How many grams are in a small apple. Why apples are useful for the body

02.05.2019 Lenten dishes

In each orchard in our country you can find an apple tree. The fruits of this tree are popular in Russia and are sold, unlike overseas fruits, all year round... But do you know how many calories are in an apple different varieties and products made from them? What are their beneficial features? The information below will help you learn more about such a familiar and so beloved fruit.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

An apple is 70-80 percent water. 100 grams of the product contains an average of 0.4 grams. proteins, the same amount of fat and 12 gr. carbohydrates. These numbers may vary slightly depending on the variety.

The apple contains macro- (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium) and microelements (iron, iodine, copper, zinc) valuable for the body. Apple fruits are rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamins B, P and PP.

Calorie content of an apple

The average energy value of an apple reaches 45 calories per 100 grams. The weight of 1 piece of a small fruit is 80-90 grams, so it contains 36-42 kcal, in a large one (weighing 200 grams) - up to 100 kcal. In kilogram fresh fruit - 45 calories. Interestingly, the calorie content of green and red apples is different. For your attention - detailed description the main varieties of this fruit and popular products made from it. Each item provides calorie information that will be useful for dieters.


Green apples, Granny Smith or Semerenko varieties (the common people often use the name "Semerenka"), are more firm and sour than red or yellow ones. They contain less sugar, so the calorie content of the fruit is low: about 36 calories per 100 grams. In 1 small apple 32 kcal, medium - 50 kcal, and large (7-8 centimeters in diameter and weight around 200 grams) - 72 kcal. Sour green apples - a win-win fillings for sweet pies. Their juice quenches thirst.


Nutritionists estimate the energy value of 100 grams of ripe red apples at 50 calories. Sorts such as gala or fuji contain more sugar than green ones, so the calorie content differs by 1.5 times. A medium-sized red apple (5 cm in diameter) contains 45 kcal, a large one (8 cm) - 100 kcal. Red fruits are soft and sweet, so they are used to make all kinds of jams, fruit salads... Note that people suffering from gastric acidity should consume just such varieties.


In terms of energy value, yellow apples (popular varieties in this category - Golden and Antonovka) are a kind of "golden mean" between green and red varieties. Their calorie content depends on the capacity of sugar in the fruit. Take a bite of the yellow apple and listen to taste sensations... If it seems sour than sweet to you, its energy value is 40 calories. If on the contrary, then the calorie content in a yellow apple contains about 45 kcal per 100 grams.

In a dried apple

During the drying process, the water content of the apples decreases. Consequently, the relative concentration of vitamins and minerals increases by 4 times. According to this logic, the energy value is 100 grams dried fruit should be about 200 kcal. But in reality, the indicator is different. The fact is that the middle of the apples is removed before drying. Real calorie content finished product - 245 calories. The content of the BZHU is - 2 gr. proteins, 0.3 gr. fat and 59 gr. carbohydrates.

IN dried applesah contains apple, lemon and tartaric acid, tannins. If the fruit has not been peeled before drying, flavonoids will also be present. The high concentration of pectin ensures low glycemic index... This means that dried apples can be consumed by people with diabetes mellitus... Of course, in reasonable amounts.

In a baked apple

When baked, most of the water in the apple evaporates. The concentration of all substances per 100 grams of the product increases. Apples baked in the oven or microwave have energy value within 80-90 calories. But if you fill them with nuts and cover them with honey or sprinkle with sugar, then the calorie content of the stew will be comparable to a cake. Consider this when compiling dietary diet and counting calories.

In soaked fruit

In fact, pickled apples are both "canned food" and a fermented product. They affect the body in the same way sauerkraut... IN pickled applesah contains many bacteria that are good for digestive system... By consuming them at least 3 times a week, you can eliminate intestinal problems. The calorie content of pickled apples is estimated at 46 calories.

In apple juice

Apple juice is considered popular in our country. There are 2 ways to get this product - digestion and direct extraction. It is convenient to use a juicer at home. Natural juice consists of well-absorbed carbohydrates, sugar and dietary fiber... Its energy value is 42 calories per 100 milliliters.

The juice has a high content of vitamins B, C, E and PP. It contains minerals: potassium, iodine, sodium, iron, calcium. It is useful to consume apple juice in case of anemia, it effectively removes toxins from the body and slows down the aging process.

In apple compote

It is recommended to take apple compote when elevated level cholesterol, liver disease, kidney disease, inflammatory processes, anemia. The pectin contained in the product normalizes bowel function. Fruit acids help the body recover quickly after intense physical activity, therefore, compote is good for athletes. The energy value of 100 milliliters of the product is 85 kilocalories.

Apple jam

Fragrant apple jam tasty and healthy for the body. If in the cooking process fructose is used, and not sugar, then the dish can be consumed even with diabetes, since the fruits of the apple tree reduce the concentration of sugar in the blood. When cooking jam, most nutrients are preserved, with the exception of vitamin C. So that it is also contained in apple jam, add rose hips to it. The nutritional value of jam (with sugar) is estimated at 265 kcal.

In applesauce

For the preparation of traditional applesauce only 3 ingredients are used: in addition to the fruits themselves, these are sugar and water. It can be consumed in finished form or use as a filling for pies, cheesecakes or pies. Puree is an excellent basis for making soufflé or mousse, the calorie content of which (if standard recipe) is 82 kilocalories.

In a charlotte with an apple

There are dozens of recipes for making apple charlotte. The nutritional value classic productmade from flour, sugar, eggs and fruit is estimated at around 200 kilocalories. But if you use other ingredients in the cooking process, it can rise up to 300 kcal per 100 grams of the dish. If you watch your figure, consume apple pie in moderation.

Apple pie

There are 2 types of apple pies: fried and baked. Their calorie content is different. Less damage will be done to your figure baked pies... Their energy value is 199 kilocalories. Fried pies are more fatty, as they are soaked sunflower oil in the cooking process. Their caloric content is estimated at 240 kcal per 100 grams of product. For comparison, a McDonald's hamburger has an energy value of 290 kilocalories.

Why apples are useful for the body

Before describing the health benefits of apples, let us draw your attention to the fact that it is best to consume fresh fruits (in in kind, grated or mashed). When long-term storage fruits, the content of vitamins and microelements in them decreases. I wonder what sour, wild, small apple many times more useful than a beautiful glossy fruit (most likely imported), which is sold in a supermarket at a triple price. Now let's talk about how this fruit affects the body:

  • Apples strengthen the immune system.
  • Improves the condition of the cardiovascular system. Effective as prevention of heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis.
  • Reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.
  • They have a good effect on the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.
  • Increases appetite.
  • They normalize the digestive system, improve the microflora of the stomach and intestines, and prevent constipation.
  • Consumption of fruits together with seeds - a real storehouse of iodine, has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.
  • Apple fruits are good for respiratory system... They reduce the likelihood of developing asthma and other diseases of the lungs and bronchi by 4-5 times.
  • Apples minimize negative influence harmful substancescontained in tobacco smoke on the lungs. Therefore, smokers should include them in their daily diet.
  • Normalize body weight.
  • Slows down the aging process.
  • Regular consumption of fruits 2-3 times reduces the likelihood of developing liver and intestinal cancer. At the same time, it is the peel of apples that has a strong antitumor effect. Note that of all berries and fruits, only cranberries are more effective in this regard.
  • Apples have a beneficial effect on skin, hair and nails. Therefore, they are often used for cosmetic purposes.

Contraindications to use

There are not so many contraindications to the consumption of apples:

  • It is undesirable to eat fruits for people suffering from gastritis during exacerbation of stomach or duodenal ulcers, as they present in them natural acids irritate the mucous membrane.
  • For intestinal diseases accompanied by bloating.
  • With individual intolerance to the product.
  • If you are suffering from urolithiasis or colitis, doctors recommend consuming applesauce exclusively.

Everyone knows apples - fruits are not only tasty, but also healthy. Regular use them for food, can extend life by several years. Doctors came to this conclusion after a series of experiments. True, for this you need to eat at least 20 kg of fruit per year. Less than 2 kg. a month - not so much.

Despite the abundance of nutrients, this elixir of youth is a low-calorie product. How many calories are in apples of different varieties and there will be a speech in this article.

How much does an apple weigh

Before talking about calories, let's clarify how much these wonderful fruits weigh, because their sizes vary greatly.

  • A large apple weighs approximately 230 grams.
  • Average weight - 170 grams.
  • Small weight - 100 grams.

One kilogram will have 10 small fruits or 4-5 large ones and a total of 470 calories.

How many calories are in green, red and yellow apples

Green apples are considered the most useful, especially for children. They are much less likely to cause allergic reactionsand malic acid aids in digestion. In addition, green fruits contain more ascorbic acid and have a lower glycemic index compared to other varieties. After their use, the blood glucose level rises more slowly and therefore they are recommended for diabetics and people with pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

  • Calorie content of green apples Semerenko grade 37 kcal, Granny Smith grade 48 kcal. per 100 grams.
  • The average weight of Granny Smith is 240 g, therefore, it contains 110-120 kcal.
  • The average weight of Semerenko is 150 g, which means that it contains about 55 kcal.

In red apples fewer (compared to green) nutrients, but they compare favorably with their counterparts in an attractive appearance. In most cases, they have less acid and more sugars. For people with diabetes, it is better not to include them in their diet. The most popular red varieties are Fuji and Idared.

  • The calorie content of a red apple of the Fuji variety is 71 kcal. Idared varieties - 50 kcal. per 100 grams of product.
  • Fuji fruit weighs 200-250 g and contains about 140-170 calories.
  • Idared weighs 150-200 grams and its calorie content is 75-100 kcal.

Yellow apples are less popular than red or green, although they are not inferior to them in nutritional value. They have a peculiar taste, are distinguished by a more delicate pulp. The most famous varieties Golden and Antonovka.

  • Energy value yellow apples Golden - 53 calories, Antonovka - 48 kcal. per 100 grams of product.
  • The weight of Golden fruits is 130-150 g and one such fruit will have 70-80 calories.
  • Antonovka fruits pull 100-150 g and one apple will have 50-75 calories

How many calories are in dried, soaked apples

During drying, the fruits lose a significant amount of water, but at the same time retain almost all of their nutritional value. After drying, the calorie content of the product increases by almost five times.

  • The energy value of dried apples is 230-240 kcal. per 100 grams.
  • Soaked apples do not differ in calories from fresh fruits - 47 calories per 100 g.

Energy value of apple juice, compote

In 100 milliliters apple juice contains 42 calories.

In compote:

  • without sugar -10, 5 kcal. per 100 milliliters.
  • with sugar - 85 kcal. per 100 milliliters
  • from dried fruits - 45 kcal. per 100 milliliters.

Apple kvass - 26 calories per 100 milliliters.

How many calories are in foods with apples

  • Apple jam - 265 kcal.
  • Applesauce - 82 kcal
  • Apple jelly 69 cal.
  • Apple jam - 245 cal.
  • Charlotte with apples from 120 to 250 calories, depending on the method of preparation.
  • In a pie with fried apples - 260 baked - 180 kcal.
  • Apple pie has approximately 210 calories.

The largest apple in the world

Alain Smith, an Englishman, has grown an apple weighing 1 kg 670 grams. It is this record that is registered in the Guinness Book of Records. In 2005, an agronomist from Japan, Chisato Iwasagi, achieved an even more impressive result. A fruit ripened in his garden, which weighed 1 kilogram 849 grams.

Unfortunately, this achievement was not recorded according to all the rules. This huge fruit was weighed, photographed and ... eaten, so it did not get into the book of records.

Chisato Iwasagi has been cultivating for several years huge fruits and makes no secret of his techniques. According to him, all you need to do is:

  • Carry out breeding work.
  • Monitor soil temperature.
  • Monitor soil moisture.
  • Prepare special feeding.
  • Conduct timely vaccinations.
  • Leave a small amount of fruit on the tree.

According to unverified reports, our gardeners did not grow fruits smaller than their Japanese counterparts. It just never occurred to them to register their achievements as records. They just showed them to friends, neighbors and let them go for their intended purpose.

Apple is a very healthy fruit that is known and loved all over the world. It grows almost everywhere the globe and is successfully used in food Industry... Apples become an ingredient varied dishes... And many masterpiece desserts are not complete without this fruit. And in dietary nutrition it's simple irreplaceable component... Therefore, when preparing a particular dish to calculate the calories in the diet, it is necessary to know the average size of the fetus, its weight and calorie content.

Approximate weight of medium fruit

An apple is a fruit with a wide range of weight. It depends on the size and variety of the fruit. When it comes to wild apples, then their weight does not exceed 5 g. One hybrid apple can weigh up to 500 grams.

The largest apple fruit was grown in Japan in 2005. Outwardly, it resembled a human head, and its weight was about 2 kg. The fruit was entered in the Guinness Book of Records, for a certain period of time it attended exhibitions as an exhibit. And then it was safely eaten. But the gardener who has grown such a fruit has already established their regular production. He says that he systematically measures the moisture and temperature of the soil, feeds the apple trees, inoculates them and crosses them. On one branch, he leaves only a couple of fruits.

As for the average fruit, the concept of it changes over time. Previously, the average apple was considered a fruit weighing 100 g. But now the parameters have changed, and this concept corresponds to a fruit that weighs 150-170 g. This is due to the breeding of new crossed varieties.

A peeled apple has a mass of 50 g less, and the core is only 30-50 g. A large fruit is considered to weigh 250-300 g. Knowing the approximate weight of 1 fruit, it is easy to calculate how many of them are in 1 kilogram. Usually this amount is 6-10 pieces.

An apple is considered valuable and healthy fruit... It contains many nutrients that improve the functioning of various body systems. The product contains a large amount of pectin, which lowers the level of dangerous cholesterol in the blood. The fructose in it is a natural substitute for sugar, and phytonutrients help the brain function. Apples increase the tone of the vascular walls, free the body from excess lactic acid and bile, and promote the elimination of kidney stones.

And also apples have a lot of acids, which neutralize pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity and prevent the development of caries. In addition, the fruit is rich in magnesium, iodine, zinc, potassium, iron and sodium. And the vitamin complex is represented by a wide variety: A, group B, C, E, H and P.

Apple is low calorie fruit, because 87% of it is water. 100 g of the product contains:

  • proteins, fats - 0.7 g each;
  • carbohydrates - 17 g.

The calorie content of red apples is 47 kcal, and green apples - 35 kcal. Knowing the weight of the fetus, you can easily calculate its calorie content and be able to harmoniously introduce it into your diet.

The dependence of the mass on the variety

Given the variety of apple varieties, they are divided into several groups.

  • Small: Kitayka, Ranetki. Their diameter is up to 3 cm, weight is up to 25 g.
  • Lower averageswith a diameter of 4–5 cm and a weight of 50–75 g: Lithuanian Pepinka.
  • Average. Their diameter is 5-10 cm, weight - 75-150 g: Saffron Pepin, Sara Sinap, Anise.
  • Large with a diameter of 7.5 cm and above, weighing 150 g and above: Antonovka, Semirenko, Aport, Kitayka, Bellefleur.

The weight of the fetus directly depends on its diameter. If you don't have a scale at hand, but you have a matchbox, you can get out of the situation and find out the approximate mass of the apple. A box of matches is 5 cm long. Attach it to the widest cross section of the product - get its diameter. Six to seven cm, its values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to 135-150 g of fetal weight.

The size of apples is influenced not only by their variety, but also by the rules of care. With a large number of them, the fruits, as a rule, become smaller even on apple trees. large varieties... To avoid this, after the excess ovaries have fallen off, you can independently remove another 30% of the smallest and least developed of them.

The amount of moisture also affects the size of the fruit. With a lack of it, they also tend to become smaller. Therefore, with low rainfall, each tree should be watered at least 3 times per season and at least 10 liters of water should be poured under each plant. And in order to preserve moisture, it is better to mulch the ground under the apple trees.

The age of the trees should also be taken into account. The largest fruits are born on young trees 2-4 years from the moment they begin to bear fruit. Over time, apples get smaller and smaller. The fewer fruits on a tree, the larger they are. To grow a giant apple, some leave a single fruit on the apple tree. For a plant to bear fruit, it must have at least 40 leaves.

You will learn more about how much an apple weighs in the following video.

What is tastier - small or large fruits?

Apples are among those fruits that differ in a variety of varieties and tastes, which is why they are so popular. Fruit sizes are also ambiguous, ranging from the smallest to gigantic. But for fruit of any mass there is a use. Knowing average weight fruit, you will better understand the use and calculation of proportions.

Most likely to the most delicious apples should include a medium-sized fruit. However, it is worth considering the variety of apples and the sizes that are inherent in it. For one variety, a certain size may be considered large, while for another it may be considered medium or even small.

By choosing a medium apple, you get optimal amount nutrients unchanged, as well as the harmony of taste. Such a fruit is moderately ripe, juicy and corresponds to its taste characteristics... It should not contain too much acid. And it will match its variety in taste: sweet or sweet and sour.

As for large fruits, it is highly likely that they will be overripe. Moisture leaves them, they become not so juicy. They are usually characterized by the expressions "like a potato" or "like cotton wool". They are quite high in sugar, but very low in organic acids. Moreover, such fruits are not subject to long-term storage.

Small fruit - unripe. It is tough, sour and has an astringent taste, but contains substances that stimulate the development of normal microflora and improve bowel function.

The apple is considered a healthy and tasty dietary product. If this fruit is consumed at least once a day, the body will receive the necessary minerals and trace elements. What is the weight of an average apple with the skin? It is 176 g.

You need to know the mass in order to determine the calorie content of the product. This will allow you to properly follow the diet. What is the weight of a medium apple peeled? It is equal to 138 g. Knowing the mass, you can calculate the calories.

The nutritional value

There are over 7,400 varieties of this fruit. Everyone has a special appearance, taste and calorie content. But in any case, the weight of the average apple will be the same. Their common property is an huge benefit... It is as follows:

  • Fruits are essential for lowering "bad" cholesterol in the body. This is due to pectin, ascorbic acid, fructose and magnesium.
  • Fructose is recognized as a "substitute" for sugar. To replenish daily allowance carbohydrates must be eaten one apple at a time.
  • Apples protect against the growth of carious bacteria in the mouth due to the presence of neutralizing acids in them.
  • Improves brain activity, as it contains phytonutrients.
  • Neutralizes uric acid, activates bile production. You just need to drink apple juice often.
  • They do not allow thyroid ailments due to the iodine contained in the pulp.
  • Promote the excretion of sand from the kidneys.
  • They make the walls of blood vessels elastic, protecting people from heart disease.

It's delicious and healthy delicacy considered the best snack... The fruit perfectly restores well-being.

Weight and calorie content

The weight of an average apple in grams is 176 g, regardless of the variety. The fruit is considered to be low in calories, since it is almost 87% water. But usually red ones have more sugar, and their calorie content is 47 kcal, and green ones - 35.

The weight of an average apple is consistent with the daily intake of this fruit. The product is useful to everyone thanks to the content a large number vitamins, fiber and valuable trace elements.

The average apple with the skin weighs approximately 176 grams, and the peeled apple weighs 138 grams.

Apple is one of the healthiest and most affordable dietary products... Indeed, without this familiar fruit, it is difficult to imagine most cleansing diets. And if you eat at least one apple a day, the body will receive the necessary "supply" of minerals and trace elements. How much does an apple weigh? After all, knowledge of the mass of the product used is required to determine its calorie content - the most important indicator in any diets (especially for weight loss). It is known that calories "control" a person's weight, so to achieve a dietary effect, you need to monitor the calorie content of each food "unit".

The average apple with the skin weighs approximately 176 grams, and the peeled apple weighs 138 grams.

And how to calculate the number of calories in a ruddy apple if you don't have scales at hand? It's simple - just know its mass. In this topic, we will learn about the benefits and calorie content of apples, the peculiarities of the apple diet, as well as some interesting facts about these amazing fruits.

What is the nutritional value of an apple?

Today, there are over 7,400 apple varieties, each with a different appearance, mass, taste and calorie content. However, all apples have one common property - exceptional benefits for the human body. In particular, apples:

Apple weight and calorie content

The apple is considered one of the most low-calorie foods, since almost 87% consists of water. But the number of calories in these fruits depends on the variety - usually red apples contain more sugar, and their calorie content is 47 kcal. However, green apples are healthier, albeit slightly sour in taste. The calorie content of 100 grams of green apples is 35 kcal.