Pear in syrup for the winter: a detailed recipe. Spicy pears in syrup

25.09.2019 Desserts and cakes

Pear is a fragrant, juicy fruit that can not only be eaten fresh, but also harvested for the winter in the form of jam, jam, jam or compotes. Canned fruits are great for filling desserts, decorating pies, cakes or fresh buns. Unlike apples, they are stored less, therefore, in order to preserve all the taste and useful qualities of this fruit, they observe a certain technology when rolling.

Pear rolls for the winter - secrets and cooking features

The pulp of ripe pears, in addition to its unique taste and aroma, contains a huge amount of vitamins, useful sugars, fiber and beta-carotenes.

  • To prepare pears in syrup or in your own juice, choose fruits of the same type, not overripe, without severe damage, with a dense and homogeneous structure.
  • Pears, like apples, quickly darken after cutting due to the huge amount of iron they contain. To prevent this from happening, they are sprinkled with a small amount of lemon juice or acid.
  • When preparing jam or jam for the winter, pay special attention to the amount of sugar used. It is very important not to have too much of it, especially if juicy and sweet pear varieties are used. To avoid the cloyingness of the finished roll, add a little citric acid to it.
  • In order to avoid excessive frothiness when making pear jam, a small piece of butter is put into it during cooking.
  • As with many other fruits, sugar and citric acid are used as the main preservatives for pears. The most suitable additions are cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, sea buckthorn, lemon, lingonberry, basil, vanillin, etc.

When preparing pears according to the classic recipe, the syrup can later be used as a basis for creating a delicious compote with the addition of dried fruits or jelly.

And if you add a little cinnamon, sage and mint to the present syrup, then you get a refreshing, sweet drink with a unique taste.

Pears in syrup - the most delicious classic recipe

The most common way of preserving these fruits is to roll them into wedges or slices in glass jars filled with sugar syrup. The cans are either sterilized or double-poured to maximize flavor preservation.

To prepare this dessert according to the classical technology, such ingredients are taken on a liter jar as:

  • medium-sized pears (variety "lemon" or something similar) - 350 g;
  • granulated sugar - 50-70 g;
  • pure water and citric acid (1-1.5 teaspoon).

The fruit is selected, washed with water and cut into medium-sized slices or wedges, removing the seeds and tail. For a more delicate texture, the peel can be removed from the fruit, but this is not necessary.

Pure cold water with a teaspoon of citric acid or natural lemon juice (1-2 tablespoons) is poured into a prepared saucepan. While the pears are taking an acidic "bath", glass jars are prepared, washed and, together with the lids, sterilized for 10-15 minutes on steam or in a microwave oven.

Peeled slices in a dense layer are carefully placed in prepared containers so as not to damage the structure. All are poured with freshly boiled water up to the neck. In this form, pears should stand for 7-10 minutes until they cool down incompletely. Next, the water from the cans is poured back into the pan on the stove, a little sugar, citric acid or juice is added and the liquid is brought to a boil.

Next, the contents of the cans are again poured with hot syrup and the lids are immediately rolled up, the blanks are turned upside down and wrapped in a warm blanket until they cool completely, and then put on dry shelves in a dark and cool room where they should be stored.

Classic compote is a healthy and incredibly tasty preparation

Pear compote is brewed in various ways, but almost always step by step, in compliance with the basic technology. But to make the taste more intense and aromatic, in the cooking process, ordinary sugar is combined with vanilla.

To roll up such a compote for the winter, you will need:

  • ripe pears with a dense structure;
  • granulated sugar and vanilla;
  • water and citric acid.

The fruits are washed well, cleaned of tails and seeds, cut into pieces or left intact (depending on the variety and size of the pear). Then it is placed in clean water slightly acidified with lemon juice. This way they will retain their natural color and will not darken.

Syrup is prepared on the stove. To do this, add the required amount of sugar, vanilla and citric acid to the water. As soon as the liquid comes to a boil, pour slices or whole pears into a saucepan and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

Then turn off the fire and immediately pour the contents into previously prepared and sterilized jars. The lids are rolled up and after they have completely cooled down, the blanks are sent cool for winter storage. For an even more exotic, but very pleasant taste, a small amount of rum can be added to the syrup during cooking.

Pear jam - a delicious dessert at any time of the year

Depending on what sort of pear is used, the recipe for making jam is also chosen, or the fruits are ground to a homogeneous mass (if the fruits have loose flesh or slightly overripe), or jam with pieces is prepared (with a dense structure of the fruits).

To prepare delicious jam, pears are selected, washed, peeled and other excess parts, so that it is more convenient to pass them through a meat grinder or grind them in a blender.

Prepared fruits are ground together with sugar. According to the classic recipe for 1 kilogram of pears, take at least 350 grams. sugar, and for a sweet tooth, the proportions can be increased.

The resulting pear puree is immediately sent to the pan for cooking. The jam is boiled for 20-25 minutes over medium heat, then the flame is slightly reduced and the fruit mass is allowed to boil for another 10-15 minutes. During the boiling process, foam and bubbles must form, and the entire contents of the pan should literally boil.

Remove the foam with a perforated spoon or other suitable object. To prevent too much of it from forming, 10 minutes after the start of cooking, a little fresh butter is added to the liquid.

The readiness of the product is determined using a simple test, a few drops of jam are dropped from a spoon from a spoon to a clean plate, if the consistency is correct (that is, the drop does not spread, but clearly holds the structure, like jelly), then the jam is ready.

The final stage remains, at which a little citric acid is added to the container, after which it is boiled for another 2-3 minutes over low heat, while carefully stirring the contents. Then they roll it up in sterilized jars and a delicious winter dessert is ready!

Lemon wedge jam - a simple and refreshing dessert

To prepare delicious jam in slices, with a transparent color and the desired structure, a certain technology is followed during cooking. For this, dense, hard fruits are chosen so that the particles do not boil over and instead of jam it does not turn out to be a half-fruit.

Selected pears are prepared according to the standard technology: they are washed, tails are removed, cut into arbitrary slices, and, if necessary, peeled. Top the slices tightly covered with sugar and shake the bowl so that the sugar completely covers the fruit. Everything is left for at least 3-4 hours, covered with gauze or cling film.

Then add a little water to the pan, pour the contents of the bowl into it and cook over low heat until the first bubbles form. Now turn off the fire and remove the pan for several hours (at least 6-8) to infuse at room temperature, covering it with a lid or gauze.

The lemon is washed and cut into small cubes along with the peel. The resulting pieces are added to a bowl of sugared pears and brought to a boil again until bubbles first form. Then they are sent back to cool for several hours.

The procedure for heating and cooling the fruit mixture is repeated 4-5 times, the consistency, and most importantly, the color of the future sweet jam depends on the number of approaches. For the 5th time, all this fruity splendor is boiled after boiling for 10-15 minutes and poured hot into glass jars, sterilization is not necessary.

You can serve pear jam with pancakes or cheesecakes for tea, lemon gives this dish a unique taste, for which many love such a winter delicacy.

Marinated in wedges or whole - a very juicy snack for winter

In addition to delicious desserts, jams and pear preserves, they get a juicy sweet and sour appetizer that goes well with various dishes on the table, especially pickled pears go well with meat and poultry. Not all varieties of pears are suitable for pickling; more often they use dense, still greenish hard fruits.

For cooking, in addition to correctly selected pears, you will also need spices for the marinade, namely: vinegar, citric acid, cinnamon, cloves, peppercorns and ripe lemon zest. Pears are washed, peeled, cut (if the fruits are small, you can leave them whole) and dipped in cold water, which is sprayed with lemon juice or acid.

While the fruit is in the water, prepare the brine. Add sugar (250-300 grams per 1 liter of water), cinnamon, allspice, cloves and other spices to a pot of water. For fans of unusual tastes, it is recommended to add a little red ground pepper.

The resulting marinade is boiled over low heat for 10-15 minutes. 2-3 minutes before turning off the heat, add fresh apple cider vinegar, but ordinary table vinegar is better. At the same time, the pear pieces are also brought to a boil in water acidified with lemon juice.

The boiled slices are removed from the solution and laid out in jars, which are poured on top with hot marinade. Close with lids and the cold winter will be complemented by another delicious and juicy snack along with pickled tomatoes, cucumbers or cabbage.

A pear in syrup can be preserved in a number of ways. Today we will look at the simplest and most common method, which does not require a lot of time to implement.

Delicious and tender pears in syrup: a recipe

Required components and inventory:

  • citric acid - 2-3 g;
  • vanilla sugar - a bag;
  • ripe medium pears - 1.5 kg;
  • drinking water (for syrup) - 2 l;
  • granulated sugar - 550 g;
  • enameled pan;
  • cutting board;
  • knife, large spoon, ladle, plate;
  • sterilized jars, lids;
  • large terry towel.

Choosing the right fruit

A pear in syrup is made delicious from different varieties of fruit. We decided to purchase Abbot Fetel. This is due to the fact that such a product is very sweet, and also has a pinkish-yellow color, which is very suitable for us. However, it should be noted that when choosing any kind of fruit, you should definitely pay attention to its average softness. After all, if you preserve an ingredient that is too hard or, on the contrary, overripe, then the dessert will not turn out as tasty and tender as we would like. The ideal option would be those pears that, when pressed, form a small dimple.

Processing the main ingredient

The pear in syrup can be canned whole or cut into quarters. We decided to use the 2nd option because the fruit variety we selected is too large. Thus, purchased or harvested food needs to be washed, stalked off, then cut into quarters and carefully removed the pod and navels.

Syrup preparation and pouring

Almost all canned pears in syrup are prepared with sweet water. But to make such a dessert more tasty and aromatic, it is recommended to add a little vanillin to the dressing. But first things first. First, pour drinking water into an enamel saucepan, and then add sugar and boil. At this time, you need to take sterilized jars and tightly put the previously processed pieces of fruit in them (2/3 of the glassware). After that, they must be filled with boiling syrup and kept in it for 5 minutes. Next, the sweet liquid (without pears) should be poured back into a saucepan and brought to a boil. It is advisable to repeat the described procedure 2 or 3 times. Before the last filling, add citric acid and vanillin to the syrup.

The final stage in the preparation of dessert

After the pears are filled with a sweet and aromatic liquid for the last time, they must be rolled up with sterilized lids, turned over and covered with a large terry towel. It is advisable to keep the jars in this state until the next day. Next, they need to be placed in a cellar, refrigerator or subfloor.

The pear in syrup will be completely ready for use after a month (after its production). If you use such a dessert right away, it will turn out to be tough and not very tasty, since the fruit will not have time to soak properly.

Tasty canned pears in syrup without sterilization are a real complete dessert that can easily replace a slice of your favorite pastry or a scoop of ice cream. Moderately sweet, aromatic pear pieces perfectly retain their shape and appearance after heat treatment. They will look beautiful both on your home table and at any banquet. This is a good replacement for purchased sweets and desserts, which will appeal to both adults and children.
Canned slices of ripe pear can be served as an independent snack or you can create various desserts on its basis (fruit "mixes", chocolate fondue). It can also be used to decorate cakes.
For canning, it is recommended to use yellow or green fruits of the same ripeness, retaining their density and texture. It is undesirable to use broken, wormy fruits. This way we can create the perfect fruit dessert.
This simple recipe will appeal to every housewife, due to the fact that it does not require special culinary feats, and the result always pleases with excellent taste and beautiful appearance.

Taste Info Sweet preparations

Ingredients for 500 ml:

  • pears - 200-250 g;
  • water;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons

How to make canned pears in syrup

We prepare the pears: rinse them thoroughly under water, then remove excess moisture from the fruits. To do this, you can use a colander or place whole pears on paper towels. Then we divide each fruit into two parts and put them in a prepared dry container.

Pour the recommended amount of granulated sugar into a container with fruits. At the same time, it is advisable to regulate it yourself, depending on your taste preferences and the sweetness of pears.

Fill the pieces of fruit with boiling water, so that the water completely covers the fruits.

We heat the pears, cut into slices of fruit in the classical way on the stove, or send the container to the oven (120 degrees) for 20 minutes. So the contents of the container will be warmed up evenly, which will provide better quality canning.

After the pears, cut into pieces, are soft, the workpiece is ready. It remains to place it in a jar, seal it tightly and cover with a warm blanket. This is necessary in order for the container to cool down evenly. We send canned fruits in sweet syrup for storage in the pantry.

Cooking tips:

  • Canned pears in syrup for the winter can be made not only from fruits cut into pieces, but also from whole fruits. If you decide to choose a blank made from whole ingredients, you should take care of the preservation of the skin: to do this, pierce each fruit with a fork in several places. This simple manipulation will help keep the fruit from deforming during cooking and will also keep the syrup clear.
  • This preparation assumes the use of any varieties of pears to your taste. If you are making a dessert with whole fruits, choose fruits that are the same size and without visible damage. Then your delicacy will look beautiful when served, and the syrup will remain transparent. When cooking a dessert from chopped pears, this requirement is absent, since you can get rid of deformed pieces when creating slices.
  • If you want to add a touch of originality to your dessert, add other ingredients, such as lemon, lingonberry or orange. The syrup turns out to be very tender when made with a pinch of vanilla. And citric acid will brighten the taste, and will also help remove excessive sugaryness.
  • The longer you cook the syrup, the richer it will be. This will make the fruit look caramelized. Keep in mind that the workpiece can be kept on fire for no more than 20 minutes a day. Thus, preparing canned pears in syrup for the winter will take one to four days.

Pears must be chosen from dense, tight varieties that do not fall apart, but retain their shape. Also, do not take damaged fruits. We wash our fruits and cut them into two halves. The core does not need to be removed. We put the cut pears in a dry sterile jar. We do this as tightly as possible, but very carefully so as not to damage the pears themselves.

Then pour sugar into the jar. You can take it less or more. Focus on your taste preferences and the degree of sweetness of the pears.

Boil water in a small saucepan / kettle. Take the amount by eye, based on what cans you have. Pour boiling water over the pears to completely cover them.

Now we put the jars in the oven for 20 minutes and sterilize there at a temperature of 120 degrees. You can also do this on the stove in a saucepan with a covered bottom. Choose the method that is more convenient for you.

After the sterilization process, we seal the jar with a lid steamed in boiling water. In an inverted form, cover the jars with a warm blanket and do not disturb until they cool down.

Delicious, juicy, sweet pears are ready, and the syrup from them can be diluted with drinking water and drunk instead of compote or carbonated drinks. We store such preservation in the basement or in a cool closet.

An incredibly tasty and unusual dessert - spicy pears in syrup. It is very simple to prepare, but the taste of ready-made pears can pleasantly surprise. For the preparation of dessert, you need to choose strong but ripe fruits. If the pears are soft, they may lose their shape during the cooking process in syrup. Ready-made aromatic pears can be eaten immediately, as soon as they have cooled down, or served with some other dessert (a ball of ice cream, baked goods). For adult gatherings, pears can be an addition to light alcoholic drinks - sparkling wine, vermouth.


  • 100 g sugar
  • 200 ml of water
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1/5 tsp ground saffron
  • 1 star anise
  • 1/5 tsp ground cardamom
  • 4-5 pears


1. Prepare the spices for the syrup. Measure sugar in a bowl, brown can be used. Also add ground cardamom and ground saffron (turmeric). Saffron will give the syrup, and then the pears a delicious yellow tint, it will not affect the taste of the dessert. You will also need a cinnamon stick and an star anise (anise) star.

2. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and spices, throw cinnamon stick and star anise. Heat over a fire, stirring occasionally, and wait for the syrup to boil. Boil it over low heat for 5 minutes.

3. While the syrup is boiling, cut off the peels of the pears with a thin layer. It is better to leave the tail - this way it will be more convenient to grab the pear.

4. Send the peeled pears to the syrup. Cook them for 30-60 minutes. The cooking time depends on the strength of the fruit. That is, if the pear was initially soft, then maybe 30 minutes of cooking for it will be a lot. After the pears have boiled in the syrup, you can leave them to cool in the saucepan.