Delicious Greek zucchini pie. Delicious Greek zucchini pie Zucchini pie in the oven

“Somewhere I have already tried something similar!” - such a thought arises after trying a Ligurian zucchini pie.

Certainly! The taste of the filling is reminiscent of our pickled cucumber pies, which are also baked with rice. Therefore, it is relatively easy to imagine what to expect from a Ligurian pie. It is natural to assume that the taste of the pie filling will be softer due to the use of fresh zucchini and cheese.

A feature of the original recipe is the use of a local variety of zucchini called trombetta. The pulp of young fruits is very dense with a delicate and delicate taste.

How to use a recipe without having a main ingredient with certain qualities on hand? It remains either to experiment on your own, or to use the experience of experienced experimenters. In any case, mistakes are always taken personally.

The recipe for the pie, which I will give below, was the result of the experience of baking 3 pies with a successive complication of the preparation of the filling. Starting with a "simple" recipe from a women's site, in the end I had to turn to food bloggers living directly in Liguria, using their recommendations aimed at constructing the taste of the pie.

Once again I was able to make sure that popular magazines purposefully simplify the recipes of traditional dishes in order to draw attention to the publication itself, and not to the culture of the kitchen.

Ligurian zucchini pie /Torta alle zucchine ligure

Ingredients for a mold with a diameter of 26-28 cm.

For the dough: 250 g flour, 125 ml water, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, a pinch of salt;

For the filling: 1 kg zucchini, 1 large onion, garlic clove, 100 g rice, 100 g grated cheese, 3 eggs, nutmeg, salt, pepper, marjoram (dry or fresh), olive oil.

Knead the dough from the indicated ingredients and leave to proof for at least 30 minutes.

From the prepared zucchini, choose 200-300 g of the densest ones, which are cut into small cubes. Grate the rest of the zucchini on a coarse grater, sprinkle with salt and leave in a colander (preferably under a small load) for 30 minutes to allow excess vegetative fluid to drain, then lightly!!! squeeze out the mass. Do not pour out accumulated liquid!

Add water to the accumulated liquid to make a volume of about 200-250 ml. In this volume of liquid, boil rice for 10 minutes, which should remain half-cooked. If during cooking not all the liquid has been absorbed into the rice, its remainder must be drained.

In a pan in olive oil, simmer finely chopped onion and garlic until soft, then add the zucchini, diced and sauté with the onion for several minutes, and then put a lot of grated zucchini and flavorings in the form of spices and herbs into the same pan. Mix well and keep on fire for another couple of minutes, then cool the vegetables.

Mix cooled vegetables with rice, grated cheese and eggs, adjust salt and pepper.

From the distanced dough, form a two-layer pie shell according to the method described. Scraps of three layers (one bottom and two top) are artistically laid out on top of the pie, the surface of which is smeared with milk or butter.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 C until cooked.

Let the cake rest at least overnight before serving. The taste will definitely become more elegant.

When storing, it is better not to wrap the cake in bags so that the dough does not lose its crunchiness.

My remarks

The most important clarifications concern the main ingredients of the pie filling.

I used regular zucchini with dark green skin. The pulp of their fruits is relatively watery, so I rubbed 2/3 of the dose to free the vegetables from excess liquid.

It should be noted that in the first version I used only grated and squeezed zucchini. On the second day, the cake seemed to me too dry and poor in the taste of vegetables.

The second option, when zucchini cut into cubes were used for the filling, I didn’t really like either. First, a large waste in the form of a central seed part. Secondly, the final taste of the filling is too heterogeneous.

Therefore, I came up with the option that when using a similar variety of zucchini, 2/3 doses can be grated and squeezed out excess liquid, and 1/3 cut into cubes to preserve the taste of vegetables.

What rice to use? Ligurians claim that any. I only had the one used for risotto. I did not see a fundamental difference whether such rice can or cannot be used.

Whether or not to use the liquid from the squeezed zucchini is a decision in itself and does not apply to the traditional technique of making a pie.

It is more important to decide whether to use a traditional pastry for baking or turn to puff pastry. The network has options with puff, but with a clearly smaller amount of filling.

Retractable dough allows you to prepare a cake rich in filling. On the second day, the shell of such a dough remains crisp and does not get wet even at the bottom, as it happens without fail with puff pastry

The recipe is included in

Let's cook a very delicious Greek with zucchini. The recipe is very simple, there is nothing complicated in cooking, even a beginner can handle it. The pie turns out to be very fragrant and appetizing, the combination of tender dough with juicy one will not leave anyone indifferent. Be sure to cook this dish at home and make sure everything ingenious is simple.


  • 140 grams of flour;
  • 450-500 grams;
  • 100 grams of hard cheese;
  • 3 pieces of chicken eggs;
  • 90-100 grams of onion;
  • 1 teaspoon;
  • 50 milliliters of olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder.

Delicious Greek zucchini pie. Step by step recipe

  1. First, prepare the zucchini: it must be washed, cut off the ends and grated on a coarse grater.
  2. Next, we clean the onion and rub it on a coarse grater into a bowl with zucchini.
  3. To vegetables in a bowl on a fine grater we rub hard cheese.
  4. Sift flour into a convenient bowl, add baking powder, salt, Provence herbs, and mix everything.
  5. In a convenient bowl, beat the eggs and beat with a mixer until fluffy foam (I beat for about one minute). Pour the olive oil into the beaten eggs and continue beating for about thirty seconds.
  6. Pour the egg mixture into the grated vegetables and cheese, mix everything thoroughly. Then add flour mixture and mix well again.
  7. We cover the baking dish with parchment paper and lay out a homogeneous mass, evenly distributing it over the surface of the form.
  8. We put the form on the middle level in the oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for forty-forty-five minutes.
  9. Next, we take the cake out of the oven, let it cool for about ten minutes (it will settle slightly), pull it out of the mold, remove the parchment paper and transfer it to a dish.

The zucchini pie is very ready, it will undoubtedly delight your family with its taste. I like to cook

1 teaspoon

3 art. spoons

2 pcs.

1 PC.

1 PC.

  • 20%

    200 gr.

  • 2 pcs.

    4 branches

    0.5 tsp

    1/4 teaspoon

    3 art. spoons

    The simplicity of preparing pies such as vegetable or meat open tops lies, perhaps, in their cooking process. The plus is that the whole filling and the dough near it are baked quite well, they do not remain raw, as is often observed in closed pies, when the dough is ready, and near the wet filling it is still somewhat damp. But special importance is attached today to pies that are made in a slow cooker. Their charm lies in the fact that they rarely burn with this method of preparation, and the filling is very attractively browned. And it does not burn or dry out, as is often observed in conventional ovens. One such example of a delicious open-top pie is the zucchini and chicken pie.

    The dough will be cooked layered, which makes the dish even tastier. Moreover, the cake is delicious both hot and cold. To begin, prepare all the necessary ingredients so that everything is on the table and ready to go. Zucchini at a young age does not have to be peeled. But if you got old zucchini with a tougher skin, then it is better to cut it first. In addition to zucchini, zucchini, which have a pale green skin color, can also be used. But today we are cooking with zucchini.

    All products must be fresh and of high quality. Some types of food should be prepared in advance. The butter should be taken out of the freezer immediately so that it softens at room temperature. Eggs should be beaten separately with a whisk in a deep bowl. Let them stand for a while, then they will need to be beaten again with sour cream and spices to get a filling. Chicken meat is better to use part of the breast. The meat is cut into fairly small pieces or cubes. Grate the zucchini and put everything on a towel to squeeze out their juice. Excess juice can prevent the dough from baking well. Finely chop the onion and fresh dill. If you like onion to be felt in the pie, then cut it into half rings.

    Let's start preparing the test. Pour flour into a bowl, add salt and mix. On top of it put the softened butter cut into pieces. Then knead everything until soft dough crumbs form. Everything needs to be kneaded with hands not with slow, but with fast movements.

    Then cold water is added and everything is kneaded until a soft dough is obtained. The dough should turn out soft and elastic enough, but in order for it to be finally ready for baking, it should be kept in the cold for some more time. By the way, you should not knead the dough for too long, it will become tough from this. We roll the dough into a ball-shaped shape and put it on cling film. We wrap everything up and put it on a free shelf in the refrigerator. The dough should rest there for about 30 minutes.

    Now, while the dough is cooling, you can mix the filling ingredients. We take a towel with chopped zucchini, and turn it into a bag, which, when twisted, will give juice. In this way, squeeze the juice from vegetables. Now zucchini can already be mixed together with pieces of raw chicken fillet. Sometimes I wish I could really feel the zucchini in the pie. For such cases, I simply do not rub them on a grater, but cut them into cubes. Then it is not necessary to squeeze the juice out of them.

    Now I turn on the multicooker for 20-30 minutes in the “Frying” mode and during this period of time I fry the zucchini, onion and chicken lightly, but only all separately. For each ingredient, I add one more tablespoon of vegetable oil for frying. Vegetables and meat should not be fried together in a slow cooker for the reason that they will be more likely to be stewed because of their juice, and not fried.
    Now the multicooker bowl is covered with strips of baking paper (parchment cut into strips). The dough is taken out of the refrigerator and rolled out into a circle, approximately the size of a multicooker bowl, only 2-3 cm larger. After that, the dough is laid out in a slow cooker and leveled so that there are also sides 2-3 cm high.

    After that, the fried filling must be laid out on the dough - chicken and vegetables that were previously fried. Then immediately fill the top with the resulting filling of eggs, sour cream, dill and spices. Smooth everything out with a spatula.

    Now the multicooker should be turned on in the "Baking" mode and set the cooking time - 1 hour 45 minutes. When finished, the filling will still remain wet, but it will not spread, but will seize and be more or less formed. The edges of the dough should be browned and the whole dish will smell delicious.

    The pie is taken out of the bowl by the strips of paper. All paper is removed, and the cake is neatly laid out on a dish or round tray. Nothing can be sprinkled on the cake and not decorated. After all, its appearance in itself is so beautiful.

    If your family does not like to eat tasty and healthy zucchini, then we suggest you cook a delicious zucchini pie. Believe me, no one will refuse such a delicacy. Your family will eat the cake on both cheeks, not even suspecting that you baked it from zucchini.

    If you are short on time, then a quick zucchini pie is at your service. This delicacy will also surprise you with its taste and aroma!

    How to make the most delicious zucchini and zucchini pies

    Every hostess can bake a delicious zucchini pie, and you can find the recipe for such a delicacy at any time on our website. And you will also look at not only the recipe for zucchini pie, but also get acquainted with the photo of the dish.

    Each recipe posted on our website is a kind of foundation, the basis for your culinary masterpieces that you will create by fantasizing and experimenting in your kitchen. Do not look for the perfect recipes, create your ideals yourself.

    So, zucchini are quite popular vegetables and they are mainly used to prepare some snack delicacies and added to side dishes. Not everyone managed to try pastries with these wonderful vegetables, but in vain. You may miss unusual taste experiences. In order to cook a zucchini pie in the oven, you must use fresh vegetables.

    It is worth noting that the zucchini familiar to us can not always be found in the store, but zucchini often flaunt on the shelves. Zucchini pies are no less tasty, appetizing and healthy. Zucchini is a special variety of zucchini. In terms of taste, they are almost the same. Also, zucchini pie can be an extremely healthy vegetarian dish, for example, if it is Italian-style zucchini pastry. Such a delicacy is easy to prepare, especially if you use ready-made puff pastry bought at the store.

    Cheese acts as an additional ingredient in this dish. It is better to use mozzarella or other delicate Italian cheese varieties. Although a creamy product would also be appropriate. In order to make the taste qualities varied, you need to use your favorite spices.

    To prepare a pie with zucchini or zucchini, special culinary knowledge and abilities are not needed, so even a beginner can handle this process. The pies are flavorful and delicious. Be sure to cook this wonderful zucchini delicacy for your family, believe me, they will be grateful to you for such an unusual and delicious lunch or dinner!