How to make different candies. Homemade chocolates

14.04.2019 Fish dishes

DIY sweets at home: recipes and photos

Chocolate ... so much in this word! Each of us has a favorite taste, familiar from childhood or found already in adulthood. And who will not be "hooked" by advertising with pouring liters of sweets, a fountain or fondue with liquid glaze? All this is very easy to prepare on your own, causing the surprise of guests at a family celebration, the joy of the birthday person from such a gift, or simply by creating little holiday for yourself.

Belgian chocolate

Historically, sweets appeared in Belgium, in the 19th century - in 1839. Then the pastry chef Stolwerk began to make together the tiles of the form adopted by that time from local, Hanseatic gingerbread. Basically, the word candy means a shaped small tile.
In the same Belgium, in 1912, confectioner Jean Neuhaus, who founded the confectionery brand Neuhaus, saw an opportunity to make a body filled with candy.

The first such sweets were filled with "praline" - a mixture with a base in the form of nuts, as well as cocoa, powdered sugar and milk powder. They were made by hand. In 1915, the process of starting treats was mechanized. Also, Neihauz's wife a few years later invented a rectangular box "ballotin", in which most of the gift delicacies are now sold.

Recipes for chocolate sweets with cocoa - photo

Everyone loves sweets, but everyone prefers different types delicacies. Of course, chocolates, cakes, cookies and muffins come to mind first. Sweets can be healthy, homemade!

To cook deliciously and interestingly, you don't need to have a lot of gadgets, cutting-edge kitchen gadgets or expensive dishes. Unusual duck it will be successfully baked in apples on an ordinary baking sheet in foil, exquisite coffee with syrup can be prepared in an inexpensive but beautiful turkey, and a bouquet of sweets requires only sleight of hand.


The prepared filling (fondant, giliazh, praline, etc.) is placed in silicone forms... The sweets are then glazed, usually poured over with hot cocoa glaze. Those that are made by hand, on the contrary, are dipped in the glaze.

The hardest filling is roasted nuts. It is made from sugar and roasted chopped nuts. This is one of expensive varieties, in the Soviet Union they were considered elite, but they are easy to make on your own.

Please note that there should not be large sugar crystals in the roasted nuts - if so, then the roasted stuffing was done carelessly, the technology was violated.

Chocolate balls

Homemade sweets compare favorably with factory-made sweets in the complete absence of chemicals. Paradoxically, the more expensive the delicacies prepared at the factory are, the more natural their ingredients are. We pay factories less to produce sweets in more and could wait for their consumer. But we are ready to pay more for naturalness.

However, believe me, all this is easy to do at home!

So, the ingredients for your first masterpieces:
Vanilla crackers - 300 g;
Milk - 250 g;
Butter - 200 g;
Sugar - 250 g;

This is the basis not only for this recipe, but also for any desserts.

We add cocoa - 100 g, so that sweets are exactly with cocoa beans (or you can leave it as it is - it will be “ white glaze", Or add glucose balls instead of cocoa to the sprinkling);
Walnuts - 100 g;
Powdered sugar - 50 g - for sprinkling.

This dessert will be similar to the mini-cake "Potato", familiar and loved by everyone since childhood.

Get them out of the fridge in advance butter.
Heat the milk in a saucepan until hot. Stir cocoa and sugar, then place in a saucepan with milk and cook until sugar dissolves.
Crumble the crackers with a mortar or meat grinder. Put the prepared crumbs in a container with milk, cocoa and sugar, stir.

During this time, crumble (grind into food processor) walnuts.
Combine walnuts, icing sugar, and cocoa leftovers for sprinkling on future candies.
Now add butter to the main mass for sweets (you can warm it up a little in the microwave, stir the mass in a container until it becomes homogeneous).
Mold balls and roll them in a mixture of nuts, powder and cocoa.

Here's the treat and you're almost done! It remains to hold the balls for about an hour in the refrigerator or half an hour in the freezer.

Chocolates Hedgehogs - joy in the house

This is a super healthy treat! Fruits and dried fruits do not cause much enthusiasm for many, but what do you say if you are offered an unusual and healthy treat?

The main composition of "Hedgehogs" is what, as we know from children's books, hedgehogs love: fruits.
Dried apricots -100 g;
Raisins - 100 g;
Dried figs - 100 g;
Lemon - 2 pcs.

Add some nuts with honey:
Walnuts - 100 g;
Sweet almonds - 100 g - one kind of nuts is possible;
Honey - the same as all the previous ingredients by weight.

For sprinkling:
Cocoa powder - 100 g or Powdered sugar - 100 g, or glucose colored balls for sprinkling.

You can adjust the proportions by changing the weight of the ingredients.
Grind the first 4 ingredients and nuts in a meat grinder. Add to them in a 1: 1 ratio (the same amount) of honey - preferably sugared, not flowing. You need the consistency of a good sticky dough.
Now roll balls out of it, roll them in powder, cocoa or balls. These treats need drying out. They should stand for about 3-4 hours in the room, then for about an hour in the refrigerator.

"Surprise" almond chocolates - to make at home

The ingredients are similar to our first recipe, the only difference is the absence of rusks.

Butter - 100 g;
Powdered sugar - ½ cup;
Cocoa powder - 100 g;
Almonds - 50 g, (You can use raisins instead of almonds).

Heat and melt the butter in a saucepan until hot. Stir cocoa and sugar, then place in a saucepan with butter and cook until sugar dissolves.
Refrigerate at room temperature for half an hour.

Almond time! Sculpt balls from the cooled mass, putting a nut or raisin in the core of each.

The real yummy with a surprise is almost ready! It remains to hold the delicacy for about an hour in the refrigerator or half an hour in the freezer.

Chocolate-covered almonds are a favorite and unforgettable delicacy

Want to make your own glazed nuts? Tired of looking favorite delicacy in the shops? Now you don't have to pay big money for sweets, make it yourself and remember the taste you loved since childhood! It is simple and fast, but in this recipe purchased tile is required. However, you can make your own frosting using the recipe above.

200 g of almonds;

Baking paper.

cocoa - 4 tablespoons;

Preheat oven to 100 ° C.
Dry the almonds on a baking sheet in a preheated oven for about half an hour.

Now dip the almonds in the liquid, nut by nut, then roll in the cocoa.

Raisins in chocolate, DIY sea stones

Such a familiar children's delicacy - sea pebbles! It's multicolored icing... It can also be made in a glaze of liquid cocoa with sugar.
200 g raisins;
100g tile (to melt; choose your own flavor - milky, bitter, white).

For "Sea Pebbles" you just need sugar (although raisins in a glaze made from melted white tiles with food coloring may deserve this name).

Baking paper;
For sprinkling - desirable, but not necessary;
cocoa - 4 tablespoons;
powdered sugar - 1 tablespoon.

Preheat oven to 100 ° C.
Dry the raisins on a baking sheet in a preheated oven for about 15 minutes.
Melt the hotplate in a saucepan or "water bath". It is important not to stir it at this time!
Pour cocoa onto baking paper.
Now dip the raisins in liquid, then roll in cocoa.
Shake the finished candies in a sieve to remove excess cocoa powder. Leave to dry.
Sprinkled with powdered sugar, you can spread it on the table for guests.

For Sea Pebbles, melt sugar or white bar in a saucepan, add to it food coloring (in the ratio written on the packaging of the product you purchased). Do not roll in cocoa or powder.

DIY sweets with condensed milk

Delight - condensed milk with chocolate! We connect the two on our own best goodies in the world!
You will need:
Bank of boiled condensed milk with cocoa;
A can of boiled condensed milk plus three large (heaped tablespoons) spoons of cocoa;
walnuts - 1 glass, crumble in a mortar or meat grinder;
2 tablespoons flour or crumbled bread crumbs:
foil or parchment (thick);
Berries from jam to taste - in quantity to taste.

According to this recipe, you must first cook condensed milk. But since, on average, 10% of Russians have a negative experience with condensed milk explosion, we advise you never to do this! Why wash the wallpaper and curtains when you can just buy boiled condensed milk?
So, add crumbled nuts (and cocoa, if condensed milk was ordinary) to a can of boiled condensed milk. Stir.
Sprinkle appropriately sized foil or parchment (about a leaf on an oven baking sheet) with flour or breadcrumbs. Gain a mass of condensed milk with nuts with a teaspoon or an ice cream spoon in the form of balls, it is better if it is moistened with water. You will have to spread it on foil or parchment with the help of a second spoon (otherwise you will have to shake it off, otherwise the shape will change).
Put the condensed milk balls on the sheet. There should be a distance of about 2 cm between them. Put a jam berry or a raisin on each ball-flat cake.

Drying at room temperature is not enough for these sweets - you need to dry them directly on foil or parchment in a preheated oven for about 15 minutes at a temperature of 100. After removing them from the oven, let the sweets cool down, so remove (knock out) with a knife or spoon from the baking sheet.

Coconut and Nut Treats Recipe

it unusual recipe dessert in the form of tartlets with glaze and coconut chips.

You need
blanks of tartlets - 30 pcs;
2 tablespoons of hazelnuts and peanuts, or any other nuts to taste
3 tablespoons sour cream;
2 tablespoons of cocoa;
2 tablespoons of sugar;
40 g butter.

It is important to take the volume of tablespoons without a slide.
To diversify the recipe, you can take cashews, walnuts and pistachios: the choice of peanuts and hazelnuts is due to their relative prevalence and the fact that they are not expensive, as well as the fact that they are most often taken for confectionery.

Roast the nuts with husks (hazelnuts, peanuts) over medium heat without vegetable oil until the husks are gone. The tartlets will taste better with roasted nuts. You can just buy roasted nuts.

DIY chocolate

We continue to make tartlets using the universal method of making icing. Of course, there are recipes with factory glaze made from melted tiles, condensed milk or milk. But we will take a standard recipe with what every housewife always has in the kitchen. We will cook in a large cezve or steel ladle.

We put the container on the minimum fire. Pour out the ingredients, stir the contents until smooth. The mass will not boil, but after the start of "gurgling", you must immediately remove it from the heat. The glaze is ready. This glaze can be used for glazed almonds, sponge cake, and biscuits.

In our case, let the mass cool down a little - it is important not to miss the moment of solidification! At this time, we place the purchased (or pre-baked) tartlets on a wide plate. Now we put our nuts on the tartlets. Moreover, if the nuts are larger (hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios), then one nut is enough for a tartlet, small ones - 3-4 each (pine nuts, peanuts).

Fill the tartlets with the nuts with cooled glaze. Try to wait and not to overexpose the chilled icing in consistency, when it "slides" out of the nozzle of a ladle or cezve in large drops. Then it will not moisturize the tartlet too much, the latter will not soften. Try one of them and, if all is well, work with the rest.

Now you can start eating coconut chips. With a pinch or teaspoon, sprinkle it on top of the tartlets, over the chocolate icing.

The candies are ready after the frosting has conditionally hardened (becomes shiny and almost hard) on the tartlets. This will happen in 10-15 minutes, it may take a little longer.

We have prepared a photo of tartlets according to this recipe - as you can see, your work will not be in vain, and sweets homework will not be inferior either in taste or beauty to sweets from the store.

Diy chocolate prunes

Do you want to make your own prunes in glaze, tired of looking for your favorite delicacy in stores? Now you don't have to pay a lot of money for sweets, make it yourself and remember the taste loved by many since childhood! Today it is very exquisite delicacy for adults It's quick and easy, but this recipe requires a store-bought tile. However, you can make it yourself using the recipe above.

200 g pitted prunes;
100 g tile (to melt; choose your own taste - milky, bitter, white);
Baking paper;
For sprinkling - desirable, but not necessary:
cocoa - 4 tablespoons;
powdered sugar - 1 tablespoon.

Preheat oven to 100 ° C.
Dry the prunes on a baking sheet in a preheated oven for about half an hour.
Melt the hotplate in a saucepan or "water bath". It is important not to stir it at this time!
Pour cocoa onto baking paper.
Now dip the prunes in the glaze, berry by berry, then roll in cocoa.
Shake the finished sweets in a sieve to remove excess cocoa powder. Leave to dry
Sprinkled with powdered sugar, you can spread it on the table for guests.

Glazed prunes at home

Alternatively, melt the sugar or white chocolate in a saucepan, add food coloring to it (in the ratio written on the packaging of the product you purchased). Dip prunes in such glaze and do not roll in cocoa or powder. Leave to dry.

Sweet walnuts at home by yourself

Walnuts in glaze - it's simple and quick, but in this recipe you need to purchase tiles. However, you can make it yourself using the recipe above. In addition, any liquid pouring sweetness can be used to taste.

200 g of walnuts;
100 g tile (to melt; choose your own taste - milky, bitter, white);
Baking paper;
For sprinkling - it is possible, but not necessary:
cocoa - 4 tablespoons;
powdered sugar - 1 tablespoon.

Preheat oven to 100 ° C.
Dry the walnuts on a baking sheet in a preheated oven for about half an hour.
Melt the hotplate in a saucepan or "water bath". It is important not to stir it at this time!
Pour cocoa onto baking paper.
Now dip nut after nut in chocolate, then roll in cocoa.
Shake the finished candies in a sieve to remove excess cocoa powder. Leave to dry.
Sprinkled with powdered sugar, you can spread it on the table for guests.

Sweets "Grill in chocolate"

Our grandmothers, who were so fond of the scarce roasted nuts in chocolate, possessed a secret ingredient recipe for its preparation ... if you cannot find out this recipe from your grandma right now, read ours and follow our advice.
The ingredients of the treats:
250 g of walnuts;
10 g butter;
250 g granulated sugar.

Melt sugar and butter in an aluminum or steel bowl, add walnuts and butter, crumbled in a mortar or mixer. Stir the mixture. Now put the future sweets on a sheet of parchment or baking paper, or simply on a baking sheet anointed with butter or vegetable oil... Use a rolling pin to make it about half a centimeter thick and cut into pieces.

For glaze, you can melt the tiles in a saucepan or in a water bath, or you can prepare the glaze yourself.

3 tbsp sour cream;
2 cocoa;
2 sugars;
40 g butter.

It is important to take the volume of tablespoons without a slide. Of course, there are recipes with factory tiles, condensed milk or milk. But we will take a standard recipe with what every housewife always has in the kitchen. We will cook in a large cezve or steel ladle.

We put the container on the minimum fire. Pour out the ingredients, stir the contents until smooth. The mass will not boil, but after the start of "gurgling", you must immediately remove it from the heat. The glaze is ready. This icing can be used for chocolate-covered almonds, for pouring a biscuit, and for icing cookies.

Pour the glaze over the finished roasted nuts and let cool for an hour.

Gift set

Any kind of sweets can be gifted - especially if they are made by yourself. Pick up a craft gift box, tie it with a straw ribbon: this way you will emphasize the naturalness and usefulness of the treat. You can wrap each sweetness in corrugated or golden paper, thin foil, and tie it with thin braid. Inside for beauty, put sesal, artificial grass for floristry, etc.

It is customary to serve in a vase or on a wide platter. It can also be decorated by placing the candies in corrugated or golden paper sockets.

What is the advantage of homemade sweets?

Perhaps someone will tell you the cost. But in fact, when comparing the price of ingredients and a purchased treat, it is clear that the benefit is not always great.

But then you know exactly what is inside! And you can easily cook healthy treats.

And here you can see a selection interesting recipes sweets at home.

Homemade sweets - general principles of preparation

It's actually very easy to make homemade candy. The ingredients are crushed, blended and shaped into the desired size and shape. In some recipes, it is required to boil the glaze, beat the cream, and fry the nuts. Which is also not difficult.

Which products are mainly used:

Chocolate, cocoa;

Dried fruits and nuts;

Honey, sugar;

Cookies, waffles;

Coconut flakes;

Dairy products;

Dried fruit sweets are the healthiest and do not harm the figure. Well, of course, if you use it within reasonable limits. And chocolate sweets with cookies, waffles and other sweets are very tasty. But, if you compare with factory counterparts, then they can also be considered extremely useful.

Recipe for homemade sweets from dried fruits

A variant of the most useful and simple recipe for sweets at home, with which you can quench your sweet passion. Sour dried apricots. If you want to get more sweet tastethen you can take more prunes or add some raisins.


2 cups dried apricots;

1 cup prunes

1 glass of walnuts;

80 grams of chocolate;

30 grams of oil;

2-4 tablespoons of honey.


1. All dried fruits must be well washed and dried. You can put on napkins and leave for a while.

2. Dry the nuts in a skillet, then chop. The size of the pieces to your taste. Can be ground into powder.

3. We pass dried fruits through a meat grinder, add nuts to them and adjust the consistency with honey. You should get a thick mass.

4. We sculpt balls the size of a quail's egg.

5. Chop the chocolate, melt it with the addition of butter.

6. And pour the glaze over the sweets. You can cover it completely, but this will require more chocolate.

7. We store the homemade delicacy in the refrigerator, they will lie quietly for 3-4 days.

Recipe for sweets at home "Squirrel"

Homemade analogue of the popular "Squirrel" sweets. The treat is prepared with walnuts, but you can experiment and take any others. It is delicious with the addition of a small amount of roasted sesame seeds. You will also need wafer hemispheres, which can be purchased at a pastry chef store. Although you can always make the mass thicker and just roll the balls.


100 ml cream;

1 cup walnuts

200 grams of butter;

100 grams of chocolate;

1 cup of sugar;

40 grams of wafer hemispheres.


1. Leave the butter warm for an hour, then beat until fluffy with sugar. You can use powder to speed up the process.

2. Add half of the roasted and grated kernels.

3. Put the pieces of chocolate in a bowl, add cream and heat in a water bath.

4. Mix chocolate with cream, set aside a third. The rest of the mass is filled with hemispheres or just balls with katam. But in this case, part of the cream can not be put off.

5. If hemispheres were used, then coat them with the remains of the cream.

6. Roll the sweets in the pending nuts and remove to harden in a cool place.

Homemade candy recipe from cookies

A budget option recipe for sweets at home. The sweetness is reminiscent of the popular Potato cake and is prepared according to a similar principle. We take any crumbly, not soft cookies.


0.5 kg of cookies;

30 grams of coconut flakes;

0.2 kg of nuts;

20 pieces of dried apricots;

Near a can of condensed milk.


1. Grind cookies and nuts in any convenient way. Can be in a food processor or through a meat grinder.

2. Add condensed milk. At this stage, do not rush, pour in a little, mix thoroughly. The thickness of the condensed milk and the moisture content of the cookies are different for everyone, it is important not to pour in too much. But if this happened, then we add more nuts or cookies.

3. Wash dried apricots, dry them. Any other filler can be used instead. For example, prunes, raisins, pieces of marmalade, marshmallows.

4. Take a piece of the resulting mass, make a hole, put the filling (in our case dried apricots) and close the ball.

5. Roll sweet ball in coconut flakes and you can drink tea! But it is better to let the sweets lie in the refrigerator for a while.

Recipe for homemade sweets from the Shock-Shock milk mixture

For this homemade candy recipe, you need a mixture for baby food type "Baby". A wonderful use of excess food.


200 grams of the mixture;

200 grams of powder;

Pack of oil;

100 grams of cocoa.


1. Soft butter beat with powder. The mass should turn out to be homogeneous, white, you can not beat until fluffy foam.

2. Put the milk mixture, which must be sieved.

3. We also add sifted cocoa, mix everything and make sweets.

4. We issue at our discretion. But since this is a shock shock, it can be rolled in cocoa or grated chocolate.

Recipe for homemade sweets "Trufeldino"

The recipe for very interesting truffle sweets at home. They will require powdered milk... But you can also use infant formula, as in the previous recipe.


4.5 cups of powdered milk (or mixture);

2 cups sugar

4 spoons of cocoa;

¾ a glass of liquid milk;

60 grams of oil;

Coconut flakes.


1. Combine cocoa with sugar and liquid milk, add butter and place on the stove.

2. Cook the mass until all the grains are dissolved.

3. Introduce milk powder or infant formula. But not all. Half the glass will stay exactly. We adjust the density, the mass should be made for sculpting. As soon as it becomes difficult to stir with a spoon, stop adding milk.

4. Cool for 15 minutes in the refrigerator.

5. We make sweets in the form of truffles. To make the process easier, we wet our hands cold water.

6. Roll the products in the rest of the mixture and put them in the refrigerator so that they "grab".

The recipe for sweets at home "Rafaello"

But this recipe will certainly help you save money, since real Rafaello sweets are not cheap. From this number of products, about 16 pieces will be obtained. Simplified recipe. If you want to make a treat that is as close as possible to the original, then see below.


16 pieces of almonds;

200 grams of condensed milk;

25 grams of oil;

150 grams of shavings;


1. We immediately set aside a third of the shavings for boning ready-made sweets, and send the rest to a bowl.

2. Add melted butter, then condensed milk. Mix intensively. At first, the mass will be a little liquid, but then the chips will swell.

3. Pour boiling water over the almonds and remove the skin after five minutes. Dry the nuts in a skillet.

4. We sculpt Rafaello with a nut inside, roll in the deferred shavings.

The recipe for sweets at home "Rafaello" No. 2 (similar to the real ones)

To make almost real Rafaello sweets, you need mascarpone cheese and waffle hemispheres.


150 grams of mascarpone;

100 grams of shavings;

150 grams of chocolate (white);

50 ml cream (at least 20% fat);

50 grams of almonds;

100 grams of condensed milk;

40-50 wafer spheres.


1. Combine mascarpone with condensed milk, beat with a mixer for five minutes. The mass should become airy.

2. Melt a third of the chocolate in a water bath with 1 tablespoon of cream. Pour into cream, stir. Put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

3. Fill candy hemispheres with chilled cream, stick in almonds and join together.

4. Now you need to melt the remaining chocolate and cream.

5. Carefully dip the balls in chocolate, roll in coconut flakes and immediately wrap in foil.

6. Immediately send to the freezer so that the waffle sphere does not have time to turn sour. In an hour the Rafaellki will be ready.

Homemade muesli candy recipe

Another option useful sweets, which are easily and quickly made at home. Cinnamon is added for flavor, but it can always be eliminated. These sweets do not last long as they contain fresh carrots.


20 grams of sunflower seeds;

1 spoon of honey;

¼ h. L. cinnamon;

50 grams of carrots;

40 grams of prunes;

40 grams of oil;

40 grams of raisins;

100 grams oatmeal for cooking without boiling.


1. Finely rub the carrots.

2. Add chopped prunes and raisin halves.

3. Add oil. You can melt butter or add vegetable oil to this recipe.

4. Put seeds, flakes, honey and mix.

5. Leave the mass for the flakes to swell, then form balls and you're done! They can be rolled in sesame seeds, poppy seeds, or coconut flakes.

In any recipe for homemade sweets, you can replace milk powder with a formula for baby food and vice versa. In terms of moisture content, these ingredients are practically the same; they do not require any changes in the recipe.

How many candies will you make? Just add up the amount of ingredients. If too much comes out, then you can always cook half or a small part, proportionally dividing the products.

There are a lot of candy recipes. And most of them are made up of the same ingredients with minor modifications. And if you have already decided to stain the meat grinder with nuts, the mixer with butter, and the bowl with chocolate, then cook several types of sweets at once, you can just a little. And then sweet table get rich and varied.

All lovers of chocolates will find it useful simple recipes making chocolates at home, making chocolates is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, the indisputable advantage of homemade sweets is not only the taste you want the sweets to contain, but also naturalness, because there are no extraneous additives in homemade sweets.
We offer you two recipes for making "Iziuminka" and "Moscow Holidays" chocolates.

Recipe number 1. Chocolates "Izuminka"

We invite you to make homemade sweets "Izuminka", which have a pronounced taste of chocolate and caramel flavor. There is a filling inside the sweets. The structure of the sweets is dense and tight. To prevent the candies from sticking together, it is advisable to use paper capsules when serving them.
The ingredients listed below are for 12 chocolates. Preparation takes 15-20 minutes. Moreover, on the last stage cooking sweets will be needed silicone moldshaving a smooth surface.

Taste Info New Year's recipes / Sweets

Ingredients for Izuminka chocolates:

  • 5 tablespoons of milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 7 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 5 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 1 teaspoon flour;
  • raisins (depending on the amount of sweets).

How to make Izuminka chocolates

1. We take a small saucepan, in which the preparation will begin chocolate mass... Pour sugar and cocoa into the dishes.

2. Then add milk to the data in a thin stream.

3. Mix the ingredients and put on the stove (small fire). We do not stop the mixing process.

4. We are waiting for the mass to boil. As soon as this process begins, add butter to the saucepan.

5. The turn has come to flour. We introduce it after the butter is completely melted. Bring to a boil.

6. Pour the ready-made chocolate mass for Izuminka sweets into silicone molds, but not completely.

7. Place the filling (washed and dried seedless raisins) in the center of each mold.

8. Fill the molds with the rest of the chocolate mass.

9. When the sweets are cool, put the molds in the freezer (ideally if at night).

10. "Izuminka" chocolates are ready to eat.

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Chocolates "Moscow Holidays"

Oh, how pleasant and romantic it is to have an evening tea party with your loved one! And if you supplement the meal with memories of a joint vacation and delicious chocolates, then great mood you are guaranteed. Homemade chocolates "Moscow Holidays" can be an excellent attribute to your favorite drink.
The composition of sweets includes dried apricots, which can be purchased on our markets without any problems. As you know, dried apricots are dried apricots. For our body, this dried fruit is just a godsend. Mineral substances (potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium), organic substances and pectins make it so valuable. By the way, in dried fruit benefits are much more than fresh fruits.

So, let's not torment ourselves with the anticipation of meeting amazing sweets, but let's prepare them, taking the following products:

  • 150 g dried apricots (dried apricots);
  • 50 g peeled peanuts;
  • a tablespoon natural honey;
  • dark chocolate bar (no additives);
  • a piece of butter;
  • confectionery colored decoration.
Stages of making sweets "Moscow Holidays":

1. Processing dried apricots is the first step in making sweets "Moscow Holidays". Fill dried fruit boiling water, soak them in water for a quarter of an hour.

2. Dry the dried apricots with a towel.

3. Using an excellent assistant in the kitchen - a blender, grind dried apricots.

4. A similar procedure is performed with peanuts.

5. Combine the processed ingredients in a bowl.

6. Stir the contents until smooth.

7. To make the taste of the sweets richer, add a spoonful of natural honey to the filling. Stir the mixture again.

8. We make future sweets from the filling. They should resemble pyramids in shape.

9. At the same time, etch the bitter chocolate together with a piece of butter.

10. Dip the finished pyramids in melted chocolate. Place the candies on a flat surface.

11. Until the chocolate is frozen, sprinkle the sides of the pyramids confectionery decoration.

12. The freezer is the last "haven" for our Moscow Holidays chocolates.

13. When the chocolate hardens, you can feast on sweets.

Candy - this is confectionerymade from sugar or chocolate. They can contain the most various fillings: jelly, creme brulee, liqueur, nuts, jam, fondant, condensed milk, dried fruits and many others.

As for the types of sweets, there are many of them and it is not even possible to list them simply. They are all quite affordable. By visiting the confectionery department, you can buy almost any kind of sweets. However, the dishonest attitude of manufacturers to their products prompts them to prepare such desserts on their own at home.

But how difficult is it to make candy with your own hands? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. Some sweets are quite simple to prepare, while others, on the contrary, require complex manipulations and an enormous investment of time and effort. So if you decide to make chocolates with your own hands at home, then, first of all, you need to study the features of the recipe for their creation. Only by assessing the complexity of a recipe, you can make a decision about the advisability of their preparation.

The advantage of making homemade candy is that you can avoid using harmful food additives, which abound in "factory" versions of your favorite dessert. Making candies with your own hands will be especially important for those who have children, as well as for allergy sufferers, because homemade candies are not as harmful as store-bought ones, and in most cases are even useful.

How to make candies with your own hands? The general technology for preparing such delicacies simply does not exist, because they are all individual. Each type of candy requires not only its own set of ingredients, but also its own specific procedures. However, still some general recommendations still exist.

So, for example, in the case of making chocolates, you need to be able to work correctly with the main ingredient - chocolate. Often recipes suggest melting it, not always specifying how to do it. Meanwhile, only properly melted chocolate will turn out tasty and attractive after solidification.

It is best to melt the chocolate in a water bath. It should be brought to a temperature of fifty degrees, no more. But the melted treat should be stored at a lower temperature of 28 to 32 degrees. For the purpose of melting, you can also use a microwave oven, but this must be done strictly according to the recommendation of the recipe, otherwise the chocolate can be overheated.

Chocolate that was too high temperatures, after curing it will be dull, in addition, a white bloom may appear on it. To achieve a shiny glossy surface on sweets, you can only use the above technology of melting chocolate.

When making chocolates with your own hands, it is also important to protect the molds for them and the melted chocolate itself from the slightest ingress of moisture, since it makes this sweet product crystallize.

As for the filling for homemade chocolates, it can be very diverse. The simplest and useful options - these are nuts and dried fruits. It is best to pre-fry the nuts as they are not so tasty when raw. But dried fruits must be washed out. drinking water and, keeping in mind the negative interaction of chocolate with moisture, dry thoroughly. The preparation of other filling options can be studied in the corresponding recipes.

A fairly popular variety of sweets among those with a sweet tooth is caramel. It can also be prepared at home. To do this, you just need to melt sugar (preferably brown cane sugar) in a thick-bottomed pan made of cast iron or aluminum to a liquid state. Then the resulting mass is poured into molds and left to solidify. it classic version cooking sugar caramel... You can prepare it in other ways with the addition of certain ingredients. However, this issue can also be studied in more detail in the corresponding step-by-step photo recipes on this site.

What kind of candies can you make at home?

Having thought of making sweets at home, as a rule, the question always arises - what kind of sweets can be made with your own hands. The answer is very simple. Anyone! There are thousands of recipes for the preparation of these delicacies. Among them are all kinds of jelly and chocolate candies, fudge, pralines, truffles, roasted nuts, a variety of bars, as well as caramel and candy. This list is far from exhaustive, as you can see by examining this section of the site and its step by step photos recipes for making sweets.

When you start making certain candies with your own hands, be sure to make sure that necessary ingredients... In the process of cooking, there will be no time to run to the store! And, of course, be sure to read all the instructions for the selected recipe photo. Then, soon, you will be able to please your household delicious treatscooked with your own hands.

Hello, my dear readers and blog guests! Hand-made sweets are a strong competitor to store sweets - any gourmet will confirm this fact. Homemade treats are favored not only by naturalness and freshness, but also by the wonderful opportunity to select ingredients in accordance with family preferences. And today I will share with you the secrets of making the most delicious and original delicacies!

How to make candy at home

Having cooked one of the dishes I offer at home, you will definitely not remain indifferent.

DIY "Bird's milk" sweets

A set of products:

  • Butter (100 grams)
  • Dark chocolate (1 tile)
  • Granulated sugar (to taste)
  • Gelatin (15 grams)
  • Fresh chicken proteins (4 pieces)

Cooking technique:

  1. Pour a spoonful of gelatin with 100 milliliters of boiled water (it should be room temperature). After waiting for swelling, place the composition on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. Now you need to thoroughly beat the whites with sugar (the amount of sand is regulated to taste). Introduce chilled portions gelatinous mass.
  3. Break the chocolate bar. Add butter and melt the sweet pieces in a water bath. If desired, you can cook home glaze - it will worthily replace a purchased dessert.
  4. Separate half of the chocolate mixture. Spread it on the bottom of a deep baking sheet lined with baking paper, and then immediately put the container in the refrigerator.
  5. When the chocolate hardens slightly, it's time to lay out a lush protein mass... On top of it, pour the remnants of the glaze, preheated to a warm state.
  6. Place the mold in the refrigerator and wait for the chocolate shell to harden completely.
  7. Next, the dessert is cut into pieces desired shape. Delicate soufflé go well with tea and coffee!

Waffle sweets at home

A set of products:

  • Dry infant formula like "Baby" (1 glass)
  • Coconut flakes or cocoa powder (for sprinkling)
  • Butter (80-100 grams)
  • Waffles with any filling (200 grams)

Cooking technique:

  1. Divide the waffles into layers. Carefully remove the filling: it must be combined with softened butter.
  2. Sprinkle the infant formula in small portions - as a result, you should get a thick, dense mass. Roll balls of the same size.
  3. Crumble the "emptied" waffles, and use the resulting crumb for breading sweet rounds.
  4. Finally, the sweets can be rolled in coconut flakes or sprinkle generously with cocoa - be guided by personal taste!

How to make candy "Lady" at home

A set of products:

  • Citric acid - you can take freshly squeezed juice (half a teaspoon)
  • Milk (1 glass)
  • Honey (45 grams)
  • Butter (a couple of tablespoons)
  • Granulated sugar (one and a half to two glasses)

Cooking technique:

  1. Boil the milk in a small saucepan.
  2. Enter 25-30 grams of butter. Add sugar at the same time.
  3. Stir the mixture thoroughly and let it boil again.
  4. Continue to cook the sweet mass until thick. Then stir in the lemon juice and honey.
  5. After 35-40 minutes, the saucepan can be set aside from the heat. Distribute the candy base into the tins (a container for a regular or figured ice).
  6. Remove the mold in the cold until it solidifies completely. When tasting the homemade "Lady", you will certainly be amazed at the delicate texture and amazing taste of the delicacy!

Diet Pumpkin Candy

A set of products:

  • Pumpkin puree (1 glass)
  • Ground cinnamon (half teaspoon)
  • Powdered ginger (on the tip of a knife)
  • Butter (50 grams)
  • Ground nuts (half a glass)
  • Granulated sugar (200 grams)
  • Salt (quarter teaspoon)
  • Cocoa powder (15 grams)
  • Milk (200 milliliters)
  • Vanilla sugar (1 teaspoon)

Cooking technique:

  1. For mashed potatoes, cut the pumpkin into slices, bake in the oven until softened and grind thoroughly with a blender.
  2. Place the vegetable mass in a saucepan, accompanied by sugar and vanilla. Season with salt and milk. After mixing, send the composition to the stove and boil over high heat until boiling.
  3. Now reduce heat to low and let simmer for another forty minutes. From the beginning of caramelization, the mixture must be stirred continuously, otherwise it will burn.
  4. Ultimately, the mass will begin to resemble marmalade and will begin to easily separate from the bottom of the container - it's time to remove it from the stove.
  5. Add a couple of tablespoons of butter and a small portion of chopped nuts. Toss in the aromatic herbs like cinnamon and ginger for flavoring.
  6. Place the mixture into a bowl. Cool and store in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  7. Combine the remaining nuts with cocoa powder and use for breading: separate the candy mixture with a teaspoon, roll into balls and roll liberally. Keep dessert rounds in the cold.

How to make lollipops at home

A set of products:

  • Diluted Citric Acid (1/2 teaspoon)
  • Granulated sugar (250 grams)
  • Water (half a glass)
  • Fruit juice (1 tablespoon)
  • Powdered sugar (in a large number)
  • Food coloring of any shade

Cooking technique:

  • Heat the sugar and water in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. After the syrup has boiled a little, drop a little liquid directly into the saucer with cold water - when it begins to thicken, the dishes can be removed from the heat.
  • Stir in any flavor of your choice - it can be fruity / berry juice, milk, cocoa or coffee.
  • Add food coloring and citric aciddissolved in hot water 1: 1. Stir well.
  • Smooth the icing sugar on a baking sheet - there should be a lot of it.
  • Now take any rounded object of a suitable diameter (it will fit the size of the candy). Press on the sweet powder to get a crisp impression. Make grooves in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Place the sticks under the lollipops and pour the syrup over the holes.
  • Expect sweets to harden. In the future, so that the candies do not stick together, you can generously sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

Drunken candy for adults

A set of products:

  • Light rum (2 tablespoons)
  • Butter (50 grams)
  • Almonds (half a cup)
  • Cherry liqueur (20 milliliters)
  • Chicken egg (1 whole + 1 protein)
  • Dark chocolate (150 grams)
  • Powdered sugar (half a glass)
  • Milk chocolate (20 grams)

Cooking technique:

  1. Boil and peel an egg. Beat the butter until it turns white; then combine with boiled yolk and grind until smooth.
  2. Add a tablespoon each of alcohol different varieties... Liquor can be any, but cherry is still preferable.
  3. The dark chocolate must be melted in a water bath (set aside a few cubes to make marzipan). Then he also joins the composition.
  4. After thorough stirring, the filling is sent to the refrigerator for the next hour.
  5. Meanwhile, peel and crush the nuts to a state small crumbs (To easily remove the husk from the almonds, steam it with boiling water for 5 minutes). Pieces of dark chocolate also need to be crumbled on a grater.
  6. Introduce leftover rum, sweet powder and crude protein... Stir the mass with a mixer or blender for three minutes, then refrigerate for an hour.
  7. After cooling from almond marzipan it is necessary to make a neat "sausage" (be sure to spread it on the tabletop baking paper).
  8. Cut the workpiece into equal parts and roll the round pieces. Turn them into tortillas, then spread the filling and hold the edges together to form sweet balls with filling.
  9. Tweak milk chocolate grated and roll the candies one by one. The treat is ready to serve!

How to make strawberry curd candies at home

A set of products:

  • Cottage cheese (250 grams)
  • Fresh or frozen strawberries (1 cup)
  • Sweet coconut flakes (a couple of tablespoons)
  • Butter (30 grams)
  • Breadcrumbs (for sprinkling)
  • Chicken egg (1 piece)
  • Granulated sugar (75 grams)
  • Flour (1 incomplete glass)

Cooking technique:

  1. Beat the egg with granulated sugar. Add cottage cheese and butter while still beating.
  2. Add flour and knead curd dough.
  3. Divide the base into small pieces - form cakes from them.
  4. Plant one strawberry for each piece. Roll the rounds, sprinkling flour on your hands for convenience.
  5. Now the "koloboks" need to be immersed in boiling water so that the curd "grabs". Hold them on the stove for three minutes after surfacing.
  6. Remove the balls with a slotted spoon. Bread each candy in a mixture of rusks and coconut flakes.

Toffee on sour cream with your own hands

A set of products:

  • Honey (half a glass)
  • Granulated sugar (1.5 cups)
  • Softened butter (100 grams)
  • Sour cream (one and a half glasses)

Cooking technique:

  1. Mix sugar with honey and set to medium fire... Wait for a boil, stirring the ingredients continuously.
  2. When the mixture has acquired a nice amber hue, remove the dishes from the stove.
  3. In a separate container, bring the sour cream to a temperature of 80 degrees. Then add to the sugar-honey mass.
  4. Add soft butter. After mixing thoroughly, return the composition to low heat and simmer for several minutes with constant stirring.
  5. You can test the readiness like this: scoop part of the sweet mixture with a spoon, put it on a plate and wait a little - soon the toffee should harden. More honey or sugar can be added as needed.
  6. Take baking paper and line the surface of the baking sheet. Treat the parchment with vegetable oil, lay out the candy mass and smooth well.
  7. After a quarter of an hour, the iris will only have to be cut and served with fragrant tea.

Orange candies at home

A set of products:

  • Semolina (30 grams)
  • Peanuts (50 grams)
  • Orange (1 fruit)
  • Powdered sugar (15 grams)
  • Water (50 milliliters)
  • Sugar (80 grams)
  • Egg white (1 piece)
  • Confectionery powder (optional)
  • Lime (1 piece)

Cooking technique:

  1. Rinse the lime and orange well. Remove the zest from the orange fruit, squeeze the juice from the remaining pulp.
  2. Now juice the lime. In total, for dessert you will need half a glass of fresh juice - mixed with orange and lime.
  3. Pour the juice into a small saucepan or saucepan. Add the crushed zest and granulated sugar, add a quarter glass of water.
  4. Heat the composition over low heat with constant stirring. After boiling, keep it on the stove for another three minutes.
  5. Start adding semolina in small portions. Boil the mass until thickened - usually it takes about five minutes.
  6. Crush the nuts with a blender and add to the manna-citrus porridge.
  7. Roll balls of any size. Place the items on a platter and refrigerate until solid.
  8. Make delicious glaze for homemade sweets - a piece of cake: just whip chicken protein with sweet powder.
  9. Additionally, colored pastry powder will help to decorate the orange balls.

Delicious candies for diabetics at home

A set of products:

  • Dried figs (140 grams)
  • Sugar substitute (to taste)
  • Walnuts - optional (half a cup)
  • Chickpeas or lentils (1 cup)
  • Cocoa powder (20-30 grams)
  • Water - can be replaced with cognac (60-70 milliliters)

Cooking technique:

  1. Soak the beans in cool water on the eve of cooking - leave them overnight. It is advisable to do the same with figs to soften well.
  2. Pour a glass of water over the washed lentils or chickpeas. Cook over moderate heat for 50-60 minutes, until full readiness.
  3. Drain and let the beans dry. Next, you need to chop them with a blender.
  4. When chopping dried fruits, it is recommended to leave some of the medium-sized slices - this will taste better.
  5. Nuts are added as desired. If you endorse this product, it will have to be carefully crushed.
  6. Combine chickpea base, figs and nuts. Add sugar substitute and stir well.
  7. When you have an absolutely homogeneous mass in your hands, you can safely form products. Give the candy any shape you like.
  8. For greater beauty, the dessert yummy should be generously sprinkled with cocoa.

Now you know how to make candy at home. I hope you enjoyed the recipes for the treats. Enjoy your meal and see you soon!