Fish roe pancakes recipe. How to make delicious fish roe pancakes

28.10.2019 Meat Dishes

Was spearfishing at night. Sleep off, now I'm carving up my share of the booty.
In a huge carp that came out on 4 kg. turned out to be caviar. What is better to do with it?
At the very least, you urgently need to know - freeze it or salt it or something else?

Surely I'm not the only one who ran into a carp full of caviar. I just didn't want to fry the caviar, this fish is liquid.
Thanks for pointing out the caviar recipe! Simple and delicious. And most importantly, there is no problem with the caviar spreading into separate eggs.

I was not lazy and made a step-by-step recipe with pictures.

Composition: my carp there were 240 grams of caviar
2.1 egg
3.3 tablespoons flour
4.2 tablespoons sour cream (15% fat)
5.salt and seasonings to taste

The breadcrumbs in the photo turned out to be an unnecessary ingredient. As a result, there will be a consistency like thick sour cream. No breading needed.

He drained the water from the caviar and rubbed it through an iron sieve. If there is no sieve, like mine, you can rub it through a grater with small holes.
Eggs pass rather quickly, but the films remain on the surface and can be easily removed.

We get a lot of clean caviar.
By the way, I saw recipes where caviar in this form was kept in salt for a day, and then washed and mixed with herbs and oil. After eating, spread on bread. I didn't try. I believe that 2 times in boiling water will not disinfect caviar. I don’t want to risk it.

Heat the pan with butter and spoon out the resulting dough, forming pancakes.

Fry on the second side.

The tortillas are fried pretty quickly. I suspect that the next step was introduced in the recipes in order to increase the cooking time! River fish, though. You do not have to do this if you believe that the processing is enough.
I didn’t risk it and darkened the pancakes under the lid.
We put the burner on the weakest setting and simmer all the cakes at once under the lid. We keep them like this for 10 minutes, stirring a couple of times so that the lower ones do not burn.

It tastes better when cooled down. They go well with tea, as an independent dish.

Fish caviar is a very valuable and healthy product. Red and black are considered a delicacy all over the world, prices for it are incredibly high (especially for black sturgeon), and not everyone can afford to buy such delicacies outside of the holiday. Another matter, river fish caviar, it is in a different price category, which does not at all implore its benefits.

Beneficial features:

  • a storehouse of vitamins: A, E, D, B, C. Contribute to strengthening immunity, rapid recovery of the body after an illness. Strengthens blood vessels, bone tissue, normalizes metabolic processes, promotes cell rejuvenation;
  • it is a source of quickly and easily digestible protein, consisting of unique amino acids;
  • the product contains twice the iodine content (several times higher than in a fish carcass or fillet);
  • caviar is rich in Omega-3 and minerals, which in combination inhibit the aging process, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, stimulating the brain.


  1. High-calorie product (123 kcal / 100 g). Therefore, they should not get carried away, especially people who are overweight or have a tendency to be overweight. Take moderation as a rule;
  2. May cause serious allergic reactions. It should be introduced with great caution in the diet of lactating women (or refrain from using), children from 3 years of age. You should not tempt fate for people with severe allergic reactions to fish products.

A simple recipe

How to cook fish roe pancakes:

  1. Break one chicken egg into a small bowl;
  2. Peel the onion and chop finely with a knife (grate) until the consistency of gruel;
  3. Combine the onion mass with the egg, add a pinch of spices and salt, mix thoroughly;
  4. Add to the bowl the main ingredient, gutted or wiped through a sieve, eggs of sea or river fish, stirring, add flour;
  5. Heat vegetable oil in a skillet. With a tablespoon or a small ladle, scoop up the caviar mass and pour into boiling oil, so that small pancakes are formed;
  6. Cover the skillet with a lid and simmer for 5-7 minutes, then turn the pancakes over with the toasted side up. Cover and cook until tender (10 minutes);
  7. Arrange hot pancakes on plates.

River fish roe pancakes


  • 0.6-0.7 kg of fresh whole ovaries of river fish;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 glass of instant oatmeal Extra;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • soda on the tip of a knife;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of wheat flour;
  • 1/2 cup olive oil

The duration of the preparation of caviar pancakes is about 1 hour. Calories: There are 270 calories per 100g serving.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Boil 1 and 1/4 cups of water in a ladle, add extra flakes, stir, bring to a boil, cover and set to swell;
  2. Separate the eggs from the films, working with a knife or fork, as if scraping the contents, from the dense film shell of the ovary;
  3. Peel the cloves of garlic, pass through the garlic and add to the caviar;
  4. Put oatmeal from a ladle in the pancake base, salt;
  5. Separate the egg whites from the yolks, refrigerate and beat in a separate bowl;
  6. Gradually introduce the protein foam into the total mass;
  7. For density, add flour mixed with soda into the caviar mass;
  8. Heat olive oil in a skillet. Spoon the complex dough into the hot vegetable fat with a tablespoon. Cover the pancakes with a lid so that they are properly baked from the inside. After 7-10 minutes, turn the items over and steam covered for about 10 minutes.

Carp fish roe fritters recipe

By prescription, you must have in stock:

  • 0.8-1.0 kg of fresh carp caviar;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream;
  • a pinch of fish seasoning;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 level teaspoon of salt;
  • 50-70 milliliters of vegetable oil for frying;
  • a bunch of parsley.

The amount of time for cooking roe pancakes is proportional to the volume of the starting products, one batch is fried for about 10-15 minutes. Caloric content at the exit: 201 kcal per 100 grams.

Recipe step by step:

  1. The most significant criteria when choosing a fish delicacy is its freshness and maturity. It is very easy to determine by the appearance of the raw materials and by the smell. Raw materials can be considered mature if individual eggs are clearly visible in the films. A cloudy, jelly-like mass cannot be used to make good and tasty treats for family and friends. The product "with a smell" is hazardous to health;
  2. Sometimes caviar bags become a pleasant find in the belly of a fish, then, for further use, they should be removed very carefully, without breaking the membrane of the film bags, so that fish bile does not get into the valuable product;
  3. Filmed caviar sacs are called yastiki. Before cooking, they are washed well in cool water, and the contents are cleaned (for each type of delicacy raw materials obtained from various freshwater and marine fish, there are different cleaning methods). The yastiki themselves are not poisonous, but they are very rough and can give a dish a bitterness or an unpleasant aftertaste.

Bon Appetit!

If you bought or caught a carp, and it turned out to be caviar, you are incredibly lucky! This means that you can prepare a very tasty delicacy from carp caviar. In this recipe, we prepare pancakes from carp caviar, perhaps the most delicious for this dish. But you can take another caviar. This will not change the recipe 🙂

Carp caviar pancakes: ingredients

  • Medium carp caviar
  • One egg
  • Bulb
  • Greens
  • Salt and black pepper
  • Vegetable oil

Carp caviar pancakes: preparation

The amount of caviar in this recipe is from one medium sized carp. If you have more caviar, increase the amount of the remaining ingredients.

Although the carp is not very large, it turned out to be decent caviar! Rinse the caviar and add very finely chopped onions, if there is a blender, chop into gruel. Then put salt, pepper, egg and finely chopped parsley and dill. It is possible without greens, but with them it is tastier and more aromatic!

Now we need to mix the ingredients and beat with a fork. Not with a blender! And not with a mixer! Beat gently with a fork until smooth.

Heat the pan with vegetable oil well and lay out the future pancakes from carp caviar with a spoon.

Fried on one side, turned over, muffled the fire a little and fry the other side. No need to cover! Carp roe pancakes do not need to be stewed, they will be perfectly fried without a lid.

Beautiful, juicy, delicious pancakes from carp caviar are ready! Surely you have already tried hot pancakes in the heat of the heat 🙂 Well, how? Awesome!

In Russian cuisine, there are many tasty and healthy dishes from freshwater and. Sometimes, when cutting fish, caviar is found inside. If it is salmon caviar, then it can be salted, and if it is caviar of freshwater fish of carp, carp, crucian carp or pike, then you can cook an old Russian dish - caviar from it.

In my childhood, caviar was often cooked, so we lived next to the lake, and we often caught fish. I remember very well how my mother, cutting fish, took out large caviar from the inside, which she never threw away. We fried caviar, rolled it in spices and flour, salted or cooked caviar.

I fell in love with caviar from childhood. Delicate, soft and (or some kind of pancakes) are combined with any side dish - pasta, potatoes,. Iryaniki can even be served as.

How to cook Donskiye caviar

In essence, the “Donskie” caviar is a kind of dough for which is prepared on the basis of caviar of crucian carp, carp or carp.

If you got this freshwater fish with caviar, then do not throw it away, but cook delicious caviar according to the old recipe of Don fishermen and housewives.

Ingredients for caviar:

  • 400-50 g carp caviar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 onion
  • 3 tbsp flour
  • 1 tbsp decoys
  • 70 ml vegetable oil
  • garlic - to taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • salt to taste (pinch)

Caviar - recipe

Place caviar for caviar in a sieve or colander and rinse with water, stirring with a fork. Select all visually visible films. You do not have to choose them thoroughly, it is enough to remove the largest ones.

Grate the clove and onion or mince. Combine them with caviar, salt and pepper to taste. Drive in a chicken egg.

Add flour and semolina, stir into a homogeneous mass so that there are no lumps.

Let the caviar dough stand for 10 minutes.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat well. Put caviar in hot oil with a spoon.

Fry caviar on both sides until golden brown.

If the raw caviar of carp fish species is not very attractive gray-green in color, then the caviar turns out to be bright, yellow-orange and very appetizing.

Caviar or fritters (cutlets) from river fish caviar is a very tasty snack. The most important thing is that caviar is very useful and does not lose its taste during cooking. Any river fish caviar is suitable as a base, I had carp caviar, silver carp, carp or any other fish are also suitable. In addition to such a method as mine (I just bought fish for cooking, in which there was caviar), you can separately purchase the caviar itself. It is usually sold in the same place as fresh fish. I recommend it to all lovers of fish dishes.


  • 350 gr. river fish caviar
  • 1 chicken egg
  • 1-2 tbsp. lies. flour
  • 4-5 st. lies. vegetable oil
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper
  • onions optional


  1. Rinse caviar and place in a container. Beat with a fork. At the same time, carefully remove the films, which will easily separate from the caviar during whipping.
  2. Beat in an egg, add flour, salt and pepper and mix well until smooth. Those who wish can add finely chopped onions.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and spread the resulting caviar mass with a tablespoon.
  4. Cover and fry on low heat on both sides until golden brown.
  5. Caviar can be served both warm and cold. As a sauce, you can use whatever you like best: creamy or garlic sauce, sour cream, or regular ketchup.

Fish roe pancakes (video recipe)

Bon Appetit!