Icing. A step-by-step recipe for making icing sugar with a photo

16.08.2019 Seafood dishes

Homemade invert syrup, preheated to be added to the dough

I have said more than once that I really like baked goods with molasses, molasses or invert syrup. For those who, for some reason, do not use honey in baking, they are an excellent substitute for it! It is these ingredients that give baked goods a kind of "gingerbread" and can affect not only the taste, but also the color and texture: for example, with molasses, the gingerbread cookies are dark and rich in taste, with syrup and molasses - light and light in taste , and baked goods are softer and last longer.

I was asked to tell you more about invert syrup.

The same ingredients can be administered into almost any dough... Cookies, muffins, cakes, etc. etc. - in such official recipes (both Soviet and modern), invert syrup is found quite often. Some recipes for gingerbread and bakery products still include molasses.

Molasses is a waste product from sugar production (from sugar beets or sugar cane) but it is sometimes called molasses. For culinary purposes, only sugarcane molasses is used, and beet molasses is not food grade.

Molasses is dark, very thick, has a characteristic aroma and taste. It looks like this (dough for making oatmeal cookies):

Invert syrup can be added to mastic, frosting, caramel, marshmallows (marshmallows). In these cases, in modern production or in restaurants, colorless or pale yellow starch syrup (glucose syrup) is often used. Invert syrup has the color of light honey and can give the dough or glaze some "gray" or yellowness, but in terms of properties, all of these ingredients are almost the same.

Glucose syrup is the same type of starch syrup. It is mainly made from corn, potatoes or wheat. As it is written on one of the modern sites, "Different manufacturers of glucose syrups give different types of special brand names, and the composition of syrups, even with the same dextrose equivalent, may differ slightly"... The same can be said for any modern molasses.

Invert syrup is the easiest substitute for molasses and honey in home cooking.... "Invert syrup" in English is "Refiners Syrup, or Partially Inverted Refiners Syrup", but in English recipes both he and molasses can be called the same: "Golden syrup" ("golden syrup").

If a phrase occurs "artificial honey", then this is invert syrup, only with the addition of flavoring or a certain amount of natural honey.

Invert syrup it is very easy to cook at home yourself from water, sugar and citric acid. And if the question arises about the repetition of some Soviet or foreign recipes and, in general, about the quality of homemade baked goods, incl. about making it softer and keeping it longer, then the benefits of this ingredient are undeniable! In addition, everything is done simply, but it is cheap.

I have already shown several recipes where I used homemade invert syrup. ... I still have test copies of these gingerbread cookies, although it is noticeable that their qualities are weakening every day. Almost 2 months have passed since baking.

I often make cookies according to official Soviet recipes, which include invert syrup. See, for example, articles on cookies, or. Such cookies remain soft for a long time and keep well (all links open in a new window).


Everything I needed to know about this syrup, I got from the publications of the Soviet period and books on the technology of making confectionery and bakery products.

It makes no sense to experiment at home with the proportions of ingredients for making invert syrup: "everything has already been invented before us" (c) All proportions are in the same Soviet books (see quotes above): for 100 parts of sugar - 44 parts of water; citric acid - 0.35% by weight of sugar (for other acid - different proportions).

I cook like this:

700 g sugar
300 ml of water
3 g citric acid
2 g baking soda (optional)

1) Place the sugar in a thick-bottomed saucepan (not aluminum!). Cover with water, bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Remove foam, add citric acid.

2) On the smallest fire, boil for 25-30 minutes (to a temperature of 108-110 C), during which time an inversion occurs. If boiled at a higher temperature, over high heat, the syrup will have a dark color. Usually boiled under a lid.

3) Cool slightly, add soda in the form of a 10% solution (soda is diluted in warm water).

This item was optional in Soviet production, but the finished syrup was neutralized if it tasted sour or inversion was carried out with hydrochloric acid. If you are satisfied with the taste of homemade syrup prepared with citric acid, then soda can also be skipped.

The neutralization reaction can take a long time, so the syrup should be left uncovered for a while at room temperature. The alkali does not completely neutralize the acid: by standards, the acid should remain in such a syrup.

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Once again about the main properties of invert syrup:

1) high hygroscopicity (helps to preserve freshness and prevents hardening);
2) increases the plasticity of the dough;
3) slows down the processes of sugaring;
4) if invert syrup is introduced into the dough, where there is soda (alkali), this promotes loosening.

Invert syrup is 10-20% sweeter than sugar, with taste, color and consistency, it is similar to honey.

The finished syrup can be stored at room temperature, but not exposed to light. Coolness prolongs its shelf life: at low temperatures it hardens, becomes thick, but does not change its properties. The optimum storage temperature is 15-20 C.

It is better to warm up the invert syrup before adding to any mixture. in a water bath, in an ordinary thick-bottomed saucepan or in the oven up to 40-50 degrees (or melt in sugar syrup if gingerbread is being prepared). It is advisable to do the same with molasses, molasses and honey (even with liquid): this way they mix more easily with other ingredients and show their properties better.

Of the other "fashionable" syrups in recent years, instead of invert, corn is most suitable (corn is a starchy plant, from which molasses is produced). Corn syrup, molasses and molasses have long been used, for example, in American cuisine. In the American market, you can also find a mixture of invert and corn syrups. Other similar substances, such as agave syrup or maple syrup, do not have exactly the same properties, moreover, they are produced using a different technology, and sometimes they are falsified.

Molasses and molasses can be replaced honey or invert syrup, but not always 1: 1. The exact substitutions and recipes are best looked at on pastry sites or in special literature.

The article uses photos from the textbook N.G.Buteikis "Technology for the preparation of flour confectionery" and the reference manual by ZNPashuk, T.K.Apet, S.V. Dubinina "Cakes and pastries".

Now the cookies are on the way, and the buns are asking for from the oven, but still something is missing. Need the last one final hatch. And if you are not just a culinary specialist, but also an artist at heart, our master class "How to make icing sugar" will be very useful. And when the gingerbread cookies are covered with sweet sugar stains under your hands, and the cakes are decorated with snow-white glossy "caps" of glaze, you will feel a little wizards.

Beat the whites in a water bath together with sugar for about 5 minutes. Then we will work the same amount of whisk, but without heating. Fill the cooled baked goods with icing. It dries quickly, becomes smooth and shiny.

  • powdered sugar - 1 tbsp.;

  • brown sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;

  • butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;

  • milk - 3 tbsp. spoons;

  • vanilla - 1 pinch.

Melt the butter in a small saucepan, add milk and dissolve sugar. Let the mixture boil and keep it on fire for 1 minute. Remove from heat, add half of the powdered sugar and beat until cool. Then add vanilla, the remaining powder, beat everything again and put on gingerbread or cookies. The finished glaze tastes very much like caramel.

Dissolve the sugar in water and bring the syrup to a boil. We are waiting when on surface will start appear large transparent bubbles (temperature reaches 110 degrees). Remove the syrup from heat and let cool slightly. Glaze large gingerbread cookies with a brush. Small ones can be completely immersed in syrup, and then laid out on a wire rack - the excess will drain, and the gingerbreads will be covered mouth-watering translucent sugar stains.

Beat the egg whites until firm peaks, then gradually add the icing sugar. Such glaze can be used to glue parts gingerbread house. and decorate it. And so that the glaze does not freeze too quickly, add a drop of lemon juice.

  • powdered sugar - 100 g;

  • starch - 1 tsp;

  • cream (fat content 10%) - 4 tbsp. spoons;

  • vanillin - 1 pinch.

Mix the powdered sugar with starch and vanilla. Bring the cream to a boil (you can replace it with milk) and pour it into the powder. Knead well and immediately cover fresh buns - the cooled glaze thickens quickly.

Such glaze is used by professional pastry chefs, however, it will not be difficult to prepare it at home. Pour milk into icing sugar and knead before consistency paste. Add syrup and almond extract. We lay out the glaze in jars, each tint with its own color. Everything, you can create. Feel like a real artist in the kitchen, feel free to take a brush and ...

  • powdered sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;

  • milk - 1 tsp;

  • butter - 1 tsp;

  • vanilla - 1 pinch;

  • salt - 1 pinch.

Pour milk into the melted butter, add salt and powdered sugar. Knead until sour cream. If it turns out too thick, pour in a little more milk or water, you can add powdered sugar to the liquid glaze. At the end, throw in a pinch of vanilla and mix everything again. Apply the finished icing to the cookies with a brush or pastry syringe.

  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp.;

  • cream (fat content not less than 20%) - 0.5 tbsp.;

  • butter - 1 tbsp. spoon;

  • vanilla - 1 pinch.

Heat the cream, add butter and keep the saucepan on fire until it melts. Then add powdered sugar and vanillin, beat with a mixer until homogeneity... This snow-white icing is just perfect for Easter cakes!

To make the usual confectionery elegant, festive, confectioners have created a special coating based on powdered sugar. The glaze not only makes the gingerbread cookies beautiful, but also allows them to stay fresh longer. Before making your gingerbread frosting, check out the recipes and varieties for this decoration.

How to make gingerbread frosting

There are many types of confectionery coatings. It is prepared on the basis of egg white or powdered sugar with the addition of coloring components (cocoa, vegetable and fruit juices, modern artificial colors). Some housewives mistakenly believe that fondant for cakes and buns is also suitable for cookies, but this is not entirely true. Gingerbread icing has its own characteristics of preparation.

Preparation of ingredients

To make a beautiful, high-quality cookie decoration, you need to carefully consider the preparation of products:

  • Powdered sugar. It must be sifted through a fine sieve - not a single grain should remain. You can cook it from regular granulated sugar, but then you need to grind it in a coffee grinder as fine as possible. Experts recommend not to do without powdered sugar.
  • Proteins. Separate the yolks from the whites very carefully so that not a single gram of the yolk gets into the protein mass.
  • A pastry syringe or special tools are very useful for decorating cookies.
  • Small plates (bowls) are needed to mix new colors.

Glaze for painting gingerbread - recipe

Once all the ingredients have been prepared, they need to be handled properly. Place the whites in a container with sifted powder and begin to beat at low speed, gradually increasing it. The consistency of the protein mass should resemble a white, thick foam. Sweep a spoon over it - the trail should last 10 seconds. This is a sign that the base is ready. Further, the recipe for icing for gingerbread can vary, new components are added to the mass, depending on the color.


  • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 305 kcal.
  • Purpose: decoration.
  • Cuisine: European.

Such a beautiful word is called the royal icing with which gingerbread cookies and cookies are covered. The finished tops of desserts resemble snowdrifts, and this is how the name translates. Fondant is made from a sugar-protein mass, to which dyes are added and used as a decoration for gingerbread cookies or cakes. The gingerbread icing can be thicker or thinner, depending on the purpose (pouring or painting). This is controlled by the addition of water or powdered sugar.


  • lemon juice - 15 g;
  • icing sugar - 150 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Carefully separate the white from the yolk. Whisk the protein until smooth.
  2. Once it has stirred, add the sifted icing sugar, stir.
  3. Add lemon juice, stir well to desired consistency.
  4. The finished icing can be colored and applied to the gingerbread.


  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 300 kcal.
  • Purpose: decoration.
  • Cuisine: European.

To make albumin (protein powder) gingerbread decorations, you only need protein, water and powder. Such icing is used for inscriptions and outlines of drawings, for filling the surface of products and for gluing (in the manufacture of volumetric figures - houses, other structures). Protein powder icing for gingerbread is easy to make at home with strict adherence to all the rules.


  • dry protein - 15 g;
  • cold water - 85 ml;
  • fine icing sugar - 450-500 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour albumin into a bowl, dilute with water, mix thoroughly and let stand for 15-20 minutes to dissolve well.
  2. Begin to beat at low speed with a mixer, gradually adding the powdered sugar in portions.
  3. Beat until the consistency resembles soft peaks, that is, when removing the whisk, the fondant should retain its shape for a while.
  4. > As soon as the mass has become glossy, shiny, you can start painting.


  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 278 kcal.
  • Purpose: decoration.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

This fondant has a dense, elastic consistency, great for decorating gingerbread. After drying, it becomes even, smooth, does not crack or crumble. The recipe for royal icing is simple, but you need to approach the preparation with all responsibility. If you suddenly have additional questions, you can find videos and master classes on the manufacture of casting on the network. / P>


  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • icing sugar - 200 g;
  • lemon juice - 25 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Carefully separate the white from the yolk so that it is transparent. If necessary, carefully remove the fibers with a fork.
  2. Sift the powder through a sieve or cheesecloth and add portions to the protein mass.
  3. Stir the fondant with a spatula until the mixture is crisp white.
  4. At this stage, add lemon juice, stir for another 2 minutes. If you have to draw thin, contour lines, then the white gingerbread icing should be thick, not spread. This can be adjusted with powdered sugar - add a little while stirring constantly.

Of sugar and water

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 263 kcal.
  • Purpose: decoration.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

The fondant prepared according to this recipe will turn out to be translucent, it is easy to cover with it gingerbread cookies, to glue the details for the house. The manufacturing process does not take much time, and the recipe consists of two simple components: sugar and water. As soon as the icing is ready, it needs to be allowed to cool slightly to a temperature of 70-80C, and only then can you start decorating the products.


  • icing sugar - 450 g;
  • warm water - 8 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour icing sugar into the container, which must first be sieved.
  2. Add water gradually, stirring the mixture with a wooden spatula or whisk.
  3. The sugar and water glaze should become homogeneous, without lumps. To achieve the desired consistency, beat the mass with a mixer. The next step is to boil the syrup.
  4. Put the container on fire and start heating gradually over 1 minute - this will completely dissolve the sugar. Cool the mass a little and decorate the gingerbread.


  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 269 kcal.
  • Purpose: decoration.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

If you're worried about eating raw eggs, try a lemon juice icing. The sour fruit juice goes well with the sweetness of the powder to make a delicious decoration. Sugar glaze with lemon juice is suitable for decorating Czech gingerbread cookies, muffins and Easter cakes. If you don't have lemon juice on hand, you can prepare a glaze with citric acid.


  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l. or citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • icing sugar - 3 tbsp.;
  • butter - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. In a saucepan, combine butter, powder, rub well.
  2. Gradually add lemon juice or acid, previously diluted with 50 milliliters of water.
  3. Grind the mass thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency.
  4. If you need to apply fondant to a cupcake, make it thinner, and if you are going to paint gingerbread, then make it thicker.


  • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 282 kcal.
  • Purpose: decoration.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

There are many subtleties and secrets in the preparation of icing. For example, the protein-sugar icing should not spread, but drip slowly. To do this, you cannot beat the protein too much - the mass will be saturated with oxygen and begin to bubble. Lemon juice should be injected drop by drop, stirring constantly so that the icing has the desired consistency. Store icing in the refrigerator in an airtight container.


  • lemon juice - 10 g;
  • egg white - 1 pc .;
  • powder - 230 g;

Cooking method:

  1. Take a clean container, put the protein in it, add lemon juice.
  2. Stir the ingredients with a whisk, gradually adding the icing sugar.
  3. As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, it will hang from the whisk, and not flow - the preparation of the protein glaze is over. The ideal hand-made fondant is ready - you can start making painted gingerbread.


  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 247 kcal.
  • Purpose: decoration.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

How to make beautiful gingerbread cookies, how to cover and decorate? On the Internet, you can find many master classes for making gingerbread - honey, ginger, custard, Tula and others. They are often decorated with multi-colored mastic. Many housewives have repeatedly asked the question: how to make colored glaze, using natural dyes whenever possible.


  • powder - 200 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • carrot, spinach, cherry, beetroot juices - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • egg whites - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift the powder through a sieve into a deep bowl, mix with protein and lemon juice.
  2. Bring the mixture to the desired consistency with a whisk.
  3. Divide the entire volume into 4 parts, place in bowls. Pour a tablespoon of the desired dye into each of them, stir.
  4. Colored glaze for gingerbread should be uniform, without lumps, only such a mass can be applied to the product.

No eggs

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 304 kcal.
  • Purpose: decoration.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

This type of vegetarian, lean frosting can be safely used to decorate children's gingerbread cookies, cookies, cakes. Icing without eggs hardens very quickly, so you need to quickly apply it to slightly cooled products. For aroma, you can add a little vanilla concentrate or get by with lemon juice. If you have to decorate gingerbread, then this master class will be very useful.


  • powder - 280 g;
  • lemon juice - 4 tsp;
  • water - 4 tbsp. l ..

Cooking method:

  1. Sift the powdered sugar into a bowl.
  2. Pour in lemon juice drop by drop, constantly rubbing the mass.
  3. Add warm water, mix very well. If you need to change the consistency, add water or a little more powder. Put some icing on a plate - the drop should not spread.

White chocolate

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 312 kcal.
  • Purpose: decoration.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

The very name of this icing evokes the desire to bake homemade gingerbread or make a gingerbread house for children. Before making the white chocolate icing for Christmas gingerbread, stock up on a quality chocolate bar, butter, and milk. The mass will need to be cooked over low heat or in a water bath in a thick-walled saucepan so that nothing burns.


  • white chocolate - 200 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vanillin - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Break a chocolate bar into pieces, place everything in a saucepan.
  2. Place the diced butter here.
  3. Place the container in a water bath: to do this, bring water to a boil in a wide saucepan, then place a saucepan on it so that the bottom does not touch the boiling water.
  4. Stir constantly until smooth. Add sugar, pour in milk and simmer the fudge until thick.
  5. Immediately remove the saucepan from the heat, place it in a container of very cold water and beat with a mixer until the milk frosting begins to lag behind the whisk.


  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 298 kcal.
  • Purpose: decoration.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

This original method of icing preparation does not require the components to be brewed. The recipe for chocolate glaze with starch does not contain butter or sour cream, it fits perfectly on hot and cooled baked goods and does not freeze too quickly. For the preparation of a delicious fondant, it is better to use dark bitter chocolate - it has the perfect taste and consistency.


  • potato starch - 25 g;
  • cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons;
  • icing sugar - 100 g;
  • water - 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the pre-sifted icing sugar into a bowl, add the starch and cocoa.
  2. Pour in very cold water gradually and start rubbing.
  3. The mass should become glossy, shiny, and have a uniform consistency.

How to decorate gingerbread with icing

What could be the best decoration for the New Year holidays, a gift for friends and children? Homemade gingerbreads in glaze or gingerbread houses, lovingly decorated and given from the heart. Pay attention to a simple master class that will help you decide how and what to paint treats, what painting technique to choose:

  1. Decide on a cookie recipe, select molds for making it. If there are no special ones at hand, then cut them out of cardboard according to the patterns. Samples of such gingerbread can be found in abundance on the Internet or come up with your own.
  2. If a complex pattern is supposed to be on the gingerbread, then it is better to first circle it with a food marker and only then start painting the gingerbread with glaze.
  3. Fill a piping bag, a syringe with the thinnest nozzle with prepared icing.
  4. Make a multi-colored glaze based on the colors of the picture, arrange it in bowls.
  5. Start drawing from the outline - circle it and wait until it is completely dry, take your time.
  6. Apply base - white in the center of the gingerbread, dry.
  7. When cookies are completely colored in the right colors, sometimes you want to highlight special details. To do this, walk over them again, applying another layer.
  8. If you want to decorate the products with confectionery powder, then do it right away, until the icing has dried, so that the decoration does not crumble.
  9. You can use toothpicks to decorate very small details.
  10. The most important rule is not to rush and allow all layers to dry well.


Making gingerbread houses, little men belongs to the category of confectionery art. But do not think that it is beyond the power of an ordinary person to master it. Be creative, decorate the gingerbread with your children, and let it be not a professional painting, but just a beautiful, elegant gingerbread made with a soul. To decorate cookies at home, you need to have the following tools for painting gingerbread with icing:

  1. Pastry bag with different attachments.
  2. Small spoons.
  3. Toothpicks or needles.
  4. Silicone confectionery spatulas.

If you do not have some professional devices at hand, then you can use a simple, very dense bag made of food grade polyethylene, having previously cut off a small corner from it. Some hostesses manage to make a painting on gingerbread using a regular clerical file, in which they also cut off the corner. The main thing in this process is to get used to it, try to make a few curls, draw an outline, and then everything will go like clockwork.

Basic rules for decorating gingerbread:

  1. They should be completely cool and rest for several hours after baking.
  2. The glaze should have a uniform structure, be slightly thicker than sour cream, and at the same time not drip from the spoon like sugar syrup.
  3. Prepare in advance samples of patterns that you will use, put them in front of you in order to clearly observe all the nuances.

Learn how to cook and many more you will find in step-by-step photos and video tutorials.


Icing sugar, gingerbread syrup, water and sugar.

Now the cookies are on the way, and the buns are asking for from the oven, but still something is missing. We need a final finishing touch. And if you are not just a culinary specialist, but also an artist at heart, our master class "How to make icing sugar" will be very useful. And when the gingerbread cookies are covered with sweet sugar stains under your hands, and the cakes are decorated with snow-white glossy "caps" of glaze, you will feel a little bit like magicians.

Beat the whites in a water bath together with sugar for about 5 minutes. Then we will work the same amount of whisk, but without heating. Fill the cooled baked goods with icing. It dries quickly, becomes smooth and shiny.

  • powdered sugar - 1 tbsp.;

  • brown sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;

  • butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;

  • milk - 3 tbsp. spoons;

  • vanilla - 1 pinch.

Melt the butter in a small saucepan, add the milk and dissolve the sugar. Let the mixture boil and keep it on fire for 1 minute. Remove from heat, add half of the powdered sugar and beat until cool. Then add vanilla, the remaining powder, beat everything again and apply to gingerbread or cookies. The finished glaze tastes very much like caramel.

Dissolve the sugar in water and bring the syrup to a boil. We are waiting for large transparent bubbles to appear on the surface (the temperature reaches 110 degrees). Remove the syrup from heat and let cool slightly. Glaze large gingerbread cookies with a brush. Small ones can be completely immersed in syrup, and then laid out on a wire rack - the excess will drain, and the gingerbreads will be covered with delicious translucent sugar stains.

Beat the egg whites until firm peaks, then gradually add the icing sugar. Such glaze can be used to glue parts of a gingerbread house together. and decorate it. And so that the glaze does not freeze too quickly, add a drop of lemon juice.

  • powdered sugar - 100 g;

  • starch - 1 tsp;

  • cream (fat content 10%) - 4 tbsp. spoons;

  • vanillin - 1 pinch.

Mix the powdered sugar with starch and vanilla. Bring the cream to a boil (you can replace it with milk) and pour it into the powder. Knead well and immediately cover fresh buns - the cooled glaze thickens quickly.

  • powdered sugar - 1 tbsp.;

  • milk - 2 tsp;

  • sugar syrup - 2 tsp;

  • almond extract - 0.25 tsp;

  • food dyes.

Such glaze is used by professional pastry chefs, however, it will not be difficult to prepare it at home. Pour milk into icing sugar and knead to a paste consistency. Add syrup and almond extract. We lay out the glaze in jars, each tint with its own color. Everything, you can create. Feel like a real artist in the kitchen, feel free to take a brush and ...

Pour milk into the melted butter, add salt and powdered sugar. Knead until sour cream. If it turns out too thick, pour in a little more milk or water, you can add powdered sugar to the liquid glaze. At the end, throw in a pinch of vanilla and mix everything again. Apply the finished icing to the cookies with a brush or pastry syringe.

  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp.;

  • cream (fat content not less than 20%) - 0.5 tbsp.;

  • butter - 1 tbsp. spoon;

  • vanilla - 1 pinch.

Heat the cream, add butter and keep the saucepan on fire until it melts. Then add powdered sugar and vanillin, beat with a mixer until smooth. This snow-white icing is just perfect for Easter cakes!

Gingerbread is perhaps the most frequent guest of any New Year's and festive table. Glaze gives special charm and unusual taste to gingerbread. How do you prepare a delicious and aromatic icing? There are several options for this coating, which will not only give the dessert a finished look, but also make it indescribably sweet.

Icing Sugar for Egg Gingerbread

The most popular icing sugar variation is a mixture of eggs and icing sugar. She prepares quickly and looks interesting.

To prepare such a decoration, you will need:

  • protein of 1 egg;
  • icing sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • lemon, mint syrup, vanillin - to taste.


Beat the protein with powdered sugar until a fluffy foam is obtained. Due to the pleasant smell of the powder, the sugar glaze does not require additional flavoring. Lemon juice, mint syrup, orange juice and zest can be added to the glaze. Remember this frosting is white.

Sugar icing for gingerbread on the water

More traditional is the icing in the form of a sweet, thick syrup.

For it, you need to prepare:

  • water - 0.5 cups;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • additives to taste - 0.5 tbsp. l. aromatic alcohol, 2 g of vanilla sugar or the juice of half a lemon.


The main difficulty with this recipe is that you need to cook a very thick syrup. For this, water is poured into the pan and sugar is poured. The fire must be strong. When boiling, foam will appear, which needs to be removed. After that, the heat is reduced and the syrup is boiled to the required consistency. When cooled, it should be drawn with a thin thread, and not flowed in a stream.

Sugar icing the gingerbread

The glaze can be applied to the surface of gingerbread in several ways:

  • pastries are laid out on a table or tray, and each gingerbread is coated with glaze with a brush;
  • the baked goods are placed in a large saucepan, in which the icing is placed, covered with a lid and shaken several times - it remains to lay out the gingerbread cookies to dry.

The glaze gives the baked goods a unique look. It is enough to add food coloring or colored juices to the cooked or whipped composition and your gingerbread cookies will acquire bright colors that will appeal not only to children, but also to adult lovers of sweets. Go for it - cover the gingerbread with icing and paint funny patterns on them with chocolate. Treat yourself to fun and fairy tale!