Oven chicken recipes. Kurnik assembly

25.07.2019 Lenten dishes

Among the huge amount of baked goods, pies with savory filling... Kurnik with chicken and potatoes won the hearts of our ancestors and still does not leave the tables true gourmets... He is flour product with meat filling. Initially, the pie was made with chicken, but over time, such popular products began to be used as an original addition:

  • mushrooms;
  • fish.

As a result, the dish took pride of place on wedding table, in restaurants and on home kitchen... Kurnik with chicken and potatoes is considered very hearty delicacy as it instantly satisfies the feeling of hunger and fills with energy for several hours. Although this dish is quite complex, even a novice cook can learn how to cook it. Consider detailed manual creation royal pie, as it was often called in Ancient Russia.

There are many analogs of chicken and potato chicken, which are popular in the countries of the East. The most common of these is samsa.

Traditional pie "Tenderness"

Many will agree that the "new" is the well-forgotten "old". Therefore, it is not surprising that the recipes that have been preserved in the archives come to life in the hands of smart chefs. As a result, dishes of our ancestors appear on the tables with a touch of modernity. Traditional step by step recipe kurnik with potatoes and chicken reveals the secret of making the king's pie.

List of required products:

  • wheat flour of the highest grade;
  • chicken fillet;
  • potato;
  • mayonnaise;
  • eggs;
  • soda;
  • salt;
  • vegetable fat.

Safe steps towards the goal:

In the center of the cake, it is advisable to make a small depression in order to add liquid to the filling through it and steam out.

Excellent appetizer - chicken and potato chicken

Who among us doesn't like to feast on Russian pancakes? And if they are inside gorgeous pie? Our ancestors often pampered their families with such an exquisite dish... Let's try to understand the technology of cooking a chicken and potato chicken at home. Step by step option creating a dish consists of such actions.

Kurnik ingredients

The first step is to collect necessary components so that they are close at hand:

  • wheat flour;
  • butter;
  • chicken eggs;
  • sour cream;
  • fresh milk;
  • vegetable oil;
  • chicken meat;
  • a few potatoes;
  • mushrooms;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • greenery.

Cooking procedure

First, prepare the meat filling. Put a little in the pan butter... When it melts, add flour. Lightly fried. Pour cold broth or boiled water... Chicken meat cut into small pieces is dipped into the mixture. Stew for about 10 minutes.

Then proceed to mushroom filling.
Fresh chopped in halves, add canned mushrooms(optional) and fried in ghee.
In a separate frying pan, make a sauce for chicken and pour mushrooms over it. Boil for about 15 minutes.

Rice groats are boiled in salted water until full readiness... Add to it chopped eggs, grated potatoes, fresh herbs and salt. Season with butter and mix everything well.

Pancakes are the signature ingredient. To prepare the dough, grind eggs with granulated sugar and salt. Flour is added and then fresh milk. V finished product pour in a little vegetable oil.

To make the lump-free dough, first make it steep and then dilute it with milk.

Pancakes of the same shape are baked.

Knead unleavened dough... Stir salt in warmed milk, a little granulated sugar, soda. Then add butter and sour cream. Flour is added in small portions to make a soft dough.

The flour product is divided into two parts. One of them is larger than the other. A smaller piece is rolled into a layer and a layer of several pancakes is spread on it.

Next, use a spoon to make a layer of meat filling... Cover with pancakes.
Then champignons.
Pancakes again.
A mixture of rice with grated potatoes is laid in the form of a hemisphere, which is hidden under a layer of pancakes.

Now roll out the second part of the dough into a thin sheet. Several cuts are made in it. Decorations are made from the remains of the dough, which are pinned to the product. Grease Kurnik with a beaten egg and bake for at least 40 minutes.

The dish is served cold.

Puff pastry delicacy

An invaluable help for housewives - ready dough different types which is freely available in stores. It is especially wise to use it when you need to cook quickly. favourite dish... Let's get acquainted with popular recipe kurnik with potatoes from ready-made puff pastry. Wise housewives first collect the necessary ingredients:

  • puff pastry packaging;
  • potato;
  • chicken fillet;
  • butter;
  • bulb;
  • spices;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • egg yolk.

It is advisable to put the frozen dough in a warm place a few hours before baking.

First of all, the chicken fillet is cut into pieces and put on a plate.

The potato tubers are washed and peeled.

The onion is chopped in half rings.

A layer of puff pastry is rolled out and placed in a baking sheet, which is pre-lubricated with oil.

On top of it, cut potatoes into slices. Then it is pepper and salted.

The next layer is chicken, seasoned with spices. Sprinkle generously with onions on top.

To make the chicken with meat and potatoes juicy, pieces of butter are placed in several places.

The blank is covered with a second sheet of dough. They make a primitive decoration (as in the photo). Smear with yolk whipped with water. Bake at 200 degrees for about 40 minutes.

The delicacy is served after cooling completely, cutting into portions.

Video recipe for puff pastry chicken

Exists great amount types of pastries with savory filling. We'll talk about the kurnik. What kind of dish is this?

Kurnik is pretty old Russian dish, it is a pie with meat inside. It was originally made with chicken.

By the way, the pie got its name precisely because of the meat of this bird. But over time, filling became more difficult.

Today content delicious cake in addition to meat, other ingredients such as mushrooms, rice, cheese, potatoes can also serve. It is the recipe for chicken and potatoes that we will consider below.

Recipe for an appetizing chicken chicken and fragrant potatoes

In general, chicken pie is much easier on the stomach than other meats. For those who are preparing chicken for the first time, it is best to use chicken.

V this recipe a version of the pie with kefir dough is used.

And for a good reason, because this type of test has many advantages: for a long time does not stale, is easily absorbed, in it fewer calories than yeast, for example.

However, remember: in no case should you make the dough too tight, but you shouldn't make it sticky either. To achieve the golden mean, we do not add all the flour at once, but little by little.

So, here's what you need to make a kurnik:

  • Flour (how much dough will require);
  • Kefir - 250 ml;
  • 1 package of butter (margarine is possible);
  • Half a teaspoon of salt;
  • Half a teaspoon of baking soda .;
  • Half a kilogram chicken meat;
  • 3-4 potatoes;
  • 5 pieces. onions;
  • Salt, spices, black pepper.

Now we will describe in detail all the stages of preparation. delicious chicken with potatoes and chicken according to the recipe with visual photos.

You can knead the dough for our chicken poultry quite simply and quickly. To begin with, pour a small pinch of soda into kefir, then heat the butter (or margarine) in a metal container to a soft but non-liquid state.

Then all this must be mixed until a homogeneous consistency. Then for 1.5-2 hours at a temperature of 15-20 ° C, leave the resulting dough to lie down in a cellophane bag.

Now let's start filling. Wash and peel the vegetables, cut them, cut the chicken into small pieces.

Then you need to lay out the rolled dough on a baking sheet, greased in advance, or special form... The filling is usually laid out in layers:

  1. Lightly peppery and salted chicken;
  2. Potatoes, salt, pepper;
  3. Pieces of butter.

But if the chef wants to mix the contents, then the taste will not be greatly affected by this.

You can decorate with various dough figurines, as shown in the photo.

Then you need to put in hot oven baking sheet with chicken and wait until the crust is browned.

After that, it remains to pull out the finished kurnik and lubricate it for beauty sunflower oil or an egg.

For a video recipe for making a kurnik, see below:

Delicate puff pastry pie with chicken, potatoes and cheese

Another chicken recipe, this time from puff pastry. Almost everyone likes products made from it, because it is very tasty and pleasantly crunches in the mouth.

But the process of its preparation is very laborious, and everything may not turn out the way you want. Therefore, it is better to buy ready-made products in the store. puff pastry... In addition to chicken and potatoes, add cheese to the filling to add tenderness to the dish.

  • 0.5 kg of puff pastry (unleavened, yeast-free);
  • 400-500 g of chicken meat;
  • One onion;
  • 100 g of cheese (hard varieties);
  • Seasonings to taste;
  • One egg.

For the filling, it is better to take chicken fillet, this part of the poultry is cooked the fastest. Cut the fillet into small cubes, add pepper, salt or other seasoning.

Grate cheese hard grade, and cut the onion into quarters. Mix meat, cheese and onion.

Place the resulting filling on the pre-rolled dough, leveling it well. Be sure to leave space at the edges and corners to pinch the dough.

Pierce another layer of dough over the entire area with a fork and cover the filling on top. The edges must be carefully stitched together.

You can make the edges beautiful shape, for example, ribbed or in the form of a pigtail. On top you need to grease the pie with an egg.

Then place the product for about 30 minutes in the oven, setting the temperature to 200-210 degrees. During baking, the chicken should be covered with a golden crust.

The finished chicken should stand for ten minutes to cool down. Everything, you can cut and serve the dish to the table.

Lazy chicken - simple, fast and tasty

The ingredients for making a recipe for a lazy chicken with potatoes and chicken are as follows:

  • 100 g margarine;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 6 pieces of potatoes;
  • 400-500 g of chicken meat;
  • 1 large onion
  • Salt, various spices.

Melt margarine in a bowl until soft, add flour to it, pour milk, add baking soda and salt. Mix all products well.

Chop the chicken pulp and onion, cut the potatoes into cubes. You can add a little salt, pepper or spices.

You need to take a frying pan as a form. Grease it with oil, pour part of the dough into it, which should be evenly distributed along the bottom.

Put the filling on top, align. Pour over the rest of the dough and flatten too. Set the temperature in the oven to 180 degrees and bake the pie for an hour and a half.

With this method of cooking, you do not need to roll out the dough, pinch the edges, everything happens by itself, and the chicken is no less tasty.

The popularity of chicken meat is growing every day. Of course, cooking and eating it is a pleasure! Chicken recipes in a slow cooker with a photo: tasty, healthy, festive. By the way, it is this meat that people striving for weight loss can afford.

Not sure what to cook for your guests for their birthday? Here you can find fresh ideas... All dishes are tasty and uncomplicated.

Find out here why bran is useful and why some people use it to improve their health. Be aware!

As in other recipes, cooking a chicken and potato chicken requires proper attention and adherence to some points:

  1. In order for the chicken to get a beautiful shape, the filling must be spread evenly;
  2. Also, when laying out the filling, you need to leave a little space from the edges so that the contents of the cake do not fall out;
  3. For an appetizing look, the pie should be greased with an egg or vegetable oil;
  4. In order not to pinch the edges, you can pour the dough into the pan and the edges "stick together" themselves;
  5. In addition to the types of dough described above, you can also use pancake.

The chicken and potato pies are delicious and easy to make. Kurnik recipes will come in handy for any housewife. Whether it's a family holiday or a casual day, family and guests alike will appreciate this simple Russian dish.

When preparing such pies, the hostess is not limited to strict limits when choosing dough and filling. You can try different things, combine ingredients. And the main thing is that life is delicious!

You can start experimenting with the ingredients of the pie right now. For inspiration, we present to you a video in which a very interesting pancake chicken is considered.

You can safely try to cook it yourself. Wake up your culinary genius!

Quite a simple recipe for chicken poultry made from sour cream dough with potatoes and chicken.


  • Sour cream (20% fat) - 1 glass
  • Margarine (creamy) - 250 grams
  • Flour (wheat, grade - the highest) - how much it will take
  • Soda (baking, bread) - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Fillet (chicken) - 800 grams
  • Potatoes - 5-7 pieces
  • Onion (onion, red) - 1 head
  • Pepper (black, ground) - to taste
  • Butter (butter) - 50 grams.


First we will make dough for kurniks. We extinguish the soda with vinegar in one glass of sour cream, add a pinch of salt. Then pour into an enamel container (deep bowl). Mix sour cream with margarine (softened). Add flour to the resulting mixture (how much it will take). We knead the dough - elastic, like plasticine, so that it does not stick to your hands. We leave it for 20-25 minutes in a cold place.

Meanwhile, cut the fillet (chicken) into small pieces (in the form of cubes), cut the potatoes into small cubes (it can be slightly boiled until half cooked). Now add pieces of chicken fillet to the potatoes. Coarsely chop the onion, also add to the resulting filling, mix it all, seasoning with salt and pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly again.

When the filling for the chicken poultry is ready, we will start working with the dough again. To do this, we will take a small amount of dough, and make not very thin pancake cakes, the size of a palm. Inside each cake we will put the filling that has just been prepared. You need to fold the chicken into the shape of a half-closed basket, we pinch only along the edges, the middle should be open.

We preheat the oven well (up to 220 degrees), put the sheet on the oven sheet parchment paper greased with a little margarine (or vegetable oil). We put blanks on the paper. We will bake for about 20-30 minutes, over moderate heat, until a golden brown crust forms on each hen.


Kurnik with chicken and potatoes

If you've ever cooked classic kurnik, you probably know that it is not regular pie, but almost a culinary feat! After all, it takes a lot of time to make it, having made a lot of manipulations ... The thing is that a real kurnik is big pie with multilayer filling, divided thin pancakes... Usually meat / poultry, mushrooms, rice, eggs, etc. are used as fillers. Of course, the result is a masterpiece dish, because the kurnik was called the king's pie for a reason!

However, the rapid pace of today's life dictates its conditions to us, therefore, over time, the recipe has become greatly simplified, and today we propose to master the modern version of the pie based on the old chicken coaster. As a basis, we will make quick dough on kefir, and for the filling we use poultry fillets and potatoes. Kurnik with chicken and potatoes turns out to be juicy, satisfying and tasty! And if you follow the step-by-step recipe with a photo, the cooking process will be quick and easy!


  • kefir - 250 ml;
  • butter - 180 g;
  • flour - about 600-700 g (how much the dough will take);
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • baking soda - ½ teaspoon.
  • chicken (fillet) - 350-400 g;
  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 small heads or 1 large;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

To lubricate the chicken coaster:

Kurnik step by step recipe with a photo at home

How to make dough for a chicken chicken on kefir

How to make chicken and potato chicken filling

How to bake chicken and potato chicken

Kurnik with chicken and potatoes is good both warm and completely cooled! Bon Appetit!


Kurnik with chicken and potatoes

Flour - 2-3 cups

Kefir - 1/2 cup

Baking powder - 2 g

Salt - 2 pinches

Chicken eggs - 1-2 pcs.

Butter - 1/2 pack

Chicken breast - 1 pc.

Potatoes - 3-5 pcs.

Onions - 1-2 pcs.

Sunflower oil - to taste

Parsley - 1/2 bunch

Cooking instructions

The famous Russian pie needs no introduction. The majestic kurnik deserves your attention, dear hostesses, no less stuffed pies. I propose to cook kurnik with chicken and potatoes from fast butter dough... Kurnik is prepared in two stages. First, the dough is kneaded, and then the filling is prepared, or vice versa.

To knead the chicken dough, you cannot do without flour, kefir, sour cream, baking powder, butter, salt and chicken eggs- to grease the surface of the cake before baking.

The frozen butter should be grated into a bowl.

Then add kefir and sour cream to the dough.

Knead a soft ball and send it under a plastic wrap to the refrigerator.

For the filling you need chicken breast skinless, peeled potatoes and onions, as well as parsley, salt and sunflower oil for frying the filling.

Chicken and potatoes are cut into cubes, fried in sunflower oil until light golden brown. In the process of frying, you need to salt the filling, and then add the chopped greens.

The dough is divided into two parts. A round one rolls out from each thin cake... One goes as a base. Line a baking dish with a circle of dough. Lubricate it with sunflower oil. Place the cooled filling in the middle.

Place the second cake on top of the filling and mold to the base.

Gently shape the edge with a knife, and then go around with your hands, making small pinches. Superfluous the dough will go to decorate the hen's hat.

Decorate the blank with dough figurines as you wish.

Go through the brush with chicken yolk on the surface. Submit the potato chicken mold to hot oven for 45 minutes.

So, the cooking stage is over. Kurnik with chicken and potatoes turned out to be great. Ruddy, lush and juicy enough.

Invite loved ones festive table With traditional pie... Enjoy your tea in Russian!


Kurnik with chicken and potatoes

I propose to cook chicken and potato chicken recipe with photo, which will help in this. This cake was originally baked for the holidays. As the name suggests, the filling consisted mainly of chopped chicken... For the preparation of this salty pie can be used as a puff and shortbread dough and yeast. In some regions of Russia kurnik recipe is a row of thin pancakes from one type of dough, separated by a filling, and on top is covered with a head of another type of dough. If you do not deviate from the original traditional recipe, then a real chicken contains several fillings or a filling of several ingredients. The recipe in this article combines butter dough and filling in the form of a combination of potatoes, chicken fillet, fried onions and a beaten egg with spices.

Kurnik ingredients

Kurnik cooking method

  1. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and divide into two parts: one slightly larger than the other.
  2. Roll out the smaller part of the dough into a thin layer and place on a greased baking sheet.
  3. Put diced potatoes on a layer of dough.
  4. Salt and pepper.
  5. Spread the onion evenly in half rings.
  6. Sprinkle with spices.
  7. Distribute the chicken fillet pieces.
  8. Salt.
  9. Roll out the second part of the dough and place on top of the filling.
  10. Pinch the edges. If it comes out - in the form of a braid around the perimeter.
  11. Make a hole in the middle of the cake.
  12. Beat the egg.
  13. Grease the pie with an egg, and pour the rest of the egg into the hole in the middle of the pie.
  14. Put the pie in the oven preheated to 200⁰С.
  15. Bake the chicken for 40 minutes.
  16. Check the readiness of the pie by making a puncture with a toothpick: if it is dry, the dough is not taken - the pie is ready.
  17. Remove the pie from the oven and cover with a wet towel.
  18. Let it brew for 20 minutes.

If desired, you can sprinkle sesame seeds on the chicken before baking. Bon Appetit!


Kurnik - chicken pie... It is very tasty and satisfying, it can be prepared from any type of dough, with the addition of the most different ingredients in the filling. The combination of poultry and vegetables is especially successful.

Here are the best step-by-step chicken and potato chicken recipes. There are plenty of options to choose from to your taste!

Chicken with potatoes - general cooking principles

You can take yeast dough for chicken poultry, kefir on rippers, the pie is perfectly obtained from purchased puff pastry, shortbread. There are actually a lot of options, you can choose simpler ones or devote half a day to cooking.

The filling for the kurnik is made from raw food... These step-by-step recipes use chicken and potatoes. Usually fillet is taken, as it is quickly baked, easy to cut, goes well with any other ingredients. Potatoes are used in quantity almost as much or slightly more, but not less. It needs to be cut thinly so that the vegetable has time to cook during baking.

What else can you put in the filling:

Onion garlic;

Cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes;

Oil, spices.

Kurnik pie is always formed closed, that is, it consists of an upper and lower layer. You can give the product a round, square or rectangular shape. Before baking, the top is greased with an egg. Since the filling is raw, the temperature is not higher than 180-190 degrees.

Chicken with potatoes: a step-by-step recipe for kefir dough

A variant of the simplest and most famous, one might even say classic pie... In a step-by-step recipe for chicken and potatoes chicken, kefir dough is used. But you can also start it on ordinary yogurt, sour cream.


250 ml of kefir;

180 grams of margarine or butter;

600-700 g millet. flour;

½ tsp salt and the same amount of soda.

Kurnik filling:

0.4 kg chicken fillet;

3-4 potatoes;

1 onion;

30 grams of oil;

Salt and pepper.

To grease the cake, you will additionally need one yolk, a spoonful of water or milk.


1. For kneading dough, it is better not to use cold kefir... You need to get it out in advance or just heat it slightly. We follow fermented milk product so that it does not turn into cottage cheese, bring it to body temperature.

2. In kefir we throw salt according to the recipe and immediately introduce soda. Sometimes eggs are added to this dough, which can also be done. But in this case, you need to add the amount of flour. Stir the salt with soda.

3. The butter must be melted and cooled. You can use for this microwave oven... Add to the bowl to the kefir.

4. Add flour to the dough, but not all at once. If there is not a lot of water in the oil and it has cooled well, less flour may be consumed. Stir the dough thoroughly, first with a spoon, then put it on the table and knead the elastic mass, which can be easily stretched in shape or rolled out with a rolling pin.

5. Let the lump lie for 15 minutes. It is better to cover the top with a foil so that the crusts do not dry out.

6. While the dough is lying down, you can make the filling. Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes, slightly larger than a pea, or chop into strips. Sprinkle with spices, stir, let it marinate a little.

7. Peel the onion. You can use two things. We cut either into strips or into cubes, but always thinly. Onions take longer to bake, they should not crunch. Pour it over the chicken.

8. Peel the potatoes. If the tubers are large. Three things are enough. Cut into thin slices and also add to the common bowl with the filling. Add more salt. Perchik. Stir and you can start sculpting the chicken.

9. Separate about a third from the dough, set aside. Roll a large piece into a cake. We transfer it to the form, line the bottom and make the sides with our fingers.

10. We spread it on bottom cake kurnik stuffing from a bowl. Before that, stir it again so that the spices are evenly distributed.

11. Cut a piece of butter into slices and lay it over the filling. As the pie warms up and bakes, it will melt and saturate the minced meat.

12. Roll out the remaining piece of dough, cover the chicken, connect the edges of the top and bottom flatbread.

13. The filling is made from raw products and when baking, juice will stand out, so you need to make holes on top. Otherwise, the cake will simply crack on top or the seams will come apart.

14. Mix egg yolk with water or milk. Lubricate the top of the chicken.

15. Bake at 180 degrees for about 50 minutes.

Chicken with potatoes: a step-by-step recipe for yeast dough pie

Yeast pies are distinguished by their particular tenderness and softness. In this step-by-step chicken and potato chicken chicken recipe, the dough is the simplest on water with dry yeast.


300 ml of water;

8 g yeast;

0.5 tsp salt;

1 tsp Sahara;

45 ml of oil;

A small egg or yolk for lubrication.

For filling:

3 potatoes;

2-3 onion heads;

30 g butter;

0.3 kg of chicken;


1. Water for yeast dough should be used warm, about 40 degrees. Add salt and sugar, add dry yeast to them and dissolve everything thoroughly.

2. We will knead the dough in a safe way... Let the yeast dissolve in water for a few minutes. If you take pressed yeast, then the amount should be increased to 20 grams.

3. Add butter to the dough. You can take any fat or melted margarine, but it should not be hot.

4. Add flour. Put it until you get a soft, elastic, not too tough dough. Knead the lump until a homogeneous, soft and smooth ball is obtained. We remove it to a warm place, let it rise well. This will take about two and a half hours.

5. Cut the onion for the filling into large cubes. Melt the butter in a skillet, add the onion and lightly sauté. This technique will not allow the vegetable to crunch after baking, will give the filling juiciness and pleasant aroma.

6. While the onion is cooling. Cut the chicken fillet into pieces. Then we combine them in a bowl.

7. Peel the potatoes. Cut into thin and small slices, combine with other filling ingredients.

8. Add spices to the filling. We take into account that there are a lot of onions and they are slightly sweet. Salt normally. In addition, pepper, you can add a little garlic, herbs, but a little bit, after all, the cake should have its own rich taste.

9. We take out the dough, which has already risen well, separate the part a little more than half. We make the first, that is, the bottom layer of the pie. You can roll it out with a rolling pin or simply stretch it with your hands.

10. Lay out the filling of potatoes with chicken and sautéed onions, smooth out.

11. Roll out or stretch the second piece of yeast dough, hide the filling under it, fasten the edges of the two layers.

12. Again we make several holes on top.

13. Beat the egg or take only the yolk. Lubricate the chicken with a brush.

14. We put the cake to bake. At 180-190 degrees, it will take about an hour.

Lazy chicken and potato chicken: a step-by-step puff pastry recipe

One of the simplest and quick ways make a pie, but do not get flour on the hands. The step-by-step chicken and potato chicken recipe uses commercial puff pastry. You can take usual option or with yeast, whichever you prefer. Additionally, cheese is added to the filling, but you can not add it.


500 g of dough;

3-4 potatoes;

100 g of cheese;

1 onion;

300 g of chicken;

Pepper and salt;

Small egg;

Oil for the juiciness of the filling.


1. Take out the dough in advance, so that it lays down for 30-40 minutes, thawed. If you are using homemade puff pastry made recently, put it in the refrigerator. This type of dough does not like warmth.

2. While you can prepare the filling. Chop the chicken into strips, put it in a bowl, lightly sprinkle with spices on top.

3. Cut thin straw onion, add to the chicken and mash these ingredients together well. They will saturate each other with juices, the filling will be tastier.

4. Peel the potatoes, cut each tuber into four parts. Then chop the slices across into very thin pieces. Pour potatoes with chicken and onions and also season with spices.

5. We unfold the dough. If there is only one layer, then we cut it into two parts. We make the bottom of the chicken coaster a little more to make the sides. We roll up the layers, as they are usually a little thick.

6. If the dough is already divided into two parts, then slightly roll out one and cut off a small strip. This layer will go up. Let's roll the lower layer a little too.

7. Break the egg into a bowl and shake with a fork. Puff pastry is dry enough, it can be molded without lubrication, but there is a high probability of pasting the layers.

8. Lubricate the edges of the bottom layer with an egg, it is convenient to use a silicone brush for this.

9. We spread the filling, before that we add the grated cheese, stir thoroughly.

10. Scatter small pieces of butter on top of the filling or simply sprinkle with vegetable oil.

11. Cover top layer dough, join and twist the edges.

12. Make holes on top.

13. Cover the pie with an egg to make beautiful crust.

14. Bake at 180 degrees for about 45-50 minutes. In general, it is better to cook puff pastry at temperatures above 200 degrees, but we need to bake raw filling.

It is not necessary to use butter to make the filling juicier. You can add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream or mayonnaise to the filling, just stir well.

To prevent the chicken from bursting, the cake is even, be sure to make holes on top for steam to escape. They can be poked out with your fingers (usually a round hole in the center) or cut with a knife (often these are rays from the hole in the center).

If there is more dough or scraps remain, then you can mold small kurnichki from them in the form of pies. If there is little waste, then you can use it to decorate the cake.

  • 2-3 st. white flour;
  • 1 tbsp sour cream;
  • 0.5 tbsp. kefir (sour milk);
  • 2 gr. baking powder;
  • 0.5 packs of butter;
  • 1-2 pcs. chicken eggs;
  • 1 skinless chicken breast
  • 1-2 onion heads;
  • 3-5 potato tubers;
  • 0.5 bunch of fresh parsley;
  • some lean oil for frying the filling;
  • 3 pinches of salt.
  • Preparation time: 00:20
  • Cooking time: 00:45
  • Servings: 6
  • Complexity: average


Russian kurnik is delicious juicy filling from toasted in vegetable oil raw potatoes and chicken. This pie baked from butter dough fast food, which significantly reduces the time spent on cooking. A detailed recipe with a photo will make the whole process simple and straightforward.

Kurnik is layered cake with juicy and fragrant filling, which in Russia was prepared mainly for weddings and other special occasions. This pastry is also called the royal or king of pies. Any filling for the chicken can be used: mushrooms, sauerkraut, eggs, boiled rice, buckwheat, potatoes and, of course, chicken. Pie dough is also used in different ways: puff, yeast, butter, shortbread or ready-made thin pancakes... Next, consider a recipe with a photo of a delicious juicy chicken chicken with potatoes and chicken.

Yeast chicken with potatoes, mushrooms and chicken

The traditional kurnik pie has a variety of fillings. Therefore, mushrooms are perfect for potatoes and chicken, which will make the filling richer and its taste multifaceted. For juiciness, water or broth is poured into the pie. Such pastries will make a splash at the dinner table.

Servings: 8.

Cooking time: 180 minutes.

Caloric content: 207.1 kcal per 100 g.


  • 250 g soft margarine;
  • 0.5 l of fresh milk;
  • 1 tbsp sweet sand;
  • 1 tsp table salt;
  • 2 pcs. fresh eggs;
  • 11 gr. dry yeast;
  • 1 kg of wheat flour;
  • 500-800 gr. chicken fillet;
  • 400-600 gr. fresh champignons;
  • 1-2 onion heads;
  • 3-4 tablespoons homemade mayonnaise;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • 6-8 potato tubers;
  • 0.5 tbsp. broth;
  • 1-2 pinches of salt and black pepper (for the filling).

Cooking process:

  1. At the beginning of cooking we start yeast dough... We heat the milk to a temperature of 38 degrees so that it is moderately warm. We dilute yeast, sugar, salt in milk. Also add half the melted baking margarine. Cover the resulting dough with a napkin, move it for a quarter of an hour to a warm place without drafts.

    You cannot dilute yeast in hot milk, because the yeast bacteria will die from the heat.

  2. When the yeast rises with a hat, drive in the eggs, the remaining margarine, sift the flour. Stir all the ingredients with a spoon, then switch to manual kneading. Homogeneous elastic dough leave to rise for an hour, covering it with a bowl.
  3. While the yeast dough is ripening, prepare the filling. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly, refresh the cut of the leg, clean the cap. We cut the champignons into slices or large cubes. Peel the onion, finely dice it. We spread it on hot skillet With vegetable oil onion, fry, stirring, until transparent and soft. Add mushrooms to the pan, mix, salt and pepper. We fry the mushrooms until all mushroom juice will not evaporate completely. Place the contents of the pan on a plate to cool.
  4. We clean the potato tubers, rinse, dry them with a napkin. Cut the potatoes into thin circles.

    To prevent the potatoes from darkening before placing them in the pie, you can pour a little water over them. And dry thoroughly before sending to the cake.

  5. Rinse the chicken fillet, dry it, cut into medium cubes.
  6. Knock down the risen dough, divide into 2 parts. Roll out one half with a diameter more shape to get high sides... We put a layer of dough in a refractory mold greased with vegetable oil, form sides from the dough.
  7. Now generously grease the base with mayonnaise, put half of the potato slices on top, salt and pepper to taste. For juiciness on the potatoes, occasionally lay out small pieces of butter.
  8. Lay a layer of cooled down on top fried mushrooms... Cover the mushrooms with a layer of chopped raw chicken, which we season with salt and pepper.
  9. We lay out the remaining potatoes, salt, draw a thin mayonnaise mesh on the surface.
  10. Roll out the rest of the dough so that the diameter is equal to the diameter of the mold. Close the filling with the dough, fasten the edges well. We make a hole in the center of the pie, pour in the broth.
  11. Lubricate the chicken pie egg yolk, we send it to an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees, bake it for 2-2.5 hours.
  12. After baking, all the liquid from the chicken may not evaporate, so after the oven we let the pie brew for another 30-50 minutes.

Also cook small portioned chicken filled with potatoes, onions and chicken meat. They are formed in the form of bags or triangles. In the center of each product, holes are made into which a spoonful of chicken broth is poured. It is convenient to take such pies with you on the road or give the kids to school for a snack.