Candied orange peel. Candied orange peels: a quick recipe

05.09.2019 Fish dishes

This sunny citrus fruit appears on our counters in the fall and teases the eyes for a long time with its ideal rounded shape and bright colors. Besides fresh consumption, it is often used in cooking. As you may have guessed, we are talking about a fragrant and juicy orange. This is a truly unique product that is not only tasty, but also low in calories, and most importantly, healthy. Therefore, if the question arose about what to cook from oranges, then you have come to the right place.

Harm and contraindications

The disadvantage of candied orange fruits is an allergic reaction, since citrus peel is a strong allergen. Therefore, special care should be taken when offering treats to children.

In addition, candied oranges (and not only) are contraindicated for people with diabetes.

How to make candied orange peels at home

If you delve into the etymology of a tasty word, then translated from Latin sucus - juice. In Italy they are called succada, in Germany zukkade, and the Russians simply replaced the letter "d" with "t" in the German word.

It is not a problem to buy candied fruits, but their taste does not even come close to resembling a homemade delicacy. Modern sweetness is often dry, coarse fiber, and sugary sweet. In addition, the suspiciously bright color of candied fruits signals the presence of a large amount of dyes.

However, there are many ways to make your own candied orange peel. Ideally, the crusts should be soaked in water for three days, and the water should be changed at least twice a day. Then cook in syrup for a few more days: bring the mass to a boil, boil, cool and send it back to the stove. For some housewives, repeated heat treatment of citrus is a real hassle, but the results in this case are simply amazing.

But there is one proven method that has become popular on culinary forums for a long time.

So, in order to make candied fruits, you need to pour the prepared orange peels with water and send them to the stove. From the moment the liquid boils, you need to boil the crusts for 10 minutes, put them in a colander and cool under cold water.

At the second stage of cooking, you need to refill the citrus with water, but with the addition of a teaspoon of salt. We repeat the procedure of the first stage.

Pour in water again, bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes, put in a colander and cool under cold water. Prepared orange peels should be chopped randomly.

The next step is to cook the syrup: dissolve one and a half glasses of sugar in a glass of water. This amount is enough for the peel of 5 oranges. Citrus must be immersed in boiling syrup and boiled until the liquid is almost completely evaporated. On average, the process will take 30 minutes. At the end, you need to add a pinch of citric acid, otherwise the candied oranges will turn out sugary-sweet.

At the final stage, the treat must be thrown into a colander. Pay attention to the crusts - they are almost transparent, but with a pronounced aroma. After the remaining syrup is "dug out", spread the candied fruits on a flat surface and leave to dry. Once they are dry, you can roll them in powdered sugar or sand.

Candied orange peels in a slow cooker

After the appearance of a wonderful kitchen device, many housewives breathed a sigh of relief, it is enough to throw all the ingredients into the bowl, set the desired regimen and leave for their own business.

What to cook with oranges in a slow cooker? Candied fruits, of course! The process itself is easy, and you don't have to stand, as in the previous version, near the stove.

To prepare a treat, randomly chop 300 g of orange peels, fill them with water and put them in the refrigerator for 3 days, remembering to change the liquid at least once a day. Transfer the prepared ingredients to the multicooker bowl, pour in a small amount of liquid, set the "Steam cooking" mode, and the timer for 20 minutes. After the beep, flip the crusts in a colander, and rinse the bowl itself with water. Transfer the ingredients to the multicooker again, add 450 g of sugar, pour in 300 ml of water and stir. Install the program "Pilaf" or "Cooking Express" and cook until the sound alert.

After the signal, the orange peels should be laid out on a flat surface and after 2-3 hours, roll in powdered sugar.

Everything will be covered in chocolate

We learned how to make candied peels from orange peels in the classical and express way, now we move on to the next step - we will try to diversify the taste of citrus delicacies with chocolate.

Cut the peels of two oranges into even strips. Transfer them to a saucepan and add 300 ml of water. Bring to a boil, drain the liquid, refill with a new one and repeat the procedure. Next, the crusts need to be boiled in syrup (300 g of sugar + 300 g of water) for an hour. Ready candied fruits must be laid out on a wire rack to drain excess liquid. During this time, melt a bar of chocolate in a water bath. At the final stage, dip each strip in a warm mass, spread out on parchment and wait for it to cool.

Candied orange pulp

Despite the laborious process and duration of preparation, the result is worth the effort and time spent.

Scald 6 thoroughly washed oranges with boiling water, and then cut the fruit into cubes so that each piece has no more than 1.5 cm of pulp layer.

To remove the bitterness, boil the fruit several times in boiling water. The technology is similar to the previous methods. After several digestions of bitterness, discard the oranges in a colander to glass excess liquid, and dry a little.

For cooking in syrup, you need to pour 400 g of sugar, 2 g of citric acid and, if desired, spices in 3 glasses of water: vanilla for delicate sweetness, cinnamon with star anise for spice and light astringency. After 1.5 hours of cooking, when the oranges become transparent, you need to remove them from the heat and leave them in this form to cool completely and only then put them in a colander.

While the candied fruits are a little wet, they need to be rolled in powder, put each slice on parchment and sent to dry for half an hour at a temperature of 100 degrees.

What to cook from oranges quickly and tasty

With these recipes, you can prepare wonderful drinks, perfect for a feast or a friendly get-together.

What to cook with oranges in winter? Warming mulled wine, of course. There are many recipes for its preparation, but the variant with oranges is considered the most popular and, according to numerous reviews, "cozy".

To prepare it, pour water (60 ml) into a saucepan and add cloves (5 pcs.), Nutmeg (a pinch), dry ginger (1/2 tsp), cinnamon (2 sticks) and cardamom (3 pcs.) Then add 2 oranges, chopped in half. Bring the liquid to a boil and boil for another 2 minutes. Pour in sugar (2 tablespoons) and continue the process until it is completely dissolved. Pour in wine (380 ml) and, stirring constantly, heat the drink to 70C and remember that at this stage mulled wine cannot be brought to a boil. Pour the finished drink into prepared glasses, garnish with orange slices and serve hot.

Refreshing drink

What can you cook from oranges in the summer? The following drink recipe is dedicated to lovers of natural juices, the taste of which does not differ from the store counterpart.

To prepare it, you need to pour boiling water over 4 oranges to remove the bitterness and wax from the fruit, wipe it dry and put it in the freezer overnight. The next day, scroll the fruit through a meat grinder. Pour the citrus mass with 3 liters of filtered or cold boiled water and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Strain the liquid through a colander, and then several times through a fine sieve. Pour another 6 liters of water into the juice, add 1 kg of sugar and 30 g of citric acid. Stir until the sweet crystals dissolve, pour into prepared bottles and remove for an hour to infuse.

Citrus kvass

Another option for using citrus on a hot summer day is orange kvass. For a refreshing drink, grind 2 oranges with the peel. Add to them 10 g of yeast, 300 g of sugar, 1/3 tsp. citric acid and thoroughly grind the mass. Pour 3.5 liters of water and put in a warm place for a day. Then strain the drink, bottle and refrigerate.

Benefits of Candied Orange Peels

Now that we've learned what can be made from oranges and their peels, it's time to learn about the benefits of this vibrant citrus fruit.

First of all, the benefit lies in the composition. Perhaps there is no person in the world who uses fresh orange peels. Therefore, candied fruits are an opportunity to saturate your body with useful substances that can fight colds.

In addition, orange peel is considered to be an excellent antidepressant that improves mood and relieves stress.

Candied orange peels, a quick recipe for which we described in a master class with a photo, are easy to lick your fingers. Orange is a famous fruit all over the world, which is loved by both adults and children. Juices, preserves are made from it, consumed in pure form and added to baked goods. But today we are going to talk about the unusual use of orange peel. After the orange has been peeled, everyone is used to throwing away the peel. but in fact, you can make delicious healthy candied fruits from it.

Candied orange peels are a very versatile product. The large amount of vitamin C contained in them will help make the prevention of colds enjoyable. In addition, they can be added to all kinds of baked goods or consumed neat. They are mixed into dough for muffins, yeast dough buns, biscuits and more. It all depends solely on the imagination of the culinary specialist. This recipe is simple and even a school-age child can handle it.

Method of making candied fruits and oranges, master class with photo

Oddly enough, but in order to cook candied orange fruits according to our quick recipe with a photo, you only need three ingredients:

  • orange peel;
  • water;
  • sugar.

There are no specific measurements, because it all depends on taste preferences. Moreover, there is a difference between orange and orange, so here you need to rely on your “culinary eye”. You can also play with the flavor and add a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon.

I had two medium-sized oranges, which I peeled (you can even leave a white layer). Then I cut it into small cubes, about half a centimeter. Someone likes a larger size so that the orange flavor is good in baked goods. Here, too, it all depends on personal preference.

The chopped peel should be soaked in a container with cold water so that it covers all the cubes. Leave in this form overnight (they do this so that excess bitterness goes away). It is worth noting that if you are engaged in this hot summer, then a vessel with future candied fruits should be placed in the refrigerator.

In the morning, drain the water and rinse the peel well under running water. After that, the raw material should be poured with water so that it is one finger higher and put on fire. After boiling, add sugar. Here, as already mentioned, it all depends on the tastes. I add about three tablespoons of sugar to the peel of one orange. Then you should make less heat and cook until tender, stirring constantly.

Willingness can be determined in two ways. Firstly, it is the complete boiling off of water, but, of course, one does not always need to be guided by it. Secondly, the translucent color of candied fruits. It is to this state that the peel needs to be brought. If it is difficult to decide how much to cook it, then it is better to digest it than vice versa. When the water boils away, but you see that the candied fruits still need to cook, just add a few tablespoons of syrup.

You can also cook candied fruits in a frying pan. We put it in a pan and simmer, at the end we add syrup, which can be easily prepared at home.

If you plan to consume candied fruits in the near future, then you can save them as you like. But in the event that there was a lot of peel and a large amount of candied fruits turned out, then you can put them in a clean sterilized jar and store in the refrigerator. I will not talk about any long periods, they did not stay with me for more than two months.

Candied orange peels can be prepared simply and quickly at home. I use such candied oranges (as well as lemon, tangerine and lime) throughout the year for various homemade baked goods (,). They keep well and give the baked goods a wonderful taste and aroma. And the kids and their husband love candied orange peel peels on their own, as an independent dessert / sweets.


  • 600 gr. orange peels
  • 600 gr. sugar + ½ stack. sugar for sprinkling
  • water


  1. Collect the orange peel. If the process of "collecting" lasts 2-3 days, then put the peel in a small resealable box (or container) and store in the refrigerator, adding a new peel as it replenishes until the required amount is collected.
  2. When the "collection" is over, wash the orange peels thoroughly and fill them with cold water. We soak the crusts in water for 2 days, changing the water 3-5 times a day and each time "erasing" the crusts before changing the water. It turns out everything that the oranges were processed with (which is very important lately), as well as bitterness. On the 2nd day, I had orange bark in the refrigerator, as it was hot in the apartment.
  3. Drain the water, squeeze the peel slightly. Cut the crusts into strips, and then into cubes or short rectangles, so that in the future it is convenient to use candied fruits for baking.
  4. Weigh the sliced ​​crusts and sugar. Sugar should be taken by weight as much as you take orange peel (not oranges). For example, I took 600 grams. sugar 600 gr. orange peels. Pour sugar into a saucepan in which we will cook candied fruits.
  5. 1st method. Cooking sugar syrup. Fill the sugar with water, so much water is needed so that it only covers the sugar. We put on fire. Stirring, let the sugar dissolve, bring to a boil, let it boil for 5-7 minutes.
  6. 2nd way. We are preparing caramel sugar syrup (as an option it has the right to life, however, this method is much longer and more complicated, and the difference in the result is almost invisible). Pour sugar into a saucepan, put on fire and caramelize, stirring with a flat spatula, so that nothing sticks to the bottom and does not burn. Pour 300 ml of hot water into the melted caramelized sugar, stir. If pieces of caramel are formed, let them dissolve, continuing to cook the syrup.

  7. Pour the chopped orange peels into the finished sugar syrup (plain or caramel - at your request), mix.
  8. Cook over low heat for 50 minutes - 1 hour. (until transparent and until the liquid evaporates) without a lid, stir from time to time. Infrequently at first, more often as the water evaporates.
  9. When all or almost all of the liquid has evaporated, the candied fruits are ready. Turn them off. Pour on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, lay out more or less. Let it cool, stirring occasionally with a fork so that the candied fruits do not stick together.
  10. Sprinkle the cooled candied fruit with a third of sugar for sprinkling. Stir, sprinkle with another third of sugar. Stir and sprinkle with sugar again. The sugar should adhere evenly to the candied fruits so that they do not stick together later.
  11. Let the candied fruits dry on a baking sheet for 2-3 days, stirring them periodically with a fork. Then we put them in clean dry jars and close them tightly with lids.
  12. You can add candied orange peels to various muffins and cookies, desserts, baked goods instead of or together with raisins. Or just put it on a plate and slowly "eat" with the family.

Bon Appetit!

Or berries prepared by prolonged digestion in a rich sweet syrup, followed by drying. As a rule, candied fruits are prepared from quince, cherries, peaches, mountain ash, pineapple, papaya, as well as lemon, watermelon or orange peels. The finished product is stored in a container with a ground-in lid without moisture. Used to decorate or flavor baked goods, desserts, fruit salads.

Making candied fruit from orange peels is not much more difficult than making regular berry jam. True, this process cannot be called fast, because the fruit must be boiled for a long time, then dried, rolled in powdered sugar, and packaged in jars. You will have to tinker a lot, but as a reward you will receive tasty and healthy sweets, and even a fragrant, thick syrup that is perfect for soaking biscuits.

This article provides the most detailed instructions on how to cook yourself.

Express - recipe

Cooking candied fruits takes several days, taking into account the cooking and drying time. But there are also faster cooking options. The result is no worse.

For syrup, you need granulated sugar in the amount of two glasses and two liters of water, a little citric acid or vinegar (the solution should have a slight sour taste). Take so much orange or lemon peel so that it can all fit freely in the dish. Before starting cooking, you do not need to cut the peel, it will be enough to remove it. For sprinkling, prepare powdered sugar (glucose, powdered fructose will do). However, you can, without bothering too much, use ordinary granulated sugar for sprinkling.

First, we need to speed up the cooking time of the orange (lemon) peel. To do this, we will use the following method.

Pour two liters of water into a saucepan, put the peel and put on the fire. After the mixture begins to boil, reduce the heating and leave it to cook for another fifteen to twenty minutes. Then we throw the peel back on a sieve, rinse it and set it to cook again, pouring it with cold water. This time, add quite a bit of salt to the water to remove the bitter taste of the peel. After fifteen minutes, drain the water again, rinse the skins and repeat the operation a third time. After that, cut the washed skins into strips and proceed directly to cooking in syrup.

Put the orange peels in a saucepan, pour hot water in which sugar is diluted, and cook until the syrup thickens, remembering to stir so that it does not burn. At the end, add boil for another two or three minutes, take out the peel with a slotted spoon and lay it on the wire rack so that the syrup stacks. Roll the ready-made candied orange peel peels in powdered sugar, lay out on a baking sheet and put in a warm, unplugged oven to dry. If you are going to use candied fruits as a filler for baking or dessert, you can put them in a jar immediately after cooking.

Candied orange peels. Traditional recipe

To make candied peel, gently peel the fruit, then cut off the albero (the white layer between the zest and the pulp) and soak for a day. The water will need to be changed several times to completely remove the bitterness. After soaking, cut the crust into thin strips and boil until they become soft.

Sugar syrup for making candied fruits is made up on the basis of a ratio of 1: 1.5 (a glass of water and one and a half glasses of sugar). After the sugar has completely dissolved and the water boils, put the chopped crusts in a container with syrup and boil until thickened. Finding out if the syrup is ready is very easy. Just drip it onto any smooth surface. If the drop does not spread, but retains its shape, then the candied fruits are almost ready. Remove the pan from the stove and leave the crusts in the syrup for a couple of hours so that they are completely saturated. After that, take out the candied fruits with a slotted spoon, roll in sugar and lay them on a wire rack to dry.

To give the finished candied fruit a pleasant sweet and sour taste, lemon juice can be added to the cooking syrup. By the way, it is much more useful than the acid or vinegar recommended in many.

If you do not have the opportunity to cook candied fruits on the same day, citrus peels can be dried. After soaking, they will return to their original shape.

Enjoy your meal!

Not so long ago, I learned about the existence of a very unusual recipe for making homemade healthy sweets. It all started with the fact that my children brought home candied fruits from school, they were treated to them and they wanted to give me a taste of a new and never before seen delicacy. And I tried :) And the result of that event was this recipe, which you are observing now.

Homemade candied fruits, as you already guessed, we all liked it and I set about looking for a recipe in the hope of making homemade candied fruits from orange peels myself.

Having studied the recipes for making candied orange fruits offered on the Internet, I began to implement the idea. But the preparation of candied orange peels starts the day before the actual start. This is because you first need to get rid of the bitterness in the orange peel, and this is done by soaking the peel in water with the addition of a small amount of salt. After a day or at least 10 hours of such soaking, the bitterness from the crusts leaves and after that you can safely count on the delicious taste of future candied orange fruits.

If you do not take into account the soaking of the crusts, the preparation of candied orange fruits does not take much time. It was very interesting for me to cook them, I was eager to see and taste the result of my labors. And the result did not disappoint me.

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Servings - 10


  • 3 oranges (peel)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 glass of sugar + 5 tablespoons Sahara
  • 0.5 cups of water
  • 0.3 tsp citric acid

Homemade candied orange peels

Peel off oranges carefully, leaving them as intact as possible. I did this: I cut the peel along the "equator", and then I made the same vertical cut. Then carefully peeled off the peel, making 4 identical pieces of orange peel from each orange. At the same time, the orange themselves remained completely intact and the children and I ate them safely.

We put orange peels in a deep container and fill them with water. Add a teaspoon of salt, stir lightly and leave the crusts to soak in water for a day or less. During this time, the bitterness will go away from the crusts.

It took me a day. Drain the crusts and cut them into nice thin slices.

We send a glass of sugar and half a glass of water to the pan. Let's make sugar syrup. We send the pan to the stove and turn on medium heat. Without interfering, we wait for the complete dissolution of sugar in water and active boiling of the syrup.

Add citric acid and chopped orange peels to boiling sugar syrup.

Cook them in syrup until it evaporates completely and is absorbed into the crusts. Stir the crusts from time to time. It took me about 12-15 minutes for the whole process of boiling the syrup.

We lay out the finished candied orange peels on a sheet of parchment (do not be afraid, they will not stick) and sprinkle them with a few tablespoons of sugar. With our hands we help the sugar to be evenly distributed. Leave the candied orange peels to dry on parchment until the next day.

Now candied orange peels are ready. They retained their scent and color while remaining as bright as the sun. As it turned out, such candied orange peels are very tasty to “nibble” with a cup of tea or coffee. They are also great for baking (they can be finely chopped and added to muffins, muffins, pies).

I hope you enjoyed my recipe for making candied orange peels. Try it and you repeat my culinary experience. Bon appetit and see you soon!