not only get a spicy flavor but also a healthier and safer dish to eat.

4. Improves mood.
A study of carvacrol, which is part of thyme, found that this organic compound has a positive effect on mood. A 2013 study found that giving carvacrol to animals for a week increased levels of dopamine and serotonin, the so-called "feel good hormones."

It is their number that affects the emotional state of a person. These studies have confirmed that carvacrol is a substance that affects brain activity by modulating these two neurotransmitters. So to improve your mood, you should definitely try to use thyme every day in small quantities.

5. Prevents and treats cancer.
Thyme properties have also been found that can be used in the fight against cancer and tumors. Namely, carvacrol, the main ingredient in thyme essential oil, exhibits antitumor effects, making it potentially dangerous for cancer cells.

According to an experiment by Chinese scientists, the results of which were published in Anti-Cancer Drugs, it was found that carvacrol reduces the rate of proliferation and migration of colon cancer cells. Thus, regular consumption of thyme can help prevent and help treat colon cancer.

6. Treats cough and bronchitis.
For centuries, mankind has used thyme as a remedy for coughs and bronchitis. In Germany, to confirm the medicinal properties of the plant, a study was conducted in which two groups of patients took part. The essence of the study was that one of the groups used an oral treatment in the form of a combination of thyme and ivy.

As a result, in this group, there was a decrease in cough twice two days earlier than in the representatives of the second group treated with traditional methods. In addition, the representatives of the first group did not show any side effects.

Numerous experiments also confirm the effectiveness of thyme as a remedy for bronchitis.

7. Increases immunity.
Thyme contains a large amount of vitamins C and A. As you know, these substances are the best way to improve immunity, which is especially important during the onset of cold weather. Another important benefit of thyme, which is reflected in the human immune system, is the anti-inflammatory properties and the participation of its constituents in the formation of white blood cells, which also strengthens the immune system.

8. Accelerates wound healing.
Like many medicinal herbs, thyme helps to speed up wound healing. Simply apply the washed herb to the site of skin damage.

9. Contributes to the treatment of dysplasia and dyspraxia.
Dysplasia is the abnormal formation of parts, organs or tissues of the body. It has been found that thyme reduces the symptoms of dysplasia, especially in children, among whom hip dysplasia is a widespread disease.

Also, the essential oil of this plant has been investigated for its properties in the treatment of neuralgic diseases such as dyspraxia. The research results are promising, but more work is needed to accurately define and validate thyme's healing effects in this area.

10. Eliminates breathing problems.
We have already mentioned the effect of thyme on the immune system, its effectiveness in combating coughs and bronchitis. It would be useful to say that this plant helps to cure most respiratory diseases. The use of thyme has been officially approved by the German Commission E (a prestigious medical association and government regulatory body) in the treatment of diseases that cause discomfort in the respiratory tract.

The use of a decoction of thyme and ivy sprigs to relieve coughs and other symptoms of acute bronchitis, SARS and acute respiratory infections has repeatedly confirmed its effectiveness in numerous studies. Therefore, at the first appearance of symptoms of colds, it is recommended to immediately drink thyme tea.

11. Treats a headache.
Thyme essential oil, gently rubbed into the skin on the temples and forehead, greatly relieves headaches. This is due to the already known to us carvacrol. Thyme oil also reduces migraine attacks, although there are no specific studies proving this fact yet. The essential oil of this plant is able to relieve stress - the antioxidants contained in it protect the cells of the body from stress and toxins.

12. Helps in the fight against excess weight.
Thyme has a positive effect on metabolism, significantly speeding it up. Regular use of this plant as a fragrant seasoning will help you say goodbye to extra pounds faster.

Benefits for women

13. Reduces PMS symptoms.
Thyme reduces irritability and has a calming effect, which is especially important for women in the premenstrual period.

14. Makes menstruation less painful.
For women, thyme is the best natural pain reliever. Gynecologists often prescribe a thyme infusion for those suffering from painful periods. In addition to eliminating pain, regular consumption of thyme also helps to normalize the cycle.

15. Treats diseases of the genitourinary system.
You can’t call such ailments rare - every second woman has encountered any of them at least once. Thyme also helps in the treatment of many female diseases: it is used to treat inflammation of the appendages, cervical erosion, in cases of internal bleeding and fungal infections by ingestion or douching. It should be noted that treatment with thyme must be agreed with your doctor.

16. Improves lactation.
Thyme improves the well-being of pregnant women and lactation of lactating women. An important condition in this case is the use of thyme in small quantities. Before taking it, you should consult a doctor to avoid negative consequences for the health of the mother and child. Tea with thyme must be in the diet of nursing mothers (provided there is no intolerance to the product). It improves lactation and milk quality.

Skin Benefits

The antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant properties of the plant are widely used for skin care and treatment of a variety of conditions. skin diseases.

17. Treats eczema.
Eczema is a skin disease that is characterized by dry skin, the appearance of itchy scales, blisters and cracks. As a rule, the disease is caused by poor digestion and frequent stress. Thyme, which can beneficially influence these conditions, will help relieve symptoms, and eventually completely eliminate eczema.

18. Slows down the aging process.
The high content of antioxidants in thyme helps to slow down the aging process of the skin, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and age spots. With regular use of thyme, beautiful, toned skin, glowing with health, is guaranteed to you.

19. Fights acne.
Thyme is a natural remedy for any skin rash, including acne. It has an antiseptic effect, tightens pores and relieves inflammation. Masks and lotions based on this plant have a good effect in the fight against acne. For example, thyme and witch hazel tonic lotion: prepare an infusion of these herbs and wipe your face with a cotton pad, and rinse your face with warm water after twenty minutes.

20. Has a tonic effect.
Thyme infusion baths have a tonic effect on the entire body, while improving skin condition.

21. Heals wounds, cuts, scars, burns.
The use of thyme essential oil for such skin lesions accelerates the healing and recovery process.

Hair Benefits

Using infusions and decoctions of thyme, you can significantly improve the condition of the hair and scalp.

22. Eliminates dandruff.
The antibacterial, antifungal properties of the plant eliminate skin flaking, including scalp seborrhea. Rinsing from a decoction of thyme normalizes the condition of the skin and, as a result, relieves dandruff.

23. Fights hair loss.
Masks and rinses with thyme essential oil and infusions prevent hair loss and increase hair density by stimulating the growth of hair follicles and activating blood circulation in them.

24. Increases hair volume.
With regular rinsing of hair with thyme, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized. This reduces the production of sebum, which allows the hair to stay cleaner and more voluminous for longer.

25. Improves appearance hair.
Hair treated with thyme becomes more shiny, manageable, soft and smooth.

Benefits for men

26. Prevents the risk of impotence.
Thyme tea triggers the work of enzymes that control male sexual functions and prevent impotence.

27. Improves sperm quality, treats infertility.
Thyme contains selenium, which produces testosterone and improves sperm quality. In addition, it helps in the prevention and treatment of infertility.

28. Improves the functioning of the reproductive system.
Zinc in thyme stimulates the reproductive system. Regular consumption of thyme in any form improves erection and is the prevention of premature ejaculation.

29. Treats myositis.
Myositis (muscle inflammation) is often found in the stronger sex. To return the muscles to a healthy state will help compresses from the infusion of thyme.

Harm and contraindications

Thyme shows its unique beneficial properties only with the right dosage and the absence of contraindications. Possible side effects of the plant are listed below.

1. The effect of thyme on the children's body is unknown.
Of course, in small quantities as an additive to tea or infusions, thyme is useful. However, the safety of using thyme essential oil has not been studied: it is not known whether it can be applied orally or topically. Therefore, it is better to avoid its use when it comes to the health of children.

2. Problems with the course of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
If pregnant or lactating women eat thyme in small quantities, there is no danger. But so far, the consequences of taking large doses are unknown. Therefore, it is best to protect yourself and the child by reducing the amount of plant used.

3. Possible bleeding.
Thyme slows down the process of blood clotting, which increases the risk of bleeding when taken in large quantities. If you are going to have surgery, exclude the product from the diet at least two weeks before it.

4. Problems with the stomach.
Excessive consumption of thyme can cause exacerbation of gastritis, diabetes, stomach and duodenal ulcers. Despite all the healing properties of the plant, too much dosage will lead to negative consequences.

5. Incompatibility with certain drugs.
Thyme should not be combined with certain active drugs, including hormonal drugs (in particular, drugs with estrogen). If you are undergoing treatment, it is better to discuss the use of thyme with your doctor.

6. The possibility of allergic reactions.
An allergy to this plant is not ruled out. If you have observed manifestations of allergic reactions to any medicinal herbs (especially rosemary, celery, marjoram, basil), most likely, thyme will also give such an effect. Therefore, at the slightest symptom of an allergy, immediately stop using it.

7. Incompatibility with alcohol.
Thyme tea lovers or those who currently use it as a medicinal product are advised to refrain from alcoholic beverages.

8. Increased content of toxic substances.
Growing thyme accumulates toxic substances in itself, which can lead to poisoning of the body. Before buying the product or collecting it yourself, make sure that the plant grew (grows) in an ecologically clean area, away from roads and industrial enterprises.

Chemical composition of the product

The nutritional value of thyme (100 g) and the percentage of the daily value:

  • The nutritional value
  • vitamins
  • Macronutrients
  • trace elements
  • calories 101 kcal - 7.09%;
  • proteins 5.9 g - 6.83%;
  • fats 1.7 g - 2.62%;
  • carbohydrates 24.5 g - 19.14%;
  • dietary fiber 14 g - 70%;
  • water 65.11 g - 2.54%.
  • A 238 mcg - 26.4%;
  • beta-carotene 2.85 mg - 57%;
  • C 160.1 mg - 177.9%;
  • B1 0.048 mg - 3.2%;
  • B2 0.471 mg - 26.2%;
  • B5 0.409 mg - 8.2%;
  • B6 0.348 mg - 17.4%;
  • B9 45 mcg - 11.2%;
  • PP 1.824 mg - 9.1%.
  • potassium 609 mg - 24.4%;
  • calcium 405 mg - 40.5%;
  • magnesium 160 mg - 40%;
  • sodium 9 mg - 0.7%;
  • phosphorus 106 mg - 13.3%.
  • iron 17.45 mg - 96.9%;
  • manganese 1.719 mg - 86%;
  • copper 555 mcg - 55.5%;
  • zinc 1.81 mg - 15.1%.


Thanks to the unique properties of thyme, it is able to have a beneficial effect on the health of the whole organism. This plant contains a huge amount of organic acids, vitamins, resins, tannins, thanks to which thyme is an excellent pain reliever, as well as an antiseptic and antispasmodic.

Looking at the list of pros and cons, you can easily see that there are many more benefits to eating thyme. Note that if the correct dosage is followed and a preliminary consultation with a doctor, the appearance of side effects is unlikely.

Beneficial features

  • Helps relieve sore throat.
  • Lowers blood pressure and levels of "bad" cholesterol.
  • Reduces the risk of food poisoning.
  • Improves mood.
  • Prevents and treats cancer.
  • Treats cough and bronchitis.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Accelerates wound healing.
  • Contributes to the treatment of dysplasia and dyspraxia.
  • Eliminates breathing problems.
  • Treats headache.
  • Helps in the fight against excess weight.
  • Benefits for skin and hair.
  • Benefits for men and women.

Harmful properties

  • The effect of thyme on the children's body is unknown.
  • Problems with pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Bleeding is possible.
  • Stomach problems.
  • Incompatibility with certain drugs.
  • The occurrence of allergic reactions.
  • Incompatibility with alcohol.
  • Increased content of toxic substances.

Research sources

The main studies on the benefits and harms of thyme (thyme) were conducted by foreign doctors and scientists. Below you can find the primary sources of research on the basis of which this article was written:


Additional useful information about thyme

How to use

1. Adding to food.

Thyme is a popular herb with a spicy flavor that adds a delicious flavor and aroma to foods and drinks. It is used as an additive to many dishes in various cuisines around the world. Thyme is added to salads, meat dishes and side dishes; many types of tea have been created on the basis of thyme.

2. Medicinal product.
Thyme, due to its properties, is widely used in medicine, helping in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. However, like all drugs, it requires increased attention to the doses used. In addition, there are a number of contraindications for taking thyme as a medicine.

3. Use in cosmetology.

Essential oil and infusions of thyme can significantly improve the condition of the skin, getting rid of rashes of various origins, while maintaining the elasticity and health of the skin.

4. Natural flavor.
Due to its rich aroma, thyme can be used as a natural room fragrance.

5. Use for decorative purposes.
Thyme is a low shrub with small flowers (white, pink, red). It can be safely used as an ornamental plant in the garden.

In case of colds, it is simply necessary to have dried thyme at home. Before starting the drying process, wash the plant and tie it into small bundles. After that, hang them in the air, avoiding direct sunlight on the grass.

When the thyme is completely dry, put it in a paper bag and store it in a dry place away from moisture. Please note that it is strictly forbidden to store herbs in plastic containers. Try to store your herb supplies in a slightly shaded and not too hot place, ideally in a kitchen cabinet. Other medicinal herbs can also be dried in this way.

How to choose

The right choice of thyme for medicinal use, for drying or freezing is very important: only by choosing a quality plant, you can get the maximum benefit. When choosing thyme, be sure to pay attention to the following indicators.

  • Be sure to specify where exactly the thyme grew. Its location is very important. It should be an ecologically clean place, because the plant is able to absorb harmful and toxic substances from the surrounding space, soil and water.
  • Freshly picked thyme has leaves of bright green color, without any inclusions and other imperfections.
  • If you buy dry thyme, it should be crumbly, without odors of charm and without foreign impurities.
  • Remember that even when dried, the plant must retain its aroma.

How to store

Do-it-yourself or purchased thyme can be stored both fresh and dried. There are several basic ways to store spices.

  • Freshly picked thyme is placed, without tamping, in a hermetically sealed bag and placed in the refrigerator.
  • Please note that it should not be placed in the freezer, but on the middle shelves.
  • Thyme is used as needed, after which the bag is sealed again. In this way, it is recommended to store thyme for no more than a week.
  • Fresh thyme can be stored in a glass container. Thyme is placed in a glass container (for example, a liter jar), without washing it, and tightly closed with a plastic lid. By placing the packaged thyme in the refrigerator in this way (also on the middle shelf), you can increase its shelf life up to three weeks. This method is also suitable for storing any greens.
  • A long shelf life of the plant (up to a year) can be ensured by placing the plant in a freezer. Before this, you should perform several simple operations: rinse the thyme thoroughly under running water; remove excess moisture by blotting the grass with a paper towel.
  • If desired, thyme can be chopped before freezing, but it should be remembered that the whole plant retains more useful properties. Place the washed and dry thyme in a freezer bag and place in the freezer.

History of occurrence

For the first time, the plant is mentioned in manuscripts dated to the third millennium BC. Its healing antiseptic properties were discovered and successfully used by representatives of the Sumerian civilization.

The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt used thyme to make embalming mixtures, and the ancient Greeks used it to fumigate temples. Over time, the Romans also learned about the amazing plant. They went even further - with the help of thyme they flavored alcoholic beverages.

In 370 BC. e. Hippocrates, the famous ancient Greek healer, recommended thyme as a remedy to help cure respiratory diseases. During the plague in Europe in the 1340s, thyme was used as a defense against infection by the Black Death. In Russia, thyme was also used for both medicinal and ritual purposes.

Our ancestors called it the Mother of God herb, because icons were decorated with bunches of thyme during the celebration of the Assumption of the Mother of God. It was sewn into amulets, considered a powerful amulet against evil spirits and corruption, and was used in many pagan rites and recipes for medicinal potions.

Healers used thyme as a remedy in the fight against diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract. A fragrant plant was always present in every house - people believed that it prolongs youth and provides peace and tranquility in the family.

How and where is grown

Thyme has more than one hundred varieties that grow almost everywhere throughout Eurasia, with the exception of tropical zones. This plant is completely unpretentious to the climate and soil properties, it can be found even in Greenland and North Africa.

In the vastness of Russia, thyme can be found in all regions, but it is most widespread in the Urals, the Caucasus and the Crimea. The habitats of the spicy plant are forest glades, steppes, including sandy and clayey, rocky slopes, rocks, ravines, mountain tundra soils.

Thyme bushes can reach a height of forty centimeters. The stems of the plant at the base are woody, abundantly covered with small hairs, with branchings (stems) that creep along the ground or rise up.

Thyme has peduncles - herbaceous upright shoots and barren twigs that lie on the ground. The appearance of thyme leaves depends on the place of its growth and differs in size and order of the veins.

The shape of the leaves is diverse: round, elliptical, oblong. Small flowers located at the ends of the shoots are collected in inflorescences, rounded or elongated, and have a pink-lilac or bright pink color.

The thyme fruit is a box containing four small brown nuts of a spherical or oval shape. The flowering period of thyme is from June to August, after which the fruits ripen until mid-September. The flowers exude a spicy, fragrant aroma that attracts bees.

The most common and used type of thyme is common thyme. It has small leaves with light fluffy villi on the inside. Common thyme shoots reach a height of 15 cm.

The most popular varieties of this type of thyme are Alba and Splendens with white and rich red flowers, respectively. The Elfin variety of common thyme belongs to the dwarf ones (height - 5 cm). It is often used for decorative purposes for arranging gardens, lawns and flower beds.

  • Thyme and thyme are the names of the same plant.
  • Thyme is an antibiotic that bacteria do not develop resistance to.
  • Thyme prolongs the shelf life of products - in Russia it was used to increase the shelf life of meat dishes.
  • The Slavs believed that with the help of thyme one could establish contact with the gods, so they used it in many rituals. Representatives of other nations did the same, throwing flowering branches of grass into the fire.
  • The Irish believe that with the help of thyme you can see fairies in reality. To do this, after Walpurgis Night, you just need to wipe your eyes with dew from the bush of this plant.
  • Thyme has long been a symbol of male prowess and strength. Thyme infusion baths were believed to boost morale, which is why they were so popular with Roman legionnaires.
  • Knights in the Middle Ages wore clothes embroidered in the form of a thyme leaf.
  • Thyme was used not only to fumigate temples and houses, but also domestic animals, as well as various hunting gear to attract good luck in fishing.
  • Thyme was used for mummification in ancient Egypt.
  • In the Middle Ages, thyme leaves and flowers were used to repel mosquitoes.
  • Thyme placed under the pillow induces pleasant dreams.

Herbs have been used in folk medicine for dozens, if not hundreds of years, to treat various diseases and to strengthen the body as a whole. Their use justifies itself and brings a lot of good results. One herb that is often used is thyme. It will be discussed in this article.

The full name of the plant is common thyme. It is a perennial shrub, the height of which is not more than 35 centimeters. Thyme has small leaves and purple flowers collected in inflorescences. You can meet this plant in Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Siberia. It is often located on the slopes of mountains, in pine forests, in the steppes and rocky tundra.

Thyme - useful properties

Due to its composition, thyme is used not only as a herb for treatment, but also as a seasoning for various dishes. It contains organic acids, tannins, cymol, gum, vitamins C and B, and thymol.

Thyme is also useful for cholecystitis, cystitis and flatulence, as it facilitates the course of the disease and general health. Thyme is especially active in the treatment of rheumatism of muscles and joints, infections and bruises.

It seems that this plant may have only a weak effect, but in fact it is very effective in combating certain diseases. For example, doctors have proven that thyme helps in the fight against male diseases. It is especially useful in low potency and premature ejaculation.

An essential oil is prepared from thyme, which is then used for anemia, chlorosis, hypertension, asthenia, furunculosis, asthma and various dermatosis. This essential oil also tones up, strengthens the immune system and increases efficiency.

In the treatment of thyme is also used for:

  • improve blood circulation in the brain;
  • mood improvement;
  • elimination of headache;
  • combating chronic fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • increased irritability;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • brain injuries;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • respiratory infections;
  • dysbacteriosis.

Along with useful properties, thyme has a number of contraindications, as it can cause harm, however, like many other herbs, if taken without remembering the precautions. In addition, it should be borne in mind that thyme is contraindicated during pregnancy, because it can increase the tone of the uterus and lead to miscarriage; with diseases such as hepatitis, pyelonephritis, duodenal and stomach ulcers, thyroid diseases and predisposition to them, as well as atrial fibrillation. In principle, it will never be superfluous to consult a doctor before starting to use thyme.

Collection and storage of thyme

In order to get the most out of thyme herb, it must be harvested at the right time of the year. The best time for this is June-July, when the grass is actively blooming. It is advisable not to pull it out with the root, but to cut it off.

After that, it must be dried. For this purpose, choose a shady place that is well ventilated. The grass is laid out on clean paper or cotton fabric with a layer of no more than 7 centimeters. When the thyme is completely dry, it must be threshed and the very thick stems removed. Thyme should be stored in a well-ventilated but dry area for no more than 2 years. The most suitable for this is glass or plastic containers.

How to brew thyme?

The answer to the above question depends on the purpose for which you are going to use the herb. If you need a decoction or tea from thyme, then you need to brew the herb at the rate of a tablespoon per 0.5 liters of water. The broth should be brought to a boil and insisted for 10 minutes. After that, the broth is filtered. It is ready to use. It is recommended to consume no more than 3 cups of warm thyme tea per day.

If you need to take a bath with the addition of thyme, then you must first brew it with a bay of 100 grams of herbs with a liter of boiling water. Infuse the decoction for 20 minutes and pour it into a bath filled with water.

To relieve cough and cure inflammation in the body, it is necessary to brew thyme as follows: pour 2 tablespoons of herb with a glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. After removing the broth from the heat, insist it for an hour, strain, add boiled water to it to make 200 ml of broth. Divide into three portions and drink throughout the day.

In order to protect yourself from colds in winter and at the same time not to give up your favorite black tea, you can prepare it this way: take 10 parts of tea, a part of valerian root and thyme, as well as 2 parts of mint and St. John's wort. These ingredients must be mixed and brewed like regular tea. Such a drink will improve sleep and the state of the nervous system.

It is also useful to mix thyme with green tea in equal proportions, brew it as a tea and take it as desired. This drink has an analgesic and anticonvulsant effect, and is also useful for men with prostatitis.

Thyme during pregnancy

As already noted above, it is better not to use thyme during pregnancy. If desired and necessary, you can include a small amount of thyme tea in the diet, but before that it is better to consult a doctor who is leading your pregnancy.

Thyme contributes to an increase in pressure, and at the same time, after its use, it may not decrease for a long time, and this is dangerous for both the mother and the fetus. Thyme also tones the uterus and can prepare it for premature birth or miscarriage. It is especially dangerous to take thyme from the second trimester of pregnancy.

Among other things, it contains tinol, a substance that adversely affects the functioning of the liver and kidneys. The latter are subjected to a particularly strong load during gestation, so it is better not to subject them to additional negative effects.

In general, thyme is a very useful plant, which, in fact, is a natural antibiotic, but you need to be extremely careful with it, otherwise you can suffer greatly, despite the fact that it contains many useful substances.