Apple dishes, compotes for the winter. Whole small apples compote for the winter

20.09.2019 Buffet table

Apple compote, prepared in the simplest way, will become a tasty and healthy finish to any dinner, both in summer and in winter. For harvesting, fruits of sweet and sour varieties are most suitable, especially Antonovka, its unique recognizable aroma is glorified by the classics. The presented recipe allows you to save most of the vitamins without sterilization.

The main requirement during cooking is to thoroughly peel the apples so that rotten parts do not get into the jar. So that the apples do not darken, the chopped slices are placed in slightly salted water. An excellent flavor for the drink is lemon peel.


You will need a container for 3 liters:

  • 1 kg of apples
  • 1.5 tbsp. granulated sugar
  • 2 pinches citric acid
  • 2.5-2.6 l hot water


1. Rinse the collected apples in water and cut them. Be sure to remove the core with the seeds and rinse the apple halves, then cut them into pieces and pour them into the jar, filling it 8-10 cm from the bottom.

2. Boil water in a large saucepan and pour the boiling water into a jar, after placing a knife or a spatula made of wood under it so that the jar does not burst from the temperature difference. Cover it with a tin lid or saucer and let the air come out of the slices for about 10 minutes.

3. Then pour the hot liquid from the can back into the pot using the perforated drain cap. Bring the water to a boil again. Pour granulated sugar into the jars and add quite a bit of citric acid so as not to kill the apple flavor, but only to enhance it. Pour boiling water back into the jar to the very shoulders. Scald the lid with boiling water and cover the jar with it.

4. We will seal with a preservation key and very carefully turn the jar over the sink, checking the sealing strength and using an oven mitt or a towel. Let the apple compote cool for the winter and take it to the cellar, basement or pantry.

Whatever the variety of juices and fruit drinks in stores, you can't think of anything better than homemade compote. When preparing compote from apples for the winter, you will firmly know that there are no preservatives, dyes and flavors in your compote, only natural products and continuous benefits. The recipes below use a fairly concentrated syrup - 20 to 40%. Therefore, before use, it must be diluted with cold boiled or ready-made drinking water. Compote apples can be used as a filling for pies or open apple pie, the deliciousness is incredible!

Before proceeding directly with the recipes, let me remind you of a few rules, following which, you will end up with the best apple compote (and not only from them)

For compotes, sweet and sour apples, which are almost fully ripe, but not overripe, are best suited. Unripe fruits are hard, odorless and tasteless, while overripe fruits are boiled and lose their shape.

For compote, select large apples without visible damage and sort them into varieties so that each jar contains apples of the same variety.

... Wash the apples thoroughly, peel them off, remove the cores and cut them into wedges. At the same time, it is very convenient to use a special device with which you cut the apple into 8 parts in one motion and remove the core.

Small apples can be preserved whole.

You do not need to remove the skin from apples of delicate varieties.

Put the peeled and chopped apples in cold, slightly salted or acidified water. Do not keep apples in water for more than half an hour, as vitamins and other nutrients pass from the fruit to the water.

... Before putting the apples in jars, it is advisable to blanch the apples for 6-7 minutes - after this procedure, the apples will no longer darken and will not lose volume. After blanching, the apples must be immediately cooled in ice water.

Do not drain the water after blanching, but use it to prepare the syrup.

Wash compote jars thoroughly, scald with boiling water and dry. They can be sterilized in boiling water or in the oven, just be careful and use thick gloves or silicone potholders to avoid scalding.

Fill the jars with apples up to the shoulders and fill with hot 25-30% syrup (for 1 liter of water - 250-300 g sugar). Cover with lids and put on pasteurization: 0.5-liter - 15-20 minutes, 1-liter - 20-25 minutes, 2- and 3-liter - 30-35 minutes.
This classic recipe can be endlessly modified by adding berries, fruits, spices, etc. to taste.

You can do without sterilization: pour apples in jars with hot syrup, stand for 3-5 minutes, drain, boil the syrup and pour apples again. Repeat this procedure one more time and roll up with sterilized lids.

When preparing assorted compotes, remember that compotes with the addition of stone fruits (cherries, plums, apricots, etc.) cannot be stored for more than a year, as in this case there is a risk of poisoning. If you are preparing compote for long-term storage,
remove the bones.

1 kg of apples
1 liter of water
250-300 g of sugar.

Fill the jars with prepared apples to the shoulders and pour boiling water and sugar syrup to the edge of the neck. After 3 minutes, drain, bring to a boil and pour back into the jars. Soak for another 3 minutes, drain, bring the syrup to a boil and pour over the apples so that the syrup spills over the edge of the jar. Roll up, turn over.

1 kg of apples
1 liter of water
250-300 g of sugar.

Place prepared apples in jars and cover with hot syrup. Leave for 6-8 hours, then add syrup to the edge of the neck and put to pasteurize at 85 ° C: 1-liter - 15 minutes, 2-liter - 20 minutes, 3-liter - 30 minutes. Roll up.

Apple compote with wine

1 kg of apples
1 liter of water
250 g sugar
100 ml of dry white wine,
5 pieces. cloves,
1 cinnamon stick
the peel of half a lemon.

Prepare sugar syrup, put prepared apples in it and boil them for 5-7 minutes. Then place them in jars up to their hangers. Strain the syrup, add lemon rind, cinnamon and cloves, bring to a boil and add wine. Pour the hot syrup over the apples in the jars and sterilize as usual.

Ranetki compote

1 kg of apples
1 liter of water
300-400 g sugar
vanilla on the tip of a knife.

Sort and wash the apples thoroughly. They should be moderately juicy, not overripe, without stains or damage. Cut off the stalks, leaving about ⅓ of the length. Prick each apple in several places with a sharp toothpick or a thick needle - so the skin will not burst on them. Boil sugar and water syrup, strain, add vanilla and bring to a boil again. Place the apples in prepared jars up to their hangers, fill them with hot syrup and put them to sterilize or pasteurize. Roll up, turn over.

Summer apple and black currant compote

1 kg of apples
400 g black currant,
1 liter of water
600-700 g of sugar.

Put the prepared apples and currant berries in jars up to the shoulders and pour cold syrup from water and sugar and leave for 6-8 hours. Then add syrup to the top and put on sterilization: 1-liter - 5 minutes, 2-liter - 8 minutes, 3-liter - 12 minutes (or pasteurize at 85 ° C, respectively, 15, 25 and 30 minutes).

Apple and rosehip compote

750 g apples
250 g rose hips
1 liter of water
500 g of sugar.

Prepare your apples. Cut red, not overripe rose hips in half, remove seeds and hairs and rinse thoroughly. Place in jars and top with boiling sugar syrup. Put on sterilization: 0.5 liter - 20 minutes, 1 liter - 30 minutes. Roll up.

1 kg of apples
300 g cherries
1 liter of water
400-450 g of sugar.

Fill scalded jars with a ⅔ volumetric mixture of apples and cherries, fill with boiling syrup and leave for 6-8 hours, wrapping the jars. Then carefully drain the syrup, bring it to a boil, pour into the jars and roll up immediately. Wrap and leave to cool overnight.

Ingredients for a 2 liter jar:
3-4 whole apples,
2-3 small bunches of grapes,
1 liter of water
200 g of sugar.

Place whole apples on the bottom of the jars. Place the bunches of grapes on top of the apples so that it fills the jar its volume. Pour boiling syrup over the fruit and set to sterilize (15 minutes from the beginning of boiling). Roll up, turn over, wrap up.

1 kg of apples
400 g plums,
200 g pears
1 liter of water
200-400 g of sugar.

Prepare the apples as usual, peel and cut the pears in half, leave the plums whole if the compote will not be stored for more than a year, or cut in half and remove the seeds. Place the fruits in jars up to their hangers, fill with hot syrup and put to pasteurize at a temperature of 85 ° C: 1-liter - 15 minutes, 2-liter - 25 minutes, 3-liter - 30 minutes (or sterilize in boiling water, respectively, 5, 8 and 12 minutes).

1 kg of apples
200 g rhubarb,
1 liter of water
200-400 g of sugar.

Place the prepared apples and rhubarb in jars up to the shoulders and cover with cold syrup. Leave it on for 6-8 hours. Then top up with syrup and pasteurize or sterilize as usual. Roll up.

Apple compote with berry juice. It is prepared in the same way as a regular compote, only instead of syrup, juice from currants (black, red, white), cherries, raspberries, etc. is poured into jars. You can add a little sugar to taste (the more acidic the apples and berries, the more sugar you need). Put to pasteurize: 1-liter - 15 minutes, 2-liter - 20 minutes, 3-liter - 30 minutes. Roll up, turn over.

Here are some more examples of assorted apple compotes:

Apple-cherry in a ratio of 4: 1
Apple-plum-pear in the ratio 4: 2: 2
Apple-pear-peach-plum in the ratio 3: 1: 2: 2
Apple-gooseberry-raspberry in a ratio of 4: 1: 1
Apple-mountain ash (red or black chokeberry) in a ratio of 4: 2
Apple (summer, sweet) - ground plant (strawberry) in a ratio of 5: 2

You can make any compote to your liking. Determine the amount of sugar based on the degree of acidity of the ingredients - the more acidic the apples, berries or fruits, the more sugar you need.

Apple compote for the winter can be prepared without sterilization or pasteurization. Only in this case, the cans must be sterilized, dried before laying fruit, and after capping, turn upside down and wrap up. And, of course, the amount of sugar must be increased by at least 20%, since sugar will play the role of a preservative.

Successful blanks!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Good day.

I've noticed recently that visitors to my blog are showing an increased interest in cooking. Apparently somewhere the first harvests of apples are already ripening.

In our strip, before the start of the collection, there is still about a month, but this is just a good time to attend to the list of blanks that will be rolled up for the winter.

And I consider compotes to be one of the most important types of fruit preservation for the winter. It's tasty and healthy - what could be better in winter?

Well, in order not to be limited to the recipe for compote from only apples, I made a small selection of assorted with different combinations of seasonal fruits, so that every time you open the can, you enjoy a new combination of taste.

I selected only proven options for combining products so that the surprise was joyful, not disappointing.

Apple compote for the winter in a 3 liter jar (without sterilization)

But let's start with the classic apple compote recipe. We will do without sterilizing the finished compote, but the cans themselves are still needed before cooking to be sure that the lids do not shoot out during the winter.


For 1 three-liter jar, you will need about 800 g of apples and 250 g of sugar.

1. For compote, it is best to use “falcons”, that is, apples that have fallen to the ground and received a “bruised pulp”. You won't be able to store such fruits, but you can use them in seaming.

We take such apples, cut them into 4 parts, remove the core with seeds and cut off all suspicious places and wormholes.

We put them in pre-sterilized jars, filling them about half.

2. Then carefully fill the jars with boiling water to the very necks, cover with sterilized lids and leave to infuse for 1 hour.

3. Further actions are performed with each can separately. We drain the water from the jar into a saucepan, pour 250 g of sugar into it, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.

4. Pour the resulting syrup back into the jar, roll it up, turn it over and cover with a blanket. We carry out this procedure with all banks.

5. We are waiting for the cans to cool completely (about 8 hours) and then store them in a cool place.

How to cook whole apple compote white filling

The variety of white filling is stored fresh for a very short time, so this is the first contender for use as jam, or compote.

Conveniently, this variety is not large, so it fits into a 3 liter jar as a whole without any problems. So it is excellent as a raw material for compote.


1. One 3 liter jar will need about 1 kg of apples (depending on the size) and one glass of sugar (a glass of 200 ml). Since the apples are whole and round, the jar must be filled completely with them. Don't worry, there will be enough compote.

We fill the sterilized jar in bulk and pour boiling water up to the very neck. Cover with a sterilized lid and leave the apples to “steam” for 15-20 minutes.

Please note that air bubbles will be emitted during this time. It should be so.

2. After 20 minutes, pour the water into a saucepan, add a glass of sugar there and bring the syrup to a boil over medium heat.

3. Pour the syrup back into the jar up to the very neck (if not enough, add regular boiling water), immediately roll it up and leave it to cool under the covers upside down for 6-8 hours. Then we store it in a cool place.

Assorted sour apples with red currants

This recipe has 2 advantages:

  • Firstly, currants do not have to be fresh at all; frozen is also perfect. Even from the store, there was suddenly no one of my own.
  • Second, it's a great way to use sour apples that are not very eaten fresh.


To determine the proportions of products, we use a simple formula: for 1 three-liter jar, you need 300 g of sugar and apples with currants in a proportion of 1 part of currant for two parts of apples.

Simply put, for 1 apple we take 1 tablespoon with a slide of currants.

1. Apples for compote can be prepared in two ways: either use a special tool to remove the core, or cut them into 4 pieces and cut out the center with the seeds and the bruises.

2. With prepared apples and red currants, fill in a third previously sterilized jars and fill them with boiling water until the middle. Cover with sterilized lids and leave to brew for 10-15 minutes.

3. Then pour the water into a saucepan and set it to boil. Pour 300 g of sugar into the jar itself, cover it with a lid again and wait until the water in the pan boils.

4. Pour boiled water back into the jar, and then add regular boiling water to fill it to the very top.

During all these actions, the lid with which we cover the jar and then remove it must be removed not on the table, but in a separate pan with boiling water so that it always remains sterilized.

5. Now it remains only to roll up the lid with a seaming machine and leave the jar to cool upside down under the blanket for 6-8 hours.

Store the cooled jar in a cool place.

Video on how to close apple compote with black currant

The recipe for making apple compote with black currant differs little from the version with red, so I offer you a short but informative video on this topic.

Recipe for making compote for the winter with raspberries

The combination of raspberries and apples is one of the most popular. Because it is very tasty and unusual. So be sure to try it.


For this recipe, we need 0.5 kg of raspberries, 2 large apples and 200 g of sugar.

1. We sort out the raspberries and wash them, cut the apples into slices and cut out the core. We put vegetables in a sterilized jar.

2. Pour boiling water into a jar, cover with a sterilized lid and leave for 15 minutes to let the fruit and berries juice.

3. Then pour the syrup into a saucepan, add sugar to it, put on fire and bring to a boil to dissolve the sugar.

4. Pour the boiling syrup back into the jar up to the neck and immediately roll it up with a machine.

After that, we turn the jar, cover it with a blanket and leave it in this form until it cools completely. Store the finished compote in a cool place.

Apple compote with apricots in a three liter jar

Another popular recipe. Unfortunately, apricots do not grow in our latitudes, so you have to use purchased ones. So we do not prepare such a compote in large quantities and ends with one of the first.


1. We take 3 liter sterilized jars, fill them with apples and apricots by a third and pour boiling water over the neck. Cover with sterilized lids and leave for 10 minutes.

Put the apricots whole, after washing them. Cut the apples into slices or put them whole, if they are not large.

2. Then pour the water into a saucepan, add 8 tablespoons of sugar to it and bring the syrup to a boil.

8 tablespoons of sugar is for 1 drained can. If the volume of the pan is enough to drain 2 or 3 cans, then we increase the amount of sugar by 2 or 3 times, respectively.

3. As soon as the syrup boils, pour it back into the jars so that they are filled to the very top and roll them up with lids. Then we turn the cans over, cover with a blanket and leave in this form until they cool completely.

We remove the cooled jars and store in a cool place.

Delicious apple and orange drink recipe

But this is probably the most original recipe in this collection. I don't know if everyone will like it, so I advise you to first make one jar, try it, and then decide if you need a stock for the winter.


For one 3 liter jar, you need 3-4 medium-sized apples and half a large orange. Also use 1 cup (200 ml) sugar and citric acid on the tip of a knife.

1. Peel and seed the apples and cut them into thin slices. Cut the orange into circles.

We put the fruits in a jar, add sugar and citric acid there. Fill with boiling water. We do this carefully, in several steps, so that the bank does not burst.

2. In this recipe, you do not need to drain and re-boil the juice, since we use citric acid, which acts as an additional antiseptic and re-boiling is not required in this case.

Therefore, after filling the jars with boiling water, cover them with sterilized lids and immediately roll them up. Then turn over and leave to cool under the covers.

Store the finished compote in a cool place.

How to make a delicious apple and pear compote

Well, at the end of the selection, I left my favorite recipe for compote with apples and pears. In my opinion, this is the most delicious combination that everyone, without exception, will like.

Here is such a collection I got today. Of course, the combinations presented are not the only possible ones. It all depends on your taste and the fruits that grow in your garden.

So do not be afraid to experiment with the products themselves and with their proportions, it is quite possible that you will like it better if the apples in the compote are not the main ingredient, but only a small flavoring addition.

And I have everything for today, thanks for your attention.

I have been going to cook this apple compote for the winter for so many years that I myself can not count it. For the first time I saw three-liter jars of compote, full of whole apples, at my neighbor Lenka. Moonlit golden, as if translucent and, probably, so tasty ... Only now I did not try these apples. No, no, Lenka's mother, Aunt Sveta, was distinguished by hospitality: either she would give a whole bowl of strawberries, then she would bring a huge bouquet of peonies from the dacha, put it in her hands and quickly to her so that they would not be returned, but somehow those cherished jars with compote were opened without me. Then years passed. And on the market I saw like the same apples. They were sold from barrels. I bought a bag, brought it home, tried it - oh, some salty ones! It turned out that they were pickled apples. But those of the compote were definitely sweet. Rather, sweet and sour, juicy, I would have eaten the whole jar ... Well, further, according to the proverb: better late than never. This year I bought three-liter cans, waited until Antonovka appeared on the market and got down to business. The recipe is not complicated at all. I will tell you clearly how to make apple compote for the winter for a 3 liter jar so that you do not have to deal with calculations, converting from kilograms to liters and other unpleasant things. Just took the recipe and made it.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar of compote:

  • Apples - 8-10 pieces,
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Sugar - 300 g.

How to make apple compote for the winter

Compote preparation is very simple. No sterilization required. Apple processing is minimal. An excellent preparation for those whose apple trees are bursting with apples and there is no way to spend a day on end cleaning and cutting the crop. Apples for compote will just need to be selected and washed.

Set aside all suspicious fruits, even with the smallest suspicion of a wormhole. Size also plays a role - apples should pass freely through the neck of the jar. In the compote, they will swell slightly, and if you pushed them into the jar by force, you will not pull them back out without a fight. Some people use a special device to core the apples. I limited myself to cleaning the blackened remnants of the petals and pulling out the stalks from those apples that managed to do this.

We put the washed apples in clean jars (I just held them upside down over the steam for 20 minutes, just in case. The maximum is 10 apples, the minimum is 8.

Then you need to boil the water. I boil a liter in a ladle because I'm afraid of large vats of boiling water. Again, it is more convenient to pour from a ladle. I always pour boiling water carefully, putting a tablespoon in the jar so that the glass does not burst from the temperature drop.

Then cover the jars with lids and leave to stand until they cool completely. Some also wrap the cans of compote with a blanket, but I don't see the point in that. My cans were already cooling down for a whole day - how else could it be in the heat?

Pour sugar into the same saucepan at the rate of 300 grams per jar. I have 2 cans, so I put in 600 grams. Bring the water to a boil, put a ladle with lids on the adjacent burner. I boil them for 5 minutes. In a large saucepan with syrup, the sugar should completely dissolve, and then refill the apples. Pour it strictly under the neck, because the apples will absorb some of the syrup and the compote will already be "hangers". We immediately roll up the lids with a key. Then we put the cans upside down. After making sure that the compote does not leak, we leave them to cool. Then we put it away for storage. Here's a compote turns out.

Whole apples are soaked in syrup rather slowly, so I do not recommend trying the compote right away. Wait a month and a half and then open it. And try such a bulk apple.

Enjoy your meal!

Apples are the most common fruit, almost everyone's favorite. Fresh fruits can be enjoyed all year round. But if there is a garden, or a couple of apple trees grow in a country house or a garden plot, then the fruiting product must be processed. We have several apple trees of different ripening periods growing on our site. There are always a lot of apples, we harvest them in different ways. Today I will share recipes for apple compote for the winter for a 3 liter jar.

Apple compote with slices for the winter in a 3 liter jar

First, I'll tell you an easy way to make apple compote for the winter.

You will need a 3 liter jar:

  • Sliced \u200b\u200bapples - a third of the can;
  • Sugar - a glass;
  • Water - 2.7 liters.


  1. First, wash the bottles, lids in the right amount with detergent and soda, pour boiling water well or sterilize over steam.
  2. Preparing the apples. Better to take large, hard, sweet and sour fruits. We wash them, cut them into quarters, clean the core, cut them into slices. Immediately immerse in acidified water to avoid darkening.
  3. Fill a third of the jar with ready-made apples. Fill immediately with boiling water, let stand for 5 minutes. It is not recommended to keep it longer. Pour sugar into the water drained from the fruit, boil. Pour the resulting syrup into bottles, roll up the lids, cover with something warm, cool.

Advice! Add a third of a coffee spoon of citric acid to a liter of cold water.

Put the finished compote in the cold.

Whole apple compote

Recipe for a 3 L can:

  • Sugar - one and a half glasses;
  • Apples are small - about a kilo;
  • Water - two and a half liters.

How to cook:

  1. We choose small fruits so that they fit well in the jar. They should be intact, rotten and wormy will also not work. For a compote of fresh apples for the winter, wash the fruit well, let it dry.
  2. Wash a three-liter jar with soda, fry in the oven, the lid must be boiled.
  3. Put dried whole apples in a jar. The styling should be no higher than the hanger.
  4. Cook the syrup for several minutes, removing the foam that appears. There will be a little of it, but it is still better to remove it.
  5. Pour hot, sweet syrup into a jar of apples, cover with a lid, put it in a high container with warm water, placing a napkin on the bottom. The water in the dishes should be just above the hangers. Heat water over medium heat. We sterilize the compote for 20 minutes at a quiet boil.
  6. After that, we seal the jar. We leave for air cooling. The next day we take it out to the storage.

Recipe for apple compote for the winter for a 3 liter jar without sterilization

Here I will share a recipe for apple compote for the winter based on a 3 liter jar without sterilization.

Need to take:

  • Almost a kilogram of small apples;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 300 g of sugar.

This is the consumption of products for a 3 liter jar without sterilization. If there are more blanks, we increase the set of products proportionally: we multiply the ingredients by the number of cans or apples.

Let's start making fresh apple compote for the winter:

  1. We choose fresh, not spoiled fruits. Wash thoroughly. With a sharp knife, cut out the stalk and the opposite side in a circle.
  2. Place the apples in steamed jars. Pour in boiling water. Cover with lids, cool completely.
  3. After cooling down, pour water into a bowl, pour in sugar, boil until it dissolves.
  4. Pour our apples with the prepared syrup to the very top. Part of it will be absorbed into the fruits, the liquid will become slightly less.
  5. We roll up the compote, turn over the bottles, wrap it until it cools completely. The conservation is sent to the basement.

Reference! During the cooking process, the apples are saturated with syrup, and slightly increase in size.

Apple and plum compote

I think that the recipe for the assorted compote will suit your taste. The combination of different fruits will give the drink a brighter taste and aroma. The apple and plum compote is delicious and beautiful.

Recipe 1

What you need:

  • A kilogram of apples;
  • Half a kilo of plums;
  • A glass of sugar.

Wash apples, cut in half, cut out the seed box. Leave the washed plums intact or carefully remove the pit, keeping the shape of the fruit.

  1. Put fruits in sterilized jars, pour in boiling water, cover with a boiled lid, let stand for an hour.
  2. Over time, pour the water from the bottles into a container, add sugar, boil until the syrup is completely homogeneous, pour the contents of the jars with it. We close it tightly, turn it over on the lid, cover it, let it cool.

Store in a closet or any cool place.

Recipe 2

And one more simple recipe from this series, but with some difference.

  • Water - 2.5 liters;
  • Plums - 0.5 kg;
  • Apples - 3 pcs.;
  • Peaches - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1 glass.

Wash jars and lids with soda, rinse thoroughly. We sterilize over steam or in the oven.

Let's wash the fruit. Divide the plums and peaches into two halves, remove the seeds. Cut the apples into quarters, remove the seeds. We lay out the fruits in a bottle. Pour sugar on top of the fruit. Pour hot water to half of the container, let stand for 10 minutes. Then add boiling water to the top of the neck. We immediately cork it, put it on the lid, insulate it for a day. We take out the cooled compote for storage.

Reference! For a quick wash of peaches, they are dipped in water with the addition of soda. Shake the dishes, leave for 5 minutes. The villi will float up.

Recipe 3

  • 3 plums;
  • 4 apples;
  • 300 grams of sugar.

Ripe undamaged fruits are well washed with running water. We take out the seeds from the plums, breaking them in half. Cut the apples into several parts, after cutting out the seed box.

Put fruits in a sterilized bottle. Fill with boiling water. We leave for an hour. We drain the water, boil for five minutes. Add sugar, boil until it dissolves. Pour boiling compote into jars. We roll up a tin lid, turn it over. In a day we put it in the pantry.

Apple and lingonberry compote

This blank is perfect for those who like a rich drink without berries. The apple and lingonberry compote, which I propose to close for the winter, will be not only tasty, but also healthy, designed for a 3 liter jar.

Required products:

  • 1 kilogram of lingonberry;
  • 0.5 kilograms of apples;
  • 0.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.

It is better to cook lingonberries freshly picked. Sorting out the berries, you need to remove the green, rotten ones. Low-quality fruits can spoil the preservation. We dry the washed berries on a paper towel.

We use sour apples. Wash them thoroughly, remove seeds, cut into pieces.

Pour three liters of water into a saucepan, add sugar, wait until it boils. Then we put the apples, after 15 minutes we take them out. Put lingonberries in the resulting compote, cook for 20 minutes. When the berry has given up all its taste, it can be removed. Pour the resulting compote into a clean jar, cork it. We lower the cooled compote into the basement.

Delicious option with orange zest

  • 0.5 kilograms of fresh lingonberries;
  • 0.5 kilograms of apples;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • The zest of one orange.

Pour 3 liters of water into an enamel pot and place it on the stove. Put washed apples, cut into four parts (pitted), orange zest, sugar in boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes over low heat. We put the apples in the banks. Pour lingonberries into the compote, cook for ten minutes. Pour the finished drink into cans. We roll up. We put it chilled in the cellar.

Apple and cherry plum compote

To prepare a delicious compote from apples and cherry plums for the winter for 3 cans according to the recipe, we prepare:

  • 4 apples;
  • 8 pieces of medium-sized cherry plum;
  • 150 grams of sugar.

In order for the compote to acquire a pleasant, pink color, it is necessary to take red or purple cherry plums. We take whole berries, well ripened. We remove the twigs, wash in several waters, remove the seeds.

  1. Wash cans with soda, rinse thoroughly several times. Fry in the oven for 20 minutes. Boil clean lids for five minutes.
  2. We take apples of sweet varieties. Mine, cut into slices, remove seeds.
  3. Put a layer of apples in a jar, put cherry plum on top. Fill completely with boiling water. Cover with a lid. Fruit must be kept in boiling water for twenty minutes. Gently pour out the water, let it boil, pour the fruits again. Cover with a lid and stand for fifteen minutes.

Advice! To make it convenient to drain the water from the jar, prepare a nylon lid with large holes.

After cooling down, pour the water into a saucepan and boil again. Pour sugar into the jar and fill it with boiling water for the third time. We twist. We put the banks upside down, cover them with a fur coat. The next day we put it in the cellar.

A simple recipe for pear and apple compote for the winter

For this blank, we will be using whole apples. The recipe is simple but very good.

Required products:

  • 5 small apples;
  • 3 large pears;
  • 230 grams of sugar.

First of all, let's prepare the fruit.

  1. We choose small, not overripe apples, without damage. Well my, we remove the tails. We will preserve them as a whole. Large, well-ripened pears are suitable. We cut the washed fruits into three parts, remove the seeds. Very large ones can be cut into quarters.
  2. Fill a cleanly washed jar halfway with fruit. Gradually, so that the bottle does not burst, pour boiling water, cover with a lid. The fruits will warm up for forty minutes.
  3. After forty minutes, pour the water into a saucepan, add a little boiled water. We let it boil, and again pour our assortment. Now we reduce the residence time of fruits in boiling water to thirty minutes.
  4. For the third time, fill in the fruits for the same time. Add sugar to the drained fruit water, put it on gas. After boiling, fill the fruit jar with syrup. Roll up, let the compote cool under a warm blanket. We remove the cooled workpiece for storage in the cold.

I described proven recipes for apple compotes in a 3 liter jar for the winter. Choose for yourself any of the proposed recipes, take a little time to prepare it. And all winter you will be drinking delicious, and most importantly, healthy drinks.

I also advise you to watch the video recipe for apple compote. And you will be convinced that this is not a difficult and quick preparation.