What to cook from small goats for the holiday. Oven cooking pike perch recipes

23.06.2020 Bakery products

Pike perch is an incredibly tasty and healthy fish that contains a large amount of vitamins and amino acids. In cooking, pike perch has become very popular due to its ease of processing, it is very easy to peel, and it has few bones. First and second courses are prepared from this fish, it can be stuffed, smoked, salted and much more. The most unusual and interesting recipes are presented below.

Pike perch baked with zucchini and butter sauce

This dish looks very original and beautiful in a modern way. Standard ingredients are used here, but this proves once again that you do not need to purchase the most expensive products to prepare a restaurant dish. To prepare a simple pike perch dish according to a recipe with a photo, you need to take the following products:

  • pike perch - 1 pc. (if you buy cut fish, you need to buy 2 clean fillets);
  • fresh parsley - 50 g;
  • olives - 150 g (it is best to purchase pitted, otherwise you will waste a lot of time removing them);
  • butter - 80 g (you should take a high quality product, if there is a spread, then the sauce will stratify and have an unpleasant aftertaste);
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.

You will also need a small amount of olive oil, a few cloves of garlic and a bouillon cube for cooking.

How to cook

To avoid problems with cooking, you should follow the step-by-step instructions exactly:

Recipe for a delicious pike perch dish

The method of preparing pike perch according to this recipe is suitable for nature lovers. In this case, the fish will not be baked in the oven or fried in a pan. It is cooked over an open fire. In this case, the pike perch turns out to be incredibly tasty and juicy. The peculiarity of the dish lies in the use of very aromatic ingredients and spices. To prepare pike perch for a company and five people, you need to take about 2 kg of fish fillet and 150 g of ketchup.

In addition to pike perch, you should take 100 g of soy sauce, 10 g of fresh ginger, a few tablespoons of sesame oil, honey, one lemon, garlic and parsley. It is also advisable to take a few horseradish leaves - this is not a required ingredient, but it will enhance the flavor of the dish well.

Cooking process

As previously reported, pike perch is easy enough to cook, so if you follow these simple step-by-step instructions, you will have a great dish for any picnic. So, you need to do the following:

If you do not find horseradish leaves, then it is better to put foil on one side, it will protect the pike perch from burning.

Pike perch with vegetables in the oven

A very simple and quick recipe for cooking fish. Moreover, it is suitable for people who are on a diet, because there are no "heavy" foods. The list of ingredients will show certain types of vegetables, but you can choose the ones you like the most. In the next photo of a pike perch dish, you can see what the final result should be.

Required ingredients

To prepare a pike perch dish for three servings, you need to take 600 g of pure fish fillet, as well as:

  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 pcs.;
  • any white wine - 100 ml (inexpensive varieties can be used);
  • cream 18% - 30 ml;
  • butter;
  • tomatoes - several pieces;
  • fennel.

You can also use any other vegetables such as asparagus, green peas, corn.

Cooking a dish

Step-by-step recipe for oven-baked pike perch with vegetables:

At the end of cooking, you can decorate the fish with vegetables with lemon wedges and dill sprigs. The dish is best served with boiled rice.

Fried pike perch in a dry frying pan

The beauty of this dish is that the fish must be fried in a dry pan in a special food envelope. The pike perch turns out to be incredibly fragrant, since all the smells remain inside the envelope, and very useful, because frying takes place without a single drop of oil in the pan.

What you need to cook

To prepare a dish for three people, you need to take 3 pure pike perch fillets (if the fish was small), 200 g cherry tomatoes, a few tablespoons of capers, carrots, asparagus and bell peppers.

For the marinade, you need to prepare a few tablespoons of olive oil, one spoonful of plain water, rosemary, thyme and tarragon. If you do not have such spices at home, you can replace them with any others or buy universal ones called “For fish dishes”.

Marinating and cooking

In this recipe for pike perch, it is no longer worth telling how to cut fish, this procedure has already been described in detail in previous recipes. To cook a delicious pike perch, you need to do the following:

  1. In a small bowl, mix all the spices and vegetable oil.
  2. Dip portions of pike perch in the marinade and mix well. Set aside in the refrigerator for several hours.
  3. When the time allotted for marinating has passed, the fish must be removed from the bowl and transferred to a paper envelope.
  4. All of the above vegetables should be cut into small slices, and the cherry tomatoes should be cut in half. Put them also in an envelope and add 1-2 tablespoons of water.
  5. Put a heavy-bottomed skillet on the fire and set the heat to medium. You do not need to pour oil into the pan.
  6. Fry the fish and vegetables, about 5 minutes on each side. If all food is cut into thick enough pieces, the cooking time may increase slightly.

This completes the cooking process for this dish. Upon completion, you need to remove all the products from the envelope and arrange them on portioned plates. Can be garnished with a sprig of rosemary and lemon wedges. It is best to use spicy boiled rice and fresh vegetable salad as a side dish.

When cutting fish, cut the abdominal cavity very carefully so as not to touch the gallbladder, which will spoil the taste of the product.

Try to get all the bones, because it is very uncomfortable to eat fish when it is bony.

You need to cook pike perch over medium heat, otherwise it may become dry and tasteless.

Now you know many different recipes for cooking pike perch dishes. They are all fairly simple. Pike perch is a delicate fish, so it cooks very quickly, try not to increase the cooking time, as you can dry out the main product, and the taste of the dish as a whole will be spoiled.

You can do anything from pike perch - boil fish soup, cook fish cakes or dumplings, just fry in batter. In this article, we will discuss how to cook delicious pike perch in the oven to enrich and diversify its taste and surprise loved ones and guests with the unusual design of the finished dish.

Predatory perch from the perch family belongs to skinny fish. This is not determined by his weight or appearance, but by the insignificant amount of fat in the meat, because he is a hunter and leads a rather energetic and mobile lifestyle. However, this is not a drawback, rather an advantage that allows you to use dense, tender, white and tasty pike perch meat in any, even dietary menu, especially since the pike perch practically does not have small intermuscular spiny bones.

When choosing a recipe for how to cook pike perch deliciously in the oven, one must remember that the peculiarities of its composition, in addition to the large amount of protein in meat, include a noticeable, up to 3.28%, amount of extractives, in particular nitrogen-containing ones. These substances take part in various processes in the human body. They also stimulate the stomach glands and stimulate the digestive function of the pancreas. This helps in the absorption of proteins and fats.

Oven cooking pike perch recipes

A feature of the following recipes for cooking pike perch can be considered their universality. They can be either a hot appetizer, which is complemented with vegetables or salads, olives or olives, or a full-fledged hot dish with a side dish. As a side dish, in addition to traditional rice or vegetable, fried or boiled, it is worth offering cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi, boiled white or green beans. You can make a complex, compound garnish and accompany it with a special sauce. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of tastes and use the same spices and seasonings in the sauce as in the main dish. Most often, baked pike perch is served directly in the form so that everyone can see the beauty of the finished dish.

Before cooking pike perch in the oven, you need to buy fish that matches a specific recipe. Usually pike perch is sold frozen, but it can be either fresh or chilled. This can be fillets or slices, as well as whole fish. Defrost the fish on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator in a deep bowl. Pike perch should be cleaned very carefully, there are thorns on its gill covers and in its fins, the pricks of which are very painful.

Pike perch recipe in the oven under herbal sauce with nuts


  • 1-2 pike perch carcasses or 4 fillet plates
  • 1 onion and 1 carrot
  • 1 bell pepper, preferably green
  • 100-150 g of walnut kernels
  • clove of garlic
  • small bunches of parsley, basil, celery
  • salt, pepper, cumin
  • boning flour
  • odorless sunflower (vegetable) oil
  • sour cream


Peel the pike perch, wash, cut into pieces of the same size. Season each piece with salt, pepper and caraway seeds and put in a cool place for 15-20 minutes. Peel all vegetables at this time. Cut the bell pepper and onion into half rings, carrots into small cubes. Dip the fish in flour and fry on both sides in a sufficient amount of heated oil until a crust appears. Transfer all pieces of pike perch to a greased mold. Fry the onions in the same pan, add carrots to it. When the carrots change color, put the bell pepper in the same place, mix and salt, simmer under the lid so that the carrots and peppers become soft. Transfer all vegetables to the fish dish. Chop nuts, garlic and all greens. Fry the nuts in the same very hot pan, add all the greens to them, mix, add garlic, mix again. Beat enough sour cream with a pinch of salt. Pour it into a frying pan, mix with herbs and nuts. Pour this mass into a mold with pike perch and vegetables. Put the mold in at 180 ° C for 15-20 minutes.

Video recipe

How to cook pike perch fillet in a cheese souffle


  • 500 g skinless pike perch fillet
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 g of any hard cheese
  • ¼ glass of milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour
  • salt pepper
  • odorless vegetable oil


Wash pike perch fillet, dry and cut each plate into 3-4 pieces of the same size. Sprinkle the fish with salt and pepper and fry in oil in a hot skillet for 1 minute on each side. Transfer all pieces to a greased baking dish.

Grate the cheese finely. Separate the whites from the yolks carefully. Mix the grated cheese with the yolks until the most homogeneous mass is obtained. Beat the whites with a pinch of fine salt until a stable foam that does not drip from the whisk is obtained. Gradually add proteins and flour alternately to the cheese mass, stirring with gentle, smooth movements from bottom to top. Place the soufflé mixture evenly on the fish. Place the pike-perch mold in an oven preheated to 170 ° C for half an hour. The finished dish can be immediately served on the table, can be directly in the form, and divided into portions in the presence of guests.

Recipe for making stuffed pike perch

INGREDIENTS for 1 whole carcass:

  • 2 grenades
  • 100 g walnuts
  • 1 onion
  • vegetable oil
  • salt pepper


Carefully gut the fish and remove the scales, cut the gills with scissors. Wash and dry on a wooden cutting board, then dry with a paper towel. Salt inside and out. Make 3-4 diagonal cuts on one side of the carcass. While the pike perch is drying, chop the onion and fry in a very small amount of oil, add chopped nuts to it, turn off the heat and cool. Peel the pomegranates, mix the grains with onions and nuts, season the mixture with salt and pepper. Stuff the pike perch with the ready-made mixture, chop off the abdomen with wooden toothpicks or skewers, you can sew it up with culinary thread. Line the bottom of the dish with baking parchment, place the fish on it and bake in the oven at 200 ° C for 30 minutes. Serve with a mix of greens.

Pike pie with complex fish filling


  • 1 pack of ready-made puff pastry
  • butter
  • fine salt
  • 700 g pike perch fillet
  • ½ cup fish stock
  • 50 ml white wine
  • bay leaf, pepper, salt, lemon, egg

INGREDIENTS for minced meat:

  • 500 g pike perch fillet
  • 1 onion
  • 2 slices of white bread without crusts, soaked in milk
  • ½ cup cream
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • salt pepper


Prepare a baking dish for pike perch pie - coat with butter and sprinkle with semolina or thin bread crumbs. Thaw both layers of the finished dough, separate a third part from both layers. Roll the remaining dough into layers in length and width more than the length and width of the form by 2 heights of the sides, each layer separately. Grease the bottom layer with a small amount of butter and sprinkle with a little thin salt. Put a second layer rolled to the same size. Place these two layers in a baking dish, raising them on the sides, just above their height.

Cut the fish fillet (700 g) into small pieces so that later they do not interfere with cutting the pie. Fry until half cooked in vegetable oil, transfer to a saucepan. Add bay leaf, salt, pepper, a few lemon slices, broth. Simmer, covered, until tender. Throw in a colander. At this time, grind 500 g of pike perch fillet with a meat grinder and fry together with chopped onion. Add pressed bread, season with salt and pepper, grind again. Pour in the cream and beat the minced meat with a fork until it becomes fluffy.

Put a layer of minced meat on the dough in the form, put all the fish on it, distribute the remaining minced meat evenly on top. Roll the remaining third of the dough to the size of the bottom of the mold, cover the cake with it, pinch around the perimeter, prick with a fork, brush with a beaten egg. Place in a hot oven at 180-200 ° C. Bake until the cake is browned and begins to lag behind the pan. During this time, from the remains of the broth in which the fish was stewed, make a sauce, thickening it with starch or flour while boiling. Remove the finished cake from the oven. Cut off the lid with a hot knife, pour a reasonable amount of hot sauce over the pie, cover with a dough lid and serve warm.

NOTE! This recipe has a variation. Together with pike perch for the filling, but not for minced meat, take pike and pink salmon (salmon) in equal quantities, approximately 250 g of each fish fillet, which are fried and stewed at the same time.

Video recipe

There is an opinion that baking is the most correct way of preparing any food, in which all the natural properties of the products are most preserved. Thus, knowing the recipes for how to cook delicious pike perch in the oven, you can not only get pleasure, but also enrich the body with all the useful substances that it contains. However, pike perch is very good in ear and aspic, but more on that another time.

How do you like to cook pike perch?

Pike perch is an extremely tasty and tender fish with white dietary meat and many beneficial trace elements. In addition, this product is renowned for its lack of unpleasant odor and few bones. In addition, this fish is suitable for almost all occasions, because you can cook literally anything from it.

If you have this product, you are faced with a difficult choice: what exactly to cook from it? After all, from this fish you can make a lot of various and unusually tasty dishes: aspic, and casserole, and fried delicacy. It is only important to know how to cook fish (pike perch), and take into account all the features of this product in the process.

Probably, every housewife wants to somehow diversify the daily menu and pamper her family with unusual dishes. How to cook pike perch? It turns out that you can do almost anything with this fish: boil, and fry, and stew, and stuff. And real craftsmen even cook cutlets, zrazy and even rolls from it. In fact, there are tons of recipes out there that will tell you how to cook pike perch. This fish is good and original in each of them.

An important advantage of pike perch lies in the fact that due to lean meat, it is recommended for use by those who want to lose weight or lead a healthy lifestyle. It is noteworthy that despite its low calorie content, this fish is rich in nutrients and useful substances. So those who follow a diet due to illness should also not deny themselves the pleasure of enjoying the delicate taste of this delicacy. True, in order to get not just a tasty, but also a truly healthy dish, you need to know exactly how to cook pike perch.

Product selection and preparation

First of all, you should learn how to select the right fish. After all, the secret of a truly deliciously prepared dish lies primarily in the quality and freshness of the original product. Be sure to check the zander's gills - they should be bright scarlet. Then inspect all the fish: the skin should be smooth, the eyes should be clean, not cloudy, and the meat itself should be elastic, with a pleasant smell. If you are wondering "how to cook pike perch in the oven", keep in mind that it is best to choose small carcasses. The smaller the fish, the juicier the dish made from it will be.

Pike perch is pretty easy to prepare. In principle, the scheme is standard: it is necessary to carefully clean the carcass, rip the abdomen and remove the insides. The gills should also be obtained. Then rinse the fish thoroughly under water. Remove excess moisture from the pike perch with paper towels just before cooking. Only then can you start the culinary process.

Fish baked in the oven with vegetables, spices and lemon turns out to be unusually appetizing, healthy and nutritious. If you do not know how to cook delicious pike perch, be sure to pay attention to this simple recipe for cooking a carcass in foil. Moreover, the process will not take too much of your time and effort. You just need to prepare the pike perch, and the technician will do the rest for you.

Grocery list

If you decide to bake the whole fish, buy all the necessary ingredients in advance:

  • about 1 kg of carcass;
  • large onion;
  • a small bunch of parsley or dill;
  • large tomato;
  • lemon;
  • 2 tablespoons French mustard
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable, or better - olive oil;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • a pinch of ground pepper and other spices of your choice.


The first step, of course, is to prepare the fish. Make equal transverse cuts on the sides of the carcass every couple of centimeters. Rub the belly and outer part of the pike perch thoroughly with a mixture of spices and salt, then leave to marinate for half an hour. In the meantime, you can start preparing vegetables.

Cut the tomato and onion into thin half rings. Cut the lemon in half: cut one part into rings, and squeeze the juice from the second into a separate container. Then add mustard to it, stir and brush the fish with this mixture. After the pike perch is marinated, place the carcass on oiled foil. Place the sliced \u200b\u200blemon and tomato rings into the cuts. Spread the onion all over the carcass and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Then wrap the foil in an envelope and place it in an oven heated to 200 degrees for half an hour. Usually this time is enough for cooking fish. But if you have stocked up with a large carcass, then extend the baking for another 15 minutes. At this point, the preparation can be considered complete. By the way, if you want your pike-perch to be covered with a beautiful golden crust, open the foil 10 minutes before the dish is ready.

Perhaps the best side dish for such a fish will be boiled rice or mashed potatoes. You can decorate the prepared dish with lemon wedges, sprigs of herbs and olives.

This dish will be an excellent decoration for any festive table. Although a delicate, transparent, beautiful cold appetizer can become an exquisite addition to even a simple dinner. This is also a great option for those who do not know how to cook pike perch. Perhaps, aspic is not so easy to prepare, but if you tinker a little with the fish and do everything right, then you will be rewarded for your efforts with a delicious delicacy.


So, if you decide to give your preference to this mouth-watering snack, prepare in advance:

  • kilogram carcass;
  • one large onion and one carrot;
  • root of parsley, celery or parsnip;
  • a small bunch of greens;
  • bay leaf;
  • 30 g of instant gelatin;
  • a pinch of black and allspice;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking process

Prepare the fish by removing husks, fins, gills and viscera. Cut off the tail, head and fold in a deep saucepan along with the celery root, carrots, onions, peppers and bay leaves. By the way, you don't need to cut vegetables. You can also put fish pieces with pieces of meat here, for example, cut fins and large bones. Fill all components with 1.5 liters of water.

The broth should be cooked for an hour over low heat. Do not forget to stir occasionally and remove the foam. Then add the chopped carcass to the broth and cook for another half hour. Then carefully remove the fillet pieces from the liquid. For this, it is most convenient to use a slotted spoon. Take out the carrots and celery - they can be nicely sliced \u200b\u200band used to decorate the dish. Strain the broth itself several times through cheesecloth.

Place the pieces of pike perch in several deep containers, add chopped vegetables and sprigs of herbs. Then dissolve the gelatin in the warm broth and pour the liquid over the top. You can also use olives and lemon slices for decoration. True, citrus must be added a little later so that the aspic does not turn out to be bitter.

Wait for the broth to cool and put it in the refrigerator for a few hours until it solidifies. And it is best to leave the aspic overnight. It is customary to serve pike-perch jellied meat with horseradish.

Step 1: prepare the fillet.

Butchering fish is very difficult, especially river fish, because there are a lot of bones in its meat. Therefore, fillet preparation is the most difficult part of the preparation process for this dish. The main thing to remember is that you need to start cutting pike-perch by removing its insides from the belly, so as not to crush them, making the meat around it bitter.
Rinse the prepared and boneless pike perch fillet, wipe it with disposable towels and gently feel with your fingertips, suddenly what small bone you missed. However, the pike perch is not as bony as the rest of its river cousins.

Step 2: fry the onion.

Peel the onions, rinse with cold water and cut into thin feathers or small cubes.
Heat some vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onions in it until transparent. You do not need to fry until crusty.
After frying, sprinkle the onions onto disposable paper towels to absorb excess oil.

Step 3: shape the dish.

Prepare a baking sheet or ovenproof dish with fairly high margins. Place the pike perch fillet inside, sprinkle it with salt and a mixture of ground peppers. Spread fried onions on top of the fish. Season everything with slices of butter.
Rub the cheese, after mixing about one third of it with sour cream. Place the mixture on top of the fish and onions, and sprinkle the remaining grated cheese evenly over the top of the dish.

Step 4: bake pike perch fillets in the oven.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Place the pike perch fillets inside to bake on 20-30 minutes.

The fish cooks pretty quickly, so after 20 minutes it can be taken out, but I intentionally keep more, as I like it when the cheese is covered with an appetizing crispy crust, so I keep the dish in the oven a little longer than necessary. The main thing is to make sure that the fillet does not dry out, and for this there should always be a little moisture in the baking sheet or baking dish. Follow this!

This is the crust on top of the pike perch fillet. The dish can now be removed from the oven and served.

Step 5: Serve the pike perch fillet.

Oven baked pike perch fillet turns out to be juicy, tender and very tasty. It just melts in your mouth! Serve with rice, airy mashed potatoes, or pasta. For beauty, you can sprinkle pieces of finished fish with fresh herbs, for example, dill or aromatic basil.
Enjoy your meal!

If you wish, you can season the pike perch fillet with any spices of your choice.

According to the same recipe, you can bake fillets of any other river fish, it will turn out almost as tasty.


  • 1 pike perch fillet;
  • 2 beets;
  • 4 potato tubers;
  • ¼ medium head of cabbage;
  • 3 pickled cucumbers;
  • 130 g white beans;
  • 120 g of pickled honey mushrooms;
  • 90 g granulated sugar;
  • 30 ml of table vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sweet mustard;
  • 3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • salt.

Soak white beans in cold water overnight. In the morning, send to cook for 50-55 minutes with medium heat of the stove. Cool the beans and immediately pour into a salad bowl.

Wash the pike perch fillet, dry it, wrap it in foil and send it in a whole piece to a hot oven for 25 minutes. Cut the cooled fish into small pieces. Move to beans.

Cook all root vegetables directly in the peel. Peel the cooled potatoes and beets, chop them into identical neat cubes.

Chop the cabbage very finely. Cover with ice water and leave while the other ingredients for the salad are prepared.

Prepare the dressing:

  1. In a separate bowl, mix the vinegar and granulated sugar.
  2. Add mustard and salt to taste.
  3. Pour in all the olive oil.
  4. Stir the sauce well.

Chop the pickled cucumbers together with the skin into cubes. Squeeze out excess brine. Pour into a salad bowl. Send pickled mushrooms and cabbage straws squeezed out of the water there.

Pour the appetizer with the present dressing, mix well. Serve immediately.

Canadian fish salad

Canadian fish salad


  • 350 g pike perch;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 sour apples;
  • 2 fresh strong cucumbers;
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 2 boiled chicken eggs;
  • 1 bunch of parsley and lettuce leaves
  • 1/3 tbsp. classic mayonnaise;
  • 1 tbsp. l. hot tomato sauce;
  • fine salt.

Dip the fish carcass in boiling salted water. Add one peeled onion there. Cook until the pike perch is ready. Clean the cooled fish of skin, bones and all that is superfluous. Cut the remaining fillet into small pieces. Discard the onion.

Finely chop the celery stalk. Also chop the washed and dried parsley. Tear the lettuce leaves coarsely with your hands. Remove the apples from the center with seeds, and cut the remaining part together with the skin into thin slices. Chop the cucumbers into medium pieces.

Mix all prepared components. Salt to taste. Prepare a mayonnaise and tomato sauce dressing. Pour a snack on her. Decorate the prepared salad with thin slices of boiled eggs.

Pike perch salad with shrimps

Pike perch salad with shrimps


  • 350 g fish fillet;
  • 170 g small shrimps;
  • 70 g pitted olives;
  • 2/3 st. olive mayonnaise;
  • 2 fresh cucumbers;
  • 2 medium tomatoes;
  • 1 bunch of fresh parsley
  • rock salt;
  • a mixture of peppers.

Pour fish fillets with salted water and boil until cooked. Cool the pike perch and cut into small pieces. Rinse all vegetables and cut into medium slices directly with the skin. Put the olives from the jar in a colander. When excess liquid drains, cut them in half.

Pour all ingredients except olives into a deep, capacious container. Mix well and salt to taste. Add a mixture of colored ground peppers. Pour olive mayonnaise over the appetizer. Mix the ingredients again.

Dip the shrimps in salted boiling water for 3-3.5 minutes. Clean the cooled seafood from the shells of the heads and all that is superfluous. Leave them intact.

Put the prepared salad on a plate in a slide. Top it with boiled shrimp, halved olives, sprigs of fresh herbs. Serve immediately to the dinner or festive table.

Original creamy pike perch soup

Pike perch cream soup


  • 1 large carcass of pike perch;
  • 1 PC. onions;
  • 2 tbsp. l. high fat butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sifted wheat flour;
  • ½ tbsp. heavy cream;
  • 1/3 bunch of fresh dill and parsley;
  • 1 tsp grated celery stalk;
  • fine salt;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 1 pinch of nutmeg

Pour the fish carcass with water. Add salt and lavrushka. Cook the pike perch until tender. Strain the broth. Clean the fish of all that is superfluous. Cut the fillet into small pieces. Pour it back into the broth.

Peel and finely chop the onion. Fry the pieces of vegetable in heated butter. Once they are soft and translucent, add chopped herbs, grated celery. Continue frying for another 6-8 minutes. Pour all the sifted flour into the pan in small portions. Wait until the flour is golden, stirring the mass from time to time. Transfer the resulting thick frying to a saucepan. Salt the soup. Cook it over low heat for a quarter of an hour.

Use the hand blender to turn the mixture into a smooth puree directly in the saucepan. Quickly pour in the cream, add the ground nutmeg. Turn on the stove again, bring the soup to a boil.

Serve dinner treats with homemade Borodino bread croutons.

Tomato soup with pike perch

tomato soup with pike perch


  • 850 g pike perch fillet;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 tbsp. semi-sweet white wine;
  • 70 g of high fat butter;
  • 2 large carrots;
  • 1 kg of canned tomatoes in their own juice;
  • 4 tbsp. l. refined oil;
  • 2 pinches of cumin;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • salt;
  • 1 pinch of white pepper

Coarsely chop the fish fillet. Chop the onion into medium rings. Cut the carrots into long, thick strips.

Remove the skin from canned tomatoes. Mash them with a fork along with the liquid from the can. If necessary, dilute the soup base with boiled cold water.

Heat a mixture of vegetable and butter in a thick-walled saucepan. Fry the onion rings on it until lightly browned. Watch carefully so that they do not burn. Add carrots. Sprinkle vegetables with cumin. Pour a small amount of water into them. Simmer until tender with carrot sticks.

Put fish pieces in a saucepan with vegetables. Pour the white wine immediately, add salt, white pepper and bay leaves. Simmer the contents of the container for a quarter of an hour.

Add the tomato mass to the pan to the other ingredients. Cover the soup with a lid and simmer over low heat for 10-12 minutes. Serve this royal soup hot with soft homemade bread.

Pike perch cutlets

Pike perch cutlets


  • 1 large fish carcass;
  • 2 onions;
  • 120 ml heavy cream;
  • 1 large chicken egg;
  • 2 slices of white bread;
  • salt;
  • 1 carrot;
  • freshly ground pepper;
  • 3 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 1 tsp wheat flour;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • olive oil for frying cutlets;
  • 120 ml of boiled water.

Cut off the crusts from white bread. Pour warm cream over it.

Peel and cut the fish carcass. Cut the remaining fillet into medium slices. Pass it through a meat grinder together with 1 onion. Add the soaked loaf along with the cream. Add salt and pepper to taste. Drive in an egg. Mix the minced meat well.

Form small cutlets from it. Fry them on both sides in well-heated olive oil.

Finely chop the remaining onion and carrot. Fry them until golden brown in the fat left after the cutlets. Add the amount of water indicated in the recipe, lavrushka, tomato paste and flour. Mix everything well. Simmer the sauce under a tightly closed lid for 3-4 minutes.

Put cutlets in the resulting vegetable mass. Heat them up in the sauce. Serve with any dry side dish.

Pike perch cutlets can be frozen both raw and fried.

Pike perch with potatoes with sour cream sauce

Pike perch with potatoes with sour cream sauce


  • 450 g medium-fat sour cream;
  • 170 ml of milk;
  • 160 g of fatty butter;
  • 2 leaves of lavrushka;
  • 8 potatoes;
  • 1.5 kg of pike perch;
  • coarse salt;
  • a mixture of peppers.

You need to start cooking with cutting pike perch. Chop off the head from the fish carcass. Cut off tail, fins. Cut the rest into medium pieces. Peel the potatoes, chop into circles.

Grease a rectangular dish liberally with butter. Lay out fish pieces, potato circles in layers. Salt and pepper each. Place lavrushka leaves between the layers. Other optional spices can be selected.

Heat the milk well in a ladle. In it, melt the pieces of the remaining butter. Add sour cream. Salt the mixture. Pour it over the fish and potatoes.

Put the mold in an oven preheated to 170-180 degrees. Cover or tighten with foil. Bake the dish for a little less than an hour.

Remove the lid and leave the container in the oven for another 10 minutes. During this time, the treat will have time to brown. Serve as a main second course with a platter of pickled vegetables.

Fried pike perch


  • 1 kg fish fillet;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 5 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • 1, 5 Art. flour;
  • 4 eggs;
  • oil for frying.

Cut the fish fillet into medium slices. Prepare the marinade for pike perch step by step:

  1. Mix mayonnaise with peeled and minced garlic.
  2. Season to taste.
  3. Mix well.

Spread the fish pieces with the resulting mayonnaise marinade. Leave the pike perch in the refrigerator overnight under these conditions.

Eggs beaten with salt and 0.5 tbsp. flour to prepare a thick batter. Roll each piece of fish first in the remaining flour. Then - immerse in batter and fry in hot oil until golden brown. This step-by-step recipe will help you make a quick and easy meal every day.

Fried pike perch goes well with various vegetable salads.

Jellied pike perch


  • 850 g pike perch;
  • 1 onion;
  • 120 g of light mayonnaise;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 70 g lightly salted red fish;
  • salt;
  • salmon soup set;
  • 5 grapes for decoration;
  • ½ lemon;
  • fresh herbs;
  • 20 g of high quality powdered gelatin.

Dissolve gelatin in cold water according to the instructions. Cook salmon broth (soup set). Peel the pike perch, free it from the entrails, cut it coarsely and send it to boil. Remove the finished fish from the bones, chop finely.

Strain the pike-perch broth. Dissolve in it half of the gelatin dissolved in water. Mix with pieces of boiled fillet. Salt the mass. Grind with an immersion blender so that barely visible fish fibers remain in the broth.

Add mayonnaise to the resulting puree. Mix the ingredients well. Pour the mass into a flat oval shape with low sides. Send in the cold until it solidifies. Cut the resulting snack into pieces. Place it in a larger dish with sides.

Dissolve the remaining gelatin in the salmon broth. Pour it over pieces of mayonnaise aspic. Place the halves of the grapes on top. Cover the appetizer with lemon wedges, roses from thinly sliced \u200b\u200bslightly salted red fish, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Decorating options for such a treat will be prompted by photos from professional chefs.

Send the dish to completely freeze in the cold. Serve it deliciously with sweet mustard.