Help with alcohol intoxication at home. Folk remedies for a hangover

26.09.2019 Vegetable dishes

In the article we will try to figure out what alcohol intoxication is and what its symptoms are, and in addition, we will consider how to behave and what to do in case of such a poisoning of the body, what should be done at home in case of alcohol poisoning.

A little about alcohol intoxication

Unfortunately, not a single person who drinks alcohol is insured against such an unpleasant phenomenon. Cases are different: someone becomes a victim of clandestine manufacturers of low-quality products, and someone may simply not calculate their own strength and go too much with alcohol. To the question of how not to ever get poisoned with alcohol, there is only one suitable answer - not to drink it at all.

In different circumstances and with different degrees of damage to the body, the symptoms, and, of course, the treatment, differ.

Alcohol poisoning refers to the toxic effect on a person of a poisonous substance - ethyl alcohol. True, this also includes poisoning with other types of alcohol, not so common - it can be methyl alcohol, isopropyl, butylene, hydrolysis and sulfite alcohols, etc.

First of all, it must be said that there are three stages of intoxication:

  1. The initial stage is from 0.5 to 1.5 ppm of alcohol in the blood.
  2. Stage of moderate severity - up to 3 ppm of alcohol in the blood.
  3. Severe stage - already more than three ppm of alcohol.

In small quantities, alcoholic beverages, even in some cases, are useful, for example, they help to cope with viral diseases, cure colds. If a small amount of ethyl alcohol is contained in the body, then it easily detoxifies and removes the liver. But when this amount exceeds a certain norm that the liver is able to detoxify, then the poisons provoke brain disorders.

Symptoms, consequences of alcohol poisoning

The primary signs of alcohol poisoning are changes in appearance and behavior, namely:

  • The person is emotionally excited, his movements are lively.
  • Under the influence of alcohol, people feel relaxed and euphoric, they are in a cheerful mood.
  • Their speech is very categorical, there is a desire to speak out.
  • You can notice that the skin of a person who has consumed alcohol turns red, the pupils are dilated, and sweating increases.

All of the above symptoms of alcohol action can be present, even if you drink a very small amount of alcohol. In such cases, there is no cause for concern.

But the secondary signs should make you pay attention to a person's condition, namely, this significant decrease in intellectual abilities, clearly aggressive behavior or behavior of an openly sexual nature. The gait is unstable, staggering.

With a severe form of alcohol poisoning, the work of not only the central nervous system is disrupted, but also the cardiovascular system. A person's speech becomes completely incoherent and illegible, hearing may deteriorate, and the ability to respond to any external stimuli is lost. If you do not stop drinking alcohol, deterioration may occur, namely, falling into a coma.

Alcoholic coma

Acute alcohol poisoning sometimes causes coma. This is a loss of consciousness, absolute indifference to external stimuli, such as a loud sound, strong pat on the cheeks, etc.

With a superficial coma, the patient loses consciousness, his pain sensitivity decreases, the eyeballs "float", one pupil can be dilated before the eyes, and the other is narrowed. When the patient is exposed to some external stimuli, he can react with protective movements or facial expressions. Redness of the eyeballs and facial skin is common. Saliva may flow, the heart beats faster, shortness of breath appears.

With a deep coma, there is an absolute loss of sensitivity, the patient does not respond to external stimuli, even painful ones. Tendon reflexes are reduced or absent altogether. Muscles lose tone. The body temperature is lowered. The skin is no longer red, but a pale, bluish color. There may be cramps. Breathing becomes slow, not so deep. The heart beats rapidly, over 120 beats per minute. Blood pressure is lowered.

If, when the patient is in a state of deep coma, no operative action is taken, breathing will stop, death will occur.

What the degree of poisoning may depend on

First of all, of course, it depends on the amount of drink. When. when a large dose of it enters the body in a short time, the liver simply cannot cope with processing. Ethyl alcohol and its decomposition products can then damage internal organs.

Let's give an example. An adult man of average build, who weighs, say, eighty kilograms, with a healthy liver, can process and excrete a maximum of eight grams of pure alcohol without harm to the body. And one hundred grams of forty-degree vodka contains almost thirty-two grams of this very alcohol.

The second factor is age. Small children and the elderly are the category of the population that is most difficult to tolerate the influence of alcohol-containing substances, since the children's liver is not yet sufficiently developed and formed to process and neutralize such poisons, and the liver of an old person, due to age, cannot fully cope with its functions.

An important factor is individual intolerance. As you know, representatives of the Mongoloid race are most susceptible to alcohol poisoning and the worst tolerate its action due to the low activity of a special enzyme responsible for the breakdown of ethanol. This is due to the genetic characteristics of the race.

Various diseases of the liver, as well as pregnancy, overwork, diabetes mellitus, and pancreatic diseases, negatively affect the liver's performance.

Use of surrogates and counterfeit alcohol

First of all, let's find out what kind of drinks are meant by surrogates. These are products that include not only ethanol, but also various additives that are very toxic and are not intended for food consumption. This can be, for example, hygiene products containing. In addition, this list includes brake fluid, denatured alcohol, antifreeze, etc.

But in our time, one can often face poisoning with counterfeit alcohol. Such products are popularly called "fired vodka". It is produced under improper conditions, so the quality of the product is very low. Counterfeit brands are often produced in this way. In fact, the product turns out to be not only of low quality, but also hazardous to health.

Let's not ignore the good old home brew. Very often people have to poison themselves with this product, since the main goal of the manufacturer is not so much the quality as the strength of the drink.

Poisoning with alcohol substitutes is a frequent occurrence among drinkers. True, poisoning by low-quality alcohol occurs not only among marginalized segments of the population who do not care what to drink. Ordinary people suffer from counterfeit products.

First aid

During severe intoxication, it is necessary to provide assistance to the victim, you need to act quickly. Sometimes, timely, proper help can save someone's life. It is no exaggeration to say that serious alcohol poisoning can be fatal.

Calling an ambulance is obligatory in the case when a person is unconscious, his body temperature has dropped, the skin has turned pale, sweat appears, the pulse is fast and weak. In addition, if there are cramps, a stomach or head ache, when a person uncontrollably emits urine or feces, blood is found in the vomit and / or feces, an urgent medical intervention is also needed.

If possible, you need to help regain consciousness, then rid the body of alcoholic poisons.

Video: first aid - alcohol poisoning.

How to treat alcohol poisoning at home

How to treat a poisoned person at home? For a person to regain consciousness after a binge, ammonia should be used. Soak a cotton swab in it, bring it to the patient's nose so that he feels a pungent smell.

If the patient has vomited once or twice before, there is no need to wonder how to stop vomiting. Cleansing the stomach will only be beneficial, as it helps to get rid of toxic toxins. If nausea and vomiting persist throughout the day, you can take antiemetic drugs that can stop stomach discomfort, such as Cerucal. If you have diarrhea, it is a good idea to take Atoxil.

The next step is to cleanse the body, namely the digestive tract from alcohol. To get rid of poisons, you can use agents such as potassium permanganate solution, activated carbon, or baking soda solution.

  1. Soda for alcohol poisoning. You will need 1 liter of cold boiled water and a teaspoon of baking soda. Pour soda into water, stir. The poisoned person should slowly, in small sips, drink the entire resulting solution. Then you need to pull it out.
  2. Potassium permanganate solution. You still need the same 1 liter of cold boiled water and quite a bit of manganese, take just a few grams. When potassium permanganate is added to water, the resulting liquid will be pale pink in color. The method of application is the same - the liquid should be drunk, then pulled out.
  3. Activated carbon. For those who prefer activated charcoal, there is advice: if usually the use of charcoal is calculated in the amount of one tablet per ten kilograms of the patient's body weight, then in this case the dose must be increased: it is good to take twenty tablets, each of which should be washed down with plenty of water.
  4. You can also use succinic acid, which removes poisonous substances from the body.

After the patient's stomach is cleared of toxic substances, and the victim himself recovers a little from intoxication, he needs to take sorbing medications. These include drugs such as Enterosgel, Polysorb MP, Filtrum. Smecta is a good medicine for alcohol poisoning and for the prevention of a hangover.

There are also specialty tablets such as Alka-Seltzer.

As for folk remedies for alcohol poisoning, mint tea, ginger tea with honey help well against nausea. For nausea and vomiting, a mummy is also recommended.

Since the body becomes dehydrated as a result of vomiting, it should be refreshed by restoring the water balance. It is useful to drink a lot of water, as well as take Rehydron, Hydrovit or Cytroglucosolan.

A large amount of water drunk will also help with hiccups, which often happens in people who have gone too far with alcohol. Holding your breath, a loud cough, and a slice of lemon eaten also save you from such an unpleasant phenomenon. You can also lie down abruptly, and then get up, or use the "vocalist's exercise" - to sing the scale of notes as you exhale.

After alcohol poisoning, the stomach can be very painful. The work of the gastrointestinal tract needs to be restored. You can cure the stomach with the help of probiotics, it is useful to drink Enterofuril on drink, it will not interfere with eating fermented milk products.

What can you eat after alcohol poisoning? How to get away from the stomach after suffering stress? The diet should be gentle, food should not overload the stomach. It is worth giving up heavy food for a while: fried, smoked, spicy, fatty. Give preference to dishes made from stews, boiled, baked products. Alcohol after suffering poisoning should not be consumed for some time.

Alcohol intoxication is a very complex condition associated with the consumption of excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages.

In such a situation, a person needs urgent help.... If this is not done, there is a risk of developing dangerous health consequences.

Treatment of alcohol poisoning at home involves the use of sorbents, replenishment of the water balance, and normalization of the intestinal microflora.

The essence of the problem

Under alcohol intoxication, it is customary to understand poisoning with ethyl alcohol. In a normal state, a small amount of ethanol is rendered harmless by the liver without any particular consequences. However, if you drink too much alcohol, the poison enters the brain, disrupting the nervous system.

Many people wonder how much alcohol can lead to alcohol poisoning.

The following is considered safe for health: 60 ml of vodka, 300 ml of dry wine or 750 ml of beer. Any excess of these indicators can cause alcohol intoxication.

With a severe degree, a person's sensitivity disappears, reflexes weaken, stunning is observed. In an extreme stage, there is a risk of cardiac and respiratory arrest.

Such consequences are observed if the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood exceeds 3%. In terms of pure alcohol, the lethal volume of alcohol is 300 g.

Answering the question of what to do in case of alcohol poisoning, you need to analyze the symptoms of this condition.

So, intoxication of the body is accompanied by the following manifestations:

The presence of one or several symptoms at once indicates the onset of alcohol poisoning. This condition can be life-threatening, therefore, a person needs to be provided with timely assistance.

To quickly alleviate the patient's condition, he should be provided with first aid for alcohol poisoning. If the patient is conscious and can respond to manipulation, he needs to do the following:

  1. Apply a cool compress to your head.
  2. Rinse the stomach in any way. For example, it is permissible to drink several glasses of water, and then provoke vomiting by pressing your finger on the root of the tongue. This procedure is performed 3-5 times until the condition improves and the stomach is cleansed.
  3. Give the patient strong black tea to drink.
  4. Give any sorbent - Filtrum, Polysorb, Enterosgel.

To prevent fainting, you need to give the victim 5-10 drops of ammonia, after diluting it with water.

If the patient is unconscious, the answer to the question whether to call an ambulance must be in the affirmative.

You also need to do the following:

  • give a sniff of cotton wool, soaking it in ammonia;
  • before the arrival of the doctors, the patient should be put on his side, unbuttoned his clothes, put a roller under his head;
  • provide an influx of fresh air;
  • avoid hypothermia or overheating of a person, do not leave him unattended.

It is strictly forbidden to perform gastric lavage on a person who is unconscious. Water and vomit can enter the respiratory system, causing partial or complete asphyxiation.

If the condition worsens, cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest, resuscitation should be performed. These include chest compressions and artificial respiration.

Alcohol poisoning: what to do? First aid!

Drug treatment

There are several categories of drugs that help relieve the symptoms of alcohol intoxication. So, what to drink in case of alcohol poisoning?

After cleansing the stomach, the patient needs to take enterosorbent. Such a medicine works in the intestines, capturing toxic substances and decay products and excreting them along with feces.

What to take in such a situation:

All enterosorbents must be taken separately from drugs, since their effectiveness is reduced. Between doses of the medication, you should take a 1-2 hour break.

With vomiting, the body dehydrates and the excretion of important salts... Moreover, alcohol has pronounced diuretic properties.

To normalize the water balance, you need to use drugs that fall into the category of rehydrating substances. They include a balanced amount of potassium, sodium, chloride. Sometimes carbohydrates are also included. Thanks to the unique set of ingredients, it is possible to cope with the effects of intoxication.

One of the most effective means from this category is Regidron... In case of alcohol poisoning, it is recommended to take 10-17 ml of solution per 1 kg of weight. To do this, 1 sachet of the drug should be dissolved in 1 liter of water. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 1 day.

Analogs of this substance include drugs such as Hydrovit and Citraglucosolan... You can also make the solution yourself. To do this, for 1 liter of water, it is recommended to take half a small spoonful of salt and soda, and also add 4 tablespoons of sugar.

With severe intoxication, a dropper is required. It includes the following:

  • saline solution, Disol or Hemodez;
  • glucose solution with a concentration of 5-10%;
  • solution of ascorbic acid with a concentration of 5%.

If necessary, vitamins are used - pyridoxine or nicotinic acid. It may also be necessary to use heart medications, potassium chloride or magnesium chloride.

The dropper volume is usually 400-500 ml. Only a specialist can install it. Otherwise, there is a risk of a serious aggravation of the situation.

Complete excretion of alcohol breakdown products is carried out by the kidneys... To do this, use diuretics - diuretics. In this case, ordinary water will be the best and most harmless option.

You can also use decoctions of medicinal plants to help replenish vitamin stores and fill the body with antioxidants.

Treatment of alcohol poisoning after a binge at home must necessarily include probiotics. This is due to the fact that alcohol kills beneficial intestinal microflora.

After intoxication, the work of the digestive system often suffers. What helps in this situation:

  • Linex;
  • Enterol;
  • Bifiform;
  • Bactisubtil;
  • Lactobacillus;
  • Enterofuril;
  • Phosphalugel.

To alleviate the condition, you need to empty the intestines in time. If constipation is observed after drinking alcohol, it is recommended to use an enema. Thanks to this, it will be possible to get rid of toxic products.

Homeopathic remedies

There are a number of homeopathic medicines that can improve the condition after alcohol poisoning. These include the following:

  1. Anti-E... This remedy can be used for alcohol poisoning or severe hangover. With its help, it will be possible to eliminate such manifestations as headache, weakness, discomfort in the epigastric region. Also, the tool perfectly copes with nervousness and helps restore sleep. Its use is carried out in accordance with special instructions.
  2. Proproten-100... The drug is effective for withdrawal symptoms and chronic alcohol poisoning. It contains special substances that activate the positive effect.

There are several effective folk recipes that will help answer the question of how to recover from alcohol poisoning:

  1. Marshmallow tea... To make a drink, you need to take a couple of tablespoons of the leaves of this plant and mix with 2 cups of boiling water. This tool is insisted for 5 hours. It should be taken with the addition of honey 4 times a day.
  2. Ginger tea... To get this drink, pour 250 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of ground ginger. You need to take this remedy as often as possible.
  3. Dill with honey... To make a decoction, 1 large spoonful of dill should be poured with a glass of boiling water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Put honey in the cooled product and take it half an hour before meals.
  4. Infusion of tansy and chamomile flowers... To prepare this product, you need to take 1 spoon of chamomile flowers and 3 tablespoons of dried tansy, and then add 1 liter of hot water.
  5. Potato starch... Mix 1 small spoonful of this product with a glass of warm water. The resulting solution must be drunk in case of alcohol poisoning.

A special diet will help speed up the recovery process from alcohol poisoning. Nutrition must be balanced. The menu should not contain heavy foods - smoked meats, spices, fat. You should also reduce the amount of salt.

What can you eat in case of poisoning? It is useful to eat meals containing a lot of proteins and carbohydrates. Products should be boiled, stewed or baked. It is better to refuse fried food. To speed up the elimination of toxic substances, you need to drink plenty of fluids.

Avoid sugary foods, legumes, dry foods and chocolate. It is also better to give up barley and barley porridge, canned meat and fish, fatty dairy products.

In some cases, with alcohol intoxication, severe vomiting occurs. This symptom can be present for a long time. Before you stop vomiting, you need to determine its nature:

  1. Vomiting with food debris... This symptom is considered a normal variant. Thanks to this, the body is cleansed. In such a situation, it is helpful to drink plenty of fluids.
  2. Vomiting with yellow-green discharge... This indicates problems with the biliary tract.
  3. Vomiting with bloody impurities... This symptom indicates bleeding.
  4. Black vomit... This indicates the localization of bleeding in the digestive system.

For any vomiting that is present for a long time and has some kind of inclusions, you should immediately consult a doctor. At home, you need to consume a lot of fluids - this will help to replenish the water balance and remove toxic substances.

You can also use these tools:

  1. Lemon balm tea... To prepare it, you need to pour boiling water over several branches of the plant and leave to infuse for a couple of hours. Drink 3-4 times a day. Mint can be brewed in a similar way.
  2. Dill seeds... A couple of teaspoons of raw materials, you need to pour 100 ml of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. After that, chill and drink 1-2 times.
  3. Apple vinegar... 1 small spoon of this product should be mixed with 100 ml of water and drunk at a time. Repeat this procedure 3-5 times a day.

There are certain prohibitions for alcohol intoxication.

  • induce vomiting if a person is unconscious;
  • induce vomiting in people with heart disease or seizures
  • take laxatives;
  • drink carbonated drinks;
  • lie on your back, as there is a risk of choking on vomit;
  • take a cold shower;
  • move.

Preventive actions

To prevent alcohol poisoning, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Carefully choose drinks, paying attention to storage conditions, manufacturer, availability of excise stamps.
  2. Control the volume of consumption on your own. When mixing alcohol, it is not recommended to switch to drinks with a lower strength.
  3. You should not drink alcohol on an empty stomach.
  4. Move actively, often go out into the fresh air, drink non-carbonated liquids - juices, fruit drinks, tea.
  5. Eat fatty foods, meat, soups.
  6. Avoid smoking.

Alcohol poisoning is a rather serious violation that can lead to dangerous consequences and even death.

To avoid these problems, you should avoid drinking too much alcohol. If intoxication still occurs, you need to rinse the stomach and restore the water balance.

Alcohol poisoning treatment at home is a problem that worries everyone who drinks alcohol at least occasionally. No one is immune from severe hangover. After all, even a small dose of alcohol sometimes leads to alcohol intoxication.

What is alcohol intoxication

Alcohol intoxication is called poisoning with ethyl alcohol and its decay products. If you drink a small amount of alcohol, the liver easily processes harmful substances without consequences for the body. The minimum doses of alcoholic beverages are safe for health - 60 ml of vodka, 250 ml of wine or 650 ml of beer. However, few people stop at such marks, absorbing significantly more alcohol. This leads to disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Special stress during alcohol intoxication is experienced by circulatory and nervous system.

The heart has to work hard. Brain activity suffers. Clouding of consciousness, impaired coordination of movement is observed. If the concentration of alcohol in the blood exceeds 3%, such severe deviations as cardiac arrest and deep coma are possible.

Poisoning by low-quality alcoholic beverages

In some cases, even minimal doses of alcohol lead to intoxication. This happens due to the use of alcohol substitutes. Unscrupulous manufacturers seeking to save on raw materials for alcoholic beverages are replacing relatively safe ethanol with methyl, butyl, hydrolysis and sulfite alcohols. And some desperate drinkers in pursuit of a good mood use cologne and paint and varnish industry products.

Even the smallest doses of such drinks lead in some cases to death. If for ordinary alcohol poisoning, treatment at home is quite possible, then intoxication due to the use of low-quality drinks requires immediate hospitalization.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Signs of intoxication may appear some time after drinking intoxicating drinks or in the morning after a banquet. Before deciding what to do with alcohol poisoning, you should decide whether this is really a condition.

Headache and nausea do not indicate severe intoxication. These are signs of a mild hangover syndrome. In case of poisoning, more serious symptoms are observed:

  • persistent, violent vomiting;
  • increased emotional activity;
  • violation of coordination of movements and speech;
  • inability to focus on one point;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • rapid breathing;
  • interruptions in the rhythm of the heart;
  • drop in body temperature and blood pressure;
  • constriction of the pupils;
  • convulsions;
  • persistent ethanol odor on exhalation.

The presence of such signs suggests that the person has been poisoned by alcohol and needs help.

First aid for alcohol intoxication

It is not always possible to remove intoxication at home. To avoid irreversible consequences, you will have to call an ambulance. However, before the arrival of the brigade, it is necessary to provide first aid in case of poisoning. To do this, you need to know how to remove alcohol intoxication.

The first step is to free the stomach from ethanol residues. Induce the victim to vomit. To do this, he is given a few glasses of slightly salted or acidified liquid at room temperature to drink. If it was not possible to flush the stomach in this way, it is necessary to press with two fingers at the base of the tongue. This procedure is repeated several times with short breaks.

If the poisoned person is unconscious, it will not work to flush the stomach. You should loosen all the straps and fasteners on the victim's clothing and lay him on his side, putting something under his head. It is important to ensure that the patient does not choke on vomit, overheat or overcooled.

To revive and not prevent loss of consciousness during intoxication, ammonia will help. The composition is moistened with a piece of cotton wool and allowed to smell to the victim. If the condition of the poisoned person worsens, it is necessary to take emergency measures - artificial respiration and heart massage.

Video - Alcohol poisoning: what to do? First aid!

How to treat alcohol poisoning

In most cases, gastric lavage significantly alleviates the symptoms of intoxication. But after that, the treatment of alcohol poisoning should be continued. Some people think the best remedy is to have a hangover. However, it should be remembered: getting rid of vodka intoxication is dangerous.

Treatment of alcoholic toxicosis includes the following activities:

  • Normalization of water-salt balance. Gastric lavage has a positive effect on the condition of the victim of alcohol poisoning. However, incessant vomiting, sometimes accompanied by diarrhea, dehydrates the body. Therefore, in case of intoxication, it is important to restore the water-salt balance.
  • Removal of ethanol breakdown products from the body. After washing the stomach, harmful substances still remain in the body that act as a poison on the internal organs of a person. Enterosorbents will help to remove them, the simplest and most affordable of which is activated carbon. It should be drunk at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
  • Restoration of intestinal microflora. Together with poisonous substances, beneficial bacteria are removed from the intestines, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. Therefore, a number of measures to eliminate the consequences of alcohol intoxication include the use of agents that restore microflora. These include Linex, Bifiform, Enterol and other drugs.
  • Symptomatic treatment. The consequences of intoxication can be different: tremor, headache, heaviness in the chest and disruption of the heart. Appropriate medications are prescribed depending on the symptoms. The general condition of the victim will be alleviated by anti-hangover drugs - Alka-Seltzer, Zorex, Alcaprim effervescent tablets, Antipohmelin and many others.

What to do with severe vomiting

When intoxicated, the body is especially threatened with dehydration. When a person vomits, the water-salt balance in the body is disturbed. To restore it, you should drink plenty of fluids. It can be mineral water or water with lemon juice added. Vitamin C also has a positive effect on the patient's condition with alcohol poisoning.

It is useful to drink Rehydron. It is sold in powder form at the pharmacy. The contents of the sachet are dissolved in a liter of plain water and drunk in small sips. You can prepare such a tool yourself. To do this, mix half a teaspoon of salt, the same amount of soda and 4 tablespoons of sugar. Salt, alkali and glucose help to restore normal body functions.

In some cases it may be necessary. If the nausea does not stop and you cannot relieve the condition, you cannot do without a dropper. It can be installed at home, but only a specialist does it.

Treatment of alcohol intoxication with folk remedies

After the first symptoms of intoxication have been removed, folk remedies are used to treat alcohol poisoning. Decoctions of herbs help well, but they are chosen with caution, since many plants contain poisons that can aggravate the situation.

Mint, horsetail, lemon balm, tansy and chamomile contribute to the removal of alcohol intoxication. Decoctions are prepared from them or simply pour boiling water over the dried plants and leave for several minutes.

Will help with poisoning honey water. Fructose, which is part of it, restores strength and improves tone. Preparing such a drug is simple. Honey is dissolved in half a liter of water. The more beekeeping product in the liquid, the better. Chopped ginger root is also added to the composition. It is useful for a hangover.

Potato starch is useful for alcohol poisoning. One spoon of the product is dissolved in a glass of water and drunk in small portions. Starch draws out poison and toxins from the body. It has long been known that after a banquet brine relieves a hangover, best of all cabbage It restores the water-salt balance and contains a large amount of vitamin C.

What is prohibited in case of alcohol poisoning

In order not to worsen the condition of a person who has been poisoned with ethanol, it is not recommended:

  • Move actively - the victim must be provided with rest.
  • Putting the patient on the back - he may lose consciousness and choke on vomit
  • Take laxatives - it promotes dehydration.
  • Eat fatty foods - for some time after poisoning, it is necessary to adhere to a diet so as not to burden the liver and stomach.
  • Self-medicate if the condition worsens - in some cases, you cannot do without the help of doctors. Only hospitalization will help you fully recover.

How to prevent alcohol poisoning

Alcohol intoxication is a serious illness that sometimes even leads to death. It is better to avoid this condition, since it is very difficult to cope with it and restore the body's work.

Poisoning can be prevented by taking a few tablets of activated charcoal before the banquet or other prescribed pharmaceutical agent. You can not drink strong drinks on an empty stomach. They eat them with plentiful fatty foods.
It is not recommended to drink alcohol with carbonated drinks. For these purposes, use fruit drink, compote juice or plain water. It is better to exclude smoking during a banquet altogether.

And most importantly, the quality of alcohol consumed and its quantity should be monitored. Only this guarantees protection from intoxication. The minimum doses of high-quality alcohol will improve your mood and will not incapacitate the body.

Very often, after a hectic feast, you wake up with a headache and a terrible desire to accept something that will make you feel better. Starting to remember yesterday, you realize with horror that the amount of alcohol you drank the day before can kill a horse, and your headache is just a hangover symptom, which you think will soon pass.

And no one thinks about why not drink less alcohol yesterday.

Hangover symptoms can include the following:

This is just a part of "all the delights" that you will have to face after a "successful" evening at home.

Let's define what a hangover is

Alcohol intoxication, or hangover, is alcohol poisoning. It occurs with the immense use of strong drinks, symptoms may appear even after drinking one glass.

When a large amount of ethyl alcohol is consumed, it is absorbed into the organs and enters the bloodstream, and then very quickly spreads throughout the body and all organs, thanks to the blood flow. Ethanol, which is the main ingredient in vodka, is highly toxic. It is its action that reduces the protective functions of the liver and weakens it.

As you know, the liver is an organ that is responsible for the processing of poisons. And, just imagine, your defender is weakened and unable to work properly. What is the reason? All the poisonous substances contained in alcohol, immediately, sensing a gap in the protective functions of the body, begin to attack it, damaging the central nervous system (it is suppressed), disrupting the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The result of the damage is expressed through the symptoms of a hangover.

The reasons for the onset of a hangover.

Ethyl alcohol has spread to all organs, to the liver. Still trying to fight its action, the body secretes alcohol dehydrogenase - an enzyme that helps in the processing of alcohol. This process produces acetaldehyde, which is toxic to the brain. It is its large accumulation that is one of the reasons leading to the hangover syndrome. Alcohol poisoning leads to the formation of harmful substances in all organs, which, in turn, form new toxins.

Regarding the amount of alcohol in the blood, there are three degrees of intoxication. No treatment is required for the first two degrees of intoxication.

Beer lovers unanimously claim that they cannot be poisoned, falsely thinking that only vodka can be poisoned. Of course, if you use a small amount, then of course you can't talk about any hangover. In the case when the drunk is already measured in liters, it is worth thinking about the consequences. Do not forget that beer also contains ethanol, not in the same amount as in other alcoholic beverages, but still there. It should not be forgotten that in addition to ethyl alcohol, it contains a number of other toxins, which also need to be dealt with somehow. These include:

  • fusel oils;
  • malt;
  • preservatives;
  • cobalt (used to increase foaming).

The reasons for a beer hangover can be:

  • the use of an expired product;
  • a large amount of alcohol consumed;
  • mixing alcohol surrogates into it;
  • using draft drinks, there is a possibility of intoxication, in case of violation of sanitary
  • hygiene standards (use of dirty containers and hands).

Poisoning with beer. How to determine?

Most people do not consider beer to be a strong drink, which leads to a violation of the rules for its use. Yes, compared to vodka, it contains less ethanol and for poisoning, it is worth consuming quite a lot. But we should not forget that when starting to drink it at home, we do not always stop at one bottle.

Due to the high content of all kinds of impurities, a hangover from beer is quite common, because there is a rather strong load on the human body. In this case, the following symptoms appear:

Diarrhea after beer occurs quite often, with a large amount of alcohol consumed. Moreover, diarrhea can even be accompanied by the release of blood. Why is this happening? Modern manufacturers of this type of alcohol, to increase the shelf life, add a variety of additives (dyes, flavors, concentrates) to this product, which negatively affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract in some people.

Therefore, in order to avoid such a phenomenon as diarrhea after beer, you should control its use. It is better to warn than to treat it later.

What should be done in case of alcohol intoxication?

If, nevertheless, after an evening libation you have alcohol poisoning, then you just need to know how to remove alcohol intoxication and remember the measures that should be taken to improve your well-being.

First aid for alcohol poisoning should be provided very quickly so that severe intoxication does not occur.

There are many ways and recipes for dealing with a hangover. First of all, the treatment can be carried out with drugs purchased at the pharmacy (Alka-Seltzer, aspirin, Zorex Morning, Enterosgel sorbents, activated carbon, etc.). These can be powders, tablets. But keep in mind that there is no quick fix for a hangover. But, nevertheless, something needs to be done.

Why do you need to be very careful when treating at home?

Getting rid of alcohol intoxication with folk remedies is not suitable for every person, it all depends on the characteristics of the body.

  1. The main measures that should be taken in case of intoxication with any kind of alcohol can be:
  2. Full rest. After a stormy feast, it is best to let the body recover its strength. And, as you know, the best remedy for this is sleep.
  3. Drinking a lot of fluids. Since the use of alcoholic beverages disrupts the body's water balance and there is a need to replenish it).
  4. Consume brine.
  5. Boiled rice can be used as a sorbent.
  6. A good way is to go to the bathhouse.

Surrogates are cosmetic liquids and household chemicals that are prohibited for use. They also include low-quality, expired vodka. Poisoning with surrogates is very dangerous for human life. Intoxication with surrogates, in particular, "fired" vodka, is a very dangerous phenomenon. The following symptoms may occur: abdominal pain and even visual hallucinations.

In case of poisoning with surrogates, it is necessary to urgently go to the hospital, since without emergency medical care, a lethal outcome is inevitable.

Before the arrival of the doctor, you need to do a set of actions necessary to save a person's life. Induce vomiting to remove toxins from the body. Treatment and removal of alcohol intoxication caused by surrogates is possible only in a medical institution.

How to stop vomiting.

There are times when ethyl alcohol poisoning is accompanied by vomiting, which continues for a long period. Before stopping vomiting, you need to find out which species it belongs to, and only then begin to draw conclusions and begin its treatment. So:

  • Vomiting with remnants of undigested food is normal. the body is cleared of excess. In this case, you need to consume a lot of fluids.
  • Vomiting may be accompanied by a yellowish-green discharge. This indicates a violation of the biliary tract.
  • If it contains blood, it may indicate bleeding.
  • Black vomit indicates that bleeding is in one of the digestive organs.

In case of any vomiting that does not stop for a long time and has any inclusions, an urgent need to consult a doctor, because negligence can cost you your life. Alcohol poisoning is a terrible disease that requires urgent treatment. And first aid for alcohol poisoning should be provided in a timely manner.

The first thing to do at home is to drink plenty of fluids. this will help rehydrate and flush out toxins. Also, you can prepare the following drink that can stop vomiting: juice squeezed from one lemon, mix with mineral water and mint leaves, add a little honey (which is an excellent means for removing harmful substances).

First aid for alcohol poisoning accompanied by vomiting may be of the following nature.

Lemon balm tea. Pour boiling water over several sprigs of dry or fresh lemon balm, leave for 1-2 hours, and then drink in 3-4 doses. You can also brew mint.

Lemon balm tea for alcohol poisoning

Apple vinegar. Dissolve 1 teaspoon in 100 ml of water and drink at a time. This procedure should be done 3-5 times a day.

If you still woke up in the morning and feel the symptoms of a hangover, then one of the recipes for dealing with it can help you:

  • drip 2-3 drops of peppermint alcohol into a glass of water and drink in one gulp;
  • eat a spoonful of honey, because it promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • drink tea made from ginger;
  • an excellent hangover remedy - quince juice;
  • stir one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink this solution in one gulp.

To avoid fighting a hangover and looking for ways to treat it at home, you should only consume high-quality alcoholic beverages and in small quantities. Why not prevent a hangover by not drinking a lot of alcoholic beverages. But, if you still did not manage to avoid a hangover, then you need to urgently take measures to get rid of the symptoms, at home with folk remedies.

I can't get poisoned with alcohol (((what can I do?

Elena, in your case, you need to remove toxins from the body, then your health will improve. I'm not a lover of alcohol, but sometimes it happens that I don't seem to drink a lot, but it is very bad. For such cases, I keep enterosgel in the first-aid kit and I already remove toxins from the body in case of poisoning. It comes in the form of a gel, but it tastes normal, I take it easily. It also helps quickly enough.

Elena, there is also an excellent, thematic site: http: //pohmellelechenie.rf/ - it was created with the participation of professional doctors, you can even ask them questions - they will always be competently answered, and you yourself will find there a lot of useful things about the correct treatment of a hangover

A friend once advised me to take a couple of spoons of Enterosgel before going to bed after a stormy party and then there would be no hangover. Now I always use this advice, if I went over the day before, and in the morning like a cucumber, since there is no decay of ethyl alcohol in the body, then I feel good.

I can not save me (((I go to work, but I feel bad from yesterday's drunk (((How to be?

It was a terrible state of affairs, you cannot wish it on the enemy. Here the main thing is to take measures quickly, then it will feel better quickly. I advise here to read what to do with such poisoning, everything is written in great detail.

Probably everyone who drinks alcohol has a quail, which is bad in the morning. So I read about enterosgel below and decided to take it out of a hangover. I took 4 spoons for some time and everything passed. So I can confirm from personal experience that this enterosorbent actually works not only for poisoning, but also for a hangover.

Thanks for the feedback. And I, too, more than once saved myself with enterosgel for a hangover. An acquaintance of mine advised me to take it for this purpose, but she's a doctor and won't advise anything bad. And if I don't forget, then I take enterosorbent before drinking alcohol, then there is no hangover)))

You wrote everything correctly.

And do not know how enterosgel differs from atoxil?

How to stop vomiting in case of alcohol poisoning and help intoxicated?

Vomiting after alcohol can appear either from an overdose, or from drinking alcohol made from low-quality ingredients. In case of alcohol poisoning, it is necessary to urgently induce a gag reflex so that toxins are released from the body. What helps in this case? Irritation of the root of the tongue. If the urge to vomit after alcohol does not stop for a long time, then urgent hospitalization of the patient is necessary. First aid should be provided to a person who has been poisoned, all the while waiting for the arrival of specialists.

Vomiting at different stages of poisoning

Before stopping vomiting, you need to find out which of the five types it belongs to. Having found this out, you can quickly determine the degree of poisoning and certainly begin treatment.

If the vomit contains alcohol residues and undigested food, then don't worry.

This indicates that the body is trying to cleanse the intestines on its own. The fact is that poisonous substances remain in both food debris and alcohol, so this is how the intestines are trying to fight intoxication. After such vomiting, a person feels better. But it is easier in the sense that it will cease to be "muddied". However, no one canceled the hangover syndrome. In this case, you need to drink plenty of fluids in order to quickly remove all toxins from the body.

If, along with vomiting, a person suffocates, coughs and his skin color changes, this indicates an allergy to alcohol. If the vomit is yellowish-greenish in color, then this means that the person is vomiting bile.

Along with this symptom, there may be a bitter taste in the mouth. This stage of poisoning is more serious, since alcohol has disrupted the functions of the biliary tract. In some cases, urgent hospitalization is necessary, because vomit with bile may indicate inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis. In a medical institution, specialists are primarily required to rinse the stomach.

If there are blood clots in the vomit, then you should not hesitate with hospitalization. This may indicate that bleeding may begin in the esophagus. How quickly a person goes to the hospital will determine his condition.

The most dangerous is black vomiting. It indicates that one of the organs of the digestive system is bleeding. Internal bleeding can be fatal.

Vomiting with blood clots indicates severe alcohol intoxication. Blood can result from:

If you have poisoned yourself with alcohol, and found blood in the vomit, do not waste time washing the stomach - immediately consult a doctor!

Poisoning with alcohol substitutes

Alcohol surrogates are liquids that are strictly forbidden to consume. These are household chemicals, cosmetic and automotive fluids. Alcoholic surrogates also include medications, including motherwort or hawthorn tinctures.

Consuming these liquids can cause poisoning. The substances they contain negatively affect the activity of the brain and liver, which can be fatal.

A separate group of alcoholic surrogates is “fake” alcoholic beverages. Experts believe that they affect the body several times worse than alcohol abuse.

The condition after poisoning with high-quality alcohol and alcoholic surrogates differs among themselves. If a person just went through with alcohol, then his tongue will "braid", there is unclear coordination, dizziness and nausea. In the case when surrogates were the cause of the poisoning, the intoxicated person has a stomach ache, his temples throb heavily, and vomiting does not stop. Along with this, visual hallucinations may appear.

In case of such poisoning, it is necessary to urgently call doctors, otherwise the person may completely lose hearing, vision, or even die.

While waiting for the arrival of help, you need to induce a gag reflex so that toxins are not absorbed in the body. In extreme cases, if the arrival of doctors is not possible in the near future, it is necessary to give the patient to drink 50 ml of ethyl alcohol (30%) every 2 hours. The procedure should be repeated 4-5 times a day.

However, such treatment will only help with mild poisoning. If the stage is severe and the patient is unconscious, then it is necessary to control the pulse on the carotid artery. If it disappears, then you should resort to resuscitation.

Along with this, treatment with vodka is practiced. If a person is 100% sure that alcohol substitutes were the cause of the poisoning, then high-quality vodka (ethyl alcohol) will slow down the decomposition of methanol.

If alcohol consumption is unavoidable, then it is necessary to monitor the quality of the alcohol consumed. It should be remembered that poisoning with "singed" drinks or household chemicals is several times worse than usual.

How to help an intoxicated person?

If a person has gone too far with alcohol, then first of all, you need to stop drinking alcohol. The poisoned person must be urgently brought to consciousness and taken out into the fresh air. It is advisable to make a draft and unbutton your clothes.

Nausea in a drunk should appear some time after an alcohol overdose. How to get rid of nausea? Induce vomiting by gastric lavage. It is not worth stopping vomit, as this will slow down the process of intoxication.

You can put ice wrapped in a rag on your head. This will help relieve alcoholic excitement, the nausea after that should go away. However, do not overdo it, as hypothermia can lead to other consequences. How to get rid of it? The patient should be given warm strong tea to drink. It will both warm the body and prevent dehydration.

If a person periodically falls into an alcoholic coma, then you need to keep him awake by giving him ammonia to smell (vinegar, horseradish, mustard or hot spices are suitable instead). During these procedures, it is strongly recommended to call an ambulance, because it is very difficult to keep a person conscious when he falls into an alcoholic coma.

Along with intoxication, a person may stop breathing if his cardiac activity is impaired. In this case, it is necessary to do resuscitation methods, including chest compressions and artificial respiration.

How to stop vomiting after alcohol poisoning?

Stop vomiting at home only if food or alcohol remains are visible in the masses. In this case, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage on the same day. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing difficult in this - drink a lot of water and that's it. However, doctors advise to adhere to some recommendations:

As soon as the gag reflex ends, treatment must be continued. The patient needs to sleep more, not eat for at least 2 hours, and drink water in small doses. The next morning after drinking alcohol, you do not need to "nag" the patient. The physical condition will do it doubly.

  • Alcohol for diseases
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Consequences of use
  • Figure and beauty

The craze for alcoholic beverages has ruined hundreds of human lives. Artists who died of alcoholism are a vivid confirmation of this.

Childhood alcoholism is one of the most acute problems in the vastness of our country. Acquaintance with spirits very often begins in early adolescence, in most cases it occurs in the company of peers, but it can also occur in the family.

Why don't you remember anything after drinking. People often ask themselves such a question after an active feast. The question is often sounded with irony, but in fact there is little funny here.

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Alcohol for the human body is a poison that can have a harmful, painful and in some cases even fatal effect. The term "alcohol intoxication" is appropriate in the case when the ppm of alcohol in the blood significantly exceeds the figure of 0.4.

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication

If the amount of alcohol in the blood fluctuates around 1.5 ppm, then this condition is called the initial stage of alcohol intoxication. This stage is fraught with pain. When the indicators per thousand are reached in 2-3, the middle stage of alcohol intoxication begins, and all values \u200b\u200babove the indicated numbers indicate a severe stage of the condition in question.

Naturally, it is impossible to accurately determine ppm at home, therefore, the presence / absence of certain symptoms is used to differentiate the stages of alcohol intoxication. For the first and second (mild and medium) stages of alcohol intoxication, the following symptoms will be characteristic:

The above symptoms correspond to the first and second stages of alcohol intoxication, harm to the body will be rendered, but still fixable. The second stage of the condition under consideration can end with alcohol anesthesia or go into the third (severe) stage, which has some characteristic features. For the third stage of alcohol intoxication, the following will become characteristic:

  • complete loss of control over your body - both walking and just sitting are quite difficult;
  • cold and sticky skin;
  • lack of intelligible speech.

Important! The onset of the third stage of alcohol intoxication is fraught with serious consequences, including alcohol coma and human death. The first two stages of the phenomenon under consideration can be fully compensated for at home, but if a person has symptoms of severe intoxication, then an ambulance team must be called. Before the arrival of the doctor, a sick person should be wrapped in a blanket, and if he is conscious, then induce vomiting in him.

How to remove alcohol intoxication

It is worth knowing that there are a number of measures that will prevent alcohol intoxication. If a feast is planned, then in order to avoid the development of the condition in question, you need to prepare the body:

  • immediately before the feast, take several tablets of activated carbon (3-5) and continue to take them as you consume alcoholic beverages (for example, 2-3 tablets every hour and a half);
  • before the start of the holiday, eat a plate of thick porridge from any cereal;
  • drink a glass of whole milk before drinking.

These methods will not save the body from the negative effects of alcohol, but they will minimize the consequences..

To reduce the effects of alcohol intoxication of the first and second stages, doctors recommend drinking a lot of water, but you should not get carried away with brine - it contains acid, which creates only short-term compounds with ethanol, which automatically complicates the removal of toxins from the body. A great way to quickly restore health after drinking alcohol is to drink, which not only neutralizes the effect of acetaldehydes, but also has an analgesic effect.

Note: vomiting with alcohol intoxication is great! In no case should you restrain vomiting, since it is in this way that the stomach is freed from excess alcohol, which will invariably lead to relief of alcohol intoxication.

In the first and second stages, the best method of dealing with alcohol intoxication will be vomiting and subsequent sleep. But if in the second stage of the state in question a person fell into alcoholic anesthesia, then vomiting should in no case be induced! It is necessary to constantly be near the sick person in order to prevent the ingress of vomit into the respiratory tract with involuntary vomiting.

If alcohol intoxication occurs in a mild or medium stage, then you can independently force the natural processes of alcohol withdrawal from the body:

  1. Take a moderately contrast shower - the water should be cool, but not ice cold. The procedure is carried out within 5-10 minutes, but if the condition does not allow taking such a shower, then you need to at least rub the body with a damp towel.
  2. Take pain relievers to relieve headaches, but in their composition there should be no paracetamol.
  3. No later than 2 hours after the onset of symptoms of alcohol intoxication, take Filtrum or Polysorb - enterosorbents will reduce the negative effect of alcohol on the body, will contribute to the early removal of toxins from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. After getting rid of the acute symptoms of alcohol intoxication, it will be useful to consume chicken or beef broth.
  5. To sleep peacefully, you can take or motherwort tablets.

Treatment of alcohol intoxication

We recommend reading:

Treatment will be needed in case of a severe stage of alcohol intoxication and, first of all, it will be necessary to prevent further absorption of alcohol into the blood. For this purpose, a person with severe alcohol intoxication is given 10 tablets to drink, and then the stomach is washed. Such a procedure can be carried out by introducing a large amount of warm water into the patient's stomach, after which a gag reflex is caused by mechanical irritation of the tongue root. At the same time, doctors are taking measures to prevent the development of collapse, for which cordiamine or caffeine is injected intramuscularly.

The most effective treatment for severe alcohol intoxication is the rapid sobering method. First, the patient is injected intramuscularly with vitamin B6 and literally in 5-10 minutes he begins to think much better, a kind of enlightenment of the mind sets in. At this moment, the patient is given a drink "Cocktail" of corazole, phenamine and nicotinic acid, diluted in 100 ml of warm water... After 10-20 minutes, the patient's condition is normalized, thinking is actively clearing up, behavior is within the framework of the norm, emotional inhibition disappears.

note: phenamine is not sold in pharmacies, so it is impossible to make such a cocktail at home. This method of quick sobering is used only in hospitals.

To reduce the concentration of alcohol in the blood, doctors use:

  • 1 ml of 1% solution of nicotinic acid;
  • 20 ml of 40% glucose solution;
  • 10 ml of 5% solution of ascorbic acid.

Droppers for alcohol intoxication

If a person is diagnosed with a severe stage of alcohol intoxication, then irreparable harm can be caused to his body. In this case, doctors must prescribe to the patient a dropper with a complex of drugs that can prevent the development of severe pathological processes against the background of alcohol poisoning.