Candied orange peel recipe with soak. Candied orange peels: recipes

10.05.2019 Healthy eating
  • zest from 5 medium or large oranges;
  • 2 glasses granulated sugar;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • 1-2 grams of citric acid.
  • Preparation time: 00:10
  • Cooking time: 03:10
  • Servings: 5
  • Complexity: easy


To cook delicious dessert from orange peel you can also use the express method. But it should be borne in mind that quick recipe does not guarantee 100% elimination of bitterness as classic way cooking.

  1. Start cooking with preliminary preparation crusts. To do this, they are washed, poured with water and set to boil. After they boil, reduce the fire and boil the peel for another 10 minutes. After that, it is thrown into a colander, washed big amount cold water, preferably under the tap.
  2. After washing, the peels are again poured with water, but now about 1 teaspoon is added to them table salt and put to cook. After boiling, the fire is reduced, and the peel is boiled for another 10 minutes. After that, it is thrown into a colander, allowed to drain and boiled for the third time with the addition of salt.

    It is very important to add salt during cooking. If this is not done in the crusts, enough a large number of bitterness that will spoil the taste of the finished product.

  3. After the third boiling, the peel is thrown into a colander, washed with plenty of cold water and allowed to drain. After it has cooled completely, it is cut into strips or cubes, depending on preference.
  4. Now you need to prepare a syrup from 1 glass of water and 2 glasses of granulated sugar. To do this, water is put on fire and allowed to boil, after which sugar is added to it. After boiling the syrup, chopped skins are placed in it. Cook them for at least 30-40 minutes.

    Significant thickening of the syrup serves as an indicator of their readiness.

  5. During the cooking process, the mass must be constantly stirred, this will prevent it from burning. Towards the end of cooking, the pieces become transparent. At this point, you need to add required amount citric acid.
  6. After the end of cooking, the mass is thrown into a colander, where it is left until the liquid completely drains. Further, depending on preferences, two options are possible. The first is to roll in sugar and dry slightly, spreading them on parchment paper... The second - immediately put on a baking sheet covered with paper and put in an oven heated to 70 ° C for 1.5-2 hours. After they should also be sprinkled with a layer of granulated sugar.

    Still hot candied fruits can also be placed in sterilized jars and rolled up with lids. In the future, they can be used in the preparation of various confectionery.

After new year holidays, and not only, there are a lot of orange peels... Do not throw them in the trash right away, you can make delicious homemade candied fruits from them. They are not only tastier and a hundred times more useful than any sweets, but they can also be used in the manufacture of a wide variety of confectionery products. Variants of their application in culinary purposes quite a bit of. They are added to various baked goods, cottage cheese and dairy desserts, and even ice cream.
In the West, for example, they are very popular in chocolate glaze... They find their use not only as a dessert, but also as an additive in meat dishes... They give them an exquisite and very pleasant aroma as well as a small amount of piquant astringency.

Classic recipe

The classic recipe takes at least 5 days. For the first three days, the peel is soaked in cold water. It must be changed at least 2 times a day. After the end of the soaking process, it is boiled in slightly salted water for 10-15 minutes and washed thoroughly.
After that, the zest is boiled for 10 minutes in syrup made from two glasses of sugar and one glass of water. At the end of cooking, add a little citric acid and turn it off. After 12 hours or a day, the container is again put on fire and brought to a boil. After that, the zest is again allowed to cool and brew. After the third boiling, it is thrown back into a colander or sieve and left until the liquid is completely drained.
Now the zest is laid out on flat dish sprinkled with a little granulated sugar. The resulting mass is mixed and left to dry for 8-10 hours. The finished dessert is shifted to glass jar and put away in a cool dry place.

For cooking, you can also use a mixture of peels of various citrus fruits, but the most delicious dessert is obtained from orange and lime peels.

Spice recipe

You can also prepare candied peel from orange peel with the addition of spices.

To do this, you need the following ingredients:

  • zest from 7-8 oranges, weighing about 500 grams;
  • 600 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 4 tablespoons lemon juice;
  • pod vanilla;
  • 1 star anise star;
  • peppercorns 3 pcs.


  1. Before starting cooking, the peel is thoroughly washed. Then it is poured with 3 liters of water and brought to a boil. After that, it should be boiled for another 5-7 minutes, discard the colander, which is then placed under a stream of cold water from the tap.
  2. All of the above steps are repeated twice.
  3. After that, a syrup is prepared from 600 grams of sugar, two glasses of water with the addition of lemon juice and spices. In this case, black peppercorns should be crushed before use. The resulting syrup must be boiled for 5 minutes.
  4. After boiling, put the crusts in it and bring it to a boil again. After boiling, they should be boiled over very low heat for 1.5 hours. After complete cooling, the syrup is placed in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.
  5. Further, depending on preferences, the dessert can be left in syrup and used in the preparation of confectionery or thrown in a colander, let the syrup drain and cut into strips, which are then dried in the oven and rolled in sugar.

    A conventional fruit and vegetable dryer is also very suitable for drying.

You can also prepare a delicious dessert from a mixture of peels of various citrus fruits. For example, good combination obtained by using the zest of orange, lemon and grapefruit. Also interesting taste obtained by adding lime peel. Due to the large amount of bitterness, grapefruit peels must be soaked for 2-3 days before use. If this is not done, they will give the finished dessert a rather strong bitterness.

Benefit and harm

Candied orange peels are an easy to prepare and delicious dessert. In essence, these are crusts boiled in sugar syrup and slightly dried. They may look like strips or cubes, depending on the method of preparation. Their taste is sweet, with rich citrus scent and slight tart notes.
The benefits of this product lie in the benefits of the orange peel from which they were made.

  • They contain a fairly large amount of vitamin C and trace elements.
    But their special value lies in the essential oils... They have strong antibacterial properties and therefore very well help in the fight and prevention of various colds.

    To improve health and significantly strengthen immune system it is enough to consume all just a few candied strips a day.

  • They also have the ability to significantly lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • In addition, the substances contained in this delicious dessert are very strong antidepressants and help to improve mood and relieve stress of various origins.
    The harm from using candied fruits is minimal.
  • First of all, it is associated with allergic reactions on the substances contained in the peel. In general, the zest of any citrus crops is a fairly strong allergen. Therefore, with extreme caution, they should be used by children, pregnant women and people with individual intolerance.
  • High sugar content and high calorie content also limits their use for patients diabetes mellitus and people struggling with overweight.
  • Candied fruits from orange peel cooked at home delicious and healthy dessert... But in order to exclude the manifestation of undesirable consequences when using them, it is imperative to observe moderation. Also, with caution, they should be used by persons with different chronic diseases digestive system.

Candied orange peels are one of the practical recipes for the "disposal" of valuable crusts, which in most cases are thrown away. Yes, can be dried orange peels and use them as an additive in the preparation of tea or use them as fertilizer for the garden. Still, candied fruits are the most worthy and refined solution!

The recipe cannot be called complicated, but also a simple dish You can't name candied orange peels. It takes a certain amount of time and effort. Perhaps the most difficult thing is to collect at the same time enough crusts of the same or nearly equal freshness to prepare a serving of candied fruits.

Immediately decide on the area on which candied fruits will be dried, it can be a baking sheet or a large lid from a plastic tank, a tray.

Candied orange peels are delicious homemade treat practically out of nothing. Chop candied fruits into small cubes, you can add them to baked goods or use to decorate desserts.

Ready-made candied fruits can be additionally decorated by dipping each slice halfway into melted chocolate.

Candied orange peel peels can be stored for a long time, provided that they are kept in a dry, well-ventilated place.

We will tell and show you how to make candied fruit from orange peels at home, the first recipe is quite simple and quick, the second is more presentable - with chocolate.

Taste Info Berries and fruits / Sweets


  • Peels from 3-5 medium sized oranges;
  • Water (for syrup) - 1 glass;
  • Water (for syrup) - 1 glass;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Lemon juice or citric acid - 0.5-1 tsp;
  • Granulated sugar (for crumbling) - 1 glass.

How to make candied orange peels at home

Rinse the oranges thoroughly using a moderately stiff brush or a washcloth with baking soda. Using a small, sharp knife, very carefully and carefully make cuts in the oranges, cutting through only the rind, and peel off the peels from the oranges in segments. This is easy to do with your hands, but you can take a tablespoon and, by running it under the peel, easily separate the crust from the pulp.

Cut the resulting crusts into cubes about 5 mm thick. It is desirable that the crusts are cut into slices of the same shape and thickness.

Pour about 1 liter into a saucepan pure water, put the chopped orange peels, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Drain, pour in the same amount of clean water, add salt, bring to a boil again and also cook for 10 minutes. Taking with salt water will help remove excess bitterness from the crusts.

Drain the salted water, drain the orange peels in a colander or large strainer.

Combine water and granulated syrup in a saucepan. Stir.

Bring to a boil and place orange peels in boiling syrup. Cook them for another 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the candied fruit in a saucepan until it has cooled completely and soaked in additional syrup.

Now the stage of the most painstaking work. Put the candied fruit on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper so that the individual pieces do not touch each other. It is very convenient to do this with long tweezers. Candied fruits can be caught one by one from the syrup, you can immediately throw everything on a strainer, let the syrup drain, and then lay it out for drying.

You can dry candied fruits in the oven at 50 degrees with the door slightly open. You can arrange candied fruits on a hot balcony, on a sunny windowsill.

Candied orange peel peels should be compacted, slightly hardened, and then they can be rolled in small batches in granulated sugar and the finished candied peels should be put in a beautiful vase or tin box.

This is beautiful natural delicacy which is perfect with tea or a cup of coffee.

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Candied orange peels in chocolate

Candied fruits - unusually tasty, and most importantly healthy and low calorie dessert, which is distinguished by its exquisite relish. Prepare a delicacy from various fruits with great juiciness or from citrus peels. The latter are distinguished by a special, viscous taste and more benefit for the body. Candied fruits are a great addition not only to tea, but also to a glass of light white wine or champagne. To get a treat in a store today is not a problem. Dessert is presented in a huge assortment that will amaze the imagination of even the most sophisticated gourmet. However, the price of candied fruits is also truly astonishing. For a handful delicious treats you will have to pay the amount on which you can live for several days. That is why we bring to your attention a recipe for candied orange peels in chocolate. A do-it-yourself delicacy turns out to be much tastier than a store-bought dessert. And it's not worth talking about its cost! After all, many people just throw orange peels in the bin. Having studied step by step recipe, you will surely find a worthy use for citrus peels. The whole family will be delighted with such candied fruits. After all, not every day you can taste such an exquisite and amazingly tasty delicacy!


  • oranges - 4 pcs.;
  • chocolate (black or milk) - 400 g;
  • water - 6 l + 3 tbsp. for syrup;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp.


Rinse oranges in warm water and then dry well with a kitchen or paper towel... Cut off the tips on both sides of the citrus.

Now you need to peel the fruit with a sharp small knife or special device... Peel off the peel in strips, moving from one cut end to the other. If you are unable to remove the skin with thin ribbons - do not be discouraged! This is possible only with the help of a special device. Peel off with wider strips and then cut into strips about 0.5 cm thick.

Now, from each resulting strip, you need to remove the white part. It tends to impart an unpleasant bitterness to dishes. This procedure can be easily accomplished with a conventional knife.

Bring three liters of water to a boil in a convenient saucepan. Into the bubbling liquid send orange blanks... Simmer on a low boil for 2-3 minutes. Discard orange peels in a colander. Pour clean water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil again. Again, send the blanks to boiling water. Cook for another 2-3 minutes, then fold back in a colander. This procedure is necessary to remove the bitterness, which is found in small amounts in orange peels.

Pour 3 cups of sugar into a convenient container. Fill it with water in the same amount. Send the container to the stove and, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil. Place in the bubbling syrup citrus peels... Simmer on a low boil for one hour. Put the finished crusts back in a colander.

Pour the remaining sugar into a convenient container or work surface... Roll the cooled blanks in sweet crystals on all sides. Place the sugar rinds on a wire rack to soak well. Distribute them so that they are in one layer.

Do this for all the crusts you have.

While the citrus rinds are saturating with granulated sugar, prepare the chocolate. Break the tiles into pieces and place in a suitable container. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, remembering to stir it with a silicone spatula so that the product does not remain on the sides of the dish.

Prepare the parchment on which you will spread ready dessert for solidification.

Take the orange peel by the tip with two fingers, then dip it into the melted chocolate, then place it on the parchment to harden. Do this with all the blanks.

Let the dessert harden, then transfer it to a beautiful candy bowl and serve. Candied orange peels should be stored in a cool place to prevent the chocolate from melting. Bon Appetit!

Candied orange peel oriental sweets and have been known for a long time in the culinary environment. No exotic ingredients are needed to prepare them. It is enough just to buy fruit, stock up on sugar and set aside a small amount of time.

Candied oranges are the most popular, but can be made from slices of lemons, grapefruits and limes, and the flavor can be adjusted by adding various spicy spices... The average calorie content of food is about 300 kcal per 100 g. It also contains many minerals, vitamins and plant fibers.

Let's look at the photo step by step how to make candied orange fruits according to several recipes.

Delicious candied orange fruits

Recipe candied orange at home is very simple and does not require any special skills. Even a novice hostess can handle it on its own.


  • Granulated sugar - two glasses;
  • Fresh oranges - 5-6 pieces;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Citric acid - 1-2 g (or 1/2 lemon juice);
  • Spices: star anise, cinnamon, vanilla - optional.

The cooking scheme is as follows:

  1. Let's prepare the oranges. Choose citrus fruits that are small and have a thick rind. First you need to wash them thoroughly, then you need to immerse them in boiling water and quickly pull them out. Cut the oranges into half-centimeter-thick cubes, with a layer of pulp on the crust no more than 1-1.5 cm. If you have oranges the size of tangerines, simply cut them into half-circles 0.5-0.7 cm thick;
  2. To remove bitterness from the crusts, boil them several times in boiling water: put in a deep container, fill with water and put on a flame. When they boil and cook for 5-7 minutes, remove them from the heat, rinse cold water and again put on the gas to cook. We repeat this process 3-4 times. After boiling, it is necessary to rinse the products and fill with cold water - it should again be heated to boiling in a flame. You do not need to stir the mixture, the bitterness from the oranges will come out evenly, and the pulp of the orange slice will not be wrinkled;
  3. After digestion of the bitterness, discard the oranges in a colander, let the water drain and dry the slices a little;
  4. Cooking in syrup. Pour 2-3 glasses of water into a saucepan, add sugar, citric acid and spices (star anise and cinnamon will give astringency and spice, and vanilla - delicate sweetness). Bring everything to a boil and put slices of future candied fruits in boiling syrup;
  5. It is necessary that the syrup barely covers the slices, laid in a dense layer. Close the lid, reduce the flame to minimum and leave to simmer for 1-1.5 hours. During the cooking process, the products will become almost transparent and homogeneous. When they are cooked, let them cool in the syrup for a few hours and then discard them in a colander to get rid of any excess liquid. This syrup can come in handy as sweet sauce for dessert or as an impregnation for a biscuit;
  6. Drying and decoration. While the candied fruits are slightly wet, roll them in icing sugar or sugar, put in separate slices on baking paper on a baking sheet and place in an oven, heated to 100 degrees, to dry for 30-40 minutes;
  7. Leave the orange slices boiled in syrup (a small part) directly in the syrup and close in jars like citrus jam.

The aromatic sweets made can be added cut into jelly or baked goods, decorate cakes or cakes with them, serve with tea, or have a healthy and tasty snack at work.

Candied orange peels

Delicious candied fruit from orange peels will delight sweet lovers with their citrus aroma.

Grocery list:

  • Sugar - 1-1.5 cups;
  • Orange peels from 5-7 fruits;
  • Citric acid - 1-2 g (or the juice of half a lemon);
  • Salt is a small spoon;
  • Powdered sugar.

Candied orange peel recipe:

  1. Prepare orange peels for 2-3 days to remove bitterness: soak them in cold water, change it 3 times a day and after a few days start cooking in syrup;
  2. Can be applied quick method Cooking: from citrus, bitterness can be boiled. Pour orange peels with cold water, place on gas and bring to a boil. Boil for 5-10 minutes, turn off the flame, drain the water;
  3. Pour cold water back into the container with the crusts, add salt (1/2 small spoon) and, bringing to a boil, cook for 5-10 minutes. Drain the hot water again, pour the citrus blanks with salted cold water and boil for 5-10 minutes. Carry out cooling and boiling in salted water 3-4 times, while the products will soften, the bitter citrus taste will cease to be felt, and they will be prepared for cooking in syrup;
  4. After numerous boils, discard orange peels in a colander, rinse once more in cold water, let it drain. Cut the blanks into half a centimeter thick cubes. Even large crusts can be cut in the shape of an asterisk; this will make the dish more elegant and beautiful. The pieces shouldn't be very large;
  5. Pour granulated sugar into the dishes and add a little water (1-1.5 cups). Bring to a boil, stir to dissolve sugar. Pour the chopped orange peels into the syrup and boil, stirring constantly until completely boiled for 30-50 minutes;
  6. Pour into the syrup at the end of cooking citric acid or the juice of half a lemon, mix thoroughly. The liquid should completely evaporate and be absorbed by the citrus, and the crusts will become golden and transparent;
  7. Put the cooked candied fruits in a colander, let the syrup drain. After that, put them one by one on baking paper on a baking sheet, sprinkle with powdered sugar and let dry at room temperature. temperature conditions several hours. To speed up the process, place a baking sheet with drying blanks in an oven preheated to 60 degrees for 1-1.5 hours.

The resulting delicacy is stored in a tightly closed box or in a jar for six months, and at the same time does not lose its aroma and does not dry out. And on festive table you can serve the delicacy in melted chocolate as an exquisite real sweetness.

Multicooker recipe

Thanks to a smart device, cook favorite treat can be very easy, but to stand long time at the stove you won't have to.

How to cook candied orange peels in a slow cooker? Everything is very simple. The instruction is as follows:

  1. Cut 300 g of orange peels as you like, transfer to a container and fill with water. It is necessary to keep them in the refrigerator for three days and change the liquid at least once a day;
  2. Load the prepared products into the multicooker bowl, add a little liquid and activate the "Steam cooking" program for 20 minutes;
  3. After this time has elapsed, move the blanks to a colander, and rinse the multicooker bowl thoroughly;
  4. Put the components back into the device, add 450 g of sugar, pour 300 ml of water, stir;
  5. We start the "Pilaf" or "Cooking-espress" mode and cook the dish until the sound signal;
  6. After that, the candied fruit should be spread out on a flat, level surface, wait a couple of hours and generously roll them in powdered sugar.

This completes the preparation. Thanks to a smart gadget, you can quickly enjoy your favorite sweet treat.

Video: Recipe for candied orange peels

An incredible dessert for children and adults - candied orange peels, recipes for classic and fast food, simple, chocolate-covered, nut-sprinkled!

This recipe yields fragrant candied fruits with a bright scent of citrus, so dry and non-sticky. Very good for Easter cakes! You can also cook with lemon peels.

  • Orange (crust) - 0.5 stack.
  • Sugar - 0.5 stack.

Cut orange peels into small cubes (it is convenient to do this with scissors). Pour over with cold water so that the water covers the crusts.

Bring to a boil, cook covered over low heat for 15 minutes. Then fold the crusts in a colander and rinse well with warm water.

Pour water over again and cook in the same way 3 more times for 15 minutes.

Drain the water well. Put the crusts in a saucepan and add sugar.

Cook over low heat with stirring.

Until the complete evaporation of water, which will stand out from the crusts.

Place the sugar crusts on baking paper.

Literally in 5-10 minutes the candied fruits dry up and are ready to use. It turns out very fragrant, completely without bitterness, dry candied fruits. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 2: candied orange fruits at home

The attitude to this rather old-fashioned delicacy is ambiguous.

On the one hand, in the memory of many, the memories of delicious candied fruits, which were made by grandmothers and mothers, on the other hand, shops are now simply packed with sweets and various desserts, and very few people find the energy and time to cook them with their own hands.

However, supporters self-cooking there are sweets and there are a lot of them. Useful, without dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives, candied orange peel fruits, uniquely tasty, moreover.

It is not difficult to prepare them, there are many recipes: classic ones that turn orange peels into candied fruits slowly, in a few days, and modern ones, which take less time, but also give excellent results.

You can try to make candied fruits the way they were made before, now this recipe is already considered a classic.

Cooking candied fruits will take a long time, but the process itself is by no means laborious. It's all about long-term soaking of the crusts to remove bitterness, they must be soaked for three days.

  • Orange peels (take the amount that is available, it is recommended from at least 5 fruits);
  • Sugar - 2-3 cups;
  • Water.

Pour the crusts with plenty of water in a large container and change the water frequently to prevent spoilage. After the specified time has elapsed ready-made semi-finished product thrown in a colander, then cut (into cubes, strips).

The sliced ​​crusts are boiled like regular jam... A syrup is prepared (water is poured into a saucepan and sugar is poured), chopped crusts are placed in it, brought to a boil, boiled for two or three minutes.

After that, they are infused until the next time (that is, a day). This sequence must be repeated three times.

After the third infusion, the ready-made candied fruits are thrown into a colander (the syrup can be collected and used in the future). Then they can be rolled in sugar, powdered sugar, dried and used for their intended purpose, including for adding to baked goods.

The degree of sweetness can be adjusted by making the syrup with more or less sugar. The recipe is not called classic for nothing, as a result of cooking candied fruits according to it, they turn out the way they should be.

Recipe 3: how to cook candied orange peels

Such a wonderful delicacy came to us from far east, people in these hot countries racked their brains for a long time over how to preserve the precious gifts of nature, which quickly disappeared in a hot climate, and the first candied fruits appeared. They quickly became fashionable in Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, but won the hearts of the Russian people only in the 18th century, thanks to Catherine II. Today it is very easy to buy these "sweets", but they practically do not give the same pleasure, because they resemble dry, fibrous sticks or cubes that have a sugary-sweet taste, as well as a bright color from nowhere. Therefore, it is better to cook this miracle at home, for example, candied fruits from orange peels are very appetizing!

  • Orange peel 1 kg
  • Sugar 1 kilogram 800 grams for syrup and 1.5 glasses for decoration
  • Purified water 450 for syrup and how much is needed for cooking
  • Citric acid 2-3 grams

V classic recipe candied fruits, it is desirable that there was accuracy. First, we weigh orange peels on a kitchen scale, rinse them thoroughly from any kind of dirt, put them in a deep bowl, fill them with purified water 3-4 centimeters higher and soak them for three days at room temperature, 2-3 times a day changing the liquid to fresh! This method will help get rid of the bitter taste inherent in all citrus fruits.

Later the right time put the crusts back in a colander, rinse them, send them into a deep saucepan, fill them with purified water and put them on medium fire... After boiling, boil them 10-15 minutes stirring occasionally with a wooden kitchen spatula. Then we move it back into a colander, rinse it to cool down faster, and leave it in the sink until all excess liquid has drained off.

Then we dry the citrus peel with paper kitchen towels, spread on cutting board and chop into slices, straws or pieces of arbitrary shape 1-1.5 centimeters wide.

Then pour into a deep metal non-stick or enamel pot 1 kilogram 800 grams of granulated sugar and pour in 450 milliliters of purified water. We put everything on medium heat and cook the syrup until the grains are completely dissolved. We do not go far from the stove, after about 7-10 minutes the sweet mass will be ready, so we carefully monitor that nothing burns!

When the syrup is ready, carefully dip the chopped orange skins into it and after boiling, boil them for 10-12 minutes, periodically loosening them with a spatula.

Then we cover the pan with a lid so that a small gap remains, using kitchen towel we rearrange it to a cooler place and infuse candied fruits in sweet liquid for 10 hours.

We repeat this process twice more, but for the third time after boiling we add citric acid to a saucepan with almost ready-made "sweets" and boil the syrup at a temperature of about 108-110 degrees Celsius until thick, for about 25-30 minutes, although maybe less, it all depends on your stove.

As soon as the pieces of the peel become almost transparent and very little viscous liquid remains at the bottom of the pan, the cooking is complete. Then we act at our discretion, you can immediately put still hot candied fruits in clean sterilized jars along with the remaining syrup, cool, close with tight lids, put in the refrigerator and use for an interlayer of cakes, pastries or decorate other confectionery or desserts.

Well, if you want to make sweets, then it is better to put the candied fruit in a colander, set it on a clean bowl and leave it in this form for a couple of hours to drain excess liquid. Then roll them on all sides in granulated sugar, put on a non-stick baking sheet, previously covered with parchment or baking paper, and dry in any convenient way. The first option - in a slightly open oven, preheated to 50-70 degrees Celsius, for 40-50 minutes or one hour, and the second - in a dry, well-ventilated place, for example, on a balcony or kitchen for about 1.5-2 days ...

Depending on the choice of further preparation, storage methods change, dried candied fruits are best kept in boxes lined with paper or in glass clean banks, having previously covered with a linen napkin, and those in the syrup, respectively, in the refrigerator, otherwise they will begin to grow moldy.

Candied orange peels - healthy candy or decor for all sorts of desserts. They are served to a sweet table in large vases, deep bowls or other suitable dishes or decorate with delicious slices of pastries, mousses, soufflés, ice cream and other goodies.

Recipe 4, step by step: simple candied orange peels

Incredibly delicious and crunchy candied orange peel peels can also be made at home. Such a delicacy will turn out to be completely inexpensive, because the peel from oranges is usually thrown away, and here, with the addition of granulated sugar, it will turn into tasty addition for hot drinks in the form of tea or coffee or as an independent dessert! This is especially true in the New Year's season, when citrus fruits are present literally in every home. In addition to oranges, candied fruits can also be created from lemons, tangerines, grapefruits, etc.

Be sure to remove all the white layer under the skin, otherwise your prepared dessert will be mercilessly bitter and its taste will be ruined forever! The created candied fruits are stored for a very long time - within a year, but always in a dark and cool place so that the sun's rays and moisture do not get there. Otherwise, the candied fruits will stick together into one lump.

The process of creating a delicacy is long, but the result is worth it - incredibly fragrant crispy candied fruits will become a real decoration for tea or coffee time, they can be used to decorate cakes, desserts and pastries.

  • Orange 2 pcs
  • Sugar 1 glass
  • Water 30 ml

Scald the oranges with boiling water to make the peel more aromatic. After that, with a knife, cut off the peel from them, like from potatoes - in a long, long layer, like a ribbon. You can eat the orange fruit - it will not come in handy in the recipe.

Cut off the white layer from the inside of the peel as much as possible - it is responsible for the bitterness. Cut the peel into long thin strips.

Put citrus strips in a saucepan or saucepan, pour in 1 tbsp. hot water and place on the stove. Boil for 5-7 minutes to soften the peel and release some of the aromatic oil to the liquid.

Discard the boiled strips in a colander.

Pour granulated sugar into a saucepan, leaving 2 tbsp. for drying. Move the citrus strips there and pour in 30 ml of water. Place on stove and bring to a boil sugar syrup.

Simmer the strips in syrup for about 2-3 minutes, then place the container in the cold for about 20 minutes. Then once again heat the strips in syrup for 2-3 minutes to a boil, cool again and so on 3 times. During cooling, the strips will absorb the syrup and become clearer and more transparent.

For the last time, fold the strips in syrup in a colander and rinse hot water or boiling water. If this is not done, then the blanks cannot be separated from each other.

Pour 2 tablespoons into a small container. the remaining granulated sugar and place the washed and dried strips there, lightly roll them in sugar.

Place the blanks on parchment paper lined on a baking sheet. Put the baking sheet itself into the oven at 60-80C and dry the candied fruits for about 1 hour, stirring them from time to time to dry evenly.

Ready candied fruits must be allowed to cool and pour into containers with tight lids or in paper bags for storage. Take out and taste as needed.

Recipe 5, quick: candied orange peels are sweet

  • peel from 5 oranges;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • ten liters of water;
  • some powdered sugar.

We peel oranges from the peels, which, in fact, are soloing today. Well, from the pulp of oranges you can make spicy drink, so as not to be wasted.

Put the orange peels in a saucepan, pour 2.5 liters of cold water there.

Bring the water to a boil, cook the crusts for 10 minutes, then put them in a colander and place them under cold water.

We repeat all over again. Fill the rind with 2.5 liters. cold water. ATTENTION: this time we add a teaspoon of salt to the water, because salt helps to remove excess bitterness. Then bring to a boil, cook, drain, put under cold water.

The third time we do the same: a saucepan, skins, water, salt, boiling, cooking for 10 minutes, rinsing with cold water - EVERYTHING!

Now let the water drain and cut our orange peels into strips half a centimeter wide.

In a saucepan, dissolve two cups of sugar in a glass of hot water, let the sugar syrup boil and dip the citrus stripes into it.

Let's cook! It will take a long time to cook, from 40 minutes to an hour, until the syrup is almost completely boiled down. Towards the end of cooking, do not forget to squeeze into syrup lemon juice... And when the skins become almost transparent, and very little syrup remains, we will throw the candied fruits in a colander for the last time - let the excess drain off.

By the way, after boiling candied orange fruits, the syrup turns out to be delicious, it resembles honey in consistency and color, which means it can serve as a substitute for the latter, wind it up, my dear vegans!

Put the candied fruits freed from syrup on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. You can put a baking sheet near the battery to speed up the process, or you don't have to steam: candied orange peels dry well without additional heating.

After two hours, you can already roll the ready-made candied fruits in powdered sugar (or sugar), and then use them at your discretion: decorate cakes, add to morning cereals, put them on the cake dough or just drink tea with them.

Keep in mind that candied peels like these can be made from lemon, tangerine, lime peels, and even grapefruit skins. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 6: candied orange with cinnamon (step by step with a photo)

Orange 250 gr.
Sugar 100 gr.
Water 100 ml.
Pinch of cinnamon
Pinch nutmeg

Peel the orange, cut off the rind. Cut it into strips.

First, boil the orange peel in water for 15 minutes. For removing bitterness.

At the end of cooking add ground cinnamon and nutmeg.

Recipe 7: candied fruits with sugar from orange peels in chocolate

When we eat an orange, we always throw away the peel, without thinking that delicious and aromatic candied fruits can be made from orange peels. Despite the lengthy process of their preparation, it is still worth trying once, so that later you can cook candied fruits from orange peels again and again. Candied fruits can be used in various baked goods or instead of sweets, especially if candied fruits are in chocolate.

  • oranges - 3-4 pcs.
  • sugar - 350-400 g
  • water - 170 - 200 ml
  • pinch salt
  • sugar for sprinkling - 200-250 g
  • chocolate - 50-70 g.

Rinse and skin the oranges: make several cuts crosswise. Cut orange peels into strips.

Pour the resulting blanks with water and leave for 4-5 hours. This is necessary to remove bitterness from the crusts.

Rinse orange peels and cover with fresh water, add salt. Put on fire. Boil the skins for 10-15 minutes. Change the water again and boil for 10 minutes without adding salt. This entire process is also required to remove the bitterness from orange peels.

Boil the syrup in a separate saucepan: add sugar with water and bring to a boil. Add orange peels to hot syrup. Cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Turn off heat and refrigerate candied fruits. Put it on the fire again and cook for 5-10 minutes, turn it off and cool. Thus, proceed 5-7 times until almost all the syrup has evaporated and the candied fruits become transparent.

Strain the mass through a sieve. Allow all liquid to drain.

Pour sugar into a deep bowl. Put a small amount of candied fruits in sugar and roll on all sides. Do the same with the rest of the pieces.

Tip: it is more convenient to do this process in a closed container, after shaking it several times, the candied fruits will be evenly sprinkled with sugar.

Arrange the candied fruits on a tray in one layer. Dry at room temperature for 1-3 days (depending on temperature). Tip: you can speed up the process by placing the baking sheet with candied fruits in the oven and drying at 70-80 degrees Celsius.

Dip the dried candied fruits in melted chocolate with one edge. Place on a wire rack until the chocolate hardens. Tip: If you wish, you can also dip the candied fruit completely in the melted chocolate. Candied fruits in chocolate are ready, store them in a sealed container and dry.

Similar candied fruits can be made from lemon peels. You can also make an assortment.

Recipe 8: Candied Chocolate Orange Peels (Step by Step Photos)

  • 2 pcs orange
  • 300 grams of sugar
  • 450 ml water
  • 50 grams of bitter chocolate.

Cut the orange into slices about 5mm wide.

Bring the pot of water to a boil, add the oranges and cook for 3-4 minutes.

We merge. Let's drain. This manipulation allows you to get rid of bitterness.

Pour 450m of pure water into the pans and bring to a boil. Pour in sugar, wait until the sugar boils and dissolves. Add oranges, simmer for 1 hour. We take out and let it drain.

Preheat the oven to 100C. Put the oranges on a baking sheet or wire rack lined with baking paper (in this case, put a baking sheet under the bottom) and bake for 50 minutes.

We take out and let cool. We can stop at this.

Or you can make candied fruits in chocolate. To do this, heat the chocolate in the microwave, in several passes for 30 seconds. Mix the chocolate after each visit. We dip the candied lido in chocolate, or if you feel sorry for the chocolate that remains on the paper, spread the chocolate on top. Let the chocolate harden.

We eat with pleasure!

Recipe 9: candied orange peels with chocolate and nuts

Delicious fragrant sweets. Unusual, spicy candies made from orange skins, covered with chocolate, nuts, coconut flakes, and confectionery sprinkles. Candied orange peel is a very popular and delicious dessert. If you haven't cooked candied orange peels before, I recommend giving it a try. Today I am with an idea of ​​how to make full-fledged chocolate candies out of them. It is very tasty, fragrant, everyone can choose their own elegant candy, especially children will be delighted, and adults too.

  • peel of 5 medium oranges (~ 250 g)
  • 250-400 g sugar


  • 150-200 g of dark chocolate (I have 56%)
  • nuts, coconut flakes, sesame seeds, sprinkles (optional)

I have used peels from 5 medium oranges. The peel is perfectly stored in a closed container in the refrigerator, so there is no need to immediately eat 5 oranges to get the peel)) I cut the orange into 10 slices, the oranges are eaten, and the peel in the container and in the refrigerator, they will stand for 5 days without problems until they accumulate required amount!

Cooking candied fruits. Cut each skin additionally lengthwise into 2-3 parts.

Place the peel in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. To make it faster, boil a full kettle separately.
Pour boiling water over the peel, boil for 5 minutes, drain the water. And so 2 more times. If you are in doubt if your peel is too bitter, you can do it 5 times, 3 times was enough for me.

I originally had 250 g of peel dry. My recommendations are if you want to get weak sweet option candied fruits, then, for this amount of peel, take 250 g of sugar, if you want medium sweet candied fruits, then 300-350 g, and if confidently sweet, like typical store candied fruits, then 400 g of sugar.

Boiling water should be taken, respectively, for 250 g of sugar - 150 ml of water, 300-350 g of sugar - 200 ml of water, 400 g of sugar - 250 ml of water.

Mix sugar and boiling water in a bowl, stirring until dissolved. Pour into a saucepan to the peel, and cook, with occasional shaking, until the liquid has completely evaporated. This takes about 20-30 minutes, depending on the heat and the size of the pot.

Arrange candied fruits on a sheet baking paper, and leave to dry for 3-4 hours, or overnight.

Prepare topping. I used salted pistachios, peeled and coarsely ground them in a grinder. Next, chopped almonds, coconut and sesame seeds. And also confectionery sprinkles in the form of small balls. You can use whatever you like and what you find in your kitchen cabinet)) In particular, any nuts, and you can even sprinkle coarse salt if you like this combination.

Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath.

Dip each candied fruit in chocolate, holding by the edge, and carefully peel off the excess on the edge of the plate, or leave it on if you like a thick, thick layer of chocolate.

Spread on a baking sheet and sprinkle to taste. You can press gently with your fingers to help the sprinkling stick better. By the way, and without sprinkles, it will just be delicious in chocolate. Leave for a while to freeze the chocolate.
The top row is pistachios and sesame seeds, the second row is coconut flakes and almonds, the third is colored sprinkles.

Delicate, soft orange candied fruits in chocolate will be appreciated by both children and adults! Very tasty!

Easter is coming, which means there are new recipes for fragrant, fluffy and mouth-watering cakes ahead. To make homemade cakes delight you not only with an attractive look, but also with taste, various spices and spices are added to it. Candied orange peel - great addition Easter cakes, and how to cook them at home, I'll tell you today.

The recipe for candied orange fruits does not include citrus fruits themselves, but the peels, which are most often customarily thrown away mercilessly. In vain, I tell you. They make an incredibly fragrant orange peel, which can be prepared for future use () or a spectacular orange peel jam that will decorate any dessert. Well, candied orange peels are an excellent addition for homemade baked goods thanks to which ready meals will acquire a pleasant citrus aroma.

Before you start cooking candied orange fruits, it is important to be sure to process the peels. This is necessary not only in order to get rid of the bitterness, but also to remove the wax that covers all overseas fruits. This is easy - just brush the oranges thoroughly before use, and then pour boiling water over them. Cooking!


Cooking a dish step by step with a photo:

Put orange peels in a suitable sized saucepan, which need to be cut into thin strips. Fill with water so that it covers the peel. Add a teaspoon of salt and put everything on fire. The salt will help us get rid of the bitterness found in the white layer of citrus peel. Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil and cook over a low-medium heat for about 7-10 minutes.

After the allotted time, we drain the water, rinse the crusts under cold running water, fill it with water again and add a teaspoon of salt. Cook for still 7-10 minutes on the boil. We repeat this procedure 3 times in total. Try a piece of orange peel - if you still have a slight bitterness (but should not be), repeat the cooking again.

Throw the crusts washed under cold water on a sieve or colander and let the liquid drain. Let them stand for at least half an hour.

In the meantime, let's prepare the sugar syrup. To do this, in a small saucepan or saucepan, combine a glass of sugar (this is 180 grams) and 150 milliliters of water. We heat until the sugar crystals dissolve.