How to make peach puree for the winter. Fruit puree for children

04.03.2020 Dishes for children

My daughter will be 2 years old in a month. Until that time, she had not yet tasted sugar, sweets, waffles and other store goods (except perhaps a couple of times by accident 😉). Even during pregnancy, I decided to postpone the process of eating common children's treats by my child as much as possible, and I still adhere to this rule. But this does not mean that my child does not know what sweets are. Firstly, we have an apiary and she eats homemade honey. Little by little, I add honey to the porridge and tea. Not always, only when she asks. And she does not ask often. And I also close for her for the winter baby fruit puree- absolutely without any additives, including sugar-free (step-by-step photo recipe for cooking). They taste like mashed potatoes in mayonnaise jars from my childhood, so sometimes I can open a jar for myself and enjoy my childhood :).

Peel the apples and pits, put them in an enamel pot, pour in a little water and simmer for just a few minutes so that the apples become soft. Wait until cool and rub through a fine sieve (or beat in a blender). Then apple puree bring to a boil, put in sterile jars and roll up.

Fruit puree for children: pear puree

Pear Puree - Made in the same way as applesauce. However, since pears are much sweeter and the pear puree can be sugary, you need to add a little citric acid to it. Better yet, mix the pear puree with another, more acidic (apple, plum).

Fruit puree for children: peach puree

Peach puree- the most favorite delicacy for both the child and me. The cooking technique is the same: peel the peaches, simmer for a couple of minutes (it will take less time than for apples), beat in a blender, bring to a boil and roll up. It turns out a very tasty baby fruit puree, moderately sweet and with a pleasant sourness.

Peaches should be used exclusively “ours”. How to choose the right peaches, what can be harmful and even dangerous in them - in the article ““.

Fruit puree for children: plum puree (apricot)

We make mashed plums too. Although it is not always possible to use it as an independent dish, because it is usually more liquid and also sourish. Sometimes I dilute it with water and make a juice. Or I add it to pear or applesauce for a change. It turns out a multivitamin puree.

Fruit puree for children: sterilizing cans

I use small jars with twists, from under baby food, mustard, etc. First question sterilization of cans this size puzzled me. To sterilize them, a simple device had to be invented. I cut a hole in a regular canning lid to fit a small jar. Everything. I put the lid for sterilizing the cans on a pot of boiling water, close the hole with the "super-device" I made and put the jar on top. I sterilize each jar for 5 minutes (or less - 2 minutes will be enough). I used to think that sugar is the main preservative in preserves such as juices and purees. Fortunately, this was not the case! We close about 10-12 cans of each puree every summer. Apple - slightly more. This is enough until spring, because besides baby fruit puree there are frozen berries in the freezer, which also go with a bang on cold winter evenings :).

Fruit puree for children: frozen puree

If you have a large freezer (a very useful thing, by the way) and there is an opportunity to freeze everything you can wish for, then it is easier, faster and probably even more useful to make a baby fruit frozen puree... All fruits and berries are the same. We just clean them of unnecessary things (peel and core for apples and pears, bones for peaches, apricots and plums, tails for strawberries), whisk them fresh in a blender, put them in small bowls and voila! We put it in the freezer. In winter, all that remains is to take out all this splendor, defrost it at room temperature (not on the stove, not on the radiator!) And feed the contented child delicious!

Ksenia Poddubnaya

The most delicious blanks are handmade blanks, do you agree with me? But in order for these blanks to be really very tasty, you need to know the most faithful and good recipes. And in this, as always, our grandmothers, mothers, good and experienced housewives help us.
Today I would be happy to share with you a recipe for one piece "with experience". I cook it very often, and my mother and grandmother cooked it. And the preparation is called - peach puree for the winter.
By the way, such a blank is perfect for a children's menu. Well, let's start preparing this blank right now.
Peach puree is used in the preparation of jam, sauce and other canned food. To make peach puree, we need to choose ripe, undamaged fruits.

- peaches,
- water.

We wash the selected peaches in cold running water. Let the water drain. Peach skins must be removed as they can give our puree a bitter taste.

To make the peel easy to remove, we need to place the peaches in a colander or sieve. Then put it with peaches in boiling water for about 40 - 60 seconds, then immediately into cold water.

Now it is not at all difficult for us to carefully remove the skin from the fruit.

Then cut the prepared peaches and remove the seeds from them. Cut the pulp into small wedges.

After that, pour a layer of water about 2 cm into the bottom of the pan. Place the chopped peaches in it. We put on fire and boil the whole mass for about 10 minutes.

Then grind the cooked hot mass through a fine sieve.

Now we put the grated puree in a saucepan. Boil on low heat for about 10-15 minutes. We pack hot mashed potatoes into prepared dry sterile jars. We fill the cans to the top. We seal them and refrigerate them. It is best to pre-sterilize the jars to be sure, also do not forget to boil the lids for about 6 minutes.

After our workpieces have cooled down, at least to room temperature, we need to send them to the pantry or basement. The ideal place to store peach puree is in a dark and cool room. Well, then our main task will be to save the preparations for the winter. And then you can already enjoy this peach puree to your heart's content.
Enjoy your meal!
Author: arivederchy
We also recommend that you cook

The best food, of course, is homemade. No matter how the manufacturers assure that the products are completely safe, it is always safer if mashed potatoes are prepared independently from those products that are collected personally. This is especially important for mothers of young children.

In our article, we will consider recipes for making delicious and healthy mashed potatoes from aromatic and delicate peaches.

Peach puree recipes

Peach puree for the winter

A distinctive feature is that they do not require long cooking. Therefore, if you do not need to preserve mashed potatoes for the winter, it is enough to boil the fruit for 5-7 minutes.

But for canning mashed potatoes, you will have to prepare clean jars and sterilized lids, which will somewhat delay the process.

To make mashed potatoes you will need

5 ripe peaches,

1 tbsp. water,

Sugar to taste.

Put the peaches in a saucepan, then cover with hot water. Boil a little, no more than 7 minutes. Then remove from water and allow to cool.

The pulp must be separated from the seeds, chopped in any convenient way: rub through a sieve, scroll in a meat grinder or chop in a blender. Or you can just cut it into smaller pieces.

Then put it back in any suitable container and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes. To prevent the mixture from burning, you can add water, or put a container with chopped peaches in a pot of water - that is, cook in a water bath.

After that, you can pour the puree into jars, roll it up, turn it over, wrap it well with a warm blanket. Once the jars are cool, you can store them in a cool place.

If desired, you can cook mashed potatoes not only in a saucepan. For these purposes, a multicooker, airfryer or double boiler with the desired cooking mode is perfect.

Peach puree for babies

Peach puree is a favorite treat for children. In addition, it is very useful, because peaches contain minerals and vitamins necessary for the body. Therefore, this puree will be ideal for starting complementary foods. Fruit puree can be given to a child from 6 months to 40-50 g.

The only caveat is that you need to choose the right fruit: there is hardly a lot of usefulness in the "wooden" peaches bought in the middle of winter. Fruit with damage and stains is also not worth buying.

To prepare 20 servings you will need:

Peaches - 10 pcs,

Water - 1 tbsp.

Sugar - optional.

Peaches must first be thoroughly rinsed, rinsed with boiling water. You can also put it in hot water for 1 minute and then in ice. Then peel and remove the stone, cut into slices.

Put the peaches in a saucepan, add water. Put sugar to taste or, if you wish, do without it. Bring the puree to a boil. Cook for 10 minutes, then remove from heat and refrigerate. Once cool, grind in a blender and serve.

If you need to preserve mashed potatoes for the winter, you need to pour it into jars and sterilize for 10 minutes.

Peach puree turns out to be thick, so if desired, it can be diluted with water.

As you can see, making such a wonderful dessert is not at all difficult and fast enough. It will become a favorite delicacy and "vitamin" dessert not only for children, but for the whole family.

Peach puree for the winter

Peach blanks are ideal for making pies and cakes, as well as filling for sweet rolls. We suggest you prepare peach puree for the winter so that you can enjoy fragrant tropical fruit on cold evenings. You can store it in the freezer or roll it up in sterilized jars.

Frozen peach puree

Choose the most fragrant and sweetest fruits. It is good if, when pressed, they are slightly soft - this is a sign of final ripeness. Rinse the peaches under running water and make shallow, cross-shaped cuts on the surface of each peach.

To remove the skin, the fruit must be scalded. They do it as follows:

  1. Pour enough water into a saucepan so that it can completely cover the peaches (do not lower the fruits themselves yet).
  2. Bring to a boil, reduce heat.
  3. Dip the peaches in boiling water for half a minute. Remove with a colander or ladle.
  4. Let cool slightly and peel off the skin by hooking it in the places where the cuts were made. It will come off easily without damaging the flesh.

Cut the peeled peaches in half, remove the seeds. Chop into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder or blender. If you don't have kitchen appliances, transfer the pulp to a deep container and mash thoroughly with a fork (this can take a long time).

Put the resulting puree in plastic containers and put in the freezer. Sugar can be omitted, as ripe peaches are sweet enough without it.

Frozen puree can be stored in the freezer for up to one year. It can be added to pies, spread on bread, or simply eaten with a spoon. This is a great treat for young children.

Peach puree in jars

For 10 peaches, you need 2 glasses of water. You can also add sugar to taste.

  1. Rinse the fruit, divide each peach into two wedges and remove the pits. It is not recommended to cook them together with the kernels, since carcinogenic substances can be released from the bone during the heat treatment.
  2. Pour the measured amount of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce heat to low, add halved peaches. As soon as the water boils again, cook for 5-7 minutes, then remove the fruits and let them cool slightly.
  4. Grind the softened pulp with a fork until puree, add the required amount of sugar.
  5. Pour some water on the bottom of a saucepan, transfer the puree and cook for another 20 minutes on the lowest heat. Thanks to the poured water, the pulp will not burn. You can do it differently - put a cup of puree in a water bath and cook for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

When the peach puree is ready, place it in sterilized jars and roll up the lids. Cover with a warm blanket or blanket and leave for several hours. When the jars are cool, put them in a cool, dark place. You can store such mashed potatoes for 8-10 months, depending on the room temperature.

In stores you can find a wide variety of baby food: multigrain cereals, juices in outlandish packages and fruit purees mixed with cottage cheese. But, nevertheless, self-prepared meals for complementary foods are a guarantee of freshness, a combination of favorite products and, of course, mother's love, “packed” in each portion.

I offer you the perfect peach puree for the winter, which you can prepare for your child at home. It will turn out sweet without a single gram of sugar!


  • peaches - 1 kg,
  • water - 50 ml.

In addition to peaches, you will need a container for the finished puree. The most convenient for this role are jars from factory-made baby purees with a capacity of 170-200 g. In addition to them, you will already have screw caps that can be used for home canning.

How many cans do you need? The calculation is simple: each such jar will take two peaches. So if you have, for example, 8 peaches, prepare 4 jars with lids.

How to make peach puree for the winter for babies

First, peaches need to be properly processed. If you boil the fruits together with the skin, then you will not be able to perfectly chop them in mashed potatoes: for this you will need to first remove all the skins from the pan. In addition, because of them, the mashed potatoes will be sour, and then you will have to add sugar. To avoid this inconvenience, peel the peaches off with a knife at the start of cooking. Then cut the fruit into 4 pieces.

Place the pieces in a saucepan. Add prepared drinking water, cover the container with a lid and put on low heat. Let the peaches simmer for 10 minutes and soften well.

Transfer the cooked peaches to a food processor and chop until puree. Pour this gruel back into the pan, put on a low heat and simmer for another 5 minutes.