Best Bean Coffee Which is the Best Bean. The best brands of coffee beans

Along with tea, one of the most widespread drinks in the world is coffee. Its invigorating aroma has long been an integral part of the awakening process of modern man. A considerable number of subjective factors that are decisive for one individual in compiling dozens of the most delicious varieties can differ greatly from the preferences of another.
To draw up an objective rating of brands, it is necessary to compare absolutely all indicators and significant benefits of the drink. These include: taste, flavor characteristics, and cost. The assortment of coffee brands is so diverse that sometimes even an experienced one who knows his needs and preferences inside and out, a connoisseur can get confused and get stuck for a long time in the process of comparing several suitable options. Below is a list of brands, each of which is one of the most popular in terms of the combination of price and quality, taste, strength and other indicators.
Lovers of instant coffee can get acquainted with

The optimal combination of all the qualities of the drink, if we talk about this brand. Produced in Italy, it quickly gained popularity and spread across all continents in a short time, conquering very, very many with its pleasant delicate aroma that distinguishes it from other brands. Each blend and monosort is a precise combination of taste and aroma.

The organic combination of quality and value makes this brand one of the most consumed brands in the European market. Each grain is carefully processed according to innovative German technologies in order to later turn into a piece of a fragrant and incredibly tasty drink. In the Dallmayr range, you can find coffee varieties for the most discerning taste.

The world famous coffee brand, rightfully occupying its high position among others. In the production and receipt of new coffee blends, the company focuses on creating the most unusual and original variations that allow you to get a unique taste and subtle aroma.

Available only in Russia.
It is not uncommon to see new brands of various goods on store shelves. The well-known brand "Live Coffee" is no exception.
The term "Live coffee" means coffee that is stored after roasting for no more than one month. It is believed that such grains contain the maximum amount of nutrients and nutrients. In addition, it is precisely this kind of coffee that turns out to be especially aromatic.
Arabica of the highest grade from all over the world is used to make coffee. Coffee is sold only in beans. Which are roasted on the territory of Russia, thanks to which coffee gets to consumers as quickly as possible.


This company focuses exclusively on using the finest Arabica varieties to make coffee blends. A drink brewed from them with an incredibly deep aroma invigorates well, although the caffeine content in its composition is minimal. In terms of price and quality ratio, this brand is also one of the most popular on the European market. In Russia, the brand is just beginning its rapid ascent.

This brand focuses on the production of custard mixes and grain cafes. All grains are painstakingly sorted and well roasted to obtain a rich taste and excellent aroma. The company also regularly updates its assortment, replenishing it with new unusual types of mixtures, each of which differs in the richness of aroma and taste.

This company also caters to a variety of consumer tastes. In its line you can find not only all kinds of blends, but also 100% Arabica. In order, for example, to pamper yourself with excellent Viennese coffee, you do not have to travel abroad, it is enough to find the very same mixture so that you can enjoy a freshly brewed aromatic drink right at home.

Pleasant taste combinations and rich mild aroma, as well as the practicality of the packaging make this brand one of the most preferred among buyers who purchase this drink for use in the family circle. The company has all the necessary certificates, including the famous "Top Quality" mark, which, together with positive reviews from coffee critics, creates a reputation for it as a reliable manufacturer of high-quality and affordable coffee. Concern about the convenience and comfort of its consumers, expressed in equipping the packaging with a convenient fastener to preserve the richness of the aroma and just so that the mixture does not accidentally wake up, even more disposes them to this brand.


The Italian company began its work back in 1949 and in a couple of decades has firmly taken its place in the world coffee market. This success was made possible thanks to the unique technology of roasting the beans, which consists in processing them with hot air using convection technology. The brand is relatively young, but strives to regularly surprise its consumers with new products.

Drinks from this brand are served in the best Spanish hotels and restaurants. A wide range of products allows you to choose a blend for every taste, from serving classics and 100% Arabica to elite and rare single varieties.
Feature and "hallmark" of the company is its own slow roasting technology. It consists in the fact that sugar is added to the processed grains, due to which they become smooth and acquire a uniform, rich dark color.

Bean coffee is considered the best, highest quality, ideal product for making truly aromatic and tasty coffee. However, using coffee beans is not as easy and convenient as, for example, ground coffee. Accordingly, the sales of grain coffee are not so high - in the structure of the Russian coffee market, coffee beans occupies a very small share.

However, the range of coffee beans is quite large and is constantly expanding. The main participants in this segment are large producers that offer not only grain, but also ground, and in some cases even instant coffee. The best brands are those who can offer truly high quality, properly roasted, and relatively inexpensive coffee.

Top 10 coffee beans

To the greatest extent, all these criteria are met by Jardin... On the grain coffee market, this manufacturer is one of the most popular and demanded. Jardin offers several types of coffee beans, and they have different degrees of roast and strength. Accordingly, you can choose the best option for almost any preference.

Another popular brand of coffee beans is Paulig... Great taste and aroma, high-quality roasting, careful sorting of grains, and most importantly - the use of only the best Arabica. All this makes Paulig coffee beans a very good choice. It should be noted that Paulig offers several types of coffee beans, including those in the premium segment.

Italian coffee Kimbo enjoys well-deserved popularity in Russia. It is distinguished by a great, deep taste and pronounced aroma, without sourness or bitterness. Uniform roasting of beans, an abundance of varieties and high-quality packaging that allows you to maintain the best characteristics of coffee beans - thanks to all this, Kimbo is gradually becoming an increasingly popular brand.

Another representative of the middle price class is grain coffee. Gut! from Guttenberg. It is made from Arabica and Robusta, and a careful selection of varieties allows maintaining the quality of coffee beans at a fairly high level. Gut! - a wide range of varieties that can have different degrees of roast, as well as different strengths.

Speaking of coffee beans, it is also worth noting the brand "Live coffee"... A wide range of monos are presented underneath, some of which are additionally flavored. "Live Coffee" has a pleasant taste and rich aroma, as well as a very reasonable price.

Another representative of the Russian grain coffee market is Gaggia... This brand appeared in Russia relatively recently, however, due to the high quality of coffee, it is gaining popularity rather quickly. So far, only a few varieties are presented under the Gaggia brand, but each of them has its own aroma and taste. This is a carefully selected, properly roasted coffee that has an excellent aroma and taste.

Among the relatively expensive brands, it is also necessary to highlight Malongo Is a quality French coffee bean that is ideal for making espresso. A deep, strong taste is combined with a natural, delicate aroma that does not have any foreign notes - this can be said about almost any type of grain coffee produced under the Malongo brand.

Finally, one of the more popular premium coffee bean brands is Lavazza... The Italian manufacturer is known in many countries of the world, and in Russia, Lavazza grain coffee has become truly iconic - it is believed that it is he who combines the best features of high-quality coffee: moderate strength, exquisite taste, delicate aroma. The Lavazza brand offers several mono varieties, as well as exclusive blends, each of which has a unique taste.

Lesser known but still very high quality whole grain coffee EvaDia also deserves a mention in the ranking of the best brands. This is an Italian coffee that is distinguished by its high quality roast. The manufacturer uses only the best coffees, thanks to which the aroma and taste of this invigorating drink made from EvaDia are invariably impeccable.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning one more grain coffee - this Italcafe... This coffee is also made in Italy, it is composed of the best varieties of Arabica, thanks to which Italcafe has a consistently soft, velvety taste, as well as a bright, sophisticated aroma. Italcafe bean coffee belongs to the premium segment and is highly valued among coffee gourmets.

When people say that they hate coffee because of tastelessness, excessive bitterness or astringency, they just want to tell them: you just don't know how to make it! However, even a great coffee maker will be powerless if he comes across the wrong beans.

Arabica or robusta

All coffee varieties are made from two coffee trees - Arabica or Robusta, the choice of which is due solely to personal preferences. Arabica is more capricious in cultivation, has elongated grains, a noble, slightly sweetish and rich taste, in which a piquant mixture of bitterness and sourness is felt. Robusta does not require special conditions during cultivation, easily tolerates the vagaries of the weather and temperature changes, has round grains, is distinguished by a high caffeine content and a bitter taste. Very often producers mix Robusta with Arabica, but the best coffees are 100% Arabica, although Arabica grown in different countries or even on neighboring plantations can vary greatly in taste and aroma. Brazilian Arabica has a light nutty flavor, Indian Arabica is famous for its chocolate shades, Kenyan gives a slight wine sourness, and Ethiopian Arabica offers berry notes if desired.

They are greeted by clothes

Packaging with coffee is an important indicator of its quality, since coffee taste and aroma have two main enemies - light and oxygen, which mercilessly destroy all the most valuable properties of coffee beans. True coffee connoisseurs never buy coffee by weight in regular stores, because after weeks and months of storage on the counter, such coffee becomes sluggish and lifeless, loses its unique aroma and loses in taste characteristics. If you want to see the product "face", buy coffee in specialized departments that sell only fresh coffee beans. The packaging should be airtight - preferably from a three-layer foil with a valve, which is necessary not only for assessing the aroma, but also for the release of carbon dioxide released during frying of the grains. At the same time, the valve is designed in such a cunning way that the air easily comes out of it, but does not enter inside - the removal of excess carbon dioxide and an obstacle to oxygen ingress allows preserving the original taste of coffee, which so attracts coffee gourmets.

Choosing the degree of roasting

Coffee beans are roasted so that they acquire a unique taste, which depends on the amount of essential oils inside the beans (there are about 600 types), and on the degree of their manifestation during the roasting process. In other words, the taste and aroma of the drink depends not only on the type of coffee, but also on the degree of roasting of the beans - this information is reflected on the packaging in the form of numbers - from 1 (low roast) to 5 (strong roast). The choice in this case depends solely on taste preferences, however, pay attention to the roasting date, remembering that roasted beans retain their aroma for a month, and the more time has passed since that moment, the more coffee loses in terms of its taste.

Roasting degrees:

  1. The Scandinavian (super-light) roast gives the coffee tenderness and softness, the color of the beans is light brown, almost beige.
  2. The American (medium) roast contributes to the appearance of a slight bitterness in the taste, the color of the beans is rich brown, but this type of roasting does not allow the appearance of essential oils on the surface of the beans, therefore the taste and aroma are revealed only with a slight hint.
  3. Viennese roast - the beans darken and become shiny due to the manifestation of essential oils, sweetish notes appear in the coffee taste.
  4. French (strong) roast gives the beans an intense chocolate color, and the taste acquires a pleasant bitterness and astringency.
  5. The Italian (very strong) roast is recognizable by its black oily grains, and the drink acquires a special expressiveness, velvety and richness - this is a real bitter coffee in the classic version.

Ground coffee or beans

Since coffee begins to lose aroma immediately after grinding, it is best to buy whole coffee beans and grind them yourself before brewing - at least that's what capricious coffee lovers do. If you prefer pre-ground coffee, pay attention to the degree of grind:

  • Coarse grinding (the cheapest) lasts no more than 10 seconds, suitable for a piston coffee maker, infused for up to 7 minutes.
  • Medium grinding lasts up to 14 seconds, suitable for all coffee makers and turks, infused up to 5 minutes.
  • Fine grinding lasts 20 seconds, designed for filter coffee makers, infused up to 3 minutes
  • Thin Espresso - This grind produces a coffee "flour" ideal for espresso machines and Turkish coffee in a Turk.

Unscrupulous manufacturers often dilute ground coffee with various mixtures that are easily detected at home - if you throw a pinch of coffee into a glass container with cold water, and at the same time it turns brown, you see a fake that has nothing to do with real coffee.

Natural or flavored

The coffee shops offer a large selection of flavored coffees with hints of vanilla, Irish whiskey, orange, amaretto and chocolate, but keep in mind that these are chemical and not natural additives. If you want to enjoy the real taste of coffee without extraneous notes, buy beans without additional aromatic "decor".

Winston Churchill said that coffee is a very personal drink, so it, like good cognac, should not be drunk in huge mugs. And John Galsworthy believed that there are things that cannot be faithful - for example, coffee. However, if you belong to the category of gourmets who change coffee like gloves, treat each variety personally and do not neglect the quality - in this case, unearthly pleasure is guaranteed!

Numerous bags with bright labels and catchy names await us on supermarket shelves. It is rather difficult to make a choice without additional information. Our rating of coffee beans will help you navigate the variety of mass market brands.

Before announcing the entire list, we would like to remind you that most of the companies represented in the mass segment are just roasters and packers, at best, mixers. Coffee does not grow either in Italy or in France, although brands from these countries are massively represented on our market. So for those wishing to experience real Colombian, Brazilian or Kenyan coffee, we recommend going to specialty stores. We will stay in an ordinary supermarket to get acquainted with the most famous brands of coffee beans.

Top 11 most popular brands of coffee beans

1 - Lavazza

A very famous brand from Italy offers a large assortment of grains. Lavazzo Oro is based on grains from South America. The sweetish aftertaste of the finished drink and pronounced sourness suggest a large proportion of Colombian varieties. This type will appeal to those who do not like coffee bitterness too much, as the beans give a soft and delicate drink. But Lavazza Super Crema is suitable for those who believe that coffee should be very strong and invigorating. This blend is composed of Indonesian Robusta and Brazilian Arabica. Bright taste, notes of spices and chocolate, absence of sour notes and strength make it one of the best in its price category. Lavazza Rossa works well for espresso, with its nutty-spicy aroma, persistent foam and rich color. It is based on Colombian and Brazilian Arabica and African Robusta, which gives the desired strength. The cost of 1 kg of Lavazza is approximately 1400-1600 rubles, depending on the type.

2 - Carte Noire

Bean coffee Carte Noire consists of various types of Arabica coffee. Carte Noire Expresso includes varieties from Africa, South and Central America. As a result of such an international, an aromatic and invigorating drink with an expressive aroma is obtained. It lacks the usual harshness of an espresso because it uses medium roasted beans. It goes well with milk and other additives. Price for 1 kg - from 1200 rubles.

3 - Paulig

The grain version of this popular brand has a roast grade of 3 and 4, which makes the taste of the drink softer and helps to reveal the natural bouquet of the beans. It is based on Arabica from South and Central America. This means a warm, velvety aftertaste of the drink, a pronounced sour note, characteristic of the coffee of this region. Paulig Arabica dark is stronger and more tart, Paulig Arabica is softer and sourness is brighter in it. There is also a blend specifically for preparing espresso, with a characteristic dark Italian roast. It gives a bitter nutty flavor. The cost of a kilogram of beans is from 860 rubles, and Paulig Espresso will cost from 1400 rubles.

4 - Ambassador

Ambassador Blue Label is 100% Colombian Arabica. The drink from it turns out to be of an even, warm taste, with a characteristic sourness and fruity notes. There is no bitter aftertaste. Many people consider this coffee not strong enough, however, it is great for those who read delicate and harmonious flavor combinations. Price - from 780 rubles.

5 - Live coffee

Live Coffee is a trademark owned by The Live Coffee Company. More than 60 varieties are produced under this name, each will find its own taste and aroma. Thanks to the proprietary roasting technology, the unique properties of coffee are preserved. In any case, you always get a tasty and freshly roasted product. You can get acquainted with the assortment on the official website

6 - Malongo

The trade mark belongs to the European holding Rombouts. Under this brand you can find a very diverse set of monos and fairly high quality blends. The grains are mainly of Central American origin, including Cuban ones, with their zesty and rich taste. Colombian, African varieties are found in blends, robusta is added for strength and expressiveness. This coffee belongs to the expensive segment, a kilogram will cost about 2000 rubles and more.

7 - Jardin

Strong, aromatic coffee, based on arabica of various origins. For those who like to pamper themselves with a drink according to the classic recipe, we recommend Dessert Cup. The roast is quite strong, but not excessive. The composition includes grains from Ethiopia, Guatemala and Colombia, as well as one of the best Colombian varieties - Colombia Supremo. There is also a single variety in the assortment, for example, Jardin Sumatra mandheling. The slightly tart, persistent aftertaste of natural coffee without sour notes will appeal even to coffee lovers of note. A kilogram of grain Jardin will cost from about 800 rubles and more.

8 - Ionia

The beans for the Arabica mix are supplied by Brazil, Colombia and Guatemala. Medium roast reveals chocolate notes in the finished beverage. The fruity sourness adds variety. This coffee can be used in almost any recipe, including making espresso. It goes well with milk and sweet desserts. Many consider it a typical women's coffee - not too strong, aromatic and pleasant. Ionia Gran Crema is composed of South American Arabica and African Robusta. Well suited for classic Italian espresso, with nutty notes and high, persistent crema. You can buy from 1800 rubles per kg of grains.

9 - Saeco

The products are interesting in that they use Indian Arabica, which for many years was underestimated by domestic coffee lovers. Meanwhile, these grains are distinguished by a very bright aroma, balanced taste, with notes of spices and nuts, and a refreshing bitterness. For strength, African Robusta is added to the blend, making this coffee a great start to the day. A surge of cheerfulness is provided. Saeco Gold also looks good, made from Arabica beans from Brazil and Central America. It has rich taste characteristics, pleasant floral-chocolate notes, pronounced aroma and pleasant, piquant aftertaste. The cost of a kilogram of grain coffee is from 1500 rubles.

10 - Jockey

Offers a blend of South American and Kenyan Arabica beans, with dark roasted beans. The taste of the drink - with an expressive sourness, nutty aftertaste, deep color. The price is quite democratic - from 600 rubles per kg.

11 - Black Card

Medium roasted South American beans, mainly Colombian and Brazilian varieties. The coffee is medium-bodied, with a characteristic sour-citrus note and a slight nutty aftertaste. Suitable for preparing coffee in a variety of ways, including in a coffee machine and a Turk. The price for 1 kg is about 700 rubles.

As for our subjective recommendations, Jardin looks quite decent among inexpensive brands, especially its mono-grade. In the middle price segment, you can pay attention to the Italian Saeco and the domestic Carte Noire. Of the expensive grains, Rombouts products deserve to be studied, in particular, mono-varieties from Cuba and Costa Rica.

Write in the comments which coffee beans you prefer or which one should be included in the rating.

Coffee- a drink, without which some people cannot imagine their morning. It allows you to truly wake up and get a good boost of energy before a busy active day. However, too often this drink should not be consumed either. There are a huge number of varieties of coffee, from which it is not easy to choose your favorite.

Let's take a look at a few varieties that are sure to interest lovers of this drink.


Arabica is popular all over the world. The homeland of this variety is Ethiopia. A large number of other coffees are produced through various Arabica mutations or hybrid cultivation. There are also many options for preparing and roasting Arabian coffee beans.

Often, many manufacturers use a mixture of Arabica and Robusta in various concentrations, which gives coffee all kinds of flavoring effects and shades.


"Robusta" is a very popular type of coffee (20% of world production), and is second only to Arabica in popularity. Robusta is a very resistant and productive variety. As noted by the tasters, robusta is a lower quality variety than arabica. Therefore, Robusta is mostly used as a budget option on the market. Robusta also contains a large amount of caffeine, but is endowed with a less intense aroma.

Kopi Luwak

Kopi Luwak is produced in the Philippines, Indonesia and India.

Kopi Luwak is one of the most expensive coffees in the world. The cost of this variety reaches $ 1,500 per 1 kg.

The process of its production is a very interesting, but not entirely appetizing story. Musang animals feast on the ripe fruits of the coffee tree and, in the future, excrete coffee beans. The next step is to rinse and dry the beans in the sun.

The whole biological process consists in the fact that the gastric juice of musang begins to break down the necessary proteins, which contributes to obtaining the ideal taste.


The volume of production of this variety for 1 year does not exceed several kilograms.


Maragodjip is a type of Arabica and has very large grains. The main sources of production for this variety are Guatemala, Colombia and Mexico. A distinctive feature of this variety is that "Maragodzhip" is very picky about climatic conditions. However, a properly grown variety absorbs the maximum amount of nutrients from the soil. Gradually, the production of "Maragodzhip" is reduced, and soon, this type of coffee may become exclusive.


The taste of coffee reflects a warm woody aftertaste and has a fairly high acidity. A hint of smoky and tropical fruit is a little felt.

Black Tusk

Black Tusk

This coffee is made in Thailand and is obtained from Arabica beans. The specificity of obtaining is similar to that of the grains of "Kopi-luwak", and is directly related to the digestive tract of elephants. The cost of this variety reaches $ 1100 per 1 kg.

This is the most expensive coffee in the world. The drink is soft and pleasant, and the excess bitterness disappears completely. Because elephants consume a variety of fruits, "Black Tusk" is full of different fruit flavors. To get 1 kg of this coffee, an elephant needs to eat 33 kg of coffee berries.

Yellow bourbon

"Yellow Bourbon" is a rare Brazilian Arabica that is grown on high altitude plantations in the southern region of the country. The first mention of this variety was in 1859.

Yellow bourbon

Bourbon yellow stands out for its sweetness combined with a slight bitterness. After a cup of this coffee, there is a woody tobacco shade associated with sunny Brazil.


Peaberry is one of the most valuable varieties in the world. The difference between this species is that the Peaberry berry contains only one grain, and as a result, the berry becomes like a pea. The number of berries of this shape is only 5-8 percent of the total harvest. Moreover, such grains appear in any harvest, regardless of the type of coffee and the region of cultivation. Biologists still cannot come to a consensus regarding the appearance of these "peas".

1 kg of "Peaberry" costs 15-20 dollars. The relatively high cost is associated with the high rarity of this type of grain.

Peaberry is distinguished by its aroma and pronounced sourness.

The island of Sumatra is the primary source of excellent coffee with a great rich taste with a mixture of spices (smoke, spices, caramel, etc.). The coffee has a low acidity, but tasters note the heavy aftertaste of this variety. Mandheling is a coffee for everybody's taste, so not everyone may like it.

This variety is quite famous not only in America but also in Europe. "Blue Mountain" is a fairly high-growing variety. The Blue Mountains are 2.2 km above sea level. This coffee is very balanced in all components and is the optimal solution for those who do not like brightly accentuated spicy flavors.

Blue Mountain is widely popular in Japan, which redeems 90 percent of the entire crop.

Australia. Skybury


This coffee is one of the many varieties of Arabica, but it belongs to the elite varieties. The variety has a low caffeine content and is one of the "light" coffee drinks. However, the aroma and density of Skybury coffee is at a very high level and receives the highest marks from experts.