Heat in a water bath to 40 degrees. Cooking in the oven: the subtleties you need to know about

12.04.2019 Vegetable dishes

Often in recipes traditional medicine, skin care tips recommend heating the ingredients in a water bath. How is it in a water bath? Such a question, at times, makes the reader look for other more understandable recommendations. But everything is simple ...

Water bath- a necessary, very useful device for heating, melting, cooking various products... They do not burn, do not stick to the walls of the dishes, and most importantly, they retain their beneficial features... Usually on this device, consisting of two pans different sizes, melt or make homemade ingredients cosmetics, medicinal preparations. It is convenient to use a water bath to melt some foodstuffs such as chocolate.

How is a water bath used, how to do it at home, how to heat it, how to melt honey, wax, propolis, chamomile decoction, burdock oil in a water bath, how to take such procedures? I will tell you about all this on www.site today:

How to make a water bath at home?

This process is very simple: place a larger pot on the stove. Cover the bottom with a cloth. Pour in water (about a quarter). Bring to a boil. Now place a saucepan or any other smaller metal utensil on top (with gradual heating, you can use a ceramic one).

With a properly constructed design, the water will touch the outer surface of the bottom of the smaller cookware. In this container we will melt, cook desired ingredient... Just remember to put a lid on it.

Instead of large casserole you can also use a deep skillet with water. The smaller cookware is placed directly on the bottom, covered with a napkin.

It is important that the bottom container has a thick bottom and walls. The boil should not be too strong, and water droplets should not penetrate the top. With a properly prepared water bath, the top pan will only heat up hot water, but not with fire, which goes to heat the lower container. Usually the heating temperature is low: 40-70 degrees, depending on the intensity of the fire. And even in the case of boiling water in the upper container, it is easier to control. Therefore, a water bath for decoctions is an excellent remedy.

How to heat honey in a water bath?

Honey, as you know, is very useful product... It contains substances that have a beneficial effect on general health... It is also used for the preparation of cosmetic masks. For many recipes, it is better to use a liquid consistency of the product. To melt the candied honey, preserving its beneficial properties, use a water bath.

For this the right amount put honey in a bowl, place it in a pot filled with water, and then heat it up to 40 degrees (not higher).

How to melt wax in a water bath?

Liquid wax is needed to prepare a cosmetic mask, to make epilation. Wraps are made from melted wax to treat hand arthritis. It is needed for making various wax figures, crafts, candles.

To melt the wax, place the desired piece in smaller dishes... Place it in a large one filled with water. Heat gradually until product acquires the desired consistency... Remember to stir while it melts. If the wax is melted in the usual way, on the stove, it can burn and lose its medicinal properties.

How to melt propolis in a water bath?

It is not for nothing that this beekeeping product is called a natural, natural antibiotic. Our ancestors used it for centuries to make all kinds of homemade remedies... Currently, propolis treatment has also not lost its relevance.

Propolis contains phytoncides, which have a pronounced bactericidal effect. These substances are released and take effect when heated. The heated product is used in the treatment of bronchitis, rhinitis, tracheitis (inhalation is done). For treatment skin diseases is also often needed liquid consistency of this product. For example, for the preparation of ointments.

It is better to melt the wax in a water bath. So it preserves its medicinal properties better. Grind it (freeze and then grate), put in a ceramic cup. Usually some kind of butter base from butter or vegetable oil... It depends on the recipe. Place the cup in a saucepan filled with water. Heat, stirring occasionally, until smooth. Strain the hot product through a fine strainer.

How to heat chamomile broth in a water bath?

A very popular plant with many healing properties... Its inflorescences are used to prepare traditional medicines, prepare decoctions, infusions for folk recipes, used in cosmetology. Rinse your hair with an infusion of chamomile, rub your face. Frozen food made from it is considered a very good cosmetic product for skin care. ice cubes.

So that during cooking the flowers do not lose their useful qualities, the infusion is best prepared in a water bath. To do this, pour 2 tbsp into a small container. l. dry flowers. Top up with 400 ml warm water... Place in a boiling water bath, heat covered for 20 minutes. Then turn off the stove, let the infusion cool on its own. Then strain. Instead of boiled water, add boiled water to the initial volume.

Use the finished product for rinsing the throat, mouth, apply externally. When treating gastrointestinal diseases it can be taken orally or given microclysters. Rinse your hair with it, or freeze and wipe your face to improve skin condition.

How to cook burdock oil in a water bath?

Burdock oil is made from fresh or dried burdock roots ( popular name- burdock). This remedy is very beneficial for hair. It is rubbed into the scalp one hour before washing. With regular use, hair stops falling out and grows better. Changes them appearance: they become soft, elastic, shiny. Also, oil is used to strengthen and grow eyelashes.

This product is also best prepared in a water bath. To do this, fill half liter cans chopped roots (dry or fresh). Move to a dark place. After a couple of days, drain the oil into a ceramic bowl. Place in a boiling water bath, cover. Reduce heat, heat for 1 hour. Then strain.

Today we have learned what a water bath is for, how to make it right at home, and what to use it for. Hope this information helps you when applying different recipes treatment, preparation of home cosmetics. Be healthy!

Water bath Is the way culinary processing products, in which boiling (heating) of the liquid occurs without direct contact of the container with fire. This method is used when the temperature of the prepared solution is required, which does not exceed 100 ° C.

Basically, in a water bath, it is customary to cook some types of tender creams for cakes, certain sauces that are served with fish and meat dishes. In addition, a water bath is used to melt or soften chocolate, honey and butter. Thus, medicinal herbal decoctions are often prepared.

There are two types of water baths, which directly depend on such indicators as the name and quantity of the products used, as well as the place of their preparation. Thus stands out water bath cooking and cooking in a water bath.

In this case, cooking is carried out on the stove using the so-called double pan mari, which is considered the most ancient. Water is poured into the lower container of the dishes, and the product is placed in the upper container, which will be cooked for water bath.

In reality this way the culinary processing is simple enough. Structurally, it looks like two larger and smaller containers that are inserted into one another. At the same time, small dishes should be less in height in order to leave room for boiling water. During the boiling process, the water in the first container heats the liquid in the second one. Moreover, the water in a larger container should not boil - ideally, cooking in a water bath involves boiling a little at moderate heat.

Second way or cooking food in water The bath is suitable for baking in the oven or heating on the stove, when a slightly different design is used. Outwardly, this is a container (or containers), which are placed in a large-sized form, preferably on a grate, which ensures the necessary circulation of water under the bottom of the inner container.

When cooking in a water bath, a large container is poured into hot water, which should reach the middle of the height of the inner shape. It is noteworthy that this entire structure can remain open at the top, but it can also be closed (for example, with foil) - it depends on the requirements of the recipe. Sometimes the water bath itself is left open and the inner mold is covered with foil.

The large bain-marie dish is selected so that its height is more than 2/3 of the height of the inner container. Too high a form is also not suitable, since its walls will not only block heat flows, but the water temperature may not even rise to 83 ° C, which will not allow the product to reach readiness.

For cooking in a water bath, the material from which it is made is also important large form... For example, glass is a poor conductor of heat, while thin steel is characterized by high heat transfer. Thick cast iron, on the contrary, is capable of storing heat. So, most suitable form for cooking food in a water bath is a rather thick aluminum one.

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We are often faced with the fact that in a variety of recipes about how to cook herbal tea or infusion medicinal herbs , we meet the phrase “ prepare an infusion in water in a bath "... In this article we will talk about how how to brew herb in a water bath at home.

What does it mean to "brew herb in a water bath"

We often hear that it is necessary to brew herbs in a water bath, but not everyone understands what this means. And even if they do, they do not always know how to do it correctly.

So, if the bath is water, then the key word in this phrase is "water", that is, on the water. It means that you need to heat or cook not on fire, but on water. We all know that the boiling point of water is less than + 100 ° C.

It is this temperature that is most suitable so that the herbs that we need to brew are not boiled, but precisely brewed, that is, warmed up. Warmed up slowly and moderately, and at the same time all useful material, which they have, passed into the infusion prepared in this way.

Water bath for herbs. How to make

If you need to make a water bath at home, take two containers, moreover, so that one of the containers can freely fit (enter) inside the other. This can be, for example, a saucepan and a Turk, a basin and a bowl, a ladle and a can, etc.

Containers need to be selected, for example, pots, large and smaller so that the smaller one fits into the larger one, but at the same time, so that it does not touch the bottom. Pouring water is also not worth a lot. It is not necessary for a smaller saucepan to float in a large one.

If you use a jar, then at the bottom of a saucepan or some other container, you need to put some kind of rag, and put a jar with the prepared infusion on it. And in the gap that has formed between your jar and the larger container, you need to pour water.

Everything! The water bath is ready.

How to brew herbs in a water bath

Next, you need to put the prepared herbs in a smaller saucepan or jar, pour a glass of boiling water and put it in a large container. The herbs must be mixed according to the proportions indicated on the package.

Then pour water into the lower saucepan and over the fire. In the lower container, the water will boil, but in the upper one, the herbal infusion will just be brewed in a water bath.

It takes about 20 minutes to boil the herbal infusion, and after the infusion cools down a little, filter it, add it boiled water, as much as it has boiled away, i.e. to the lost volume, and then take according to the scheme.

If bark is used in the infusion, then you need to boil for longer, about 30 minutes.

Can herbs be brewed in a thermos?

We will answer unequivocally - you can. Brewing herbs in a thermos can be a great substitute for brewing herbs in a water bath. Because the whole point of a water bath is precisely to keep the brewing temperature close to the boiling point and not drop.

Often enough while studying new recipe, young housewives are faced with such a concept as "water bath". If you turn to Wikipedia for its interpretation, then you come into a state of complete trance and fear that you can cook delicious and interesting dish will not work, due to the lack of special technical education. In fact, this method of heating food is elementary, and any woman, even a woman who is completely inexperienced in cooking, can handle it.

What is a water bath for?

The need for this structure arises in the following cases:

  • It is necessary to melt those ingredients of the future dish that are prone to burning and sticking if they are heated over an open fire;
  • There is a need to warm up the food to a temperature of + 50- + 60 degrees. This is important when making cosmetic masks with your own hands;
  • It is necessary to personally make healing herbal infusions or decoctions from plants that lose their medicinal potential due to the influence of high temperatures;
  • It is necessary to heat foods that, when heated strongly, can change their original structure, gelatin or yolk, for example.

A few basic rules for organizing and using a water bath

To make the dish not only tasty, but also resemble its original, seen in the picture in the recipe book, it is important to follow several recommendations on how to make a water bath at home:

  • The lower container should have thick walls and the same bottom, which will avoid violent boiling and the ingress of water drops into the melted product;
  • Before melting the chocolate in a water bath, line the bottom of the main, that is, the bottom, container with a piece of thick towel or linen material, which will also smooth out the intensity of the boil;
  • The vessel on top must be selected so that its walls can hang in the air, and the bottom barely touches the surface of the water;
  • When preparing a cream or other product in this way, it must be constantly stirred, avoiding burning, and not missing the moment when it is necessary to stop heating, having achieved the required consistency;
  • Honey or butter will be melted correctly if the upper container is lowered into the lower one only after boiling water in the latter;
  • At school, we were shown how a laboratory water bath works. Then the teachers insisted that the upper vessel should not be closed, otherwise it would not get in the way of its contents and monitor its condition. In the case of broths medicinal herbs a lid is needed, since it is she who will prevent volatilization essential oils plants;
  • If you have to handle vessels of the same size, you need to attach at least some semblance of handles to the top, or try to hang it from the rail. Otherwise, getting it out in time and not getting burned simply will not work.

Examples of using a water bath

First, we give detailed instructions of how to make a honey cake with cream in a water bath.

List the right products as follows:

  • a glass of milk;
  • half a glass of sour cream;
  • butter in the amount of 360 g;
  • a couple of glasses granulated sugar;
  • two tablespoons of natural honey;
  • 4 fresh eggs;
  • 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 2-3 glasses filled to the brim with wheat flour;
  • sachet vanilla sugar and 2 tsp. baking soda.

  • To make a cream, in a bowl you need to mix and beat one egg, half a glass of sugar, vanilla and flour. Then pour milk into the mixture, and stir everything until smooth;
  • Then the cream is placed in a water bath, slowly brought to a boil and removed. Sour cream and 200 g of pre-softened butter are added to it;
  • Before melting honey in an impromptu water bath, mix it with 100 g of butter, a glass of granulated sugar and one egg. All this must be heated until the mass becomes one consistency;
  • Then the dough is removed, the two remaining eggs quickly interfere with it, and all this is warmed up again for 4 minutes;
  • Now soda is added to the dough, causing a threefold increase in the initial volume of the contents of the bowl. As soon as the sweet mixture stops growing, you can add enough flour to make the dough the same as on dumplings, or even much softer;
  • The base for the honey cake should be allowed to "rest" under the film for 20 minutes.
  • During this time, you should prepare a glaze consisting of 4 tablespoons of sour cream, 4 tablespoons of cocoa and sugar, 60 g of butter. All this also needs to be brought to a boil in a water bath;
  • 6-8 cakes are formed from the "lingering" dough, which are baked in the oven at a temperature of +200 degrees. Each cake is baked for no longer than 10 minutes.

After baking, all that remains is to give the cakes the same and neat shape, grease with cream and fill the cake with icing.

For completeness, we present a recipe for a biscuit, which is also prepared in a water bath. Of the products you will need:

  • flour - 130 g;
  • sugar or powder from it - 140 g;
  • potato starch - 50 g;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.

With all these ingredients, you need to do the following:

  • To get biscuit dough, in a container, it is necessary to mix sugar and eggs, place it in a water bath and beat constantly with a whisk until the mixture heats up to + 40- + 50 degrees;
  • Without stopping whipping, the container is removed from the bath, and starch and flour are introduced into it;
  • In this version of the biscuit, you can add ground nuts, poppy seeds or raisins;
  • The dough is laid out in a mold greased with butter, sprinkled with bread crumbs or dry semolina;
  • The biscuit is immediately placed in the oven, heated to 200-220 degrees, and baked for half an hour.

For decoration, you can prepare protein cream, and all in the same water bath. It is prepared from a pair of eggs, 10 g of vanilla sugar, 120 g regular sugar and 1 pinch citric acid... Initially, we need to carefully separate the whites from the yolks, since the latter are not included in the protein cream. Both types of sugar and citric acid are poured into a bowl of proteins.

Classic recipe honey cake a water bath requires some skill. If the technology is followed, baked goods are obtained that melt in the mouth, with delicate aroma honey.

Dough in a water bath for honey cake

When starting work, you need to stock up on measuring containers in order to accurately measure the amount of ingredients. The dough in a water bath for a honey cake differs in that it does not burn, it evenly heats the mixture.

To get the cakes, you need to connect:

  • honey 2 tbsp. l .;
  • flour;
  • egg 2 pcs.;
  • sugar 250 g;
  • butter;
  • soda 1.5 tsp.

Beat eggs and sugar in a bowl until fluffy white foam is obtained. V microwave oven you need to melt the honey, if it thickens, add it to the bulk. Melted butter is added to the dough.

The bowl is placed in a saucepan or ladle, where water is poured onto the bottom so that it does not come into contact with the bottom of the container.

As the mixture heats up, stir it with a spatula, separating it from the walls of the dishes. When the sugar dissolves, you need to add soda, mix. it little secret airiness finished cake, thanks to the ingredient, the mass begins to bubble, increases in size.

When the mass doubles in volume, it is removed from the heat, flour is added, and a dense dough is kneaded. Leave it in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes, wrapped in plastic wrap.

Another version of the composition for the test in a water bath:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. l. honey;
  • sugar 1 tbsp.;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 1 tbsp. l. soda;
  • flour 3 tbsp.;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vanillin.

This option implies the following sequence of actions: butter, sugar and honey are placed in a container for a water bath. Beat eggs separately with a mixer or blender. When the mass becomes a homogeneous consistency, they are added to the dough, stirring constantly (so that the protein does not curl and the yolk does not boil). Stir in baking soda, wait until the active foaming process stops.

Sift flour into the mass, first stir with a spoon, then proceed to knead with your hands. Further, the sequence does not differ from the previous cooking option.