How to make wine from chokeberry. Making wine from chokeberry

04.05.2019 Salads

healthy drink without alcohol and with a minimum of sugar, so that it is only delicious.
In the early stages, the process is for the patient and strong. But it's worth it. On average, after two or three months, the reward will be a pleasant blackberry wine with a bunch of useful substances and micronutrients.
Stage 1. Pluck the rowan from the twigs. Yeast bacteria live on the surface of the skin. They will ensure the fermentation of the future wort, so we save them. Rowan do not freeze and do not wash. How to eat dirty crush so that the juice comes off easier. If there are strong male hands, then you can crush them. They may not be enough for a large amount of berries. I've got a push going on.

Time passed, it began to get dark, but there was still plenty of work to do. I took an immersion blender. Quickly crushed the remains of chokeberry. In general, the berries accumulated a full enameled bucket.

Stage 2. Mix the crushed mass with sugar. Carefully, until it is completely dissolved. Rolling pin - stick, better with hands. How much to pour granulated sugar, depends on the desired final taste. You can't do without sugar. Fermentation will be too slow. Mold may appear and then we will get several liters of vinegar. The wine will turn out too dry, therefore sour. A lot of sweetness, more than a glass of sand per kilo of crushed berries, will make it dessert. The optimal proportion is considered: 150g. sugar for every kilogram of mountain ash. To start. In the process, we will align the taste with sweetness.

It remains to cover with a lid and leave to ferment in a warm place. Here it is important to ensure that the mass does not turn sour and flies do not start on it. Once a day, be sure to mix, and tie the top with gauze. In this form, the chokeberry will stand for at least a week, or even more. Depends on the temperature and the amount of sugar. Readiness can be seen from the berries accumulated on top and foam when stirred.

Stage 3. Extraction of fermented juice. You will have to work manually. A colander or sieve is placed on a deep bowl. The gauze is lined with a double layer. We select a portion of berries with our hands, squeeze lightly and into cheesecloth. We collect it in a bag and carefully squeeze the juice.

The rest of the pulp is put aside in separate dishes. She will still be needed.

The collected juice is poured into glassware where it will be transformed into wine. A large bottle is best, but several three-liter jars fit. It is important to pour only two-thirds of the volume of dishes.

The resulting space collects carbon dioxide. The juice will not be perfectly clean. Pieces of pulp will slip through. Let them stay and stimulate fermentation. During subsequent filtration, the wine will be cleared of all foreign inclusions.

Now the fermenting juice must be hermetically sealed so that air does not enter, and carbon dioxide comes out. The easiest way is to pull a medical glove over the neck. Poke holes in your fingers. The carbon dioxide released during fermentation will inflate the glove. If it settles, then fermentation has stopped.

It is more correct, in my opinion, to make a simple water seal. You will need any hose and cap. Poke a hole in it for the hose. I burned my kapron with a hot awl exactly to size. Metal can be pierced with a nail or drilled. Insert the end of the tube. Dip the other end into a jar of water, which is placed next to the future wine. If the edges of the hole do not adjoin the hose tightly, fill them with paraffin from a candle. The tightness must be 100%.

Carbon dioxide under pressure escapes through the hose. Fermentation goes on constantly and the wort will not suffocate. What often happens when using a glove.

Juice determined to ferment. Let's take care of the pulp. It still has a lot of juice in it. Pull it out with water and sugar. Still no water in cooking chokeberry wine not enough. AT pure form the juice is too thick and tart to make a pleasant-tasting wine. Water and sugar are needed to equalize the acidity and consistency of the drink. In berry wines and liqueurs, this is the only way to regulate the taste.

Put all the pulp in a bowl from under the fermented berry (I have this bucket) and slightly crush it. Pour raw cold water with top. Separate requirement for water. The plumbing is not good. We take bottled or spring. You will need about a glass of sugar if the pulp takes up a third of the volume of the bucket. The proportions are changing. Apothecary precision is useless here. The main thing is that the pulp ferments quickly.

Mix everything well, tie with gauze from midges and put in a warm place for several days. Mold on the pulp forms very quickly. Don't forget to stir every day.

The main stage of juice fermentation chokeberry falls at the end of August - September, when there is no heating yet, and the weather is cold. Therefore, you have to constantly monitor the wort. But not by outsiders! If you think the wine lacks heat, place it closer to the stove or heater. We take care of him like a little one. Just to wander. Well-being is evidenced by the foam on the surface of the wort and the strings of bubbles running to the surface.

Stage 4. The first week of must and pulp fermentation has passed. Squeeze out the juice from the pulp. Pour the must through a fine sieve into another bowl. We try not to disturb the precipitate that has fallen. It consists of obsolete yeast bacteria and the wine is no longer needed. What can not be said about the juice from the pulp. We pour it into the filtered wort and it comes to life, starts to play. Again under its water seal and for maturation in a dark, not cold place. Let's give it 10 days.

Stage 5. Everything basic for the future wine has been done. It remains to filter the wine once a week, each time getting rid of the sediment. After two weeks, we will replace a simple overflow through a sieve with a drain through a hose. Place a container of wine on the table. Empty - on the floor. Lower the end of the hose into the wine so that it does not touch the sediment. From the other end, pull up the wort with your mouth and quickly lower it into the bowl. The wine will flow in an even stream. It is better to reduce the intensity. Let the wine "breathe" - saturate with air. Air baths serve as a prevention of rottenness of young wine. Not every time, but after 3 weeks it is necessary to arrange a “long” drain.

It is clear that the sediment should not get into the wine. Gradually it will be less and less. The wine will begin to lighten. It won't be as thick. A characteristic aroma will appear. Two months after the installation of the juice under the shutter, you can taste it. Of course, it is not forbidden to try before. Just useless. Now we have a young homemade chokeberry wine and it's time to make adjustments to its final version.

It tastes a little sour. This is fine. Worse, when sugar is felt, it means that fermentation has already been completed and the strength of the wine will be less. You can try to correct the situation - ventilate the wine through a hose a couple of times.

Too much sour wine need to be sweetened. There is a special procedure for this. Sugar is taken at the rate of 1 tbsp. per liter of wine. Pour on a piece of gauze or white cotton fabric. Tie it with a bag with a long tail. Hang it so that only the bottom drowns in wine. Sugar should melt gradually. Press down the end of the strap with a lid with a water seal. It usually takes a week for the sugar to completely dissolve, i.e. in the next filtration, you can check the wine for sweetness. The pouch is removed or the sweetening is repeated for another week.

Stage 6. The wine is ready. Pour it into bottles. Strongly clog at first is not worth it. Young wine can play a little. The accumulated gas will easily blow the bottle to smithereens.

We taste and finally wrap the lids only when all signs of fermentation have passed. Homemade blackberry wine will become mature after a few months of storage in a cool place. But even young it does not lose, neither in bouquet, nor in aftertaste. and pleasant wine at the same time.

PS: I'll tell you separately about the strength of the wine. Without any special actions, the wine has 2-3 degrees. I'm quite satisfied. The fortress can be increased. After a month of fermentation, ammonia (ammonium chloride) should be dropped into the wort. One drop per liter is enough. The growth of alcohol-containing yeast bacteria will increase.
A brutal way - before bottling young wine, pour good vodka into it (50g per 1 liter). The fortress will increase, fermentation will stop.

Aronia wine enjoys particular popularity. It has a beautiful color great taste and long term storage. You can even cook it at home. How? Read more about this.

Aronia wine: recipe

The first step is to make a wine sourdough. To do this, take raspberries or strawberries. You can take both types of berries. If the season of their ripening has already passed, as wine yeast use rose hips. Gather the berries and place in a jar (no need to wash). If you rinse them, then along with the water, you will remove all the natural yeast that is so necessary for fermentation.

Add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, pour in? liters of cool water, tie the neck with gauze folded in several layers, let it brew for 3 days. The mass must be stirred from time to time. After 3 days, the wine sourdough will ferment actively. It can be used to prepare alcoholic drink.

How about you?

Grind 3 kg of chokeberry with food processor(it also does not need to be washed). Pour the mixture into a bucket, add wine sourdough. Add water and granulated sugar. Liquids should also be 3 liters. It is better to filter or insist. Measure out 2 kg of sugar, prepare with a little water sugar syrup. Once it cools down, pour it into a bucket of chokeberry. Tie the bucket with a dense layer of gauze, for active fermentation, let it brew for 8 days. During this time, stir the wort several times. This is necessary in order to remove the berry peel, which forms on the surface and prevents the flow of oxygen.

The main work comes in 8 days. At this time, the wort must be filtered. You can strain by hand or use a juicer. Pour the filtered wort into a bottle, arrange a water seal. For this purpose, you can use a special system for blood transfusion. It can be easily purchased at a pharmacy.

Insert a thick needle into the lid. Place the other end of the tube in liter jar filled with water. Cover the edge of the lid and the puncture site for better tightness with plasticine. Move to a dark and cool room. silent fermentation will start in two days. Shake the must from time to time. Fermentation will stop after 40 days. The drink can be bottled using the same tubes and put away for storage. In bottles, it should be stored for two to three months. Only then can it be consumed. Homemade chokeberry wine ready!

Try and delicious jam from these berries. Detailed recipe read .

Recipe for homemade chokeberry wine

You will need:

Chokeberry - 1 kg
- sugar - 1 kg
- raisins - 110 g

How to cook:

Gather the berries, put them in a jar. In no case should they be washed, since the process of active fermentation will not begin. Add raisins and 300 g sugar. Leave the raisins unwashed as well. Pour some water room temperature. Do not add water to the end by 1/3. Once you have prepared everything, close the jar with a loose lid. This will allow the gas to escape. Move the container as far away from light as possible. If you are using nylon cover, make 2 slots in it. If you took a metal cap, just throw it on top. The drink must be stirred every day. Do not open the jar, but simply stir the contents using circular motions. After a week, add another 300 g of sugar, and after another week, add another 300 g of sugar. Leave the wine for a month to ferment, wait for the mountain ash to sink to the bottom. Pour another 100 g of granulated sugar. Remove the fruits by straining the contents through a colander. Leave the wine to infuse for a couple of weeks. All suspension during this time will settle to the bottom, and clean drink can be carefully drained. As a result, you will get 2 liters of fine.

Chokeberry wine at home: must preparation.

Must for wine can be prepared in three different ways.

Classic way. wring out berry juice, add yeast sourdough and sugar, put on fermentation. This method has no special features. Its great disadvantage is that it is extracted from the fruits a large number of useful substances. Some of them remain in the pulp. However, this pulp can be used in the preparation of various culinary products- kissels, jams, etc.

Fermentation of the pulp. Berries juice is squeezed out. After squeezing, it is poured to the very neck of the container and tightly corked. The container is placed in the refrigerator. Pomace should be poured with water and diluted with a small amount of sugar. Stir the finished yeast wiring well, set for a couple of days for fermentation. The neck in this case should be covered with a cotton plug. The mixture is periodically stirred so that mold does not appear on the surface. After a couple of days, the pomace is squeezed out, and the resulting mixture is mixed with the squeezed juice, into which it is poured required amount Sahara.

Cahors technology. After pressing the pomace, it is poured hot water and kept throughout the day. The pomace is squeezed again, and the liquid is combined with the previously squeezed juice. At the end is added yeast starter and sugar. The must is removed for fermentation.

Tired of habitual recipes and don't know what to do with this, definitely useful berry? Try making chokeberry wine at home.

Classic chokeberry wine recipe

Required products:

  • 4 kg of sugar;
  • 10 kg of mountain ash;
  • two liters of water.

Cooking process:

  1. Do not wash the berries, immediately chop with a combine.
  2. Pour the mass with two kilograms of sugar and fill with a liter warm water.
  3. Cover with gauze, put in a dark place and stir twice a day.
  4. After a week, strain the juice, but do not throw away the pulp.
  5. Pour the juice into a clean glass container and close tightly.
  6. Add the remaining sugar and water to the pulp, leave for another five days, strain.
  7. What is filtered, mix with previously prepared juice, close and let stand for another week.
  8. Drain the liquid through a straw into a clean container and repeat these steps every week until fermentation is over.
  9. Pass through cheesecloth, bottle, let stand for three months, then strain again and you can use.

With cinnamon

Homemade chokeberry wine with cinnamon is somewhat reminiscent of an expensive liquor. It turns out a bright and spicy drink.

Required products:

  • 5 kg of mountain ash;
  • five grams of cinnamon;
  • four kilograms of sugar;
  • half a liter of vodka.

Cooking process:

  1. We turn the rowan into mashed potatoes in any convenient way.
  2. Pour sugar, cinnamon into the mass and mix everything well.
  3. We place in a wide container, cover with a cloth and put it in a warm place.
  4. Every day we stir the contents 2-3 times, and after 9 days we filter.
  5. The resulting juice is placed in a bottle, closed with a water seal and left for 40 days.
  6. When the fermentation process is over, we filter the wine through cheesecloth, mix it with vodka, bottle it and keep it for about three months before drinking.

Cooking with frozen berries

Homemade wine can also be made from frozen berries. During defrosting, juice will stand out, and then you will need it.

Interested self-manufacturing dessert and liqueur drinks, it is worth trying simple and proven recipes, according to which chokeberry wine is prepared at home, tasty and fragrant.

Despite the fact that chokeberry or chokeberry berries are distinguished by bitterness and are rarely used in the preparation of jams and jams, they are excellent for making wine. Recipes for making at home differ in the method of squeezing juice, preparing the wort, adding a blend of fruit and berry juices.

Interesting! Dessert and sweet wines are the most successful. Can also be made dry wine, but it will be tart and will not be to everyone's taste.

Tricks in making rowan wine

flush harvested berries should not be - on the peel there are special microorganisms that contribute to the fermentation process.

Young wine must be aged for at least 90 days to avoid a hint of astringency. If fermentation is used in the recipe, then it is better to withstand the drink for at least 6 months.

To improve the taste, the wine is blended - others are added fruit and berry mixtures juices, and use clean and unboiled water.

Required accessories

A novice winemaker should not spend money on an expensive water seal or a system that is difficult to seal. The role of a water seal is perfectly performed by a simple medical glove.

To strain the liquid, you will need a thin cotton cloth or gauze and a colander. Can be applied plastic utensils, but there is a chance that the wine will turn out with an unpleasant aftertaste.

To defend the wine, you need a small three-liter container, and you can store it in bottles with a ground-in lid.

The most popular cooking method is fermentation. Its essence lies in the fact that the squeezed berry mass is boiled with water, and then left to ferment. In addition to this recipe, wine is made using yeast, as well as Cahors.


First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly knead the berries until a homogeneous puree-like mass is obtained. For 7.5 kg of berries, 3 kg of sugar and 1.5 liters of warm (35-37º C) water are taken. 2/3 of the total amount of sugar and water is added to the resulting berry mass. Everything is thoroughly mixed until sugar is completely dissolved and covered with gauze for the duration of fermentation.

Interesting! Aronia wine ferments longer than others berry drinks The process will take at least a week.

The container should be in a room called a fermentation room. The temperature of the fermenter is in the range of 22-25 ºС, direct sunlight should not penetrate into it. The settled mixture is thoroughly mixed twice a day.

You can understand that fermentation has begun by the foam cap that appears on top of the mixture. Sometimes fermentation does not start for a long time. If within 4-5 days the process does not start on its own, you need to add wine yeast, or yeast for baking. The calculation of the yeast powder is based on the proportion of 10 g of yeast per 10 liters of liquid mixture.

After a week, strain the liquid, called must, through a colander. Berry cake should not be squeezed hard. The fermentation tank is filled with the must, you need to make sure that the liquid takes up no more than half the volume. The container is tightly closed with a shutter and placed back into the fermenter.

1/3 sugar and 1/3 warm water are added to the remaining cake according to the recipe. The mixture is covered with gauze and placed along with the wort. During the week, the cake continues to ferment, after which it is filtered again. To prevent the mixture from spoiling, it is often kneaded. After a week of fermentation of the berry mass with water, it is filtered and mixed with fermenting rowan juice, and the remaining cake can be used as a filling or for making jam.

The expressed liquid must be added to the containers with the wort, gently mixing them. The removed factory water seal can simply be washed with water and reinstalled on the container, and the medical glove must be replaced with a new one.

After completion of all manipulations, the container with the wort must be in the fermenter for at least 45 days until gas formation is completely completed. When using a glove, you can determine by it whether fermentation is in progress or has already been completed. The separated gas fills the glove and lifts it above the container. After fermentation is complete, the glove falls off.

Young wine is carefully pumped into three-liter bottles using a narrow tube, without tilting the container. If desired, you can make wine from chokeberry fortified by adding sugar at this stage. For 2-3 days, the bottles are placed in the cold, until sediment appears at the bottom. To get rid of it, the liquid is carefully drained. Next, the wine is bottled, tightly corked and put on exposure for three to six months. Lovers of young wine can skip this step, but do not forget that in this case it will be slightly bitter.

Homemade wine according to the recipe with yeast is even easier to prepare, even a novice winemaker can handle it. For 3 kg of berries you will need 1 liter of water and 15 g of yeast. Next, you need to prepare the wort, for which the berries are kneaded, or crushed in a blender. The resulting mixture is filtered, about 2 liters of juice should come out.

Can be blended to reduce astringency rowan juice with grape and apple juice and also add hibiscus leaves.

Berry cake is poured several times with boiling water, left to infuse, and drained. Do this until you get 5 liters of wort. Then 1.5 kg of sugar and yeast are poured, after which the mixture is thoroughly kneaded. After that, the wine is sent to ferment for a month in glass containers with water seal or glove.

During this time, sugar will need to be added in two more doses in the same amount, with an interval of a week. Then wait for the sediment to appear, carefully drain the wine and cork it into bottles.

By type of Cahors

By this recipe the wine succeeds with a slight acidity and a moderately tart note, similar to dry wine made from grapes, for example, Cahors. To complete the recipe for 5 kg of chokeberry, you need to take 4 tbsp. Sahara. Beat the berries into a smooth puree with a blender, add ¾ of the total amount of sugar and mix thoroughly.

Put a gauze knot in which a few branches of mountain ash are tied in a saucepan with gruel from berries. Put the container with berries for a week in a warm dark place and mix thoroughly every day. After a week, squeeze the berries, remove the juice in a cold place under a water seal for three weeks, pour the pulp with a liter of water, add the remaining ¼ of sugar and set to ferment again.

Then mix all the liquid with the squeezed juice and set to stand for 2 months. During this time, the wine must be drained from the sediment three times. The resulting wine should be ruby ​​red, viscous and with a noble taste.

Rowan wine is good for health in small quantities due to the composition rich in microelements. For hypertensive patients, it is recommended to use it in prophylactic doses in order to reduce pressure. Chokeberry increases hemoglobin, favorably affects blood circulation. But suffering from hypotension, thrombophlebitis and diseases gastrointestinal tract do not get carried away with this drink.

Step-by-step chokeberry wine recipes

Aronia wine is made according to recipes based on classical fermentation. The step-by-step basis of the recipes is as follows:

  • harvested berries are prepared;
  • wort is obtained;
  • the fermentation process starts;
  • young wine is filtered and bottled;
  • the drink is sent to ripen.

However, there are more than hundreds of recipes for making wine, and the taste of the drink can be very different. Such diversity is achieved by experimenting with the main recipe.

Raisins are added to classic recipe to improve the fermentation process and obtain a light grape sweetness in the aftertaste. Add 10 grams of raisins per 1 kg of berries along with water and sugar before fermentation. To promote fermentation, it is added unwashed.

With cloves and cinnamon

This recipe almost completely repeats the fermentation technique. The difference lies in the fact that at the stage of fermentation of the must, 5 grams of cinnamon and cloves are added. For better taste wine is not recommended to drink young, but properly aged, it has a unique spicy aftertaste and resembles the taste of liquor.

with cherry leaf

This recipe will give the wine spicy notes of cherry flavor. Add cherry leaves, and sometimes the berries themselves to get a richer flavor. It turns out light drink by pour type.

To prepare it, you need to take a glass of chokeberry and sugar, 100 g cherry leaves, a liter of water and 0.5 liters of vodka, as well as 1 tsp citric acid.

Leaves and berries are filled with water and boiled for half an hour. Then the mass is filtered and cooled. The second step is to add another glass of sugar, lemon acid and everything boils on a quiet fire. After cooling, filter and add vodka. The drink will be ready in a few hours.

How to properly store chokeberry wine

Since the wine is usually not too strong (12-14 degrees) and sweet, it can be stored for quite a long time. It is recommended not to raise the storage temperature above 18 degrees, and the storage period should not be longer than 5 years.


Wine made from chokeberry at home is excellent for the preventive treatment of hypertension, but it is better not to get carried away with it if you have gastrointestinal diseases.

A variety of recipes allows you to experiment with the result. Wines are tasty and healthy. It is not advised to use fresh wine, it is necessary to let it brew for at least 3 months, then the wine will turn out to be aged,

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

Chokeberry, which is also called chokeberry, despite its simplicity, is very useful. It contains a number of B vitamins, ascorbic acid, elements of iron, copper, manganese, and others that are indispensable for us. It contains all types of sugars and pectins. Thanks to all this, the chokeberry is insanely useful, but not everyone loves it in its natural form, that is, directly from the branch, since it has a large share of astringency and viscosity. Therefore connoisseurs home winemaking found a way out by adding most useful fruits to create an ancient drink.

Wine from black ashberry - made with your own hands is delicious and beautiful. Besides dark - ruby ​​drink is perfectly stored.

Row unique properties pass from berries to wine, turning it into medicine when high cholesterol, low immunity, horse racing blood pressure, fragility or sagging of the walls of blood vessels.

There is only one "but". In order for wine to benefit, it must be drunk extremely moderately - one tablespoon 30 minutes before meals (daily), that is, no more than 75 - 100 ml per day.

Homemade wine of this variety is not difficult to prepare. The stages of its preparation are in principle identical to the preparation of any other wine: harvesting, preparation, juicing, fermentation, filtration and maturation. But as usual, there are a number of subtleties and nuances, without which, instead of real yummy, you can get a drink of dubious taste, color, and, most importantly, benefit.

How to make wine from chokeberry

There are as many recipes for blackberry wine as there are recipes for any other wine made from any other berries. But the steps of its preparation are repeated in virtually every recipe. Therefore, we will consider the technology for making wine from chokeberry based on classic recipe, which differs from other recipe options only

varying proportions (50 grams of raisins - 100 grams of raisins) and some components (raspberries or rose hips are used instead of raisins for sourdough).

The classic recipe for chokeberry wine:


  • 5 kilos of chokeberry fruits
  • 2 kilos of granulated sugar (or at the rate of 1 cup per 1 kilo of berries)
  • 50 grams of unwashed (!) raisins
  • 1 liter of pre-boiled and cooled water

How to cook (technology and nuances):

  • after 7 days, poured with water and already swollen cake without pressing, filter through any sieve. There is no need to show diligence in this process - the cake has already given everything valuable to the water
  • now we must pour the resulting liquid into the bottle, where the fermentation process is already underway. To do this, remove the glove, pour in the liquid, put on the glove. All the painstaking work lies in the fact that after mixing the liquids, the future wine must be filtered every two days, draining it through a thin rubber hose (like from a dropper) into a clean container and again putting on a glove, repeat this process until fermentation stops and the wine is completely freed from sediment
  • when you receive clean and ready drink it must be bottled, corked and sent for maturation for 2-4 months in a cool and dark place.

The resulting wine will surprise you pleasant aroma and a luxurious bouquet, will give you health and will undoubtedly replenish the collection of any winemaker.

The preparation of wine from chokeberry can also take place in a faster way. It can be prepared in a day. True, there is no need to talk about the benefits of such a drink. And is it wine? But it will come in handy...

A quick recipe for chokeberry wine

  • chokeberry berries - 3 cups
  • water - 4 glasses
  • cloves, cinnamon, citric acid - a pinch each
  • vodka - 2.5 cups
  • sugar - to taste (optional)

How to cook:

  • pour the berries with water and boil over low heat for 30 minutes
  • leave the broth for 12 hours, then filter
  • put on again slow fire for 30 minutes
  • remove from heat, add spices, sugar, vodka, let cool and filter again. All.