Cheese with green mold as it is called. Cheese with white mold - production technology, the most famous varieties and use in dishes recipes

19.08.2019 Snacks

Many of us know that cheese with mold is considered a delicacy. What is so unusual in this cheese? It turns out that real cheese with mold is produced only in France.

In other countries, they also do something like this, but the best cheeses are french production.

Cheese with mold and his legend

Interestingly, a beautiful, romantic legend is folded about cheese with mold. Once a young young man, shepherd, on the slope of Mount Kombal (near the village of Roccor) sat down to eat cheese and bread. At this time, beauty passed by. The young man wanted to get acquainted with the girl and rushed after her, but her and the next washed.

Returning in a few days to the cave, he saw left cheese covered with mold. The young man tried it and was pleasantly surprised: the cheese acquired a completely new taste. So, according to legend, appeared Rocfort Cheese, One of the most, perhaps, famous cheeses with mold.

Where do they make cheese with mold?

It is clear that these are just legends. But in fact, cheeses with mold have a rich history. Rocfort Cheese is produced in the Caves of the province of Ruegrag, in France.If you find on the shelves of stores of another manufacturer's cheese, then you are something else like an ordinary fake.

The fact is that Rocfort Cheese is made relatively small batches, because Places in the caves are not so much, and its cost is several times higher than the analogues. It is not at all necessary that such cheeses will be less tasty than a real rociff.

Mold in cheese - is it harmful?

Many in ignorance claim that the mold used in production is harmful to health. This is not true. Penicillium roqueforti mold absolutely does not harm the human body, Just only has a similar sound with Penicillin. It is one of the most important factors that give cheese the original, not comparable to anything like that.

Types of cheese with mold

In addition to Rococca, there are still such varieties of cheese with mold, like Stilton, Gorgonzola and others.

Mold Cheese - Gorgonzola

Gorgonzola, like Roquefort, one of the most famous varieties of cheese with mold. Italy is considered to be Italy (or rather, Piedmont and Lombardy regions). These two cheeses are very different in taste, because Italians are used to produce cheese sheep milk.

In addition, manufacturers also use various types of mold.If in Roccule is Penicillium Roqueforti, then in Gorgonzole - Penicillium Glaucum and two types of Bacteria Streptococcus Thermophilus and Lactobacillus Bulgaricus. While cheese matures, metal rods are inserted into the mass, in order to provide good ventilation. The time of aging Gorgonzole is about four months. It is known that Gorgonzola's grade older rocofor is more than 200 years.

Gorgonzola has a copy that is called Bavaria BLO.

Cheese with mold - Stilton

Stilton's grade cheese from England, from the counties of Lesteshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghams. Cheese of this variety is produced only from pasteurized cow's milk. It is withstanding at least 9 weeks.

There are 2 types of English stylton - blue (most popular) and less famous - white stylton. Unlike other cheeses, in the total mass of cheese there are many as if the moves made by mold.

In order to get the proud name of the station, the cheese must meet a whole kind of requirements in the present cheese Stilton must be specific blue bodies coming from the center.

Stilton cheese is considered the youngest (Compared with the two previous varieties described by us) it appeared relatively recently - in the 18th century.

Cheese with mold - Danablo

There is also a younger cheese - Danablo, which appeared in the twentieth century. He came to replace the expensive rocofor.

Because Cheese with mold has a rather sharp taste, it is usually served with tannic wines. Some gourmet and cheese connoisseurs tend to say that cheese with mold is incompatible with wine, as an exception - some varieties of white wines.

What are the cheese with mold

Before serving, the cheese with mold is heated to room temperature. It is especially well combined with fruits, vegetables, crispy loaves, crackers, etc. The British are eating such cheese with vegetables and fresh greens, and also add to soups; Danes - with bread, Italians add it to sauce and pizza.

Cheese with mold is an excellent ingredient for salads, with the exception of rocofor cheese. This elite cheese variety is better to eat as an independent dish.

Is it useful to cheese with mold? Is there any use in it?

  • Yes, if you eat it not very often and small portions. It contains phosphorus and calcium, as well as other vitamins, as well as protein and the necessary amino acid person.
  • Many nutritionists argue that there are also useful bacteria in cheese with mold.who establish the intestinal job.
  • Turkish scientists made discovery, it turns out, the composition of noble mold includes special substances that are able to protect the skin from harmful effects. sun rays. The use of cheese with mold leads to the fact that the substances accumulate in the subcutaneous layer, as a result of which more melanin is produced in the body, which significantly reduces the risk of obtaining solar burns.

Cheese with white mold A popular product that loves both gourmets and ordinary consumers. Interestingly, the mold is not implanted into the cheese mass like blue options, it spreads over his crust. Most often, such cheese has a specific raid at no more than 2 mm. It is important that high-quality cheese has a white mold spread evenly (see photo).

The fans of this type of cheese are residents of France. BRI and Camember Cheese enjoy the greatest popularity around the world. Many people refuse to enjoy try cheese with white mold, as they consider it simply spoiled. It is wrong, since such a tasty and original product deserves the attention of everyone.

Cheese with white mold should be in a special storage where he matures at least 6 weeks. On store shelves, such a product enters the heads of oval, round or same square shape.

How to choose and store soft cheese with white mold?

To purchase high-quality cheese with white mold, you must follow several recommendations:

The shelf life of such cheese should not exceed 2 months. It is important to protect other products from the spread of mold, for this, put the cheese into a plastic box, and close the tight lid.

White mold cheese benefit

The benefits of cheese with white mold lies in a unique composition. Due to the dispute of mold, the activity of the digestive system is improved. This product also includes a large amount of vitamins and minerals. In large quantities, it is contained in cheese with mold phosphorus and calcium, which are necessary for bone tissue, as well as these minerals improve the condition of hair, nails and teeth. The composition of this product contains milk proteins that are easily absorbed by the body and are saturated with its indispensable amino acids.

Use in cooking

Cheese with white mold is an excellent self-snack, which is perfectly combined with white luxury wines. It is also part of the cheese plate, which is most often served as dessert.

Harm cheese with white mold and contraindications

Harm cheese with white mold can bring people who suffer from individual intolerance to the product. At the same time, it is not necessary to forget about high calorieness, therefore it is not recommended to abuse in a loss period and obesity.

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What is cheese with mold? These are special grade of cheese, which are produced with the addition of food mold safe for the body. As a rule, it is a mold from the genus Penicillium (has a specific smell and taste, is used in the production of expensive VR type cheese varieties, Camembert? P (FR. Camembert) - Soft fatty cheese varieties from cow's milk). Mold color can be different: blue, blue, greenish, white, etc. Mold can only cover the cheese "head" or be inside the raw mass in the form of spectacular residences. Most cheeses with noble mold are made of cow's milk. The exception is the famous Rocfort Cheese, for the manufacture of which is used milk sheep.

Cheeses conditionally can be classified on blue cheeses and soft cheeses. Most of these cheeses belong to the category of elite. The term of their ripening is from 2 to 6 weeks. Shades of taste and aroma can be the most varied - depending on the method of preparation. There are several types of soft cheeses. Some go on sale immediately after manufacture, others require short exposure and, depending on this, they can be divided into two groups:

1) white cheeses - Cheeses, on the surface of which are formed a thin white crust with a mold flaw, which is specially cultivated by spraying penicillin.
As a result, the cheeses acquire a spicy, peculiar taste and smell - slightly ammonia, mushroom or acute pepper. The most popular cheese of this group is Camambur. It has a dense oily consistency and a characteristic smell of raw land, moss and mushrooms.

2) blue cheeses - Cheeses, the ripening of which occurs from the inside, as a result of which the mold of a bluish color mold is formed on the surface. It is to this group that the famous Rokfort belongs. It is maintained in deep cellars, and it depends on the duration of ripening. White or weakly yellow dough, permeated by streaks of blue-green mold, creates the impression of marble color. Blue cheeses have an oily or granular consistency and have an acute or stray-spicy taste and aroma of mushrooms. They make them on very simple, but labor-intensive technology. Milk for cheeses is folded at 30 degrees. The cheese mass is not pressed, but suspended in Marle, and serum flows naturally. Two weeks, cheese is solid and pierced with long needles with mold fungi. Thus, blue streaks apply to the entire volume of the cheese mass.

Soft cheeses can be divided into two groups:

With wicked edges;
. with natural edges.

Cheeses with wet edges have a sharp smell of hay, mushrooms, forest nuts and mold, and their taste ranges from soft to very strong. As a result of a regular wash of circles of cheese in brine, wine, beer or dairy serum, the usual mold does not appear (or appears, but then disappears), and therefore the bacteria of red mold develop. It remains at the edges, so the crust acquires cream-orange or brown color. Cheese dough most often turns out to be yellow. The Burgundy is considered a recognized birthday soft cheese with a washed crust. Typical varieties of this group include Epuass, Maro, Aivaro, Münster, Remud. Cheeses with natural edges are made from sheep and goat milk. Due to special processing, they have a slightly wrinkled edge. Over time, wrinkles increase, and a bluish-gray mold fungus appears. Young cheese has a fresh fruit taste, but over time it becomes very sharp, with a nut flavor. Among these cheeses are the most famous for Shabishu du Poato, St. Mica and Crottin de Shavinol.


Cheese is made from sheep milk. The taste depends on the quality of milk, the state of pastures, climate and other factors affecting its maturation. Ardi-Gasna is made high in the Alps, in Hyasyns of shepherds, where in the cool cellars he ripes from 3 to 6 months. Outside, the cheese is smooth, distinguished by various shades, from brown to yellow-gray. Its natural edges are covered with a crust, sometimes with a slight gray mold flaw. Inside its color hesitates from light yellow to straw yellow. It has neglected eyes. Solid to the touch, but pushed under his fingers. The taste is nutty, fresh, and with good aging acquires pleasant piquancy. The circles of this cheese weigh 3 - 5 kg, their diameter is 20-30 cm.

Bloss d "Overhead

This French with a blue mold cheese marked with a special quality mark is an analogue of rocochet. Cheese Ble d "Overnal is made from the XIX century in the Singral Mountains from a cow milk of special, typical of the terrain of the breeds of cows. Raising cheese for three months in a wet cellar. Like any other cheese with a blue mold. It is permeated with green-blue mold veins. The cheese mass of Ble d "Overnal wet, sticky and slightly loose, but should not be crumbly. Cheese has a strong sharp aroma and spicy, not too salted taste.

d "Overnal

Cheese is made from cow's milk. Rises in a wet cellar for 3 months. Cheese is covered with blue mold, and its circles permeated bluish - gray veins. It has a strong aroma and spicy, not too salty taste. Cheese dough wet, sticky and slightly loose, but in no case granular. Cylinder weight - 2 - 3 kg, diameter - 10-20 cm. Cheese is marked by the quality mark of AOS.

Ble du o-jera

Cheese is made from cow's milk. It is also found on sale called Ble de Setmousel or Ble de Ges. In the process of making cheese, the blue mold is beginning, which gives it a blue color. Creeps 2 months. Ble de gest is better in the summer and autumn, and Ble de Setmonsel - in the fall and winter. Good cheese has an impeccable crust and is unclear, slightly bitter taste with a slight shade of mushrooms. Circle weight - up to 75 kg, diameter - 36 cm.
Cheese is marked by the quality mark of AOS.

Cheese is made of cow's milk. Mild Bree Cheese is known in France for several centuries. For the production of this cheese is used extremely fresh (not pasteurized) milk. The milk is fermented by a renewed enzyme, and after two hours, the clutch is laid in forms. Within 24 hours, cheese is without cargo. Then it is removed from the forms and salt sprinkles on its surface. BI ripens for 2-4 weeks, and the characteristic red color appears on its surface due to the growth of pigment-forming bacteria. Ripening occurs due to the activity of mold enzymes penetrating inside. The consistency of mature cheese can vary from wax to half a trip. Cheese has a sharp taste and ammonia smell. Circle weight - 1.2 kg, diameter - 37 cm.


Cheese is made from cow's milk. This is one of the most famous soft cheeses. Camembert production in hot weather is difficult, so it is usually done from September to May. Under favorable conditions, the rise of mold occurs quickly, and very soon the surface of white mold becomes blue, so the cheese has a bluish-gray look. Then the cheese is transferred to another basement with a temperature of about 10 ° C and high humidity. Under these conditions, the growth of mold slows down significantly, and the mold itself acquires a reddish brown color. Now cheese becomes viscous and considered ripe. To the touch, it should be soft, but when cutting - not to crumble. The solid middle, surrounded by a semi-liquid mass near the crust, indicates that the cheese is cooked bad. A good Camembert should be covered with velvet white crust, and "wrinkles" should be slightly pink-red. The smell of fresh, possibly with a mushroom notch. The taste is gentle, and in no case should not be given to ammonia. The product is transported in light wooden boxes or pack in a straw at once six cheeses. Camembert is trying to sell as quickly as possible because it is badly stored. Because of this, he often goes on sale unworthy. In this case, it can be put on the house. Before use, the Camembert is put in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. The cut cheese no longer matures, so it is better to eat as soon as possible. The weight of the disk is 35-45 kg. Marked the quality mark of AOS.


Cheese is made from sheep milk. Perhaps he is the most famous of all cheeses with a blue mold. There is a great many imitation of this cheese, whose names speak for themselves. For example, Danish Roquefort, which makes cow's milk. Traditionally, rye bread is used to form mold. In addition, cheeses are pierced with long needles and sprinkled with dried rye mold. Then in the air canals mold Rokfort, which subsequently forms gray-blue bodies. This rocular rocuet more than 3 months in limestone caves. In the early stages of ripening, the cheese of sheep milk has a sharp taste that not everyone likes. However, this taste during the subsequent ripening process either disappears or softened. Cheese also leaves a peculiar aftertaste. The most successful seasons for its manufacture - Winter, Spring and the beginning of the summer. Cylinder weight - 2.5-2.9 kg. Cheese is marked by the quality mark of AOS.

But the description of the Rokfort cheese at A. Duma. This is a cheese, which is produced in the town of Rockfor-An-Ruerg, in Aveiron. It is prepared from a mixture of goat and sheep milk, which is heated, burned and placed in the form. After that, each such small mass surrounds the strap, so that the cheese mass does not break. Cheeses dried in basements, where there should be a very strong associator. Then they are solid, covering the salt layer and put several cheeses one on the other, after they spray for three or four days. Cheeses are left for maturation, carefully cleaning and washing them every time, a more or less painted layer appears on the surface. When this painted layer becomes red and white, the cheeses can be eaten. Usually ZTO occurs through three or four months of stay of cheese in the basement. We recommend Rokfor Cheese, which is considered to be one of our best cheeses.


Cheese is made of cow's milk. Rasps 4-6 weeks. At the end of ripening, its orange crust is covered with a light mold flare, and the taste becomes a little nut and brass. Over time, the cheese dries, acquiring a spicy fragrance, but his flesh should not crumble. The weight of the disk is 80 g.


Only two in the region of Italy, historically related to the production of Gorgonzole, can according to the production of cheese and only in the following provinces: Novara, Vercelli, Cuneo, Biella, Verbania and the territory of Monferrato in Piedmont and Bergamo, Breshia, Como, Cremona, Lecco, Lod, Milan, Monza, Pavia and Varese in Lombardy. Milk used in the production of Gorgonzole gives cows, grazing on pastures of only these provinces. Only such cheese can get the status of the DOP - a guarded designation of origin.
Gorgonzola - white cheese of cow milk, with green mold streaks. It is soft, with creamy, slightly sweet taste. Before use, Gorgonzol is removed from the refrigerator for about half an hour. During this time, it takes the right consistency and taste. Exposure Gorgonzole is 2 months for a sweet type and 3 months for a spicy type. In order for the consumer to identify genuine cheese, the consortium provides foil manufacturers with the printed letter "G". Such a foil may be exclusively in companies authorized by the consortium.


Danish cheese, which is made from cow's milk. On his creation of Danish cheesers inspired Rokfort. This cheese is also called Mormor. The pasty, ripen 2-3 months and is more suitable for everyday use.

Wine and cheese are the classics of intelligent relief. There are several general rules when feeding cheese to guilt. It is desirable that cheese and wine are made in the same country. It is important to remember than the brighter the taste of cheese, the stronger and it should be wine. Before applying cheese to the table, you need to hold it on the table at room temperature for some time, only after that all the taste of the cheese palette will be revealed.
Camembert and Roquefort are well served as a snack before dinner and dinner. Soft round cheeses will usually cut in half, and blue - cubes. Camembert taste perfectly complement young red wines. A peculiar taste of rocofor will emphasize dry red vintage wine drinks. These types of cheeses are especially popular in France. The success of French modes of soft cheese is attributed to a soft climate. The production of these cheeses is especially successful on small farms located near major cities or resorts.

And a few words about a cheese plate

Cheese plate - dish for aesthetes. So that it was "proper" on it should be represented at least five types of cheese. The cheese plate can be served as the main dish and as a dessert. In the first case, the pieces of cheese are more, and each participant the device is supposed to the device. In the second case, the cheese is complemented by fruit and can be fed on the skewers. Pears are well combined with Brie and Camembar, grapes - with Rocca, Cherry and Pineapple shade Cheddar and Bofort, and various nuts are suitable for all cheeses. Gentle cheeses well absorb smells. So it is important not to combine too fragrant cheeses with each other. As a rule, the greatest cheese is put on six o'clock. Further clockwise, spices. The cheese is eaten in the same order.

Benefit and harm

Cheeses with mold in small quantities are good for health. They contain a lot of calcium, an extensive complex of vitamins both water and fat-soluble groups, phosphorus salts. Also, cheese with mold is a good source of protein, which is rich in indispensable amino acids. But there is some danger!
As described above, for the production of cheeses with mold use fungi genus penicillium. Not all mushrooms of this kind are distinguished by a large number of antibiotics, but trace amounts of substances that destroy the cell wall of bacteria are contained in all fungi of this kind (antibiotic mushrooms are needed in order to suppress the growth of bacteria near and fully use nutrient substrates).
When using cheeses with mold in moderate quantity, small doses of the antibiotic in them are completely harmless. But, if you eat cheeses with mold daily, antibiotics may well cause a violation of the composition of intestinal microflora, especially after transferred gastrointestinal infections and antibiotic therapy.
In addition, fungi, which are contained in the cheeks with mold - a strongly strong allergen. Therefore, excessive use of cheeses with mold can lead to allergic rashes and urticaria. In this number, the reason for the doctors do not recommend cheese to pregnant women and nursing mothers. Due to the fact that the cheeses are high-calories, nutritionists advise on the day to use no more than 50 g of cheeses with mold.


Adygei - Soft serum cheese with fermented taste and cottage consistency.
Almete - Fresh (similar to cottage cheese) German cheese with additives - greenery, garlic.
Alpidameim - Austrian semi-solid cheese with very large holes.
Alpinalland. - Austrian semi-solid cheese in a yellow wax shell, with a very gentle taste.

Alpzircler - Austrian semi-solid cheese with a red crust.
Amadeus - Austrian semi-solid bright yellow cheese in a white shell with the embossed image of the cross.
APERIFRE - Fresh, similar to cottage cheese, cheese, which is manufactured in the form of small circles, which are comfortable to stick with a skewer. Aperiphe is served to beverage aperitifs.
Asheda - Swedish solid cheese.
Athlete - Estonian solid cheese with an acidic taste.


Bakshtein (Limburg Cheese) - Translated from German - "Brick". Soft cheese made of cow's milk with a characteristic aroma, invented in Belgium, is now particularly popular in Germany and Austria. A. Pushkin in the "Eugene Onegin" called this cheese "alive", apparently, for a strong smell. Baltios - Lithuanian solid cheese.
Banon. - Round soft French goat cheese of small sizes, it is made of necessarily wrapped in brown leaves. The legend says that the Roman emperor Antoni Pei (86-161) allegedly carried away with this cheese, that he died from the indentation of the stomach, once eating him too much.
Protein (protein abbey cheese) - Sheeter from France, whose recipe was invented by Monks-Benedictine in the XIX century. It has a typical sharp taste, the French say that he gives simultaneously burning sugar and a long boiled meat stew.
Boele - French blue cheese (with mold) from cow's milk, with acute saltwater taste.
Ble de Kos - French cheese (with mold) from cowhide milk from different breeds. It is often referred to as "Rokfor from cow's milk."
Blue - French "blue cheese" (with mold) from cow's milk from different breeds. The most expensive variety in the UK.
Blue Gotland - Hard cheese of cow milk, which is produced on the largest island of Sweden Gotland. It is always packed in a dark blue shell.
Bonalpy - semi-solid Austrian cheese.
Bofort - One of the most noble and famous French solid cheeses from cow's milk. The circle of this cheese (from 20 to 70 kg) is easy to distinguish from any other: it always has concave edges (a special hoop is put on with ripening on his side).
Bren D "Amur - sheep cheese with Corsica, his name is translated as "a little love." His crust, under which the tender flesh is hidden, sprinkled with herbs - a charker, rosemary and juniper.
Br. - One of the most ancient French cheeses, soft, with a spicy taste, covered with bright mold, always small. It is called "cheese kings." After the Great French Revolution, Brie was proclaimed by folk cheese. One revolutionary wrote: "Bree's cheese, so beloved by the rich, now love the poor. He became a symbol of equality between rich and poor." BRI belongs to the most famous French cheese, inextricably linked with the history of the country. I really want to start with the legend, although she is not very fun. It is said that addiction to the cheeses of King Louis XVI, who heard a big gourmet, played a fatal role in his fate. Saving a flight from the revolutionary crowd in 1789, Louis did not resist the temptation to look at the farm in the town of Waren, very close to the town of Mo, where they did the best brie. During the cheese tasting, Louis was recognized, grasped and later transmitted directly on the guillotine. So in France, people died not only for metal, but also for cheese. It so happened that Bree always walked cheese kings. Blanche Navar, Countess Champagne, used to send BRA as gifts to King Philip Augustus, who came to delight. With the onset of the birth, court ladies have always been looking forward to gifts from Charles Orleans, and this was a fresh brie. Big lovers of Brie walked the queen Margo and Heinrich IV. Even the Gargantu's Gargantua (let him not belonged to the royal family), the hero of the famous novel Francois Rabl, Gave God to his parents. In total, there are three types of brie, wearing the names of small towns located to the east of Paris: Brie De Moje (Brie De Melun) and Brie De Coulomiers. The latter is increasingly called the "Culnie", recognizing the right to be a separate variety of cheese. 1980 is a significant milestone in the history of BR: this year he was deservedly assigned the original controlled name. They say, Bree loved the Pushkin pore in Russia. Now it can also be used in the central supermarkets of Moscow. It is expensive, but what a pleasure!
Brochio - National Cheese of the inhabitants of Corsica from sheep milk. It has the shape of a flattened bowl covered with a cream crust with mold. Brickhio is known at Corsica since the old days, as sheep began to breed on the island. This cheese has become a kind of national heritage of Corsicans, like pasta for Italians. It is said that Brochio is as quick-tempered and the steep temper, as for any Corsican. The shape of Broccio is a flattened ball covered on top of a cream-colored crust. The taste is pronounced and sharp. The ripening of cheese occurs in the shapes woven from the cane. This is the only French cheese having "original controlled configuration", which is made of digestible dairy serum. The rest of the cheese mass goes to the manufacture of solid sheep cheese of the Tom family. In order to make 1 kg of broccio, it is necessary about 11 liters of sheep milk. The Corsican Breed of Sheep gives a lot of fatty milk, perfectly suitable for the production of broccio. For ripening, the cheese wock in the leaves of trees and lay out on wooden racks in the cellar. Periodically, cheese must be turned over and wipe. Ripening time is a matter of taste. After two weeks, young cheese is ready to use. On Corsica prefer to eat young cheese, therefore only 15% of Brochio finally ripes.
Brynza - Cheese of sheep milk, sometimes from a mixture of sheep milk with a goat, weathered in the brine.
Boulet d "Aven - Perhaps the most "smelly" from the French cheeses in the form of a white or reddish cone.


Valansoe - French goose cheese in the form of a pyramid, sprinkled wood ash. It is said that for the first time this cheese such an unusual form was made in honor of the return of Napoleon Bonaparte with a victory from the Egyptian campaign. Valence Cheese is the visiting card of the ancient French province Berry (BERRY) - like many other goat cheeses from this area (Puliny Saint Pierre, Levru), it has the form of a squat pyramid weighing 220 grams. Not one legend is associated with this form. They say, for example, that for the first time this cheese was made in the form of a pyramid in honor of the return of Napoleon Bonaparte with a victory from the Egyptian campaign. There is another legend, according to which the peasants wanted to repeat the shape of a bell tower located in the village of Valence. Valansa is also interesting because it is sprinkled with wood ash. In Berry, they believe that this is the best way to keep the taste of goat cheese. Valansa make in summer and autumn when goats feed fresh grass. For ripening, the cheese is placed in a well-ventilated dryer for 4-5 weeks, where it is gradually covered with thin skin with a blue mold. Under the crust is a gentle flesh, a little slightly sweet and giving a forest nut. The taste of forest walnut, mixed with the aroma of wood ash, long remains in the mouth. It is believed that the Local White Wine Sanser (Sancerre) is best combined with Valence. However, nothing bothers to try this cheese and with other wines that are so rich in the central regions of France (Coteaux du Vendomois, Cheverny, Chinon, Bourgueil, Saint-Nicolas, Toureine, Toureine-AMBOISE, Vouvray, Montlouis, Toureine-Mesland, Aoc Toureine , REUILLY, QUINCY, MENETOU-SALON). Walance While the last of the FrenchSers won the honor to have a "primary controlled name". This happened in 1997.
Valmont - French blue cheese (with mold) of cow's milk, with a sharp saltwater taste.
Knight - Altai solid cheese similar to Russian.


Gaud. - Dutch solid cheese made of cow's milk, in the form of Bar. The most common cheese in the world.
Hermanat - Lithuanian solid cheese.
Dutch - Solid cheese with slightly sharp taste.
Gorgonzola - Italian blue cheese (with mold) from cow's milk. It can be two species: natural (or mountain) and sweet. Mountain cheese has a very strong aroma and sharp, deep taste.
Grana - The Italian name of parmesan originating from the appearance of grated cheese - granules.
Gruyer. - Swiss solid cheese in the form of huge heads with dark crust.


Damtaleler - Dutch solid cheese.
Dvro- - Lithuanian solid cheese.
Homemade cheese - Soviet product. Cheese with grainy consistency and sour salty taste.
Duo - Melted German puff cheese with layers of nuts or salmon.


Zhereva - French soft cheese. Usually done from cow's milk with the addition of cream.


Zbrintz - Swiss solid cheese.


Illertar - German solid cheese with holes with a cherry sizes, with a walnut flavor.


Camembert - French soft cheese with sharp smell, covered with light mold. According to the legend, Mary Artel has called him so in honor of the fun Camembert's cheerful Capral - the hero of a popular fairy tale. It is known that Camembert was a favorite cheese of Napoleon.
Cambozol. - Italian soft delicious cheese with white and blue mold.
Cankerott - Melting French cheese with low fat.
Kantal - French cheese of cow's milk in the form of a large circle with a thick golden crust with mold and gentle to taste to the flesh.
Care - French soft cheese covered with edible white crust, less fat than brie.
Kacioricotta - Distened and more salty variety of Italian cheese "Ricotta".
Kvibille - Swedish blue (with mold) cheese.
"Ker de Shevr" - Poitu-Charant district, located in the west of France and overlooking the Atlantic, always famous for his goat cheeses. "Ker de Shevr" means "goat heart". It is made in the form of a small heart weighing about 150 grams. No gallant story with this original form is connected - just cheesecakes of Poat traditionally accepted this form for goat cheese. The real peasant Ker de Shevr is obtained from the Milk of the local rock of the goat, which is powered by juicy herbs of fertile valleys Poitu. Depending on the ripening period, the pulp can take different shades - from gently white to bluish. Cheese is very gentle and non-aggressive. In the pulp there are small grains. Ker de Shevr is customary to serve a wrapped in a chestnut or plane sheet. So he looks like a precious gift created by nature itself, the purpose of which is to deliver true pleasure.
CONTE - French solid boiled cheese with a gentle yellow pulp and a brown-golden solid crust. Conte, made in summer, exudes fruit flavor, and made in winter - flavor of forest nuts. Kostroma
Kommumier - French soft cheese with white mold crust.


Laila - Extremely fragrant French solid cheese, slightly sourly sour taste. An image of a bull is necessarily applied to each of his head, which is the unofficial symbol of this cheese.
LANGR - French cheese of cow's milk with a sharp odor and sharp taste. When ripening it, it is never turned over, so in the upper part it has a deepening where the gourmet pour vodka or champagne.
Larzak - French sheep sweet and salty cheese, which is sold in clay cups.
Latvian - semi-solid cheese.
Leirdamemer - Dutch solid cheese with large holes.
Le Leren - The most expensive grade of cheese in France, entered in the Guinness Book of Records.
Livaro. - French cheese, which is done on the Normandy Peninsula. At the end of the XIX century. Livaro was the most common cheese in the area, he was even called the "meat of the poor" for high nutritional properties. A feature of Livaro is that it is five times wrapped by a marine cane, which is specially grown for this. Five bands correspond to the rank rank in France (as we have three stars), therefore, in the people of Livaro name "Colonel".
Liderkrans - Soft brib type cheese, the most expensive grade of cheese in the United States.


Maasdam - Dutch solid cheese with large holes.
Magries - Swedish low-calorie cheese made of cow's milk, with a light flavor of walnut.
Manched - Solid goat cheese from Spain with a greenish crust, which is kept in the brine for several months.
Maro. - French cheese of cow's milk with a soft pulp, a square shape, which the French is called "cobblestone". One French gourmet gave this cheese such a characteristic: "Truly Marina is the king of cheeses, for his loud taste sounds like a saxophone in the symphonies of cheeses."
Mascarpone - Italian cheese, similar to creamy gentle cream with sourness. It is used to prepare cakes and desserts, without it you can not do a real cake "Tiramisu". The traditional product of Italy, often called cheese. In fact, the mascarpone is made of low-calorie cream with fat content of not more than 25%. Creams are obtained from milk cows, which are especially for mascarpone feed with a mixture of fresh herbs and colors to give the product of a unique delightful taste. Mascarpone is used in Lombardy National Dishes (Lombardy, Italy). With its appearance, mascarpone represents milk-white thick cream, which are easily whipped, and the smell of mascarpone is the smell of fresh milk or cream. Often used instead of butter. Maskarpone refers to perishable products and should be used immediately after manufacture. But the frozen form is stored for up to one week.
When preparing dishes based on mascarpone. Cheese can be replaced by a mixture:
(1) 8 ounces of gentle cream. Cheese and 1/4 cup sour cream;
(2) 8 ounces of gentle cream. Cheese and 1 tbsp. l. cream, oil or milk;
(3) 6 ounces of gentle cream. Cheese, 1/4 cup of milk and 1/4 cup cream.
The fat content of mascarpone is 47%, and calorie content - 453 kcal per 100 g.
Sweetsky. Mascarpone cheese is perfectly combined with fruit and coffee liquor.
Medynsky - Domestic soft cheese.
Metton. - Very ancient type of French cheese. The history of its manufacture in Europe has about 2500 years, produced from skimmed milk.
Mildziter - German semi-solid cheese.
Mimolet - French solid cheese in the form of a bowl with a gray crust, reddish inside, the French call him "Lille Ball". This is the favorite Cheese of Charles de Gaulle, who himself was from Lille. On the crust of the cheese, a microscopic tower is specially selected. He scans the smallest moves in the crust, thanks to which. Cheese "breathes." So that the tinner is not stood in one place, the ball periodically worry the brush and turn over.
Mirabo - German soft delicious cheese with white mold.
Male - Soft cheese produced in Russia.
Mondzeer - Austrian semi-solid cheese with a bright edible orange crust.
Montigno. - Italian soft delicious cheese with noble blue mold.
Moosbahher. - Austrian semi-solid cheese with red crust and large holes, has a taste of honey and walnuts. It is sold wrapped in linen fabric and tutulus king of Austrian cheeses.
Mombye - French cheese of cow's milk with an unusual layer of wood ash inside a circle and a gentle fruit flavor.
Mozzarella - Soft fibrous Italian cheese made of buffalo milk, it is regularly served on the British Queen's table. Best cheese for Italian pizza.
Münster - One of the most noble soft French cheeses with a reddish crust, the recipe of which was invented by the Benedictine Monks in the VII century.


Naroch - Russian soft cheese.
Nature - Swedish semi-solid cheese made of cow's milk with creamy taste. It is often made with fillers - onions, dill, garlic.
Hasher - French soft cheese made of cow's milk with a crust covered with mold. It happens six forms, but the most famous - heart. They say that it was invented by the Norman peasants in order to demonstrate their feelings to travel by English soldiers, so often appeared in these parts in the Middle Ages.
Namunas - Lithuanian soft cheese.


Olterman (Oltermani) - Finnish solid cheese with creamy taste.
Osco-Irati. - It is possible to name the most little-known cheese having a "original controlled name". However, in the Pyrenees, this sheep cheese is very popular. His name happened on behalf of the Ossau Valley (Ossau), located in the Pyrenees, and the Bukov Forest Iraty (Iraty) in the Basque Country. The ripening of Osco-Irati is held in special shelters laid out of stone in the mountains. In the Osneta Valley, these structures are called "Kaiolars", and in the Basque-Kahulas country.
Osterkorn - Austrian blue cheese (with mold).


Parmesan - Extremely solid Italian cheese, which can be saved for several years and is almost impossible to cut a knife, so it is stored with grated (in bottles) and used to sprinkle dishes (for example, spaghetti).
Parmajiano. - One of the most ancient cheeses, the first documented mention of it refers to the XIII century. The secret of its manufacture was allegedly known for the ancient Romans, scientists at least found similar recipes in ancient sources. According to another version, the creators of Parmesan were monks settled on the hills next to the city of Parma. So that cooking does not take a lot of time from prayers, they set out to come up with a special long stored cheese. What succeeded. However, it is not necessary to start in difficult historical surveys to find out how Parmajiano was appreciated. It is enough to open the "Decameron" Boccaccio and read the description of the amazing area "Zhivi-Lakomo": "There is a mountain there all the grated parmesan, on which people live and do not do anything else, as soon as the pasta and dumplings are preparing ...". Many Moliere's biographers argued that at the end of the life, the French writer fed almost exclusively parmesan. Modern nutritionists, of course, would approve such an option to quench hunger, especially in old age. The fact is that Parmajiano, in addition to the excellent taste characteristics, has other important qualities. Despite the high calorieness, cheese is easily absorbed by the body, so doctors recommend it to people with weakened digestion, children and who has already been 50. The famous Parma's famous native, composer Giuseppe Verdi. It is said that Verdie was so absorbed by the writing of the music, which did not pay attention to any kind of pleasures. The exception was only tasty food, and the most favorite composer's dish was asparagus under parmesan. If you bring to meet cheese with the name of Parmjiano in any other country, except for Italy, then know that this is either the export version or fake. True Parmajano-Regiano is made only in the vicinity of the cities of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Padova and Bologna, because only the grass is growing, suitable for feeds of cows selected as manufacturers of source milk raw materials. It is only fresh milk, it is not subjected to any mechanical processing, even the cream is deleted partially and be sure to manually.
Pastor - Goat or sheep spanish solid cheese.
Pekorino - Italian cheese.
Pelardon - French soft goat cheese with a sharp aroma. He was known in the days of Ancient Rome, his description can be found in the treatise "Natural History", the only preserved work of the ancient Roman writer and the scholar Pole senior.
Picodon - Traditional French goat cheese in the form of a small round (the French people say "washers") with a diameter of only 7 cm and a thickness of 1 to 3 cm, with a sweet-salt-source taste.
Ponlevile - French soft cheese of cow's milk, square shape and rather odorious.
Poshekhonsky - Domestic solid cheese.
Warred - Italian semi-solid fibrous cheese.
Puligny Saint-Pierre - The French call this goat cheese with a bluish crust of the "Eiffel Tower" for an elongated pyramidal form. Traditionally, this cheese makes only women.


Radamer. - Dutch solid cheese.
Rastel - Swiss semi-solid cheese with a delicate and oily pulp, used for the preparation of the same name of the national dish - molten pieces of cheese.
Rambol - Delicious melted cheese with additives - herbs, fish, nuts.
Refractory (Refrigerant) - French soft cheese made of cow milk (necessarily from cows of three different breeds), salty, with a nut flavor. It happens two varieties: peasant and fruit.
Regato - Irish solid cheese resembling parmesan.
Rehagan. - Variety of parmesan.
Riddar - Swedish solid cheese with small holes.
Ricotta - Gentle curls of Italian cheese with an acidic taste, which ripes in baskets 10-15 days.
Robiol. - Italian soft white cheese.
Rokyskis - Lithuanian solid cheese.
Roquefort - Blue sheep milk cheese, soft, in the "eyes" of which is a blue-green bread mold, giving the cheese sharp and slightly pepper taste, exciting appetite. For his cutting, a special machine with a wire was invented instead of a knife, so that when cutting, it was not smiling a precious mold.
Rolo. - Soft cow cheese in the form of a heart or round, from France.
Romano. - Italian solid cheese.
Russian - Domestic solid cheese.
Rotaller - German solid cheese with large holes.
Rugett - Soft delicious french cheese with red and white crust.


Salers - French cheese of cow's milk, which is called "high mountain". Since it is made only on remote pastures, the cheese remains to this day purely peasant, industrially do not produce it.
Salami - solid cheese with small holes in the shape of sausage baton.
Svalat - Lithuanian solid cheese with small holes.
Sel-surian - French soft goat cheese with a dark crust covered with coal dust.
Saint-Necter - French soft cheese of cow's milk with hard crust, which smells of straw and oats.
Saint Agur - Blue cheese, close to the taste of rocofor.
Saint Mor de Touren - French goat cheese in the form of a cylindrical fool, through the center of which is a long straw for ventilation. Historical documents suggest that the traditions of manufacturing this cheese originated in the era of the Board of Caroling, that is, in the VIII-IX century.
Siberian - Altai solid dietary cheese with low fatty.
Smolensky - Domestic soft cheese.
Saint Severin - Soft cheese with reddish crust. The only one in Austria, which is still produced in the monastery.
Soviet - Domestic solid cheese.
Stilton - English blue cheese (with mold) from cow's milk, has a dry and rough ring of cream color and possessed numerous blue streaks.
Strike - Italian soft cheese.
Suluguni. - Caucasian rolling (that is, maturing in paccol) cheese, elastic and fibrous.
Sumushtino - Lithuanian solid cheese.


TALLEYSIO - Italian fragrant soft cheese.
Tanga - Very specific blue (with mold) Cheese of goat milk.
Tartarus - French fresh cheese (similar to cottage cheese).
Tilges - Lithuanian solid cheese.
Tilsberg - Austrian semi-solid cheese with spicy, gently spicy taste.
Tungold - Austrian semi-solid cheese.
Trauthenfelser - Austrian blue cheese with mold of two species - blue inside and white outside.
Trefier. - solid noble cheese from the south of France.


Feta (Fetaki) - Rolling cheese comes from Corsica, it is distinguished by a sdean taste, white color and crumbly structure.
Epolo fusion - French semi-solid cheese in the bread crust, with a delicate fruit taste.
Fontino - Italian acute yellow cheese.
Freshino - German fresh (young) cheese with creamy taste.
Friborg - Swiss solid cheese.
FRUM D "Amber - French cheese of cow's milk with mold splashes. It covers a thin dry crust of gray or reddish color.


Havarti - solid fragrant cheese, similar to the Russian, popular in Canada and the United States.
HUSHOL. - Swedish solid cheese.


Tea - Domestic fresh cheese (similar to cottage cheese).
Chanakh. - Domestic razing cheese from sheep milk.
Cheddar (Cheddar) - semi-solid cheese of cow's milk, the most popular in England. It has a pleasant sour taste, in the middle of this cheese almost without "eyes".
Chester - The same as Cheshire cheese.
Chechil - Fiber brittle cheese, which often attes the shape of a tight pigtail.
Cheshirsky - English soft white cheese, which was prepared in County Cheshire and gave him the shape of a smiling cat head. The British talk about the echidal smile - "Smiling as Cheshire Cat." Hence the same character in the fairy tale L. Carroll "Alice in Wonderland."


Shabishi. - The most famous brand of French goat cheese. In the form - cylindrik, tapering to the top, with a crust covered with mold. Shabise is one of the most ancient. France's cheeses. Perhaps it is also the most famous goat cheese. Make it in the area, the territorially located northern Lime Plateau of the province of Poitu, in the Deux-Sevres department (DEX-SEVRES). Department of De Sevr is known and other goat cheeses: Mota-sur-Fay (Mothais-Sur-Feuille), Chevre-en-Baeth (Chevre-en-Boite), Bush De Chevre (Buche de Chevre), Kareu Poitu (Carre du Poitou). A story about each of them requires a separate page, but for now - about Shabis. This is a solid raw goat milk cheese with an oil content of 45%. Weight - 150 gr. The shape is a cylinder, slightly narrowing at the top. The pulp has a color of ivory. Crust is covered with white mold, often with a grayish blue shade (depending on the time of year). Shabise can eat young (3 weeks), matured (6 weeks) or even somewhat dried (up to 2 months). With this cheese, the local wine of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Poitu region is well, as well as white wine type Sauvignon or Sanser. In July 1990, Chabis got an anti-controlled name.
Shavinol (Crotn de Shavinol) - French soft goat cheese. It began to do in the XVI century. Wife of peasants and winegartes. Little worshipers of goat cheese were comfortable to wrap in a nodule with husbands that went for a whole day in the field.
Shavor. - French soft goat cheese.
Shauget - French soft cheese made of cow's milk, with flavor of mushrooms and forest walnuts, covered with a thick layer of white mold.
Swiss - Cheese of cow's milk, spicy, sweet taste, with holes up to four centimeters in diameter. The weight of the head can be from 50 to 100 kilograms, because it is all milk from one fishing flock.
Seam - French soft cheese.


Egmont - Dutch solid cheese.
EDAM (EDEM) - Dutch solid cheese with slightly sharp taste. Edeltillazer - Austrian semi-solid cheese with small holes.
Emmental (Emmentler) - Swiss solid cheese with very large holes.
EPUASS (EPUAS) - French soft cheese made of cow milk, Burgundy business card.
Ethers - solid sheep cheese produced from the best varieties of milk of alpine Pyrenean valleys.

French cheeses have long become a parable in the towns. From the name sounds like music for the ears of gourmets, and the President of France Charles de Gaulle said: "How can I manage the country in which 258 varieties of cheese". His quotation refers to the first half of the 20th century, and today the varieties have become even more. There are names of cheeses that are manufactured in the territory of this or that region of France not one century, and their names, the region of origin and production technology are protected by certificates at the state level.

We present you a list with photos of the best and most popular varieties of French cheese, which will help you navigate in the world of exquisite delicacies and it is better to understand in the National Kitchen of France.


Perhaps the most famous French cheese, the name of which gave the terrain of its origin in Normandy. Camembert has a white velvety molded crust, soft fatty consistency, a gentle taste and a rather sharp aroma, which French poet Farg called the "smell of the legs of God."

Camembert (photo: @realcheeseheads)


Brie is often confused with Camembert, and it really looks like him in appearance and texture, but significantly inferior in the expressiveness of the aroma and in fatty (only 25%). For this reason, BR is considered to be more versatile soft mold cheese, which is known from the time of the Middle Ages.

Brie (photo: @mercato_tlv)


This hard french cheese is called "Gruyer from Conte" for its similarity with the same name. It is made by the classic fines from unpasteurized cow's milk, has a pleasant sweet taste with a nut flavor.

Conte (photo: @BettyS_Bite)


Another very popular french cheese on the whole world is soft with blue mold. The traditional rocufor is made of sheep milk, has an oily texture and solonic taste.

Roquefort (photo: @ 24chees)

Tom de Savua

Elastic consistency with white mold crust and small eyes. It is produced by the regions of Savoy and Upper Savoy. This is the only of French certified cheeses, which can have different fat content - from 10% to 25%.

Tom de Savua (photo: @gemmy_foods)


The most ancient cheese, which is produced in the French region Overlin, is also called the first farm cheese. It has a solid mold crust, a semi-dimensional consistency and pulp with a gentle taste of forest mushrooms or spices. Ideal for feeding with Bordeaux wines.

Saint-Necter (photo: @osteaddict)


Ribrobon de Savua is a soft cheese from Savoy with a solid washed in a brine with a crust and an intense aroma. In the French village of La Brez, a separate Refrigerant Festival is held, during which the cheese is preparing and tasting right in place.

Refrigeon (Photo: @RealcheeseHeads)


Munster-jerome - soft cheese with a washed of orange-red crust and a very sharp aroma. It began to produce Italian monks-Benedictine in the monastery in the territory of the French Department of Vogza. Later, the village of Münster appeared at this place, and the cheese received her name.

Munster Zeroma (photo: @julianoschier)


Another hardwood cheese from the overnight, which is considered one of the oldest varieties in France. The farmer cantal is made from raw milk, and for commercial needs - from pasteurized. Cheese is distinguished by a bright pronounced taste and aroma, his crust is solid and thick.

Kantal (photo: @melbourneandcheese)


Soft gentle cheese with orange or brick-red crust - depending on the degree of maturity. He was started to produce the Commune of Epus in Burgundy, and, they say, it was the favorite Cheese of Napoleon Bonaparte. They eat it with a dessert spoon and serve to Burgundy wines.

Epus (photo: @Porkewedeli)


Morbit, as well as Conte, comes from the French region Franches-Corte. This is a seven-minded cheese with a solid crust, which has one "decorative" feature that distinguishes it from many others. In the middle of the cheese circle passes a thin strip of chopped charcoal. Today it is only tribute to tradition, and once the soot strip was the necessary measure.

The French peasants did Mombier, making it up from two pieces of milk billet. The first piece was obtained after the evening Doiki cow, the second - after the morning. Thus, the first cheese piece needed to wait for one night, and so that he would not deteriorate, he was smeared with a layer of soot, and the next day she put a second piece on him.

Morbit (Photo: @Saltynsweets)


Soft cheese with a dense white mold crude, which is produced from the XIV century. Cheese has a gentle, slightly sour taste and nut-mushroom fragrance.

Shauget (photo: @


Mimolet - recognizable cheese bright orange color with a spherical head. Its production began by the decree of Louis XIV, according to which it was necessary to create a French analogue of the Dutch Edam. For a mimolet to have visible differences, a vegetable dye began to add. The homeland of this cheese is the city of Lille in the north of France.

Mimolet (photo: @lajambedc)


Goat cheese in the form of a pyramid without an acute tip, has a delicate taste and aroma. The mold crust of cheese is dense and has a gray-blue tint due to the fact that it is sprinkled by wood ash. Recommended for a combination with white wines.

Valance (photo: @parisismykitchen)

Cur de Shevr

The name translated from French means "goat heart", which brightly characterizes this cheese. It is made of raw goat milk, and the cheese head is attached to the shape of the heart. Soft cheese, with molded crust, color varies from gentle white for young and grayish for mature.

Cur de Shevr (photo: @ 181delicatessen)

Delis de Burgon

Delicates from Burgundy is known in regional French cuisine since the XVIII century. This gentle soft cream cheese has a dense light pulp, covered by a velvety mold crust.

Delis de Burgon (Photo: @Infamousmarysia)


Soft french cheese with pronounced dairy-creamy taste. It is forbidden to add any spices and additives that violate the harmony of its taste and aroma.

Saint-Felisen (photo: @ 111quesos)


Soft goat cheese with mold crust and an acidic pulp with a gentle nut flavor. It is produced in the Department of Lo in Oxystania.

Rocamadur (photo: @RuthStameister)


Another soft goat milk cheese, which is produced in the Overhead-Alpes region. It has several varieties that differ in the degree of maturity and taste. The young cheese has a light pulp and a crust, and as the degree of maturity of picodone, his pulp becomes more dense, and the molded crust is blue.

Picodon (photo: @chesetrotteurs)

Puligny Saint-Pierre

Soft goat cheese in the form of a pyramid, for which he is often called the "Eiffel Tower." Cork mold, bluish, pulp has a light taste of a forest walnut.

Puligni Saint-Pierre (photo: @chesetrotteurs)

Crotten de Shavinol

Soft goat milk cheese, which is customary to serve fruits and white wines. Cheese comes from the French village Shavinol, where he began to be produced in the XVI century.

Crotten de Shavinol (photo: @osteaddict)


Gentle French Pelardon is considered the oldest goat cheese in Europe. In addition, due to the grazing of goats on natural pastures, the cheese is made of environmentally friendly milk, which cannot but inspire the aerational gourmet.

Pelardon (photo: @chesetrotteurs)


Soft cheese from Normandy, which was once called the "meat of the poor," and today it is a real elite product. Livaro is made from cow milk, his flesh, depending on maturity, has a more or less saturated yellow-orange tint. Livaro's crust differs in deep orange due to the vegetable dye, which is painted the product during the ripening period.

Livaro (photo: @moon_yeka)


Emirates cheese from unpasteurized cow's milk. Lyol has a thick brown-gray crust, and the pulp is distinguished by an acidic taste with severe shades of fragrant herbs.

Lyol (photo: @redvioletblog)

Po L'wek

Soft cheese from cow's milk, produced in Normandy. The first mentions of this cheese are found in the historical chronicles of the XII century. It has a washed mold crust, a sharp aroma and a sweet-sized aftertaste. It combines well with a sidrome and red wines.

Po L'wek (photo: @cavebrut)

Block d'Venel

Blue overnight cheese, which is characterized by a less pronounced salty taste compared to other cheeses with blue mold. Its texture is oily, and cheese itself is more gentle taste.

Block D'Roelne (photo: @alain_hess)


Half cheese from cow's milk, obtained from the cows of the Saler breed. Saler is considered one of the oldest cheeses of France - his story has more than two millennia. Cheese has a deep saturated taste and aroma, golden pulp dense and at the same time soft consistency.

Saler (photo: @quesovaldivieso)


Soft Savoy cheese made of raw goat milk with spicy nut taste. It has a dense wet pulp with holes, dense crust from yellow to orange, covered with a pronounced white mold nour.

Shevroten (photo: @ alessandro.grano)