Soft drinks assortment. Coursework: Modern assortment and quality of soft drinks

26.04.2019 Buffet table


Taste products- a variety of foods that cause in humans taste sensations and facilitating the assimilation of food - soft drinks, low-alcohol and alcoholic drinks tea, coffee, spices, seasonings, tobacco and tobacco products.

Compound: contain organic acids, glucosides, alcohols, tannins and dyes, aromatic and other compounds.

Impact: have an impact on nervous system human, enhance the secretion of digestive juices and improve digestion.

Classification according to the nature of the impact on the human body: general and local action. General flavor products have an exciting effect on the central nervous system and cause both positive and negative effects on the human body. They are divided into products containing ethyl alcohol(alcoholic drinks) and products containing alkaloids(tea, coffee, tobacco). Local Goods affect the organs of taste and smell, and some - on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, contributing to the secretion of juice (spices, aromatic substances, food acids, table salt).

Soft drinks- diverse in nature, taste, composition and methods of obtaining the product. Compound: sugar, extractives, carbonic acid, food acids, mineral, coloring and aromatic substances.

Range soft drinks: juices, syrups, fruit drinks, extracts, carbonated drinks.

Beverage classification:

1.) By appearance soft drinks are divided into liquid drinks (clear and cloudy) and beverage concentrates in consumer packaging.

2.) Depending on the raw materials used, production technology and destination drinks are divided into groups: juice drinks; drinks on grain raw materials; drinks on spicy-aromatic vegetable raw materials; flavored drinks (essences and aromatic spirits); fermented drinks; specialty drinks.

3.) Liquid drinks according to the degree of saturation with carbon dioxide subdivided into highly carbonated, medium carbonated, slightly carbonated and non-carbonated.

4.) According to the processing method: unpasteurized and pasteurized drinks, with and without preservatives, cold and hot poured drinks.

Types of juices: clarified(apple, apple-grape, grape, cherry, etc.); unclarified(apple, apple-sea buckthorn, cranberry); with pulp(plum-blackcurrant-apple, plum puree, apple-apricot, etc.) Drink durability(per day): unpasteurized and without preservatives - 10; pasteurized - 30; fermented drinks in bottles - 5; beverage concentrates - 1 year.

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Soft drinks include drinks that have a refreshing effect, quench thirst (mineral waters, juice syrups, extracts, nectars, carbonated and dry drinks, fruit drinks).

Mineral waters, depending on the origin, are divided into natural (natural) and artificial. Natural mineral waters are conditionally divided into medicinal, table and medical-table. Medicinal mineral waters are used according to the doctor's prescription and they include: Essentuki-4, Essentuki-17; Slavyanskaya, Smirnovskaya, etc.

Table mineral water quenches thirst and has a pleasant refreshing taste. Many table natural waters can be used as medicinal. Assortment: Essentuki-20, Narzan, Moskovskaya, Badamly, etc.

Artificial mineral waters are obtained by dissolving potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium salts in water and saturating it with carbon dioxide. Artificial mineral waters include Selterskaya, Sodovaya. Baking soda, table salt, calcium chloride, magnesium are added to seltzer.

Soda contains from 0.2 to 0.25 soda, 0.1-0.15 sodium chloride, 0.4% carbon dioxide.

Fruit juices contain carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, organic acids.

Juices have medicinal and dietary properties. Juices contain pectins, which have a radiation-protective and anti-toxic effect, this is due to the ability of pectins to remove heavy metals, toxins, and radioactive elements from the human body. Depending on the technology, composition, there are types of juices: natural, blended, kosh centered, for baby food, juices with pulp (nectars).

Fruit and berry clarified juices should be transparent, without sediment; unclarified - opaque, homogeneous consistency; juices with pulp - the content of pulp in them is 30-60%, the pulp is evenly distributed.

Taste, color, smell must correspond to the natural fruits from which they are obtained.

Quality is affected by physical and chemical indicators: acidity, solids content, etc. Assortment of juices: Apple, Pineapple, Orange, Apple-carrot, Grape, etc.

Nectars are obtained as concentrated juices from fruit pulp by mixing mashed and homogenized puree with various amounts of sugar syrup (16-50%). Morses are fruit drinks, which consist of fruit juices (at least 20%), water and sugar.

They are made from raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, blueberries and other berries.

Syrups are condensed solutions of fruit and berry juices and sugar, aromatic substances, acids, etc. Syrups are divided according to processing into pasteurized and unpasteurized; natural and food synthetic essences. The label of the syrup must indicate the composition of all its components.

extracts. For the production of extracts, only transparent fruit and berry juices are used. They are obtained by boiling or freezing juices to a solids content of 44-62%

The extracts should have a thick consistency, rich color, corresponding to the color of the feedstock. By quality they are divided into the highest and first grades.

Carbonated drinks - aqueous solutions of mixtures of fruit juices or extracts, food acids, aromatic substances, with the addition of sugar syrup and saturated with carbon dioxide.

Carbonated drinks are divided into groups: juice-containing, tonic, flavored, fortified, for diabetics and dry drinks.

For the preparation of carbonated drinks, purified drinking water, mineral water can also be used. Stabilizers and preservatives are added to carbonated soft drinks.

Tonic drinks can relieve fatigue and have a thirst-quenching effect. Tonic drinks are: Sayany, Stepnoy, Tarhun, Morning, etc. Pepsi-Cola, Coca-Cola, Bingo-Cola drinks contain sugar, dyes, caffeine, preservatives, flavorings, phosphoric acid, etc., as well as 90% soda water. Drinks of this type are best drunk through a straw, as phosphoric acid destroys tooth enamel.

Dry drinks in the form of tablets or powder are dissolved in a glass of water with stirring. They are effervescent (with the addition of baking soda) and non-effervescent. Dry drinks are produced from a mixture of granulated sugar, essences, various extracts, food acids and dyes.

The quality of soft drinks is determined by organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters. Foreign inclusions, odors, tastes, appearance of turbidity, sediment are not allowed.

It is necessary to store mineral waters in dry, ventilated rooms at a temperature of 5-20°C; shelf life - 1 year.

Fruit and berry juices are stored at temperatures from 0 to 25°C, relative air humidity not more than 75%.

Soft drinks in appearance are divided into types: liquid drinks - transparent and cloudy; beverage concentrates in consumer packaging.

Depending on the raw materials used, production technology and purpose, drinks are divided into groups: juice-containing; drinks on grain raw materials; drinks on spicy-aromatic vegetable raw materials; flavored drinks (essences and aromatic spirits); fermented drinks; special purpose drinks; artificially mineralized waters.

Liquid drinks according to the degree of saturation of carbon dioxide are divided into types: highly carbonated; medium carbonated; slightly carbonated; non-carbonated.

Liquid drinks according to the processing method are divided into unpasteurized; pasteurized; drinks with the use of preservatives; drinks without the use of preservatives; cold drinks; hot drinks.

For the preparation of drinks at home, syrups are produced in consumer containers. Syrups in appearance are divided into transparent and opaque.

Encyclopedia of Vegetarianism

Depending on the raw materials used and the purpose, syrups are divided into syrups with the use of preservatives; syrups without the use of preservatives; hot filling syrups; pasteurized syrups.

Currently, domestic factories and workshops for the production of soft drinks produce:

Non-alcoholic carbonated drinks with low calorie content, as well as for diabetics with the use of aspartame, xylitol, sorbitol and other sweeteners. They are classified as special purpose drinks;

Carbonated drinks, which are water solutions of sugar saturated with carbon dioxide with the addition of products of processing of fruit and berry raw materials (juices, extracts, etc.), spicy-aromatic, including vegetable (infusions of herbs, roots, citrus peel, etc.) .) raw materials, aromatic substances (essences, essential oils), dyes, organic acids;

Drinks based on grain raw materials, which are solutions of kvass wort concentrate, sucrose, food acids and other aromatic and flavoring substances saturated with carbon dioxide;

Fermented drinks, which include bread kvass, fruit and berry kvass;

Artificially mineralized waters, made from mixtures of salts and saturated with carbon dioxide;

Non-carbonated drinks, including dry drinks, effervescent and non-effervescent, made from sugar, tartaric acid, soda, essences, extracts and dyes.

Organoleptic indicators of the quality of the finished drink: appearance, transparency, color, aroma and taste are determined according to GOST 6687.5-86.

Color - colorless, light yellow, yellow, dark yellow, light brown, brown, dark brown, yellow green, light green, green, hot pink, red, dark red, ruby, dark ruby, raspberry, beetroot, blue, turquoise, blue, light blue, dark blue;

Aroma - rounded, strong, weak, uncharacteristic, characteristic, inexpressive, clean, with a leading note, piquant, spicy, obtrusive, light, foreign, coniferous, resinous, characteristic of the corresponding fruits, fruits, berries, herbs and other raw materials, yeast, fusel ;

Taste - bitter, sweet and sour, salty, clean, full, harmonious, pronounced (bright, weak), empty, tasteless, characteristic, rounded, characteristic of the corresponding fruits, fruits, berries, herbs and other raw materials, malty, honey, spicy , with a caramel tone, piquant, salty-sour-sweet, unpleasant aftertaste;

Transparency - transparent, lustrous, opalescent (strong, weak), turbid, without suspension, with sediment.

The appearance of soft drinks in bottles and cans with a capacity of not more than 1000 cm 3 is determined visually for compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for finished products. Evaluate the correctness of the label sticker, the presence of distortions, deformations, tears, cleanliness of the bottles.

Transparency and the presence of foreign inclusions in soft drinks in bottles and cans with a capacity of not more than 1000 cm 3 is determined by looking at the corked bottles and cans in transmitted light, turning them over.

The color of soft drinks is determined visually in a clean, dry cylindrical glass with a capacity of 250 cm 3 . The shade and color intensity are evaluated for compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for finished products.

In appearance, liquid drinks and soft drink concentrates must comply with the requirements of GOST 28188-89:

Transparent - transparent liquid without sediment and foreign inclusions. Slight opalescence is allowed, due to the characteristics of the raw materials used.

Turbid - an opaque liquid. The presence of suspensions or sediment particles of grain supplies is allowed, without seeds and foreign inclusions that are unusual for the product. Commodity syrups in appearance must meet the requirements of GOST 28499-90. For transparent syrups - a clear viscous liquid without sediment, turbidity and foreign particles. Slight opalescence is allowed, due to the characteristics of the raw materials used. For opaque - an opaque viscous liquid, the presence of suspensions or sediment of fruit pulp is allowed, without seeds and foreign inclusions that are not characteristic of the product.

The quality of kvass is regulated by the requirements of OST 18-118-82. All types of kvass - bread, for hot shops and okroshochny - are opaque drinks, when settling, they form a small precipitate of residual yeast and grain particles. Bread kvass

It has Brown color, okroshochny kvass is characterized by a lighter color.

The organoleptic characteristics of bottled kvass and beverages based on grain raw materials must comply with the requirements of OST 18-118-82. Drinks and kvass are opaque with a slight sediment of bread.

Organoleptic indicators of artificially mineralized waters must comply with the requirements of OST 18-117-82. Drinks are transparent, without sediment and opalescence.

The organoleptic characteristics of dry mixes for drinks are evaluated after dissolving the tablets or powders in water. They should completely dissolve within two minutes in cold water. No insoluble sediment is allowed. When dissolving fizzy drinks, carbon dioxide should be abundantly released.

Examination ticket number 4

Vodka production.

The vodka production technology is as follows:

Stage 1 - water preparation

Even the purest natural water must go through several stages of special purification: sedimentation, aeration, filtration through quartz sand.

Soft Drinks - Recipes

For this, sand and carbon columns, membrane and cartridge filters are installed at modern enterprises. Water undergoes ultraviolet and molecular purification. With the help of a special installation, the salt composition of the water is corrected. It should be colorless, absolutely transparent, with a minimum salt content. The water is not boiled or distilled. That is why real Russian vodka has a unique special softness, unique taste and crystal clearness.

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Fermented drinks,



1. Beer is a fermented drink made from malt. It was very common among the ancient Germans; it is now heavily drunk by the British, Germans, Danes and Belgians. In Russia, the distribution of beer is already quite significant in the cities; the rural population still drinks little beer. But the consumption of beer in Russia, unfortunately, is increasing every year.

2. Brewing beer consists of 4 major operations(see Fig. 13).

a) Malting of barley aims to germinate barley. To do this, barley is poured into soaking vats filled with water, and the latter is taken by weight three or four times more than barley, then the grains soaked with moisture are put into ridges on a “vegetable current”, and the temperature is maintained in them at about 15 ° Réaumur.

Rice. 12. Brewer's yeast.

During the germination of barley, the starch is partly converted into sugar, or rather, a sugary substance called maltose. The malting is stopped by drying the grains in a dryer at a temperature gradually brought up to 90°.

Soft drinks

This operation, carried out in hot air chambers, imparts a more or less dark color to the beer.

b) Mashing malt produced in a wooden vat with a double bottom. The malt is poured into the mash tun, in which the temperature is gradually raised to 60-70 °, hot water is poured in and the mash is boiled in parts; mashing is done either by hand or by machine, depending on the brewery's blogging system. All the starch contained in the malt is sugared and goes into solution, and the wort is obtained.

c) Wort boil with hops aims to give the mixture an aroma, a bitter taste, and to sterilize the liquid. In large closed cauldrons, some of which have a capacity of 1,000 hectoliters (8,000 pails), the wort, with hops added to it, is boiled. When the liquid becomes transparent, it is filtered and cooled in special apparatus.

d) Fermentation flavored wort takes place in large vats or iron tanks. It is caused by a special enzyme called brewer's yeast that is added to the wort. These microscopic fungi (see Fig. 12) live off sugar and decompose it. During the fermentation process in the vats there is a rapid movement of liquid. The final fermentation of beer takes place in large barrels.

A sugary substance, thanks to yeast, undergoes transformation, decomposing into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Some of the carbon dioxide remains dissolved in the beer and makes it frothy and refreshing. Thus, beer is a fermented drink containing alcohol and slightly carbonated.

3. A liter (1000 grams) of beer contains about 870 grams water, 40 grams alcohol, informing beer of its intoxicating properties, 10 grams Sahara(maltose), 30 grams other sugary substances, 5 to 6 grams proteins(mainly glutins), mineral salts lime and potassium in small quantities and carbon dioxide which makes the beer foamy.

Rice. 14. Consistent weight loss of barley during the brewing process.

4. While making beer, barley, which in itself is a real food product, undergoes big losses. A very small amount of nutrients remains in beer, since most of the sugar is converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide, and proteins for the most part remain in the pellets used for livestock feed. In beer, only 1/8 of the originally taken barley remains in solution (Fig. 14).

5. Thus, beer does not have at all the nutritional value that is often attributed to it. Seven bottles of beer, retailing for 70 kopecks, contain exactly the same amount of nutrients as a piece of bread that costs 5 kopecks.

That's why beer definitely doesn't deserve the name "liquid bread," as brewers sometimes call it. We can safely say that people who drink a lot of beer to enhance their diet could eat chicken and game for the same money without harming their health at the same time. We must not forget that 7 bottles of beer contain, in addition, about a tea glass of pure alcohol poison.

6. Abuse of beer causes catarrh and expansion of the stomach, disrupts the nutrition of the body, causes excessive growth (hypertrophy) and obesity of the heart, fatty degeneration of the liver and kidneys. In those countries where a lot of beer is consumed - even with a relatively low alcohol content, there are many people who suffer from general obesity and die from a brain stroke (apoplexy).

Anatomical autopsy of the corpses of people who abused beer during their lifetime often reveals in them a sharp increase in the heart, known in science as the beer heart.

In the city of Munich, brewers and employees in the brewery enjoy a lower average life expectancy than other residents and die predominantly from heart disease.

7. Those kind people are deeply mistaken who think that drunkenness and all its disastrous consequences in Russia, resulting from vodka, will immediately stop when the people begin to drink more beer, that is, they replace a stronger alcoholic drink with a less strong one. The experience of foreign states shows that an increase in the national consumption of beer is not accompanied at all by a decrease in the consumption of vodka; doctors are well aware that beer often and often involves a person in drunkenness; science has firmly established the damage to health caused by excessive drinking of beer. Therefore, beer cannot be considered a healthy, “hygienic” drink; on the contrary, beer poses the same dangers as other alcoholic beverages. That is why the First All-Russian Congress on the fight against drunkenness, which met in December 1909 in St. Petersburg, decided: "reject the idea of ​​the possibility of combating drunkenness through the distribution of beer and other alcoholic beverages".

Questions and tasks.

1. How is beer made? 2. Tell us about malting, mashing, brewing with hops and fermenting beer. 6. What is the composition of beer? 3. What happens to barley during brewing and how much of its nutritional value is lost? 4. Consider beer as a nutritional drink in terms of health and economy. 5. List the consequences of beer abuse. 6. Why is it impossible to fight people's drunkenness by distributing beer?


Grape wine, cider and beer are fermented drinks. Cider is made from tart or sour apples. Beer is a fermented drink made using the following 4 steps: 1) malting, 2) mashing, 3) boiling the wort with hops, and 4) fermenting. Compared to the price, beer contains very few real nutrients, but contains about 4% alcohol, and therefore is an intoxicating drink that can cause all the phenomena of alcoholism.

Lesson 14.

Fermented drinks with negligible alcohol content: kvass, honey, koumiss, kefir.

1. Among the drinks obtained through fermentation is kvass. This drink, almost unknown abroad, is directly a national drink in Russia. Kvass is a fermentation product of sugary substances formed from starch, which is found in flour, bread and other similar materials. Fermentation here is twofold: lactic acid and alcohol. Like beer, kvass is often made from malt, subjected to sugaring and then fermentation by adding yeast. Malt kvass differs from beer, firstly, in that it does not contain hops, and secondly, the fermentation process is carried out differently here: the sugary liquid undergoes lactic acid fermentation, alcoholic fermentation is soon stopped, transferring kvass to the glacier. In addition to malt, as we said, other farinaceous supplies are also used to make kvass, as well as baked bread (dried bread crusts) or sugar directly.

2. In composition of kvass, Besides water, included sugar, lactic acid, carbon dioxide; during fermentation, more are formed esters(compounds of acids with alcohol), giving kvass a peculiar taste. Alcohol in most cases, kvass contains only negligible traces, at most about 0.5 to 1.0%.

The most valuable component of kvass is lactic acid, which has a beneficial effect on digestion. The sugary substances of kvass are of nutritional value. The usual alcohol content in kvass is so negligible that it is usually not even considered an alcoholic beverage. And these doses of alcohol do not matter, especially since no one will get drunk on kvass for the traces of alcohol contained in it. Kvass, therefore, is a refreshing and flavoring drink that perfectly quenches thirst and, moreover, has a slight nutritional value.

3. Along with various bread kvass, wheat, malt, rye etc., various fruits and berries are used to make kvass, and cranberries are especially valued among the latter.

4. As a refreshing soft drink, kvass deserves serious attention to replace beer and other strong drinks. Unfortunately, commercially available kvass is often falsified by adding saccharin to it or by adding artificial colors and essences to berry kvass. Home cooking of kvass, which should be strongly recommended, encounters difficulties in the absence of glaciers in the dwellings of urban residents. Therefore, it is highly desirable that kvass be made in the cities - under strict control doctors - at solid factories.

5. Drink honey prepared from bee honey with sugar; but honey simple varieties- from one sugar, water, yeast and various flavoring substances (spices, citric acid and etc.). Honey boiled in a cauldron descends, after cooling, into fermentation tanks and then into barrels, where it undergoes further fermentation and more or less long exposure. Common cheap varieties of honey (10-20 kopecks per bottle) contain only about 1% alcohol and taste like effervescent fruit water. The low alcohol content does not give the right to classify such honey as intoxicating drinks. Its use by adults (1-2 glasses) cannot be considered harmful; but on children and some adults who are very sensitive to alcohol, even such honey can have an adverse effect.

Long-aged, strong meads contain up to 16% alcohol and should be equated to strong wines in their effect.

The price of very old honeys reaches 10 rubles per bottle.

6. Kumysnational drink nomadic Mongolian tribes, mainly Bashkirs and Kirghiz.

It is a milky liquid of sour taste with a pleasant aromatic odor and is obtained from mare's milk by fermentation caused in it by microscopically small fungi of two varieties: the so-called koumiss bacterium and a special type of koumiss yeast; under the influence of these fungi in mare's milk, two simultaneously occurring fermentation processes develop: lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation. These processes turn milk sugar, contained in large quantities in mare's milk, partly into lactic acid, partly into alcohol and carbon dioxide; they change the curd (casein) of milk, and the protein contained in whey is converted partly into another type of protein (peptone), which is better absorbed by the human digestive canal.

The longer fermentation lasts, the more alcohol is formed in koumiss and the less sugar remains in it.

Koumiss is being prepared at the present time for the most part according to the tub-bottle method, i.e. first, milk is allowed to ferment for several hours in open tubs, then it is bottled and tightly corked; such koumiss contains a lot of carbon dioxide and - when the bottle is uncorked - it foams a lot.

Depending on the duration of fermentation (12 hours, 18 hours, 24 hours or more), three varieties of koumiss are distinguished: weak, medium and strong. The most commonly used average koumiss contains about 1.5% alcohol; strong - up to 2% or more. Nutrients in koumiss about 5% (namely 2% proteins, 2% fat and about 1% sugar), the rest is water (about 94%), lactic acid and carbon dioxide.

Thus, koumiss is at the same time nutritious and taste substance. It is applied with therapeutic purpose with severe exhaustion, anemia and consumption, and, under the influence of koumiss treatment, an increase in body weight, an improvement in appetite, an improvement in blood composition, etc. it cannot be looked at harmless drink suitable for constant use. Koumiss - remedy , used with great benefit, but only in suitable cases, and only under the prescription of a doctor.

Strong varieties of koumiss are already an intoxicating drink, for which purpose it is consumed, for example, by our Bashkirs and Kirghiz.

7. Kefir- a thick creamy liquid. Kefir- also a product of lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation, but only cow's milk. Fermentation is also caused here by two types of microorganisms (“Caucasian bacterium” and kefir yeast).

As in the formation of koumiss, milk sugar here is converted into lactic acid, carbon dioxide and alcohol; proteins partly pass into peptone. Kefir differs from koumiss in its high content of proteins (3.5%) and milk sugar(2%), but with a lower alcohol content - about 1%. It is also used, on the advice of a doctor, to improve nutrition.

Questions and tasks.

1. From what materials and how is kvass made? 2. Specify the composition of kvass. 3. What is the significance of kvass as a drink? 4. What can be said about honey? 5. How is koumiss made? 6. What is the composition of koumiss? 7. What is kefir and how does it differ from koumiss? 8. How is koumiss and kefir used?


Kvass, honey, koumiss and kefir are obtained by fermentation. Kvass is a Russian folk drink - it is formed during the lactic alcoholic fermentation of sugar obtained from starchy substances (flour, bread, etc.) and containing lactic acid, carbon dioxide, sugary substances and a little alcohol, which are beneficial for health. The alcohol content in the most commonly used varieties of kvass is negligible (less than 1%), and therefore kvass is a refreshing, tasty and slightly nutritious drink, very suitable for displacing alcoholic beverages, especially beer. Selling cheap honey is obtained by fermenting sugar and usually contains no more than 1% alcohol, and therefore is also not considered an alcoholic drink, as it serves only to quench thirst, without causing intoxication; but "old honey", containing up to 16% alcohol, is a strong alcoholic drink. Koumiss and kefir - milk fermentation products - contain 2-1% alcohol and are nutritious medicinal drinks used on the advice of a doctor.

Lesson 15.

The nutritional and physiological value of soft drinks depends on the type and composition of the drink.

Mineral waters are natural underground waters, which are characterized by a constant chemical composition.

The composition of mineral waters is complex and includes virtually all elements of D.I. Mendeleev's table.

The main components of water are minerals, gases, and organic compounds. Minerals in the composition of waters are in an easily digestible form.

Chemical elements in natural waters are in various inorganic forms: ions, molecules, colloids and complex compounds. The ionic composition of water determines its physiological effects. Of the cations, the waters contain mainly Na +, K +, Ca 2+, Mg 2+, of the anions - C1-S0 4 2-, HC0 3-. The quantitative content of ions in various waters has a significant difference. For example, in the Borjomi mineral water, the content of cations is (mg%): sodium -120, calcium -35, magnesium - 4. In Narzan, of the cations, calcium accounts for the most - 60 mg%, and the amount of sodium is level of 20 mg%, magnesium - 15 mg%. In table waters - "Blessed Spring", "Spring of Belogorye", sodium and potassium dominate (Table 20.).

The physiological properties of mineral waters are determined by the content of trace elements in them: iron, arsenic, boron, silicon, bromine, iodine, as well as fluorine, copper, nickel, selenium and others. Trace elements accumulate in the endocrine glands, nervous and other tissues, enter the structure of hormones, enzymes, vitamins, and participate in synthetic processes.

Of the gases in mineral waters, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, methane, hydrogen, as well as gases of radioactive origin - helium, argon, and radon were found. The basins activate the physiological processes in the human body.

Of the non-alcoholic products, juices have a high nutritional value. Juices are rich in carbohydrates.

Soft drinks

Their natural juices contain an average of 9 - 14%. Most carbohydrates are sugars, primarily glucose and fructose. Sucrose is also present in juices, especially juices with sugar. The energy value of natural juices is on average 50-60 kcal.

The refreshing properties of juices are given by organic acids - malic, citric, tartaric. In a small amount there is amber, salicylic and others. The content of organic acids in juices is at the level of 0.5-1.0%.

Vital proteins and amino acids are found in juices in small amounts - 0.3 - 0.7%.

A distinctive feature of the composition of juices is a significant content of physiologically significant substances for the human body: vitamins (C, B1, B2, PP, carotene), macro- and microelements (K, Na, Ca, Mg, P, Fe), dietary fiber, phenolic compounds .

The nutritional value of soft drinks is determined by the composition of the feedstock for their production. In this case, the main component of the drink is water. All life processes in the human body take place in the aquatic environment, so the consumption of soft drinks allows you to maintain the biological balance in the body.

When using natural raw materials - sugar, juices, extracts and infusions, drinks are enriched with carbohydrates, vitamins, organic acids, minerals and other substances.

The role of carbohydrates in beverages is multifaceted. Carbohydrates determine the energy value and thus contribute to the improvement of the functional work of the brain, maintaining mental and physical performance. The sensation of sweet tones up the central nervous system. Carbohydrates are involved in the formation of taste, sorb aroma-forming compounds, preserving the aroma during long-term storage of the drink.

The most common carbohydrate in soft drinks is sucrose. A drink containing 80-100 g of sucrose per 1 liter is able to satisfy the daily requirement of the body and carbohydrates by 16-20%. The energy value of sugar-based drinks is on average 40 kcal / 100 cm 3 (Table 23.).

Due to the presence of carbohydrates, drinks are easy to drink, refresh, and quench thirst well.

Replacing sugar in soft drinks with artificial sweeteners results in reduced thirst-quenching and refreshing effects.

The introduction of fruit and vegetable juices into drinks contributes to the formation of an original taste and an increase in nutritional value. Carbohydrates (monosaccharides, pectin substances) contained in juices, together with micro- and macroelements, tannins, organic acids, have a beneficial effect on the human body, strengthening defenses and enriching it with energy reserves.

The joint use of juices with extracts and infusions of medicinal and technical raw materials in the composition of drinks enhances their nutritional value due to the variety of physiologically significant substances of plant flora.

Organic acids form the taste of soft drinks, give them refreshing properties, and participate in digestion processes. Of the acids, drinks contain mainly citric and carbonic acid, as well as organic acids introduced with raw materials. In addition, drinks may contain lactic, orthophosphoric, tartaric, malic acids, which are introduced as an acidity regulator and antioxidant.

Thus, the nutritional and physiological value of soft drinks is due to the content of carbohydrates, organic acids, gases, micro and macro elements, vitamins, pectin and other substances in their composition.

Characteristics of soft drinks

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Non-alcoholic drinks are drinks made from drinking, mineral drinking water, juices, their concentrates, bee products, infusions and extracts of plant materials, flavors, sugar, sugar substitutes and sweeteners with the addition of flavoring additives, dyes and other components. The most widespread drinks in Russia are Pinocchio, Duchess, Citro, Yabloko, Tarragon, citrus fruits Lemon, Orange, drinks of a complex composition of the Sayans, Baikal, etc.

Soft drinks are classified according to their appearance, the raw materials used and the technology used, the degree of saturation with carbon dioxide, and the processing method.

By appearance drinks are divided into types: liquid drinks - transparent and turbid, drink concentrates in consumer packaging.

By degrees of saturation with carbon dioxide liquid drinks are divided into types: highly carbonated, medium carbonated, slightly carbonated, non-carbonated; on processing method - for unpasteurized, pasteurized, with and without preservatives; cold, hot and aseptic filling.

Liquid drinks in appearance are divided into transparent, which are transparent and free from foreign inclusions, or they allow slight opalescence due to the characteristics of the raw materials used, and cloudy, in which the presence of sediment or suspensions without foreign inclusions that are not characteristic of the product is allowed.

TO concentrates include homogeneous, uniformly colored free-flowing powders, tablets, moistened or pasty mass, viscous liquid, granules of different sizes. Drinks from concentrates are obtained by simply dissolving a powder, tablet or syrup-like mass in water.

Dry effervescent drinks are a mixture of crushed sugar, tartaric acid [COOH (CHOH) 2 COOH], drinking soda(sodium bicarbonate NaHCO 3) and essences. When dissolved in water, such a mixture foams as a result of the release of carbon dioxide during the interaction of tartaric acid and sodium bicarbonate.

Depending on the used raw materials, technologies and destination subdivided into groups: juice-containing, on spicy-aromatic (taste-aromatic) vegetable raw materials, on flavorings, on grain raw materials, artificially mineralized waters, special purposes.

Beverages on fragrances - these are soft drinks that do not contain juice, made using aromatic substances or their compositions (essences, essential oils, emulsions, bases, etc.).

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carbonated soft drink

Thirst occurs when the water content in the body decreases by only a liter and a half. To remove the suffering brought by it, it is enough to drink two or three glasses of liquid. The easiest way to make up for the lack of moisture is with ordinary drinking water, but for some reason people prefer the so-called soft drinks. And this is justified. It turns out that it is easier to quench your thirst with a drink than with pure water: the drink contains substances that retain moisture in the body. Basically, sugars, organic acids and minerals are found in soft drinks. It is this set of components that helps moisture to linger in the body. Drinks rich in organic acids and potassium salts are especially good in this regard: fruit juices, nectars, berry fruit drinks, water with the addition of lemon juice.

Lemonades were the prototype of modern carbonated drinks. The fashion for them spread in Russia at the end of the 19th century. This wonderful refreshing drink was prepared simply: lemon zest was rubbed with sugar, mixed with lemon juice, diluted with hot water and cooled.

Over time, the recipe for lemonades was enriched with cranberry juice, strawberry and raspberry syrup, apple skin infusion, honey, etc. And later, lemonades learned to carbonate in siphons.

In recent years, the range and production of soft drinks in Russia has grown significantly. In addition, most importers supply non-alcoholic drinks with the addition of food additives, not allowed for consumption by the domestic industry, and hide them in the recipe, so there are big problems with the quality of soft drinks consumed by the population.

With the replacement of natural syrups and infusions with food colors, flavors and other substitutes, the falsification of carbonated drinks has become easier. Currently, carbonated drinks and mineral water are one of the most counterfeited groups of goods, so the relevance of the topic of the thesis is obvious: at present, there is a very acute problem with conducting a comprehensive examination of the quality of all types of soft drinks entering the Russian market.

The purpose of this thesis is to study the factors that form the quality and expertise of the quality of non-alcoholic beverages on the example of LLC Group of Companies "Bavaria Brewery".

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

The study of literary sources on this topic and the systematization of the information received;

Study of raw materials and production technology of fruit carbonated drinks;

Development of a methodology for conducting an examination of the quality of fruit carbonated drinks;

Evaluation of the quality of fruit carbonated drinks;

Research of competitiveness and consumer preferences of products of Bavaria Brewery Group LLC

1.Commodity characteristic soft drinks

1.1 Classification and range of soft drinks

Carbonated soft drinks include carbonated water with added syrups sold through the soda network, bottled carbonated drinks and dry carbonated drinks. The basis of the first two is carbonated drinking water. The diversity of the range of carbonated drinks is due to the types of auxiliary raw materials, which include fruit juices, syrups and extracts, sugar, sorbitol, fruit drinks, grape wines, tinctures, flavors, food acids, etc.

Soft drinks in appearance are divided into types:

liquid drinks - transparent and turbid;

· Beverage concentrates in consumer packaging.

Depending on the raw materials used, production technology and destination, drinks are divided into groups:

· drinks on grain raw materials;

· drinks on spicy-aromatic vegetable raw materials;

flavored drinks (essences and aromatic spirits);

fermented drinks;

drinks for special purposes;

artificially mineralized waters.

Liquid drinks according to the degree of saturation of carbon dioxide are divided into types:

highly carbonated;

medium carbonated;

· lightly carbonated;


Liquid drinks according to the method of processing are divided into:



Drinks containing preservatives

drinks without the use of preservatives;

cold drinks;

hot drinks.

For the preparation of drinks at home, syrups are produced in consumer containers. Syrups in appearance are divided into transparent and opaque.

Depending on the raw materials used and the purpose, syrups are divided into groups:

Syrups on vegetable raw materials;

Syrups on fruit and berry raw materials;

Syrups based on aromatic raw materials (essences, essential oils, citrus infusions, aromatic additives);

Syrups for special purposes.

According to the processing method, syrups are divided into:

syrups with preservatives;

Syrups without the use of preservatives;

· hot filling syrups;

pasteurized syrups.

Currently, domestic factories and workshops for the production of non-alcoholic products produce:

· non-alcoholic carbonated drinks with low calorie content, as well as for diabetic patients with the use of aspartame, xylitol, sorbitol and other sweeteners. They are classified as special purpose drinks;

carbonated drinks, which are water solutions of sugar saturated with carbon dioxide with the addition of products of processing of fruit and berry raw materials (juices, extracts, etc.), spicy-aromatic, including vegetable (infusions of herbs, roots, citrus peel, etc. .p.) raw materials, aromatic substances (essences, essential oils), dyes, aromatic acids;

· beverages based on grain raw materials, which are solutions of kvass wort concentrate, sucrose, food acids and other aromatic and flavoring substances saturated with carbon dioxide;

fermentation drinks, which include bread kvass, fruit and berry kvass;

· artificially mineralized waters, made from mixtures of salts and saturated with carbon dioxide;

non-carbonated drinks, including dry drinks, effervescent and non-effervescent, made from sugar, tartaric acid, soda, essences, extracts and dyes.

Russian enterprises produce the entire range of drinks and concentrates listed in the classification. The composition of drinks is determined by their recipe. It is accompanied by data on the characteristics of physicochemical and organoleptic indicators, nutritional and energy value of the drink.

In the all-union "Collection of recipes for non-alcoholic drinks" according to GOST 28188-89 "Non-alcoholic drinks. General technical conditions "there are 115 recipes for non-alcoholic carbonated drinks,

14 - for non-alcoholic non-carbonated drinks, 16 - for kvass and drinks made from grain raw materials, 3 - for powdered concentrates of soft drinks.

In addition, there is a collection of recipes for national types of non-alcoholic drinks, including 60 types of carbonated drinks and 5 - kvass and drinks from grain raw materials.

Technical conditions for new names of drinks are constantly being developed by manufacturing enterprises, institutes of the corresponding profile. The main organization that develops and introduces into the production of recipes and technologies for soft drinks and concentrates in our country is the Scientific and Production Association of the Beer, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry.

The main features of modern technology of soft drinks:

1) the use of concentrates of a high degree of readiness;

2) production of low-calorie drinks using sweeteners;

3) increasing the stability of drinks by adding a preservative - sodium benzoate;

4) filling into non-negotiable PET bottles (made of polyethylene terephthalate).

Depending on the name and raw materials used, the mass fraction of solids in drinks ranges from 4.5 to 12.5%, acidity - from 1.25 to 4.8 cm 3 of an alkali solution with a concentration of 1 mol / dm 3 per 100 cm 3 of the drink.

The composition of domestic drinks includes natural types of raw materials: processed fruits, berries, infusions, sugar, essential oils, essence. In recent years, the range of domestic products has significantly expanded due to drinks based on imported concentrates from various companies.

Manufacturers and suppliers of traditional domestic drinks turned out to be unprepared for competition. Our drinks are less technologically advanced, more expensive, with a short shelf life, less attractive in appearance.

Soft drinks contain about 90% water, and the export of finished drinks is currently very rare. Foreign firms prefer to supply concentrates and other raw materials for soft drinks to the Russian market, as well as invest in the construction of plants for bottling drinks on their own concentrates on our territory.

One of the first companies to master our market was PepsiCo Inc., which invested in the construction of Pepsi-Cola bottling plants in Novosibirsk, Novorossiysk and others. Coca Cola”, “Royal Grown Cola Co. International”, etc. This led to a change in the structure of production, to an increase in the production of drinks from concentrates and according to the technology of foreign firms, mainly under the trademarks “Pepsi Cola” and “Coca Cola”.

With all the variety of soft drinks on the world market, there are two main groups:

fruit drinks with the aroma and taste of fruits and berries, containing natural products from them;

· Fantasy drinks such as "Cola" with the use of spicy-aromatic raw materials.

In turn, each of these groups includes several subgroups:

· traditional drinks on sugar;

Low-calorie drinks with sweeteners (the so-called diet);

vitaminized drinks;

isotonic or sports drinks containing salts;

Beverages containing ballast substances (fruit pulp, natural thickeners, opacifiers).

A major manufacturer and supplier of concentrates, bases and essences for the European and Russian markets is the Deler Glibh company, founded 160 years ago. Its parent company is located in Darmstadt (Germany), in addition, the company has 11 subsidiaries in Belgium, the USA and other countries. The company supplies a wide range of components for Cola drinks, lemonades, juice drinks, nectars, fruit juices, cheap soft drinks without juice, for drinks enriched with vitamins, minerals, ballast substances. At NPO PB and VP in Moscow since 1992. operates a representative office of this company.

Drinks based on Deler concentrates are produced by many enterprises, including the largest ones: Rosar OJSC (Omsk), Pikra OJSC (Krasnoyarsk), etc.

A number of other foreign companies also supply raw materials and concentrates to our market: Quest International (Netherlands), Milesto (Yugoslavia), etc.

Among foreign beverage producers, Kajo (Germany) has a significant turnover, producing diet drinks under the trademark "Dayt" based on natural juices, including those with pulp, enriched with a complex of vitamins, instead of sugar they use a mixture of saccharin and cyclamate. Famous drinks of this company - "Dayt transparent lemon”, “Give a cloudy lemon”, etc.

Among the major European beverage producers are

Imperial (Great Britain), Cadlewry-Schloeppes (Great Britain), Grand-Metropolitan (Great Britain), BSN Gervais Danon (France).

In terms of the consumption of non-alcoholic beverages in the world, the first place belongs to the United States - more than 160 liters per capita, a high level of consumption in Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, France - 40-50 liters per capita.

In general, there is a tendency to increase the consumption of ready-made non-alcoholic carbonated drinks, instead of hot and strong ones. The annual increase in the consumption of soft drinks is projected at 3%.

1.2 Factors that shape the quality of fruit sodas

1.2.1 Characteristics of raw materials for the production of fruit carbonated drinks

A wide range of fruit carbonated drinks is determined by a large number of different types of raw materials that are part of the beverage blend. Raw materials used for the production of soft drinks must meet the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation.

Sugar (sucrose C 12 H 22 O 11) is added to drinks to give them sweetness and soften the sharpness of the sour taste. The addition of sugar also contributes to the assimilation of aromatic substances introduced into drinks, and, consequently, to the formation of their bouquet. Sugar is used in the form of granulated sugar and refined sugar. The amount of sugar added determines the nutritional value and calorie content of the drink. Sugar is sucrose (C 12 H 22 O 11) obtained from sugar beet and cane. Sucrose melts at 160C and caramelizes at higher temperatures. For the preparation of soft drinks, granulated sugar (according to GOST 21), refined sugar (GOST 22) or liquid sugar (OST 18-170) is used. Such sugar consists practically of chemically pure sucrose: from 99.55 to 99.9% on a dry basis. Refined sugar is sometimes tinted with ultramarine. With an excessive amount of this component in sugar syrup, hydrogen sulfide or poorly soluble decomposition products of ultramarine can form.

Sugar substitutes

In the non-alcoholic industry, not only sugar is used, but also its substitutes. They are used in the production of some low-calorie drinks for diabetics.

Sweet substances that can be sugar substitutes include food saccharin, sorbitol, xylitol, aspartame, etc.

Dietary saccharin (orthosulfimide benzoic acid) is a sweet substance obtained from toluene by chemical synthesis.

It is an imide of orthosulphobenzoic acid. This product is used only in the production of drinks for diabetics: saccharin is 500 times sweeter than sucrose. It is not absorbed by the body and therefore has no nutritional value.

Food sorbitol is used only for the preparation of soft drinks for diabetics. It is a hexahydric alcohol, is a product of the hydrogenation of glucose.

The content of sorbitol in the preparation is not less than 99.0% by weight of dry matter; mass fraction of ash - no more than 0.1%.

Food xylitol is a pentahydric alcohol. Are these crystals white color(slightly yellowish shade is allowed), sweet in taste, odorless, highly soluble in water. Xylitol is obtained from pentose-containing plant materials (cotton husks, corn cobs).

Aspartame is often used in the production of soft drinks.

Aspartame is a derivative of two amino acids - aspartic and phenylalanine. Sweetness is 200 units. Its disadvantage is low stability in solutions, which depends on pH and temperature. The half-life at pH 4.2 and 25°C is 260 days. The value of the allowable daily consumption(DSP) - up to 7.5 mg / kg of body weight.

Aspartame (synonyms: Nutra Sweet, Sladex, etc.) is a dipeptide sweetener in the form of a white crystalline powder with limited water solubility. The sweetness of aspartame is similar to the sweetness of sucrose, but its sensation comes a little later than that of sucrose. Aspartame has the ability to enhance the taste and aroma of many citrus juices and drinks, and does not cause dental caries.

The use of sweetener blends is currently recommended. A synergistic effect was found when mixing some sweeteners (saccharin and aspartame, oschelsulfame and aspartame, etc.), while their joint concentration decreases, which is necessary to create a certain sweetness, the taste approaches the taste of sucrose.

Fruit and berry semi-finished products

Fruit and berry concentrates used for the preparation of soft drinks include various juices (fruit and berry natural, fruit and berry spirited, fruit and berry fermented and alcoholic, fruit and berry concentrated), grape vacuum must, extracts, fruit drinks, fruit and berry natural syrups.

Fruit and berry semi-finished products should be stored in clean, dry, well-ventilated rooms at a temperature of 0 to 20C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%.

Natural fruit and berry juices give drinks the taste and aroma of natural fruits, and also increase their nutritional value, since sugars, organic acids, vitamins, microelements, and other useful extractive substances of fruits are added to drinks with juices. In production, only clarified juices are used (to avoid the formation of turbidity and precipitation in drinks).

Natural juices come in lacquered glass or tin cans.

Alcoholic fruit and berry juices are obtained by squeezing from crushed fresh fruits and berries, followed by canning with rectified alcohol and separation by filtration or decantation of precipitated suspended solids.

In appearance, the juices should be transparent, without turbidity and sediment, mold, and other signs of spoilage. Color, taste and aroma should correspond to the fruits from which they are prepared. The volume fraction of ethyl alcohol in all juices is 16.0%.

Alcoholized juice is packaged and transported in oak barrels or cisterns.

Fermented-alcoholized fruit and berry juices are made by alcoholic fermentation of fruit and berry juice or juice obtained from pre-fermented pulp. Fruit and berry fermented-alcoholized juices should be free of extraneous tones.

The volume fraction of ethyl alcohol in these juices is 16.0 0.3% vol. Fermented-alcoholized juices are poured into oak barrels, bottles, metal and reinforced concrete containers, covered inside with a resistant protective coating.

Fruit and berry concentrated juices are thick liquid in appearance, taste and smell are close to the original ones. It is allowed to have a small sediment of protein and pectin substances at the bottom of the container. Concentrated juice is packed in glass bottles, cans up to 10l, wooden barrels with polyethylene liners up to 100 l.

Grape vacuum must used in non-alcoholic production, obtained from white and red grapes.

In appearance, the vacuum wort is a homogeneous viscous mass without foreign particles. Wort color from white grapes can be from amber, golden to color strong tea, from red grapes - red of different shades. The aroma, taste and smell are pure, characteristic of grape must. The mass fraction of solids in the vacuum wort is at least 75%. The concentration of sugar in terms of invert is not less than 65%. Vacuum wort is packaged in wooden barrels with a capacity of 100 to 300 liters, cans, double polyethylene bags, enclosed in wooden barrels with a capacity of 100 to 300 liters, or cans. Warranty period of storage from the moment of its shipment by the supplier is 12 months.

Fruit and berry extracts are concentrates of clarified fruit and berry juices or vegetable raw materials, prepared by evaporating juices under vacuum in vacuum apparatuses. In the process of evaporation, a significant part of the water is removed, as a result of which the dry matter content in the extract becomes 5-10 times higher than in the original juice.

In appearance, the extracts are a clear liquid, the color is from red to dark brown, the taste is bitter.

Due to the high acidity, the extracts have good storage stability. The shelf life of Leuzea extract is 1 year, and Eleutherococcus 3 years. Extracts are packaged in lacquered tins or glass bottles up to 2 liters, as well as in wooden barrels up to 100 liters with polyethylene liners.

Cranberry fruit drink, used for the production of soft drinks, is a semi-finished product with the aroma, taste and color of cranberries, in appearance it is a transparent liquid, without turbidity and sediment, opalescence is allowed. Cranberry juice is obtained by fermenting fresh crushed cranberries with yeast, followed by separation of the juice from the pulp and keeping it for 4 months at a temperature not exceeding 5C. Color from pink to dark red. The content of solids is 3.5 ... 4.4 g per 100 g of the product, alcohol is not less than 15 mass, acidity is in the range of 22.0 ... 34.4 cm 3 of sodium hydroxide solution with a concentration of 1 mol / dm 3 per 100 cm 3 of fruit drink.

Fruit and berry natural syrups are obtained by dissolving sugar in natural fruit and berry juices without adding water. Syrups are produced sterilized and unsterilized.

The resulting syrups are a clear thick liquid without sediment. The taste of syrups is pronounced sweet or sour-sweet, corresponds to the fruit and berry juices from which they are made, the color is close to natural color juices. Mass fraction of solids in juices is not less than 68.0%, sugar - not less than 62.0%. Titratable acidity (in terms of malic acid) should be 0.2 ... 1.0% for various syrups. Fruit and berry syrups come in metal and glass jars, in bottles with a capacity of 10 liters.

Food acids

The pure taste of drinks is mainly due to organic acids. As a taste perception, acidity depends on the degree of dissociation and the perception threshold of food acids. For the preparation of soft drinks, various food acids are used: lactic, citric, tartaric, orthophosphoric, ascorbic and sorbic. Ascorbic acid is used to fortify drinks, sorbic acid - to increase their stability, tartaric acid - to produce dry effervescent and non-effervescent drinks, lactic acid - only for making kvass.

Food lactic acid (C 3 H 6 O 3) is produced of the highest, I and II grades, it contains lactic acid itself, respectively, not less than 37.5; 37.5 and 35%. It should be clear, free of sediment and odor.

Food citric acid (C 6 H 8 O 7 H 2 O) /GOST 908/ is colorless crystals. When dissolved in water, a 2% solution of citric acid should be transparent, with a pleasant sour taste, odorless and mechanical impurities.

Citric acid is obtained by fermenting molasses with a special mold strain Aspergillus niger.

Apply citric acid of the highest and I grades. The content of citric acid in a commercial preparation in terms of monohydrate must be at least 99.5% (for the highest and I grades). Ash content not more than 0.1% for premium and 0.35% - for grade I. The content of salts of heavy metals, barium, oxalic and ferrous-cyanogen-hydrogen acids is not allowed.

Guaranteed shelf life of citric acid is 6 months from the date of manufacture; when packing acid in corrugated cardboard boxes with an inner lining of parchment - 3 months from the date of manufacture.

Food tartaric (tartaric) acid [(CHOH) 2 (COOH) 2] (GOST 21205) is used along with citric acid, but gives drinks a slightly coarser taste.

Tartaric acid is obtained from potassium and calcium salts (tartrates), which are waste products of viticulture and winemaking.

Acid is issued the highest and I grades. In appearance, it is colorless large or small crystals or white powder. The content of tartaric acid must be at least 99% by weight.

Tartaric acid dl (TU 6-09-3938) is synthesized from raspberry anhydride and hydrogen peroxide. It is a white crystalline powder with a mass fraction of acid of at least 99%. Used as wine.

Food phosphoric acid (H 3 RO 4) grade A (GOST 10678) is used for the manufacture of soft drinks. Its consumption should not exceed 20% (on dry matter) of the amount of citric acid used for the preparation of drinks. Orthophosphoric acid is soluble in water in any ratio.

Food ascorbic acid (C 6 H 8 O 6) is obtained synthetically from glucose. In appearance, it is a homogeneous crystalline powder of white color, odorless, sour taste, without foreign taste. The commercial acid of ascorbic acid must contain at least 99.0% of the mass, the content of salts of heavy metals is not allowed.

Sorbic acid (CH 3 - CH \u003d CH - CH - CH - COOH) is used to increase the stability of soft drinks. It is sparingly soluble in cold water, easily reacts with solutions of carbonic salts of alkali and alkaline earth metals, forming easily soluble potassium, sodium, calcium sorbates.

In appearance, sorbic acid is a white or slightly yellowish crystalline powder with a slight characteristic odor, melting point 130C, solids content in terms of the equivalent of sorbic acid should be at least 99.0% of the mass.

Carbon dioxide

In the production of soft drinks, liquefied carbon dioxide is used, which, in the process of saturating it with water and drinks, passes into a gaseous state.

Carbon dioxide is obtained from gases generated during the combustion of coke, coal and natural gas, during roasting from various carbonates (limestone, chalk, marble, etc.), as well as during fermentation beer wort and congestion in alcohol production.

The volume fraction of carbon in the liquid and gaseous state must be at least 98.8%. In food carbon dioxide, there should be practically no impurities such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrochloric, sulfuric and nitric acids, ammonia, monoethylamine. The mass fraction of moisture is not more than 0.1%, the content of mineral oils is not more than 0.1 mg/kg.

Liquid carbon dioxide is transported and stored at the plant in steel cylinders under a pressure of 6.5 MPa (at 20C) or specialized isothermal vessels at a temperature range of -43.5…-11.3C and a pressure of 0.8…2.5 MPa. Cylinders with carbon dioxide are recommended to be stored in a supine position at a temperature not exceeding 30C.


One of the important organoleptic properties of soft drinks is their color. As dyes, natural or synthesized substances are used. In the production of soft drinks, preference is given to natural dyes.

Natural colorants are added to soft drinks with fruit juice and concentrates, various extracts. Natural food dyes include: color, eno dye and dyes obtained from elderberry, blueberry pomace, dogwood, cherry and other fruits and berries; to synthetic - tartrazine F and indigo carmine.

Kohler is a natural dye, it is an aqueous solution of caramelized sucrose, obtained from granulated sugar by heating to a temperature of 180 ... 200 C. When heated above 170 C, dehydration of sucrose occurs with the formation of anhydrides various sugars, fatty acids, dark-colored (humic) compounds, and other substances. At the same time, along with caramelization of sucrose, oxidative processes occur with the appearance of oxidation products, volatile and non-volatile organic acids. The resulting caramels are coloring substances. .

Kohler has the appearance of a dark brown viscous liquid, slightly bitter taste with a solids content of at least 70% by weight. Let's well dissolve in water. Does not react with acids and other components of soft drinks.

Kohler gives drinks a light yellow to yellow-brown color. Colors obtained with tinting are resistant to light, a 4% solution should have a brown color and, after settling for 24 hours, should not precipitate.

The finished color scheme is stored in a cool, dry place in collections made of glass enamel, aluminum or stainless steel, closed with lids. Collectors should have jackets for heating and stirrers.

Eno dye obtained from grape pomace dark varieties. The main coloring matter of such grapes is enin. The enin molecule contains glucose, which is split off at high temperature under the action of acids, and enin passes into enidine.

Enidine, or eno dye, is extracted from squeezed grape pulp with a 1% hydrochloric acid solution. The resulting solution is concentrated under vacuum to a liquid or pasty consistency.

Eno dye is a mixture of dyes belonging to the class of anthocyanins, extracted from pomace of dark grape varieties. The liquid dye has a dark red color, a slightly vinous and sour taste and smell, and completely dissolves in water, forming a clear solution. Depending on the active reaction of the medium, the color of the eno dye is different: from red to purple. The eno dye is stored in clean, dry, darkened rooms at a temperature of 0 ... 25 ° C in a glass container with a capacity of not more than 10 liters, placed in wooden boxes or baskets lined with straw or shavings. Warranty period of storage is 1 year from the date of manufacture.

Indigo carmine is the disodium salt of indigo disulfonic acid. The dye is a bluish-black non-separating paste containing 35% solids and 24.5% pure dye. The paste is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:10. The aqueous solution of the dye is blue. Indigo carmine is packaged in glass jars with a capacity of 10 liters, stored in a darkened cool room.

Tartrazine F is an orange-yellow finely crystalline powder containing at least 85% dye. It dissolves well in water and water-alcohol solutions. For tinting drinks, they are used in the form of aqueous solutions of 3:100 and 5:100. Aqueous solutions of tartrazine are stable to light and do not change their color when heated to 105°C.

Tartrazine is slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol. Tint drinks in yellow different shades, with a very strong dilution in water, a pronounced greenish tint appears.

aromatic substances

One of the valuable properties of drinks is their pleasant aroma. To communicate aroma, aromatic infusions and essences containing a variety of odorous substances of organic nature, as well as alcoholic solutions of essential oils and aromatic substances are added to drinks. Aromatic infusions are water-alcohol solutions of fragrant substances obtained by extracting aromatic plant materials. To prepare such infusions, they use the skin of citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines), the seeds of some fruits (cherries, peaches, almonds), the bark of woody plants (cinnamon), flowers ( Linden blossom, rose petals), blackcurrant buds, etc.

A number of flavoring and aromatic additives are prepared directly at enterprises according to the current technological instructions. These additives include: infusion of bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, raikhon herbs and others.

Essences are concentrated water-alcohol solutions of various aromatic substances. Essences are natural, synthetic and combined.

Natural essences are made by extracting aromatic substances. For the preparation of soft drinks, lemon, tangerine and orange essences are widely used. Natural essences can be obtained by vacuum distillation from fresh fruits, filled with a water-alcohol mixture. Due to the fact that the terpenes contained in natural aromatic substances are insoluble in water, turbidity of drinks can occur, therefore, when preparing the essence, essential oils undergo deterpenization, i.e. terpenes are removed.

Synthetic essences (OST 18-103) are solutions of aromatic substances obtained by chemical synthesis. The following esters are used as aromatic substances: ethyl butyrate (for pineapple essence), amyl acetate (for pear essence), ethyl acetate (for pear and other fruit essences), amyl valerianate (for apple essence), ethyl formate (for rum essence), vanillin (4 -hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde) and coumarin (orthohydroxycinnamic acid lactone) - for cream soda, as well as citral - unsaturated aldehyde (for lemon and orange essences). The mass fraction of aromatic substances in synthetic essences varies depending on the type of essence from 4 to 13%, and the volume fraction of alcohol - from 37 to 95%.

Combined essences contain, along with natural flavors, synthetic aromatic substances (composition for the drink "Lemonade" and essence "Blackcurrant").

There should be no turbidity even when 1 ml is dissolved. synthetic essence in 1000 ml of water. Synthetic essences should not contain lead and copper.

Essences are stored in a dark, tightly closed glass container, in which no air space is left. Since the volatility of essences increases with increasing temperature, they are stored in a darkened room at a temperature not exceeding 25C.

Citrus alcohol infusions (OST 18-115). For the preparation of soft drinks, lemon, orange, tangerine and grapefruit infusions are used. Infusions are made by extracting the essential oil with a water-alcohol solution from the peel of a lemon, orange, grapefruit or mandarin peel. The taste and aroma are pronounced, characteristic of the corresponding fruits, light yellow in color, the volume fraction of alcohol is 65%.

When diluting infusions with water in a ratio of 1:100, a slight turbidity is allowed, which disappears after filtration. The mass fraction of essential oil in lemon infusion is 0.40%, in orange - 0.45%, in tangerine - 0.30%.

Guaranteed shelf life of citrus infusions is at least 8 months from the date of manufacture.

Coffee infusion (TU 18-6-200) is a dark brown transparent liquid, opalescence is allowed, and during storage - a small precipitate, the smell characteristic of the aroma of coffee, tastes bitter, without foreign taste, when dissolved with water in a ratio of 1 :50 transparent solution, the alcohol content should be at least 42.0% in total volume, solids should be at least 1.5 g / ml.

Peppermint and tarragon infusions are clear green liquids with a corresponding smell and taste. The volume fraction of ethyl alcohol in tarragon infusion is 60.6%, in peppermint infusion 81.0%, the mass fraction of essential oil in mint infusion should be at least 5%.

Store infusions in a darkened room at a temperature not lower than 2C and not higher than 20C.

Essential oils are products obtained by extraction or steam distillation from essential oil raw materials: laurel, eucalyptus, rose, citrus fruits, cloves, lemon wormwood, etc. They are produced according to various regulatory documents. Used in the form of alcohol solutions. Vanillin (GOST 16599), isobornyl acetate (TU 18-16-237) is added to some drinks - a colorless liquid with a smell of pine needles; spices, honey (GOST 19792), beekeeping products (apilak, flower pollen extracts, dairy products (condensed and dried whey, skimmed milk powder).

Fragrances used for the production of soft drinks are isobornyl acetate and vanillin.

Isobornyl acetate (C 12 H 20 O 2) is an acetic ester of isoborneol, obtained by vacuum distillation of pichtosin, a product of acetylation of technical camphene with acetic acid. In appearance, it is a clear, colorless liquid with a pine odor. The ether content must be at least 98%, the content acetic acid- no more than 0.25% of the mass. Packed isobornyl acetate in aluminum or galvanized barrels. Store in a dark, cool room; during storage, an increase in the content of acetic acid to 1.0% is allowed. Guaranteed shelf life of isobornyl acetate is at least 6 months.

Vanillin is a substance derived from guaiacol and lignosulfonates. Vanillin is a white to light yellow crystalline powder with a characteristic odor. The vanillin content must be at least 99.0%. In vanillin obtained from lignosulfonates, the content of pure vanillin is allowed at least 98.5%. Vanillin should be stored in clean, dry, cool, well-ventilated rooms at a temperature not exceeding 25C and relative humidity not more than 80%.

Beverage concentrates and compositions

Recently, concentrates, compositions and concentrated bases have been widely used for the preparation of soft drinks. As a rule, they consist of two parts: aromatic and extractive. Organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of these products must comply with the requirements of GOST 28188-89.

As a rule, beverage concentrates in appearance are a thick liquid with an intense specific taste and aroma, corresponding to the components included in its composition.

For example, the concentrate for the drink "Apple" is prepared from concentrated apple juice, aromatic essence "Apple Crimean", citric acid and color. The concentrate is a thick viscous liquid of dark brown color with apple aroma, sour taste without foreign impurities. The solids content should be 70.0% by weight, acidity 4.4% by weight. This concentrate is packaged in glass and tin cans, wooden barrels and cardboard drums with polyethylene liners. Store in refrigerated rooms at a temperature not lower than 2C and not higher than 10C.

In recent years, drinks based on domestic raw materials have replaced drinks based on imported concentrates from various companies. These are Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, as well as drinks from the Deler company, which has a very diverse assortment, Milesta, and others. Concentrates from foreign companies are usually supplied as a mixture of flavoring and aromatic substances, including dyes . They are well stored and transported, used to prepare drinks in small doses. These factors determined their wide distribution. .

Beverage compositions are mixtures containing all blending syrup components specified in the recipes, with the exception of sugar syrup and citric acid. Such compositions of domestic production include compositions of drinks "Lemon", "Orange", "Sayany-tonic", "Lemonade".

In appearance, the compositions are dark-colored liquids that have a long shelf life due to the high content of alcohols in the citrus infusions introduced into them. In a dry room at a temperature not lower than 2C and not higher than 20C, the preservation of the composition is guaranteed for 6 months.

Often, enterprises use concentrates for the drink from the Deler company, as well as powdered vitamin components, which include flavorings, dyes, fruit and berry semi-finished products. Each concentrate and vitamin component has its own registration numbers.


To increase the stability of soft drinks, the following chemical preservatives are used: sorbic and ascorbic acids, sodium benzoate, juglone, plumbagin.

Sorbic acid has an inhibitory effect on yeast and mold, which is enhanced in an acidic environment. Sorbic acid is added to the blend in an amount of 0.03% by weight, which leads to an increase in the stability of the drink (up to 20 ... 23 days).

Ascorbic acid, which has antioxidant properties, enhances the effect of sorbic acid when used together, and the stability of the drink increases up to 20 ... 30 days.

Juglone and plumbagin, which affect the microflora of the soft drink, increase its durability up to 30 days.

The sodium salt of benzene acid (sodium benzoate) is allowed to be used to increase the stability of drinks prepared with fruit juices. Its quantity should not exceed 177 mg / l.

1.2.2 Technology for the production of fruit carbonated drinks

Water and water treatment

Water is the main raw material, which largely determines both the flow of technological processes and the quality of finished products.

At factories producing soft drinks, water consumption depends on the recipe and production technology of the drink, as well as the water supply scheme. At domestic plants, the water consumption is 0.166 and 0.020 m 3 /dal of the drink (in the absence of a compressor unit). In the production of commercial syrups, the water consumption is 0.056 m 3 /dal.

Water supply sources are divided into waters of underground deposits (artesian and ground) and waters of open reservoirs.

Open reservoirs are the most common source of industrial water supply, the salt composition of water and the nature of impurities, as a rule, are not constant and change during the year depending on precipitation and flood waters. The salt content in most river waters is 40...700 mg/l, although the water of some rivers is characterized by high mineralization. The content of organic impurities in the waters of open reservoirs is quite high - 2 ... 150 mg / l.

Salt composition of water and its influence on the technological process

The properties of water are determined by the concentration and ratio of salts dissolved in it, contained in the form of cations and anions. Of the cations, H +, K +, Na +, Ca 2+, Mg 2+, Fe 2+, Fe 3+, Mn 2+ are of the greatest practical importance; from anions - OH, HCO 3? ,Cl? , SO 2- 4 , SiO 2- 3 , NO ? 2, NO 3 .

In the molecular and colloidal state, there are organic substances, as well as CO 2, O 2, N 2 gases dissolved in water.

Water hardness is characterized by the presence of calcium and magnesium ions. This indicator is taken into account when assessing water for practical use. There are the following types of water hardness:

General, due to the content of all magnesium salts in water - Ca (HCO 3) 2, Mg (HCO 3) 2, MgSO 4, CaSO 4, CaCl 2, MgCl 2;

carbonate, or temporary, due to the presence in the water of bicarbonates (salts of HCO 3) of calcium and magnesium, which are removed in boiling due to destruction and transition to slightly soluble carbonates that precipitate;

non-carbonate, or permanent, remaining in the water after the removal of bicarbonates from it.

The total alkalinity depends on the presence of hydroxides, carbonates and bicarbonates of calcium, magnesium and sodium in the water; determine it in order to establish the suitability of water for brewing.

Water pollution by organic substances is judged by the indicator of oxidizability. When assessing the suitability of water for technological purposes, not only the chemical composition, but also the bacterial composition is taken into account, since water is used to wash technological equipment, containers, premises, etc.

In addition, it is proposed to characterize water according to the indicator Psh - suitability for alkalinity, equal to the ratio of calcium ions to total alkalinity: Psh = Ca 2+ / Shch. 1, there is no need to pre-treat the water.

The content of hardness salts, chlorides, sulfates, dry residue in water and alkalinity primarily affect the quality of soft drinks. The alkalinity of water reduces the acidity of the drink, so it is necessary to increase the amount of citric acid added to the sugar syrup. The consumption of citric acid also increases when the permissible limits of total hardness are exceeded, since calcium and magnesium bicarbonates interact with pectin and tannins of juices, forming complex compounds that cause cloudiness of the drink. Along with this, one should not underestimate the total content of salts (dry residue), which are involved in the formation of taste, and also cause precipitation, chemical instability, changes in the appearance of the drink, etc.

Water quality requirements

Maximum allowable concentration of individual elements in water, mg/l

Iron (Fe 2+ + Fe 3+) 2...3

Manganese (Mn 2+) 0.5

Chlorides (Cl?) 350

Phenols 0.001

Water for soft drinks, as well as for beer, must meet the requirements of the drinking water standard, subject to additional requirements.

Water Quality Limits for Non-Alcoholic Drinks

General hardness, mg eq/l 4

chlorides 350

sulfates 500

iron 0.1

manganese 0.1

aluminum 0.1

nitrates 10

The ratio of calcium:magnesium is not less than 1:1

Residual alkalinity, mg equiv/l 2

If the titer is not less than 300

Thanks to the establishment of standards for the salt composition of water, it is possible in each individual case to decide whether it should be used for the production of malt, beer and soft drinks without alcohol. pre-training, choose a rational method of conditioning its composition.

1.2.3 Technological stages of production

carbonated soft drinks

The main stages in the production of soft drinks are shown in Figure 1.

When using the synchronous-mixing method of bottling, first the blend syrup is mixed with deaerated water, and then the resulting water-blend mixture is subjected to cooling and saturation with carbon dioxide.

At the factories producing Pepsi-Cola and Fanta drinks, syrup is prepared both cold and hot. cold way- dissolving sugar without heating and filtering the syrup. The mass fraction of solids in the syrup should be 60 - 65%.

Bottling of drinks can be carried out in two ways: by dosing the blended syrup into bottles, followed by topping up with carbonated water; saturation of a mixture of deaerated water and blended syrup with carbon dioxide, followed by bottling the finished drink into bottles.

Saturation of water with carbon dioxide is carried out in saturators, and drinks - in synchronous mixing plants. The water is pre-filtered, softened if necessary, cooled to a temperature of 2 - 4 C and deaerated (i.e., dissolved gases that interfere with the introduction of carbon dioxide are removed from it. The mass fraction of carbon dioxide in drinks is 0.2 - 0.5%.

Bottles filled with a drink undergo rejection, labeling and are stored in a warehouse until sold at a temperature not exceeding 12 C.

Preparation of blended syrups

A blended syrup is a semi-product of non-alcoholic production, which is a mixture of all the components of the drink (with the exception of carbonated water).

The process of preparing a mixture from individual components is called blending, and the resulting mixture is called blending syrup. For blending, closed enameled, aluminum or stainless steel apparatuses with paddle or propeller mixers are used.

Blending is the main and most important stage of production, on which all indicators of the quality of the finished product depend.

Preparation of components for blending

Fruit and berry juices and fruit drinks must be filtered before being added to the mixture. The transparency of fruit extracts is checked by

4-5 times dilution of the extract sample with water. If the extract is opaque, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5, thoroughly stirred, allowed to stand for 2-3 hours, then filtered and used to prepare blended syrups.

Citrus infusions and food essences are carefully filtered before use to remove turbidity or sediment. If the test infusion has a high content of terpenes, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5, stirred well and settled for 12-18 hours. The infusion solution is then filtered until completely transparent.

Food acids are added to the mixture as follows: citric acid - in the form of a 50% aqueous solution, lactic acid - without dilution. The prepared acid solutions are thoroughly mixed. Acid solution is good for 2-3 days.

Dyes - color, eno dye from elderberries and synthetic - are added to the blend in the form of pre-prepared aqueous solutions. Kohler with a mass fraction of solids of 70% is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 or 1:10. It gives drinks a color ranging from light yellow to dark brown. The eno dye may be liquid or pasty. When blending, its aqueous solution is used. Indigo carmine in the form of a powder is diluted in hot water in a ratio of 1:40, in the form of a paste - 1:10, it gives the drinks a blue color. Tartrazine F is added to the blend in the form of an aqueous solution with a concentration of 5g / 100ml, it tints drinks in different shades of yellow. Tartrazine F and indigo carmine together give a green color.

Components of blended syrups prepared for blending are stored in pressure measuring tanks installed on the platform above the blending apparatus.

Methods for preparing blended syrups. Blended syrup is prepared in cold, semi-hot and hot ways.

The cold method is used to obtain blended syrups using citrus infusions, food essences, compositions and concentrates. Sugar syrup with a temperature of 8 - 15 C is collected into the blending apparatus and then, with stirring, the rest of the semi-finished products are added in the following sequence: fruit juice or extract, concentrate, wine, acid solution, dye solution, citrus infusions, compositions and food essences. All these components are thoroughly mixed, filtered and cooled to a temperature of 8-10 C.

The semi-hot method is that part of the juice or wine (50 -

70%) is put into a syrup boiler for cooking with sugar, and then heated to 50 ° C and, with stirring, the entire amount of sugar intended for the preparation of sugar syrup is added. After that, the mixture is quickly heated to a boil, and then, with stirring, add the entire amount of acid intended for blending, and boil for 30 minutes, removing the periodically formed foam.

The mixture is filtered while hot, cooled quickly, pumped into syrup collectors or blenders. Upon reaching a temperature of 20 C, the rest of the juice or wine and other components are added to the syrup according to the drink recipe in the same sequence as in the cold method.

With the semi-hot method, taste and aromatic properties fruit and berry semi-finished product.

The hot method of preparing blended syrups is based on the fact that the entire norm of fruit and berry juice or wine (100%) is brought into the syrup boiler, heated to 50 - 60 ° C and, with stirring, the entire amount of sugar is poured. Further, the process is carried out in the same way as in the semi-hot method. As a result of boiling, a well-clarified syrup is obtained, the prepared drinks have good stability.

The disadvantage of semi-hot and hot methods is partial

loss of aromatic substances in the manufacture of syrup.

The industrial method of preparing blended syrups is used in specialized enterprises.

First, a white sugar syrup is prepared with a mass fraction of solids of 66-72%. After boiling and cooling it to 70C, sucrose is inverted by adding food acids. The acidified syrup is kept for 2 hours with a continuously operating stirrer, and then cooled to 15 - 20C. The consumption of acid used for the inversion of sucrose is taken into account when adding acid to the blend.

Then a blended syrup is prepared by mixing the sugar syrup and all the components provided for in the recipe. The resulting blend syrup is thoroughly mixed and the mass fraction of solids and acidity are determined. Next, the blended syrup with a mass fraction of solids of 60-63% is filtered, cooled to a temperature of 18-20C and sent to a collector, from which the syrup is poured into a transport container.

The market of soft drinks of domestic and imported production. Analysis of the range of non-alcoholic beverages. Quality indicators, storage conditions. Examination of the quality of soft drinks sold in store No. 21 of Limak-Trade LLC.

thesis, added 11/24/2010

Non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks industry. Raw materials and features of the production of beverages, their consumer properties. Packaging, labeling, storage of products. Conducting an examination of the quality of samples "BotaniQ", " Orchard", "Kind", "I".

term paper, added 05/25/2015

Commodity characteristics and quality assessment of non-alcoholic energy drinks. The state of the energy drinks market in the Russian Federation, trends and development prospects. Labeling, storage and transportation of energy drinks. Counterfeit drinks.

term paper, added 12/05/2013

Chemical composition and nutritional value of low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, factors that shape their quality. Classification and assortment of products, rules for packaging and labeling, storage and transportation. Falsification and quality requirements.

term paper, added 12/07/2011

Features of the production of soft drinks, their physical and chemical parameters, consumer properties, defects, packaging, labeling and storage. Assessment of the quality of non-alcoholic products. Manufacturing technology and its impact on the quality of goods.

term paper, added 03/23/2011

The state of the soft drinks market in the Republic of Belarus. Characteristics of JLLC "AquaTriple" as an economic entity; marketing management system at the enterprise, the procedure for conducting expert surveys; ways to improve marketing activities.

term paper, added 12/09/2012

Characteristics of the trade enterprise OAO "Prodtovary". Chemical composition, nutritional value, raw materials and production of soft drinks. Characteristics of the assortment and classification. Factors affecting quality, labeling, packaging and storage.

term paper, added 01/06/2011

Technology for the production of soft drinks. General technical device of the store. Safety rules. The range of goods available for sale. Rules for the exchange of goods. quality requirements. Acceptance, marking, storage and transportation.

Soft drinks- these are drinks with a volume fraction of ethyl alcohol not more than 0.5%, and for fermented drinks and alcohol-containing raw materials - not more than 1.2% based on drinking or mineral water with a total mineralization of not more than 1.0 g / dm 3.

The drink may be, but not necessarily sweetened, acidified, carbonated, may contain, but not necessarily, fruits and berries, juices, vegetable raw materials, dairy products, bee products, salts, nutritional supplements, biologically active additives and other ingredients, the use of which is allowed by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Soft drinks include syrups, extracts, concentrates (liquid and dry powder) intended for the manufacture of drinks in industrial or home conditions, and ready-to-drink drinks.

When conducting an identification and commodity examination, units of products are selected from a homogeneous batch of soft drinks in a sample to determine the correctness of the labeling, the quality of the packaging, organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators. The sample size depends on the group of indicators being determined (Table 4.24).

Table 4.24. Groups of non-alcoholic beverage indicators

To check the quality of products in bottles and cans with a capacity of not more than 1000 cm 3, as well as soft drinks in cans with a capacity of not more than 3000 cm 3 in terms of quality indicators of groups 1-4, the selection of product units in the sample is carried out according to Table. 4.25. The examination of the 2nd group of indicators is carried out on a sample for the 1st group after checking the external design. To determine the volume, 10 bottles or cans with products with a capacity of not more than 1000 cm 3 or three cans with a capacity of more than 1000 cm 3 are selected from the batch.

The batch is accepted if the number of defective bottles or cans with products in the sample according to the indicators of the 1st group (deformation, ruptures, skewed labels, slight external contamination of bottles or cans), according to the indicators of the 2nd group (the presence of single small particles of scale or lint of capping and filtering materials detected when inspecting bottles or cans with products with the naked eye in transmitted light) and according to the 3rd group indicator is less than or equal to the acceptance number, and rejected if the number of defective bottles or cans in the sample is greater than or equal to the rejection number.

Upon receipt of unsatisfactory test results for at least one of the indicators of the 4th and 5th groups, the batch is rejected.

Table 4.25. Sample size for determining indicators of non-alcoholic beverages of groups 1-4

Lot size, bottles or cans

1st and 2nd groups

3rd group

4th group - sample size

sample size

1st group: acceptance number / rejection number

2nd group:



sample size

acceptance number / rejection number

91 to 150

151 to 500

From 501 to 1200

From 1,201 to 10,000

From 10,001 to 35,000

From 35,001 to 150,000

If soft drinks come in barrels, flasks, containers, tank trucks, isothermal tanks, as well as in cans with a capacity of more than 3000 cm 3, the selection of product units in the sample is carried out in accordance with Table. 4.26. From each sampling unit of soft drinks and syrups, four spot samples of 500 cm 3 each are taken using a pouring or sampling tap into four clean dry bottles or jars with a capacity of 500 cm 3 .

Table 4.26. Sample volume of products delivered in barrels, flasks, containers, tankers

Prior to analysis, a bottle or jar with a sample of a drink or syrup is stored at a temperature of 0 to 5 °C for no more than 24 hours.

Classification of soft drinks and mineral waters

Non-alcoholic drinks include drinks of various nature, composition, preparation technologies, which are combined according to their main purpose - to quench thirst and have a tonic effect. Depending on the raw materials used and production technology, soft drinks are divided into the following groups:

  • juice drinks;
  • drinks on spicy-aromatic vegetable raw materials;
  • flavored drinks;
  • fermented drinks and kvass;
  • drinks on grain raw materials;
  • specialty drinks.
  • nectar type, containing juice from 25 to 50%;
  • juice - with juice content from 6.0 to 24.9%;
  • fruit - with a juice content of 3.0 to 5.9%;
  • drinks (lemonade) - with a juice content of up to 2.9%.

Fruit and berry semi-finished products (natural, alcoholized, concentrated juices, extracts, syrups) are used as the main raw material for the production of juice-containing drinks.

Drinks on spicy-aromatic vegetable raw materials contain extracts, concentrated bases and concentrates obtained using spicy-aromatic plant materials (infusions of herbs, roots, citrus peel, etc.). Flavored drinks are prepared using natural and natural-identical aromatic substances or their compositions (essences, essential oils, emulsions, etc.). TO fermented drinks include kvass obtained by fermentation of kvass wort (bread kvass, fruit and berry kvass). Drinks on grain raw materials prepared according to the technology of carbonated soft drinks, using kvass wort concentrates, sugar, food acids and other flavoring substances as raw materials. Special purpose drinks include soft drinks with low calorie content, as well as drinks with the use of aspartame, xylitol, sorbitol and other sweeteners intended for patients with diabetes mellitus.

Depending on the degree of saturation with carbon dioxide, soft drinks are divided into carbonated(highly carbonated, medium carbonated, slightly carbonated) and non-carbonated. By consistency, drinks can be liquid and dry (effervescent and non-effervescent).

Non-alcoholic drinks are syrups designed for making drinks at home. They are divided into groups depending on the raw materials used (on fruit and berry, vegetable, aromatic raw materials, etc.).

Mineral water- natural groundwater, characterized by the constancy of the chemical composition. According to the degree of mineralization and purpose, they are divided into canteens (with a mineralization of at least 1 g / dm 3), medical table(with mineralization from 1 to 10 g / dm 3) and therapeutic (with mineralization from 10 to 15 g / dm 3). According to the chemical composition, mineral waters are divided into 52 groups, within which there is a division into types of mineralization.

There are also:

  • mineralized waters– mineral waters enriched with inorganic (mineral) salts;
  • flavored mineral waters- mineral waters with the addition of flavorings;
  • artificially mineralized waters- drinking water with the addition of inorganic salts.

Identification and commodity examination of syrups, extracts, concentrates

Main identifying feature Assortment of beverages to this group is a high mass fraction of solids: in syrups - at least 50%; in extracts - 44-62%; in kvass concentrate - not less than 57%; in kvass wort concentrate - not less than 68%. This high solids content is responsible for the viscous, syrupy consistency of most beverages, which is their hallmark. Powdered concentrates should have a uniform free-flowing consistency, without signs of caking and clumping.

At the same time, the correspondence of organoleptic properties to the declared name and composition is also established. Color, taste and aroma of syrups, extracts and concentrates must match characteristics inherent in the feedstock and established by the recipe for each item.

At qualimetric identification and quality examination determine the mass fraction of solids and acidity, confirm the reliability of information on the composition of raw materials by testing for the presence of dyes, preservatives, sweeteners. For these purposes, various instrumental methods are used, including the arbitration method of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), provided for by GOST 30059-93 “Non-alcoholic drinks. Methods for the determination of aspartame, saccharin, caffeine and sodium benzoate.

The use of natural ingredients in the composition of raw materials is confirmed on the basis of studies of characteristic groups of compounds (organic acids, sugars, anthocyanins, flavonoids, etc.) inherent in a particular type of natural raw materials. It is important to establish the stability of drinks by the state of transparency and the absence (presence) of precipitation, since any change in composition (for example, dilution with water) leads to destabilization of the colloidal system of drinks, accompanied by a violation of transparency (appearance of opalescence, turbidity) and the appearance of precipitation.

Quantitative identification consists in establishing the nominal capacity of the container, the completeness of filling and the reliability of information on quantitative characteristics. Depending on the type of container (cans, bottles) and its nominal capacity, allowable deviations in volume can be ± 2-3%.

Falsification of syrups, extracts and concentrates, as a rule, it is of a technological nature and is carried out by dilution, as well as complete or partial replacement of natural ingredients with essences, sweeteners, dyes and other additives. Mask the loss of the original organoleptic properties by introducing elevated concentrations sugar and food acids, as well as dyes to restore color intensity. Therefore, in most cases, such falsification does not lead to a significant change in the mass fraction of dry substances. To detect these methods of falsification, it is advisable to determine the mass concentration of the given extract, i.e. the sum of all extractives minus sugar.

The main method of quantitative falsification is underfilling.

Identification and commodity examination of soft drinks ready to drink

Depending on the raw materials used, manufacturing technology and purpose, non-alcoholic drinks are divided into juice-containing drinks, drinks based on grain, spicy-aromatic vegetable raw materials, flavored drinks, fermented drinks, special-purpose drinks, and table water.

Main task assortment identification is the determination of the group affiliation of the drink and its compliance with the declared name. For these purposes, the composition of the drink indicated by the manufacturer is studied and correlated with the characteristic identifying features of a particular group. So, the Sbiten drink should contain at least 3% honey, table water should have a total mineralization of 2.0 g / dm 3. The composition of drinks based on aromatic raw materials (Baikal, Sayany, Tarkhun, etc.) should contain extracts, infusions, concentrates or compositions of aromatic plants.

Soft drinks for special purposes must contain physiologically valuable ingredients that determine their tonic, isotonic, diabetic and other special properties. If the labeling indicates that the drink is “based on mineral water”, it must contain natural mineral water with a total mineralization of not more than 1.0 g/dm 3 .

For kvass, which are fermented drinks, the ingredients should include natural grain raw materials (malt, flour, kvass rye bread, dry bread kvass or kvass wort concentrate), yeast, water, natural sugar-containing substances (sucrose, fructose, dextrose, maltose, etc. .). It is they, as a result of fermentation, that ensure the accumulation of substances that are characteristic of kvass - ethyl alcohol (no more than 1.2%), lactic acid, carbon dioxide. Sweeteners in kvass are unacceptable, but after fermentation, food additives can be added.

Unlike kvass, kvass drinks are made by artificial saturation of blended syrups with carbon dioxide, which include kvass wort concentrate or kvass concentrate, sugar-containing substances and/or sweeteners, acidity regulators and other food additives. Kvass drinks belong to the group of soft drinks based on grain raw materials. If grain raw materials are completely absent in their composition, and its properties are imitated by various flavors and flavorings, the drink should be identified as a carbonated drink on flavors.

In the process of assortment identification of carbonated drinks, the degree of saturation with carbon dioxide is determined, depending on which the drink can be lightly carbonated, medium carbonated or highly carbonated. They also establish the method of processing the drink - pasteurized and unpasteurized, with the use of preservatives and without their use, cold bottling and hot - and its compliance with the specified shelf life.

Since information on the composition and production technology may be unreliable, it is necessary to confirm the characteristics declared by the manufacturer on the basis of a study of organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters.

Organoleptic indicators must correspond to the declared name and reflect the typical properties of the raw materials used for the manufacture of the drink. Kvass must have a pronounced aroma and taste rye bread, juices and juice-containing drinks - characteristic shades of taste and aroma of those fruits and berries that are used for their manufacture, drinks based on aromatic raw materials - essential oil shades of aroma and taste, etc. Currently, to determine the taste and aroma of soft drinks in foreign practice, various devices operating on the principle of "electronic nose" or "electronic tongue" are widely used.

To identify juice drinks O.L. Butkova and A.I. Goncharov developed a technique based on the study of the quantitative and qualitative composition of organic acids by the method HPLC. It has been established that each of the juice-containing drinks is characterized by an individual ratio of malic, lactic, tartaric, citric and oxalic acids, which is difficult to reproduce artificially.

To confirm the nature of fermented drinks (kvass), it is advisable to determine the presence of living or dead yeast cells by microscopy.

Brand identification involves confirmation of the main distinguishing features of packaging and labeling registered with the right holder of a certain brand, as well as the specific characteristics of the composition in the event that there is a genuine sample or its characteristics are recorded.

When conducting qualimetric identification and quality expertise The organoleptic characteristics of most non-alcoholic beverages are evaluated using a scoring scale, and based on the total number of points scored, the quality level is determined. For all soft drinks, except for kvass, a 25-point scale is used, and for kvass, a 19-point scale. If the total score is below 15 points for soft drinks or 10 points for kvass, their quality is considered unsatisfactory.

Among the main physical and chemical indicators, used in the examination, include the mass fraction of solids (%), acidity and resistance. For fermented drinks (kvass), the mass fraction of alcohol (%) is determined, for carbonated drinks - the mass fraction of carbon dioxide (%), for table water - the mass fraction of salts (%). To confirm the naturalness of the composition, the presence of sweeteners, preservatives, dyes and other food additives is determined.

According to microbiological indicators (KMAFAnM, BGKP, etc.), the content of toxic elements and radionuclides, soft drinks must comply with hygienic safety requirements.

Adulteration of soft drinks

At assortment falsification false information is provided about the group affiliation of the drink: for juice-containing drinks, drinks on grain or spicy-aromatic raw materials, drinks on flavors are issued; for kvass - kvass drinks or flavored carbonated drinks, etc.

Often the names of drinks include the names of products that are not included in their composition. To enhance the associative effect of perception, images of these products (fresh fruits, berries, aromatic plants, etc.) are shown on the label. Sometimes drinks are credited with special properties (healing, healing, etc.) that they do not possess (“Dietary”, “Fortified”, “Diabetic”, etc.). Such information is allowed only if the manufacturer has documentary evidence of it.

There are also cases of production of counterfeit products. Especially often various brands of the Coca-Cola company suffer from counterfeiting. Coca- Cola», « Sprite», « Fanta». « BonAqua», « Schwep- pes», Fruittime).

Ways qualimetric and quantitative falsifications are the same as for syrups, extracts, concentrates.


carbonated soft drink

Thirst occurs when the water content in the body decreases by only a liter and a half. To remove the suffering brought by it, it is enough to drink two or three glasses of liquid. The easiest way to make up for the lack of moisture is with ordinary drinking water, but for some reason people prefer the so-called soft drinks. And this is justified. It turns out that it is easier to quench your thirst with a drink than with pure water: the drink contains substances that retain moisture in the body. Basically, sugars, organic acids and minerals are found in soft drinks. It is this set of components that helps moisture to linger in the body. Drinks rich in organic acids and potassium salts are especially good in this regard: fruit juices, nectars, berry fruit drinks, water with the addition of lemon juice.

Lemonades were the prototype of modern carbonated drinks. The fashion for them spread in Russia at the end of the 19th century. This wonderful refreshing drink was prepared simply: lemon zest was rubbed with sugar, mixed with lemon juice, diluted with hot water and cooled.

Over time, the recipe for lemonades was enriched with cranberry juice, strawberry and raspberry syrup, apple skin infusion, honey, etc. And later, lemonades learned to carbonate in siphons.

In recent years, the range and production of soft drinks in Russia has grown significantly. In addition, most importing firms supply non-alcoholic beverages with the addition of food additives that are not allowed for consumption by the domestic industry and hide them in the recipe, so there are big problems with the quality of non-alcoholic beverages consumed by the population.

With the replacement of natural syrups and infusions with food colors, flavors and other substitutes, the falsification of carbonated drinks has become easier. Currently, carbonated drinks and mineral water are one of the most counterfeited groups of goods, so the relevance of the topic of the thesis is obvious: at present, there is a very acute problem with conducting a comprehensive examination of the quality of all types of soft drinks entering the Russian market.

The purpose of this thesis is to study the factors that form the quality and expertise of the quality of non-alcoholic beverages on the example of LLC Group of Companies "Bavaria Brewery".

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

-study of literary sources on this topic and systematization of the information received;

-study of raw materials and technology for the production of fruit carbonated drinks;

-development of a methodology for conducting an examination of the quality of fruit carbonated drinks;

-assessment of the quality of fruit carbonated drinks;

-research of competitiveness and consumer preferences of products of Bavaria Brewery Group LLC

1. Commodity characteristics of soft drinks

.1 Classification and range of soft drinks

Carbonated soft drinks include carbonated water with added syrups sold through the soda network, bottled carbonated drinks and dry carbonated drinks. The basis of the first two is carbonated drinking water. The diversity of the range of carbonated drinks is due to the types of auxiliary raw materials, which include fruit juices, syrups and extracts, sugar, sorbitol, fruit drinks, grape wines, tinctures, flavors, food acids, etc.

Soft drinks in appearance are divided into types:

· liquid drinks - transparent and cloudy;

· beverage concentrates in consumer packaging.

Depending on the raw materials used, production technology and destination, drinks are divided into groups:

· juice-containing;

· drinks on grain raw materials;

· drinks on spicy-aromatic vegetable raw materials;

· flavored drinks (essences and aromatic spirits);

· fermented drinks;

· special purpose drinks;

· artificially mineralized waters.

Liquid drinks according to the degree of saturation of carbon dioxide are divided into types:

· highly carbonated;

· medium carbonated;

· slightly carbonated;

· non-carbonated.

Liquid drinks according to the method of processing are divided into:

· unpasteurized;

· pasteurized;

· drinks with the use of preservatives;

· drinks without the use of preservatives;

· cold drinks;

· hot drinks.

For the preparation of drinks at home, syrups are produced in consumer containers. Syrups in appearance are divided into transparent and opaque.

Depending on the raw materials used and the purpose, syrups are divided into groups:

· syrups on vegetable raw materials;

· syrups on fruit and berry raw materials;

· syrups on aromatic raw materials (essences, essential oils, citrus infusions, aromatic additives);

· syrups for special purposes.

According to the processing method, syrups are divided into:

· syrups with the use of preservatives;

· syrups without the use of preservatives;

· hot filling syrups;

· pasteurized syrups.

Currently, domestic factories and workshops for the production of non-alcoholic products produce:

· non-alcoholic carbonated drinks with low calorie content, as well as for diabetics using aspartame, xylitol, sorbitol and other sweeteners. They are classified as special purpose drinks;

· carbonated drinks, which are water solutions of sugar saturated with carbon dioxide with the addition of products of processing of fruit and berry raw materials (juices, extracts, etc.), spicy-aromatic, including vegetable (infusions of herbs, roots, citrus peel, etc.) n.) raw materials, aromatic substances (essences, essential oils), dyes, aromatic acids;

· beverages based on grain raw materials, which are solutions of kvass wort concentrate, sucrose, food acids and other aromatic and flavoring substances saturated with carbon dioxide;

· fermented drinks, which include bread kvass, fruit and berry kvass;

· artificially mineralized waters made from mixtures of salts and saturated with carbon dioxide;

· non-carbonated drinks, including dry drinks, effervescent and non-effervescent, made from sugar, tartaric acid, soda, essences, extracts and dyes.

Russian enterprises produce the entire range of drinks and concentrates listed in the classification. The composition of drinks is determined by their recipe. It is accompanied by data on the characteristics of physico-chemical and organoleptic indicators, nutritional and energy value of the drink.

In the all-union "Collection of recipes for non-alcoholic drinks" according to GOST 28188-89 "Non-alcoholic drinks. General technical conditions "there are 115 recipes for non-alcoholic carbonated drinks,

For non-alcoholic non-carbonated drinks, 16 - for kvass and drinks made from grain raw materials, 3 - for powdered concentrates of soft drinks.

In addition, there is a collection of recipes for national types of non-alcoholic drinks, including 60 types of carbonated drinks and 5 - kvass and drinks from grain raw materials.

Technical conditions for new names of drinks are constantly being developed by manufacturing enterprises, institutes of the corresponding profile. The main organization that develops and introduces into the production of recipes and technologies for soft drinks and concentrates in our country is the Scientific and Production Association of the Beer, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry.

The main features of modern technology of soft drinks:

)the use of concentrates of a high degree of readiness;

2)production of low-calorie drinks using sweeteners;

3)increasing the durability of drinks by adding a preservative - sodium benzoate;

)bottling in non-negotiable PET bottles (made of polyethylene terephthalate).

Depending on the name and raw materials used, the mass fraction of solids in drinks ranges from 4.5 to 12.5%, acidity - from 1.25 to 4.8 cm 3alkali solution with a concentration of 1 mol / dm 3per 100 cm 3drink.

The composition of domestic drinks includes natural types of raw materials: processed fruits, berries, infusions, sugar, essential oils, essence. In recent years, the range of domestic products has significantly expanded due to drinks based on imported concentrates from various companies.

Manufacturers and suppliers of traditional domestic drinks turned out to be unprepared for competition. Our drinks are less technologically advanced, more expensive, with a short shelf life, less attractive in appearance.

Soft drinks contain about 90% water, and the export of finished drinks is currently very rare. Foreign firms prefer to supply concentrates and other raw materials for soft drinks to the Russian market, as well as invest in the construction of plants for bottling drinks on their own concentrates on our territory.

One of the first companies to master our market was PepsiCo Inc., which invested in the construction of Pepsi-Cola bottling plants in Novosibirsk, Novorossiysk, etc. At present, Coca Cola, Royal Grown Cola Co. International”, etc. This led to a change in the structure of production, to an increase in the production of drinks from concentrates and according to the technology of foreign firms, mainly under the trademarks “Pepsi Cola” and “Coca Cola”.

With all the variety of soft drinks on the world market, there are two main groups:

· fruit drinks with the aroma and taste of fruits and berries, containing natural products from them;

· fantasy drinks like "Cola" using spicy-aromatic raw materials.

In turn, each of these groups includes several subgroups:

· traditional drinks on sugar;

· low-calorie drinks with sweeteners (the so-called diet);

· fortified drinks;

· isotonic or sports drinks containing salts;

· drinks containing ballast substances (fruit pulp, natural thickeners, opacifiers).

A major manufacturer and supplier of concentrates, bases and essences for the European and Russian markets is the Deler Glibh company, founded 160 years ago. Its parent company is located in Darmstadt (Germany), in addition, the company has 11 subsidiaries in Belgium, the USA and other countries. The company supplies a wide range of components for Cola drinks, lemonades, juice drinks, nectars, fruit juices, cheap soft drinks without juice, for drinks enriched with vitamins, minerals, ballast substances. At NPO PB and VP in Moscow since 1992. operates a representative office of this company.

Drinks based on Deler concentrates are produced by many enterprises, including the largest ones: Rosar OJSC (Omsk), Pikra OJSC (Krasnoyarsk), etc.

A number of other foreign companies also supply raw materials and concentrates to our market: Quest International (Netherlands), Milesto (Yugoslavia), etc.

Among foreign beverage manufacturers, Kajo (Germany) has a significant turnover, producing diet drinks under the Dite trademark based on natural juices, including those with pulp, enriched with a complex of vitamins, instead of sugar they use a mixture of saccharin and cyclamate. Famous drinks of this company are “Give a transparent lemon”, “Give a cloudy lemon”, etc.

Among the major European beverage producers are

Imperial (Great Britain), Cadlewry-Schloeppes (Great Britain), Grand-Metropolitan (Great Britain), BSN Gervais Danon (France).

In terms of the consumption of non-alcoholic beverages in the world, the first place belongs to the United States - more than 160 liters per capita, a high level of consumption in Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, France - 40-50 liters per capita.

In general, there is a tendency to increase the consumption of ready-made non-alcoholic carbonated drinks, instead of hot and strong ones. The annual increase in the consumption of soft drinks is projected at 3%.

1.2 Factors that shape the quality of fruit sodas

.2.1 Characteristics of raw materials for the production of carbonated fruit drinks

A wide range of fruit carbonated drinks is determined by a large number of different types of raw materials that are part of the beverage blend. Raw materials used for the production of soft drinks must meet the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation.

Sugar (sucrose C 12H 22O 11) is added to drinks to give them sweetness and soften the sharpness of the sour taste. The addition of sugar also contributes to the assimilation of aromatic substances introduced into drinks, and, consequently, to the formation of their bouquet. Sugar is used in the form of granulated sugar and refined sugar. The amount of sugar added determines the nutritional value and calorie content of the drink. Sugar is sucrose (C 12H 22O 11) obtained from sugar beet and cane. Sucrose melts at 160 ° C, and at a higher temperature it caramelizes. For the preparation of soft drinks, granulated sugar (according to GOST 21), refined sugar (GOST 22) or liquid sugar (OST 18-170) is used. Such sugar consists practically of chemically pure sucrose: from 99.55 to 99.9% on a dry basis. Refined sugar is sometimes tinted with ultramarine. With an excessive amount of this component in sugar syrup, hydrogen sulfide or poorly soluble decomposition products of ultramarine can form.

Sugar substitutes

In the non-alcoholic industry, not only sugar is used, but also its substitutes. They are used in the production of some low-calorie drinks for diabetics.

Sweet substances that can be sugar substitutes include food saccharin, sorbitol, xylitol, aspartame, etc.

Food saccharin (benzoic acid orthosulfimide) is a sweet substance obtained from toluene by chemical synthesis.

It is an imide of orthosulphobenzoic acid. This product is used only in the production of drinks for diabetics: saccharin is 500 times sweeter than sucrose. It is not absorbed by the body and therefore has no nutritional value.

Food sorbitol is used only for the preparation of soft drinks for diabetics. It is a hexahydric alcohol, is a product of the hydrogenation of glucose.

The content of sorbitol in the preparation is not less than 99.0% by weight of dry matter; mass fraction of ash - no more than 0.1%.

Food xylitol is a pentahydric alcohol. These are white crystals (a slightly yellowish tint is allowed), sweet in taste, odorless, highly soluble in water. Xylitol is obtained from pentose-containing plant materials (cotton husks, corn cobs).

Aspartame is often used in the production of soft drinks.

Aspartame is a derivative of two amino acids - aspartic and phenylalanine. Sweetness is 200 units. Its disadvantage is low stability in solutions, which depends on pH and temperature. Half-life at pH 4.2 and temperature 25 ° C is 260 days. The value of the allowable daily intake (ADI) is up to 7.5 mg/kg of body weight.

Aspartame (synonyms: Nutra Sweet, Sladex, etc.) is a dipeptide sweetener in the form of a white crystalline powder with limited water solubility. The sweetness of aspartame is similar to the sweetness of sucrose, but its sensation comes a little later than that of sucrose. Aspartame has the ability to enhance the taste and aroma of many citrus juices and drinks, and does not cause dental caries.

The use of sweetener blends is currently recommended. A synergistic effect was found when mixing some sweeteners (saccharin and aspartame, oschelsulfame and aspartame, etc.), while their joint concentration decreases, which is necessary to create a certain sweetness, the taste approaches the taste of sucrose.

Fruit and berry semi-finished products

Fruit and berry concentrates used for the preparation of soft drinks include various juices (fruit and berry natural, fruit and berry spirited, fruit and berry fermented and alcoholic, fruit and berry concentrated), grape vacuum must, extracts, fruit drinks, fruit and berry natural syrups.

Fruit and berry semi-finished products should be stored in clean, dry, well-ventilated rooms at a temperature of 0 to 20 ° C and relative air humidity not more than 75%.

Natural fruit and berry juices give drinks the taste and aroma of natural fruits, and also increase their nutritional value, since sugars, organic acids, vitamins, microelements, and other useful extractive substances of fruits are added to drinks with juices. In production, only clarified juices are used (to avoid the formation of turbidity and precipitation in drinks).

Natural juices come in lacquered glass or tin cans.

Alcoholic fruit and berry juices are obtained by squeezing from crushed fresh fruits and berries, followed by canning with rectified alcohol and separation by filtration or decantation of precipitated suspended solids.

In appearance, the juices should be transparent, without turbidity and sediment, mold, and other signs of spoilage. Color, taste and aroma should correspond to the fruits from which they are prepared. The volume fraction of ethyl alcohol in all juices is 16.0%.

Alcoholized juice is packaged and transported in oak barrels or cisterns.

Fermented-alcoholized fruit and berry juices are made by alcoholic fermentation of fruit and berry juice or juice obtained from pre-fermented pulp. Fruit and berry fermented-alcoholized juices should be free of extraneous tones.

The volume fraction of ethyl alcohol in these juices is 16.0 ± 0.3% vol. Fermented-alcoholized juices are poured into oak barrels, bottles, metal and reinforced concrete containers, covered inside with a resistant protective coating.

Fruit and berry concentrated juices are thick liquid in appearance, taste and smell are close to the original ones. It is allowed to have a small sediment of protein and pectin substances at the bottom of the container. Concentrated juice is packaged in glass bottles, cans up to 10 liters, wooden barrels with polyethylene liners up to 100 liters.

Grape vacuum must used in non-alcoholic production is obtained from white and red grapes.

In appearance, the vacuum wort is a homogeneous viscous mass without foreign particles. The color of the must from white grapes can be from amber, golden to the color of strong tea, from red grapes - red of different shades. The aroma, taste and smell are pure, characteristic of grape must. The mass fraction of solids in the vacuum wort is at least 75%. The concentration of sugar in terms of invert is not less than 65%. Vacuum wort is packaged in wooden barrels with a capacity of 100 to 300 liters, cans, double polyethylene bags, enclosed in wooden barrels with a capacity of 100 to 300 liters, or cans. Warranty period of storage from the moment of its shipment by the supplier is 12 months.

Fruit and berry extracts are concentrates of clarified fruit and berry juices or vegetable raw materials, prepared by evaporating juices under vacuum in vacuum apparatuses. In the process of evaporation, a significant part of the water is removed, as a result of which the dry matter content in the extract becomes 5-10 times higher than in the original juice.

In appearance, the extracts are a clear liquid, the color is from red to dark brown, the taste is bitter.

Due to the high acidity, the extracts have good storage stability. The shelf life of Leuzea extract is 1 year, and Eleutherococcus 3 years. Extracts are packaged in lacquered tins or glass bottles up to 2 liters, as well as in wooden barrels up to 100 liters with polyethylene liners.

Cranberry fruit drink, used for the production of soft drinks, is a semi-finished product with the aroma, taste and color of cranberries, in appearance it is a transparent liquid, without turbidity and sediment, opalescence is allowed. Cranberry juice is obtained by fermenting fresh crushed cranberries with yeast, followed by separation of the juice from the pulp and keeping it for 4 months at a temperature not exceeding 5 ° C. Color from pink to dark red. The content of solids is 3.5 ... 4.4 g per 100 g of the product, alcohol is not less than 15 mass, acidity is within 22.0 ... 34.4 cm 3sodium hydroxide solution with a concentration of 1 mol / dm 3per 100cm 3 fruit drink.

Fruit and berry natural syrups are obtained by dissolving sugar in natural fruit and berry juices without adding water. Syrups are produced sterilized and unsterilized.

The resulting syrups are a clear thick liquid without sediment. The taste of syrups is pronounced sweet or sour-sweet, corresponds to the fruit and berry juices from which they are made, the color is close to the natural color of the juices. Mass fraction of solids in juices is not less than 68.0%, sugar - not less than 62.0%. Titratable acidity (in terms of malic acid) should be 0.2 ... 1.0% for various syrups. Fruit and berry syrups come in metal and glass jars, in bottles with a capacity of 10 liters.

Food acids

The pure taste of drinks is mainly due to organic acids. As a taste perception, acidity depends on the degree of dissociation and the perception threshold of food acids. For the preparation of soft drinks, various food acids are used: lactic, citric, tartaric, orthophosphoric, ascorbic and sorbic. Ascorbic acid is used to fortify drinks, sorbic acid - to increase their stability, tartaric acid - to produce dry effervescent and non-effervescent drinks, lactic acid - only for making kvass.

Food grade lactic acid (C 3H 6O 3) is produced of the highest, I and II grades, it contains lactic acid itself, respectively, not less than 37.5; 37.5 and 35%. It should be clear, free of sediment and odor.

Food grade citric acid (C 6H 8O 7 × H 2O) /GOST 908/ are colorless crystals. When dissolved in water, a 2% solution of citric acid should be transparent, with a pleasant sour taste, odorless and mechanical impurities.

Citric acid is obtained by fermenting molasses with a special mold strain Aspergillus niger.

Apply citric acid of the highest and I grades. The content of citric acid in a commercial preparation in terms of monohydrate must be at least 99.5% (for the highest and I grades). The ash content is not more than 0.1% for the highest grade and 0.35% for I grade. The content of salts of heavy metals, barium, oxalic and ferrous-cyanogen-hydrogen acids is not allowed.

Guaranteed shelf life of citric acid is 6 months from the date of manufacture; when packing acid in corrugated cardboard boxes with an inner lining of parchment - 3 months from the date of manufacture.

Food tartaric (tartaric) acid [(CHOH) 2 (UNOH) 2] (GOST 21205) is used along with lemon, but gives drinks a slightly coarser taste.

Tartaric acid is obtained from potassium and calcium salts (tartrates), which are waste products of viticulture and winemaking.

Acid is issued the highest and I grades. In appearance, it is colorless large or small crystals or white powder. The content of tartaric acid must be at least 99% by weight.

Tartaric acid dl (TU 6-09-3938) is synthesized from raspberry anhydride and hydrogen peroxide. It is a white crystalline powder with a mass fraction of acid of at least 99%. Used as wine.

Food grade phosphoric acid (H 3RO 4) brand A (GOST 10678) is used for the manufacture of soft drinks. Its consumption should not exceed 20% (on dry matter) of the amount of citric acid used for the preparation of drinks. Orthophosphoric acid is soluble in water in any ratio.

Food grade ascorbic acid (C 6H 8O 6) is obtained synthetically from glucose. In appearance, it is a homogeneous crystalline powder of white color, odorless, sour taste, without foreign taste. The commercial acid of ascorbic acid must contain at least 99.0% of the mass, the content of salts of heavy metals is not allowed.

Sorbic acid (CH 3- CH = CH - CH - CH - COOH) is used to increase the stability of soft drinks. It is sparingly soluble in cold water, easily reacts with solutions of carbonic salts of alkali and alkaline earth metals, forming easily soluble potassium, sodium, calcium sorbates.

In appearance, sorbic acid is a white or slightly yellowish crystalline powder with a slight characteristic odor, melting point 130 ° C, the content of solids in terms of the equivalent of sorbic acid must be at least 99.0% of the mass.

Carbon dioxide

In the production of soft drinks, liquefied carbon dioxide is used, which, in the process of saturating it with water and drinks, passes into a gaseous state.

Carbon dioxide is obtained from gases generated during the combustion of coke, coal and natural gas, during roasting from various carbonates (limestone, chalk, marble, etc.), as well as during the fermentation of beer wort and mash in alcohol production.

The volume fraction of carbon in the liquid and gaseous state must be at least 98.8%. In food carbon dioxide, there should be practically no impurities such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrochloric, sulfuric and nitric acids, ammonia, monoethylamine. The mass fraction of moisture is not more than 0.1%, the content of mineral oils is not more than 0.1 mg/kg.

Liquid carbon dioxide is transported and stored at the plant in steel cylinders under a pressure of 6.5 MPa (at 20 ° C) or specialized isothermal vessels at a temperature range of -43.5 ... -11.3 ° C and pressure 0.8 ... 2.5 MPa. Carbon dioxide cylinders are recommended to be stored in a supine position at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° WITH.


One of the important organoleptic properties of soft drinks is their color. As dyes, natural or synthesized substances are used. In the production of soft drinks, preference is given to natural dyes.

Natural colorants are added to soft drinks with fruit juice and concentrates, various extracts. Natural food dyes include: color, eno dye and dyes obtained from elderberry, blueberry pomace, dogwood, cherry and other fruits and berries; to synthetic - tartrazine F and indigo carmine.

Kohler is a natural dye, it is an aqueous solution of caramelized sucrose, obtained from granulated sugar by heating to a temperature of 180 ... 200 ° C. When heated above 170 ° With the dehydration of sucrose occurs with the formation of anhydrides of various sugars, fatty acids, dark-colored (humic) compounds, and other substances. At the same time, along with caramelization of sucrose, oxidative processes occur with the appearance of oxidation products, volatile and non-volatile organic acids. The resulting caramels are coloring substances. .

Kohler has the appearance of a dark brown viscous liquid, slightly bitter taste with a solids content of at least 70% by weight. Let's well dissolve in water. Does not react with acids and other components of soft drinks.

Kohler gives drinks a light yellow to yellow-brown color. Colors obtained with tinting are resistant to light, a 4% solution should have a brown color and, after settling for 24 hours, should not precipitate.

The finished color scheme is stored in a cool, dry place in collections made of glass enamel, aluminum or stainless steel, closed with lids. Collectors should have jackets for heating and stirrers.

Eno-dye is obtained from pomace of dark grape varieties. The main coloring matter of such grapes is enin. The enin molecule contains glucose, which is split off at high temperature under the action of acids, and enin passes into enidine.

Enidine, or eno dye, is extracted from squeezed grape pulp with a 1% hydrochloric acid solution. The resulting solution is concentrated under vacuum to a liquid or pasty consistency.

Eno dye is a mixture of dyes belonging to the class of anthocyanins, extracted from pomace of dark grape varieties. The liquid dye has a dark red color, a slightly vinous and sour taste and smell, and completely dissolves in water, forming a clear solution. Depending on the active reaction of the medium, the color of the eno dye is different: from red to purple. The eno dye is stored in clean, dry, darkened rooms at a temperature of 0 ... 25 ° C in glass containers with a capacity of not more than 10 liters, placed in wooden boxes or baskets lined with straw or shavings. Warranty period of storage is 1 year from the date of manufacture.

Indigo carmine is the disodium salt of indigo disulfonic acid. The dye is a bluish-black non-separating paste containing 35% solids and 24.5% pure dye. The paste is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:10. The aqueous solution of the dye is blue. Indigo carmine is packaged in glass jars with a capacity of 10 liters, stored in a darkened cool room.

Tartrazine F is an orange-yellow finely crystalline powder containing at least 85% dye. It dissolves well in water and water-alcohol solutions. For tinting drinks, they are used in the form of aqueous solutions of 3:100 and 5:100. Aqueous solutions of tartrazine are stable to light and do not change their color when heated to 105 ° WITH.

Tartrazine is slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol. Drinks are tinted yellow in different shades, with a very strong dilution in water, a pronounced greenish tint appears.

aromatic substances

One of the valuable properties of drinks is their pleasant aroma. To communicate aroma, aromatic infusions and essences containing a variety of odorous substances of organic nature, as well as alcoholic solutions of essential oils and aromatic substances are added to drinks. Aromatic infusions are water-alcohol solutions of fragrant substances obtained by extracting aromatic plant materials. For the preparation of such infusions, the skin of citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines), the seeds of some fruits (cherries, peaches, almonds), the bark of woody plants (cinnamon), flowers (linden blossom, rose petals), blackcurrant buds, etc. are used.

A number of flavoring and aromatic additives are prepared directly at the enterprises according to the current technological instructions. These additives include: infusion of bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, raikhon herbs and others.

Essences are concentrated water-alcohol solutions of various aromatic substances. Essences are natural, synthetic and combined.

Natural essences are made by extracting aromatic substances. For the preparation of soft drinks, lemon, tangerine and orange essences are widely used. Natural essences can be obtained by vacuum distillation from fresh fruits, filled with a water-alcohol mixture. Due to the fact that the terpenes contained in natural aromatic substances are insoluble in water, turbidity of drinks can occur, therefore, when preparing the essence, essential oils undergo deterpenization, i.e. terpenes are removed.

Synthetic essences (OST 18-103) are solutions of aromatic substances obtained by chemical synthesis. The following esters are used as aromatic substances: ethyl butyrate (for pineapple essence), amyl acetate (for pear essence), ethyl acetate (for pear and other fruit essences), amyl valerianate (for apple essence), ethyl formate (for rum essence), vanillin (4 -hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde) and coumarin (orthohydroxycinnamic acid lactone) - for cream soda, as well as citral - unsaturated aldehyde (for lemon and orange essences). The mass fraction of aromatic substances in synthetic essences varies depending on the type of essence from 4 to 13%, and the volume fraction of alcohol - from 37 to 95%.

Combined essences contain, along with natural flavors, synthetic aromatic substances (composition for the drink "Lemonade" and essence "Blackcurrant").

There should be no turbidity even when 1 ml is dissolved. synthetic essence in 1000 ml of water. Synthetic essences should not contain lead and copper.

Essences are stored in a dark, tightly closed glass container, in which no air space is left. Since the volatility of essences increases with increasing temperature, they are stored in a darkened room at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° WITH.

Citrus alcohol infusions (OST 18-115). For the preparation of soft drinks, lemon, orange, tangerine and grapefruit infusions are used. Infusions are made by extracting the essential oil with a water-alcohol solution from the peel of a lemon, orange, grapefruit or mandarin peel. The taste and aroma are pronounced, characteristic of the corresponding fruits, light yellow in color, the volume fraction of alcohol is 65%.

When diluting infusions with water in a ratio of 1:100, a slight turbidity is allowed, which disappears after filtration. The mass fraction of essential oil in lemon infusion is 0.40%, in orange - 0.45%, in tangerine - 0.30%.

Guaranteed shelf life of citrus infusions is at least 8 months from the date of manufacture.

Coffee infusion (TU 18-6-200) is a dark brown transparent liquid, opalescence is allowed, and during storage - a small precipitate, the smell characteristic of the aroma of coffee, tastes bitter, without foreign taste, when dissolved with water in a ratio of 1 :50 transparent solution, the alcohol content should be at least 42.0% in total volume, solids should be at least 1.5 g / ml.

Peppermint and tarragon infusions are clear green liquids with a corresponding smell and taste. The volume fraction of ethyl alcohol in tarragon infusion is 60.6%, in peppermint infusion 81.0%, the mass fraction of essential oil in mint infusion should be at least 5%.

Store infusions in a darkened room at a temperature not lower than 2 ° C and not higher than 20 ° WITH.

Essential oils are products obtained by extraction or steam distillation from essential oil raw materials: laurel, eucalyptus, rose, citrus fruits, cloves, lemon wormwood, etc. They are produced according to various regulatory documents. Used in the form of alcohol solutions. Vanillin (GOST 16599), isobornyl acetate (TU 18-16-237) is added to some drinks - a colorless liquid with a smell of pine needles; spices, honey (GOST 19792), beekeeping products (apilak, flower pollen extracts, dairy products (condensed and dried whey, skimmed milk powder).

Fragrances used for the production of soft drinks are isobornyl acetate and vanillin.

Isobornyl acetate (C 12H 20O 2) is an acetic ester of isoborneol obtained by vacuum distillation of pichtosin, a product of acetylation of technical camphene with acetic acid. In appearance, it is a clear, colorless liquid with a pine odor. The content of ether must be at least 98%, the content of acetic acid - not more than 0.25% of the mass. Packed isobornyl acetate in aluminum or galvanized barrels. Store in a dark, cool room; during storage, an increase in the content of acetic acid to 1.0% is allowed. Guaranteed shelf life of isobornyl acetate is at least 6 months.

Vanillin is a substance derived from guaiacol and lignosulfonates. Vanillin is a white to light yellow crystalline powder with a characteristic odor. The vanillin content must be at least 99.0%. In vanillin obtained from lignosulfonates, the content of pure vanillin is allowed at least 98.5%. Vanillin should be stored in clean, dry, cool, well-ventilated areas at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C and relative air humidity not more than 80%.

Beverage concentrates and compositions

Recently, concentrates, compositions and concentrated bases have been widely used for the preparation of soft drinks. As a rule, they consist of two parts: aromatic and extractive. Organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of these products must comply with the requirements of GOST 28188-89.

As a rule, beverage concentrates in appearance are a thick liquid with an intense specific taste and aroma, corresponding to the components included in its composition.

For example, the concentrate for the drink "Apple" is prepared from concentrated apple juice, aromatic essence "Apple Crimean", citric acid and color. The concentrate is a thick viscous liquid of dark brown color with apple aroma, sour taste without foreign impurities. The solids content should be 70.0% by weight, acidity 4.4% by weight. This concentrate is packaged in glass and tin cans, wooden barrels and cardboard drums with polyethylene liners. Store in refrigerated rooms at a temperature not lower than 2 ° C and not higher than 10 ° WITH.

In recent years, drinks based on domestic raw materials have replaced drinks based on imported concentrates from various companies. These are Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, as well as drinks from the Deler company, which has a very diverse assortment, Milesta, and others. Concentrates from foreign companies are usually supplied as a mixture of flavoring and aromatic substances, including dyes . They are well stored and transported, used to prepare drinks in small doses. These factors determined their wide distribution. .

Beverage compositions are mixtures containing all blending syrup components specified in the recipes, with the exception of sugar syrup and citric acid. Such compositions of domestic production include compositions of drinks "Lemon", "Orange", "Sayany-tonic", "Lemonade".

In appearance, the compositions are dark-colored liquids that have a long shelf life due to the high content of alcohols in the citrus infusions introduced into them. In a dry room at a temperature not lower than 2 ° C and not higher than 20 ° With the safety of the composition is guaranteed for 6 months.

Often, enterprises use concentrates for the drink from the Deler company, as well as powdered vitamin components, which include flavorings, dyes, fruit and berry semi-finished products. Each concentrate and vitamin component has its own registration numbers.


To increase the stability of soft drinks, the following chemical preservatives are used: sorbic and ascorbic acids, sodium benzoate, juglone, plumbagin.

Sorbic acid has an inhibitory effect on yeast and mold, which is enhanced in an acidic environment. Sorbic acid is added to the blend in an amount of 0.03% by weight, which leads to an increase in the stability of the drink (up to 20 ... 23 days).

Ascorbic acid, which has antioxidant properties, enhances the effect of sorbic acid when used together, and the stability of the drink increases up to 20 ... 30 days.

Juglone and plumbagin, which affect the microflora of the soft drink, increase its durability up to 30 days.

The sodium salt of benzene acid (sodium benzoate) is allowed to be used to increase the stability of drinks prepared with fruit juices. Its quantity should not exceed 177 mg / l.

1.2.2 Technology for the production of fruit carbonated drinks

Water and water treatment

Water is the main raw material, which largely determines both the flow of technological processes and the quality of finished products.

At factories producing soft drinks, water consumption depends on the recipe and production technology of the drink, as well as the water supply scheme. At domestic plants, water consumption is 0.166 and 0.020 m 3/ gave a drink (in the absence of a compressor unit). In the production of commercial syrups, water consumption is 0.056 m 3/ gave.

Water supply sources are divided into waters of underground deposits (artesian and ground) and waters of open reservoirs.

Open reservoirs are the most common source of industrial water supply, the salt composition of water and the nature of impurities, as a rule, are not constant and change during the year depending on precipitation and flood waters. The salt content in most river waters is 40...700 mg/l, although the water of some rivers is characterized by high mineralization. The content of organic impurities in the waters of open reservoirs is quite high - 2 ... 150 mg / l.

Salt composition of water and its influence on the technological process

The properties of water are determined by the concentration and ratio of salts dissolved in it, contained in the form of cations and anions. Of the cations, H +, TO +, Na +, Ca 2+, Mg 2+, Fe 2+, Fe 3+, Mn 2+; from anions - OH, HCO 3¯