How to make mint syrup. Aromatic blanks - mint syrup

26.07.2019 Snacks

How much does mint syrup cost (average price for 1 liter)?

Moscow and Moscow region

Peppermint or simply mint is a popular medicinal plant loved by many, which is used with pleasure not only by supporters of alternative medicine, but also by amateurs. pleasant aroma and indescribable taste of this fragrant herb. For the manufacture of various medicines as well as for culinary purposes, can be used as fresh leaves mint, and dried.

What only ways and options for the use of this fragrant plant does not exist today. But fans of mint also have one of the most popular products based on this plant - mint syrup. The areas of use of this concentrate are actually almost limitless - they can be said to be identical to the useful properties of the feedstock for its manufacture.

Mint syrup can be used not only as an excellent tasting additive in many mixed drinks but also complement the taste of many dishes. As a rule, culinary specialists use mint syrup in the preparation of desserts, pastries, cakes, ice cream, sorbets, puddings, jellies, soufflés, casseroles and many other delicious sweet delicacies.

mint syrup not only different pleasant taste, but also unconditional health benefits: it helps with stomach and colds and also improves sleep. Of course, you can dry mint for the winter, but then it becomes so lazy to brew it, while mint syrup can always be kept at hand. You take it out of the refrigerator, eat a spoon like honey - fragrant mint syrup is sweet and viscous, or you add it to tea - it's perfectly refreshing.

When prepared at home, mint syrup turns amber, not green - this is due to the fact that chlorophyll, which is responsible for the green color, is destroyed during heat treatment. That is why many manufacturers add to the composition of industrial mint syrup food colorings that enrich finished product rich in green, which is inherent in fresh mint.

Meanwhile, homemade mint syrup is also different amazing aroma And incomparable taste. For its preparation, vegetable raw materials - in this case, sprigs of fresh mint along with stalks - are finely chopped, covered with sugar and carefully tamped so that the mint releases juice.

After some time, a certain amount of water is added to the container with mint mass and everything is cooked on a minimum heat for no more than 15 minutes. For a greater flavor of mint syrup, you can leave the product for a while, then put it in a colander, bring the liquid to a boil and pour hot into jars in which it will be stored.

Calorie mint syrup 282 kcal

The energy value of mint syrup (The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu).

Mint, which has a refreshing aroma and pleasant taste, has always been considered the most popular medicinal plant. Possessing a wide range of properties, it is used both in medicine and cooking. To date it is known great amount a variety of recipes and ways to use mint, some quite unusual and original. For example, you can make mint syrup, which is a versatile culinary invention. It turns out it is very tasty and fragrant, is great addition for drinks and desserts.

This refreshing delicacy is added to the preparation of cakes and pastries, ice cream and puddings, as well as other goodies. Just imagine how pancakes and pancakes will change if they are poured with fragrant mint syrup. Have you tried the biscuit soaked in syrup? In addition to excellent taste and aromatic properties mint syrup has a number of useful properties. It perfectly copes with diseases of the stomach, colds and insomnia.

If you want to have tasty and healthy natural product, then it will be useful for you to learn how to prepare mint syrup at home, because it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months. Below you will find recipes for a wonderful mint syrup, the preparation of which does not take much time.

Classic mint syrup


  • fresh mint - 100 g
  • water - 0.5 l
  • sugar - 500 g

Grind the mint leaves into a pulp using a wooden pestle. Add sugar and water, boil for about 1 minute, remove from heat, strain, cool. The syrup can be stored in the refrigerator for about 6 months. If you use dried mint, then its amount must be reduced by 2 times.

Spicy Mint Syrup


  • mint - 75 g
  • sugar - 400 g
  • water - 500 ml
  • ginger - 3 g
  • cinnamon - 2 g

We rub the mint, fill it with water, insist for half an hour. Then add sugar, boil for a couple of minutes, filter the syrup, add cinnamon and ginger.

Mint Lemon Syrup


Bring mint with sugar to a boil, strain, pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice, then filter again.

Mint Orange Syrup

Required products:

  • mint - 200 g
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • water - 1.5 cups
  • sugar - 1.5 cups

We crush the mint leaves well, squeeze the juice. Cake mix with sugar and pour cold water, insist about 20 minutes, then bring to a boil, cook for 2-3 minutes. mix the cooled broth with mint and orange juice, filter.

Mint syrup with strawberries


  • water - 1 glass
  • mint - 1 bunch
  • strawberries - 100 g
  • grated ginger - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 2 cups
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons

Bring sugar to a boil, then add strawberries, mint, ginger, juice and lemon zest. Cook for 10 minutes, add vinegar, leave the syrup overnight, then filter.

Peppermint Syrup will help you prepare delicious and unusual delicacy from unsurpassed aroma. Ordinary baking will gain absolutely the new kind and shades of taste, and drinks will become even tastier. In addition, this syrup is able to cheer up, strengthen the immune system and cope with neuroses.

Fruits and berries


Mint syrup for the winter represents a very useful blank simultaneously in several areas. In cooking, aromatic mint syrup perfectly complements many dishes, desserts, and drinks. Of course, such a delicacy is necessary in the manufacture of some cakes, buns, as well as cakes, puddings and other delicious sweets.

However, besides this, homemade mint syrup is also enough. useful product, so it is widely used in the medical field. Such a valuable mint infusion is often used for any colds, as well as for stomach problems, with which it copes excellently. In addition, mint syrup, prepared at home, has a beneficial effect on nervous system and permanently relieves insomnia. The benefits of homemade herbal syrup are not limited to this, in fact, there are a lot of them.

At home, prepare mint syrup according to this simple photo the recipe is really easy. In addition, we have prepared a fairly understandable step by step instructions with a photo, thanks to which cooking is useful mint preparation will be successful. Please note that homemade syrup does not end up being green, as sold in pharmacies, but rather amber. This is due to the fact that during the process heat treatment the substances responsible for the green color, which are called chlorophylls, are destroyed.

We offer to start cooking amazing mint syrup for the winter.



    To prepare mint syrup for one half-liter jar, we need one bunch of mint, which must be washed and allowed to dry naturally.

    After the mint has dried, it is necessary to separate all the leaves from its branches. We won't need the remaining empty stems, so they can be thrown away..

    Arrange mint leaves in enamelware. Then boil water in a saucepan and pour mint prepared in a bowl with it. We cover the filled dishes tightly with a lid and leave it in this state for at least one hour, you can even give the mint a little more time to brew. In this way, the liquid will absorb most of the wonderful aroma of this valuable plant..

    After a while, we filter the infused liquid through a sieve, and squeeze the mint leaves well. Thus, it will turn out to make the necessary mint syrup.

    We put the strained mint liquid on the fire and bring it to a boil. Then add granulated sugar to boiling water and mix the contents until the sugar is completely dissolved. After we cook the syrup for about fifteen minutes over low heat, but at the same time stir it regularly.

    In the meantime, we will process a jar with a lid by sterilizing them over boiling water. Pour the finished mint syrup into the prepared jar and tightly close it with a lid. Store this at home medicinal preparation from mint is allowed with room temperature , but when a valuable jar is first opened, then its further storage is permissible only in the refrigerator.

    This completes all the preparations. As a result, we managed to prepare the most valuable mint syrup for the winter.

    Bon Appetit!

Mint, due to the high content of essential oils, has a very strong refreshing taste. The syrup prepared on its basis is great addition to diverse dessert dishes, pastries and drinks. Today we will look at the main ways to prepare this delicacy.

There is a fairly large variety of mint varieties: garden, curly, field and, of course, peppermint. You can use any variety to make syrup, but preference, nevertheless, should be given. pepper look. This grade has the most expressed aroma and the burning refreshing taste.

Before cooking, the collected mint is washed in cold water and dried on cotton or paper towels. If necessary, if the workpiece will be made only from leaf mass, the leaves are torn from the dried twigs.

Three Basic Ways to Make Fresh Mint Syrup

Method number 1 - recipe from Marmalade Fox

  • mint leaves - 100 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 500 grams;
  • clean water - 1 glass.

The syrup made in this way turns out to be rich green in color.

Clean and well-dried mint leaves are crushed into small pieces and placed in a bowl of a suitable size. Sprinkle green mass with 250 grams granulated sugar, mix, cover with a lid and leave on the table for 12 - 20 hours. Sugar, having hydrophilic properties, draws all essential substances and juice from mint slices.

When the mass is well infused, they begin to prepare the syrup. To do this, the rest of the sugar is mixed with water and boiled until thickened for 20 minutes. After that, candied mint is added to a bowl of boiling liquid and the fire is turned off. Gently mix the mass with a wooden spatula, achieving complete dissolution of the crystals. After that, the saucepan is closed with a lid. The mass must naturally cool down. This will take approximately 3-4 hours.

The cooled mint puree is pierced with a blender until smooth. The sieve is placed on a clean bowl, covered with 3-4 layers of gauze and the process of filtering the aromatic mass begins.

If the use of mint syrup is designed for the next couple of months, then the sweet liquid is immediately laid out in jars. If the finished syrup is planned for long-term storage, then it must be put on fire again, boiled for a couple of minutes and poured into sterile bottles.

Marmalade Fox in her video will tell you about all the details of this recipe

Method number 2 - with citric acid

  • sprigs of mint - 150 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 500 grams;
  • clean water - 250 milliliters;
  • citric acid ½ teaspoon.

The mint syrup prepared according to this recipe turns out to be a light green color, more like honey, but taste qualities And beneficial features are kept in full.

In this recipe, the foliage is not cut off, but whole branches are used. They are cut at a distance of 15 - 25 centimeters from the top, washed, and dried on a cloth.

The prepared raw materials are cut into several parts, placed in a small saucepan, and poured with cool water. The contents of the bowl are boiled for 10 minutes under tightly closed lid. Then the fire is turned off, and the mint broth is allowed to stand for 10 to 24 hours. The mint should then be removed. To do this, it is well squeezed out by hand. To make the broth transparent, it is filtered through a very fine plastic sieve covered with gauze.

Sugar is added to a clear broth and boiled for 15 minutes. A minute before the fire is turned off, acid is added to the syrup. Hot, the syrup is poured into small jars and screwed with lids.

Irina Khlebnikova on her channel clearly demonstrated the production of mint syrup

Method number 3 - Syrup from dried mint greens

  • dried raw mint - 50 grams;
  • sugar - 500 grams;
  • water - 250 milliliters.

Dried mint can be purchased at any pharmacy or used own blanks. Raw materials are pre-kneaded by hands, and then poured with boiling water. The bowl is tightly closed with a lid and wrapped with terry towels. In this form, the infusion should cool completely. Strain the mass through a triple layer of gauze. The fragrant preparation is supplemented with sugar and put on fire. Boiling time 10 - 15 minutes.

The thickened mass is bottled and sent to the cold.

Syrup shelf life

Dessert, closed in sterile jars, can be stored for up to a year. Syrup, which was packaged without observing strict preservation rules, is stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.

Many people like the refreshing taste of mint in tea or other drinks. But not everyone has mint growing at hand, and in order to prepare an infusion from it, it takes a lot of time. It is much more convenient to have a jar of concentrated mint syrup in the refrigerator. You can buy it in the nearest supermarket, but it is better to cook it yourself.

The benefits and calorie content of mint syrup

For the manufacture of mint syrups, the most commonly used contains essential oil dominated by menthol. Unlike industrial samples, homemade syrup has a more natural flavor and natural composition.

The beneficial properties of syrup for the body are difficult to overestimate:

  • improved digestion;
  • increased appetite;
  • getting rid of nausea and easing abdominal cramps;
  • calming effect on the nervous system;
  • quick recovery from colds and flu.

The calorie content of mint syrup is 282 kcal. It does not contain proteins and fats, but only carbohydrates (70 g per 100 g of product).

The therapeutic value of mint is quite high, which makes it possible to use this plant in the fight against various ailments, not only fresh, but also dried and in the form of syrup.

Application in cooking

The main use of mint syrup is the preparation of alcoholic and soft drinks hot and cold. It is added as natural flavor in tea, coffee, various cocktails and drinks. The refreshing taste of menthol allows you to quench your thirst well and invigorates.

Mint syrup can be soaked biscuit cakes when preparing cakes, add to the cream, pour over pancakes and pancakes, it can be served with creamy ice cream or cottage cheese. The taste of dessert from such a combination will only benefit.

Mint Syrup: Classic Recipe

To make mint syrup traditional recipe you will need: 1 cup of mint leaves, 200 g of sugar and 220 ml of water, lemon juice or citric acid (at the tip of a knife).

Separate the leaves from the stems, wash them in in large numbers water, cut into fairly large pieces and pack tightly into a glass. Make syrup from water and sugar. Cook it for 10 minutes until it starts to thicken. After that, lower the mint leaves into the pan with the syrup. Let it boil over low heat, then turn off the stove. Now the syrup should be infused for 1 hour.

At this time, prepare a jar (from the indicated number of ingredients, 200 ml of ready-made syrup is obtained). Put the saucepan back on the fire. Let its contents boil, add citric acid, strain and pour the hot syrup into a jar.

The syrup preparation time is 15 minutes, it is infused for 1 hour, and it is stored all winter in a dark, cool place or on a refrigerator shelf for no more than 6 months.

The mint syrup has a consistency reminiscent of fresh liquid honey, as for the shade, unlike the product sold in the store, it is not green, but amber color. But if you want, you can add natural dye- a little spinach juice. Then the mint syrup will get an interesting greenish tint. At the same time, its refreshing menthol taste will be fully preserved.

Preserving Mint Syrup for the Winter

To increase the shelf life of the syrup from peppermint, it can be preserved. For this, it is necessary to prepare the following ingredients: 200 g mint leaves, 1.5 liters of water and 1.5 kg of sugar. From this number of components, 2-3 jars of syrup will be obtained, with a volume of 0.5 liters.

Mint syrup for the winter is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Rinse mint leaves under running water and put in a saucepan.
  2. Pour the mint with water, put the pan on the fire and boil.
  3. Once the water boils, turn off the stove and set the pot aside for 24 hours.
  4. After the specified time, strain the mint infusion, then pour sugar into the pan and put it on fire again.
  5. Cook mint syrup over low heat for at least 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. How longer time cooking, the thicker it will turn out.
  6. Pour hot syrup into sterile jars, preserve with lids and wrap them until they cool completely.
  7. Store in a cool, dark place for about 1 year.

Mint syrup at home is thick and fragrant. And it may well replace natural honey.

Mint syrup with ginger

For cooking spicy syrup from mint you will need to take one glass of sugar, water and chopped mint. You will need only the leaves of the plant, so they must first be separated from the stems. A glass of mint must be well packed, otherwise the taste of the syrup will not be as rich.

Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar to it. Boil a little. Then still hot sugar syrup pour chopped mint leaves. Cover the pot with a lid and leave it like this for a day. After the specified time, the syrup must be boiled again. Put the pot on slow fire, bring to a boil and cook for 8 minutes, stirring constantly. At the very end of cooking, add dried ginger (on the tip of a knife). While still hot, pour the mint syrup into clean jar, to cover with a lid. Store in the refrigerator for up to 6 months.

As a spicy-aromatic additive, you can use not only ginger, but also cinnamon, cloves, etc.

How to make Mint Syrup from Dried Mint

If suddenly someone wanted natural mint syrup in winter, when fresh leaves are nowhere to be found, you can cook healthy treat from dried mint. You can buy it at any pharmacy.

The mint syrup, the recipe of which is offered below, turns out to be as rich and fragrant as that cooked in the summer from a freshly picked plant. To prepare it, you will need 50 g of dried mint, 1 liter of water, 400 g of sugar.

Water must first be boiled in order to pour dried mint into it. Cover the dish with a lid and let it brew for 1.5 hours. Then strain the infusion using cheesecloth folded in four layers, add sugar and boil over low heat until a thick mint syrup is obtained.

At home, such a delicacy can be prepared at any time, because getting dried mint is not difficult. delicious drink with the addition of mint syrup will cool in the summer heat and warm in the winter cold.