How to cook cranberry jelly with starch. Cranberry jelly: a step by step recipe

04.03.2020 Fish dishes

Previously, jelly was prepared on the basis of oats and barley, but today a wide variety of fruits and berries are used for its preparation. For example, cranberry jelly is unusually tasty, and among other things, as you know, such a berry is rich in vitamins and minerals that both children and adults need.

Cranberry is a berry unique in its composition. Its main component is ascorbic acid, and in terms of the amount of this vitamin, it can compete even with citrus fruits. The benefits of such a sour berry are undeniable, but you won't eat much of it. But in the form of jelly - easily! Find out how to make cranberry jelly right now.


  • 620 g cranberries;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • sugar to taste;
  • three tablespoons of starch.

Cooking method:

  1. First, grind the red berries with a blender, then pass through a sieve.
  2. We don't throw away the cake, but fill it with water (liter) and put it on the stove.
  3. Mix the remaining water with juice.
  4. As soon as the cake boils, filter and pour in the diluted juice. Bring to a boil again, add sweetener. The amount of the latter depends on the sweetness of the jelly you want to cook.
  5. Then we dilute the thickener with water (glass) and pour into a saucepan. Stir. And as soon as the jelly boils, turn off the heat.

From frozen berries

Frozen cranberries are just as useful as fresh ones, so a vitamin drink based on it will come in handy during a period of flu illness.

Frozen cranberry jelly is prepared as described above, the only difference is that a little less berries are required.


  • 220 g frozen cranberries;
  • 75 g granulated sugar;
  • up to 50 g of starch;
  • 350 ml of water (150 ml for the thickener).

Cooking method:

  1. Pour frozen berries into a saucepan, pour in a little water and heat.
  2. As soon as the fruits are thawed, grind them with a blender, and then use a sieve to separate the cake from the juice.
  3. Pour the berry mass with water and cook for five minutes. Then we fill in the sand and after a minute we add the thickener diluted in water. Warm up a little more and remove the composition from the heat.
  4. Pour out the juice, stir and cool the drink.

From mashed cranberries with sugar

Cranberry jelly can be drunk both cold and hot. It can be cooked from whole berries or ground with sugar.


  • two glasses of grated berries;
  • two liters of water;
  • two tablespoons of starch;
  • citric acid.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the grated berries in a saucepan, send three glasses of warm water there and bring the mass to a boil.
  2. Then we take a sieve and make mashed potatoes from the grated berries.
  3. Put a little citric acid, put the mass on the fire and, as soon as the gruel starts to boil, pour in the thickener.
  4. Again, we wait until the jelly boils, and remove it from the heat.

Cranberry jelly with starch

Cooking jelly from cranberries and starch is as easy as shelling pears, any housewife can handle this recipe.

The most important thing is to determine the amount of starch, because the consistency of the drink depends on it.

You can cook liquid jelly, or you can make it very thick.


  • two cups of red berries;
  • two liters of water;
  • five tablespoons of thickener;
  • sweetener to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. For the recipe, we need cake and berry juice. To do this, simply take a sieve and grind the fruits, filter the resulting juice.
  2. We make a decoction from the cake. To do this, put it in boiling water, cook for 15 minutes, then filter. We remove the cake, and return the broth to the stove and sweeten it.
  3. Then pour in the thickener, cook for 8 minutes, then add juice, stir and remove from heat.

Recipe for kids

Every mother monitors the diet of her children and tries to ensure that each dish only benefits them. One of these useful desserts is cranberry jelly, which is rich in vitamins and macronutrients.


  • two glasses of fresh berries;
  • a cup of sweet sand;
  • one orange;
  • half a glass of thickener.

Cooking method:

  1. From fresh fruits using a blender, make mashed potatoes, chop the orange zest on a fine grater.
  2. Pour two liters of water into a saucepan, as soon as the liquid boils, put the zest, berry puree and sweetener.
  3. After 15 minutes, pour in the thickener, boil and turn off the heat.

With the addition of apples

Cranberry jelly can be cooked with the addition of other equally useful berries and fruits.

For example, with apples. It turns out a very tasty, nutritious and aromatic drink, especially if you prepare it in a multicooker.


  • three tablespoons of red berries;
  • two apples;
  • a spoonful of thickener;
  • sweetener to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Put berries, pieces of apples (without the peel) into the bowl of the electrical appliance, add sugar to taste and pour in 1.3 liters of water. We select the "Steam" mode and set the time to 10 minutes.
  2. Grind the berry-fruit mass with a blender, cook for another 10 minutes, then add the diluted starch and turn off the device after two minutes.
  3. Ready jelly can be cooled directly in the bowl, and then poured into another dish.

Thick cranberry jelly

You can cook jelly in liquid form, like a drink, but it is better to make it thicker. Its soft structure gently envelops the walls of the stomach and thus has a healing effect on it. At the same time, such jelly can be served as a full-fledged delicious dessert.


  • 120 g frozen berries;
  • half a cup of sweet sand;
  • 85 g starch.

Cooking method:

  1. We make syrup from granulated sugar and a liter of water.
  2. Then we fall asleep the berries and as soon as they boil, we introduce the thickener dissolved in water.
  3. Bring the jelly to a boil and remove from the stove.

The benefits and harms of the drink

The use of jelly largely depends on what products are used to prepare it. But in general, the viscous and soft consistency of such a drink has a beneficial effect on the work of the human body. Its positive effect on the stomach and intestines is especially strong.

  • It is recommended to drink cranberry jelly during epidemics of influenza and viral diseases, since these red berries are rich in vitamin C.
  • Such jelly not only restores the digestive system, but also removes excess fluid from the body, thereby helping the kidneys.
  • Cranberries are a low-calorie berry, so jelly from it will help control weight if you drink a glass of the drink before meals.
  • Starch is used in the preparation. This natural thickener activates metabolic processes.
  • Cranberry jelly is especially useful for children, but only if it is made from natural berries, and not from purchased briquettes.

Cranberries are sour berries, so a sweetener is added to the jelly. This means that such a drink should be drunk with caution for those who suffer from diabetes, so as not to cause an increase in blood sugar.

Now you know how tasty and healthy cranberry jelly can be. So do not forget to pick such a berry in the fall and freeze it for a whole year, so that at any time you can brew a vitamin drink for the whole family.

Last time I told you the recipe for making berry jelly. Today I continue the same topic, but more narrowly: I recently began to cook jelly from frozen cranberries, so below I offer a recipe with a photo of this dessert or drink, depending on the amount of starch used for its preparation. Cranberry jelly, surprisingly, really liked both me and the child. The delicate texture, light freshness and slightly sour taste made me regret that the cranberries had been in the freezer for so long, while I walked around the bush, not knowing where to apply it.

To make cranberry jelly according to our recipe, you will need:

the actual cranberries, frozen or fresh, - a glass of 200 ml;

3-5 tbsp sugar (I make 4 spoons);

Nordic potato starch (it comes with the label "gluten-free") - see below for quantity;

water - 800 + 100 ml.

How to make jelly from frozen cranberries: a recipe with a photo

If we are dealing with fresh cranberries, first of all we sort it out and rinse it well. If the cranberry is frozen, one must think that the listed actions have already been performed with it.

We immediately put the fresh one in the blender bowl, I heat the frozen one for 2 minutes at the maximum setting in the microwave in a blender glass. Puree the berries with an immersion blender.

A reservation should be made here that in many recipes it is recommended to strain the resulting mass in order to rid the finished jelly of pieces of the skin. But in my opinion, these fragments do not in any way harm either the appearance or the taste of cranberry jelly. Why delete them? Here, in mashed potatoes, add sugar and a little water (from those 800 ml), mix again to clear the blender leg of the stuck mashed potatoes, and pour the contents of the bowl into a saucepan. Pour the remaining water here (keep 100 ml separately).

While the diluted cranberry puree is heating, pour the starch into a cup, add 100 ml of water there.

About the amount of starch for the specified amount of water and cranberries. If it is 2 tbsp. with a slide, you get a dessert that you need to eat with a spoon. For a drink, 1.5 tbsp is enough. l. starch Nordic, then cranberry jelly can be drunk.

When excitement begins on the surface of the cranberry liquid, we reduce the fire to a minimum, quickly mix the starch with water until smooth (if you do this earlier, then by the time you pour the starch into the compote, you will get the same thing that happens when you pour the starch with water: thick lump and tinted water).

After that, with continuous stirring, pour the starch liquid into the cranberry liquid and mix for literally half a minute, feeling how the spoon gets stuck in the jelly. We turn off the fire, taste the jelly from frozen or fresh cranberries - it's not too late to add sugar and stir it until it dissolves, if suddenly the finished drink or dessert seemed sour. If everything is in order, pour the mass into containers.

Is a very easy to prepare homemade dessert that can be made with equal success from fresh or frozen berries, and served with whipped cream, sour cream, milk or ice cream. However, by itself, without all these additions, jelly is also good.

In addition to the pleasant sweet and sour taste, you will also get vitamins and minerals: when cooking, fresh cranberry juice is added to the jelly.

Generally speaking, it is necessary to clarify that jelly, in principle, come in different consistencies: thick (more like jelly in tins) and medium density (poured into cups), and can be served hot or cold. What we offer you in this recipe is a medium-thick jelly, which is best cooled.

Need to:

  • Cranberries (fresh or frozen) - 1 heaped glass (about 160 grams)
  • Granulated sugar - three quarters of a cup (about 135 grams) + another 2-3 teaspoons, sprinkle ready-made jelly on top
  • Potato starch - 90 grams (three heaped tablespoons)
  • Water - 1 liter


Rinse the cranberries and let them dry (we don't need extra water in the jelly at all!). If using frozen berries, remove them from the freezer beforehand and thaw at room temperature. Next, squeeze the juice from the cranberries. At home, it seems to us, the easiest way is to crush the cranberries with a wooden mashed potato in a colander with small holes installed in a bowl into which the juice will drain. Moreover, it is not even necessary to filter the juice through cheesecloth or a strainer.

Squeezed juice (it will be thick, with the pulp of berries), pour into a small cup and refrigerate. And put the "pomace" (pulp) into a ladle or saucepan in which you intend to cook the jelly. Boil water separately in a kettle.

Pour the "pomace" with three glasses (750 milliliters) of hot water from the kettle, put on the stove, bring to a boil, turn down the heat so that it does not boil very violently, and cook for 7-8 minutes.

While the pulp is cooking, take an incomplete glass of COLD boiled water, add starch there and stir until the starch is completely dissolved so that no lumps remain.

Strain the broth through the same colander with small holes or a strainer. We discard the "pomace", which during the cooking process turned very pale and lost its rich red color, and pour the strained broth back into the saucepan. Add sugar and stir.

Return the broth with sugar to the stove, bring to a boil, pour in the diluted starch in a thin stream, mix immediately ( watch our recipe video!). Again, while stirring, bring to a boil and, as soon as it starts to boil, REMOVE it IMMEDIATELY from the stove, you no longer need to boil or cook.

Pour our squeezed and chilled cranberry juice into a saucepan, mix and then pour hot jelly into cups (we get 6 small tea cups) or bowls.

So that a film does not form on the jelly during cooling, its surface should be lightly sprinkled with granulated sugar (just a little, no more than half or even a third of a teaspoon for each cup). Sugar will immediately get wet, and you will no longer see it, but it will fulfill its "function".

You can make cranberry jelly for children. Also, adults will be pleased with a healthy and aromatic drink. This jelly is good for everyone. After all, it contains many vitamins and minerals.

First recipe

Cranberry jelly is great for children. Kids are also very fond of this drink. How to cook it correctly? Let's tell you now.

To make cranberry jelly, the recipe for which we are considering, you will need:

  • 250 grams of fresh berries;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • seven glasses of water;
  • one teaspoon of citric acid;
  • three tablespoons of potato starch.

The process of making jelly at home

Second with cranberries and lingonberries

Continuing to describe the cranberry recipes, let's dwell on this. We suggest you prepare another version of the Russian traditional drink. This is a recipe for jelly with lingonberries and cranberries. The drink perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst. Although you can drink jelly in the winter season, only it will have to be prepared not from fresh, but from frozen berries. You can quickly brew such a drink.

For cooking you will need:

  • 300 grams of cranberries;
  • black currants and lingonberries (100 grams each);
  • 75 grams of starch;
  • 150 grams of sugar.

Cranberry jelly: recipe

Third recipe. Kissel with orange

If you are interested in cranberry recipes, then you will like this one. This drink turns out to be much tastier than ordinary red berry jelly. After all, it also contains an orange. It adds flavor to the drink.

For cooking you need:

  • one glass of sugar;
  • two glasses of fresh cranberries;
  • one large orange;
  • five glasses of water;
  • half a glass of potato starch;
  • three carnation buds;
  • ½ cinnamon sticks.

The process of creating a drink: step by step instructions

Cranberry jelly. Apples recipe

A delicious cranberry drink is obtained by adding apples. This jelly turns out to be doubly useful.

Cooking requires:

  • 600 grams of frozen cranberries;
  • 500 grams of apples;
  • 125 grams of sugar;
  • fifty grams of starch;
  • one liter of water.

Cooking process

  1. Now we will tell you how to prepare jelly from frozen cranberries. Everything is simple here. Fill with water first.
  2. Then boil and strain.
  3. Then add sugar to the resulting cranberry broth, then - apples, cut into slices.
  4. Cook until apples are soft.
  5. Then add starch, stir. Bring the jelly to a boil. Serve chilled.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to properly prepare cranberry jelly. We considered the recipe for its creation, and not one, but several at once. Therefore, a skilled hostess will be able to choose a good option for herself. We wish you good luck!


  • frozen cranberries - 3 handfuls (you can take fresh)
  • sugar - 0.5 cups (for sweet taste 1 cup)
  • potato starch - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide

One day, while sitting on a popular news site, I read an article about picking cranberries. The journalist talked vividly and interestingly about the area in which berries usually grow and about the people who pick them. Inspired by the vivid photographs and swallowing saliva, I went to look for cranberries in the bins of my freezer.

I try to freeze this berry without fail for the winter, because during the “sneezing” viral season, it is one of my first and faithful helpers. However, it is still easier to prevent a cold than to treat it later, so I propose a step-by-step recipe for cranberry jelly from frozen cranberries. Such a drink is certainly better than all pharmacy vitamins and ascorbins.

Cranberry jelly recipe from frozen cranberries

With the specified amount of ingredients, the jelly turns out to be sour and of medium density, the most optimal for my taste. You can adjust the composition yourself by adding more sugar or starch, and, if necessary, the berries themselves. But remember, if you increase the amount of water, the rest of the proportions will also change.
Without defrosting, pour the berries into the pan. Add sugar immediately, fill with cold water and place on the stove. If you hesitate a little, and the sugar settles on the bottom, stir so that it does not burn. After boiling, boil the contents 10 minutes... Berries burst during cooking. But this is even good, since cranberry seeds and pulp will only improve the taste of the jelly, making the drink rich. Then we filter it, you can through cheesecloth, sieve or colander. Put the cranberry compote on the stove again and let it boil again.

During this time, we dilute the starch in a small amount of water in a separate container.

Pour, stirring constantly, into a saucepan with an already bubbling compote. We do not cook for a long time, as soon as the jelly has boiled, and the foam began to rise up, turn it off.

Cranberry jelly from frozen cranberries is ready! You can drink the prepared drink hot, but it does not lose its taste when cold. Bon appetit!