Commodity characteristics of products. Commodity characteristics of raw materials

29.04.2019 Salads


Wheat flour is a powdery product that is obtained by grinding wheat grains.

Flour of the highest, 1st and 2nd grades is used in confectionery products. Flour of the highest grade is very soft, finely ground, its color is white with a slight creamy shade, the taste is sweetish. This flour is used to prepare pastries, cakes, waffles, as well as the best varieties of cookies and products from yeast dough... Flour of the 1st grade is soft, but less finely ground than flour of the premium, its color is white with a slightly yellowish tinge. This flour is used to bake gingerbread, cookies and yeast dough products. 2nd grade flour even more coarse... Its color is white with a noticeably yellowish or grayish tint. Small amounts of this flour are used to make inexpensive varieties of gingerbread and biscuits.

The quality of flour is characterized not only by its color, but also by moisture, grinding, odor, taste, acidity, protein content, carbohydrates, fat, enzymes, minerals, and harmful impurities. The chemical composition of flour depends on the wheat, the type of flour and the grinding mode.

An important indicator of the technological properties of flour is its gas-generating ability. This indicator is especially important for flour, from which yeast dough is prepared. The gas-forming ability is measured by the amount of carbon dioxide that is formed over a certain time when flour is mixed with yeast and water at 30 ° C. The higher the gas-generating ability of the flour, the better the products are obtained from it. The gas-forming ability of flour depends on the sugar content in it and the ability of the flour to form sugar from starch when kneading.

Storing flour. Flour comes in bags, before opening they are cleaned of dust and ripped at the seam with a special knife. The flour is shaken out of the bags above the sifters. The remains of flour in bags (bagged) cannot be used for making flour products... Sifting flour allows you to remove foreign impurities, the flour is enriched with air oxygen, which contributes to a better rise of the dough.

Rice. 1 Percentage of flour


Sugar is an almost pure carbohydrate - sucrose. Sucrose is found in many plants, but most of all in sugar cane and sugar beet... Sugar is one of the bulk food products and raw materials for the confectionery industry. Sugar is easily and almost completely absorbed by the human body, being a source of energy and material for the formation of glycogen and fat. The energy value of 100 g of sugar is 410 kcal.

The main types of sugar that are produced by the sugar industry are granulated sugar and refined sugar. Granulated sugar contains at least 99.75% sucrose per dry matter... Refined sugar in comparison with ordinary granulated sugar is characterized by a higher degree of purification. The sucrose content in it must be at least 99.9%.

Refined sugar is produced in the following assortment: pressed crushed; pressed instant; extruded with cast properties; extruded chipped with cast properties; pressed in cubes; pressed in small packaging (road); cast chipped; refined granulated sugar; refined powder.

Refined powder is made by fine grinding refined sugar, for which mainly crumbs and pieces of non-standard size are used. The particle size in the powder should not exceed 0.1 mm.

The quality of sugar is assessed according to two standards: granulated sugar and refined sugar. The color of granulated sugar should be white with a shine, and the refined sugar should be with a bluish tint, without spots and foreign inclusions. Granulated sugar should be free-flowing, without lumps. The taste is sweet both in dry form and in aqueous solution. Solubility in water - complete, the solution should be transparent, without precipitation. The standard regulates humidity, mass fraction of sucrose, fines, reducing sugars, strength (for refined sugar), duration of dissolution in water, etc.

Unacceptable defects in sugar are loss of flowability, yellowish color, the presence of crystals of unbleached sugar, foreign smell and taste, foreign impurities.

Store sugar in a clean, ventilated, dry area. During storage, sugar is more likely to deteriorate due to moisture. The relative humidity of the air during storage of granulated sugar should not exceed 70%, and during storage of refined sugar - no more than 80%.


Margarine is a highly dispersed fatty system containing high-quality edible fats, milk, salt, sugar, emulsifiers and other components.

It is used directly in food, for making sandwiches, as well as culinary, confectionery and bakery products.

In terms of calorie content, margarine is not inferior to butter, and in some indicators it also has advantages. So, margarine contains much more unsaturated fatty acids, which are introduced into it by adding vegetable oil; the melting point of margarine is 17-44 ° C, which contributes to its assimilation; the lack of vitamins is compensated by artificial fortification of the product. Margarine contains 39 to 82% fat and 17 to 44% moisture. Its digestibility reaches 97.5%. The calorie content of 100 g is 640 kcal.

The main raw material for the production of margarine is salomas . In addition, natural refined oils are used as a fat base for the production of margarine, Coconut oil, animal fats. Sugar, salt, cocoa powder, dyes, emulsifiers, flavorings, etc. are used as additional raw materials. Milk is used to refine the taste.

Requirements for the quality of margarines. The taste and smell of margarines of all brands should be clean with the taste and smell of the introduced food flavoring and aromatic additives, depending on the specific name, without extraneous tastes and odors. The consistency for hard margarines at a temperature of 20 ± 2 "C is plastic, dense, homogeneous; with the introduction of food additives, smearing is allowed; for soft - at a temperature of 10 + 2 ° C, plastic, soft, low-melting, homogeneous; for liquid - a homogeneous, liquid consistency. The cut surface is shiny or slightly shiny, dry in appearance for all grades, except for liquid grades, the color should be from light yellow to yellow, uniform throughout the mass.

Store margarine at a relative humidity of 75-80%. The term of sale of margarine from the date of its production depends on the storage temperature. At temperatures from -10 to 0 ° C, bulk margarine is stored for 75 days, above 0 to 4 ° C - 60 days, from 4 to 10 ° C - 45 days. Margarine packed in parchment is stored at the same temperatures for 45, 35 and 20 days, respectively, and packed in foil - 60, 45 and 30 days.

Eggs and egg products

Depending on the type of poultry, eggs are distinguished from hen, duck, goose, turkey, quail, etc. Eggs are mainly sold from hen. Fresh waterfowl (ducks and geese) eggs are not consumed, as their shells may contain microorganisms (salmonella groups) that can cause infectious diseases.

The egg consists of shell (12%), protein (56%) and yolk (32%). The shell protects the contents of the egg from external influences, evaporation of moisture. The egg white consists of an outer and inner liquid and middle dense layer, as well as grains (the densest part of the protein), thanks to which the yolk is in the center of the egg. The amount of dense protein is an indicator of the freshness of the eggs. When whisking, the protein forms a thick, fluffy foam. The yolk is enclosed in the yolk membrane and is located in the center of the egg. It is heterogeneous and consists of alternating light and dark layers.

The chemical composition of eggs is not constant and depends on the type of bird, age, breed, keeping conditions, time of laying eggs, period and storage conditions. A chicken egg contains proteins - 12.8%, fats - 11.8; carbohydrates - 1; mineral substances - 0.8%. There is no fat in the protein of a chicken egg, and in the yolk it contains 32.6%. Egg fats and proteins are biologically complete and easily absorbed by the body. Eggs contain many valuable vitamins - A, B, E, K, P, as well as dyes and enzymes.

Depending on the shelf life and quality, chicken eggs are divided into dietary ones (shelf life does not exceed 7 days, not counting the day of laying); canteens (shelf life does not exceed 25 days from the date of sorting) and eggs stored in refrigerators for no more than 90 days. At poultry farms, eggs are sorted no later than one day after laying.

Requirements for the quality of eggs. The quality of the eggs is determined visually (the state of the shell), weighing and ovoscopy (the height of the air chamber, the state of the protein and yolk are set). Diet eggs should have a dense, light, transparent yolk that is strong, barely visible, takes a central position and does not move; the air chamber is fixed, no more than 4 mm high. In table eggs, the protein should be dense or not dense enough, light, transparent; the yolk is strong, inconspicuous, can move slightly, a slight deviation from the central position is allowed; in eggs stored in refrigerators, the yolk is moving; the air chamber is stationary (some mobility is allowed), height - no more than 7 mm; for eggs stored in refrigerators - no more than 9 mm. The shell of the eggs for sale must be clean and undamaged, without traces of blood, droppings, and contamination. It is allowed to process contaminated eggs with special detergents approved for use by authorized bodies in the prescribed manner. Eggs intended for long-term storage should not be washed.

The contents of the eggs should be free of foreign odors (rottenness, rottenness, mustiness, etc.).

Eggs are stored at a temperature not lower than 0 ° and not higher than 20 ° C with a relative air humidity of 85-88%: dietary - no more than 7 days, table eggs - from 8 to 25 days, washed - no more than 12 days.

Dairy products


Cow's milk is a secret of the mammary gland of an animal and is a homogeneous white liquid with a cream shade, with a pleasant specific sweetish taste. The exceptional importance of milk in human nutrition is explained by the fact that it contains all the substances necessary for life: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins, enzymes, etc. All these substances are easily absorbed by the human body, since they are in the most favorable ratio for assimilation. Proteins (the main ones are casein, albumin and globulin) of milk, which are almost completely absorbed by the body, are of particular value. The average protein content of milk is 3.5%.

Of carbohydrates, milk contains up to 5% milk sugar(lactose). Milk is a source of minerals (0.7% on average), especially calcium and phosphorus. Milk contains almost all trace elements - cobalt, copper, zinc, bromine, iodine, manganese, fluorine, sulfur, etc. There are about 30 vitamins in milk: A, B, B2, B3, B9, B12, C, O, H, PP and others. The largest amount of vitamins is contained in fresh milk... In addition, it contains enzymes and immune bodies, due to which it has bactericidal properties in the first 3-6 hours after milking, i.e. able to delay the development of bacteria in it.

There is a lot of water in milk, so its calorie content is low 600-700 kcal per 1 liter.

In addition to cow's milk, goat, sheep, reindeer, and mare's milk are eaten. Mainly cow's milk goes on sale, moreover it is pasteurized and sterilized. Pasteurization is heat treatment milk at temperatures below 100 ° C; sterilization - processing of milk at temperatures above 100 ° C. Both kinds heat treatment are aimed at the destruction of microflora, make milk safe in sanitary and hygienic terms, stable during storage.

Depending on the mass fraction of fat (in%), milk is subdivided into skim milk; non-greasy (0.3; 0.5; 1.0); low fat (1.2; 1.5; 2.0; 2.5); classic (2.7; 3.0; 3.2; 3.5; 4.0; 4.5); fatty (4.7; 5.0; 5.5; 6.0; 6.5; 7.0); high fat (7.2; 7.5; 8.0; 8.5; 9.0; 9.5).

Cream is the fattest part of milk, it is obtained by separation. Produce pasteurized and sterilized cream

Requirements for the quality of milk and cream. The quality of milk and cream is assessed by organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological indicators.

Milk should have a uniform consistency, no sediment. Baked milk and high fat content - without cream sludge. Color - white with a slightly yellowish tint, for melted - with a creamy tint, for non-greasy - with a bluish tint. The taste and smell are clean, without foreign tastes and odors unusual fresh milk... Baked milk has a well-pronounced taste of high pasteurization. Of the physical and chemical indicators, the standard provides for: fat content in% (depending on the type); acidity - should be no more than 21 ° T, for protein - no more than 25 ° T; density; degree of purity; the content of vitamin C. From the microbiological indicators, the standard limits the total content of bacteria and the titer of Escherichia coli.

All types of cream should have a uniform consistency, without lumps of fat or protein flakes, color - white with a creamy shade, taste - slightly sweet with a pasteurized taste and smell.

Acidity - no higher than 17-19 ° T. Milk and cream with defects in taste and smell (bitter, rancid, fodder taste, greasy, sour, etc.), consistency (slimy, viscous, curdled), in contaminated packaging, with signs of leaks are not allowed for sale.

Cow's milk and cream should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° С for no more than 36 hours from the end of the technological process. Sterilized milk is stored at temperatures from 0 to 10 ° С - up to 6 months, at temperatures from 0 to 20 ° С - no more than 4 months.


Butter is a concentrated fatty dairy product with good digestibility and high taste. The oil contains milk fat, water, a certain amount of protein and minerals, milk sugar, vitamins A, D, E, K, group B; table salt can also be added, fillers - sugar, honey, cocoa, etc.

The oil contains 50 to 98% fat. Its digestibility is 95 - 98%, its melting point is 28 - 35 ° С. The calorie content of 100 g of oil is 500 - 775 kcal.

Butter is obtained in two ways: by whipping cream and by converting high-fat cream into the structure of butter (thermomechanical or vacuum).

Depending on the feedstock, manufacturing technology and chemical composition, butter is divided into the following groups:

With partial replacement of milk fat with vegetable oil: dietary, Slavic;

With milk-protein fillers: tea, homemade;

With flavoring and other fillings: chocolate, fruit, honey, Yaroslavl, etc.

A variety of butter is butter with fillings (chocolate, chalk, fruit, baby).

The industry also produces dietary oil, which is regular butter, but fat cow's milk 25% replaced by vegetable oil, contains no more than 16% moisture.

Oil quality requirements... The taste and smell of the oil should be clean, characteristic of the given species, without foreign tastes and odors. The filled oil should have a pronounced taste and aroma of the added fillers. The consistency of butter should be dense, homogeneous, the surface in the cut is slightly shiny and dry in appearance, with the presence of single tiny drops of moisture; the consistency of the oil with fillers should be softer, without visible droplets of moisture on the cut. Oil color - from white to light yellow, uniform throughout the mass. The filled oil should be uniform and consistent with the color of the fillers.

According to physicochemical indicators, the standard normalizes the mass fraction of moisture, fat, salt (in salted).

Depending on the quality, butter (unsalted, salted, amateur) is subdivided into the highest and 1st grade. Other types of oil are not divided into varieties.

When storing oil, protect it from light and provide air circulation.


Nuts are one of the most important sources of protein. In addition, nuts are rich in amino acids and fats. Nuts can be eaten raw, roasted, salted and are a common ingredient in baked goods, desserts, salads and sauces. In cooking, the most commonly used nuts are cashews, pecans, walnuts, chestnuts, coconuts, peanuts, and almonds.

Cashew. The cashew nut has a very unusual shape. It consists of two parts: the so-called cashew apple and the nut itself. Juice is obtained from "apples", syrups and alcoholic drinks are prepared from it, but the most popular part is the nut itself, which is known all over the world.

Cashews are rich in protein and carbohydrates, vitamin A, B2, B1 and iron, contain zinc, phosphorus, calcium. The use of cashew nuts in cooking is extremely wide: it is an excellent independent snack, and a wonderful component in salads, first and second courses, sauces and pastries.

Pecan... The closest relative of pecans is the walnut, and they both have a distinctive shape reminiscent of the convolutions of the brain. Pecan is rich in many useful substances and trace elements, but especially - vitamins A, B and E, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc.

Walnut. There are over 15 varieties of walnuts, but the most popular (due to its aroma) is the English walnut. In what dishes are walnuts not used! They are salted and eaten just like that, used for confectionery purposes. Nuts are rich in phosphorus, magnesium, proteins, vitamin E.

Chestnut. Chestnuts are very starchy, and thanks to this quality they make a good flour, suitable for baking a variety of pastries. This is one of the very few nuts that should not be eaten raw, as they are high in tannins.

Coconut. Coconuts are used for culinary purposes in a very diverse way, both pulp and milk are used, with both products you can cook both sweet and savory dishes. Coconut is rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Peanut. Peanuts, or peanuts, are extremely nutritious due to their high protein and oil content, they are also rich in vitamins B and E. Peanut butter is used to flavor dishes, and the nuts themselves can be eaten both salted, raw and roasted, they are a frequent ingredient. in many dishes.

Almond. There are two types of almonds - sweet and bitter. The use of this nut in cooking is very diverse. Mostly butter is obtained from bitter, and sweet goes into a variety of dishes.

The main conditions for storing nuts are maintaining optimal temperatures without sharp fluctuations and relative humidity within 70%, since at higher humidity the kernels are affected by mold and rancid. Most often, nuts affect fungal diseases - marsonia (brown spot of the kernel) and nematosporosis. Of the agricultural pests, the nut moth, which eats away the kernels, is especially dangerous.

According to the standard, the shelf life of hazelnuts does not exceed a year at a temperature of -15 to 20 ° C (without sudden fluctuations) and a relative humidity of no more than 70%.

The storage conditions and periods of walnuts are the same as for hazelnuts.

The shelf life of almonds at a relative humidity of not more than 70% is different: 5 years - at a temperature of -15 "С, 2 years - at a temperature of 10-20 ° С.


Colorants are added to food products to restore the natural color lost during processing or storage, to enhance the natural color and color of colorless products, and to give products an attractive appearance and color variety.

The main groups of food colors:

1. Mixed dyes;

2. Synthetic individual dyes;

3. Natural dyes.

Synthetic food colors, unlike natural ones, do not have biological activity and do not contain flavoring agents.
At the same time, they have significant technological advantages in comparison with natural ones: they are less sensitive to the conditions of technological processing and storage; heat resistant; give bright, fairly stable, easily reproducible colors; well soluble in water.

Colorants exist in the form of fine powders, granules and aluminum varnishes.

Natural dyes are physically isolated from plant and animal sources. Sometimes, to improve technological and consumer properties, dyes are subjected to chemical modification. Raw materials for natural food colors can be berries, flowers, leaves, root crops, waste of vegetable raw materials processing, etc.

Natural colors include: lukarotin (β-carotene), annatto, anthocyanins, curcumin, beetroot red (betanin), carmine, caramel color (sugar color), malt extract, coal (vegetable coal), copper chlorophyll complexes.


A food flavoring agent is an additive added to a food product to improve its aroma and taste and is a flavoring agent or a mixture of flavoring agents with or without a solvent or dry carrier (filler).

The composition of a food flavoring agent may include traditional food raw materials and food additives approved by the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Juices (including concentrated ones), jams, syrups, wines, cognacs, liqueurs and other similar products, as well as spices (fresh, dry, mechanically processed) do not belong to flavorings, since the specified raw materials can be used as a food product or a typical ingredient food and therefore cannot be considered an additive.

E codes are not assigned to food flavorings. This is due to the fact that food flavorings are complex multicomponent mixtures, and the number of food flavorings produced in the world is tens of thousands, while the number of food additives actually used, not counting mixed and flavorings, is only about 500.

It is customary to subdivide food flavors into natural food flavors, identical natural food flavors, and artificial food flavors.

Natural food flavors may include only natural flavor components. One of the varieties of natural food flavorings are essences - water-alcohol extracts or distillates of volatile substances from plant materials.

Flavors identical to natural contain at least one component identical to natural, may also contain natural components.

Artificial flavors contain at least one artificial component, they can also contain natural and identical to natural components.

Flavors are obtained as a result of physical (extraction, distillation, dissolution, mixing) or chemical (synthesis, Maillard reaction, smoke formation during combustion or pyrolysis) processes. In accordance with the requirements of the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, natural and synthetic flavoring substances included in Appendix 6 of SanPiN "Flavoring chemical substances for the production of food flavorings. "An index of these substances is given in Appendix 7 of SanPiN

The dosage of flavoring agents in food products is usually in the range from 0.1 to 2.0 kg per tonne or 100 dal of finished product.

Commodity characteristics of raw materials characterize the nutritional value, content nutrients in raw materials, determines the requirements for shelf life, organoleptic assessment of the quality of raw materials.

The nutritional value and chemical composition.

Essential nutrients are organic and inorganic compounds that are required to sustain life. The main nutrients are those that are required by the human body in a certain amount for normal growth, maintenance and repair of tissues, as well as for reproduction. There are five broad categories of essential nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Bar "Natalie" uses meat for the preparation of specialties, various vegetables and fruits.

Fresh vegetables and fruits play an important role in human nutrition, as they have a high nutritional value, pleasant taste and aroma, improve appetite and digestibility of food, have a beneficial effect on metabolism, and maintain acid-base balance in the body.

The potato tuber contains dry substances, of which starch is the main one, in addition, there are nitrogenous substances, sugars, minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron; fiber, organic acids, up to 20 mg% of vitamin C and a small amount of vitamins B1, B2, B5, PP, E, K, U. The nutritional value is high due to the content of a large amount of starch. Potatoes are an important source of vitamin C due to their frequent use in the diet, due to the presence of potassium, potatoes are used in medical nutrition for diseases of the heart and kidneys.

Onions contain the bulk of sugar, which consists of sucrose, essential oils, proteins, vitamins (C, B1, B2, B6, PP), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium), nitrogenous substances.

The nutritional value of cabbage vegetables is characterized by the sugar content in the form of glucose and fructose, protein, organic acids, minerals in the form of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and iron salts. Calcium and phosphorus are presented in a ratio favorable for assimilation by the human body. There is a lot of vitamin C, B1, B2, PP, K and folic acid in cabbage, which prevents the development of anemia, as well as choline and vitamin U, which has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs.

Tomatoes are widespread due to their high nutritional value and excellent taste, which depends on a combination of sugars in the form of glucose and fructose and organic acids in the form of malic and citric. Of the minerals in tomatoes, there are salts of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, but most of all iron salts, in addition to vitamin C, tomatoes contain carotene, vitamins B1, B2, PP and K.

Eggplant nutritional value due to the sugar content of 4.2% in the form of glucose, mineral substances 0.5% in the form of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, organic acids and vitamins (C, B1, B2, PP). Solanine glycoside gives a peculiar bitter taste. Unripe fruits with underdeveloped seeds and tender pulp are used for food.

Apples have a high nutritional value due to the content of sugars up to 9%, vitamins (C, B1, B2, PP) and minerals, great taste and aroma due to the presence of organic acids up to 2%, essential oils and tannins.

Mango is an oblong green fruit. The mango pulp is juicy with an aromatic delicate sour-sweet taste. They are a source of sugar, organic acids, essential oils, minerals, vitamins C, group B.

Pepper is appreciated as flavoring product, which has a pungent bitter taste and contains many vitamins B1, B2, PP, carotene 2 mg%, sugar, minerals 0.6% in the form of potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium.

The chemical composition of poultry meat is characterized by the presence of proteins (16-21%), fat (5-28%), carbohydrates, minerals (calcium, copper, sodium, phosphorus, iron), water 45-69%, vitamins B1, B2, PP , A, D, extractives.

Poultry meat contains mainly complete proteins. Poultry fat has low temperature melting and is easily absorbed by the body. The extractive substances of poultry meat give the broths taste, aroma, enhance the separation of digestive juices, and promote the assimilation of food.

The nutritional value of meat is mainly due to the presence of complete proteins and animal fats. Meat proteins have a high biological value, and in the highest degree - proteins of muscle tissue, the amino acid composition of which is favorably balanced. Meat proteins are necessary for the human body to build its tissues and enzymes. Fats are involved in the metabolism in the human body. The unsaturated fatty acids found in fats increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

The nutritional value of nitrogenous extractives is due to the fact that they affect the taste and aroma of meat and broth, stimulate the appetite, promoting better assimilation food. Mineral substances in meat can be from 0.8 to 1.3%. They are mainly represented by potassium and phosphorus, there are also calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, cobalt, zinc, etc.

Rules for the acceptance of raw materials at the enterprise Catering.

Receipt of goods is an important part of the technological process. Acceptance is carried out in two stages.

Products are obtained in terms of quantity and quality. The first stage is preliminary. Acceptance of products by quantity is carried out according to consignment notes, invoices, by recalculating containers, weighing. If the goods were received in a non-defective container, in addition to checking the gross weight, the company has the right to demand that the container be opened and the net weight checked.

The second stage is final acceptance. The net weight and the number of commodity units are checked simultaneously with the opening of the container, but no later than 10 days, and for perishable products - no later than 24 hours from the date of acceptance of the goods. The tare weight is checked simultaneously with the acceptance of the goods. If it is impossible to weigh products without tare, the net mass is determined as the difference between the gross and tare weight. Each container must have a marking label indicating the date, hour of manufacture and the deadline for sale.

Simultaneously with the acceptance of goods, but in quantity, the goods are also accepted in terms of quality. The term of quality control for perishable goods is 24 hours, for non-perishable goods - 10 days.

Acceptance of goods in terms of quality is carried out organoleptically (in appearance, color, smell, taste). At the same time, compliance with standards and specifications is checked. Certificates or certificates of quality are attached to the transport documents, which indicate the date of manufacture, the period of sale, the name of the company; hygiene certificates (indicating the permissible and actual levels of heavy metals).

In accordance with the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and sanitary norms and rules, the goods must be safe for the health of consumers. It is necessary to control the compliance of the types and names of products with the labeling on the packaging and product documentation, the compliance of packaging and labeling with the requirements of sanitary rules and state standards... Food products are accepted in clean, dry containers and packaging without foreign smell and integrity violations.

Transportation of raw materials and food products is carried out by a dedicated transport. Vehicles used for the transportation of food must have a sanitary passport issued by the sanitary authorities in the prescribed manner. Specialized road transport is equipped with a closed body with an inscription on the outside corresponding to the transported product.

Perishable products are transported by refrigerated transport, which ensures that the temperature regimes for transportation established for this product are maintained. Refrigerated trucks are equipped with self-contained refrigeration units. Isothermal transport - road transport with an isothermal (heat-insulated) body, can be used for intracity transportation of perishable products. In the warm season, ice and ice-salt mixture are placed in an isothermal body for cooling. When transporting foodstuffs, the rules of commodity neighborhood must be observed.

Culinary and confectionery products are transported in vehicles specially designed and equipped for these purposes in marked and clean containers - containers or trays with lids.

Storage of food products must be carried out in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation with the appropriate parameters of temperature, humidity and light conditions for each type of food in accordance with the sanitary rules "Hygienic requirements for the shelf life and storage conditions of food" (San-PiN 2.3.2. 1324 --03).

Potatoes are packed in hard containers (boxes) and soft containers (bags, coolies, nets), 30-50 kg each. At enterprises, potatoes are stored in well-ventilated warehouses with daylight for 5-10 days at a temperature of 3C and a relative humidity of 85-90%. Potatoes are placed in bins or boxes installed on podtovoy.

Cabbage late varieties of white cabbage are transported without containers in bulk, in bags or nets. Early varieties of white cabbage, as well as packed in coolies, baskets, boxes of 40-50kg. At catering establishments, cabbage is stored in warehouses on racks without containers, stacked in rows in 3-4 tiers in a checkerboard pattern, stubs up at a temperature of 3C and a humidity of 85-90% for 3 to 5 days.

Onions are packed in coolies and nets - 30 kg bags. In factories, onions are stored for up to 5 days at a temperature of 3C and a relative humidity of 70%.

Meat is stored in refrigerated chambers as a hanging chilled meat, frozen meat in stacks at a temperature from 0 to -5C and a relative humidity of 85-90% - 2-3 days. At a temperature of -12C and a relative humidity of 95-98%. Frozen beef is stored for 8 months. Chilled meat is stored at temperatures from 0 to 2C and relative humidity of 85% - 3 days.

Ripe tomatoes come in boxes - trays or baskets of 12 kg. Brown and milk maturity 20 kg each, eggplants 30 kg each. These vegetables are stored for up to 3 days at a temperature of 0 to 11C and an air humidity of 85-90%.

Capsicum comes in boxes of 20 kg. Store up to three days at a temperature of 0 to 11C and a relative humidity of 85-90%.

Apples arrive and are stored in boxes of 25-30 kg. Fruits are packed in containers in rows of the same variety, size, and the same degree of maturity.

Each row is lined with paper or shavings. Store up to 3 days at 4C and 85-90% relative humidity.

Carcasses of all bird species are packed in plastic film bags. Bird carcasses are placed in wooden boxes or boxes made of corrugated cardboard separately by type, fatness category, processing method. On the package with a carcass or a label enclosed in the package, or on the front side of the box, the symbols of poultry carcasses are applied by the type and age of chickens - C, broiler chickens - CB, chickens - K, By the method of processing, half-gutted - E, gutted - EE, crushed with a set of giblets - R. By fatness: the first category-1, the second category-2, inappropriate for the fatness of the first and second categories - T (skinny).

Chilled poultry carcasses are stored at a temperature of 0 to 2C and a relative air humidity of 80-85% for no more than 5 days from the day of production, frozen at a temperature of 0-6C for 3 days.

Requirements for the quality of raw materials.

At public catering establishments, it is recommended to organize quality control of products at all stages of production, for which it is necessary to create services for introductory, operational and acceptance quality control with a clear division of functions and responsibility for the quality of products.

The incoming control service monitors incoming raw materials (products) and checks the compliance of its quality with the data specified in the accompanying documents (certificates, invoices), according to the organoleptic indicators set forth in the regulatory and technical documentation.

The quality of raw materials is assessed based on the results of the analysis of a part of the product selected from the batch. A batch is considered to be any quantity of products of one name, manufactured by an enterprise per shift. Sampling of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, for which technical documentation has been developed (GOST, RST, TU), is carried out by opening a certain number of transport units in the package specified in these documents, and taking part of the products. A sample taken from a separate unit of packaging is called a one-time sample. The number of products in a single sample from each unit must be the same (equal). In the absence of standards and technical specifications for raw materials and semi-finished products, for the selection of an average sample from a small batch of products, all packaging units are opened, if there are no more than five, and for a larger one, every second or third, but not less than five.

Parts are separated from the average sample for sensory evaluation, determination of mass and laboratory analysis.

Vegetables must be whole, clean, and healthy.

Tomatoes should be red and pink in ripeness or yellow for yellow-fruited, the color of eggplants is dark purple. Fruits must be free of mechanical damage, eggplants with a stalk, and tomatoes can be without it. The largest diameter of round fruit shapes is at least 4 cm for tomatoes, 5 cm for eggplants.The length of eggplants is at least 10 cm.Potato tubers must be whole, dry, clean, healthy, unfading and not germinated, for selected varieties - uniform in shape and color ... Tubers of late varieties should be mature, with a dense skin. The smell and taste of potatoes are characteristic of a botanical variety. Selected potatoes must be delivered free from defects, free from soil.

The bulbs must be ripe, healthy, dry, clean, whole, uniform in shape and color, with well-dried upper scales, a dried neck no more than 5 cm long and shaped arrows up to 2 cm, the taste and smell are characteristic of the botanical variety. The diameter of an ordinary onion is 3-4 cm. Steamed, rotted, slightly frozen, damaged by diseases with an off-odor and aftertaste are not allowed.

White cabbage is divided into 2 commercial varieties: selected and ordinary (except for early white cabbage). Cabbage heads should be fresh, clean, whole, fully formed, they differ in the degree of density, uncracked, of the same botanical variety, stripped to tight-fitting leaves, with a stalk up to 3 cm.

With taste and smell characteristic of this botanical variety. The mass of a head of cabbage in early white cabbage should be 0.4-0.6, in selected mid-ripening, mid-late and late cabbage at least 1 kg, in ordinary cabbage 0.6-0.8 kg. Heads of cabbage that are cracked, sprouted, rotten, frostbitten, with a foreign smell are not allowed.

Chilled meat has a pale pink or pale red drying crust. On the cut, the muscles are slightly moist, the color of the muscles for beef is from light red to dark red. The consistency of the meat is dense, elastic. The smell is typical of the type of meat. Beef fat is yellow, yellowish or White color, the consistency is solid, crumbles when crushed, the fat should not have salting or rancidity. The tendons are elastic, dense, the surface of the joints is smooth and shiny. The bone marrow fills the entire density of the tubular bone, does not lag behind it, its consistency is elastic, the color is yellow, glossy at the fracture. Fresh frozen meat has a red surface, pinkish-gray in the cut. The consistency is firm, a clear sound is emitted when tapped. Has no smell.


Purpose: organization of the preparation process for complex hot culinary products in accordance with the chosen topic "Assortment and features of the technology for preparing complex baked fish dishes."

Research object: the process of cooking complex baked fish dishes.

The main tasks of the course work:

Select and analyze primary sources in accordance with the topic of the work;

Choose five names of dishes complex preparation from fish;

Give a commodity characteristic of fish;

Describe the technological process of preparing fish dishes;

Describe the physical and chemical changes in fish;

Describe the quality requirements for ready-made fish dishes;

Draw up a consolidated raw material sheet for selected fish dishes;

To develop a TC for three dishes ("Fish baked with an egg", "Fish baked in a red sauce with onions and mushrooms", "Fish baked with tomatoes");

To develop a TTK for two dishes ("Telnoe" Raduzhnoe "," Salmon baked with pineapples);

Draw up two cooking schemes for the selected dishes;

Draw conclusions based on the results of the completed coursework.

Fish dishes are in great demand at public catering establishments and are sold in large quantities. Fish contains 40 to 65% of edible meat that is rich in protein. The amount of proteins in the soft raw fish ranges from 6.5 to 27%. About 90% of proteins are complete. The ratio of amino acids in them is close to optimal.

In dishes made from perch, pike, bream, roach, burbot, crucian carp and other fish of central Russia, there are many proteins that are extremely necessary for the life of the body.

Fish dishes are widely used in medicinal or gentle nutrition. Doctors recommend a fish diet for obesity.

As mentioned above, fish dishes are widely used in the daily diet, but are especially appreciated in dietary nutrition. This is explained not only by the high nutritional value and taste, but also by easy digestibility and beneficial effects on the human body.

The course work presents the following dishes: “Fish baked with an egg”, “Fish baked in a red sauce with onions and mushrooms”, “Fish baked with tomatoes”, “Telnoye“ Rainbow ”,“ Salmon baked with pineapples ”.

Characteristics of the technological process

Commodity characteristics of raw materials

The chemical composition of fish meat, which determines its nutritional value and taste, is characterized, first of all, by the content of water, nitrogenous substances, lipids, minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins. The chemical composition of fish is not constant. It depends significantly on the species, physiological state, age, sex, habitat and other factors. Their nutritional value is determined, first of all, by the content of complete proteins. These proteins are rich in tyrosine, arginine, histidine and lysine. The total content of nitrogenous substances in fish ranges from 13 to 21%. The digestibility of fish proteins is 97%. One serving of fish dish, excluding the side dish, contains, depending on the type of fish and the yield, from 14 to 30 grams of protein. Comparative figures on the nutritional value of fish dishes: 100 gr. beef contains 19% protein, 9.5% fat, 0.4% carbohydrates, calorie content is 166 kcal. And in 100 gr. river fish on average, it contains 15.9% protein, 2.5% fat, 0.1% carbohydrates, calorie content is 91 kcal.

In terms of food and culinary qualities, fish is not inferior to meat, and even surpasses it in ease of assimilation, which is one of the most significant advantages of this product. The value of fish as a food product is determined by its significant protein (protein) content. However, in addition to complete proteins, fish contains well-digestible fats, minerals, as well as a small amount of carbohydrates, enzymes, and water- and fat-soluble vitamins. In addition, fish contains extractive and mineral substances, a small amount of carbohydrates. Proteins contain all essential amino acids necessary for a person in optimal proportions.

In terms of nutritional value, fish meat is on average equivalent to meat from domestic animals. So, for example, the energy value (kcal / kJ) of carp meat is 96/402, notothenia marble - 156/653, autumn capelin - 212/887, veal category I - 90/377, beef category II - 144 / 602, pork meat - 355/1485.

Fish meat is characterized by high nutritional value. The calorie content of 100 g of fish meat is in the range of 100-200 kcal. This is due to the content in fish of substances necessary for rational nutrition humans: a large number of edible parts and a high digestibility of fish tissue, the presence of taste and smell inherent only in them in most fish, and in addition to sea, a specific aroma of the sea and a sour taste, which contributes to an increase in their digestibility.

In many fish, white and brown musculature is distinguished (up to 10% of the mass of the edible part of the fish). Brown meat has low palatability, is characterized by a different composition of the main nutrients and is distinguished by a high (up to 10%) content of myoglobin. In this regard, it is used for industrial processing at the place of catch (saury, tuna).

Proteins are the most important component of fish meat. The ratio of complete and inadequate proteins in fish is higher than in meat from warm-blooded animals, due to the lower content of connective tissue. There are slightly more proteins in caviar and milk than in fish meat. Depending on the protein content in meat, fish is divided into low-protein 6.5-14.5% protein, protein 17-19, high-protein 20-26% protein and is subjected to various types of processing.

Fish proteins (5-25% and more) make up about 85% of the amount of nitrogenous substances and, in terms of biological value, are not inferior to meat proteins of warm-blooded animals. The amino acid composition includes especially important essential amino acids: phenylalanine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan. Fish proteins are complete, and are mainly represented by simple proteins, which are subdivided into water-soluble proteins (myoglobin, globulin-X, myoalbumin); salt-soluble (myosin, actin, actomyosin, tropomeosin); complex proteins insoluble in water and salt solutions, but soluble in alkalis and acids: nucleoproteins, phosphoproteins, glucoproteins.

Proteins that make up muscle tissue are found mainly in a colloidal state in the form of gels and sols. This predetermines the instability and variability of the properties of protein substances.

Fish contains complete proteins, the main protein is ichtulin, as well as albumin, etc. Protein makes up on average 15-19% of the edible part of fish, it is balanced in amino acids. The protein has a fairly high content of methionine, lysine, tryptophan, which makes fish essential in baby food. Compared to the meat of warm-blooded animals, fish has 6 times less connective tissue.

Defective collagen protein (2-4% of the total protein), which is part of the sarcolemma of muscle fibers and connective tissue, is characterized by a reduced content of hydroxyproline, as a result of which it has a lower denaturation temperature (40 0 C) and passes into glutin faster.

In terms of protein content, different fish breeds differ little from one another, but in terms of fat content, the difference is significant: in some fish species, fat is up to 33% of their weight, in others - no more than 0.1%. Usually the taste of its meat and its culinary qualities depend on the fat content of the fish. The most delicious fish, such as sturgeon, salmon, eels, lampreys, are at the same time some of the fattest. Within a single fish species, the best specimens are usually the fattest.

The amount of fat varies dramatically depending on the type of fish. According to the fat content, several groups can be distinguished: skinny (up to 3%) - pollock, ice, crucian carp, cod, etc.; moderately fatty (3-8%) - pink salmon, catfish, carp, sprat, sea ​​bass and etc.; fatty (8-20%) - salmon, sturgeon, halibut, etc.; very fatty (more than 30%) - lamprey, eel, etc. Fat has a high biological value due to an increase in the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (arachidonic, etc.) of fat-soluble vitamins A, O, vitamins of group B. Fish fats are easily oxidized, subject to spoilage therefore fish and fish products must be stored at lower temperatures.

Fish fat contains biologically active unsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins A and D, phosphatides, cholesterol. The digestibility of fish oil is about 90%. Due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids, fish fats have a low melting point, are easily oxidized, and the quality of the fish deteriorates. Fatty acids with 4-6 double bonds are especially rapidly oxidized, and there are 1.5-2 times more of them in sea fish than in freshwater. Therefore, sea fish is stored less well when frozen. Fish contains very active enzymes that oxidize fats during storage, and this leads to the accumulation of substances with unpleasant odor and taste. The enzymes found in sea fish are especially active.

Fish fats are chemically complex and contain a large amount of highly unsaturated acids. This is how they differ from the fats of warm-blooded animals. In addition, fats in fish are liquid, while in warm-blooded animals they are viscous or solid.

The chemical composition of fats changes with the age of the fish. The older the fish, the less unsaturated its fats. The maximum unsaturation of fats was noted in young perch. The composition of fat is also subject to seasonal changes.

To determine the nutritional value of fish, the location of the fat is important. There are fish breeds in which fat accumulates in the liver, in the abdominal walls, in the abdominal cavity, in the subcutaneous layer, at the bases of the fins, but in the best valuable fish the fat is mainly distributed also between the muscles. Due to the intermuscular layers of fat, the meat of these fish is especially tender.

The amount of fat and its location in individual parts of the fish body is not constant. At certain periods of the fish's life, the fat content in it may increase, due to age, changes in feeding conditions, during the period of increased feeding, etc., and at other times the amount of fat decreases significantly. So, during the formation of eggs in females and milk in males, the fat content decreases significantly, since the body's fats and proteins are spent mainly on the formation of eggs and milk, and first of all, fat reserves concentrated in the liver or in the abdominal cavity are consumed.

Especially unfavorable for the fat content of fish is spawning and the associated decrease in the intensity of feeding and long movements. Some salmonids do not take food during migration, lose all fat and part of their protein, their stomach partially atrophies, the appearance of the fish changes greatly

Fish carbohydrates are mainly represented by glycogen. Due to the low content of fish in meat, their role in the nutritional relation is small, however, carbohydrates have a significant effect on the formation of taste, smell and color of fish products.

Vitamins A, D, E, K (fat-soluble) are found in various tissues and organs of fish. Vitamins A and D are found in the liver of cod, halibut, and tuna. In addition, the meat and other tissues of fish contain vitamins of group B, C and niacin.

The meat of marine fish is rich in valuable minerals, the bulk of which is represented by potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, as well as iodine and fluorine.

The mineral composition of fish is very diverse. So, in the ash of marine fish, sodium and chlorine compounds are 7 times more than in the ash of freshwater ones. Marine fish contain a lot of iodine salts. Mineral substances are contained in the tissues and organs of fish (up to 3%), in the bones there are much more. Of the minerals, fish contains iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, copper, iodine, etc. Marine and oceanic fish contain more trace elements (copper, iodine, bromine, cobalt, etc.), which play an important role in metabolism substances.

Extractive nitrogenous substances are contained in fish meat in small quantities, easily dissolve in water, give fish a specific taste and smell.

The nutritional value of fish meat depends not only on the chemical composition and digestibility, but also on the ratio of edible and inedible parts and organs in the fish body. The more edible parts (meat, caviar, milk, liver), the higher the nutritional value of the fish.

Edible parts include meat, caviar, milk and liver, inedible parts - bones, fins, scales, entrails. Some fish heads, such as sturgeon, are edible because they contain a lot of meat and fat. The more meat and caviar in fish, the higher it is valued for nutrition.

In terms of chemical composition and culinary advantages, the meat of males is almost the same as that of females, since the fish spends almost the same number fat and protein. True, the weight of caviar in some fish reaches 25% of their weight, which significantly exceeds the weight of milk, but this is a disadvantage only for those fish species whose caviar does not have great nutritional value. In sturgeon and some salmon, caviar is the most valuable part of fish.

The variety of chemical composition and structural features of fish tissues determine its dietary properties. There is very little connective tissue in fish meat, and it is mostly loose, so the meat quickly boils down, has a delicate consistency and is completely absorbed by the body.

Fish can be classified according to many characteristics, such as lifestyle, skeletal structure, size or weight, and families. In merchandising practice, fish are distinguished by families and species. By families, fish are subdivided depending on general characteristics: body shape, number, shape and location of fins, skeleton, presence of scales.

A species is a biological unit of fish taxonomy. This is a set of very similar biological and outward signs individuals that have certain similar traits that are inherited and always distinguish a given species from closely related species. Currently, there are more than 22 thousand species of fish, united in almost 550 families.

According to the structure of the skeleton, they are divided into cartilaginous (sturgeon) and with a bone skeleton.

By way of life and habitat, fish are divided into: sea - constantly live and spawn in the seas and oceans (herring, cod, mackerel, etc.); freshwater - constantly live and spawn in fresh water (sterlet, burbot, silver carp, etc.); semi-anadromous - usually live in desalinated areas of the seas, and for spawning and wintering they go to rivers (bream, pike perch, catfish, etc.); migratory - live in the seas, but for spawning they enter rivers (sturgeon, except sterlet, pink salmon, chum salmon, etc.) or live in fresh water, and for spawning they enter the seas and oceans (eel).

By size or weight - they are divided into large, medium and small. Distinguish between total and commercial length of fish. In commercial practice, the fishing length is used, which is measured in a straight line from the anterior point of the head (apex of the snout) to the beginning of the middle rays of the caudal fin. Large fish are usually valued higher and are superior to small ones in terms of taste. Only in some fish (mullet, pike, beluga) large specimens have a tougher and coarser meat. Fish such as sprat, smelt, herring, lamprey are not subdivided either by length or by weight. Some fish species are marketed under the name of the 1st and 2nd groups fines. Fish fines are not subdivided by length and weight.

According to the degree of fat content, fish is subdivided into those containing more than 8% fat. Such fish are lampreys, sturgeons, many salmon (especially European types of salmon), some herring species, mackerel, eel, anchovy. Containing from 4 to 8% fat - these include most cyprinids, part of the Far Eastern salmon, part of herring, some varieties of flounder and catfish. Containing less than 4% fat, - perch, cod fish, trout, pike, etc. belong to the group. fatty fish- more than 15% fat.

It is necessary to take into account the conventionality of this division; for example, carp and some other carp on the Amur contain more than 10% fat in meat, ocean herring during spawning has 2-3% fat in meat, and during the feeding period the fat content of its meat rises to 25% or more.

Thus, summing up the listed characteristics of fish, we can conclude that fish as a food product in terms of calorie content and usefulness of the chemical composition is not inferior to the nutritional value of cattle and poultry meat.

The characteristics of the main commercial fish are described below.

Sturgeon. There is no fish better than sturgeon in the water bodies of the world. All sturgeons are characterized by an elongated, fusiform body structure. The skin of the fish is covered with bony plates, the so-called bugs, which are located along the body in five rows: one in the middle of the back, two along the lateral lines and two on the abdomen. Instead of a bony skeleton, sturgeons have cartilage, and instead of a bony spine, a cartilaginous notochord (dorsal string).

In culinary terms, in addition to the excellent quality of meat, sturgeon have a number of other advantages. They provide a very small amount of inedible parts (no more than 14%) due to the fact that the cartilage, which mainly make up the head and skeleton, as well as the vertebral cord, is used for food. Boiled cartilage is added to pickles, hodgepodge, and from the chord - dorsal string, vizigu is prepared (dorsal string without internal cartilaginous mass, cut lengthwise and dried), which is used as a filling for pies, pies and kulebyak. An equally important advantage of sturgeon fish is lower weight loss during heat treatment than other fish species.

The sturgeon family includes sturgeon, thorn, beluga, stellate sturgeon sterlet, etc.

Salmon The body of salmon fish is covered with scales that fit tightly to the skin. Scales are absent on the head. Characteristic feature of this family of fish is the presence of a second dorsal fin of a special structure - adipose, which is located on the back at the beginning of the caudal peduncle. Salmon meat is tender and devoid of intermuscular bones. Almost all fish of this family (except for whitefish, whitefish, nelma, vendace) have red meat of various shades.

The numerous salmon family includes such large fish like salmon and as small as vendace. But all salmonids are characterized by a high taste quality of meat, and for the majority - a significant fat content. Some salmon have a fat content of up to 27%. These fish accumulate a large amount of fat between the muscles, in the abdominal walls (teshka), under the skin and in the abdominal cavity.

Large salmon - Caspian, Far Eastern, as well as salmon, nelma catering enterprises receive salted or fresh frozen; Far Eastern salmon also come in the form of natural canned food.

Fatty, tender meat of large salmon in the process of very moderate salting is saturated with fat, acquires a specific taste ("ripens") and becomes one of the best gastronomic products. Culinary experts use lightly salted salmon meat to prepare cold snacks, salads, etc. Frozen salmon meat is best boiled or grilled on a wire rack.

The salmon family is divided into three large groups: European (gourmet), Far Eastern and whitefish.

The first group includes salmon, Caspian and Baltic salmon. Salmon is one of the best in our water basins. She often reaches 40 kg in weight and 150 cm in length. It contains a lot of fat (from 11 to 24%). The best salmon, the largest and fattest, is caught in the Northern Dvina; a lot of salmon are caught in the Pechora River. This salmon is widely known as Dvinskaya and Pechora salmon.

Thinly sliced ​​ce is served as a snack; open sandwiches, sandwiches are prepared from it ( closed sandwiches), canapes (curly small sandwiches), it is added to salads, it is decorated with cold fish dishes.

Caspian salmon - the best - Kura salmon, which is caught in autumn and winter in the Kura River. Winter catch fish contains up to 27% fat. Large specimens are up to 1 m long and weighing 40-50 kg. The salmon of the middle Caspian are smaller and somewhat less fatty; they have very delicate tasty meat, on the cuts of which droplets of transparent fat appear.

Far Eastern salmon: chum salmon - distinguish between chum salmon of autumn and summer catches. The chum salmon of the autumn catch (Amur, Anadyr) is much fatter and larger than the chum salmon of the summer catch (Kamchatka, Okhotsk, Amur, etc.). Autumn commercial chum salmon weighs up to 10 kg and contains up to 12% fat, and summer fish weighs up to 2-2.5 kg and less fat. Most of the chum salmon catch is salted, canned food is prepared from it. Cooks use salted chum, without subjecting to heat treatment, for cold snacks. To taste, this fish is less tender than salmon, but salted chum salmon of the autumn catch is close to salmon in taste.

Chum salmon, like all Far Eastern salmon, produces red caviar. Despite the fact that red caviar is called chum salmon, the best quality red caviar is obtained from pink salmon. Pink salmon is less fatty meat than other Far Eastern salmon, but canned salmon tastes better than chum salmon.

Sigi. To this large clan of the family salmon fish include: Chud and anadromous whitefish, muksun, omul, wild boil, vendace, peled. All these fish have rather large silvery scales. Whitefish, depending on the breed, contain from 2 to 15% fat. White tender whitefish meat is strongly deformed during cooking, so this fish is allowed to simmer or fried. Part of the whitefish catch is smoked; hot smoked whitefish are especially tasty.

Large Baikal omul weighs 2 kg or more. Its meat is tender, fatty, very tasty when smoked. Vendace - small; the lake vendace weighs 50-150 g. Vendace is supplied to public catering establishments fresh or frozen. Chefs fry this fish. Canned food from small vendace is prepared as sprats.

Trout, nelma and taimen occupy a special place among salmon.

Trout is a very beautiful fish of several varieties: pied trout, Sevan trout, rainbow fore lake trout, etc. Trout is one of the most delicious fish in our water basins. It is caught in natural reservoirs (lakes, rivers, streams), and also specially bred in ponds. Culinary experts prepare delicate fish dishes from it; it is good boiled, fried. The property of trout (as well as some other fish, such as carp) - in the first hours after stunning to acquire a beautiful blue color from vinegar - is used by culinary experts in the manufacture of a delicious and beautiful dish "blue trout".

Nelmat is also one of the best fish in the salmon family. Despite the fact that in terms of fat content and size, nelma is inferior to white fish, balyk from nelma are also obtained of very good quality. Culinary experts prepare various dishes from fresh or frozen nelma, and the most delicious dishes are from fried nelma.

Taimen Large specimens of this fish reach 1 m in length and 65 kg in weight. Trout meat is very tasty, although less fatty than salmon meat.

Smelt is a family close to salmon. Smelt meat is white; like salmonids, smelts have a "fatty" fin. Ordinary commercial smelt - small fish... When fried, it is very tasty - it has a peculiar aroma and taste. When fresh, usually smelt has a pleasant smell of fresh cucumbers. From small smelt prepare canned food. The largest specimens are hot smoked. This group includes smelt, capelin, smelt.

Cyprinids are the most common family in terms of the number of species. Catering enterprises receive carp - bream, carp, crucian carp, asp, ide, tench - live, chilled or frozen, less often salted, and ram, vobla, shemayu, vybtsa, white-eye and others - smoked or dried. Carp are distinguished by good, tasty meat. Some species of cyprinids accumulate a lot of fat in autumn, the content of which, for example, in the Amur carp, can be over 10%.

Excellent gastronomic products are produced by the industry from shemai, rybtsa, white-eyed, etc. These fish in smoked or dried form are distinguished by significant fat content and very delicate pleasant taste meat. The disadvantage of some cyprinids is the large number of small intermuscular bones.

The carp family includes many other large and small fish.

Perch. Fish of the perch family are considered to be skinny because of the low fat content in their meat. But in perch, especially in pike-perch, there is a lot of complete protein and extractives, which makes them especially valuable in food and culinary terms. The extractive substances contained in fish (in particular in perch) are easily recovered hot water, which explains the good quality of fish broths. Soft tasty perch meat with a small amount of intermuscular bones is well absorbed, which makes this fish a product especially suitable for dietary nutrition. Pleasant taste, meatiness and the possibility of using perch for the preparation of many first and second courses, snacks are a significant culinary advantage of this fish. The presence of glue-eating substances in perch makes them especially suitable for the preparation of aspic dishes.

Perch also include pike perch, bersh, perch, ruff.

Herring. Most of the herring catch is used for salting. Salted herring is the most popular and popular snack. Cooks should be well versed in the herring assortment in order to choose the right sauce (dressing) and side dish for each herring. It is essential, for example, for fatty and tender ocean herring, well ripening, having its own very pleasant taste, to give a side dish that only emphasizes the high quality of the herring, namely, boiled potatoes and onions. For herring less fat, with a smaller “bouquet” or almost no “bouquet”, give, on the contrary, a spicy mustard dressing, etc. When making snacks, low and medium salted herrings are usually not soaked, but strongly salted ones must be soaked in water , tea or milk. Occasionally catering establishments receive unsalted, fresh-frozen herring - an excellent fish for culinary processing. Fresh herring, especially large herring, can be used to prepare excellent dishes, such as herring, fried in the usual way or on a wire rack, etc.

The herring family is very large both in the abundance of fish and in the diversity of its individual species. At present, the basis of herring fishery is ocean herring of the open seas of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.

The herring family is subdivided into herring proper, sardines and small herring. The most valuable are the following fatty herring: Atlantic group - polar, Icelandic; the Pacific group - Zhupanovskaya, Olyutorskaya; Caspian group - Caspian elite (hall): Azov-Black Sea herring - Danube and Kerch.

Herring of medium and low fat content of the Atlantic group - Atlantic, North Sea, Murmansk, White Sea and Baltic; Pacific group - Sakhalin, Okhotsk, Kamchatka; the Caspian group - Volga, Dolginskaya, puzanki; Azov-Black Sea herring - Don and Dnieper.

Sardines include sardines, sardinella and sardinops. They are similar in appearance and close in taste; excellent raw material for hot and cold smoking.

Among the small herring we note in the Baltic Sea: Baltic herring and Baltic sprat; in the Caspian: common sprat and anchovy sprat; along the Azov-Black Sea region: a subspecies of sprat, called here tulka, and hamsu - a small fish from the anchovy family close to herring.

Zhupanovskaya and Olyutorskaya herring are highly valued due to the excellent taste of their tender and fatty meat. These herring contain on average 27% fat, and the largest, feeding, September catch - up to 33.5%. Zhupanovskoy herring is caught in the Zhupanov region (southeastern Kamchatka coast), and Olyutorskaya herring is caught in the Olyutorka region (eastern Kamchatka).

Codfish. The seas of the North and the Far East abound in cod fish. Cod is especially abundant in the Barents Sea. Cod has been a favorite fish of our northern pomors for a long time. This fish reaches large sizes, its dense white meat, without small intermuscular bones, with good culinary processing very tasty. Well-cooked cod meat does not become boring, and consumers get used to it very quickly.

Cod meat is an exceptionally healthy and complete food; it is rich in substances important for humans - proteins, salts of iodine, calcium, manganese, extractives. Cod comes to the market chilled, frozen, salted and smoked, already cut, without head and entrails; part of the cod is processed into frozen fillets.

In the northern regions of our country, especially in the coastal regions, abounding in a variety of fish, local residents, as a rule, prefer cod, and not because it is tastier, softer and fatter in these regions, but because the Pomors have known this fish for a long time, they studied her dignity and learned how to prepare delicious dishes, various pie fillings and cold snacks from it. In a number of countries, cod is the most common fish, it is considered an excellent, highly nutritious product. Fleshy cod, especially good in cutlet products.

Navaga is a delicious, delicate-tasting fish of this family. The best navaga is caught in the White Sea in winter. Only ice cream covered with a fluffy bloom of frost is delivered to catering establishments. Despite the very low fat content, Mezen and coastal cod are highly valued, since the meat of this fish is tender and its taste is very peculiar and pleasant.

This family includes cod, navaga, haddock, pollock, hake, as well as burbot, Arctic cod, blue whiting, whiting.

Flounder fish have a very tasty, tender and white meat, from which you can prepare many different hot and cold dishes. A small amount of dry white wine added to boiled or stewed flounder gives it a particularly discriminating taste... When fried, the flounder meat is very tender, and various sauces used to this fish, emphasize its softness and juiciness.

Flounder is a sea bottom fish. Its flat, sheet-shaped body is asymmetrical. On one side of it, usually dark, both eyes are located, the other side of the fish is "blind" and much lighter, in some flounders it is white. In the Black Sea, they catch large flounder fish, Kalkan, which has white, dense and relatively fatty meat; in the Barents Sea and in the Far East, yellow-bellied and yellow-striped large flounder is caught. In the Baltic Sea, a medium-sized flounder is caught, which enters the mouths of rivers and is called river. The largest flounder, the fattest and tastiest is halibut. Some specimens of halibuts reach 200 kg, but the usual weight of commercial halibuts is 5-7 kg.

11 october 2017

Commodity science is a science that studies the assortment, consumer properties and quality of goods of various groups, depending on the stages of the life cycle. One of the main factors in the formation of product quality is the raw materials used. Using substandard components, it is impossible to obtain a quality product.


Today there is no clear definition of the concept of "commodity characteristic". Usually, it includes consideration of issues such as the chemical composition and nutritional value of certain products, their classification and assortment, factors that form and maintain the quality of specific products, conditions and methods for identifying and detecting counterfeit products, issues of product quality requirements.


Assortment is a complex of species, varieties, varieties, categories, names of goods that are combined or can be combined into one group. Let us dwell on this concept in more detail. One of the main indicators characterizing the commodity characteristics of the assortment are indicators, which include the coefficients of completeness, breadth, depth, novelty, rationality. Its formation depends on the demand of buyers. The range of raw materials may include natural ingredients that will later be included in the product, as well as artificial and synthetic ones.

Examination of goods

Commodity characteristic includes the examination of goods, which is understood as the assessment of goods, their consumer properties and quality, as well as defects. As a rule, it is produced according to the methods of national standards, or according to methods that give comparable results with the GOST-approved methods.

Any expert should know the commodity characteristics of a product. On the basis of this knowledge and research, defects in the goods are identified, what effect these defects will have on the goods, the reasons for the appearance of such defects, the degree of readiness of the goods for consumption or operation are studied.

Based on the commodity characteristics of raw materials, conclusions can be made about the possibility of its use in a particular product. Organoleptic and physicochemical quality indicators are described with a commodity characteristic. Expertise according to certain methods allows them to be installed.

Below are examples of commodity characteristics of goods and raw materials that can be used to create new goods.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of vegetables

Fresh vegetables contain up to 98% water (cucumbers) and 2 to 20% dry matter. The largest mass fraction in the latter falls on carbohydrates (up to 20%). In addition, vegetables contain a large amount of cellulose, which improves intestinal motility, but a large amount of which negatively affects the absorption of food, minerals and vitamins. A more detailed description is given for the commodity characterization of individual vegetables.

Classification and assortment of vegetables

Vegetables are categorized as fresh and processed. Let's briefly consider the classification and assortment fresh food, as an object of commodity characteristics of raw materials.

According to the organs eaten, fresh vegetables are classified into vegetative:

  • tubers - potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke;
  • root vegetables - radishes, parsnips, carrots, parsley, radishes, celery, beets, turnips;
  • leafy - cabbage, onion, salad, spicy, rhubarb, sorrel;
  • stem - kohlrabi, asparagus.


  • tomato - eggplant, peppers, tomatoes;
  • floral - artichoke, cauliflower;
  • pumpkin - zucchini, watermelons, melons, squash, pumpkins;
  • legumes - beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils.

According to the duration of the growing season, they are subdivided into early, mid and late ripening.

Also, vegetables are classified, depending on whether they grow in natural or semi-artificial conditions, into soil and greenhouse.

Each species is subdivided into botanical and commercial varieties.

Factors shaping and maintaining the quality of vegetables

The main characteristics that form the quality of any product are raw materials and technology. In the first case, the criterion can be a certain product in a certain chain. So, for vegetables, the raw material can be seeds or seedlings. The quality of the future harvest depends on the germination rate of the planting material, which variety, what strength of growth the seedlings have, how much they are infected with diseases.

The technology for vegetables provides mainly agricultural technology: how much fertilizers, pesticides were applied, in what quantities were the vegetables being irrigated. All this affects the accumulation of nitrates, pesticides, toxic elements that determine safety - the main indicator of the quality of any goods.

Factors that preserve quality include packaging, labeling, transport and storage. All these indicators are determined by specific national standards for certain types of vegetables, intended for specific purposes. In general, such products are stored at a low positive temperature and relative humidity in the range of 75-80%.

Identification and quality of vegetables

The main type of identification of vegetables is assortment identification. Indeed, in appearance and color, it is easy to determine which vegetable is in front of us. With qualitative identification, the quality of the sample is established, the results of which apply to the entire batch. Vegetables should have a typical shape, color, color, taste, smell. The surface must be clean, dry, free from mechanical damage and free from various pests.

In addition, the size can be determined by the largest transverse diameter, the percentage of rotten, disease-damaged vegetables, etc. A specific list of indicators is established for each product intended for specific purposes, determined by the national standard.

Thus, the above is a brief commodity characteristic of vegetables. There is a lot of information in this section. There are special textbooks on commodity science of fruits and vegetables, where it is given in more detail.

Let's consider another example of a merchandise characteristic. Let's take meat as an object. The commodity characteristic of this product is assumed under the same basic headings as that of vegetables.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of meat

Meat contains a large amount of protein: from 11% in pork and up to 20% in beef, the bulk of which is complete, that is, containing the entire set of essential amino acids in ratios that are characterized by close equality to optimal. Other indicators are also taken into account. Mass fraction of fat in different types meat and, depending on its fatness, can range from 1-2% in veal, up to 49% in fatty pork, which is determined by gender, age, diet and breed.

The basis of such a product is muscle tissue, in which complete proteins are mainly concentrated. The quality of the meat will be the higher, the less connective tissue in the muscles. Its main part is concentrated in the front part of the mascara. In recent years, marbled meat has become in demand, which is understood as a product with inclusions in the muscle tissue of thin fat layers, which has good taste, but is not recommended for obese people.

Classification and assortment of meat

By the type and age of animals, beef, veal, lamb, pork and piglets, goat meat, and other types of meat are distinguished.

According to the thermal state, the product is classified into chilled, ice cream, cooled.

According to fatness, it is divided into:

  • pork - fatty, edged, meat and bacon;
  • beef;
  • lamb;
  • goat meat.

The culinary use, the flow chart of the machining process and the amount of waste are determined by the properties of the raw materials. Frozen meat must be defrosted beforehand. The number of bones after cutting beef carcasses of category 1 should be 26.4%, category 2 - 29.5%, etc.

Factors shaping and maintaining the quality of meat

The first group of factors includes species, age, breed, feeding ration, health status, exposure before slaughter, maturation after slaughter, autolysis, rigor mortis, mold, putrefactive decomposition, hydrolysis, fat oxidation, changes in organoleptic parameters.

The main technological processes that affect the quality of meat are roasting, cooking, salting, chopping, drying, smoking and others, as a result of which a product is obtained that can be consumed ready-made.

The second group of factors includes the conditions of transportation (chilled meat - suspended, frozen - in bulk), packaging, labeling and storage: meat is stored at low negative temperatures down to -18 ° C in the freezer compartment, and chilled meat - at low positive temperatures, approximately 1-4 o C.

Identification and quality of meat

For meat, in addition to assortment identification, when it is possible to determine the type of meat, information identification is relevant for many consumers, when it is possible to glean the necessary information from the package leaflet, as well as high-quality identification.

From the quality indicators of meat, taste, color, aroma, appearance, surface condition, juice transparency on the cut are determined. Using a chemical method, they can determine mass fraction protein, fat, the presence of nitrates, other indicators. Basically, they determine those indicators that are normalized for specific types of product by certain national standards.

Within the framework of this article, a very brief commodity characteristic of meat is given.


Thus, the commodity characteristic allows you to get a complete picture of the raw material or finished product... Having studied it, you can find out what commodity units can be purchased, due to which this or that quality was obtained, find out how much the body will be enriched with certain substances, what harm can be done to it, how to keep the quality of raw materials unchanged, etc.

Coursework by discipline

Herbal products merchandising

Commodity characteristics of the assortment and consumer properties of vegetable products

Introduction. The role of vegetables in human nutrition

Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of our food. The special importance of fruits and vegetables is in maintaining acid-base balance in the blood and body fluids. They give rise to the formation of alkaline compounds in the body, which neutralize the acidic compounds of the blood and other body fluids. This keeps the pH of the body fluids at a constant level.

Vegetables play an important role in medical and dietary nutrition. Many vegetables are used in the form of decoctions and juices as a good fortified remedy.

The most valuable substances of vegetables (sugars, mineral salts, acids, vitamins, etc.) are dissolved in the cell sap. Once in the human body, many substances insoluble in the cellular juice of vegetables undergo complex transformations and only after that they become assimilable.

A substance that is almost inaccessible for assimilation by the human body is fiber. But, getting into the intestines with food, it causes increased peristalsis, facilitating the movement of food masses. Fiber of vegetables increases the excretion of cholesterol from the body.

Fresh vegetables contain many enzymes to aid digestion. Onions, for example, have a strong peptolic effect, breaking down proteins into peptides, like the pepsin of gastric juice. Salts of cabbage and lettuce have trypsin properties similar to pancreatic trypsin.

Many types of vegetables are used for food, fresh and processed. Processed vegetables are often less digestive than fresh ones. Fermented foods, on the contrary, more energetically than fresh ones, affect the activity of the digestive glands.

The chemical composition of fresh vegetables is varied and varies significantly depending on the species, variety, place of growth, cultivation method, degree of maturity, storage methods and other factors.

Commodity characteristics of the assortment and consumer properties of fresh vegetables. Classification of vegetables by characteristics

A wide variety of vegetables, (more than 120 species), the peculiarities of their structure, preservation determine their classification according to several criteria:

1. By life expectancy

a) annuals - cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelons, legumes, salad spinach, etc.

b) biennial - root vegetables, cabbage, onions, etc.

c) perennial - Jerusalem artichoke, rhubarb, sorrel, etc.

2. By the way of cultivation.

a) ground

b) porno - hothouse

3. By the growing season.

a) early maturing

b) mid-season

c) late ripening

4. By a set of features.

a) vegetative

b) generative

Vegetative vegetables include root crops, onions, cabbage, salad - spinach, spicy, dessert. These vegetables eat tubers, roots, stems and leaves.

The generative ones include pumpkin, tomato, legumes, cereals, the edible part of which are fruits and inflorescences.

Tuber crops - potatoes, sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear).

Root vegetables - carrots, beets, rutabagas, turnips, radishes, radishes, parsley, parsnips, celery, horseradish.

Onions - onions, batun onions, chives - onions, leeks, garlic, onions - slime.

Cabbage - white cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Peking cabbage, kohlrabi, etc.

Salad - spinach - lettuce, spinach, sorrel, nettle, quinoa.

Spicy - dill, parsley, lemon balm, cumin, marjoram, rosemary, coriander, etc.

Dessert - rhubarb, asparagus, artichoke.

Pumpkin - cucumbers, pumpkins, watermelons, melons, zucchini, squash.

Tomato - tomatoes, eggplants, squash.

Legumes - beans, beans, peas.

Cereals are corn.


Potato- the most important food, industrial and fodder crop. It is appreciated for its high nutritional and taste qualities, the content of various vitamins and minerals, the ability to long-term stability and the possibility of year-round consumption.

According to the purpose of the variety, potatoes are divided into canteens, technical, fodder, and universal.

Table varieties contain 12 - 18% starch, have medium or large tubers with thin skin, with a small number of shallow round eyes. The flesh of the potatoes should be white, taste good, and boil well. The tubers should be kept well.

Industrial potatoes contain a lot of starch (25%) and are used to produce starch and alcohol.

Forage varieties are distinguished by high yields and high starch and protein content, and are used for livestock feed.

Universal potato varieties have the properties of table and universal varieties.

According to the ripening time, potato varieties are distinguished: early (75 - 90 days), medium (90 - 120 days), late (120 - 150 days). Early varieties (Early rose, Epron, etc.) are used mainly for salads and cooking boiled potatoes, mid-season varieties (Lorkh, Ogonyok, etc.), late varieties (Foran, Elizaveta) have good preservation.

Varietal and commodity traits of tubers include their size, shape, external features of the peel, the number and depth of the eyes, the color of the pulp.

Potato tubers must be clean, healthy, ripe, whole, dry, unsprouted, uncontaminated, uniform and uneven in shape and color. The size of tubers in terms of the largest diameter is set by the standard, depending on the ripening period and growing areas. Allowed: 5% small potatoes, 2% mechanical damage to tubers, 2% tubers damaged by wireworm. Frozen potatoes, steamed, with rot, damaged by rodents, with foreign odors, crushed are not allowed for acceptance.

Sweet potato(sweet potatoes) are grown in the south. Sweet potato tubers are distinguished by their shape: round, conical, cylindrical; by skin color - white, pink, purple. Starch, molasses and alcohol are prepared from it.

Jerusalem artichoke - it is a perennial crop that grows in the southern regions of the country. Tubers of various shapes and colors (yellow - white, pink, red, purple), contains 20% inulin, 5% sugar.


Root vegetables are vegetables whose thickened taproot is edible. These include carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, turnips, rutabagas, parsley, celery, parsnips, horseradish. Root crops have great nutritional value due to the content of sugar, minerals, vitamins, aromatic substances.

Carrot- This is a very valuable vegetable crop, there are two types: table and root. Table carrots have a red, orange or yellow color, juicy tender pulp, comparatively rich in sugars... Carrots are widely used fresh, in the canning and vitamin industries, as well as for medicinal purposes for vitamin deficiencies.

The varietal and commodity traits of carrots include the shape and length of the root crop, the surface condition, the size of the core and the preservation. The pulp has a higher nutritional value than the heart. In shape, carrots can be conical, cylindrical and rounded. According to the length of the root crop, carrot varieties are divided into short (3 - 6 cm), semi-long (6 - 20 cm) and long (20 - 45 cm). The best varieties have a smooth surface with clearly defined depressed stomata and a small pith. Short cultivars include the Parisian karotel-early ripening cultivar; semi-long varieties - Nantes, Guéranda, Chantenay, Moscow winter; long - Valeria, Losinoostrovskaya, etc.

Table carrots should be fresh, uncracked, dry, uncontaminated, without damage from pests, uniform in color, not ugly in shape, with petioles no more than 2 cm long and 2.5-6.0 cm across the largest transverse diameter.

Beet. Beets contain a significant amount of sugar (9%) in the form of sucrose, minerals in the form of salts of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamins C, B, B, PP. Beetroot has medicinal properties, regulates metabolism, prevents atherosclerosis.

The varietal and commodity traits of beets include the shape, consistency and color of the pulp, ringiness and early maturity of root crops. Early ripening varieties (growing season up to 100 days) are often flat in shape, and later ripening varieties (over 100 days) are characterized by a conical or conical shape, and the pulp is not very juicy. Beet pulp consistency can be tender, medium, coarse and woody. In Russia, about 20 varieties of beets are cultivated: Bordeaux, Donskaya flat, Egyptian flat, Incomparable, etc.

Beet root crops must be fresh, whole, disease-free, non-wet, uncracked, without damage by agricultural pests, of one botanical variety, with the remaining petioles not exceeding 2 cm and the size of the largest transverse diameter 5 - 14 cm. The beet pulp should be juicy, dark red in different shades, depending on the characteristics of the botanical variety. Root crops with narrow light rings are allowed: for the Egyptian variety - without restrictions, for all other varieties - no more than 20% of the mass.

Swede- a cold-resistant vegetable plant with a flattened root crop - spherical in shape with white or yellow flesh. Rutabaga contains 0.1 - 0.7% essential oil, which gives it a specific taste. Rutabaga contains a lot of vitamin C (25 mg) and B - carotene (0.12 mg).

The most common variety of swede is Krasnoselskaya. The pulp should be juicy, dense, not coarse, without voids.

Radish- valuable as a vegetable crop with a short growing period (20 - 25 days). The radish root crop has a shape from flat - rounded to long conical. The color of the root crop is white, purple, red with various shades, pink - red or red with a white tip. The peculiar taste and smell of radish is due to essential oils (0.1 - 0.15%) with bactericidal properties.

The best varieties of radish are Alba, Zhara, Zarya, Rubin, Icy Icicle, etc.

Marketable radish must be fresh, with dense, uniform, non-flabby pulp, regular shape, without an arrow. Rounded roots have a diameter of at least 1.5 cm, and the length of elongated roots is at least 6 cm. Radish mass different varieties should be from 5 to 60 grams. and more. After harvesting, the radishes are washed, knitted in bundles of 5 - 10 pieces.

Radish... Radish is similar to radish, but has larger roots. They are usually round in shape, flattened in the middle. They are white, purple, yellow, black in color. Essential oils (allyl, mustard, etc. (0.1 - 0.5%) give the radish a specific pungent taste and smell. Among vegetable crops, black radish is distinguished by a high content of Ca, Mg, Ka, which are valuable for nutrition.

The best varieties of radish include the following: Ashgabat, Winter white, Winter black, Odessa.

Radish roots should be fresh, whole, uncontaminated, with juicy, dense, uncoarse pulp, without voids. The size of the largest transverse diameter for a summer radish is not less than 30mm, for a winter one - not less than 55mm.

Turnip - cold-resistant vegetable culture. The root vegetable is fleshy, flat or otherwise, with yellow or white juicy, soft sweetish pulp with a rare flavor. Dinner turnip, young, fresh, goes on sale. Turnip varieties - Gribovskaya, Karelskaya, Petrovskaya, Solovetskaya.

White root vegetables... The root vegetables of parsnips, parsley and celery are white or grayish-white in color, which is why they are called white root vegetables (roots). All of them belong to spicy vegetables, because they contain aromatic essential oils that enhance the taste of food. They are also used for pickling, pickling, pickling vegetables.

Parsley. Parsley is grown in three varieties: root, common leaf and curly leaf.

The varieties of root parsley include Yielding, to the leaf - Odessa curly, Ordinary leaf.

Parsley greens should be fresh, clean, uncooked.

Celery. Celery has three varieties: root, leaf and petiole. The characteristic smell and taste of celery is due to the presence of essential oil (30 - 100 mg per 100 g).

TO root celery include varieties Apple, Root mushroom, Delicates; to petiolate - Golden feather, Golden path.

Root crops should be fresh, ugly, without lateral roots. The size of the diameter is not less than 30mm. The greens should be fresh, green, healthy, with a leaf length of at least 120mm.

Parsnip - the root crop is round, flat - rounded and conical in shape. Root pulp is white or creamy, sweetish taste, pleasant aroma. The varieties Krugly, Student, Champion are grown.

Horseradish belong to perennial tapered vegetables. It contains a large amount of vitamin C (55 mg%). Horseradish is harvested at a root thickness of at least 1.5 cm and a mass of 120 - 150 g. 2 varieties are zoned - Atlant and Valkovsky.

Table 1 The chemical composition of root crops

Types of root crops Content (average)
% Mg \ 100g
water proteins Sahara Starch Cellulose Organ acid ash Vit. WITH
Yellow carrots 89,0 1,3 6,0 0,2 0,8 0,1 0,7 5,0
Beet 86,5 1,7 9,0 - - - - - 0,9 0,1 1,0 10,0
Radish 93,0 1,2 3,5 0,3 0,8 0,1 0,6 25,0
Radish 88,6 1,9 6,2 0,3 1,5 0,1 1,0 29,0
Swede 87,5 1,2 7,0 0,4 1,5 0,2 1,2 30,0
Turnip 90,5 1,5 5,0 0,3 1,4 0,1 0,7 29,0
Parsley 85,0 1,5 9,4 0,4 1,3 0,1 1,1 35,0
Parsnip 83,0 1,4 6,5 4,0 2,4 0,1 1,5 - - - - -
Celery 90,0 1,3 5,5 0,6 1,0 0,1 1,0 30,0
horseradish 49,3 1,6 5,3 - - - - - 1,8 - - - - - - 0,9 120,0


Tomato vegetables include tomatoes (tomatoes), eggplants, bitter and sweet peppers.

table 2 The chemical composition of tomato vegetables

There are three varieties of tomato plants: ordinary tomato, which forms a bush with thin stems, standard tomato - plants with a thick, strong stem, resistant to lodging, and large-leaved tomato - a medium-sized plant with large leaves. Of the minerals in tomatoes, there are salts of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, but most of all iron salts.

In terms of ripening, fruits are early, mid-ripening and late. According to the degree of maturity, tomatoes are divided into green, milk, brown, pink, red and yellow. Carotene and lycotine give the fruit orange or orange-red color.

Varietal and commodity traits of fruits are early maturity, appearance (shape and color), size, surface condition, and disease resistance. In shape, the fruits can be flat, round, elongated (plum, pepper-shaped), and in color - red, orange-red, pink and yellow. By weight of fruits, it distinguishes small-fruited varieties (up to 60 g), medium-fruited (60 - 199 g) and large-fruited (over 100 g).

More than 500 varieties of tomato are known. Varieties of table tomatoes: early - Nevsky - 7, Excellent, Pionersky; mid-season - Excellent, Pioneer; later - Soviet, Black Prince.

Pepper distinguish between sweet and bitter. Pepper fruit - pod or fleshy 2 - 3 nests polyspermous false berry. Pepper fruits are cone-shaped, cylindrical, prism-shaped, pyramid-shaped, rounded - flattened, and in color at different stages of maturity - light and dark green, yellow, cream, red, dark red.

Varietal and commodity characteristics of peppers are early maturity, fruit size, pulp thickness, taste, transportability, preservation and use. Fruits should be fresh, clean, healthy, with a stalk, sweetish taste, with a slight pungency.

Bitter pepper should taste hot and bitter. Sweet pepper varieties: Bulgarian, Gift of Moldova.

Eggplant... Eggplants are pear-shaped and cylindrical in shape, weighing from 50 to 1000 g, fruit length from 6 to 70 cm, and in color from light purple to dark purple.

Varietal and commodity traits are early maturity, size, skin color and pulp, taste.

The most common varieties are: Long, Violet, Donskoy, Yubileiny.

Onion vegetables

sale vegetables commodity assortment consumer

They have a high nutritional value. Onion vegetables include onions, fresh green onions, batun onions, leeks, slime onions, multi-tiered onions, and garlic.

Onion vegetables onion is the most common type.

Economic - botanical varieties are distinguished by the shape of the color of dry scales and taste - sharp, semi-sharp and sweet.

In terms of size, the bulbs can be small (up to 50g), medium (60 - 120g), large (over 120g). According to the length of the dormant period, all varieties are divided into dormant, lasting 7 - 8 months, medium fidelity, and clumsy, starting to germinate after 5 - 6 and 3 - 4 months, respectively.

More than 70 varieties of onions are cultivated. The most common of them are Strigunovsky, Arzamassky, Krasnodar, Yalta, etc.

Table 3 The chemical composition of onion vegetables

Types of onion vegetables Content (average)
% Mg / 100g
water Sahara proteins Vitamin C Essential oils



Bow - feather (green) 91 - 93 1,5 - 2,5 2,5 - 3,0 13 - 23 5 - 21
Leek 87 - 90 0,4 - 0,8 2,1 - 2,8 16 - 24 15 - 20
Onion - batun 91 - 93 2,4 - 3,9 1,5 - 1,9 42 - 74 5 - 8
Schnitt - bow 87 - 89 2,3 - 3,7 4,1 - 4,5 80 - 98 21 - 26
Onion - slime 90 - 92 2,4 - 5,1 1,7 - 1,9 19 - 77 2 - 11
garlic 57 - 64 0,3 - 0,7 6,0 - 8,0 7 - 16 40 - 140

Fresh green onions grown from seeds or small bulbs to produce green feathers.

Onion - batun does not form bulbs and produces many leaves.

Leek forms a bulb in the form of a leg up to 50 cm long and ribbon-like tubular leaves, which are used for food.

Onion - slime has a garlic scent, leaves are wide and short.

Garlic- has a complex bulb (head) consisting of small cloves. Leaves are narrow, long, dark green in color.

Varietal and commodity traits include the type of garlic, structural features of the head, the number and color of scales, the size and density of the bulb, taste, and use. Numerous varieties of garlic are subdivided into shooters (winter) - there are fewer cloves (5 - 10 pcs.), Large and non-shooters (spring) - small and many cloves. The outer scales can be white to dark purple in color. Varieties with strong parchment-like and pink scales are better preserved. Garlic bulbs up to 20g are considered small, from 20 to 30g - medium, over 30g - large.

According to taste, garlic is divided into very spicy, semi-hot and tasteless (watery).

Common varieties of garlic are Kharkovsky, Yuzhny, Krasnodar, Gribovsky.

Cabbage vegetables

This group includes vegetables with similar chemical composition. Depending on the main edible part, cabbage cabbage vegetables - white cabbage, red cabbage, Savoy, Brussels, Peking; colored - colored, broccoli; stem-bearing - kohlrabi.

Cabbage contains substances vital for the body (see table).

Table 4

The chemical composition of cabbage vegetables

Types of cabbage vegetables Content (average)
% Mg \ 100 g
water Sahara Nitrogen-containing things Cellulose ash Vit. WITH
White-headed 89 - 90 2,6 - 5,3 1,1 - 2,3 0,6 - 1,1 0,6 - 0,7 24 - 53
Redhead 88 - 92 2,9 - 5,2 1,4 - 1,6 0,9 - 1,2 0,4 - 0,7 18 - 73
Savoy 88 - 93 2,6 - 6,2 2,0 - 2,9 1,1 - 1,3 0,7 - 0,7 20 - 77
Brussels 81 - 86 3,2 - 5,5 2,4 - 6,9 1,1 - 1,2 1,0 - 1,6 58 - 160
Kohlrabi 89 - 91 3,6 - 7,9 2,0 - 2,9 1,1 - 1,4 0,7 - 1,2 4, - 60
colored 88 - 92 1,7 - 4,2 1,7 - 3,3 1,1 - 1,3 0,7 - 0,8 51 - 155

White cabbage the most common because it is distinguished by its taste, good yield, transportability, preservation, due to the presence of the vitamin it is used for medicinal purposes.

Varietal and commodity traits of white cabbage are the shape, size, density and specific gravity of the head of cabbage, early maturity and preservation. Heads of cabbage are subdivided according to their shape - into round, flat, round - flat, conical and oval; in size - into large (more than 25 cm in diameter), medium (20 - 25 cm) and small (10 - 20 cm); by density - into dense, medium density and loose. Dense heads of cabbage have softer and bleached castings, less water loss, better preservation.

Depending on the ripening period, varieties are divided into over-early (ripening period 65 - 100 days), early ripening (100 - 115 days), mid-season (115 - 130 days), mid-ripening (130 - 145 days), medium-late (145 - 160 days), and late-ripening (160 days or more). Late varieties are better preserved. More than 70 varieties are cultivated. Early ripening - Early ripening; mid-season - Slava, Nadezhda; late-ripening - Zimovka, Belorusskaya, etc.

Red cabbage forms a dense head of cabbage red - purple or blue - red. This cabbage contains a lot of vitamin C. It is used for salads, garnish garnishes.

Savoy cabbage has a loose, rounded head of cabbage, leaves are light green with a slight waxy bloom.

Brussels cabbage is a plant up to 1 meter, on which 40-50 small (15-20g) heads of cabbage grow in the leaf axils. Used fresh and processed. The Hercules variety is widespread.

Cauliflower- This is an underdeveloped inflorescence or a head of buds in the form of white glomeruli. Nutritionally, this is the most valuable type of cabbage. The best cauliflower varieties have a dense, whole, white head. Common varieties: Urozhainaya, Skorospelka, Moskovskaya.

Chinese cabbage forms a loose, elongated head of cabbage.

Broccoli - a variety of cauliflower, the inflorescence is green or purple in color. Green-headed plants are earlier in maturity and more common. Varieties - Calabrian, Grun. The heads must be clean, healthy, at least 4cm in diameter.

Kohlrabi- stalky cabbage. Instead of a head of cabbage, the plant forms a stem with white juicy pulp, which tastes like a cabbage stump, but more tender and rich in vitamin. We grow mainly varieties - Vienna White and Vienna Blue.

Salad - spinach vegetables

This group includes lettuce, spinach and sorrel, of which the leaves are the edible part. These vegetables are early ripening, they are grown in the open field. Juicy delicate leaves vegetables are rich in nitrogenous substances (up to 3%), minerals (1 - 2%), especially iron, phosphorus, iodine, calcium.

Salad- these are leaves or heads of cabbage of an early ripening cold-resistant vegetable plant. The salad tastes fresh and bitter. Of their unleavened salads, the most important is the sowing salad, which comes in five varieties: shear leaf, loose leaf, cabbage salad, Romaine lettuce and asparagus.

Cut leaf salad forms a rosette of leaves in the form of a rounded head of cabbage (varieties Ice Mountain, Attraction).

Romaine lettuce- differs in long (up to 35 cm) loose heads of cabbage, weighing 75 - 300 g, formed by dense leathery leaves (varieties Ballon, Parisian green).

Asparagus salad- has a thickened stem on which narrow leaves are located.

Chicory salads - contain the bitter substance intibin, which has a positive effect on the digestive process.

Chicory salad or witloof, grown as a biennial vegetable.

Watercress - salad- an annual early ripening plant, which is suitable for consumption 2 - 3 weeks after germination.

All types of lettuce should have a rosette of fresh, uncontaminated, uncoarse leaves, no flower stems with roots, no breakage or bruising. The length of the bulk of the leaves is at least 80mm, for watercress - 150mm.

Heads of cabbage lettuce can be of different density, shape, size at the transverse diameter of at least 60 mm. Romaine lettuce must have heads of at least 120mm in height.

Spinach... Large leaves of young plants in the phase of rosettes are used for food. Spinach is used for making salads, first courses, sauces. It is rich in vitamins C - 1, B - 1, B - 2, B - 6, PP, carotene. The most common varieties are Victoria, Rostovsky.

Sorrel- a perennial plant grown wild and cultivated. They use young, tender, juicy, green leaves of sorrel, which has a sour taste due to the high content of oxalic acid. Sorrel is rich in vitamins C (43mg%) carotene (3mg%).

Fresh sorrel and spinach should have leaves that are young, green, healthy, fresh, not yellowed, without flower stalks.

Spicy vegetables

All of them have a peculiar aroma and taste due to the content of essential oils. They are used for enrichment with vitamins, improving the quality and preservation of food products during their manufacture and canning. Spicy vegetables include dill, coriander, tarragon, basil, lemon balm, marjoram, etc.

Dill grown almost everywhere. Young plants and stems are eaten, the shelf life of which occurs 40-60 days after germination. The plant is used for salting cucumbers, tomatoes, making marinades. The varieties Gribovsky, Uzbek, Armenian are cultivated.

Coriander... Its greens are used raw as a salad or as a seasoning for meat dishes, and seeds as a spice in cooking. Cultivated in the south under the name "cilantro".

Lemon balm or mint has a strong lemon scent and a bitter - spicy taste. Used as a seasoning for salads, soups, fish and meat dishes. Fresh lemon balm contains vitamin C (up to 14 mg%), carotene (7 mg%).

Lovage used for flavoring salads, in cooking, when salting vegetables, making jam from the roots, making candied fruits.

Table 5 The chemical composition of spicy vegetables

Marjoram, basil and gaber grow in the southern regions of the country, have a specific taste and smell. They are used in salads, as spices for salting, in the preparation of marinades.

Spicy greens should be fresh, clean, with delicate green leaves. Shoots and leaves that are coarse and rotten, affected by diseases and pests are not allowed.

Dessert vegetables

These include perennial, early ripening, uncommon vegetables - artichokes, asparagus and rhubarb, which are distinguished by high nutritional and taste qualities. They grow in wild and cultivated species.

Table 6 The chemical composition of dessert vegetables

Artichoke - perennial vegetable culture. The inflorescences of the plant are used for food - large rounded baskets, green in color. Artichoke baskets contain sugar (6.6 - 15%), vitamin C (2 - 5 mg%).

Artichokes are consumed both raw in salads and boiled. It is useful for patients with atherosclerosis.

Rhubarb widespread everywhere. The grocery part of the plant is young, large, juicy petioles. Rhubarb stalks reach 60 - 70 cm in length and weight 100 - 200 g. They are used fresh and for the preparation of compotes, jelly, preserves, marmalade. Rhubarb stalks contain vitamin C (10mg%), carotene (0.1mg%), mineral salts, malic and citric acid (0.15). Rhubarb varieties: early ripening - Victoria; mid-early - Ogarsky; mid-season - Moscow.

Rhubarb should have petioles whole, fresh, healthy, juicy, fleshy, 200 to 700mm long.

Asparagus... This vegetable uses a stem that is underground. The stem is white, juicy, with a peculiar taste and aroma, with a high content of potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. The most delicious and fragrant part of the shoot is its tip, that is, the head.

Asparagus varieties differ in the size and color of the shoots, shape, color and density of the head, early maturity and yield. It is used in medical nutrition for gout, rheumatism. The best varieties include - Yielding, Early Yellow, Mary Washington, Glory of Braunschweig.

Pumpkin vegetables

The group of pumpkin vegetables includes the fruits of annual herbaceous, thermophilic plants; cucumbers and gourds; watermelons, melons, pumpkins.

Cucumbers grown everywhere. In the preparation of vegetables, cucumbers occupy the third place after white cabbage and tomatoes.

Early, medium and late varieties are distinguished according to the ripening period. Color - from light green to dark green, solid or with white stripes. By sight

Table 7 The chemical composition of pumpkin vegetables

Types of vegetables Content (average)
% Mg \ 100g
water Sahara acid proteins cellulose Vit. WITH
Cucumbers 94 - 96 1,6 - 2,9 0,01 - 0,1 0,4 - 1,1 0,3 - 0,9 2 - 17
Pumpkin 70 - 93 4,1 - 8,1 0,07 - 0,1 0,5 0,5 - 0,9 7 - 30
Watermelon 88 - 92 7,4 - 11 0,1 - 0,2 0,5 - 0,8 0,6 - 1,1 5 - 12
Melons 88,5 9,0 0,2 0,6 0,6 5 - 29
Zucchini 93 - 96 1,7 - 3,3 0,1 0,4 - 0,6 0,5 - 0,8 16 - 45
squash 93 4,1 0,1 0,6 1,3 40

The surfaces of cucumbers are smooth, ribbed, lumpy; along the length - pickles (4 - 5cm), gherkins (5 - 9cm), greens (more than 9cm).

The main trade and production and economic and production characteristics are early maturity, the size of the fruit and seed nest, density and consistency of the pulp, color and nature of the surface, transportability.

The quality of cucumbers depends on the timely and correct harvest. Cucumbers are also edible in an unripe form with tender, dense pulp.

The most common varieties of cucumbers are: Muromsky - early ripening variety, Vyazinsky, Zozulya, Nezhinsky - late grade, Klinsky, Long-fruited, Claudia, etc.

Pumpkin- This is a plant with large, fleshy fruits, which are used as a dietary product in medical nutrition with impaired liver and kidney function. There are three types of pumpkin: common, large-fruited and nutmeg.

By purpose, pumpkins are divided into dining, feed and technical. Table pumpkins are rich in sugars, pectin, minerals, contain vitamins C - 1, B - 1, B - 2, PP. Table pumpkins have different sizes of fruits and different shape(spherical, cylindrical, ovoid). The rind of pumpkins is smooth, mesh or ribbed in white, gray, yellow or orange. The pulp is white, yellow, with green or orange undertones.

The main trade and commodity features: shape, size, nature of the surface, color of the bark, color and consistency of the pulp, lightness, transportability. The best pumpkin varieties have high palatability, high sugar content, thick flesh and small seed nest.

Varieties - Mozolevskaya, Almond, Vitamin, Hundred Pounds.

Zucchini and squash belong to bush pumpkins. Patissons are plate-shaped with jagged edges.

For food they use squash 3 - 5 days old set of pale green color with dense, crispy white pulp and small seeds.

In cooking, both vegetables are used for frying, stewing, vegetable soups.

Watermelon are the most important of the melons and gourds. Two types are cultivated - table and fodder. Table watermelon varieties have tender, crunchy, sweet-tasting flesh, mostly red; the shape is from spherical to elongated, the surface is smooth or slightly segmented. The varieties with elongated fruits are characterized by late maturity, keeping quality and large size. The color of the fruit and the nature of the pattern are varietal characteristics.

High taste and dietary value watermelons are determined by a harmonious combination of sugars and acids, the presence of vitamins and minerals. The sugar content can reach 12%, and the sweetest of them, fructose, prevails.

Watermelons are of good quality, properly and timely harvested in a state of full ripeness.

In terms of quality, watermelons should be fresh, uncontaminated, ugly. The pulp is firm, juicy, without voids, but not overripe. The size along the largest transverse perimeter is not less than 15cm. Early varieties - Ogonyok, Winner; mid-season - Murashka, Astrakhan, Melitopol; late - Snowball, Cheat.

Melons, like watermelons, is a large, multi-seeded fruit. Melons contain sugar, vitamins C - 1, B - 1, PP and especially carotene, have a juicy pulp with a wonderful aroma.

They are different in shape, size, structure of the skin (smooth, reticulate, ribbed), structure of the pulp (mealy, cartilaginous, fibrous), color (yellow, orange, green, brown), aroma (melon, pear, vanilla, herbaceous), and ripening time (early, mid and late maturing). The aroma is inherent only in early and fast-ripening varieties. When stored, melons are able to ripen.

The main trade and commodity characteristics of melon varieties are early maturity, size, shape, nature of the surface, the presence of a net on the fruits, pattern and its features, size, color, consistency, taste and aroma of pulp, yield, keeping quality, transportability, resistance to diseases.

Leguminous vegetables

This group of vegetables includes peas, beans and vegetable beans at the stage of milk or milk-wax ripeness. Eat unripe, tender, whole fruit or only seeds containing the greatest amount of sugar.

Vegetable peas... Its varieties are subdivided into shelling and sugar. Sugar varieties in removable ripeness have juicy, fleshy beans, without a parchment layer, sugary, tender and sweet peas. It is eaten as a dessert in the form of whole beans or green peas. In shelling peas, only the seeds are edible. Peas, depending on the shape of the grain, are divided into cerebral and smooth-grain. Brain peas have a wrinkled surface and irregular shape, have a better taste and higher sugar content.

Sugar pea varieties - Zhegalovka, Inexhaustible; shelling - Maisky, Alpha, Winner.

Vegetable beans represents tender unripe beans without coarse threads and parchment film (pods - blades) together with seeds.

Vegetable beans are divided into sugar and shelling varieties. Sugar scoops differ great tenderness, meatiness, good taste. Beans of peeling varieties have a parchment layer in the thickness of the valve tissue, and a coarse bundle of vascular fibers in the seam.

Sugar bean varieties - Golden mountain, Sugar Gribovskaya; shelling - Gribovskaya, Generous.

Vegetable beans... Their coloration can be green, variegated, or black. The beans are enclosed in valves 5 to 15 cm long. It is used for food in milk ripeness, when the grain size does not exceed 1 cm, and the valves are juicy and tender.

In terms of quality, leguminous vegetables should have pods, young, juicy, fleshy, easily breaking, non-skinned with seed germs.

Cereal vegetables

These vegetables include sweet corn. It comes in the form of cobs with grains of milky or milky-waxy maturity, when, when pressed, juice is released from the grains in the form of sweet milk. At this stage of maturity, corn contains 3% protein, 4-10% sugars and the least amount of starch (up to 12%). In cooking, sweet corn is used whole on the cob and with grain. It is canned.

Corn cobs should be clean, well-wrapped in a green or whitish wrap, have a milky ripeness and cob length of at least 12 cm.

Table 8 The chemical composition of vegetables, legumes and grains


Institute of Nutrition.

The Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has developed approximate per capita consumption rates for various food products, including vegetables. When applying these norms, it is necessary to take into account local conditions, the habits of the population of a given area in the use of certain products.

The annual human need for potatoes is (on average) 97 kg, for vegetables and melons 146 kg. In accordance with these norms, the need for certain types of vegetables is,% of the total: white cabbage - 22, cauliflower - 4, other types of cabbage - 3, tomatoes - 18, carrots - 16, cucumbers - 8, beets - 5, onions - 6 , green pea, lettuce, turnips and rutabagas 3 each, eggplant, zucchini, spicy vegetables - 2 each, radish and radish - 1.

When determining the need for potatoes and vegetables, the age composition of the population and its occupation are taken into account.

The norms for the consumption of vegetables have also been developed for patients and vacationers in sanatoriums, rest homes, and for hospitals.

Table 9. Daily intake of fresh vegetables

Let us consider how the sale of vegetable products is organized on the example of a commercial enterprise of the private enterprise Bystraya E.E. This enterprise has been operating in the city of Gusev since June 21, 2003. It is located in the center of the city, the area of ​​the trading floor is 102 sq.m., and with auxiliary premises it is 130 sq.m. There are 4 departments in the store: gastronomy, grocery, fruit and vegetable department and sales department alcoholic beverages... The fruit and vegetable department occupies 15 square meters, which is 1/8 of the trading floor. The department employs 4 people, including the head of the department, all of them are financially responsible persons.

In total, the store employs 12 people to serve customers. The store employs a commodity expert, accountant, cashier, cleaner, economist. The business hours of the enterprise are from 8 to 23 hours. Sales workers work on a 2-day schedule, 2 days off.

The fruit and vegetable department has two “Ladoga-K” cash registers and two electronic scales. The goods are dispensed through the counter.

In the assortment of the department, potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage are constantly on sale - these vegetables are constantly consumed in the diet. They are grown in our region and purchased from a local producer. In addition, the assortment of the department includes tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, garlic, peppers, which are brought in in the winter from Holland and Poland. Basically, the merchant works with three suppliers. This is an individual entrepreneur Pitsak S.N. from the city of Chernyakhovsk; LLC "Avtonata" from Gusev; LLC "Victoria" from Chernyakhovsk. In addition, vegetables are purchased from the Rus farm. The goods are shipped by self. Usually a commodity specialist goes to pick up the goods in order to get acquainted with the assortment himself and choose a good quality product. The goods are transported 4 - 5 times a week.

The turnover in the department is 25-30 thousand rubles. per day, of which ½ is the turnover of vegetables. This is not a bad result for such a store. Vegetables are sold on open refrigerated counters. The basement is used for long-term storage.

After the goods have arrived at the store, it is necessary to bring them into a marketable condition before serving them in the sales area. Therefore, sellers should do the pre-sale preparation of products.

Potatoes and vegetables are subject to a bulkhead, during which waste and non-standard products are sorted out. This is done in the back room, and only then is it displayed in the sales area. Potatoes, onions, carrots are displayed in large baskets. Pre-sale preparation is carried out every morning, because sales times for fresh vegetables are short. Especially juicy greens lose their original appearance by the evening.

The goods that have lost their commercial properties and quality are written off. This is done by a commission of three people: a commodity expert, a financially responsible person, and an accountant.

Speaking about the vegetable trade, it should be noted that it has both a permanent character and a seasonal one too. At the beginning of the vegetable season, greens are sold well - green onions, parsley, dill, radishes. In autumn, the store buys eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, and watermelons from southern entrepreneurs. At this time, the cash proceeds in the department are higher than usual.

Until March of this year, the trade turnover was more than one and a half times. After the Vester shopping center opened next to our small trading enterprise, it immediately became clear how outdated the stores of this type were. Now people like to buy goods in the self-service department, where you can choose the goods yourself. In order to keep our regular customers the prices in our store are 15 - 20% lower than in Vester.

List of used literature

2) N.I. Ivanov, D.D. Kruglov "Guide for the seller" M. "Economics" 1979

3) V.P. Matyukhina, E.P. Korolkova, S.P. Ashcheulova "Food products of commodity science" M. "Economics" 1987

4) "Handbook of a commodity expert of food products in 2 volumes" M. "Economics" 1987

5) K.E. Tsurkova "Nutritional value of vegetables and fruits and their role in nutrition" M. "Food industry" 1988