Eggplant stuffed with carrots and garlic. Pickled eggplant stuffed with carrots and garlic

I call this wonderful eggplant and carrot recipe the express way of making a great cold snack. The very next day you can serve this dish on the table, but remember that with every day of pickling, they become tastier and more aromatic. I completely facilitated the preparation and we do not need to soak them beforehand, as well as keep them under pressure - everything is extremely simple and fast enough. In summer, you can cook this appetizer even every day and serve it both separately and with young boiled potatoes - it is very tasty.


  • 1 kg small eggplant (6 pieces)
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 3 - 4 cloves of garlic
  • greens (optional)
  • salt, spices, chili (optional)
  • juice of 1 - 2 lemons
  • 1 cup (or more) marinade water

Cooking method

We cut the eggplants (it is better if they are small and of the same size) cut in the middle along, without cutting to the end deep into and near the edges, we make a small pocket. Then blanch them in boiling water for about 5 - 7 minutes, let cool completely. Three carrots on a Korean grater, cut the pepper into thin strips, chop the garlic and herbs. We mix everything, salt and pepper, for spiciness, you can add a little ground chili. Then we stuff the eggplants with carrots and put them tightly close to each other in one layer in a container, where they will be marinated.

We prepare the marinade from water, lemon juice and salt; it should taste slightly salty and sour than you like. Vegetables will pick up salt and acid, and as a result, we get a dish that is balanced in taste. Fill everything with marinade, it should cover the blue ones at least 2/3 or even completely, close the lid and put in the refrigerator overnight. You can serve stuffed eggplant the next day. Bon Appetit.

Step 1: Prepare the eggplant.

First of all, eggplants must be thoroughly washed, it is best to use a special soft brush for this. Then cut the clean vegetables into thin slices - circles. You do not need to peel or soak the eggplants in salt water.

Step 2: Prepare the garlic.

Remove the husk from the garlic, cut off the ends. For this dish, you need to grind this ingredient by passing it through a special press. As a result, you will get a fragrant garlic gruel.

Step 3: Fry the groceries.

Heat a few tablespoons of vegetable oil in a frying pan; you may need a lot of it to fry the eggplant. Arrange the vegetable slices so they don't overlap. Sprinkle them with salt on top and fry under a closed lid over medium heat for 5 minutes... Then open the pan, turn the slices of vegetables over, sprinkle with salt again, and then close again and continue cooking more 5 minutes... Most likely, you will not have enough one pan to fry all the pieces of vegetables you have at once, so either use two dishes at once for frying, which will be faster, or simply cook the eggplant in batches.
Put the fried vegetables on disposable paper towels for a while and blot them from excess oil. Then brush the eggplants with garlic gruel and place them in a deep bowl to soak a little.

Step 4: Prepare the carrots.

Peel the carrots and rinse them thoroughly under running water, brushing off the adhering dirt and grains of sand with your hand. Grind the root crop with a knife, cutting it into small cubes or strips, or with a coarse grater. Depending on your preference.

Step 5: Prepare the onion.

Peel the onions and cut off the ends on both sides. Then cut the ingredient into small cubes, the smaller the pieces, the tastier. However, if you like the onion to stand out from the general background in large pieces, then, of course, you can cut it into half rings.

Step 6: Fry the onions and carrots.

Heat the pan again, and in it a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Pour in finely chopped carrots and onions, fry them over medium heat until golden brown. Then add the indicated amount of water to the vegetables, a little salt and simmer everything, covered with a lid for another 10 minutes... Remember to stir the contents of the pan occasionally to prevent burning. When the vegetables are cooked, remove them from the heat and move on to the next step.

Step 7: Form an eggplant, carrot and garlic appetizer.

Divide the fried eggplant soaked in garlic into two equal parts. Place one half on a sufficiently flat dish. Place the fried onions and carrots on top of the vegetable slices. Top with the remaining eggplant slices. Spoon out leftover roast if still present. As a result, you should get some kind of vegetable sandwiches. And you can immediately start serving them.

Step 8: Serve the eggplant with garlic and carrot.

Serve eggplants with garlic and carrots as a light vegetable snack. You don't need to supplement them with anything else, except to offer cheese or garlic sauce to them. Or mix fried onions and carrots with a little fresh herbs. Enjoy the taste and benefits of your ready-to-eat meal.
Bon Appetit!

Eggplants with garlic and carrots become even tastier after being refrigerated for several hours. Thereafter, they do not need to be reheated at all.

You can just as beautifully lay out the resulting snack, imitating, for example, fish scales or a peacock's tail.

A similar dish can be prepared, for example, by replacing part of the eggplant with zucchini or potatoes, as well as pre-frying the slices of vegetables in oil in a pan.

Pickled eggplant

All fruits and vegetables have their own unique flavor and aroma when used with the right ingredients and the correct proportions of spices and seasonings. Of course, every family has their own favorite salads, snacks or simply whole pickled vegetables. I would like to pay attention to such a vegetable as eggplant. He, too, is loved by many and the dishes with his participation turn out to be very tasty and interesting in their wide variety.

Eggplant can be fried, boiled, salted, fermented, pickled and grilled. The taste of the dishes is always excellent.

Eggplant stuffed with carrots and garlic

Pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots and garlic are sour - spicy, perfect as a snack or just.

The ingredients in this salad can be adjusted to suit your taste. If you prefer, you can increase the dosage of garlic or add hot red peppers.


  • Eggplant - 2kg;
  • Carrots - 8-9 pcs;
  • Any greens to taste;
  • Garlic - 3-4 heads;
  • Bitter pepper - 1pc;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt.


Pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots are ready. Bon Appetit!

Korean style eggplant stuffed with carrots

Gives this salad a spicy flavor, while the rest of the ingredients add spice and sweetness to it. It is worth trying to make this blank so that it can also be included in your list of your favorite salads.


  • Eggplant - 2kg;
  • Carrots - 1kg;
  • Onions -2pcs;
  • Garlic - 2-3 heads;
  • Salt;
  • Parsley greens - a bunch;
  • Korean seasoning for carrots;
  • Ground black pepper - 2 tsp;
  • Sugar - 6 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 st;
  • Water - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Eggplants need to be washed, cut off the tails and boiled in salted water until tender. Readiness is determined by a match, when it pierces the eggplant well, then it is ready;
  2. Put the eggplants on a hard surface, and put a press on top of them. Leave for a few hours so that the water comes out well from the vegetable;
  3. In the meantime, let's get down to "stuffing". To do this, grate the carrots in a Korean style, grate the garlic on a fine grater, chop the herbs finely, cut the onion into half rings and mix it all well;
  4. After that, add Korean seasoning for carrots and black ground pepper to the carrot mixture, pour the marinade;
  5. Marinade: put salt, sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar in the water and bring to a boil. As it boils, you can immediately pour the carrots;
  6. Eggplants, which have already been put under the press, must be cut so that a "pocket" is obtained, in which you need to put the Korean-style carrot filling;
  7. The stuffed eggplants must be put in a bowl so that they fit snugly against each other, pour them with the remaining marinade (if any) and put them under the press again, covering them with a plate and putting something heavy on it;
  8. Leave them to marinate at room temperature for several days, and then put them in the refrigerator;
  9. Eggplants can be put into a bottle and closed with a nylon cap. This way they will take up less space.

Cooking stuffed eggplants with carrots will take time, I can't say that the recipe is very simple, you have to tinker a little, but I hope the result will meet all your expectations.


  • 6 eggplants (the eggplants are straight, not very thick and not very thin)
  • 5 carrots (for one medium eggplant -1 slightly smaller carrot)
  • bunch of cilantro
  • 2-3 large cloves of garlic


  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tbsp salt
  • 2 tbsp vinegar 9%


  1. Cut off the "butts" in the eggplant and make a longitudinal section.

  2. Prick it on all sides with a fork.

  3. Boil the eggplants in salt water until soft (for 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of salt). Eggplants float during cooking and it turns out that only one side is cooked, which is in boiling water, so they must be turned from one side to the other. I recommend boiling 2-3 eggplants at the same time, because they are very naughty and can spin in the water as they want and cook on the side they want, so when you cook eggplants on the other side, they must be held with a spoon or slotted spoon, and at the same time it is difficult to keep more than 2-3 eggplants.
  4. The readiness of the eggplant is determined with a knife. If the knife easily enters the eggplant, then it is done, but do not overcook the eggplant, they should not boil down into porridge.

  5. Put the cooked eggplants with a cut to the side, put them under oppression for 2 hours.

  6. In the meantime, let's prepare the filling. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, put them in a preheated pan with vegetable oil.

  7. Fry the carrots, stirring occasionally, for 3-4 minutes. The carrots should be slightly softened and soaked in oil, but remain more fresh than soft and stewed. Remove carrots from heat. Chop the garlic finely.

  8. Add it to the carrots. Finely chop the cilantro and add it to the carrots, mix, salt, the filling is ready.

  9. Put the filling inside each eggplant.

  10. Tie with a thread (it is better to tie on a baking sheet, because during this procedure oil and juice from the eggplant will drip).

  11. Put the eggplants in a saucepan, pour over with cold brine. First you need to boil water, add salt and vinegar, cool. Vegetables must be completely immersed in the brine, for this you need to put a plate on them and press down. Place a load on top if necessary.

  12. The first day, pickled eggplants with vegetables should be at room temperature, then put them in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. After this time, press the plate harder against the eggplants and drain the brine from them. Before eating, remove the threads from the eggplants (cut them with scissors) and cut the pickled blue eggplants into pieces.

  13. If desired, pickled stuffed eggplants with carrots can be eaten in a day, they will be very tasty, but lovers of saltier eggplants should wait 2-3 days.

Bon appetit, be full and healthy !!!

tend to taste bitter. Therefore, first of all, we will deal with them. We will remove the bitterness. We wash the eggplants, cut them into rings about 1.5 cm wide and sprinkle them with salt, put them in a bowl. Leave the eggplant in this form for about 25-30 minutes.
Set aside the eggplants and prepare the vegetable dressing. For this we need a deep frying pan or stewpan. Chop the onions not very coarsely and fry in vegetable oil until transparent.

Rub the peeled one on a medium grater.

Add the carrots to the onion. Stir and fry the carrots until soft.

Then add tomato paste, salt, sugar and black pepper. Sugar is added to remove sourness from tomato paste. Mix everything, pour in about 70 ml of water and simmer the vegetables until soft.

Add finely chopped garlic a couple of minutes until tender.

We sorted out the vegetables. Let's go back to the eggplant. We drain the liquid formed from them. And if all the salt did not dissolve, but remained on the eggplants, then we rinse them with running water. Dry with a paper towel and roll in flour.

Fry the eggplants in vegetable oil on both sides until tender.

Now we "collect" our yummy. We take a plate and put the fried eggplant on it first, then a layer of stewed carrots. Continue alternating layers until we run out of eggplants and carrots. Before serving, it is advisable to let the dish infuse, but if you are impatient, help yourself right away.

Bon Appetit!