Homemade frozen pork stew. How to cook homemade pork stew in the oven

24.08.2019 Seafood dishes

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Stew is a very convenient product. There are situations in life when food needs to be prepared quickly. And what could be better than opening a can of good stew and frying it with pasta or potatoes? You can cook any soup with it, prepare a delicious second dish, make a delicious sandwich.


And for those who raise pigs, the issue of conservation is most acute.

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Every housewife should have this product in her stocks. Everyone probably has situations when there is no time for cooking. This is where homemade pork stew comes to the rescue.



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Shop stew does not always meet our expectations. And we cook homemade stew to our taste. We know exactly what kind of meat we put in it, we can adjust the recipe to our taste.


There are different ways and recipes for making homemade stew. You can cook it in a water bath, you can - in the oven, slow cooker, autoclave. Well, if you have a pressure cooker, it is very convenient to cook stew in it.

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Homemade pork stew recipe number-1


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To prepare homemade stew you will need:


Pork (a shoulder blade is better) - 500 g;
Lard - 300 g;
Bay leaf - 1 pc .;
Salt and pepper to taste.

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Advice:Stew is best done in glass jars that can be hermetically sealed. Sterilize banks. You can sterilize preservation jars different ways, for example, place clean, dry jars in the microwave for 3 minutes.

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- Cut the meat into small pieces. It is better to cut off excess fat.


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- Salt and pepper. Stir well.

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- Put bay leaves on the bottom of the sterilized jar, then place the chopped pork. Put the pieces of meat tightly.

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- Then cover the jar with a sterilized lid and place in a cold oven. Turn on the oven at 250 degrees.
- As soon as the meat boils, reduce the temperature to 150 degrees and continue to keep the can of stewed meat in the oven for another 3 hours.
- Do not be scared by the careless appearance of the cans, these are the remnants of the juice flowing from the can. At the end of cooking, the remaining juice is removed, the jar is wiped with a napkin and becomes clean.

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- While the meat is stewing in the oven in a jar, you need to melt the fat from the solid white lard. To do this, cut the bacon into small pieces, put it in a brazier and melt the fat at a low temperature. Pour the finished melted fat into a clean container.

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- After 3 hours, remove the can of stewed meat from the oven, pour over the contents with melted pork fat, close and roll up the lid hermetically. Leave the jar to cool at room temperature.



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- Put the jars with ready-made pork stew in a cool place. But one must bear in mind that such homemade stew is perfectly stored at room temperature.

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- When using homemade stew, remove unnecessary fat, get pork and use it as directed.



Homemade pork stew recipe number-2


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To be sure of the quality and taste of this product, it should be made at home.

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For this we need to take:


4 kg of fatty pork,

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2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt


pepper and bay leaf.

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To begin with, you should thoroughly rinse the meat and cut it into 3 cm pieces. Then put them in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil over high heat.

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Then remove the froth, reduce heat and simmer for 4 hours.

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Add spices half an hour before the end of cooking.



Spread the meat and broth into clean jars. Cover and sterilize for 15 minutes. It remains only to close the banks.

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Homemade pork stew recipe number-3


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1) Rinse the meat, cut into pieces.
2) We use bay leaf, peppercorns and ground pepper as spices.
3) Salt the meat at the rate of 1 level teaspoon per 500 g of meat, add pepper, bay leaf and chopped onion. Mix the mass.
4) At the bottom of the pressure cooker, put a special stand that is included in the kit, put the meat. Add water, just enough so that it is on the same level with the meat. Cover with a lid and set on fire. You can bring the mass to a boil over high heat. We recognize that the water is boiling by the characteristic whistle. Immediately reduce the heat and cook on the lowest heat for 2 hours.
5) During this time, we will sterilize the cans and lids. Homemade pork stew is ready, you can put it in jars.
6) Cover with lids and set to sterilize in a water bath for 40 minutes from the moment the water boils. Do not put hot cans in cold water (can crack), and cold to hot - too.
7) We roll up the cans with lids. Homemade pork stew is stored in a cold place.

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Homemade pork stew recipe number-4


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To cook stew at home, you must:


Chop 1 kg of pure pork meat and place in a clean, dry saucepan,


Add 200 grams of lard, cut into small pieces.

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The pot should be tightly closed and put on a minimum heat, while there is no need to add water - after all, fresh meat has sufficient moisture, which will be released during slow cooking.

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In the process of cooking stew, which takes from 4 to 5 hours, the meat should be stirred occasionally, and at the end of cooking add a little bay leaf, as well as salt and a little ground black pepper to taste.



Black pepper, preferably with peas, which must first be ground in a coffee grinder - this will give the stew a completely unique taste and aroma.

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Homemade pork stew recipe number-5


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We need:


Pork - 1 kg


Lard - 500 g


Bay leaf - to taste


Salt and pepper to taste

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Cut the pork into small pieces, season with salt and pepper and mix well. Lay a bay leaf on the bottom of a sterilized jar, place the pieces of meat tightly, cover the jar with a lid and place in a cold oven. Turn on the oven at 250 degrees, bring the meat to a boil, then lower the temperature to 150 degrees and cook for 3 hours. While the stew is simmering, cook the bacon. To do this, cut it small pieces, melt the fat over low heat and transfer to a separate bowl. When you take the meat out of the oven, fill it with fat, roll up the jar and cool. Store the finished stew in a cool place (in the basement, cellar or refrigerator).



Homemade pork stew in a slow cooker recipe number-6


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Ingredients for pork stew:


pork without bone - 3 kg;
onion - 1 pc.;
bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
peppercorns - 12 pcs.;
salt to taste.

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Method of cooking pork stew:


Rinse the meat, cut into cubes across the fibers. Put the pork in a multicooker bowl.
Add the peeled onion, cut into 4 parts. Close the lid and turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 5 hours.
Then open the lid with salt, add spices and seasonings and continue cooking on the same mode for another hour.
Put the finished stew in sterilized jars and roll up.



Homemade pork stew recipe number-7


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Cooking meat stew is not a complicated process.


We need:
Pork meat - 5 kg.
Lard - based on 5 kilograms of meat 1 kg of lard. If the meat is fatty, you can take less fat.
Salt - 1 teaspoon for 1 kg of meat.
Bay leaf, peppercorns.

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Cut the meat into large pieces, add salt, add marjoram if desired, mix.
Next, we prepare the banks, they must be washed and sterilized. In prepared jars, spread on the bottom of each jar 2 bay leaves, 5-10 peas of black pepper.
Place the meat in each jar, alternating between fatty and lean. Then melt the lard, pour the fat into the meat jars.
Put the jars filled with meat in a cold oven on a baking sheet sprinkled with an even layer of salt so that the temperature in the oven is even.
Turn on the oven and heat to 200 degrees. At this temperature, cook the stew for 3 hours, then carefully remove the cans from the oven and roll them up with clean scalded lids.

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During the preparation of stewed meat, the meat is boiled down by 40%, so you need to buy meat in volumes, taking into account: to have 7-10 kilograms of stew, you need 10-14 kilograms of meat. It is also necessary to take into account that if you cook beef stew, then fat is needed for better storage, since there is not a lot of fat in beef meat, then it is necessary to add fat at the rate of 5 kg of meat 1 kg of melted lard. If you cook pork stew, then you can skip the fat.

Homemade pork stew is an excellent base for many dishes. It is used in the preparation of rich soups, added to cereals and potatoes, or simply eaten with bread. The popular canning method provides a long storage time for meat, its taste and aromas, which makes the product extremely popular.

How to cook pork stew?

Pork Stew is a canned stew sold all over the place. Given the dubious origin of store blanks, it is better to cook the stew with your own hands. The technology is very simple: pieces of pork are stewed with lard for four hours, then they are laid out in clean jars, sterilized and closed with lids.


  • pork - 3 kg;
  • lard - 500 g;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.


  1. Cut the meat into small pieces.
  2. Chop the bacon and melt.
  3. Add pork and spices to the lard.
  4. Simmer for 4 hours.
  5. Place in sterile jars.
  6. Line the bottom of the pot of water with a towel and place the jars.
  7. Pork stew at home is sterilized for 20 minutes.

Homemade pork stew - recipe in a saucepan

Pork stew at home is prepared in various ways. One of the most popular is in a saucepan. Pork is laid out in jars and stewed in a saucepan with water for 5 hours. Such heat treatment preserves the meat's juiciness, aroma and eliminates the need for shifting, since it was originally placed in the right container.


  • pork - 2 kg;
  • lard - 100 g;
  • salt - 25 g;
  • black peppercorns - 7 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.


  1. Cut the pork pulp and lard into cubes.
  2. Season with salt and stir.
  3. Place laurel, pepper and meat on the bottom of a sterile container.
  4. Cover the jars with lids and place in a pot of water.
  5. Pork stew is cooked at home for 5 hours.

Pork stew in an autoclave

Pork stew in an autoclave is of impeccable quality. In this unit, products are sterilized and cooked at the same time, which allows you to get a solid workpiece. The owners of the autoclave only need to load the rolled up cans of meat into the unit, add water and, setting the temperature and pressure, keep the product for 40 minutes.


  • pork - 2 kg;
  • lard - 100 g;
  • salt - 25 g;
  • clove of garlic - 8 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.


  1. Chop the pork and lard.
  2. Place bacon, meat, garlic and laurel in clean jars.
  3. Salt and roll up.
  4. Put the cans in the autoclave, pour water into it, close it, and set the pressure to 1 atm.
  5. Raise the temperature to 110 degrees.
  6. Homemade pork stew in an autoclave is cooked for 40 minutes.

Pork stew at home in the oven

Pork stew in the oven is one of the simplest and most affordable recipes. The advantage of which is that in the oven the meat is cooked in its own juice, retains its juiciness and is not subject to burning. Thanks to stewing in the oven in cans, the possibility of violating their sterility is excluded, and the shelf life of the blanks increases.


  • pork - 5 kg;
  • fat - 1 kg;
  • salt - 35 g;
  • bay leaf - 7 pcs.;
  • marjoram - 10 g.


  1. Coarsely chop the meat, season.
  2. Place laurel and meat at the bottom of a sterile jar.
  3. Melt the lard and fill the contents of the jars with fat.
  4. Place the jars in a cold oven on a salted baking sheet.
  5. Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
  6. Home-baked pork stew is cooked for 3 hours.

Pork stew in a slow cooker

Pork stew in a multicooker is juicy and soft. A delicate and jelly-like structure arises from prolonged simmering in a multicooker bowl. The latter has a non-stick bottom that protects the pork from drying out and burning. The meat is stewed under an airtight lid in its own juice and does not require additional liquid.


  • pork pulp - 2, 2 kg;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.


  1. Cut the meat into large pieces, put it in a bowl and simmer in the "Pastry" for 20 minutes.
  2. Season and simmer for 5 hours.

Pork stew in a pressure cooker - recipe

A homemade pork stew recipe using a pressure cooker will turn into pleasant chores. With fresh pork, a modern helper will prepare a dish in just an hour. All you need is to evenly cut the pieces of meat, season them with salt and spices, and put the pressure cooker in the pan, select the time and the Jellied program.


  • pork - 2.5 kg;
  • salt - 35 g;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • clove of garlic - 6 pcs.


  1. Chop the meat, season and place in the pressure cooker.
  2. Close the cover.
  3. Pork stew is cooked in a pressure cooker for an hour in the "Jellied" mode.

Pork shank stew - recipe

Pork shank stew belongs to the refined and demanded types of blanks. Not only the taste, but also the nutritional properties of meat are attractive. The shank, during heat treatment, releases juices rich in natural collagen, which, when solidified, turn into real jellied meat.


  • pork knuckle - 850 g;
  • clove of garlic - 9 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 40 g;
  • allspice peas - 5 pcs.


  1. Chop the shank pulp and salt.
  2. Place in layers in a jar, alternating with garlic and pepper. Cover the top with laurel.
  3. Place the jars in a cold oven.
  4. Bake for 2 hours at 150 degrees.
  5. Let the oven sit off for another 30 minutes.

Minced pork stew at home

Pork stew can turn into a gourmet delicacy when cooked with minced meat. This serving technique is very convenient, since the workpiece can be spread on bread or used as a filling for baking. For piquancy, minced meat can be diversified with additions. In this recipe, cognac is used as a flavoring agent.


  • ham - 1.5 kg;
  • smoked bacon - 250 g;
  • broth - 380 ml;
  • rendered fat - 120 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 80 g;
  • cognac - 50 ml.


  1. Grind the ham and bacon in a meat grinder.
  2. Beat eggs, add flour, broth, cognac.
  3. Pour the mixture into the minced meat.
  4. Grease the jars with fat, put the minced meat in them.
  5. Minced pork stew is cooked at home on a steam bath for 2 hours.

Pork head stew at home

Pork head stew is a financially affordable option for a delicious canned meat. It is very profitable to acquire such a part of the mascara. There is a lot of meat, in terms of taste it is no worse than expensive varieties, and the cost is much cheaper. The recipe is also simple: the meat is stewed for 4 hours, laid out in jars and sterilized.


  • pork head - 1 pc .;
  • water - 3.5 liters;
  • salt - 80 g;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.


  1. Separate the pulp from the bones and cartilage and cut into pieces.
  2. Pour water over the meat, add salt and laurel.
  3. Cook for 4 hours.
  4. Spread the stew into jars and sterilize for 20 minutes.
  5. Close the lids and place in the cold.

The vegetables have been prepared, now it's up to the meat. How can it be without him? Pork stew, especially made at home, and even from a home-grown pig. Well, some people think it's a luxury! But for us villagers, not at all. By the way, anyone can go to the nearest village and easily find and negotiate the purchase of fresh pork, it will be much cheaper than in a store. and even the freshest meat.

This is a secret advice. I just know that when they start stabbing pigs on the farm, sales are not always found right away. We have to look for living creatures in every yard of our own, rural ones, so that city buyers will be glad.

Pig, as it is profitable to do at home. If you eat a lot of meat at once, then it happens that there is nowhere to store it. Often it is the villagers who buy freezers for such an occasion. And boiling homemade stew is a great alternative. After all, you can cook the first or second dish much faster from it, add meat to a salad, or just eat with bread.

In fact, it is not so difficult to cook it, be it from pork or from poultry. We always prepare a lot of canned meat together with fish in the fall. Banks can simply be stored in a cellar or any cool room.

Pork stew recipe at home

For cooking, we will use the following ingredients:

  • Five kilos of pork
  • Eight hundred grams of lard
  • A teaspoon of table salt for every kilogram of meat
  • To your taste lavrushka, black peppercorns and allspice

How will we cook:

We consider five kilos of meat already clean, processed, that is, you need to cut off all the films, veins, then the stew will be soft and tender. I always use young pork, up to 60 kg, the meat is much softer and not as fatty. Cut pieces should be rinsed with cold water and patted dry with a paper towel.

To cook stew, you need to choose the right dishes. It can be a pressure cooker, as they used to be made of aluminum casting, maybe a cauldron, I use real cast iron, my grandmother's inheritance, everything tastes better in it.

We cut the bacon into not too small pieces and put it on the bottom, set the minimum temperature and begin to slowly melt. If you are going to store the stew for a very long time, you can bring it to a kilogram of lard.

Before laying the meat, you need to smear the walls of the dishes with a melted piece of bacon, too. Cut the meat into pieces, only larger than for roast. We put it in a cauldron and continue to simmer at the lowest heat, sometimes we do not forget to stir. We cook for 4-5 hours, it all depends on the quality of the meat. At the end, add all the spices.

I want to give one piece of advice to those who make pork stew for the first time, roll it into small jars, half-liter or seven hundred. So it is more convenient, immediately opened and used, it does not last long and does not deteriorate in the refrigerator. Banks, of course, need to be sterilized and dried. I always sterilize in the microwave, they come out immediately dry. I put the metal lids in a saucepan and boil for five minutes.

You need to lay out the workpiece hot, it is better to do this with a wooden spoon, however, as well as stir. Roll up immediately and leave to cool. we store jars in a cellar or refrigerator.

How to cook pork stew in the oven

Here is such a recipe, or rather, a method of cooking stew, you may like it more. He is very convenient in that he immediately put everything in jars, turned on the oven and forgot about it for a while.

We also take five kilos of pork, instead of lard, you can melt the interior fat - lard. We cut it into pieces and preheat it in a pan, over low heat. We prepare the meat in the same way as in the first case. We take half-liter jars, they do not need to be sterilized, since they will be fried in the oven, just wash them thoroughly with soda.

At the bottom of each jar we pour pepper, five peas are enough, put a leaf of lavrushka, only a small one, so that it does not give bitterness. cut the meat into pieces and salt, mix and spread evenly over the jars, just not to the very edge. Pour the melted fat into each jar from above, distribute it evenly.

We put the cans in a cold oven, otherwise they may burst, turn on the temperature to 180 degrees and leave for four hours. We sterilize the lids in advance and roll the finished stew immediately under them.

As you can see, this method is very simple. Banks are immediately ready for seaming, which is very convenient. There is another good cooking method, see below.

Pork stew in a slow cooker

Honestly, I don't know how I would manage without this kitchen miracle, but I used to live somehow. Making stew in a multicooker is faster and almost as convenient as in the oven. But, naturally, the portions will be smaller.

We need three kilos of pork meat and half a kilo of lard or interior fat. If the meat is fat, then take less lard. From spices as well, pepper, salt and laurel. In general, you do not need to abuse spices in such preparations, because this is a semi-finished product, you will cook something from it and you need it to be as neutral in taste and smell as possible.

First of all, we cut lard or lard into pieces, put it in a bowl and set the baking mode, melt it and take out the cracklings. cut and rinse the meat, dry and cut into pieces. We put pieces in the melted fat, add all the spices, salt and set the stewing mode for three hours. We close the lid and go about our business.

In this case, the jars need to be sterilized, we pack the stew, as always, hot and immediately roll it under the lids.

  1. Use varnish-coated lids to roll up stewed cans to prevent rusting.
  2. For cooking, buy only fresh meat, freezing in this case disappears, since the product will not taste good.
  3. Like meat, we use only fresh fat, as I wrote above, the more fat, the better the preservation of the workpiece. Of course, few people love him, when I open the jar, I just remove it with a spoon. But it should be fresh, fragrant, not rancid.

Homemade stew is not just tasty, it is very tasty. She helps us out not only in the winter season when it's freezing outside, and I don't really want to go to the store in the cold. But even in the summer, on a hike, in the country, on a fishing trip, it is convenient to take a jar of stew on a long trip and have a snack on the road with a ready-made tasty and satisfying dish. You can add it to pasta or cook soup. You can also make a delicious stew-based meat pie. In general, stew is a versatile product.

But today it is very rare to find really high-quality stew on the shelves. Therefore, more and more housewives resort to home production of stew. And as it turned out, making homemade stew is not so difficult. The algorithm of actions is not at all complicated, and almost any meat can be used. In addition, for cooking, you also need a little onion, lavrushka and peppercorns, that's all. But of course there are recipes where there are much more seasonings and we will consider all the options for making homemade stew.

And the very first recipe will not be casual from chicken meat. Chicken is the most affordable meat today and also not expensive. This type of stew is very popular among summer residents, since during the season in the country you can grow chickens and cook stew from them, thereby preserving the meat for the winter.

To cook stew, we take cans and first sterilize them in any way you can. Then in empty sterilized jars we lay out on a leaf of lavrushka, three four peas of pepper and garlic. Garlic is not necessary therefore as you like. And a little onion. Place the onion between the layers of meat.

Arrange the pieces of chicken in the jars, cover with lids, and send to the oven for 4 hours. The most optimal temperature for cooking is 145 degrees. But even if it is 150, this is not critical. I warn you right away that during the cooking process, the meat can shrink, so it is worth putting a spare jar of meat in order to then transfer the meat from it to those jars in which the meat will shrink.

After four hours of stewing, we close the jars and send them to cool at room temperature. Chicken stew turns out to be very tasty and nutritious. Chicken meat contains a very large amount of amino acids that are so necessary for the human body. So don't forget to include chicken in your diet.

Homemade pork stew

If in the recipe for cooking chicken stew, the bones could not be separated from the meat. Then with pork such a number will not work here and the bones will be thicker and their structure is different.

So we separate the meat from the bones and then it is also worth rinsing the meat in water.

Meat pulp 1 kg.

Black pepper 1 teaspoon

Salt. Just rub the meat with salt before putting it into the jars.

Bay leaf.



If the meat is not fat, add a little pure lard. 200 grams of lard is enough for 1 kg of meat. It is better to cut the bacon into pieces at times less meat. So it dissolves faster and saturates the meat with fat and your stew will turn out juicy.

And so the first thing we do is sterilize the jars. We put dry and clean jars in the microwave or oven for 3-4 minutes. After that, we carefully take out and lay out the seasonings in banks in equal quantities. Of course, despite the fact that the banks are all the same. It is advisable to take small jars of about half a liter, this is the most optimal container for stew.

Put lavrushka, pepper, onion at the bottom of the jar. Then we lay out the meat and bacon. But not too tightly we leave a place for the liquid that will stand out and in which the meat will be stewed.

After the meat is laid out in jars and covered with iron lids, we send the jars to the oven and keep them there for 4 hours at a temperature of 140-150 degrees. Then we twist the jars and keep them with the lids down until they cool completely. It is advisable to cover all the jars with a warm blanket.

The recipe for homemade stew in a cauldron

There is also a second option for cooking stew. In this version, all meat can be stewed in a cauldron or in a roaster.

We put the meat in a cauldron or duck and throw in the necessary seasonings. Pour a small amount of water and leave to simmer on low heat after boiling water. We simmer the meat for 5 hours. In the process, make sure that there is liquid in the cauldron.

After five hours, we put the meat in sterilized jars.

Covering the jars with lids or foil, put them in the oven and keep them there for 15 minutes at a temperature of 110-120 degrees, then take out and tighten the lids. That's the whole recipe for cooking pork stew in a cauldron or in a duck.

Homemade beef stew

As mentioned earlier, stew is prepared from almost any meat. Now it's time to learn how to cook beef stew.

In order for the beef stew to turn out juicy and tasty, it is worth adding lard to it, which will provide the meat with a special taste and add juiciness to the dry beef. For 1 kg of meat, 200 grams of lard will be enough. But before that, it is worth removing the tough skin from the bacon.

And so the meat mode into pieces such that they would crawl into the neck of the can. Rinse the meat well before laying it out.

We lay out lavrushka, pepper, onion, and allspice in half liter jars.

We lay out the meat and leave room for the bacon.

Lay out the bacon with the top layer and cover the cans with foil.

Banks of course we take only sterilized.

There is a little trick before placing the jars on the baking sheet.

It is better to cover the baking sheet with foil, since fat can be poured out of the cans during cooking, which will surely burn. And the foil will keep your baking sheet safe.

And so we put the jars in the oven and heat them there at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for 2-3 hours.

Then we remove the heating completely and wait for the oven to cool naturally. After about an hour, the jars can be closed with lids and sent to cool in their natural room temperature.

How to quickly cook stew at home

For this recipe, you should first prepare the brine. For 5-6 liters of water 800 grams of salt lavrushka, pepper onions.

We mix everything and send it to the fire.

While the brine is boiling, the meat is boiling and throw it into the boiling brine. Boil for 20-30 minutes. As soon as the meat is ready, put it in jars and fill it with brine. You will not get quite a stew, but the recipe is very suitable, in fact, the meat is ready and you can eat it. With just one caveat, remember that it is very salty. And if you cook soup using this meat, be careful with salt.

Homemade duck stew in a slow cooker

Yes, and in a slow cooker, you can also cook stew. And you can also use almost any meat for this, but for today's recipe, let's take duck meat.

Cut the carcass and cut into small pieces such that they can easily fit into the neck of the jar.

We put the meat in the multicooker bowl and season it with spices, and this is all the same lavrushka a couple of leaves, a teaspoon salt, 3-4 allspice peas, one onion and you can also add a little black pepper for a piquant taste.

Pour some water into the multivarka bowl so that the meat does not burn immediately after turning on the device. We put the multicooker in the stewing mode for meat for 3 hours.

The water boils away, and the meat continues to stew in its own juice. After 3 hours, lay out the stew in jars and tighten the lids.

Cooking homemade beef stew

Homemade stew is a guarantee that natural meat was used in the preparation of canned food. This means that such a dish will be both healthy and nutritious. At the same time, its big plus is that you do not need to cook beef stew yourself a large number products.

Homemade beef stew recipe

Before you start cooking stew, you need to choose the right meat. After all, not every part of a cow carcass can be fully preserved. It is best to choose the sirloin. Alternatively, you can dwell on already cut blanks, such as azu or goulash. But it is not recommended to take veal: despite the fact that it is considered more dietary and tender, it is noticeably inferior in taste to beef.

Naturally, there is no talk at all about using frozen meat for cooking stew. First, such meat can be old and dry. Secondly, frozen beef no longer tastes good.

Remember that during the cooking process, the meat is boiled down by 40%. Therefore, take more of it than you need ready-made stew. It is also necessary to prepare the lard in advance, with which you will pour the finished stew, so that it is better stored.

To prepare homemade stew you will need:

  • beef - 1 kg
  • pork lard - 200 g
  • bay leaf - 10 pcs.
  • spice
  • peppercorns to taste

Prepare pork for future use

  • More details

Wash the meat, dry well and cut into large pieces. Cut the bacon into small cubes. Salt and pepper the meat and sprinkle with spices. Next, take a jar (it is best to use half-liter and liter). Put a few laurel leaves on the bottom, then put the meat. Top the structure with lard and peppercorns, as well as the remaining bay leaves.

Remember that the jar must be sterile. Therefore, before starting to insert products into it, be sure to sterilize the container. In addition, it is advisable to additionally grease the lid so that it does not oxidize.

Cover with foil so that in case of excess juice from the meat, it does not splash in all directions over the oven and does not smoke. Then put the jar in a cold oven and turn it on to heat up to a temperature of 180 degrees. When you realize that the oven has warmed up well, reduce the temperature to 160 degrees and leave to simmer for 3 hours. Try not to open the door at this time, so that the bank does not burst from the temperature drop. After the time has elapsed, turn off the oven, but do not open the door and do not take out the stew until it cools down. When removed from the oven, roll up the lid and store in a cool place, such as a cellar.

You can cook beef stew in another way. To do this, it is enough to cook the meat. And this is not as difficult as it seems.

To prepare such a stew you will need:

  • beef - 2 kg
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • water - 2 tablespoons

Cut the beef into chunks and place in a saucepan. Then add water and put the meat on fire, let it boil. Then reduce heat to low and leave to simmer. After 3-4 hours, add salt and spices. Leave to simmer for a couple of hours. Try to open the saucepan less often. Turn off the stove and leave the stew to cool. Then transfer to prepared jars and roll up.