Tomatoes black prince preparation for the winter. How to make a black prince cake according to a step by step recipe and photo

27.04.2019 Grill menu

Tomatoes in any form are always a feast on the table. Nature has endowed them with a pleasant shape, bright, cheerful color, excellent texture, freshness and, of course, excellent taste... Tomatoes are good both on their own and in the composition complex dishes such as salads and stews. And during a winter meal, tomatoes are always reminiscent of summer. Everyone loves them - both home and guests. And therefore, a rare housewife denies herself the pleasure in the season, when there are a lot of vegetables, to cook something from tomatoes for future use.

At home, it is easy to make salted or pickled tomatoes, cook from them great pasta or juice. AND experienced housewives probably know a lot of them. We offer unusual step-by-step recipes. original ways canning tomatoes. This is a great opportunity to expand your culinary experience and delight family and friends during your winter feast.

It is always very interesting to diversify traditional recipes new approaches and solutions. For honey salting, original to taste, we need ripe tomatoes, parsley, fresh garlic and marinade. For him, 1 liter. water put 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

The tomatoes are washed and the stalks are cut out. Finely chop the garlic and parsley and use this mixture to start a hole in the tomatoes, formed after removing the stalks. Combine all the parts necessary for the marinade and bring to a boil. The finished tomatoes are placed in sterilized jars and poured with boiled marinade. Then you should wait 10 minutes, carefully drain the marinade, boil it again and refill the jars. After that, the blanks with tomatoes can be closed with lids.

The taste of tomatoes, stuffed with garlic with greens, lovers will really like spicy snacks... A delicate aftertaste and the aroma of honey will make such a preparation a favorite at home dinner.

Salted tomatoes with apples

It is very convenient to preserve tomatoes with other vegetables, fruits and berries. They go well with cucumbers, carrots, beets, gooseberries, plums and grapes. Well, and, of course, tomatoes and apples perfectly complement each other. Only apples for such salting are better for picking harder and sour taste. And you will also need a few cloves of garlic, fresh or dry sprigs of dill, bay leaf, allspice, cloves and marinade. For him they take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and sugar with a slide for every 1.25 liters of water. Apples for canning can be cut into pieces and cored or left intact - at the discretion of the hostess.

First, all the spices are placed on the bottom of the cans, and then layer by layer - tomatoes and apples to the very top. For 5-10 minutes, the contents are poured with boiled water. Then it is drained and the jars are filled to the neck so that the contents overflow with boiled marinade. And immediately cork with lids. After that, the jars are turned over, wrapped in a blanket or towel and allowed to cool.

Green tomato salad with vegetables

It often happens that in the summer in the hands of the hostess there are many different vegetables simultaneously. From them and green tomatoes, you can make a beautiful and delicious assorted salad for the winter. For this it is worth using Bell pepper, onion and carrots. You can also add sour apples. In addition, you will need garlic, coriander, bay leaves, allspice and peppercorns.

Vegetables for salad are cut large. Carrots - in slices, onions - in half rings, pepper - in strips. Then the tomatoes and chopped apples (so as not to darken) are mixed, salted and allowed to stand for 40 minutes. At this time, garlic, spices and herbs are placed on the bottom of the jars. After that, to green tomatoes and the rest of the chopped vegetables are added to the apples, mix everything and fill the jars with the vegetable mixture. At the same time, they need to be slightly shaken so that the vegetables in the jars are tamped down a little. Specially squeeze vegetable mix do not use a spoon or hands, otherwise the vegetables will lose their shape and there will be no room for the marinade.

Salt and sugar are added to boiled water (at the rate of 1.5 heaped tablespoons per 1 liter) and 100 g of apple or regular vinegar... Hot marinade is poured into jars with tomato salad to the very top and close them with lids.

Jellied Tomatoes

Making preparations for the winter, you can get and canned vegetables, and delicious jelly simultaneously. For this, in addition to ripe tomatoes, use gelatin (1.5 tablespoons), as well as 100 g of vinegar, salt and sugar (1.5 tablespoons each) and 1 liter of water.

Gelatin is diluted in small quantities cold water and let it swell. The tomatoes are cut into halves. Parsley, bay leaves, peeled garlic cloves, coriander, allspice and peppercorns are placed on the bottom of the cans. If desired, you can also put here leaves of currants, cherries, horseradish and dill sprigs with umbrellas. It all depends on the flavor that you want to give canned food. Tomatoes are placed in a jar on top of the greens, placing them with the slices down.

Swollen gelatin is injected into hot water and let it boil. Add salt, sugar and vinegar there, stir and bring to a boil again. The resulting marinade with gelatin is poured into jars of tomatoes to the very top and corked with lids. In winter, before serving, a jar of gellied tomatoes must be placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

About another option homemade Inna will tell you about tomatoes in jelly in her video.

Tomatoes in wine

Absolutely unusual taste and the color of the tomatoes gets in the wine filling. For this type of canning, not very large tomatoes of the varieties "Cream" and "Black Prince" are well suited.

For cooking fragrant preparation first, herbs and spices are placed on the bottom of the jar.

A tomato sauce is made from a one-to-one mixture of canning marinade and dry red wine. The composition of the marinade is traditional: for 1 liter of water, 1.5 tablespoons of salt with a slide, 1.5 (or 2) tablespoons of sugar and 100 g of vinegar. The wine is poured into a boiled marinade and is not boiled.

A jar with tomatoes, herbs and spices is poured with a mixture of wine and marinade, for 10-15 minutes they keep the jars with lids covered in a saucepan with water at a temperature of + 90 ° C (not boiling), and then they are corked with lids. In winter, when the tomatoes are eaten, the leftover wine pouring can be used to stew meat or make a fragrant savory sauce.

Tomato sauce

This recipe will surely appeal to everyone who likes the taste of tomatoes after cooking. To prepare the gravy, you will need 3 kg of ripe tomatoes, 1 kg of onions, 0.2 liters of refined vegetable oil, 100 g sugar, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of ground red pepper.

The onions are peeled and cut into strips, and the tomatoes are cut into slices. Vegetable oil is poured into a saucepan and onions are stewed on it for about half an hour. Then tomatoes, sugar, salt and red pepper are added to the onion. Mix everything thoroughly and bring to a boil. If desired, you can interrupt with a blender. The gravy is boiled over low heat for another 15 minutes, remembering to stir from time to time so that it cooks evenly and does not burn.

For canning, jars and lids for them are washed and sterilized in advance. The hot gravy is laid out on the banks to the very top. Roll up the lids, turn the cans over, cover them with a blanket, and let them cool.

Tomato sauce is versatile. Such a sour addition will favorably set off the taste of meat and poultry. In addition, it is great for fish, porridge, pasta and potato dishes.

Secrets of canning tomatoes

  • For homemade preparations for the winter, it is best to use unripe tomatoes with dense pulp. The skin of such fruits will not burst during canning.
  • Before pouring the marinade, whole fruits must be pierced from the side of the stalk with a toothpick or a sharpened wooden stick. This will also prevent the skin from bursting.
  • If we decide to preserve several cans, then we always need to know how much marinade will have to be prepared. How to determine how much marinade is required per can? To do this, pour water up to the top into a jar with already placed spices and tomatoes, and then drain it and measure the resulting volume. We multiply it by the number of cans and get the required amount of marinade. For a liter jar filled with fruits, you need 0.25-0.3 liters of liquid.
  • Tomatoes - tender vegetables... To maintain their shape, elastic texture and, if possible, useful vitamins, you do not need to sterilize the jars in water for a long time. For canned food with tomatoes, it is better to wash the jars in advance and sterilize them under steam or dry in a preheated oven. Then the contents will need to be poured with boiling water for 5-10 minutes, and then, draining it, with boiled marinade. Or pour the boiled marinade over the vegetables in the jar twice. This will be quite enough for sterilization before closing the cans with lids.
  • It is good to add a lot of greens to a tomato - parsley, dill, mint, celery, horseradish leaves, cherries or apples. Each seasoning gives home preparation specific aroma. Oak leaves for example make color canned product darker and add a spicy flavor to the tomatoes. There is an opinion that a lot of greens in canned food is bad, as this can cause cans to "explode". In fact, the spoilage of canned food does not come from the amount of greens, but from the fact that they were not sterilized well enough, and bacteria remained inside. And these bacteria can be found on greens, and on the tomatoes themselves, and on peppers or bay leaf that were added inside.
  • If you put whole cloves of garlic in a jar of tomatoes, the brine inside remains transparent. If you add chopped garlic, the brine becomes cloudy and there is a great chance that the canned food will deteriorate and "explode".
  • Great for making marinades rock salt... But, when the brine boils, it is better to strain it through cheesecloth. And then the quality of the marinade will be excellent.

In a very short time, the tomato season will end, and with it the summer. But homework made for future use on a frosty winter day will be a great reminder of a summer residence, vacation and summer warmth... You just need to try a little!

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The plant is of an indeterminate type of growth, can reach 2.5 meters in height. In terms of tomato ripening, the variety is considered mid-season, the first harvest begins to be harvested after 110-120 days from the moment of germination. Due to its high growth, cultivation without a garter to an additional support is practically impossible. In some cases, not only the stems of the plant need a garter, but also the brushes themselves, because the weight of the tomatoes is about 300 g and it often happens that the shoots break under the weight of their own weight.

At normal conditions 2 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from one bush, but if the weather allows and the care of the plant is at the proper level, then the yield can be increased to 4-5 kg ​​from one bush. Planting scheme 2-3 plants per 1 sq. m.

If tomatoes of other varieties are still growing in your greenhouse, then it is not desirable that the plants between different varieties was less than one and a half meters so that they could not pollinate each other. Otherwise, the variety may lose its basic characteristics. Inflorescences begin to form after 7-9 leaves and all subsequent ones every 3.

The fruits of the "Black Prince" tomato are large, in some cases they can reach 450 g, the average weight of one tomato is within 250-300 g. The shape of the tomatoes is flat-round and strongly ribbed. The fruit tastes sweet, great for consumption in fresh, for preparing salads. Also, despite their rather large size, they are often canned for the winter.

Fruit characteristics

Fruits are round, at the stage of ripeness, burgundy-brown, weighing 150-300 grams, excellent tomato flavor. They are not prone to cracking, but they do not store well. There are many seeds in the fruit. These tomatoes are of universal use - suitable for fresh consumption, salads, as well as for processing into juices, sauces. Productivity of the variety: up to 3 kg of fruits from 1 plant (with proper agricultural technology). This variety is grown for its beautiful and delicious fruits, not because of the yield. Disease resistance of tomato is above average. The Black Prince variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for cultivation in open ground and under film shelters.

Distinctive qualities

This variety has a number of advantages:

  • taste - sweetish, moderately fleshy fruits are able to please any gastronomic taste;
  • various forms of fruits;
  • high productivity;
  • unpretentious care;
  • disease resistance;
  • bears fruit until late autumn;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • useful for the prevention of cancer.

In addition, scientists have found that black tomatoes are beneficial: the antioxidants in their composition inhibit growth cancer cells, and for hypertensive patients it is useful to use Black Prince tomatoes to normalize blood pressure, which occurs by lowering blood cholesterol. But most of all this variety will appeal to men, because black varieties of tomatoes, including Black Prince varieties, increase masculine strength and improve potency.

The disadvantages are as follows:

  • thin skin due to which large tomatoes may crack;
  • not transportable;
  • not suitable for canning;
  • for unenlightened summer residents, the Black Prince tomatoes look "sick".

How to raise a "Black Prince"?

Seed selection

When selecting seed it is better to choose varieties of domestic producers, they will be most adapted to the local climate. Imported seeds are often more attractive, but growing them can cause unforeseen difficulties, which can lead to loss of crops.

Also one of the most important points- the shelf life, if it has already expired, then the germination of seeds drops significantly and the yield of those that germinate will be much lower than expected.

Seed preparation

Most of the “Black Prince” tomatoes are no different from other indeterminate large-fruited tomato varieties, so growing them will not be a problem. Seeds and soil must be prepared immediately before planting.

You can find 2 types of seeds on sale: some of them were disinfected at the production stage, and the necessary nutrients were applied to them, while others were ordinary. The first ones have a colored shell, and everything is simple with them: they can immediately be planted in containers for seedlings, there is no need to carry out any additional preparation.

If the seeds are ordinary, then the standard rules for the preparation of tomato seeds apply:

  1. It is necessary to cut the bandage into strips 20-24 cm long, fold in half.
  2. Pour the seeds into the middle of this piece, roll up and tie with a thread.
  3. Place the finished bundles in a container and pour a light red solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes. Then it must be drained, the bandages are rinsed directly in the container using running water.
  4. Soak tomato seeds in a bandage with a growth stimulant for 10-12 hours. Choose dosages according to the instructions.
  5. After that, the solution is drained, the seeds must be filled with water so that it covers the bandages by half. Leave in a warm place for 2 days, while the fabric should remain damp all the time.

Then, for the purpose of hardening, the seeds are sent to the refrigerator overnight, where the temperature will be at the level of +3 - +5 ° С.

Important! If you want to get early seedlings and start harvesting seeds in February, then the seedlings must be illuminated with a lamp for 14-16 hours.

Soil preparation

Soil acidity is an important indicator when preparing soil for growing tomatoes. For the "Black Prince" the optimal value will be 6.0 - 6.7. All tomatoes prefer light, fertile soil, if yours is excessively acidic, then it must be limed every 3-4 years.

Important! If in the previous year physalis, tomato, eggplant or pepper grew in the place where you are going to plant tomatoes, then you cannot plant them in this place.

It is good if, before growing tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage, onions, cucumbers, carrots, pumpkins, and potatoes were grown in the allocated area. To the soil based on garden soil, you need to add humus or peat, as well as a little superphosphate and wood ash. To be sure to get rid of pests and dangerous bacteria, the soil can be calcined or cooled before mixing.

In order for the Black Prince tomatoes to develop without problems, we present a description of the most popular substrates for them:

  • 7 parts of peat;
  • 1 part sawdust;
  • 1 part of turf land.

Second option:

  • 3 parts of peat;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 0.5 parts of sawdust;
  • 0.5 part mullein.

In addition, for 1 m³ of the mixture it is necessary:

  1. ammonium nitrate - 1.5 kg;
  2. superphosphate - 4 kg;
  3. potassium sulfate - 1 g;
  4. borax - 3 g;
  5. zinc sulfate - 1 g;
  6. copper sulfate - 2 g;
  7. potassium permanganate - 1 g.

But all these mineral fertilizers can be used later, as top dressing.

How to sow the seeds of the "Black Prince"?

Like others, the Black Prince tomato variety is grown using seedlings. Sowing seeds depends on the timing of planting seedlings, so plan all the dates in advance. It can take 45 to 80 days before the seedlings are ready to plant.

Usually, the finished seedling is a bush 35 cm high. It is important not to grow the seedlings too large, otherwise they will not take root well and will constantly hurt. The prepared seeds are embedded in the soil to a depth of about 1-2 cm.

Did you know? In order for the germination of a tomato to be maximized, the seeds must be provided optimal temperature, which is +15 ° С.

Features of cultivation

A feature of the tomato variety is that it sprouts much less often and longer than other varieties. Before planting in the soil, bushes with a formed crown in seedling containers should be outside for about two weeks. The bud for a Black Prince tomato should be made of earth and a small amount of sand, humus and wood ash.

Important: wood ash should be added to the soil in the fall, so that in the spring, by the time the tomato is planted, it is neutralized and does not burn the roots. If you did not have time to do this in the fall, it is better to do without ash, but after a while after planting them, water with an ash hood.

Preparing this hood is very simple: for 10 liters of water, one glass (required) of sifted ash. Insist for a day, stirring constantly. Immediately before watering, pass the liquid through a thick layer of gauze.

Subject to all necessary conditions the first fruits will appear about three months after planting. This should happen somewhere in early July. You will receive such long-awaited fleshy and bright fruits that will please all members of your family.

Fertilizing and feeding bushes

A layer of applied mulch protects the roots from overheating, drying out, and also such an environment is favorable for breeding earthworms, which have a beneficial effect on the earth, loosening it. The very composition of the mulch, gradually rotting, enriches the earth with minerals and nutrients... This extra layer perfectly protects the tomatoes from crusting on the ground near the root.

Mulching is a great find for gardeners and gardeners and their experienced representatives have been using it for a long time.

Black Prince tomatoes need to be fed frequently and regularly. This is about once every two weeks. For feeding, again, manure is perfect in proportion: a bucket of manure for one barrel of water. It is necessary to insist this fertilizer before use for about a day. For each tomato bush, 1-2 liters are consumed, depending on the size and degree of overgrowth. It is necessary to start feeding during the flowering period of the bushes.

Diseases and pests

The best treatment is disease prevention. It is necessary to spray the plants with general preparations. From late blight - a solution of copper sulfate (10 g per bucket of water), from brown spot - sprinkle the roots with ash, from tobacco mosaic - spray with potassium permanganate. Disinfection of seeds helps with most diseases. Microbiological agents help to fight pests.

Tomato "Black Prince": when to harvest

If you did everything correctly, and during the growth of the tomatoes there were no climatic surprises (severe droughts, hail, strong gusty winds), then the first fruits may appear in 3 months, around the beginning of July. After that, the collection is carried out every 4-5 days as the fruits ripen. As you can see, growing Black Prince tomatoes is not difficult, and the result is definitely worth it. The fruits of these tomatoes will surely please your family. If you like black tomatoes, then "Black Prince" - best grade For you.

Cake "Black Prince" - dessert dish, which gives a truly sincere pleasure, while maintaining modesty and simplicity. This is one of those cakes that can come in handy for every occasion, be it a holiday or a family dinner.

Quite often to cook unusual puff cake, you have to spend the whole day in the kitchen and a large number of funds. This is the main advantage of the "Black Prince", because he does not at all fall under the accepted stereotypes.

According to some legend, this dessert got its unique and interesting name thanks to the story of Prince Edward. The latter was called black because his armor had the appropriate color. For his exploits, the young man was awarded a jewel called the "Black Prince".

Classic recipe dessert

In accordance with the accepted tradition, this dessert is prepared with kefir, although other recipes may be based on other dairy products. As a filling, this recipe contains butter cream which can be prepared in a variety of ways.

First, take a separate bowl and mix the egg and granulated sugar in it. It is necessary to beat until a volumetric foam appears.

Then you need to add 1/3 of kefir to the egg mixture, and successively mix cocoa powder, baking powder and flour. Then you can add the remaining kefir to the dough and mix everything properly. As a result, the mass should not have lumps.

You must first put the oven on heating to a standard temperature (180 degrees). You will need a baking dish, which must either be covered with special paper or coated with vegetable oil on its walls.

In a preheated oven, put a mold with an evenly distributed dough, leaving the sponge cake to bake for half an hour.

When the biscuit is ready, it will be necessary to give it the opportunity to cool, since next step- this is dividing it into two parts of the same height. You will need a large sharp knife and a spatula.

Using a knife, draw a horizontal line in the center of the side of the cake. After that, with a spatula, it will be possible to divide the biscuit along the outlined line.

To prepare the buttercream for the "Black Prince" cake, you need to whip the warmed up cream with a mixer, and then gradually add sugar to them. The temperature of the cream must be above room temperature, otherwise the sugar will not dissolve and will grind on your teeth.

Initially, the whipping rate should be low and should be increased over time. As a result, beat at the highest speed until they are stable.

It remains only to apply the filling. To do this, you first need to take the first cake and spread a layer of butter over its entire surface.

Then evenly cover with the second cake layer, greasing it on top, and also spreading the cream over the side of the cake.

So, you can put the "Black Prince" in the refrigerator so that it is soaked tender filling... For this, 2-3 hours are enough.

Cake "Black Prince" on kefir with jam

This recipe is somewhat different from the classic one due to the addition of berry jam to the dough. This gives the cake a special flavor. The oven can be based on jam of any berries.

So, to prepare a dessert with black currant, you will need:

  • Kefir - 250 ml;
  • Wheat flour - 250 g;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - ¼ tsp;
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Corn starch- 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Creamy (not spread!) Butter - 100 g;
  • Cream (40%) - 400 ml;
  • Jam from black currant- 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

To begin with, you should dissolve salt and soda in kefir, and also wait for the moment when foam forms. First, you need to beat the eggs with sugar until a volumetric foam appears, and mix the resulting mixture with kefir.

After that, you can add cocoa powder and flour to the mass, gradually stirring in to avoid lumps. The final step in making the dough is to add jam and cornstarch to it. The latter is required in order to receive in the future biscuit cakes turned out to be more elastic.

A well-mixed mass of dough must be distributed over the mold, covering it with baking paper in advance. The oven must be preheated. The time until the sponge cake is completely baked is 30 minutes.

In the meantime, you can do the cream. This time, butter will be used in the preparation of the cream, this will give it a more delicate and melting taste. The butter must be softened and then whipped with cream and granulated sugar until stable peaks.

The prepared cakes should be cut in two using a sharp knife and spatula, and then thoroughly smeared with cream. The main thing is not to forget about the sides of the cake, which are easier to spread with a pastry brush. So, you can send dessert to the refrigerator for a couple of hours until it is soaked. When serving, you can decorate the "Black Prince" with currant berries, if available.

Cake "Black Prince" with sour cream

Another variation on the preparation of this pastry involves the use of sour cream in the base of the dough. To bake such a cake, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Sour cream (30%) - 250 g for dough + 200 g for cream;
  • Wheat flour - 200 g;
  • Granulated sugar - 250 g for the dough + 100 g for the cream;
  • Creamy (not spread!) Butter - 50 g;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • Milk chocolate - 100 g;
  • Almonds or hazelnuts - 40 g.

First, you should take a voluminous bowl, mixing eggs with granulated sugar in it. It is necessary to beat, gradually increasing the speed. As a result, the egg mixture should greatly increase in size and become stable.

Then you can intervene to the received egg mixture sour cream and cocoa powder, mixing all the ingredients properly. Then add sifted flour, vinegar slaked soda to it. The result must be mixed at a low speed.

Thus, the dough is completely ready and can be distributed over the baking dish. The oven must be preheated to standard temperature in advance. The biscuit will be baked for half an hour.

Meanwhile, it is the turn of the cream. To prepare it, you will need to mix sour cream with granulated sugar. Sour cream should be at room temperature.

It remains only to warm up milk chocolate with butter using a water bath, and stir in the resulting dark glaze to sour cream with sugar.

As soon as the cake is ready, it must be cut in two, and each is coated with glaze. In this case, it is better to grease the sides of the cake and the top part as generously as possible. It remains only to sprinkle the surface of the "Black Prince" with hazelnuts chopped in a blender, and then put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

"Black Prince" with condensed milk

There is one more interesting recipe preparation of this dessert, which uses condensed milk as a filling. For him you will need:

  • Sour cream (30%) - 500 g;
  • Wheat flour - 200 g;
  • Eggs - 5 pieces;
  • Sugar - 250 g;
  • Creamy (not spread!) Butter - 170 for the dough + 200 g for the cream;
  • Soda - 2.5 tsp;
  • Cocoa powder - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vanillin - 10 g;
  • Condensed milk - 1 can.

In advance, you need to soften the butter, and then mix it with granulated sugar, eggs, and also vanilla. At the same time, the sifted flour must be mixed with other dry ingredients, that is, with soda and cocoa powder.

Mix dry ingredients into a mixture of eggs and butter, whisking well. The resulting smooth dough must be distributed in a baking dish by sending it to an oven preheated to a standard temperature for half an hour.

To prepare the cream, you will need to thoroughly beat the butter with condensed milk. Taking the cakes out of the oven, it remains to cut them and grease with the resulting cream both from the inside and from the outside. For impregnation, place the "Black Prince" in the refrigerator.

Thus, the Black Prince cake is a truly wonderful pastry for any occasion:

  1. It cooks extremely quickly, no more than an hour, including baking time;
  2. You can take different dairy products as the basis for the recipe;
  3. There are several options for preparing a cream for the "Black Prince", for example, with condensed milk, cream or chocolate;
  4. For a special aroma, you can use jam from any berries, and also later decorate the cake with them;
  5. All the ingredients for it are budgetary, they are always at hand at any housewife.

Bon Appetit!

Home cake prepared with love is always little holiday for the family. It is not at all necessary to look for an excuse to pamper your loved ones: I suggest starting a new week with a Black Prince cake recipe. Fragrant and juicy chocolate cakes, delicate sour cream, rich cherry filling and a lot grated chocolate… You can't imagine tastier!

As a basis for the Black Prince cake, I took the recipe for chocolate kefir cakes, which were also used in Paul Robson's cake. You can bake them both in the oven and in a multicooker (on the Baking mode for about 45-60 minutes - focus on the power and volume of your assistant's bowl). The amount of sugar for the dough can be changed to your liking (according to this recipe, the cake is moderately sweet).

Cream for chocolate cake made with sour cream - it must be greasy. I have sour cream with a fat content of 26%, but you can buy higher. How sweet the cream will be is entirely up to you. Optionally add natural vanilla for aroma, vanilla essence, vanilla sugar or vanillin.

We take cherries for the filling according to the season: in summer - fresh, in winter - frozen. It is clear that it is pitted. Cornstarch for thickening berry juice can be replaced potato starch or wheat flour, but add only 1 teaspoon. Chocolate sprinkles for decorating a cake, the Black Prince can be either dark chocolate (my version) or milk chocolate (who likes sweeter and softer ones).


Chocolate biscuit:

(300 grams) (250 milliliters) (200 grams) (2 pieces ) (80 grams) (40 grams) (1 teaspoon)

Sour cream:

Cherry filling:


Cooking a dish step by step with a photo:

Let's start by making a chocolate biscuit. We immediately turn on the oven to warm up to 180 degrees. I have a usual gas stove Hephaestus, bottom heating. All products for chocolate crust must be mandatory room temperature so take them out of the refrigerator in a couple of hours. Sift 300 grams into a separate bowl wheat flour (top grade), add 40 grams quality powder cocoa (this time I cooked with a new one and the result was impressive) and 1 teaspoon (without a slide) of baking soda.

Mix well with a spoon or fork so that the dry ingredients are evenly dispersed throughout the mixture. Do not forget to sift through a fine sieve, since the soda is most often knocked down in lumps, which in finished cake will give bitterness.

Beat everything with a mixer at high speed for about 5-7 minutes until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Eggs with sugar should greatly increase in volume, and the mass itself should become airy and fluffy. Add 250 milliliters of kefir (any fat content), actively mix everything or beat with a mixer for just a few seconds. Advice: it is best to use kefir not of the first freshness, that is, so that it is sour - then the baked goods will turn out taller and more magnificent.

Next (or you can even up to kefir - not fundamentally) pour 80 grams of melted and already cooled butter... Stir again or beat with a mixer at low speed for a few seconds.

Finally, it is the turn of the dry ingredients for the future chocolate crust. We pour flour mixture with cocoa and soda, which we simply manually stir in with a whisk or spatula. Alternatively, you can mix everything with a mixer at the lowest speed for a very short time.

As soon as there are no dry lumps of cocoa flour left, we stop stirring. In terms of thickness, the dough for chocolate biscuit on kefir turns out like a dough for pancakes - it is not very thick, but not liquid either. In other words, the dough does not flow, but crawls lazily if you tilt the dishes.

I use a detachable baking dish with a diameter of 18 centimeters (you can take a larger size, then the cake will turn out lower), it is not necessary to grease it with oil, but this is optional. Metal forms usually i lay parchment paper... To do this, the inner surface is lubricated with a thin layer of refined vegetable oil - it helps the paper stick and hold well. A piece of paper is placed on the bottom, the diameter of which is measured in advance. Well, the walls are just a cut (a couple of centimeters above the sides) of baking paper, which is folded up and inserted into the mold. We press the paper to the walls - thanks to the oil, they stick and do not deform. Shifting the chocolate biscuit dough into a mold, level it with a spoon or spatula and put it in a preheated oven on a medium level. Let me remind you that I have a gas stove and heats only from below.

We bake the biscuit at 180 degrees for about 1 hour (the time depends on the characteristics of each oven). This time my cake was ready after 1 hour and 10 minutes. Ready baked goods be sure to check for a dry splinter - we pierce it with a wooden skewer or a toothpick in the highest place and, if it comes out dry, the cake is ready.

We remove the walls of the form and paper walls. Myself chocolate biscuit cool completely - it is best to do this on a wire rack (then the bottom will not get damp). In about 40 minutes (this is for those in a hurry), the baked goods will completely cool down. If you transfer it to the balcony, maybe even less ...

While we cool down chocolate base for the future cake Black Prince, let's take care of the filling. Put 250 grams of berries in a small saucepan or stewpan (if you have pitted cherries, remove them), add 70 grams of sugar and 1 tablespoon of cornstarch.

We put everything on medium fire and, stirring, boil for 2-3 minutes after boiling. During heat treatment, the berries will give juice, the sugar will completely dissolve, and the starch will thicken and bind the liquid. After complete cooling it will turn out thick jelly with whole berries.

When the chocolate sponge cake on kefir has completely cooled down, it will need to be cut into 3 cakes. Since the hat turns out to be convex, it is advisable to cut it off (most conveniently with a saw-knife), but a little - just a couple of centimeters, which stick out strongly. Cut the biscuit itself into 3 identical cakes. I do it this way: first, I make shallow cuts around the circumference with a saw-knife, and then I cut the biscuit using a regular thread. This time I decided to use a special string, but when working with it, you need to have a couple more hands (I asked my husband to hold the biscuit, otherwise he was constantly fidgeting).

Finally, let's prepare sour cream, which consists of only 2 ingredients and is easy to do. Put 400 grams of fatty sour cream in a beating container - it should be cold. Add 80 grams of powdered sugar (if you wish, you can take more or less). I recommend using the powder, because even with prolonged whipping in cold sour cream not all crystals granulated sugar can dissolve. A few more words about the sour cream itself: for the Black Prince cake, Paul Robson, Pancho and others like him, always choose an exceptionally fatty product. I read on many culinary sites that, they say, lovers of all kinds of diets can easily use at least 10% sour cream if they are afraid extra calories... No, it’s wrong! Few fat sour cream it will never beat up in life, but will remain a liquid kefir (sugar will make it even thinner). Either it is fatty - it is whipped into an airy, light and relatively (not so much as to deposit it with pastry bag) stable cream.

Beat sour cream with icing sugar with a mixer at the highest speed for about 10-12 minutes, until it increases in volume. Another landmark of the readiness of sour cream: it will have a relief, that is, clear and fairly stable stains will remain from the whisk that do not float. In other recipes, the girls wrote in the comments that homemade fatty sour cream is instantly interrupted (in just a couple of minutes), turning into butter. That is why carefully monitor the whipping process if you have such a fatty product!

Let's start assembling the Black Prince chocolate cake. Put on a flat plate or dish bottom cake... I put the cakes in the reverse order (that is, turning the biscuit over) so that the slightly convex top fits perfectly into the not perfectly flat dish. We grease it generously sour cream... In general, it is important to calculate the amount of cream so that there is enough for a layer of 2 cakes, for the sides and top of the cake (there should not be very much cream on top).

Hello dear gardeners! Do you like tomatoes of an unusual, unusual color? Do you love the most exotic of them - black-fruited? They are very popular and their fan base is growing. Those who prefer everything extraordinary are attracted to them original view... Many have heard about special healing properties dark-colored vegetables. Gourmets like the specific taste of these tomatoes. And someone just loves variety.

Despite the appearance in recent years of breeding novelties in this area, the Black Prince tomato remains the most popular and demanded, bypassing competitors in many characteristics.

This is evidenced by reviews of vegetable growers and numerous amateur photos on the Internet.

Grow this variety - and you will be conquered by its merits! If the tomatoes are annually from their best bushes, the quality will be guaranteed.

Varietal features

The history of the Black Prince goes back decades and has overgrown with many legends (China, Ukraine, Holland, Russia are called the birthplace of the variety). In amateur gardens, there are various modifications of this variety; its characteristics also differ slightly among agricultural firms that pack seeds for retail sales. And yet, there are a number of stable features of the Black Prince that allow us to give him a specific description.

A striking feature of the Black Prince variety is a combination of four properties: it is tall, large-fruited, black-fruited, and has a special pleasant taste.

Sometimes it is confused with the Black Moor, which is characterized by medium-sized plum fruits (up to 50 grams). The Black Prince has larger tomatoes - at least 100 grams, not uncommon - 150-170, sometimes even 300-500 grams. Fruits are round-flat, ribbed.

Colour ripe tomatoes, of course, not black, but very dark - rich chocolate with a purple hue. The skin is rather thin. The pulp with an average number of seeds, not very dense, moderately fleshy, while juicy. It has an interesting greenish-brown color with orange and burgundy tints.

Black Prince - medium term (ripening 115 days after germination), from the group programmed for long-term growth. The height of the bush can reach two meters or more. Average leafiness. Fruit clusters begin to form above 7-9 leaves, then every two or three leaves. It is realistic to remove from one bush from two to five kilograms of fruit (variations depend on climate and agricultural technology).


The cultivation of the Black Prince tomato is carried out with the obligatory pinching and a strong garter. The bush is formed into two or three trunks, firmly fixing heavy brushes so that the stalks do not break and the whole plant does not break off.

The variety can be cultivated both in the greenhouse and in the open air, tying it to high stakes or strong trellises. Indoors, it is necessary to establish end-to-end daytime ventilation, especially in the heat, otherwise the fruits will not tie well.

Like many other large-fruited and fruitful tomatoes, the Black Prince needs sufficient and improved nutrition (pre-planting fillings of holes with ash and humus, regular root and foliar feeding, for example, feeding with fermented grass infusion are needed).

Strong bushes are better at resisting disease. There is a good resistance to phytophthora - the leaves may get a little sick, but the infection rarely spreads to the fruits.

Blackened ripe tomatoes are easy to mistake for sick ones, so one should not forget about such plantings. At first, the ovaries are dark green, with an even darker spot in the upper part. Having increased to their maximum size, they gradually begin to darken. Ripe vegetables are shiny, glossy. They are not suitable for long storage are of the salad type.

Useful fruits

Tomato fruits accumulate worse on acidic soils; instead of dark-colored tomatoes, pale, watery-tasting, with signs can grow. Such lands require preliminary, autumn deoxidation (dolomite flour, chalk).

In the spring, wood ash is introduced into the planting holes. You can carry out foliar feeding (spraying) of the bushes during the period of filling the fruits with a solution of such a fertilizer as calcium nitrate. Improve the taste of tomatoes by fertilizing with magnesium and.

Choke tomatoes have a very rich, slightly spicy taste, many gourmets prefer them over the usual ones. Flavoring features associated with the original balance of acids and sugars.

Extraordinary wholesome food black tomatoes are due to the large amount of lycopene and anthocyanins. These vitamin-like substances (by the way, remaining after heat treatment) improve the functioning of the organs of vision, contribute to the elimination of inflammatory processes, stimulate immune system human, slow down the aging process of tissues, prevent oncology.

And the fruits of the Black Prince contain a large amount of vitamin C. Science has proven that this is the food that (in reasonable doses) is a medicine if there is no food allergy.

Culinary exotic

Useful and original fresh salads from black tomatoes, and the Black Prince variety is one of the most delicious. Its fruits are not very suitable for whole-fruit canning, but they are suitable for other preparations for the winter. There are many interesting recipes.

Black Prince tomatoes give a large yield of juice with a sweet and spicy taste. They can be put in ketchups and lecho. Multilayer salad blanks from tomatoes of different colors are obtained beautiful.

The latest medical research proves the need to include different plant products containing anthocyanins. There are a lot of them in the berries of dark grapes, chokeberry, cherries, raspberries, etc.

Vegetable champions - some varieties with lilac and purple colors: black tomatoes, red cabbage, blue kohlrabi, lilac peppers, purple black Eyed Peas and onions. And what purple vegetables Do you like what you plant in your garden to keep your family healthy?

Good harvest and see you soon!

Sincerely, Andrey

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