Thick peach jam for the winter. Peach jam - delicious and unusual recipes for a sweet treat

02.08.2019 Salads

Peach jam turns out to be thick and is perfect for fillings in pies and other homemade cakes. With the help of a recipe with a photo and a step-by-step description, you can easily prepare it.

Time: 60 min.

Yield: 750 ml can.


  • peaches - 750 g;
  • sugar - 750 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • water - ½ tbsp.

How to make peach jam for the winter

To make peach jam, take ripe and overripe peaches. The more ripe the peaches, the better. Such peaches are very aromatic, which means that the jam will also be more aromatic. In addition, overripe fruits will boil better and give a uniform consistency.

We wash the peaches, remove the skin from them. Overripe peaches are usually peeled off easily. If the peel is difficult to remove, then we lower the fruit in boiling water, and then transfer it to cold water. The skin will now be easier to remove.

Carefully cut the peaches to extract the seeds. If it turns out that the peach pits do not separate from the pulp, then we cut out such pits with a knife. We take the seeds out of the fruit and discard them.

Cut the peach pulp without skin and seeds into small pieces.

Pour the peach slices into the cooking utensils, pour boiling water according to the recipe. We put the peaches on the stove, cover with a lid. Boil the peaches under the lid for 15 minutes.

Leave the boiled peaches to cool.

When the mass of peaches has cooled, grind it.

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Now we weigh the chopped peach mass. For every 1 kg of peach puree, take 1 kg of granulated sugar. If there is no kitchen scale, then you can measure the volume of peach puree and take the same amount of sugar, that is, take 1 liter of granulated sugar for 1 liter of peach puree. Add lemon juice to the peach mass with sugar, send it to the stove. Bring to a boil over low heat and then cook the jam for about 20 minutes.

Peach jam for the winter is, first of all, a very delicate concentrated treat that literally melts instantly in your mouth. In texture, this is the same jam, which has a thick, jelly-like consistency. If you can most often find canned fruit slices in peach jam, then you will not be able to find even small fruit lumps in this delicacy. V This is because for its preparation in this simple recipe with a photo at home, it is proposed to use a blender, with which all fruits are ground until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Thus, a thick mixture of peaches is obtained, which is very convenient to use to create various homemade desserts. A pie with peach jam comes out especially delicious, we advise every housewife to bake it for your family. Believe me, you will not be able to buy such an amazing treat in any confectionery store.

Due to the fact that fresh chopped peaches tend to darken quickly, we will have to use lemon to make jam from them in this photo recipe. From this exotic citrus fruit, we will take only its own juice, with which we will subsequently process the peaches, separated from the skin and seeds. In our case, lemon juice will play another important role, it will pleasantly flavor the jam and give it a touch of exoticism. To fulfill the last goal, some hostesses replace lemon with orange or, in general, use both at the same time.

In order to properly prepare delicious peach jam for the winter, it is recommended to carefully read the step-by-step instructions below with a photo before cooking it. In this case, you will not need a slow cooker or a bread maker. From technology, you only need a blender.



    First of all, to create a delicious and delicate peach jam at home, it is recommended to prepare all the ingredients indicated in the recipe in the required amount.

    Immediately prepare a container for canning future jam. Take the right number of cans and check them all for chips and other damage before rinsing. Place good jars in the sink, then rinse them thoroughly in a soap and soda solution. Wash the container thoroughly, not only from the inside, but also from the outside, because sterility is above all in canning. Process the twists for the caps in the same way.

    Place the washed jars together with the curls on a tea towel to dry. Note! Glass containers should dry naturally at room temperature.

    Place several containers of water on the stove at once so that all items for canning can be sterilized at the same time. Prepare a deep saucepan for cooking future jam.

    So, in a small container with warm water, lower all the prepared lids with red rubber bands up. Keep items on low heat for several minutes. In no case should you boil such lids; after such a quick heat treatment, their rubber rim should only soften slightly. Otherwise, the covers will not be suitable for preservation.

    In order not to take up another container, place the twists to be processed in the same container in which the lids are sterilized.

    Sterilize all jars in a separate large saucepan. They need to be immersed in warm water, after which it should be brought to a boil. The glass should only boil over low heat for fifteen minutes.

    It's time to tackle the peaches. Place them all in a sink and rinse thoroughly under the tap. It is recommended to take peaches for making jam with very fleshy and juicy pulp.

    The next step is to blanch the peaches. Bring water to a boil in a container, then dip the fruit into it for literally two minutes, no more.

    After two minutes, remove the peaches from the boiling water and immediately place them in cold water. After carrying out such a procedure, it will be easier and many times faster to remove the skin from the fruit. There is a kind of peach, the skin of which, after blanching, generally lags behind on its own, it will be very easy to remove it even with your hands..

    Now divide the peeled peaches into two parts, then remove the seeds from them. Cut out the remaining rough part from the fruit after the pits.

    Place the remaining peach pulp in a bowl and pour over the lemon juice. If desired, you can sprinkle the dessert with freshly squeezed orange juice.

    Stir the peach mixture so that all the fruit slices are covered with exotic juice.

    Grind the peaches until they are very small. You do not need to beat the fruit until smooth.

    Take the previously selected jam pot, pour two hundred milliliters of water into it.

    When the water boils, start adding granulated sugar to it gradually, while stirring the liquid constantly.

    Continue stirring the sweet water until the sugar is completely dissolved.

    Add chopped peaches to the sugar syrup. Note! Since this jam is prepared according to this recipe without adding pectin, it means that it must be cooked at this stage until it begins to thicken on its own.

    While the dessert is being cooked, prepare the necessary equipment for canning. The photo below shows one of the sets of such kitchen tools, which includes a watering can, a special can lifter, a stick with a magnet for lifting lids and twists. This set also includes a special device for removing air bubbles. If you do not have such a convenient canning kit, then use those familiar appliances that are available in your kitchen..

    To understand the degree of readiness of the jam, it must be scooped up with a spoon and poured back into the container. If the mass drains from the spoon rather slowly, then this means that it is completely ready for canning. However, otherwise, the dessert should be cooked for a while. Do not forget to skim the foam while making the jam.

    Immediately place sterilized jars in front of you, on one of which place a watering can. Using a watering can to fill in the hot mass will be easier, because this eliminates the possibility of accidentally getting burned by it.

    Fill the jars to the neck with the finished dessert. It is very convenient to collect it from a container with an ordinary ladle.

    Now, using a long wooden skewer, pierce the air bubbles formed in the workpiece.

    Use a damp, clean cloth to wipe the threads of the filled cans. If at least a drop of dessert remains in these areas, then there is a possibility that it will not be sealed for the winter. Be careful, because the walls of the jars are probably very hot from the jam..

    It's time to use a special magnetic stick as well. She should get sterile lids out of the water, after which they need to carefully cover the workpieces.

    For canning, it is very convenient to use such unusual screw caps, because they must be screwed on by hand, which is very simple.

    Using a special lifter, lift the closed cans, then lower them into a pot of water for re-sterilization. Do not forget to leave a few centimeters of empty space between the banks..

    Banks rolled up in this way must be completely submerged in water. If it is suddenly not enough, then add more.

    When the water in the sterilization container boils, reduce heat and cover with a lid.

    Sterilize the blanks in this way for the next ten minutes. In the event that the volume of cans exceeds half a liter, then increase this time from five to fifteen minutes.

    When the processing time comes to an end, remove the lid from the container. Take all the jars out of the water one at a time and place them on the towel-covered table..

    After a day, remove the metal twists from the cans, and then transfer the blanks to the basement for further storage. Delicious peach jam for the winter is ready.

    Bon Appetit!

Breeders today have developed peach varieties that can be grown in cooler climates than before. Therefore, people have additional opportunities to enjoy these wonderful fruits, as well as to cook aromatic jam from peaches. Below we will consider the most popular recipes for making this sweet.

Features of making peach jam

For a delicious jam, high-quality fruits are chosen. They can be made from whole fruits, parts thereof, or grated pulp. If the fruits are tender and juicy, then it is preferable to make jam from a homogeneous mass of them, and from hard varieties, an excellent jam with peach pieces is obtained.

These fruits themselves are high in sugar. Because of this, this must be taken into account so that the jam is not sugary.

Selection and preparation of fruits

The first step in cooking peaches is to wash them. To do this, they are poured with warm water, kept for 10 minutes, and then thoroughly washed.

When processing some green peaches, blanching is necessary. Before the procedure, holes are made with a fork to prevent the fruit from cracking. Then the fruits are dipped in heated water and kept there for 5 minutes. After this time, they are taken out and cooled under a tap.

Moderately ripe specimens are peeled raw, and so that the pulp does not darken, they are soaked in diluted citric acid. The stone, if it is removed with difficulty, is taken out with a spoon, and if it comes off easily, the peaches are cut on one side, moved with two rugs and removed.

How to cook peach jam at home?

Confiture is a jam in the form of a jelly, in the thickness of which there are fruit particles. It can be cooked in 2 stages. The first involves cooking the syrup, the second - the fruit with it.

The syrup is prepared from:

  • 200 ml of water;
  • 1 kg of sugar.


  1. The liquid gradually heats up and a sweet product is slowly poured into it, and there it dissolves.
  2. Then the syrup is boiled down to such a consistency, when at the tip of the spoon the remaining part of it forms a thin stream with the main mass.
  3. When the base of the jam is ready, put the peaches into it in batches with slow heating.
  4. Stir in sweetness in a circular motion while removing from heat.

Small fruits are cooked in one step, while for medium to large fruit sizes, cooking takes place in several steps. When cooking is repeated, it alternates with cooling, and the finished jam will retain its consistency better. If large fruits are boiled over high heat, they may shrivel. After the particles "float" evenly in the syrup, the jam is completely ready. The sweetness is poured into glass jars and sealed with lids.

A simple recipe for the winter

Jam can be made in a fairly simple way:

  1. To do this, the fruits are cut into pieces and sprinkled with half the norm of granulated sugar.
  2. After the juice appears, the pan is put on fire and the peach pieces are boiled until soft.
  3. Then the liquid component of the jam is filtered through a sieve, and the pulp is rubbed. Only the peel remains on it, which is thrown away. The rest of the sugar is added to the resulting mass, brought to a boil and kept for up to 20 minutes.
  4. Throw in jars and close with lids.

In a multicooker

Peach jam cooked in a slow cooker is similar in taste and consistency to a traditional delicacy. The only difference is the presence of a non-stick container and a constant heat mode. So it is prepared much faster and without the risk of burning, only the instructions must be followed.

Additional ingredients that make up the treats can be: vanilla sugar, ground cloves, and crushed ginger.

With pectin

Peach jam is often made with pectin, a powder that is a dietary soluble fiber. It acts as a thickener, so the cooking time is much shorter. You can also add a minimum amount of sugar to the jam, and it will still be delicious with pectin.

Washed peaches are freed from drupes and crushed with skins. Pectin is poured into jam at that stage of cooking, when the fruit has not yet acquired softness. Prepare such a sweetness for 5-15 minutes and seal it hot. After 2 days, the gelation of the product will complete, and it will be moderately thick.

With gelatin

You can also get thick jam and using gelatin. A leafy product will work better than an instant product, but you can use it as well:

  1. Peaches are peeled and a homogeneous mass is made using a meat grinder.
  2. Then sprinkle with sugar and let it brew for several hours.
  3. In parallel, the gelatinous product is soaked in warm water.
  4. After the sugar has melted, the peaches are boiled for 10 minutes, then cooled slightly and the swollen thickener is poured out, mixed.
  5. At the end, the jam is heated, but not brought to a boil.
  6. Poured into jars and sealed.

With zhelix

You can also cook delicious peach jam with the addition of gelatin. This substance is also referred to as a thickener. It is obtained from plant materials, which is why it is used by vegetarians.

Also in the composition of zhelix there is sorbic acid - an excellent preservative.

Prepare the peaches and twist them until smooth. In addition, the gelatin is combined with a part of the sugar and poured into the peach puree, mixed. Then they put it on fire and add the rest of the granulated sugar. Cook with jam for 5 minutes. Cinnamon is placed in a sterilized container, 2 pieces of cloves each and hot jam is poured. The sweetness is hermetically closed with lids.


Since peaches are an unusually sweet fruit, they can be jammed without added sugar. To do this, it is advisable to take overripe fruits, and so that they do not acquire a dark color during the cooking process, a little lemon juice is poured into it. To obtain a thicker consistency, add pectin or gelatin.

With oranges

Citrus flavor lovers can make peach jam with oranges. If, in addition to their pulp, add zest, then the aroma will be more pronounced, but with a possible bitter aftertaste.

For the preparation of peach jam, both types of fruit are prepared. They are washed, drupes are removed from peaches and mashed using a meat grinder or blender. Mix and add sugar and optional thickener. Heat the mass to a boil and cook for 30 minutes (in the presence of pectin or gelatin - 15 minutes). Poured into prepared jars and sealed with lids.

In a bread maker

It's easy and simple to make a peach treat in a bread maker. If this household appliance has the "Jam" function, then all the work will be done automatically, and the user will only need to load the prepared ingredients into the container. After cooking, it is poured into sterile jars and sealed.

With nectarines

For boiling jelly, peaches and nectarines are prepared. Then the syrup is prepared for confiture, and the fruit is cut into slices. They are laid in a sweet base and kept for 24 hours. Then they boil again and insist again for a day. After that, it is boiled for 8 minutes and packaged in sterile containers. Sealed.

With plums

Prepared fruits are mashed and sugar is added. Boil after the start of the boil for 15 minutes. At the end of the cooking process, pour in lemon juice and remove from heat. Poured into sterile jars and rolled up.

How to store jam in jars

Ready-made sweets are stored in a refrigerator or cellar. You can use jam for 1 year. In order for the storage to be reliable, sterility during the preparation process and the tightness of the cans must be observed.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Tell me, is there peach jam on your list of must-have homemade preparations for the winter? How is it - no? Absolutely in vain! You can't even imagine how delicious it is! Peach jam is good as an addition to sweet mornings, as a filling for pies, as an interlayer for biscuit cakes. And how it goes well, for example, with pancakes. Peach confiture is not as capricious as one that makes too many demands: both the syrup must be transparent, and the peach slices must retain their shape ... In peach confiture, everything is much simpler and faster, but also tasty and very fragrant. So be sure to cook it while peach season is in full swing to enjoy it in winter.

Recipe of the Day: Peach Jam.

- 1 kg of peeled peaches;
- 300-400 g of sugar.

Recipe with photo step by step:

For the jam, we need very ripe peaches, even slightly mashed ones. They are more fragrant and easier to clean.

Wash the peaches well with cold running water.

We carefully cut off all the cracked places, bumps on the peaches, in general, we remove all damage. We remove the seeds and cut the peaches into small pieces - we cut each half into 4-8 pieces (they can be of any shape). We weigh the pulp that we got - this is necessary in order to understand how much sugar we need. We put the pulp of the peaches in a wide saucepan, in which we will cook the confiture.

Fill the peaches with the required amount of sugar on top, trying to distribute it over the entire surface.

Cover the pot with peaches with a clean towel and safely forget about its existence for 3-4 hours. During this time, the peaches should let the juice go, and a fairly large amount.

Put a medium pot of peaches on the heat, bring to a boil. Remove foam, reduce heat to minimum and cook for 20 minutes. Stir 2-3 times during cooking.
Remove the pan from the heat, set it aside to cool slightly.

We filter the future peach jam with a colander.

In the pan, we will have a liquid part with small pieces of peach pulp that have not yet boiled.

But in the colander there will be skins and larger pieces.

Grind them with a blender.

And then add the peach confiture to the main mass in the pan. And here we begin to try to finally determine the amount of sugar.

Put the confiture on the stove again and bring it to a boil over medium heat, and then boil it for another 20-30 minutes on a minimum, stirring every 5-7 minutes. In the finished jam, the syrup will have a jelly-like consistency and will not spread.

Close it immediately with a dry lid - screw it up or roll it up. We turn the jars upside down and soak until they cool completely. Store the peach jam prepared with this recipe out of direct sunlight to prevent it from losing its color. You don't have to leave it in the fridge - a basement, pantry, or just a cupboard in the kitchen will do just fine.

Tips and tricks:
We carefully select peaches for confiture - rotten, moldy ones cannot be used (even after cutting off rotten places well, one cannot be completely sure that all bacteria are removed, which means that the confiture can become moldy). Crumpled, cracked, irregularly shaped peaches are fine. They just have to be already ripe (maybe even overripe). If you use unripe peaches, pieces of fruit will be noticeable in the finished jam, it will be less aromatic, it will take more sugar.
By the way, about sugar. Its amount depends on the sweetness of the peaches. There are varieties that are not very sweet even when overripe - they will need more sugar, of course. But in any case, to begin with, use the minimum amount of sugar - you will always have time to add it during the cooking process, but it is unlikely to remove it.

Do not try to skip the point in which the peach jam is strained with a colander, and immediately start chopping it with a blender. The fact is that there will already be too much liquid in the jam, so in this case you will not achieve the desired result with a blender. But if you separate the harder part and grind it separately, then you will succeed just fine.
Do not overcook the jam the second time you put it on the stove. Remember that it will be slightly thicker and more jelly-like when chilled than when hot. So if you want to check if it's time for you to stop and stop cooking the jam, just place a spoonful of the jam on a saucer. Such a small amount will cool down very quickly, and you can assess its condition - whether it has thickened enough.

Jars and lids should be well washed and sterilized. We sterilize the jars either steamed or in the oven - whichever is more convenient for you. We keep the lids in boiling water for 3-4 minutes - this will be quite enough. The volume of cans depends only on your preferences. If you know that you will open a liter jar, and your family will destroy it in a couple of days without any problems, then feel free to close it in jars of such a volume. If you close the peach confiture just for yourself, your beloved, then in order to occasionally pamper yourself with morning toast for coffee, it is better to use small jars.

The sterilization procedure must be carried out immediately before pouring the jam - the jars must be hot so that they do not burst from getting inside the boiling jam.

The recipe of which is presented to your attention just below, can be prepared with or without gelatin. Today we will consider the second option, since with it the sweet product turns out to be much tastier and more tender.

Delicious with a photo of a sweet product

Required Ingredients:

  • purified drinking water - 2 glasses;
  • ripe large peaches - 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg.

Features of the choice of the main product

Which is very simple, should only be prepared with overripe fruits. After all, if you take a tough product with coarse fibers and a greenish peel, you will end up with a tasteless and not very juicy dessert. Thus, only soft and delicate ingredients need to be purchased. The proper ripeness of the fruit can be determined by pressing on them with your finger. If it deepens quickly and without much effort, then the products fully meet the requirements of the jam recipe.

Processing the main ingredient

Peach jam, the recipe for which involves the use of large and overripe fruits, should be prepared by processing the main component. To do this, you need to wash all the purchased ingredient, and then deprive it of the seeds. This is done by cutting the peach in half. Next, the resulting pulp should be chopped into small pieces. In the event that the fruit is too soft, then it can be cooked in half.

Heat treatment

Before making the peach jam, put all the processed fruits in a large enamel bowl, and then add 2 cups of warm water to them. Stir the food thoroughly, put them on a very low heat and cook for 16 minutes after boiling. During this time, the peaches will become completely soft.

The process of grinding fruit

Since peach jam is a homogeneous sweet paste without inclusions of peel and coarse fibers, it is imperative to deprive it of these unnecessary elements. To do this, the mass of fruits must be passed through a fine sieve using a pusher. In order for you to get a waste-free production, the cake that remains after grinding the peaches can be used to prepare a delicious and sweet fruit drink.

Repeated heat treatment

After you get a homogeneous mass of grated fruit, add granulated sugar to it and put on low heat. It is recommended to cook such a product for about 20 minutes. In this case, the jam should be regularly stirred with a wooden spatula, otherwise it will burn to the bottom of the dish.

The final stage in cooking

Peach jam, the recipe of which was discussed above, should be poured hot into sterilized jars and immediately rolled up with lids. After that, the dishes must be turned over, covered with a thick towel and left to cool for exactly one day. After the specified time has elapsed, the sweet product must be placed in a refrigerator or in some other cool place. You can use peach jam the very next day after making it.