Freezing vegetables for the winter. Home freezing

09.04.2019 Salads

With the advent of modern roomy freezers in almost every home, the question is especially relevant correct freezing vegetables. Every person wants frozen foods to retain their appearance, taste qualities and invaluable vitamins. This article will tell the reader how to properly freeze vegetables, as well as give some tips for preparing blanks for future delicious dishes.

Benefits of Fresh Food

There is no need to focus on the advantages of frozen vegetables over canned foods. Vegetables prepared for the winter in jars with the help of preservatives will not retain all the vitamins and minerals inherent in their fresh counterparts. In addition, canned foods cannot be considered healthy from a nutritional point of view. And the last moment, which speaks in favor of the product saved for the winter exactly in fresh... much easier and easier than canning them. The only obstacle is the lack of a freezer.

General rules for freezing

So, we have a great desire to save as much as possible fresh vegetables, fruits and berries for the winter, an impressive harvest and a freezer of a certain size. The dimensions of this chamber hint to us that vegetables need to be stored prepared, and not containing any unnecessary elements. In order to freeze vegetables, it is not enough to sort out and wash the source material, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary elements in the form of a core, seeds, and, if possible, grind the product.

We form briquettes

If there is a global freezing of vegetables and fruits, and we risk not fitting into the freezer, you should first form small rectangular briquettes from the vegetable mixture. To do this, until completely frozen, we send the vegetables to the freezer in plastic containers, placing the pieces as tightly as possible to each other, slightly not filling the space to the edge. Small or oversized containers for temporary shelter of vegetable mix will not work. Freezing vegetables at home implies the formation of such portions so that later, when defrosting, you can use the entire briquette at once for cooking. Do not re-freeze food. The optimal volume of one frozen portion is 300 grams.

As soon as the vegetables in the container are completely frozen, it is necessary to remove the container from the freezer, briefly place the contents under a stream of warm running water. Now, turning the container over, you can easily shake out the vegetables and pack them in a tight plastic bag. We remember that during long-term storage, even at temperatures below -18 degrees, the most terrible enemy of the products is the air trapped inside the package.

What should be considered when selecting material for storage?

Sometimes people freeze slightly unripe vegetables. It doesn't matter. But it is better not to put overripe vegetables in the freezer. After you take out the packaging and place the contents in the cooking pot, overripe vegetables will lose their appearance and burst.

What vegetables can I freeze? We use blanching

You can freeze almost any vegetables, the only condition is to blanch them in boiling water so that the fruits stop developing during storage. After all, even critical subzero temperatures cannot prevent fruit ripening and a characteristic change in color and taste. In addition, frozen vegetables can acquire unwanted firmness over time without blanching. Among all vegetables without a short heat treatment only onions and bell peppers can be dispensed with. Deciduous vegetables are also blanched before being sent for long-term storage.

Blanching steps before freezing

For the procedure, we use a colander, which can fit about half a kilogram ready-made vegetables... We take a five-liter saucepan, fill it with water and bring it to a boil. We turn off the gas and immediately put a colander with a vegetable mixture in a saucepan, cover the lid and wait. The blanching time for each type of vegetables is different.

Cool vegetables in ice water after blanching before freezing. If the water in the pan can safely withstand up to 6 bookmarks of vegetables, then cold water need to be changed after each batch. Now we just need to dry the vegetables and pack them for long-term storage.

Blanching time for vegetables

  • Cauliflower and cabbage - 3 minutes.
  • Cabbage, cut into strips - 1.5 minutes.
  • Eggplant - 4 minutes
  • Whole carrots - 5 minutes.
  • Carrots, cut into strips, 2 minutes.
  • Mushrooms - 5 minutes.
  • Zucchini - 2 minutes.
  • Deciduous vegetables - 1.5 minutes.

To prevent the leaves from sticking together during blanching, it is necessary to double the volume of water in the pan.

Frozen vegetables: recipes for cold soups and okroshka

As for the cold soup "Tarator", and for okroshka, you will need such a blank. We take finely chopped cucumbers, onion, dill and parsley. Place the chopped vegetable mixture in a plastic container and fill it with kefir. We close the packaging tightly and send it for storage. Sour milk can be used instead of kefir.

Mexican mix

For this workpiece in equal proportions you need chopped carrots, green beans, sweet pepper(preferably red), as well as milk-ripened corn and green peas. Frozen vegetables recipes recommend not defrosting before cooking, which is very convenient. After taking out the package from the freezer, feel free to send it to the soup, to the frying pan or to the slow cooker.

Yogurt blanks

We talked a lot about vegetables, but actually bypassed freezing berries, mentioning it only in passing. But berries can be stored not only in integral form, but also in the form fruit puree... This puree is ideal for making desserts, drinks, and yoghurt at home.

First, wash and sort out the cooked berries, then grind them with a blender. Pour the puree into ice cube trays and set the timer to fast freeze. Then we pour the resulting cubes into a bag, get rid of excess air and put them for long-term storage. It is a pleasure to use these cubes for making desserts.

Freezing vegetables for the winter is simple and affordable way enrich your diet for the period of cold weather with all necessary for the body vitamins and minerals. In addition, vegetables taken out of the freezer will remind you of a warm, tender summer.

Gone are the days when, during the ripening period of vegetables and fruits, the kitchens of many housewives turned into real branches. canneries, clogging the shelves of cellars, loggias and other premises with cans of pickled, sweet and other preparations for the winter. Today, more and more freezers appear in homes.

What vegetables can be frozen for the winter

Want to know which vegetables you can freeze in freezer? The answer is simple - any: zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, potatoes, sorrel and others. Products from your own garden are especially good for freezing. At the same time, the usefulness of frozen vegetables cannot be compared with the result home canning and with vegetables, which we are offered fresh in the winter in the supermarket.

To preserve the maximum useful properties, you need to know how to freeze vegetables for the winter correctly, because they cannot just be shoved into the freezer - they can turn into ice lumps, from which it will be difficult to cook later tasty dish, and even more so, some cooking masterpiece... To enjoy cooked food, check out some general advice freezing vegetables for the winter at home:

  • before harvesting, any vegetables must be washed and allowed to dry;
  • select containers (containers, packages) mainly for the size of portions for one cooking;
  • when using ordinary bags, after filling, air must be squeezed out of them;
  • do not re-freeze vegetables after defrosting.

How to freeze eggplants for the winter

Eggplant belongs to a group of vegetables rich in many vitamins and fiber that do not lose their valuable properties even with long term freezing. You can freeze fruits fresh, baked or fried. It is not recommended to put eggplants directly from the garden in the freezer, because during cooking they become "rubbery" and lose their taste. On the ways to freeze eggplants for the winter at home:

  • Fresh frozen. Select the young ripe fruits... Cut them into cubes, circles or cubes, depending on what you plan to cook with them. Fill in the slices coarse salt for several hours, after which its remains must be well washed off. Next, the slightly squeezed slices are blanched, dipped for a couple of minutes in boiling and then cold water, and then dried. It remains only to lay out the slices in one layer on a tray, the size of which will fit in the freezer. After 3-4 hours, frozen vegetables can be packed in airtight containers or freezer bags.
  • To freeze baked eggplants, cutting them is optional. Each fruit is pierced with a fork several times. Then the eggplants are baked in the oven, after which, after cooling and peeling (optional), they are packaged in bags or food containers.
  • Many housewives know how to fry eggplants. After frying, the circles are spread on paper towels to get rid of excess fat. After cooling, they are placed on a tray, wrapped with cling film, a layer is again laid out on top fried eggplant which is also wrapped in film, etc. The tray is placed in the freezer for quick freezing, after which you can arrange the eggplants in bags, return to the chamber.

How to freeze cauliflower

Choose a fresh, juicy head of cabbage for freezing at home, which must first be placed in a cold salt water to get rid of the larvae. After that, blanching is needed - for 2-3 minutes, the head of cabbage must be dipped in boiling water, adding a little lemon juice or citric acid. From boiling water, the head of cabbage must be immediately lowered under cold water, then dried.

Before blanching, you can remove the leaves from the head of cabbage, divide it into inflorescences, if you do not want to freeze it whole. Freezing containers can be both sealed containers and bags with a fastener, inside of which a vacuum is created. The temperature of the freezer for a long stay of cauliflower there, keeping all its vitamins, should be -18 degrees.

Freezing tomatoes for the winter

Here, two methods of freezing these vegetables for the winter at home are equally good, while preserving the taste and smell. fresh tomato:

  • Skip the tomatoes through a meat grinder or blender, peeling them off. Then pour into small containers. For this, it is convenient silicone molds for cupcakes.
  • Cutting the fruits (into 2-4 pieces or circles). Small tomatoes such as cherry tomatoes do not need to be cut. Then quickly freeze everything on a tray or board, after which the slices or figures from the molds are laid out in containers for storage.

How to freeze peppers for the winter for stuffing

Before freezing, sweet peppers are prepared at home: the cap is cut off, the stalk is removed and the inside is cleaned. There are such methods for freezing it:

  • Put the pepper prepared for stuffing on a tray and place it inside the freezer for 10-12 minutes. Then transfer it compactly into ordinary plastic bags and put it back into the freezer.
  • Dip the prepared peppers in boiling water for 30 seconds. After that, carefully fold the cooled peppers one into one, place in bags and freeze.

How to freeze a vegetable mixture for the winter

Suitable for vegetable mixes different vegetables any quantity. No recipe needed here. It all depends for what purposes to cook it and on your own tastes:

  • For borscht, you can grate beets, carrots, add finely chopped herbs and freeze the mixture in small containers or portioned bags so that you can use everything at once when preparing a dish.
  • For vegetable stew cut any greens, leeks into rings, bell peppers, tomatoes, grated carrots. The mixed mixture is laid out in containers and frozen.
  • To prepare vegetable mixtures with green peas, beans, they are first blanched for 1-3 minutes in boiling water and immediately cooled cold water, allow the water to drain and freeze with a quick freeze.
  • Broccoli and diced carrots are frozen separately without blanching. Then you can mix everything and store it in the freezer.

Why blanch vegetables before freezing

Freezing vegetables for the winter at home requires blanching. You can do without it, but you will not get perfect result freezing. The main purpose of blanching is to preserve the original appearance and aroma of vegetables as much as possible. Besides:

Have you noticed what vegetables can be frozen for the winter at home? Freeze them in two stages. The first stage - rapid cooling is called a procedure shock freeze... This requires freezers, inside which very low temperatures are maintained: from -19 to -23 degrees. Only after that the frozen vegetables are packed for further preservation (second stage).

Shock processing (quick freezing) does not damage the cells of vegetables and after thawing helps to preserve their shape, color and about 90% of useful substances. It is carried out in normal household conditions with freezers and refrigerators with the "quick freeze" function. Frozen stocks can last longer after blast freezing. This also applies to berries.

How to choose a freezer package

You have learned a little about how to freeze vegetables, but you should also be familiar with freezer bags. There are many of them on the market: disposable, reusable, roll-fed; made of polyethylene and lavsan. For freezing vegetables, it is important that they are strong. It is advisable to purchase bags with reusable locks, which increases their useful volume, and a field for labeling, because in the freezer, in appearance, it is sometimes difficult to find necessary vegetables or a mixture.

Vacuum bags are recognized as better quality - a great alternative to food containers (see photo). Inside such packages, the freezing of vegetables for the winter at home is preserved more efficiently, moisture is not lost, they are not covered with frost, as a result of which it is easy to get out of the freezer the right products even if there is no marking on the package, if the package is transparent.

With the advent of freezers, preparing food for the winter has become even easier and faster. For many housewives, frozen vegetables are becoming a favorite option for semi-finished products. We all know well that frozen vegetables and fruits retain their healthy and vitamin properties... In order for the products not to lose their taste and vitamins, you need to know minimal amount general rules freezing them.

General rules for freezing

First, you should study the capabilities of your freezer and the minimum temperature requirements for storing food:

  • at t -6C can be stored for 1-2 weeks;
  • at t -12C, it can be stored for 4-6 weeks;
  • at t -18C it can be stored up to 4 months.

To freeze a particular product, it is worth adhering to a certain order of actions:

  • sort, wash, drain and dry, remove the peel, pits or core from some products;
  • freeze in small batches of 250-300 grams;
  • The most convenient way of freezing is freezing in containers, the most convenient way to take containers is to take rectangular ones. If not enough containers, then frozen vegetables can be stored in tight plastic bags... To do this, put the package in a dry container, fill it, tamp it tightly, close it, and after freezing, remove the contents from the container along with the package (this option will help save space in the freezer).


Without exception, all vegetables can be frozen at home.

Freezing rules for the most popular vegetables:

  • Zucchini, squash... Cut into cubes or tinder on a grater, put in bags, remove air, tie. They do not need to be cleaned. It is better to freeze zucchini in circles, spreading them out on a tray. Before this, the tray must be covered with cling film.
  • Pumpkin... Peel, cut into cubes, put in bags, remove air, tie.
  • Cucumbers... Cut into cubes or small slices, put in bags, remove air, tie.
  • Cauliflower... Divided into inflorescences, laid out in bags, tied. Before freezing, cauliflower can be blanched for 5 minutes and then refrigerated.
  • Brussels sprouts... Cabbage is divided into inflorescences, laid out in bags, tied.
  • Bell pepper... The stalk and seeds are removed from the pepper, cut into pieces, laid out in bags, removed the air, tied. Can be frozen whole pepper with and without peduncles.
  • Tomatoes... Can be frozen whole, cut into wedges or slices. To do this, they are laid out neatly in one layer on a plate, after having laid the bag. Tomato juice can be frozen in ice cube trays.
  • Carrot... Rub on coarse grater, laid out in bags, removed air, tied. Diced carrots can be blanched.
  • Table beet... Rub on a coarse grater, put in bags, remove air, tie.
  • Eggplant... Peeled eggplants can be frozen in slices or cubes. Diced eggplants, put in bags, remove air, tie. The circles are placed on a flat plate covered with a plastic bag and only after freezing are laid out in bags and tied.
  • Black Eyed Peas... Peeled beans are cut into small pieces, laid out in bags, air is removed, and tied.
  • Green pea... Before freezing green pea it is necessary to blanch for a couple of minutes and hold in cold water for 2-3 minutes. Allow water to drain, dry paper towel... Fold into a bag or container.
  • Corn... You can freeze whole ears and grains of milk-ripened corn. The ears are boiled for 20-30 minutes. After cooling, they are transferred to a bag. Grains can be frozen raw corn or blanch for 6-7 minutes on the cob, and then carefully cut off the cooled grains.


The most popular options for freezing fruits for the winter:

  • Apples... Cut into cubes, slices, circles. Small apples can be frozen whole after removing the core. To prevent the apples from darkening, they need to be kept in water for about twenty minutes. citric acid... For puree apples are peeled, cut into slices, boiled and chopped in a blender, cooled, poured into a container and hermetically closed.
  • Pears... Pears are frozen in the same way as apples. Pears and apples can be frozen by sprinkling with sugar. For freezing in sugar syrup(250 grams of sugar per 1 liter of water), the fruits are peeled, boiled for about 5 minutes, put in a container, poured with syrup, cooled, and sealed.
  • Plums... You can freeze it whole, in slices, with or without a bone, sprinkle with sugar or pour over syrup. It is best to freeze plums in wedges in a plastic bag or on a tray. For freezing in syrup, you need to prepare a forty percent syrup (for 1 liter of water - 670-700 grams of sugar). Pour pitted plums, cool, seal them.
  • Apricots... Better to freeze pitted, halved or sliced ​​in the same way as plums. For mashed potatoes, the fruits are crushed in a blender, sugar is added, stirred, poured into containers.
  • Cherry plum... Easiest to freeze whole with bone, but sugar freeze better bone delete. Cherry plum is put into a container in layers, sprinkled with sugar, closed.
  • Quince... For freezing, the fruits are cleaned, cored, cut into slices or cubes, put in a bag, removed the air, and covered.
  • Peach... Can be frozen whole, halved, wedges, cubes, sugar and syrup. Whole peaches are individually wrapped in white paper and placed in bags. The peel is removed from strongly pubescent fruits.


How to freeze greens correctly:

  • Dill, parsley, cilantro. It is necessary to freeze in small twigs or in a chopped form. You can freeze greens with ice cubes in water, broth, butter... For freezing, chop finely into cubes.
  • Green onions. Green onions must be cut before freezing. Fold in a bag, remove air, tie.
  • Basil, arugula, mint. Leaves are torn off, they are frozen whole or not finely chopped.
  • Spinach, sorrel. Cut into pieces about one centimeter wide. Be sure to remove air, tightly tie the bag.


Freezing rules for the most common berries:

  • Strawberry. Can be frozen whole: put on a prepared baking sheet covered with foil, pour frozen into a container. For puree, the berries are crushed in a blender, add sugar, poured into a container and hermetically closed. Whole strawberries in containers are covered with sugar or syrup.
  • Raspberries, blackberries, currants, blueberries, gooseberries. Whole and sugar-free berries are frozen in bulk on a plate. The plate must be covered with cling film. Frozen berries are poured into bags. It is better to pour sugar over the berries in layers.
  • Cherry, sweet cherry. Cherries and sweet cherries are frozen in the same way. Whole cherries are laid out in one layer on a plate covered with cellophane, frozen, poured into a container. Pitted cherries are put into a container, sprinkled with sugar or poured over with syrup.
  • Grape. It is frozen in bunches, individual berries or in the form of juice. Better to use for freezing late varieties... The prepared juice is poured into plastic bottles, closed and frozen. Bunches and berries for freezing are laid out on plates covered with cellophane. After a couple of hours, they are transferred to bags.
  • Kalina, cranberries. It is worth taking whole berries that are not naturally frozen. Sprinkle sugar in layers in a container or freeze in bulk.


Before freezing, the mushrooms are carefully sorted out, washed without soaking, changing the water several times, and dried. Some mushrooms need to be boiled before freezing, and sometimes completely cooked.

Freezing rules for mushrooms popular in cooking:

  • Champignons, porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms. Can be frozen raw, cooked and fried until tender. Raw, small whole, or chopped mushrooms are laid out on a tray and placed in the freezer. After 30-35 minutes, they are transferred to a bag. Fried and boiled - in a container. These mushrooms can be frozen in broth.
  • Chanterelles. Before freezing, the chanterelles are soaked in salted water. You can freeze raw and fried, boiled and with broth.
  • Russula, volushki, mushrooms, milk mushrooms. Freeze only after heat treatment: boiled, stewed, fried.
  • Morels and stitches. Freeze only boiled.
  • Honey mushrooms. Can be frozen boiled or fried.

Vegetable mixes

There are, in addition to the usual freezing, vegetable mixes that you can cook yourself. For the aesthetic appearance of the mixtures, the products must be cut into equal pieces. Chopped vegetables can be blanched. The amount of each ingredient is often the same in the mixture.

Options for popular vegetable mixes:

  • Lecho. Ingredients: peppers, tomatoes, onions, zucchini, carrots.
  • Mexican mix. Ingredients: corn, green peas, black Eyed Peas, Bell pepper, carrots, rice (parboiled).
  • Ratatouille. Ingredients: sweet peppers of different colors, eggplants, zucchini, onions, parsley, garlic. You can add zucchini, pumpkin, basil, potatoes if desired.
  • Paprikash. Composition: bell pepper, onions, tomatoes, zucchini, green bean.
  • Rustic stew. Ingredients: potatoes, broccoli, peppers, corn, carrots, onions, asparagus beans.
  • Stew with mushrooms. Ingredients: mushrooms, green beans, broccoli, carrots, onions.
  • Autumn mix Ingredients: carrots, onions, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini.
  • Mix for borscht. Ingredients: onions, carrots, beets, tomatoes.
  • Shurpa mix. Ingredients: sweet peppers, eggplants, carrots, onions, whole garlic cloves.
  • Mix for fish soup... Ingredients: tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, parsley, carrots.

Many good housewives sooner or later, they think about what can be frozen for the winter. Modern technologies allow you to preserve not only the tastes and aromas of summer, but all useful components fruits and vegetables.

It is not difficult to learn all the wisdom, it is enough to study some simple rules... And this business does not require any special costs. The main condition that guarantees a good result is the availability of a good freezer, which the vast majority of modern refrigerators are equipped with.

Unfortunately, not all owners of good technology are aware of all its capabilities, so they do not fully use its potential. But even in regular freezer you can prepare many healthy products that will delight the whole family in winter.

Why freeze

The process of preparing food for the winter using freezing has great amount undeniable advantages over canning, drying and other methods. First of all, these include:

  • ease of preparation;
  • lack of high costs;
  • ease of use;
  • a wide variety of options;
  • possibility quick procurement large quantities vegetables and fruits in season;
  • preservation of vitamins, microelements, summer aromas.

If we compare freezing with conservation, it should be noted that this method requires several times less time and effort. Well, if you are thinking about what you can freeze for the winter for children, then your possibilities are simply endless: healthy fruits and multicolored vegetable mixes sure to please every little fussy. Such preparations can significantly diversify the winter children's menu.

General rules

Before starting the process, check out some guidelines. They will help you avoid mistakes.

What can be frozen in the freezer for the winter? Experts advise to choose traditional products: fruits, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms. Remember that experimentation is not always successful; start doing it when you get good results with traditional foods.

Always go for ripe, but not overripe ingredients. If you have any doubts about the quality, do not use the product. All damage, stalks and leaves must be removed before freezing.

Wash food thoroughly before immersion in the freezer and then let it dry completely. Before freezing, cut the food into pieces that you plan to use for cooking - it will be difficult to cut.

Try to stack ingredients in portions rather than in one big chunk so it will be easier for you to use them in winter.

Freezer dishes

Perhaps the question of a convenient, practical and inexpensive container worries everyone who has decided to find out what can be frozen in the freezer for the winter. Photos of fruits and vegetables look very attractive, but few people know that their beautiful appearance largely depends on the packaging.

The easiest way to find a solution is to go to the hardware store and purchase special sealed freezer containers. They will keep everything securely useful material products, and you can place them in the freezer very conveniently and compactly. Such containers can be used many times. But their significant disadvantage is their relatively high price. And not every store can find these dishes.

Zipper bags are a good alternative. They are different sizes, which will allow everyone to choose the most the best option... Just place the pieces in a bag, squeeze out all the excess air and close the lock. In winter, you can easily remove the food from the bag by immersing it in warm water for a few seconds.

Suitable for freezing and plastic disposable dishes: cups, pans, containers, lunch boxes. But in glass it is not worth freezing - it may burst.

Freezing fresh vegetables

Thinking about what you can freeze from vegetables for the winter? Do not ignore bell peppers, eggplants, pumpkin. They tolerate frost and tomatoes well, in winter they are perfect for making pizza, lasagna, meat gravy, borscht and other red soups, sauces. Broccoli and cauliflower- irreplaceable products for dietary and children's menu... Disassemble them into umbrellas and freeze, and in winter you can add to stews, vegetable purees, casseroles.

Many people make preparations from carrots and beets. It may seem that there is not much point in this, because these vegetables do not disappear from the shelves. all year round... But first, seasonal products always much more fragrant, and secondly, sometimes it becomes necessary to quickly prepare a large number of vegetables. This is especially true for townspeople who do not have cellars, basements and other places for storing food. In addition, grated carrots and beets are an excellent base for borsch frying. In winter, such a preparation will help significantly save time.

Vegetables are well stored in the freezer and other vegetables: corn, asparagus beans, green peas. But onions and garlic do not tolerate freezing well: they become lethargic, lose their sharpness and aroma.

Classic and unusual mix recipes

Many people prefer to make blanks by placing vegetables of the same type in containers. But there is another way, very interesting - create interesting mixtures.

If you decide what you can freeze for the winter, think in advance how you will use the blanks in the winter. It makes sense to form sets in advance, which in winter will become the basis for wonderful and varied dishes... You can pre-make for a wide variety of dishes:

  • lecho: peppers, tomatoes, herbs, carrots;
  • stew: carrots, onions, zucchini, peppers, eggplant;
  • red borscht: beets, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, rotunda, greens;
  • green borscht: greens, sorrel, spinach, green onions;
  • paprikash: colorful bell peppers, green beans, zucchini, zucchini;
  • risotto: green peas, corn, carrots, green onions, rotunda;
  • paella: bell peppers of different colors, carrots, onions, squash, eggplants, herbs;
  • mushroom soup: herbs, mushrooms, carrots.

Many people freeze the rice or potatoes provided in the recipe along with the vegetables. This method is as convenient as possible - in winter you just need to put the workpiece in the bowl of a steamer or multicooker, set the time and get a guaranteed result. However, this requires a lot more space in the chamber, and for potatoes, freezing will not be beneficial. In addition, frozen vegetables cook faster than fresh vegetables, and this time may not be enough for rice.

You can make mixes from berries and fruits. In winter, they are used to make milkshakes, homemade yoghurts, compotes and jelly, sweet pastries and even sauces for meat and fish.

Freezer berries

Many mothers are thinking about what can be frozen for the winter for a child. The first thing you should pay attention to are berries. Especially valuable are those that are collected in the country or brought from a trusted farmer. Almost all berries are suitable for freezing: strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, chokeberry, currants, grapes and many others.

Before freezing, remove the stalks and leaves, wash the berries, fold in containers as compact as possible. The less air gets in, the more juice will remain in the berries.

Puree, sorbet, ice cream

Wondering what you can freeze for the winter? Sorbet photos sometimes look like a menu page expensive restaurant... But you can easily make this yummy yourself. There are many recipes for such delicacies.

  • Sorbet: mince strawberries, currants or raspberries through a coarse mesh meat grinder, add sugar to taste, pour into a container and freeze.
  • Popsicles: Pour in the berry mixture natural juice, pour into cups, insert sticks.
  • Ice cream: whisk a banana in a blender, add any berries to taste, pack in portioned dishes.

In winter, such blanks can not only be served in, but also used to prepare a wide variety of desserts.

Fruit suitable for freezing

In containers, bags, you can freeze fruits. Peaches, apricots, plums, pears tolerate low temperatures very well. Sour, medium-sized apples are also suitable for freezing - separately or as part of mixes.

There are many answers to the question of what can be frozen from vegetables and fruits for the winter. If you doubt that a particular product will tolerate freezing well, try preparing a small portion. At good results v next year more can be frozen.

Experienced housewives who have mastered the freezing process are advised to sign the blanks so that in winter you do not have to guess: a watermelon in a container or tomatoes? Frosted slices are easy to confuse.

Exotic products

Few people know that you can freeze for the winter at home even tropical fruits... This may be relevant, for example, if after the holiday there are a large number of ripe fruits that are unlikely to be quickly used.

You can freeze them. With mango, avocado, papaya, you need to remove the skin, cut into pieces, arrange in bags. It is better to freeze avocados separately, because this fruit is often used for salted and spicy dishes... Pineapple is frozen without peel, cut into rings or pieces.

Good - kills bitterness. Lemons and oranges can be frozen directly in the skin. Tangerines, sweets and grapefruits are best cut into wedges.

Shop and forest mushrooms: features of freezing

Did you know that even mushrooms can be frozen for the winter? Mushroom pickers will especially like this method. After all, each of them knows that mushrooms need to be harvested on the same day they were harvested. Sometimes it is very difficult physically. But unlike pickling, salting and even drying mushrooms, freezing will take a little time and effort.

Remember that oyster mushrooms and store mushrooms can be simply cut into wedges. A Forest mushrooms it is better to boil before freezing. So they will take up much less space in the freezer, and in winter you will not have to boil them for a long time before using.


Perhaps this is the simplest and most advantageous of all that can be frozen in the freezer for the winter. A huge number of types of greens are suitable for freezing: parsley and dill, sorrel and spinach, leafy salads, green parts of onions and garlic, rosemary, cilantro, watercress and more. Few people know, but it tolerates freezing well - delicious and useful product.

There are several main ways from which you can choose the most convenient:

  • freezing chopped greens in a bag;
  • freezing in ice;
  • freeze in olive oil.

With the first, everything is clear and so: chop the greens, fold tightly into a bag or lunch box. The second two methods involve using ice containers. Pack greens tightly, fill olive oil or water. These cubes are easy to use. They are added to salads, sauces, soups.

Semi-finished products

And here are a few more ideas for those looking for an answer to the question of what can be frozen for the winter in the freezer. You can freeze stuffed cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers, dolma blanks. Remember that you should not store such semi-finished products for more than three months.

Application of frozen food

If you have already figured out what you can freeze for the winter, think about how you will use the blanks. Remember not to defrost food. Just take them out of the packaging and use them just as you would use them raw.

If stored properly, foods are beneficial to the body. Food can stay in the freezer for a long time without losing vitamins and other valuable elements. In the review, we will talk about what you can freeze for the winter, discussing simple blank most common products at home. Ideal stocks in the freezer are represented by a universal assortment: vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, mushrooms.

Rules for freezing food in the freezer

Features of storing food in the freezer

The rules for freezing food in the chamber are simple, but they must be strictly observed. Before freezing, it is required to prepare all products in such a way that later they do not have to be washed, but can be consumed immediately. If the storage periods are not met, food poisoning... Only fresh, whole, undamaged, high quality products for freezing. It is advisable to turn on the maximum cold in the freezer a few hours before laying new products in order to create an optimal atmosphere and the process of adding food there. room temperature did not negatively affect the containers and packages already stored in the chamber. It is better to store food in portions so that you can get a little of them.

The average temperature in the freezer is 20 degrees and below. For some workpieces, 18 degrees is enough. Do not refreeze vegetables, fruits, berries or mushrooms that have already been defrosted. Every product needs sealed container... Containers are available in abundance in supermarkets. You need to put the washed and dry product on a flat surface and freeze it slightly so that the pieces do not stick together. Next, send the blank into a plastic container or wrapper, remove air from there, close the package, place a label on it indicating the contents and today's date. This approach will provide you with convenience when using frozen foods.

Better to stock up without sugar and salt. Usually housewives, subject to all conditions, manage to preserve vitamins and provide the whole family healthy food... Blanks for the winter can be whole, cut into pieces. Blanched foods also store well. This means that the food has been boiled for up to 5 minutes in a small amount of water.

Shelf life of food in the freezer

The length of time the food is kept in the refrigerator freezer varies. Here are the generally accepted norms:

  • vegetables can be stored for 3-12 months;
  • fruits are stored in the freezer for 9-12 months;
  • greens are stored for 3-4 months;
  • store mushrooms for 3-6 months;
  • bell peppers stuffed with minced meat can be stored for 3-6 months.

Please adhere to the stated expiration dates, do not use expired products, always sign the dates of procurement, especially if you have small children.

Freezer packaging

You can dry vegetables and fruits before freezing with a cold hairdryer to speed up the process, or lay out washed food on fabrics.

You need to know what you can and cannot freeze food in. The following packaging options are relevant for vegetables, fruits, herbs and mushrooms:

  • tight-fitting plastic containers;
  • trays made of food grade plastic;
  • plastic film;
  • tin products specially for the freezer;
  • extrusion film-polyethylene;
  • aluminium foil;
  • when it comes to berries, it is convenient to lay them out in ice molds;
  • some products are successfully stored in paper boxes;
  • food cellophane bags;
  • bags equipped with clips.

And these packaging options are not suitable for storing food in the freezer:

  • household bags and any fabric products;
  • wrapping;
  • garbage bags and bags and any non-food cellophane bags;
  • greaseproof paper.

WITH the best packaging we have decided, now let's talk about how to properly freeze specific foods so that you can enjoy them later in the winter.

properly frozen vegetables and fruits do not lose their attractive appearance, taste, spectrum of vitamins and other useful substances

What vegetables can be frozen for the winter?

How to freeze a pumpkin for the winter?

It is not difficult to prepare raw pumpkin. First, remove the skin, then chop the pulp at random. For example, 2.5 centimeters cubes. We lay out the chopped vegetables on the tray so that the fragments do not touch. Otherwise, the pieces will stick together. When freezing occurs, the product should be transferred to a plastic container, taking into account that there is some free space, as this product expands when cooled. It is also convenient to freeze raw or boiled grated pumpkin.

Freezing zucchini correctly

We take the most tender young zucchini or zucchini, in which there are a minimum of seeds and they are small, thin skin. They need to be washed, dried, tails cut off. For freezing zucchini for soup or stew - cut them into cubes of 1-2 centimeters. For fried zucchini and casseroles, centimeter-thick circles are better. When is the preparation for cooking vegetable fritters, then it is advisable to rub the zucchini together with the carrots through a grater.

Storing beets in the freezer

Rinse the beets, remove the skins, chop them in any way. For example, chop, blender, or grate. Divide into small portions by placing the product in containers, bags or ice trays. Use the fast freeze function. Boiled beets are frozen in the same way.

How to freeze eggplants for the winter?

Soak the eggplants in water for a while, then chop them arbitrarily. Arrange in the selected packages and send to the freezer. You can freeze raw or oven-baked eggplants. The product is prepared by conventional blanching for up to 5 minutes, heating in the microwave at 800-900 W for 4 minutes. In addition, before freezing, eggplants are blanched in a double boiler, also up to 4 minutes.

Freezing onions correctly

Peel the onions, make slices 0.5-1 cm each, arrange them in packages, leaving a little free space. If possible, remove air from the bag, close it and send the product to the freezer. You can pre-blanch or fry the onions. You can also store leeks, chives, and green onions in the freezer. Ice cream product do not use raw, it is added when cooking.

Storing broccoli in the freezer

Separate the cabbage inflorescences, rinse them. Take small portions and process separately. Put the product in boiling water, keep in the cooking mode for 2-3 minutes, then put the cabbage for a couple of minutes in ice water... Put the product in a colander to drain the water. Place the cabbage in sachets in portions, squeeze out the air and close them, put in the freezer.

How to freeze tomatoes for the winter?

For pizza, French meat, or omelet, you can cut the tomatoes into slices and place them in the freezer on edible paper. The frozen rings can be folded into any convenient container. It is convenient to store whole tomatoes - they are washed, dried and put in the freezer. To prepare only the pulp of tomatoes, you need to lower them in hot water, remove the skin and use the insides. You can also cook tomato juice and freeze it, apply for various homemade dishes.

Properly freezing carrots

Cut the carrots into pieces of any shape. For beauty, you can use curly devices for cutting vegetables. If this is not the case, then you can make circles, cubes or thin straw... Freeze absolutely dry carrot slices so that they do not stick together into a single mass. Put the carrots on cutting board, wait a couple of hours, then place it in any package. In addition, vegetables can be blanched - cook in boiling water for about 2-3 minutes, then remove and immediately put in cold water, dry on a towel and freeze in the same way.

Storing peppers in the freezer

Whole and even-skinned peppers, freed from stalks and seeds, wash and dry well. Place the product freely on the substrate, when after a few minutes it freezes, fold tightly into any container for storage. For example, in plastic bags. And the peppers are harvested like this: they are dipped in boiling water for half a minute, then dried and frozen, folding them one into the other. This product is suitable for cooking stuffed peppers or adding to different dishes.

How to freeze potatoes for the winter?

Peel the potatoes and put them in water immediately, otherwise they will darken. Small tubers, if desired, are frozen whole: boil the product in boiling water for five minutes, then put it in ice water, remove, dry thoroughly and place in the freezer in ziplock bags or ordinary plastic bags. Two-stage freezing - first, lay the tubers on a horizontal surface freely, wait for freezing, then put them more tightly in any container. When preparing dishes, you do not need to defrost potatoes, put them immediately in the dishes. In a similar way, you can prepare potatoes in strips, only the blanching is 3 minutes and raw product you need to rinse more thoroughly. Pack the frozen slices in bags. Such a product is a base for fries or a component of soups. If potato slices are prepared specifically for deep-frying, then it is advisable not to blanch them, but to steam them in a colander over boiling water in a saucepan and sprinkle with oil before freezing. Some freeze ready-made fries.

Celery freezing rules

Rinse celery and remove coarse fibers. Freezing the product whole or in pieces allows you to add it to sauces, stews, soups. You can prepare celery without or with blanching. This is because blanching for 3 minutes will extend the shelf life. Arrange dry pieces on foil or parchment, freeze them, then pack them in a convenient way and send them to the freezer for storage. Store the product for 2 months without blanching, and up to a year with blanching.

How to properly freeze fruits and berries in the freezer?

Freezing strawberries

The berries lose their taste a little, so many of them freeze it in sugar. First, spread the product in a thin layer, after freezing, put it in bags or plastic containers. If you need to make strawberries not in bulk, but with sugar, we take 350 grams of sand per kilogram of product or icing sugar... Put clean berries in plastic dishes, sprinkling each layer with sugar. After keeping for a couple of hours at above-zero temperature in the refrigerator, the berries will give juice, then tightly fold the berries into any container and pour the juice, they will be tasty and sweet, as they are in syrup. Also, strawberries are perfectly stored in the form of mashed potatoes. To do this, the berries need to be kneaded or passed through a blender. When the puree contents of the container are thawed, then sugar is added.

Freezing plums in the freezer

The tightest ripe fruits are selected for freezing. When you prepare the filling, the seeds will have to be removed. First, you need to keep the fruits laid out on a horizontal surface for several hours, then you can put them away for storage in any container. Plums do not need to be thawed before use. For example, put frozen pieces in compote or pie filling.

Harvesting and storing apples in the freezer

To make slices of apples, you need to cut out the stem and seeds, although this is not necessary. Put the cut fruits on a cutting board in one layer, put in the freezer for 2 hours, then put in a plastic tightly closed container or bags for further storage... You can also prepare the fruits in sweet syrup, their shelf life will be longer. First, we cook a syrup consisting of 1500 mg of ascorbic acid, 750 g of water, 450 g of sugar. Soak in cold syrup for a day, then pour boiling water over or blanch, and then freeze. In addition, you can make a puree mass, for this cut apples boil without sugar for up to 20 minutes, then pass through a blender, freeze. If you want, put the apples in the freezer whole. Before this, it is advisable to soak the fruits for several minutes in a solution consisting of 50 g of water and 1500 g of ascorbic acid.

Storing grapes in the freezer

Rinse and dry the grape brush with a towel, it does not give juice, which is different from raspberries, strawberries. First, freeze each brush separately, then they can be combined and stored in containers, bags. You can also prepare individual berries, they are also laid out on the surface, you can put them in bags on plates when they freeze a little and tie them tightly.

Harvesting cherries for the winter in the refrigerator

Freeze cherries with pits if you need to make jelly, compote, desserts, jelly from them. If you need seedless berries, for example, for filling pies, you will have to remove them before freezing. Cherries are not defrosted, they are immediately put in pies. For harvesting in the freezer, freshly picked berries are used, one serving of berries is 500 grams. The fruits must be washed and dried. The berries are stored in plastic boxes or sealed bags. First, the cherries are frozen in one layer, then hard berries transferred to containers, otherwise they may stick together. It is good to have a berry assortment of cherries, blackberries, currants and raspberries in the freezer, but all berries should be barely ripe, so they are better stored.

Storing food in the freezer: properly prepared vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, greens are useful reserves for the winter

Harvesting and storing mushrooms at home

How to properly freeze oyster mushrooms?

Oyster mushrooms are harvested in the same way as vegetables. The main thing is to take the product of the first freshness, rinse it clean, dry it well and pre-freeze it unfolded. Small mushrooms can remain intact, large ones need to be cut. In principle, it is permissible to freeze oyster mushrooms not in two stages, but to immediately remove them in containers or bags at the most low temperatures... In addition, mushrooms can be boiled in salted water for a quarter of an hour, then dried and sent to the freezer. Try freezing and flavored mushroom broth.

Features of freezing mushrooms of camelina

Camelina mushrooms are a healthy product, ideal for freezing. Do not mix them with other mushrooms or tamp them in sachets right away. It is necessary to withstand mushrooms for maximum freeze until 12 o'clock, then transfer to containers or bags and set the temperature to about 18 degrees.

Features of freezing greens

Take a look at our tips for storing greens in the freezer and using the blanks:

  • use frozen herbs for teas;
  • put greens in soups all year round;
  • try to freeze greens in a bunch, it is wrapped in cling film, while it will be possible to cut off the required amount from the resulting hard sausage;
  • do not forget to freeze dairy corn with coarse grains along with the herbs;
  • make an assortment of several types of greens (sorrel, parsley, dill, tarragon, sage and any other types), chop it finely and fill it with water, as a result, you will get comfortable ice cubes in any container;
  • it is convenient to freeze greens, chopped with a mixer, in trays for making ice.

It's great if your whole family gets used to eating greens in all seasons.

What shouldn't be frozen in the freezer?

  • watery foods, such as cucumbers, potatoes, apples, watermelons - can be frozen, but it is possible that after thawing they will lose their shape;
  • herbs - it is also, in principle, permissible to freeze, then they can change color and turn into porridge after thawing;
  • horseradish, cheese - can behave in an unexpected way when frozen and thawed;
  • do not freeze thawed meat;
  • boiled pasta cannot be frozen;
  • coffee beans lose beneficial features in the cold;
  • canned food is not intended for storage in the freezer;
  • do not freeze eggs in their shells, only in tins;
  • sour cream, yogurt, custard and other creamy foods are stored in the refrigerator, not in the freezer;
  • cheeses should not be frozen;
  • sauces based on starch or flour cannot be frozen;
  • ice cream that has melted does not need to be put in the freezer, otherwise it will become sticky;
  • many are interested in whether it is possible to freeze cabbage, we believe that it is not worth doing this for salads, since the product loses its natural crispy structure, becomes lethargic and soft (although for cooking stuffed cabbage, borscht and stews white cabbage can be frozen with a head of cabbage or shredded)
  • some housewives do not recommend freezing quince, melons, pears, hawthorn and rose hips, but we believe that quince, melon and pear are easily and permanently frozen like other fruits - in cubes or slices by the dry method, and hawthorn with rose hips - are frozen with whole dry berries, also in a two-stage method (first, the products decomposed with a thin layer are frozen, then they are transferred to a container for storage).

Our article discussed actual question preparation of products in the freezer. Adhering to simple rules, you can significantly facilitate your life, diversify home cooking and continuously receive vitamins.