Methods for dyeing Easter eggs without chemical dyes. How to color eggs with coffee or tea

04.08.2019 Egg dishes

We continue the theme of Easter colors. Here are some more interesting ways to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands without dyes. Everyone is already fed up with bright chemistry, and so almost everything is artificial around, I want to try to use natural products as much as possible, at least when possible. Therefore, I want to show you how to color eggs with natural dyes: beets, red wine, black tea and walnut shells. To get a distinct, saturated color, you need to observe certain proportions. It takes a lot of time to dye, because unlike chemical dyes, natural dyes are absorbed into the shell very slowly. You will get a light shade in an hour and a half, and a bright color in 5-6 hours.

For this we need the following ingredients:

  • Walnut shells (6 pcs.);
  • Black tea (3 tablespoons);
  • Fresh beets (1 pc.);
  • Red wine (1 glass);
  • Parsley leaf (1 pc.);
  • Chicken eggs - white (5 pcs.)

Instructions for dyeing eggs with natural products

The shell will give a light yellow color, tea - brown, wine - blue, beets - pink.

The amount of each product, except for tea, is given for one egg. The next one can be put into the coloring solution only when the previous one is colored. If you want to speed up the process, multiply the volume of the food by the number of eggs you want to paint at the same time in a certain color. Otherwise, your "paint" will not be the desired concentration and the color will come out pale.

Let's start with beets. We clean it straight raw and three on a grater. Put in a cup so that the beets give juice. We don't add water!

We brew ordinary black tea in the proportion - 3 tablespoons of tea for half a liter of water.

Pour the wine into a glass.

Put the walnut shells in a small ladle, pour half a glass of water. They will need to be boiled for 10 minutes.

Before coloring the eggs, you need to wash them thoroughly, you can even use a sponge for this. We check that there are no numbers or anything else left on them.

Out of five eggs, I will immediately put one in a ladle with nutshells and cook for 10 minutes on the stove.

On the other burner I will put a saucepan with the remaining four eggs.

After 10 minutes, when the eggs are hard-boiled, place a saucepan with four eggs under cold water. And what was cooked in the shells of walnuts, we shift hot into a earthenware mug and pour the entire contents of the ladle along with the shells on top.

Put the cooled white eggs in all the dyes. We immerse one in a glass of wine.

We put the second in the beets so that the eggs are not visible from it.

The third is dipped in strong tea.

The fourth we will also dye in tea. But not just like that, but we will try to make a pattern on it. So that a subtle image, like an old fresco, appears on the egg, we will tie a parsley leaf to it with threads. Like this.

The longer you keep the eggs in our natural dyes, the brighter the final color will be. I kept it for about 5 hours. Due to the fact that I did not pull the shell out of the broth, but from the tea leaves, the color was not uniform, but with a texture, the same is with the beets. You can do it differently. Then just rub the boiled egg with beet juice, and lower the rest into the already strained infusion.

After painting, all eggs must be dried on a napkin, especially beetroot, if you wash off or wipe off the dried paint, it will become much paler.

It remains only to wipe the finished eggs with cotton wool or a napkin dipped in sunflower oil and put them beautifully on a plate.

Happy Easter!

This spring, after looking at pictures of Easter eggs painted with natural dyes, I chose ten different products to test how it works. After experimenting with everything from oak bark to red wine, I figured out which ingredients give great colors and which I won't use anymore. You will find them in the article along with the recipes with which I dyed the eggs.

The problem with internet sources is that you can never be 100% sure of following someone else's advice. This is great for describing what happens when you color eggs with natural dyes. The spinach leaves promised a pleasant green color, but it turned out to be a dirty gray, but so gloomy that I didn't even want to take pictures. We conclude that spinach is good on the table, but there is no dye from it. A similar situation happened with beets and paprika, but more on that later.

Our kitchen is full of natural egg colors. These are common vegetables such as red cabbage, beets or carrots, and bulk vegetables such as coffee and tea, and various spices. They have a nice color scheme, and I like that some of the shades are pastel, harmonize perfectly and turn boring white eggs into a delicate Easter decor.

I remember, while I was living with my parents, already at the beginning of winter, a special bag or box for onion husks appeared in a drawer under the sink. Before Easter, the container with the husk was removed, as was the huge pan, in which several dozen eggs were pushed for about an hour. Now this method seems boring to me, and the color is not quite mine. Therefore, I decided to look for shades that I would like to see on my Easter table.

Today I will tell you how to color eggs with turmeric, paprika, red cabbage, coffee, hibiscus tea, wine, nettle leaves, coffee, oak bark and beets. Children will especially enjoy experimenting with colors. Let yourself and them do a little magic on Easter decor.

Usefulness for coloring eggs for Easter

Below you will find 10 wisdoms that help you understand how egg coloring with natural dyes works.

  1. Before coloring, wash the eggs in water or rub them with vinegar to clean and degrease... This will make the paint smoother.
  2. Before boiling, remove the eggs from the refrigerator and give them warm up to room temperatureso they don't burst.
  3. If you color ready-made eggs, immediately after boiling fill them with cold water... Heat shock makes cleaning easier, and chilled shells absorb pigment better.
  4. When coloring eggs with natural dyes, be sure to add a few tablespoons of vinegar, which will ensure that the paint adheres to the shell.
  5. If you want an uneven color effect, leave the ingredients (grated beets, chopped cabbage) in the saucepan along with the eggs.
  6. Use a white pencil to draw patterns on the shell before dyeing. These can be flowers, geometric shapes or inscriptions. The shaded part will remain light. You can achieve the same effect by wrapping a string around the egg.
  7. The longer the eggs remain in the dye, the the color will be more saturated.
  8. To remove sediment from Natural Egg Dye, strain it through cheesecloth.
  9. Usually, darker color it turns out if eggs are boiled in dye. Lighter shades gives soaking in the finished composition.
  10. As a final touch, gently dry the eggs after staining with a cloth or paper towel and rub with sunflower oil.

Below are the results of my many hours of experiments. Natural dyes can give unexpected results, so please don't be surprised if your color differs from mine.

How to paint eggs for Easter with turmeric

Turmeric gives the white eggshell a pleasant sunny yellow hue. To get it, boil water, add turmeric powder to it at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of water and a little vinegar. Bring to a boil, dip the eggs in the dye and cook for about 30 minutes.

Turmeric does not dissolve completely, and small grains remain in the water, so the eggs must be stirred to evenly distribute the paint.

I liked this method - a good color, it is given quite quickly and easily.

Red cabbage dye

Depending on how rich the shade you want to get, you need one or two heads of cabbage. Red cabbage you need to chop, pour 3 cups of water and add 6 tablespoons of vinegar. Cover with a lid and leave in the refrigerator overnight to let the cabbage juice.

The next day, pour the liquid into a separate container and place the boiled eggs there. We leave for another day for staining. Despite the fact that red cabbage produces a rich pink juice, the eggs are sky blue.

It's not the fastest or cheapest method, but the color is one of my favorites.

How to color eggs with paprika

To color the eggs paprika, pour a glass of water into a saucepan, add 4 tablespoons of seasoning and cook for 30 minutes. After that, we put the eggs in the broth and leave overnight.

They promised a brick shade. I find it difficult to define this color. He's some kind of super light orange.

Beet staining

To paint eggs with beets, I grated 2 things, poured 3 cups of water, added 3 tablespoons of vinegar and set to cook with eggs for 40 minutes. As a result, I got some nasty brown color. If you find this color a nasty brown too, don't do it.

I think you should have just soaked the finished eggs overnight in beetroot juice and vinegar. Would it be pink?

How to color eggs for Easter using coffee

Everything is simple here. You need to brew very strong instant coffee: 2-3 tablespoons of powder per 200 grams of boiling water. Add a little vinegar, lower the eggs and cook for about 5 minutes. White eggs take on a chocolate hue. Not bad, but not my favorite color.

Coloring eggs for Easter with hibiscus tea

Also as a natural dye for eggs, you can use hibiscus tea... First, boil the tea leaves for 10-15 minutes so that the broth becomes dark red, and then boil the eggs in it. When you take them out of the broth, magic happens, and they gradually turn from pink to lilac.

I had high hopes for hibiscus, as a source of pale pink, but no. Although, lilac is also not bad. I like the streaks that leave the petals.

Oak bark for coloring eggs

I think this is such a brutal way to paint eggs. A friend asks you: What did you paint eggs with for Easter? And you are all so airy and soaring: Oak bark!

So, to get a brown tint, add 2 tablespoons of bark to a glass of water and boil the eggs in this mixture for about 20 minutes. Oak bark is sold in a pharmacy and is inexpensive. And if it remains, it can be poured into flowers as a drainage.

The most interesting thing is that the bark of the oak gave the color of ordinary brown eggs. And if there is no difference, then this method can be skipped.

How to color eggs with blueberries

I used frozen blueberries from the store. You must first prepare a decoction from the berries. Pour 50 grams of blueberries with 2 cups of water, add a few tablespoons of vinegar, bring to a boil and leave on fire for another 5-10 minutes. Pour boiled eggs with the resulting juice for a period of several minutes to several hours. Depends on what shade you want to get.

I kept the egg in blueberry juice for about 30 minutes and got such a bluish-black shade. My husband liked this color, we leave it.

Staining with nettles

Pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan, add 6-8 tablespoons of dried nettles and cook the eggs in this composition for about 30 minutes.

It turned out to be a strange, dirty color, almost like when stained with spinach. If you bring it to the light, the shade of a dry swamp is captured. They promised green, probably for this you still need fresh nettle leaves.

Boil eggs in wine

We always have wine after the holidays, and since we buy it mainly for guests and don't drink it ourselves, I decided to use the leftover merlot to color the eggs. To do this, I just boiled eggs in wine. You can dilute it with water.

The result is a rather rich burgundy color.

In general, I liked the process of dyeing eggs with natural dyes, and what happened. But still, I do not lose hope of achieving a pleasant pink or delicate green shade.

Tell me, have you tried something similar? How to paint eggs for Easter?

A traditional Easter gift is a colored egg as a symbol of the birth of a new life. They eat it first at the Easter table, and give it to relatives, neighbors who come to congratulate, take it with them when they go to visit, be sure to give it to the poor and leave it in the church. There is also the custom of giving colored eggs, followed by christianization.

In this article, we'll show you how to paint eggs for Easter. Be sure to involve younger family members in this process. For them it will be a useful creative activity, and for you it will be an additional opportunity to spend time with children.

Plant leaves

Take a leaf from an indoor or wild plant, put it on an egg, put on a nylon stocking or gauze on top. Secure the ends of the fabric with an elastic band. Color the egg according to the instructions on the package.

Scotch tape, electrical tape, self-adhesive paper

Cut scotch tape or electrical tape into narrow strips, squares, cut out various Easter-themed silhouettes from self-adhesive paper. Stick all this onto your Easter eggs, then paint them with synthetic or natural dyes. Let them dry, then remove the tape.

Easter eggs, painted sequentially in two dyes of different colors using electrical tape, look interesting:

For example, the Easter egg in the series of photographs above was first pasted over with a strip of duct tape in one direction and painted yellow. After the paint had dried, pasted over with a strip of tape of the same width, but in a different direction, and painted blue. Blue and yellow when mixed gave green. It will be interesting for your child to experiment with mixing different colors. As a result of such entertaining experiments, he will not only learn how to paint eggs, but also learn how to get additional colors by mixing the main ones.

Bank gum for money

Just wrap the eggs with rubber band before painting.


Cut the lace into strips. Wrap them around your Easter eggs before painting, securing the lace strips with rubber bands. After painting, wait until the eggs are dry, remove the elastic bands and lace strips from them.

One way to make marble eggs

Eggs "marbled" look spectacular on the festive table. To achieve the effect of "marble" eggs, you need to add vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) to the water with food coloring.

You can first paint the eggs in one color in your usual way. Then prepare another dye, add it to the water along with vegetable oil, mix the liquid with a fork. After that, one by one, immerse the eggs in the dye solution, trying to collect as many oil patterns as possible on the surface of the liquid. Dip the eggs in a napkin and let dry.

If you don't have egg dye, you can use a permanent marker to paint on the eggs.

Or with felt-tip pens

You can paint a hard-boiled and not cooled egg with wax crayons (crayons). In doing so, they will melt and create beautiful patterns on it. When painting an egg, put it on a stand, after completing the work, let it dry for an hour.

Easter eggs painted with silk shreds

If you have unwanted shreds of silk fabric (100% silk), then they can be used to dye eggs for Easter.

Cut the fabric into pieces, wrap the eggs with the front side in, wrap the top with a rag, and tie tightly. Boil the eggs for 20 minutes.

Remove the shreds. For the eggs to acquire a beautiful shine, grease them, after they dry, with vegetable oil.

Easter eggs in a speck

The variegated eggs you see in the photo above were made by sprinkling brown acrylic paint on the eggs that had already been colored with a toothbrush.

To obtain the marbled effect of eggs painted with onion skins, you need to wrap the eggs in onion skins and tie them with some cotton material on top. Cook for 15-20 minutes.

Eggs dyed in turmeric broth

A golden yellow color can be obtained with turmeric decoction.

2-3 tablespoons of turmeric are added to hot water. To make the color more saturated, the water must be boiled. During boiling, you need to be careful: if the water runs away, there will be serious problems with cleaning the stove, because Turmeric is a fairly strong colorant. In the resulting broth, you can either boil the eggs (you get a more saturated color), or just soak the boiled ones.

Eggs dyed in beet juice

To obtain a beautiful pink color, already boiled eggs are soaked in beet juice.

Eggs dyed in red cabbage infusion

Eggs acquire a blue color when soaked in an infusion of red cabbage. Two finely chopped heads of cabbage (red cabbage) are soaked in half a liter of water, six tablespoons of white vinegar are added to the solution, after which the solution should be infused overnight to obtain a deeper color. The next day, boiled eggs are soaked in the resulting solution.

Eggs dyed in black tea infusion

Strongly brewed black tea will color your Easter eggs brown.

How to paint eggs in onion skins and tea leaves with your own hands.

For a long time I doubted whether to give this topic or not. It seems that everyone knows this is the oldest and most reliable way to paint eggs. But I remembered how they always hotly discuss it on culinary forums, everyone shares their little things and secrets. Or maybe there are girls who do not know how to paint .. so I publish photos with my last year's painted eggs, my tried-and-true recipe and some tips from the forum. If at least one person needs this information, that's good.

To paint eggs in onion skins, first prepare a decoction of onion peel, let it brew. If you want the color of the eggs to be more saturated, you need to take more husks. In order for the eggs to be colored evenly, they must first be defatted: I wipe each egg with a damp cloth with baking soda and rinse. Then the raw eggs should lie in cold water for 1-2 hours, dry them.

I glued parsley leaves, lilac flowers and feathers from a brush with the egg white, with which I grease baked goods. And I packed them in nylon (you know from what, I will not dwell on in detail 🙂 Since my eggs, like all eggs sold in Hungary, were all brown, I had to cook only in onion skins. First, of course, I experimented with the following solutions on one egg (hibiscus tea - red and pink, turmeric solution - shades of yellow, lemon, broth of red cabbage - from blue to blue, carrot juice - shades of orange). Nothing came from brown eggs and I had to cook them in a tried and tested way. , onions perfectly disinfect and eggs do not spoil for a long time.

We filter the solution, not through colo-slag, but better with gauze, and lower the eggs there. The surface of the eggs should not protrude above the water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Remove, free from nylon and cool in cold water. I cracked a couple of eggs, even though I poured salt into the solution on the advice of a friend. But this, as they say, is production costs. Then I cleaned the stickers in water with a brush. After the eggs are dry, I advise you to wipe with a cloth greased with vegetable oil, let them dry. Eggs will be shiny and festive Once they are dry, they can be transferred to a plate of sprouted wheat. Very beautiful - multi-colored eggs on a green background.

I also read that beautiful patterns, such as marble ones, are obtained if you paint with garlic peels. Due to the fact that the husk from garlic is of different thickness - it allows the eggs to stain in different ways, somewhere it is almost white, somewhere darker, and such fancy flowers-patterns are obtained.

Well, I share what I personally tried. In general, good luck with this creative endeavor.

Methods for painting white eggs

With branches of weeping willow. Cut and boil for 20 minutes and leave for 12 hours. Paint in strained broth as usual. Saturation also depends on the concentration of the broth.

In tea leaves. Brew green or black tea, insist, strain and paint the eggs. From green tea, the eggs will be yellow to dark yellow. And from black - from light brown to dark.

Karkade tea... Also brew, insist, strain and color as usual. The color will range from pink to dark red.

With young poplar branches.First, boil the twigs, and then dip the eggs into this broth, it turns out a bright yellow-lemon color.

Red cabbage... The decoction from it is not the most persistent - in the sense that it gives an amazing color - on a white shell it can be bright blue, but try not to scratch.