How to dry peas for seeds - harvesting seed. Dried green pea varieties, description with photo; how to dry beans at home; application of the product in cooking

17.08.2019 Healthy eating

How to dry green peas at home so that they do not lose color?

You can harvest vegetables for future use in different ways. Drying is one option. For example, it is quite easy to prepare such a blank from green, that is, not ripe peas at home without special equipment, and even so that its color remains the same.

How to cook a pea blank

Green peas can be dried quickly enough. If done correctly, it will take about 12 hours.

  • Split the collected pods and sort the peas by size. Small and large specimens should be dried separately.
  • Put the peas in a colander. Bring the prepared water to a boil in a large saucepan. It is advisable to add a few leaves of spinach or nettle to it. This technique will prevent the peas from losing their color brightness. Next you will need to install another pot of very cold water.
  • Dip the colander with peas for 2 minutes in boiling water, then for 1 minute in cold water and again stand in boiling water for 1 minute.
  • Spread the blanched peas in a thin layer on a paper towel to dry.
  • Pour onto a baking sheet and place in the oven for 2 hours. The temperature should be no higher than 40 ° C. The cabinet door does not need to be closed.

Ripe peas

  • After the time has elapsed, the peas should be exposed to the air, preferably in a sunny place.
  • Then return to the oven for a couple of hours, raising the temperature to 50 ° C.
  • Air dry for 2 hours.
  • Bring the peas to dry completely in the oven at 70 ° C. It will take another couple of hours.

Attention! Before sending the workpiece for storage, you need to make sure that all the peas are well dried. They should be firm and have a nice green color.

Dried green peas perfectly retain their taste throughout the year. It is best stored in a linen bag or glass jar.

How to use a dried blank

The use of dried peas is very widespread. From it, after appropriate processing, you can prepare a lot of tasty and healthy dishes:

  • pea or vegetable soup;
  • pea puree;

Dried peas

  • filling for pies;
  • garnish for meat dishes;
  • stews with poultry and meat.

Advice. It is best to soak dried green peas overnight before cooking. This will soften it faster.

Each housewife strives to prepare various vegetables for future use. Dried peas are a great way to supplement your winter diet with tasty and healthy meals.

How to dry green peas: video

Peas are rightfully considered the leader among legumes; this plant, which is unpretentious in processing and growing, contains protein, carbohydrates, fiber and a large amount of vitamins. Young green peas are considered especially tasty, which will not only benefit the body, but also decorate any dish. However, over time, peas turn yellow and harden, their taste changes, although the benefits remain. There are many ways to prepare peas for the winter that will allow you to enjoy them in any form all year round.

Procurement methods

Given that peas usually yield a large harvest and cost a penny in summer, it is simply necessary to know how to stock up on them for future use. The main ways of harvesting peas for the winter:

  • drying;
  • conservation (pickling);
  • salting;
  • freezing.

All methods are easy and affordable, and the peas prepared by each of them can be used for various culinary purposes - it is added to salads, first courses, side dishes, flour is made from dried peas, and an additive to sauces. Let's get to know each method better.


Dried peas are used to prepare first courses, side dishes and mashed potatoes. The peas must be processed before drying, ideally immediately after harvest. It is husked and wormy and damaged peas are removed.

The task is simplified if you have an electric dryer, if there is no such apparatus, you can dry the peas in the oven:

  • peas must be blanched for a couple of minutes, this will preserve the color shade of green peas;
  • chilled immediately in cold water or by dipping peas in a container of ice;
  • once again pour boiling water over and cool;
  • then the beans are dried;
  • spread over the surface of the baking sheet in one layer;
  • dried at a temperature of 40-50 degrees for 3 hours;
  • cool at room temperature for 3 hours;
  • again sent to the oven for the same time, the temperature can be raised to 60-65 degrees;
  • cool, repeat, if necessary, the entire procedure again.

The storage duration of dry peas depends on how much moisture remains in the middle, the less it is, the longer the beans will last. If the drying procedure is correct, the peas will retain their green color and beneficial properties.

Dried more mature yellowish peas can be used to make soups, cereals, flour for baking bread and making sauces and soups.

Before preparing any dishes, dried peas are pre-boiled.

To prevent dried peas from being spoiled by pests, they are stored in a glass container with a tightly closed lid in a cool place, where there is no access to the sun's rays. Care must be taken to prevent insects and mold from growing in the beans.


  1. The peas are husked and sorted, removing debris and spoiled peas.
  2. Blanch with boiling water, immediately cool and wait until the beans are completely dry.
  3. Dry peas are spread in a thin layer on a flat surface (tray or baking sheet) and sent to the freezer. You can skip this step and freeze the cut in a container, but then the peas can collect in a solid sticky ball. To prevent this from happening, the container with peas will need to be removed periodically and shaken well, breaking the lumps.
  4. After a couple of hours, the peas are taken out and laid out in containers or bags, put back into the freezer.

The product frozen in this way will be easy to use in the future, adding to various dishes - soups, salads, side dishes and snacks.

Sugar peas are frozen in pods, which can be cut into several pieces for convenience. The freezing procedure is the same - the pods are washed, cuttings and hard partitions are removed, blanched, cooled and distributed in containers.


Canned peas are a traditional and favorite ingredient in many salads. Not a single New Year is complete without the famous "Olivier" with the addition of this product. Many people use it as a side dish, and children like to eat with just a spoon.

In stores, canned peas are sold in glass or cans, often manufacturers add unnecessary harmful preservatives to it to extend the shelf life. To be sure of the quality of the product, you need to make it yourself, especially since it is very easy to cook canned peas at home. Having tried such a homemade preparation once, you will never want to return to the purchased product again.

Vinegar-free recipe

We need:

  • 2 kg of green peas;
  • 1.5 small spoons of salt and sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

Cooking process:

  1. Put the water on the fire, wait for it to boil.
  2. Add sugar, salt, peas and cook for 35-40 minutes.
  3. Drain the water into a separate bowl, transfer the peas to sterilized jars, it should occupy 60% of the total volume.
  4. Strain the marinade, boil again.
  5. Pour the marinade over the peas and seal the jars.

This is not the only way to preserve. For the second method, you need to do the following:

  • add peas to boiling water and boil for 8-10 minutes, removing the foam;
  • arrange in glass jars, add 1 coffee spoon of salt, sugar and the same amount of vinegar to each jar;
  • pour boiling water;
  • cover the jars with lids and sterilize over low heat for 20 minutes;
  • wrap up the covers.

You can also immediately prepare a marinade and pour peas over them - for 1 liter of water, take a tablespoon of salt, 100 ml of vinegar and 15 grams of sugar. Banks with a volume of 500 ml are sterilized for half an hour, liter cans are processed for 60 minutes.

Non-sterilized pickled peas recipe

You can cook delicious, delicate peas as in the store without additional boiling of the jars. Such a product will have a slightly sweet taste and a delicate texture. For cooking, you should take the following products:

  • 1.5 kg of green peas;
  • 1 liter of clean water;
  • 3 small spoons of salt;
  • 3 small spoons of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid.

Cooking method:

  1. Bring the water to a boil with salt and sugar.
  2. Add peas and cook for 15 minutes, then add citric acid.
  3. Distribute in jars and pour over the boiling liquid in which the peas were boiled.
  4. Seal with a lid.

It is very important to choose the right peas for pickling: in this way, only young, soft peas are harvested, which are easy to crush with your fingers. More ripe peas will give the final product a starchy flavor and cloudy marinade.

Salted peas

You can salt both whole pods and split peas. In any case, the salting procedure will not change:

  1. The peas are sorted out, the hard partitions are cut off from the pods.
  2. Cook for 5-10 minutes, it all depends on the type.
  3. Distribute the boiled product in pre-prepared containers and fill it with hot brine.
  4. To prepare the brine, you need to take 60-100 grams of salt per 1 kg of peas.
  5. To make the taste brighter, the brine is prepared with the addition of garlic, pepper and spices.
  • 1 kg of young peas;
  • 600 ml of water;
  • 60 grams of salt.


  1. Rinse the peeled peas and cover with water, leave for 2-3 hours, then drain the water.
  2. Arrange the beans into jars.
  3. To prepare the brine, add salt to boiling water.
  4. Pour the peas, close with a nylon lid, previously scalded with boiling water.

To pickle peas without marinade, you need:

  1. Dip the grains in boiling water for 3 minutes, transfer to a bowl, cool and mix with salt - 60 grams per 1 kg of peas.
  2. Transfer to a jar, pour another 20 grams of salt on top.
  3. Close with a plastic lid.

Before adding such peas to dishes, they are thoroughly washed.

A culture like peas has been known to the Slavs since time immemorial. Already from the book of the ancient way of life "Domostroy", various types of pea dishes are known, such as pea noodles and soup. However, at first, peas, or rather its distant ancestor, grew in Tibet and India. It was also known in China, where it was considered a symbol of fertility. In Germany, the soldiers' diet included pea sausage, a product made from peas, bacon and meat juice, very nutritious and tasty.

Peas gained no less popularity among the Spaniards and the French, who still challenge the primacy of the invention of pea chowder with bacon and ham. By the 17th and 18th centuries, green peas were becoming popular. Many people liked this product, and in Germany there was even a prize for the first basket of peas to appear on the market. Pea soup and porridge were the favorite food of not only ordinary people, but also kings. Liquid soup with green peas was given to patients for blood purification in India, Tibet, China. Russia, Poland, Ukraine and Slovenia are still arguing over who was the first to invent pea jelly.

How are peas good for the body?

Peas contain a lot of protein and carbohydrates; in terms of calorie content, it is very close and even surpasses animal meat. Its main value lies in a large amount of mineral salts, vitamins, trace elements. Peas contain carotene, vitamins B, A, C, phosphorus, selenium, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, potassium, magnesium, flavonoids, carotenoids, polyphenols, and iron.

High amounts of vitamin C, folic acid, iron make it an important product in the presence of anemia. Peas are a source of choline, methionine, lecithin, that is, substances that normalize lipid metabolism. It contains a lot of inositol, which is attributed to atherosclerotic and lipotropic properties. Green peas help with kidney disease, relieving edema caused by a malfunction in their work, and has a diuretic effect. Potassium, inositol and magnesium support the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Regular consumption of green peas reduces the likelihood of heart attack, hypertension, stroke, and oncology.

Peas are just a storehouse of nutrients necessary for a person. And what is very important, they are preserved after heat treatment. Therefore, if there is an Ezidri dryer at home, then you can easily provide yourself with this nutritious product for a year in one day. But it is worth knowing that it is not recommended to use peas for people with digestive problems, especially those with a tendency to flatulence.

Which peas are suitable for drying?

There are many different ways to preserve green peas for the winter. This is freezing, conservation. But one of the best ways is drying. For her, take green peas, collected 15 days after flowering. It is these grains that are very soft, tasty, they are already fully ripe, they have become elastic and dense, but at the same time they have not yet become coarse. At the stage of milky ripeness, the pulp of the peas becomes powdery and tender, it contains a lot of useful sugars and other substances. Overripe peas are too starchy and coarse, after drying they will not taste good, therefore they are not suitable for harvesting for the winter.

The main stages of drying green peas

1. Blanching.
The grains are carefully removed from the pods, blanched for a couple of minutes in water at a temperature of 90 degrees. When blanched, you can add spinach or nettle to the peas for an intense green color.

2. Drying.
Blanched peas are quickly cooled with running water, poured onto a sieve, and allowed to drain. Then they are laid out on the mesh trays of the dryer.

For drying, you can use the oven, gas stove oven. But the best option would be the Isidri dryer, with which you can effortlessly dry yourself whole bins of healthy and tasty peas.
The peas are dried first for 2-2.5 hours at a temperature of 35-40 ° C, then for 1.5-2 hours at a temperature of 45-50 ° C and finally dried for another 2-2.5 hours at a temperature of 55-60 ° C. To get high quality peas, it is better to use intermittent drying, which is alternated with cooling. That is, after the first and second drying, the electric dryer turns off, the peas are cooled for an hour and a half. And then they continue drying.

3. Storage.
Well-dried peas should have a nice matte color with a pleasant smell and sweet taste. A yellowish-red color indicates overdrying, brown dots indicate that the peas have been overexposed in boiling water, a pale color indicates insufficient blanching. Store dried peas in linen bags or glass jars in a cool and dry place. If you put a little salt there, then bugs will not start in the peas.

You can also dry green peas directly in the pods (with shoulder blades). The freshest and most resilient pods should be selected, rinsed and blanched in boiling water. After a few minutes, the pods are cooled, cut into several parts, laid out on trays in an electric dryer and dried at 60-65 degrees.

Cooking with dried peas

All with a sign canned green peas, which can be added to salads, soups, used as a side dish. It is eaten with other vegetables, fish, potatoes, cheese, scrambled eggs, meat. But dried peas are also perfect for preparing many delicious dishes. Before using it, pour boiling water over it and wait until it swells. And then you can already cook from it the same dishes as with a fresh product. If the farm has dried green peas, recipes for various dishes can be supplemented with this protein source or replaced with meat.

... Rice with green peas.

This dish is originally from Syria, which is prepared there both on holidays and on ordinary days. It is considered an excellent side dish for chicken and meat. For its preparation, they usually take fresh or frozen green peas. But you can also take dried peas, pre-soak them for a couple of hours.

Required products: peas need 300 grams, 2 cups of long rice, a few tablespoons of ghee, 5 cups of chicken broth, 2 cloves of garlic, salt.

Rice should be washed and soaked in water. Melt the ghee in a skillet and fry the chopped garlic for a minute. Add green peas to the garlic and fry for another 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Drain the rice from the rice and add it to the peas with garlic, fry for a few more minutes. Pour in hot chicken broth, boil, cover, reduce heat to low and simmer for 5 minutes. Then mix everything carefully so that the peas are evenly distributed, and cook for another 20 minutes, without stirring anymore. You can serve rice with green peas to the table.

... Hearty pea sausage.

A very tasty and satisfying snack that is great for vegetarians and fasting people. A complete replacement for meat during fasting, when the body needs protein.

Required: 200 grams of dry peas, small beets, 700 ml of water, 4 cloves of garlic, half a teaspoon of cardamom, nutmeg, marjoram and black pepper. You can add your favorite roots and dried vegetables.

Pour the peas into a sieve, rinse under running water, periodically touching it with your hands. Then lay out on a towel and pat dry. Pour into a dry skillet and fry for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Allow the peas to cool slightly and then grind them in a blender until they become flour. Pour the resulting pea flour with 700 ml of water, bring the mass to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.

At this time, peel and grate the beets, squeeze the juice out of it. Peel the garlic and chop finely. Pour 50 ml of any vegetable oil into the pea puree, add garlic, beet juice, salt, pepper and beat everything until smooth. Cut off the top of the plastic bottle, fill the bottom of the bottle with pea puree. Close the top with cling film and put in the refrigerator. After 10 hours, you can remove the sausage from the bottle, cut it into portions and serve.

... "Non-vegetarian" option.

This sausage can be made with lard and meat. The ratio is chosen depending on taste preferences, but for the first time you can try to take ham or smoked sausage a little less than peas, and lard is about 50-100 grams.

Meat or ham is passed through a meat grinder, lard is finely chopped, everything is mixed with pea flour, salted, pepper, and fried together. If necessary, add a small amount of chicken or meat broth to make a plastic, but not liquid mass. It is wrapped in parchment, forming loaves, or stuffed with pork intestines. Then the sausage in the guts is boiled in salted water for half an hour. The parchment sausage is simply put into the refrigerator. Before use, the sausage is cut into pieces and fried in lard. Such a tasty and aromatic dish is used as a snack or with meat broth as a full meal.

... Pea porridge with bacon.

It is a hearty yet very simple dish with a strong aroma and rich flavor. Ideal for lunch or dinner. You can serve this porridge with fresh vegetables or a light salad.

It will require: 300 grams of dry peas, 100 grams of lard, one carrot, salt, one onion.

Peas are soaked in cold water for a couple of hours. Then they are thoroughly washed, put in a saucepan, poured with water, salted and set to cook. The peas should be boiled in about an hour. During this time, peel the carrots and onions. Chop the onion, grate the carrots. Cut the bacon into cubes and place in a skillet. Fry it until the fat is melted. Onions and carrots should be fried on it. Beat the peas in mashed potatoes with a blender, pepper, arrange on plates, top with overcooked carrots, onions and bacon. Serve immediately.

Peas are the most valuable product that you should definitely keep in stock. It is not difficult to dry it, especially if the farm has an Ezidri - the best dryer for vegetables and fruits. And a huge variety of delicious dishes will make peas the king of feasts in winter and during fasting.

Green peas are poorly preserved fresh, therefore, when receiving large yields, housewives think about how to preserve them. Drying is one of the simplest and most effective ways of harvesting vegetables, which allows you to preserve the taste, color and vitamin composition of the product as much as possible. Learn how to properly dry green peas at home so that they do not lose their color and nutritional qualities, learn from this article.

Drying green peas: technology and features

In order for the dried product to be of the highest quality, only young juicy 14-18 day old peas should be used - soft with a delicate taste, the process itself consists of the following stages:

1. Hull freshly picked from the pods and calibrate to size, as large and small peas must be dried separately.

Before drying peas, they must be sized to size.

2. Blanch the peas by dropping them alternately - for 2 minutes in boiling water, for 1 minute in cold water and for another 1 minute in boiling water.

Advice! Adding a few spinach leaves or nettle twigs to the water for blanching will allow the green color of the peas to become brighter and richer, and if the vegetable is folded into a metal colander or mesh, then the blanching process itself will be easier and faster.

3. Dry the removed peas by sprinkling them on paper or a towel.

4. Put dried peas in the oven for 2 hours without closing the door - at t ° + 40 ° C.

5. Having taken out, the peas should be dried for another 2 hours in the air.

6. Place in the oven again for a couple of hours, maintaining - t ° + 50 ° C.

Prepared peas are blanched

7. Remove and re-air dry for 2 hours.

8. Dry the grains for 2 hours in the oven at t ° + 70 ° C until completely dry.

Attention! A fully dried quality product has a dense structure and a beautiful green color.

Storage and use

Qualitatively dried grains of young peas are well preserved throughout the year. They can be stored in a canvas bag, paper bag, or glass container in a dry, shaded area.

Correctly dried peas are green

Dried peas require heat treatment before eating. To do this, it is boiled or stewed. The use of this product will diversify the winter menu with new dishes, as well as compensate for the lack of vitamins. Dried baby peas can be used to prepare:

  • vegetable broths and soups;
  • salads;
  • toppings for pies;
  • stew, mashed potatoes, side dishes;
  • stews with meat, poultry or fish.

Ready peas can be obtained in 12 hours

Freeze. However, drying is the most effective method of preserving it.

Thanks to her, peas retain not only taste, but also useful properties. In this article, we will share with you the secrets of how to dry peas for the winter, and what can be made from legumes.

Green peas are used in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system. It stabilizes blood pressure, due to the ability to remove excess water and salt from the body, improves kidney function. It contains beta-carotene and a complex of vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on vision and reduce the risk of oncology.

With all its positive properties, the product has contraindications. It is not recommended to use peas for inflammation of the kidneys and stomach. People suffering from peptic ulcer disease are allowed to eat peas only after heat treatment.

Which peas are suitable for drying?

The taste and useful properties depend on the variety and quality of legumes, so the main task is to choose the right peas. Harvesting begins as soon as the peas enter the milky stage - about two weeks after flowering. More ripe fruits lose their beneficial sugars and become tough.

How to harvest seeds correctly?

Harvesting does not require special skills: the pods are cut from the plant, then the seeds are husked and removed. For better drying, grain must be sorted by size. You can store unhulled no more than 12 hours, and shelled ones - 4-6 hours.

Important. Peas for harvesting for the winter should not overripe - their taste and useful properties depend on this.

How is drying in the oven

Properly prepared grains will greatly facilitate the drying process. The main thing is to prepare the inventory in advance and complete all the necessary processing steps.

Inventory and kitchen appliances

To prepare green peas for the winter, you will need:

  • oven;
  • pot;
  • sieve;
  • baking sheet;
  • drying paper.

The main stages of processing when drying peas

Harvesting green peas takes place in several stages:

  1. Peas must be peeled and rinsed under running water.
  2. Place it in boiling water for a few minutes.
  3. Take out and cool under cold water.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 several more times.
  5. Dry the peas on a paper towel.
  6. Put on a baking sheet, send to the oven, heated to 45 degrees, for 2 hours.
  7. Cool at room temperature.
  8. Preheat the oven again, only increase the temperature to 55 degrees.
  9. After two hours, remove from the oven and let cool.
  10. For the third time, place the peas in the oven, preheated to 65 degrees, and dry for 120 minutes in the same way.

Drying of peas is complete, it is ready for long-term storage.

For reference! After drying, peas lose more than 75% of their weight. For example, from 20 kg of pods, 8 kg of shelled product is obtained, and after drying, the net yield is 1.8 kg.

Drying rules

Remember: if moisture remains in the peas, it will quickly deteriorate, mold will appear on the surface and the stock will have to be thrown away. But you should not abuse high temperatures either - this can violate the integrity of the grain.

Cooking time

Without taking into account the time for harvesting and peeling the seeds, drying the peas in the oven will take 10 to 12 hours. And beans harvested in this way will retain their nutritional properties for at least a year.

Other methods of drying peas

There are other ways to dry peas at home. A special technique for drying fruits and vegetables will greatly facilitate the task. The main stages of processing do not change: harvesting, cleaning and blanching. After placing in the dryer, it is necessary to set the temperature regime and wait for the completion of the process.

Drying of peas is possible without exposure to high temperatures. The beans are sorted, washed and placed in a calcium chloride solution for 3-4 hours. After that, they are laid out on paper. You can dry processed peas both indoors and outdoors. The main condition is the lack of access to direct sunlight.

Remember to periodically turn the food over to dry evenly. Properly dried peas should be dark green in color. During storage, peas are sieved and low-quality grains are removed.

Previously, green peas were no less popular, but the methods of harvesting them were quite primitive. They dried it in the open sun, but this is a long and laborious process. Due to the inability to control temperature and weather conditions, it is difficult to predict the result. Peas can be dried in the sun, but cracks appear on the surface from direct sunlight, and the grains can collapse.

Storing dry peas

  1. Cool after drying, place in dry glass or plastic containers, close tightly with a lid.
  2. Store in a pantry, protecting from pests.

The main pest for dried green peas is food moth. In order to prevent insect damage to peas, it is necessary, as soon as it has cooled down, to put it in a container for storage and close it tightly.

What can be made from dried peas

Dried peas are widely used in recipes around the world. Due to its pleasant and sweetish taste, it is included in a large number of dishes.

Reference. Dishes made from dried peas are consumed during fasting - in terms of their composition, they are not inferior to meat products.

Here are some interesting and unusual recipes.

Lean mayonnaise (pea):

  1. Mash the cooked peas using a blender.
  2. Separate 75 g of pea gruel, mix with 150 g of butter.
  3. Add spices to taste: salt, sugar, vinegar, mustard, pepper.
  4. Beat all ingredients for another two minutes.

Pea pancakes:

  1. Soak dried green peas overnight (1 glass).
  2. Drain off the remaining water, rinse, boil until tender.
  3. Grate in mashed potatoes together with onions.
  4. Add 2 eggs, 2 tbsp mayonnaise, spices to taste, 4 tbsp. l. flour.
  5. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Pea Cream Soup:

  1. Soak 300 g of peas overnight.
  2. Peel 500 g potatoes, 100 g each onion and carrot.
  3. Cook all ingredients over low heat for 90 minutes, adding spices to taste (salt, pepper).
  4. Grind the prepared vegetables in a blender.
  5. Boil the puree for another 10 minutes. Serve garnished with fresh herbs.

Important! Do not eat moldy fruits, which can be harmful to your health.

Take note of a few tips from experienced housewives on how to properly dry and store green peas, how and with what to use:

  • choose only young fruits - they contain more useful vitamins and minerals;
  • nettle or spinach added to cooking water will help to preserve the brightness of the color of peas;
  • uneven cooking of the product can be avoided if the grains are sorted by size before storage;
  • put a small bag of salt in the container for storage. Salt will take away excess moisture if it remains in the product;
  • soak peas in water overnight before eating. This will help to shorten the cooking time.


There are many ways to store peas. It can be canned, frozen, salted, but drying is the best option, since all the useful properties of the product are preserved. The process is quite simple and does not require any special skills.

With a minimum amount of inventory, everyone will be able to stock up on the winter. And the variety of dishes that can be prepared from such stocks will not leave indifferent members of your family.