What pizza is poured with. Classic pizza with ham

20.04.2019 Bakery

Today is my husband's birthday. I am reeled up at work, so is he. In the evening we will be at home, me, he and my daughter - 2.8. My friend will come to visit - to congratulate her husband. What to put on the table? There is neither strength nor time to cook. my imagination was only enough to buy a cake and salad in the store. Maybe there are some other foods? Simple recipes? I also want to please my husband.


you can do this: boil the chicken breast, cool, cut into pieces, peel the potatoes, also cut into pieces, add salt, pepper with the chicken, you can spice kamus for potatoes and season everything with sour cream and soy sauce- do not regret that it would not turn out dry. (boiled chicken can be replaced with smoked legs, one is enough only for larger ones). Now fold the resulting mixture into pieces of foliage, wrap in small bags and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes and 5 minutes until cooked in each bag put grated cheese and herbs to taste. Serve in these bags. It turns out very festive.
and the salad is simple, quick and very tasty-Peking cabbage + red sticks + corn + mayonnaise-mix and ready-everyone really likes despite the simplicity))) Bon appetit!

My husband loves pizza from a nearby pizzeria. Maybe yours can be bought? Or buy ready-made - sketch on top of slices of meat and other goodies, cheese, olives, etc. and throw all this in the microwave?
The other day my son's DR was - so I baked pizza for an adult and a children's day. It turned out great!
How else does he feel about fish? You can mix canned sprat crushed with a fork + white beans + corn + crackers (purchased) soaked in oil from sprat - and all this with mayonnaise - it's delicious, oh, just don't do a lot because on the trail. the day is tasteless.

For lovers of cauliflower recipe. Boil cauliflower until half cooked, salt well at the same time. Let it cool. Put the sliced ​​into the form butter, then cabbage, then boiled mushrooms (they will go from the jar as well). Add a little water to form a tasty juice. Pour everything on top with a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream, preferably with the addition of herbs (I usually put dried dill and parsley), then rub the cheese. Put it in the oven and wait for a beautiful crust to form ...


Wow, what a yummy !!! I will definitely try! And I also made cabbage baked with cheese.

Lena, you are an inventor :)! What else are you doing with fish fillets?
Incidentally, I am also a big fan of cabbage. And not only color :).
And here is the option with cauliflower. Everything is very simple: there should be carrot cutlets on the plate next to it (just not fresh, but normal salt and with pepper). Have you tried it?

02/06/2001 20:33:48, ~ Irina

Mom returned from Italy, and says that the pizza there is not the same as cooked in Russia. The dough is soft, "melts in your mouth", soaked in butter and sauce. He says he cannot describe how delicious it is. I baked all the time from unleavened dough, cottage cheese dough, recently-puff yeast, but all this does not correspond to the original ... Does anyone know the "real" recipe for pizza dough. It’s very tasty, according to the description, it comes out F :)


Do you want real italian pizza? Please :-) I am giving you a recipe that a girl living in Italy gave at the Cookery. I cooked exactly according to the recipe and my husband and I came to the conclusion that this is exactly the pizza that we tried in Italy. I'll just copy her reasoning for you and you yourself will understand everything.
The dough should be very simple, without any butter, eggs, sugar and other "flavorings" ... and don't put any tomato paste or ketchup on top !!! Make your own mashed potatoes from fresh tomatoes or buy tomato puree (!!) in the store :-))
1 liter of water, 2 kg of flour, 20 gr fresh yeast(or 7 gr dry), 50 gr sea ​​salt
(containing iodine, but the usual one will do in principle!). Of these products you have
you get about 3 kg of dough, or 4 baking sheets.
2. Divide the dough into balls of the desired size (depending on how much
your pizza should be big and tall. Place them on baking trays greased with vegetable oil and let rise for about 3 hours at a temperature of approx. 23 degrees. Then roll out the dough (or knead it with your fingers) on baking sheets and grease tomato puree(if the pizza is supposed to be red) or olive oil (if it is white, i.e. the filling should not contain tomatoes, for example, cottage cheese with raw smoked sausage) and leave for proofing for about an hour more.
The pizza turns out to be a little more close to the restaurant one, if you roll it out on parchment paper, lay the filling, and then put it together with the paper on a baking sheet heated in the oven. The oven must be turned on at full power.
What do they put on pizza? The most classic pizza is the Margherita pizza. On
the rolled dough is smeared with tomato puree, already cooked with salt, thrown
a few leaves of basil (it may come up dry, then put chopped on
enough small pieces mozzarella cheese is a classic Italian fresh cheese, I cannot find Russian analogues for it, and it is probably sold only in
specialized stores. At one time in St. Petersburg, I saw him only in one supermarket, and even then it was quite far from the original. In the end, you can put any cheese, the main thing is that it is not very dry and melts well. Then all this is poured over with olive oil (to taste) and sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese. It is so to speak basic recipe... Then you can give free rein to your imagination: on top of the "margherita", before pouring it with oil, you can put: thinly sliced ​​ham and mushrooms ready to use; or olives, capers and sprat; or all sorts of fried and thinly sliced ​​vegetables: eggplant, zucchini, bell peppers. In general, whatever your heart desires. Or whatever is at hand.

In addition, there is also a variant of "white" pizza, i.e. when no tomato is added.
For example, cottage cheese is spread, mixed with salt, pepper, garlic and on top
something meat and sausage. Or put cheese, thinly sliced ​​potatoes, and rosemary sprigs; or for example ham, canned peas, corn, watering very heavy cream, salt, pepper ...
In restaurants using ovens with very high temperatures, put all the ingredients at once. At home, it is often advised to first put only tomatoes (or just a little olive oil), and then, somewhere in the middle of cooking, add everything else.


8-10 ripe tomatoes pour boiling water over, peel and chop finely (you can take
canned tomatoes v tomato juice, but by no means ketchup). Preheat in a skillet olive oil and fry the garlic in it (just a little, a couple of seconds), you can take out the garlic, or you can leave it, add tomatoes, salt, add herbs (oregano, thyme, basil) and simmer until thickened.

Instead of fresh tomatoes, you can use canned in own juice without any additives. They only need to be brought to a homogeneous mass with a pistol mixer or in a food processor.
Good luck!

05/19/2000 01:42:50, HelenV

Here is our recipe with my mom, which has been popular with us and our guests for about fifteen years :) (the result is fully consistent with your description):
Chop margarine on a board into small cubes with 1/2 tbsp. flour. (By original recipe I had to put about 400 grams, I use 200-250 grams. Moreover, it is better to take "low-fat" margarine, in packs, now. for example, there is such an imported one in light paper with blue-red stripes. I don't remember the name :)). Chopped up and set aside.
Approximately two cups of millet. Pour flour in a slide on a board or better on a table. Make a dimple on top and pour 2 eggs onto the flour. Stir (you can use your hands or, as it were, chop with the blunt side of a long knife) Add 3/4 cup of cold boiled water, into which you have already poured a little vinegar (you can use apple cider). Mix again. If the mass turns out to be too sticky, add more flour. Knead it into a cake (the size of which is sufficient so that, putting margarine in the middle with a slide, there are free edges), spread the margarine and lift (close) the edges of the cake - give the shape of a ball and refrigerate for 40-60 minutes. (In the hol-k, remove the dough in a bowl covered with foil or something else, the main thing is that the dough does not wind out and does not become covered with a crust.
Over time, take it out and roll it out, adding flour as needed (a little), fold it again, give it the shape of a ball and again in the hol-k. Better to roll out 3-5. (With experience elastic dough will be obtained already at the stage of "cake".)
Before baking - moisten a baking sheet cold water... The filling for the dough, that's it. Such dough is delicious when hot, but many people like cold ones even more :))

05/18/2000 12:49:44 PM, Ma-Mashka

TO: Tango about "Vulcan". Tell us more about mashed potatoes, pls. What should it be: in milk or butter, how to make it in a bunch and not spread in the oven? How much mayonnaise and ketchup? and proportions? and temperature? time? I wanted to make something like a moussaka with eggplant, but I really liked your idea, as soon as not to spoil all this design :) I want details :)


Oh, I don't even know how to answer :))
I do everything "by eye". I always add milk and butter to the puree. I make mashed potatoes not liquid, but, of course, not such that it was impossible to take with a spoon. That is, the puree should be of medium density.
Mayonnaise - a little, pour the puree on top. That is, like this: you form a bunch (the puree is thick, it holds well in a bunch. Sprinkle with mayonnaise on top, so that you get small stripes, namely from the top of the head. Then - ketchup (I usually do this: a strip of mayonnaise, a strip of ketchup) DO NOT smear, let it If you wish, you can rub the cheese, let it melt too.
How much to keep in the oven depends on the amount of the dish. I usually keep it for 15-20 minutes (oven about 120-150 degrees). You can open and check - if the minced meat is ready on top, then even more so below. But focus on 15 minutes.
Yes, more. Mayonnaise can produce liquid, so it's best to do it all in a skillet, leaving some stock at the sides.
Well, and then fill it out :)

Not to order with delivery (this is enough for us even on weekdays), but to knead the yeast dough from the correct flour, let it stand for as long as needed, knead it, add the filling and bake the pizza in the oven. For those who are on fire with this idea - detailed instructions from the chef. For 2 pizzas: wheat flour 1 kg purified drinking water 500 ml dry yeast 10 g olive oil 50 ml salt 27 g sugar 1 tsp. The dough is the main thing in pizza. Therefore, its preparation must be taken seriously. For pizza, I recommend ...

Add vinegar, reduce heat and simmer until the first bubbles. Crack the egg into a small bowl and gently pour into boiling water. Cook until the protein is ready and the yolk is still runny (about 4 minutes). Remove from boiling water with a slotted spoon. Repeat with 4 eggs (for 4 servings). Place the eggs on top of the salad, pour the sauce on top ...

There is a huge holiday at home: 7 adults and 10 children from one to six years old. I didn’t take so many people, only 13 people can sit at the table, so the children probably eat first, run away to the nursery, then the adults sit down. The question is what to cook? I plan as basic for children chicken legs baked, boiled potatoes, probably, well still fresh vegetables they eat, and what else? From what adults - I did not come up with anything at all, only traditional Olivier. I'm in panic. I also thought pizza as an appetizer. These are children ...


You can also add tomato slices, salt, top with a circle or a slice of mozzarella, pour olive oil over. You can generously top with olives, I also sprinkle with Italian herbs from the Cottani mill. Home-style caprese :) Prepares instantly, it turns out a lot, everyone eats.
Also - butters, cut a thin loaf into circles, fry in vegetable oil on 2 sides until golden brown (not brown, so that it is just crispy). Top - cheese mass - boiled egg + grated cheese + mayonnaise + garlic. Children and adults will eat, croutons and a lot can be made in advance - this is a plus. It also turns out a lot from a small amount of products.

children - ice cream)
you can bake baby shrimps or sausages on barbecue sticks in the oven and display berries and fruits (for adults, too, by the way)
children "basic" do not eat very well at this age, and they generally find it uncomfortable to eat chicken.

How to cook fish: baked with cheese and breaded with sesame seeds
... Cut the mozzarella into slices 7-8 mm thick. Season the cod with salt and pepper. On each back, place 2-3 circles of tomato, then slices of mozzarella, spread the remaining circles of tomatoes on top. Sprinkle with rosemary and olive oil. Bake for 12-15 minutes. Remove the mold from the oven and pour 1 tablespoon of cod on each cod back. l. balsamic vinegar... Serve immediately. Dorado with sesame seeds and tomato puree For 6 servings: 6 dorado, 400 g each 6 large tomatoes 5 heads of shallots 140 g sesame seeds 2 tbsp. l. sherry vinegar 3 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar 3 tbsp l. sesame oil 3 tbsp. l. olive oil + a little more ...

Girls, please share your pizza dough recipe! If possible in more detail! It is very important for me! At the same time, you can write what to put on the dough! And most importantly, indicate the temperature of the oven and how long to keep the pizza in the oven! Thanks in advance to everyone! I'm waiting!


thanks a lot anyway!
True, I have already tried it and I succeeded! Both my husband, (very fussy) and my daughter, a big lover of pizza, really liked it.

Italians cook steep yeast dough in vegetable oil, it lies in the cold for several hours - then it quickly goes right in the oven. And what's on top - we had 20 types of pizza.
Traditional - cheese, tomatoes, ham, mushrooms. But this is bullshit.
I really love - cheese, tuna (this is our salmon from a can) and raw on top! onion rings. The yummy is terrible.
But the most delicious charcoal pizza in a real oven, they only admit this - the rest is not the same.

11/19/2000 11:28:26, LP

I want pizza, but I don’t know how to cook the dough


Kita! Here is a recipe for a pizza I make and my household really likes it!
To cook yeast starter: dilute 1 tsp in 1/3 glass of water. sugar and 1 tsp. yeast (fast dissolving). Leave on for 10 minutes. then pour into a saucepan, add there 1.5 cups of flour, 1 egg, a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of oil (odorless sunflower oil).
Knead the dough well so that it does not stick to your hands, if it sticks, add a little flour (by eye). Put the dough in a warm place for at least 1 hour, more is possible. It rises well, then grease a baking sheet with butter and lay out the dough, distribute it with your hands over the entire baking sheet, and begin the witchcraft over the filling. Don't write about the filling?
Do not be afraid that I wrote a lot, I wanted it to be clearer.
It is necessary to bake at an average temperature for about 15-20 minutes.
Go for it, it's delicious!
Good luck and bon appetit!

Do you want real pizza dough?
A Siberian woman shared with me, but I have not yet decided to try it out. Maybe you dare? If so, please share your results!

"AnyutA, I will give you a pizza recipe that Naty shared on" Culinary ", who lives with her Italian husband in Italy.

So: "How to make quality pizza at home:
1. Kneading. Take two equally large bowls. Spread all the flour in them evenly. Dissolve the yeast with half of the water and salt with the other half. Knead the dough in one bowl with the salt solution and the other with the yeast. When the dough is smooth in both bowls, start mixing both parts of the dough until smooth and loose from your hands. if you have food processor, then you can knead the dough from all the flour with 800 gr. water and yeast, and when the mixture becomes homogeneous, add salt dissolved in 200 gr. water. Try to avoid direct contact of salt and yeast, as salt interferes with the latter from performing its function (in the sense that the dough rises worse !!!). The dough can be considered ready when it lags behind the walls of the combine.
3. Put baking sheets in an oven preheated to 250 degrees. The total baking time is 12-15 minutes. 8-10 minutes after you put the pizza in the oven, remove and place all the other ingredients on it. This way they will not dry out or burn, and the pizza will come out juicy. "
Ufff, how much it turned out! :-)) If anyone has enough patience, please tell us later !! I cook it faster, adding more yeast (about 20.25 grams per 1 kg of flour), but because of this it turns out fluffy for me, and not like in a pizzeria :-)))

And here is the recipe for red pizza sauce


Made the same fish pizza. My husband cracks happy, but I ate a piece and sit - I hold on (((And then I have nothing to go to work - I wet my clothes with a creak in my old ones ((((Support me chtol morally!

The daughter has her first birthday on Saturday, all relatives will come, respectively. Tell me to cook such a tasty one, well, and, accordingly, so that you don't mess around for a long time. And then you are already tired of these Olivier salads, and the meat in the oven. Thanks.


Bake fish - but much easier than the recipe below. A piece of trout or salmon or salmon fillet. In the morning I take it out of the freezer, in the evening I got frostbitten. Next: put on a baking sheet, sprinkle with lemon, soy sauce (if you like), a spoon or two of white wine (optional), salt - if you haven't poured the sauce, a couple of small pieces of butter and into the oven. I microwave on highest power + grill, usually 6 minutes per side. In the oven, I think, 15 minutes should be on the side. Well, it will be seen empirically. Garnish - Broccoli or Brussels sprouts + French fries (from a bag for speed) or boiled potatoes... Sauce - a small pack of sour cream 10-15% fat, 1-2 chives of garlic and finely chopped dill (cilantro) are squeezed into it. Everything about everything - half an hour.

Relatives come to buy a computer. The husband will go with them. It seems that this is not a meeting at all, but just like that, in the evening my parents will still come up. WHAT TO COOK ????????? Please advise :)))


If there are potatoes and chicken at home, it is even better chicken legs(they are fatter), you can make an absolutely terrific dish in the oven. It is called "Potato UNDER the Chicken". It is done in an elementary way. Potatoes are washed, peeled and cut, the amount depends on the size of your baking sheet and the number of guests. I would advise using something like a casserole dish or pizza dish for this business, so that the sides are higher, but a regular baking sheet is also fine. The potatoes are cut at your discretion: either in circles, or in strips. It will take a little longer to cook with straws. Throw the chopped potatoes on a baking sheet, sprinkle with salt and pour a little vegetable oil, then stir it with your hands. Chop the chicken into small pieces, place on top of the potatoes and place the baking sheet in the preheated oven. I can’t say at what exact temperature. my oven is just fantastic (in the sense of how it heats up, I can't understand, that's why it's science fiction, that something turns out in it), see for yourself. I bake shortbread cookies at this temperature. Most important: DO NOT MIX! The juice and fat from the chicken will flow onto the potatoes, and it will be evenly saturated with this juice. About 10 minutes before cooking, you can put onion chopped into rings on the chicken. This dish is prepared quickly enough, because everything is cut. And sharing between guests is also fast. You can, at your discretion, decorate it: sprinkle with mayonnaise, sprinkle with cheese, herbs, etc., only, for God's sake, do not water sour cream: it curls up into chicken juice and it turns out completely unappetizing. Better to pour on a plate.

In such cases, I quickly coat the chicken, stuff it with apples, and put it in the oven with potatoes. Win-win. During the hour that she is sitting there, bungle a couple of salads. If there is, salinity. Or wind dumplings, but it takes longer. Sometimes, if I am in the mood and have a little time, I sculpt manty, serve with all sorts of gravy.

Here ran not so long ago a recipe for pizza dough (AleXXX seems to have shared). I only remember that it mixes up in 2 different vessels ... I didn't find it with a search, but then I didn't write it down with a fool. Help me find it, pliz!


So: "How to make quality pizza at home:
1 liter of water, 2 kg of flour, 20 g of fresh yeast (or 7 g of dry yeast), 50 g of sea salt (containing iodine, but the usual one will do in principle!). From these products, you will get about 3 kg of dough, or 4 baking sheets.
1. Kneading. Take two equally large bowls. Spread all the flour in them evenly. Dissolve the yeast with half of the water and salt with the other half. Knead the dough in one bowl with the salt solution and the other with the yeast. When the dough is smooth in both bowls, start mixing both parts of the dough until smooth and loose from your hands. If you have a food processor, you can knead the whole flour dough with 800 gr. water and yeast, and when the mixture becomes homogeneous, add salt dissolved in 200 gr. water. Try to avoid direct contact of salt and yeast, as salt interferes with the latter from performing its function (in the sense that the dough rises worse !!!). The dough can be considered ready when it lags behind the walls of the combine.
2. Divide the dough into balls of the desired size (depending on how large and tall your pizza should be. Place them on greased baking trays and let rise for about 3 hours at a temperature of about 23 degrees. Then roll out the dough ( or knead it with your fingers) on baking sheets and grease with tomato puree (if the pizza is supposed to be red) or olive oil (if it is white, i.e. the filling should not contain tomatoes, for example, cottage cheese with raw smoked sausage) and leave to proof for another hour ...
3. Put baking sheets in an oven preheated to 250 degrees. The total baking time is 12-15 minutes. 8-10 minutes after you put the pizza in the oven, remove and place all the other ingredients on it. This way they will not dry out or burn, and the pizza will come out juicy. "
Ufff, how much it turned out! :-)) If anyone has enough patience, please tell us later !! I cook it faster, adding more yeast (about 20.25 grams per 1 gramme of flour), but because of this it turns out fluffy for me, and not like in a pizzeria :-)))
What do they put on pizza? The most classic pizza is the Margherita pizza. On the rolled dough they spread tomato puree, already cooked with salt, throw a few leaves of basil (maybe dry, then put mozzarella cheese cut into small enough pieces - this is a classic Italian fresh cheese, I can't find Russian analogues for it, and it is sold probably only in specialized stores. At one time in St. Petersburg I saw him only in one supermarket, and even then it was quite far from the original. In the end, you can put any cheese, as long as it is not very dry and melts well. Then all this is poured olive oil (to taste) and sprinkled with grated parmesan cheese. This is the basic recipe. Then you can give free rein to your imagination: before pouring oil on top of the "margherita", you can put: thinly sliced ​​ham and ready-to-eat mushrooms; or olives, capers and sprat; or all kinds of fried and thinly sliced ​​vegetables: eggplants, zucchini, bell peppers. In general, whatever your heart desires. Or whatever is at hand will turn out to be.
In addition, there is also a variant of "white" pizza, i.e. when no tomato is added. For example, cottage cheese is spread, mixed with salt, pepper, garlic and something meat and sausage on top. Or put cheese, thinly sliced ​​potatoes, and rosemary sprigs; or for example ham, canned peas, corn, drizzle with very heavy cream, salt, pepper ...
In restaurants that use ovens with very high temperatures, all ingredients are put in at once. It is often advised at home to put only the tomatoes (or just a little olive oil) first, and then, somewhere in the middle of cooking, add everything else. "

And here is the recipe for red pizza sauce


Pour boiling water over 8-10 ripe tomatoes, peel and chop finely (you can take canned tomatoes in tomato juice, but never ketchup). Heat the olive oil in a skillet and fry the garlic in it (just a little, a couple of seconds), the garlic can be removed or left, add tomatoes, salt, add herbs (oregano, thyme, basil) and simmer until thickened.

Instead of fresh tomatoes, you can use canned tomatoes in their own juice without any additives. They only need to be brought to a homogeneous mass with a pistol mixer or in a food processor. "

On my own I will add - despite the seeming hemorrhoids of kneading 2 parts of the dough separately, it is quite simple and it turns out just a fairy tale - the dough is delicious. "
And completely from yourself6 more water is needed for 2 kg of flour. Not a liter, but somewhere around 1.2 liters. The dough turns out to be softer. And, apparently, it is really better to bake it a little. When we did for a big holiday, very good. a lot of pizza, in advance, the dough is distant. And when then they did 2 prototypes out of a quarter of the indicated volumes, they did not spare the filling, they piled everything. And into the oven. And the dough turned out like boiled ...

I found out this Sunday that the Russian proverb about the first pancake has an international character. My first pizza turned out to be at least not lumpy, but still disgusting ... :)) Although it seemed to be made from a book under the proud name "Italian Cuisine". In general, if anyone makes delicious pizza at home, share the recipe (and experience), please, eh? :))))


01.04.2002 15:03:37

I make from yeast dough, I always get it great .... And pizza is our usual dish, because. I put the dough in the freezer ( portions), when necessary, I take it out, defrost it and the pizza is ready in 15 minutes ... In the freezer I always have ice cream peppers, mushrooms + ketchup, sausage, olives, cheese. I also make from tuna, it's also great ... My husband loves very much ...

Alas, I have never done it, so I want to try it today. Teach, pliz))) It is the dough, the most delicious !!

My. Stuffed with supper ... People, I can’t bend, I am so full !!! And, most importantly - with what? !!! A five-liter pan of a banal salad of cucumbers and tomatoes !!! "I just beg you - do not eat raw tomatoes at night!" (c) Question - HOW to defeat this terrible bloat of me and mute the volume of the hiccups? Maybe pour the beer on top of the salad? Or brandy? A?

What to eat so as not to get drunk, says a culinary guru, author cookbooks and the host of popular shows Nigella Lawson. Chili Pork Brisket and Fennel Seeds When you are waiting for guests, it always makes sense to prepare a dish that neutralizes excess alcohol at the end of the party. I have nothing against pizza that can be ordered over the phone, but I prefer a dish with a fat pork belly... First, I cut it into pieces, season it in southern Italian style with fennel seeds and chili, and then bake it for a long time in a slightly heated oven. Honestly, all you need to do is put the brisket in the oven. When done, drain off most of the fat and serve with slices of bread. If need be vegetable side dish, serve fresh ...
... Now cover the filling with a second layer of lasagna sheets, drizzle with two ladles of sauce, then add 1/3 ham, 1/3 eggs and 1/3 mozzarella. Cover the filling again with a layer of lasagna sheets, drizzle with two more ladles meat sauce then add the remaining ham, eggs and mozzarella. Cover with a final layer of lasagna sheets. Top with remaining sauce, sprinkle with Parmesan and cover with foil. Tuck the layers of foil gently to close the mold tightly. Place the lasagna dish on a baking sheet in the oven for 1 hour. When 1 hour has passed, remove the foil. You will see the top layer of the lasagna go in waves like a Shar Pei skin. Pierce the lasagne with the tip of a knife to check if it is soft. If the lasagne is tough, cover it with foil again ...


Eating alcohol with fatty foods is an extra burden on the liver, which already has a hard time due to alcohol.

05.05.2018 12:10:24, Guest

Well, I don’t know, personally I can’t eat anything with a hangover. Nothing just doesn’t fit. But I drink a lot of mineral water.

With recipes, what are you baking for your children? Cupcakes? Biscuits? Are the pies simple? I have even bought molds with mugs))) Something simpler for me, I'm still a crooked cook) PS. Moderators, just don’t tolerate me, please. Baking is needed just thematic. It is simpler) And it is from mothers who understand that there is no time for great sculpting)))


cheesecakes with cottage cheese, cottage cheese cookies, chocolate and white muffins, biscuit (a multi and a mixer are required, otherwise it becomes difficult :)), charlotte, cottage cheese casserole... Also custard cakes (mega simple!) With any filling, with the same curd, for example ... It's not difficult for me, if something interests me, I will write recipes :)

All of us are not baking lovers. I only bake charlotte, they eat it with pleasure.

For 100 years I haven't baked myself ... do you need to smear the dough on top with something? in pizzerias there is always some kind of pizza sauce - what to make it from? Or put the filling on the dough right away? then it seems dry. *** The topic has been moved from the conference "SP: gatherings"


I've already figured out for myself that for maximum buzz you need oregano, basil and mozzarella. The rest is details, how to smear it, with a store-bought sauce or cook it yourself, and what else to add, mushrooms, olives there, ham or something else. Well, I still make the dough in olive oil, but this is so, just for a touch of authenticity))

then it would be interesting to hear how people make WILD pizza :)


Wait for the weekend, go to a good pizzeria (with a stove) and eat a healthy pizza.
Or you are stuffing yourself with Dima to visit the dacha. But this, I'm afraid, should be postponed until spring.

Otherwise, you make an open pie from a simple yeast dough (no baking in the sense), call it pizza and eat it, spitting on the opinion of others that, de, in the oven it is not pizza.
And gloatingly tell them that in Italy they sell the same in fastfoot and call it pizza. And they, in Italy, know better what is pizza and what is not.

12.12.2008 14:54:51

You can drip a little vegetable oil into the pan. Salt. Stir several times during cooking. They should become translucent. Cool down. (I do not peel the eggplants or pre-soak them in salt or salt water- when they are young. I must say, I have not come across eggplants with bitterness for 100 years.) I grease the formed pizza cake with tomato paste, sprinkle Italian herbs, on top of a circle of sausages (I often cook with a baked chicken breast, it's healthier), then a line of eggplants, circles of tomatoes and on top grated cheese... Put in a preheated oven for 25 minutes at 200 ° C - and you're done! Zucchini pizza One of the options to attach a zucchini to make it tasty, simple and beautiful. Everyone knows stuffed zucchini. But this recipe is a completely different song. Because it resembles pizza, but it does not reflect on the figure. The bottom line is simple - half zucchini ...

Crop care is reduced to maintaining temperature and humidity, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. If it becomes necessary to moisten the soil, then this should be done from the pallet. There is no need to water on top, since the seeds are small and can be easily washed off with water. About a month after the appearance of the cotyledons, you can make the first pick, especially if the crops are thickened. They dive according to the 2 * 2 cm scheme into light soil. A month later, after the appearance of the first pair of true leaves, young plants dive a second time or immediately plant them in separate pots with a diameter of 6 cm (cactus). Maintaining the temperature ...
... Vegetative propagation. Vegetative propagation is the most common method, it is the simplest and most affordable. If rooting occurs in spring or in the first half of summer, then from the formed young plants you can see flowering in the same season. Reproduction by leaf cuttings. In the budding phase or during flowering, the leaf of the lower tier of the rosette is cut off (young, the upper leaves should not be taken). It is desirable that the petiole be short and thick; the size of the resulting tuber will depend on the diameter of the petiole. Then you can proceed in a convenient way for you: Immerse the stalk in water by 1-1.5 cm and hold it until roots form (you do not need to change the water, just top up if necessary), and then plant it in the ground to a depth of 2-2.5. ..

Judging by the way my five-year-old son gobbles up the pizza I have made, it is necessary for children's table... Knead the dough, let it rise three times, knead it. Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll out thin cakes, put them on a dish greased with vegetable oil, prick with a fork. I bake pizza in the microwave, so I choose the desired mode and put the cake for 10 minutes. Then I take out , grease with ketchup, put the filling, pour mayonnaise on top in the form of a lattice, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for another 15 minutes, that is, the total time is 25 ...

Spending time with children in the kitchen: ideas from the Teletubbies, what dishes can be prepared with the kids in order to give them maximum pleasure.
... Top with a layer of chopped fruit. Cover the fruit with jelly. Now is the time for the poo-cream. Put a couple of spoons on the jelly. Top with whipped cream. Maria Savelyeva, [email protected], based on materials from the site Kuking.net - recipes from A to Z ....

Seen in bread tents for sale ready dough, tell me if it is possible to make pizza, dumplings from it, and what else is possible. Tell us the recipes for pizza and dumplings.


I’m really going to run into puff pastry pies. I roll out the dough a little, cut it into squares, put the filling in the middle and fold it diagonally. Triangles are obtained. Any filling, I usually make cabbage + an egg, my friend does it with mushrooms, and with liver, and with apples.
Yeast dough (not puff) can be different buttery (most often called pie) and unleavened. From butter, I usually bake a pie with apples: I roll out the dough, cut the apples, lay them out, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and put them in the oven. I rarely bake pizza from unleavened food: I roll out the dough with ketchup, lay out chopped sausage (ham, cervelat or just boiled), mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, sprinkle with cheese (the more, the better) and into the oven. Sometimes I make sausages in dough: I wrap (wrap) each sausage with a strip of dough. - greedy :-)
- a very fresh sensation - especially in winter, it reminds of spring very much :-)))

22.08.2002 14:11:47, WR

Maybe something will come in handy :-)
Light salad with squid
Squid 0.5 kg, 1 paprika, 10 quail eggs, mushrooms 0.5 kg, a can of corn, 2 long cucumbers, a bunch of green onions, mayonnaise (your best quail eggs).
Boil the squids in boiling water and peel (or vice versa), cut into strips and add to the almost ready-made champignas for 1 minute in the pan. Core and chop the cucumbers with a spoon, add eggs, paprika slices, corn and onions. Season everything with mayonnaise and salt to taste.
Eggs - Mushrooms
10 eggs, garlic, canned mushrooms, onion, mayonnaise, tea leaves, herbs.
This dish is prepared for the festive table and decorates it very well. So we cook hard-boiled eggs, then cut off a small part from each egg (where there is more protein) and put in a saucepan with strong tea leaves and set on fire for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the "hats" will turn dark brown (my advice is not to tell your friends how you "painted" the hats, usually people rack their brains for a long time; I always say that I paint with shoe polish). Next, carefully remove the yolks from the eggs, chop them and mix with fried mushrooms (finely chop) and fried onions, add chopped garlic and mayonnaise and stuff the egg whites with this mixture. Put them on a plate, drip with maynes and cover with "hats". Put greens and mayonnaise on a plate with eggs.
Caesar salad"
100 g chicken meat, 100 g cheese hard varieties, 100 g walnuts, 100 g of white bread, mayonnaise.
Cut the cheese into small cubes (0.5x0.5), coarsely chop the walnuts. Chop the boiled chicken meat. Cut into cubes (1cm x 1cm) white loaf and fry until golden brown and crispy. Mix everything, season with mayonnaise. It is better to put crackers before serving, otherwise they will soften
Cheese roll
500 g of any hard fatty (preferably spicy) cheese, filling: ham, canned carrots, cucumbers, bell pepper, canned peas, greens (dill, onions, parsley, etc.), pickled mushrooms, pickled corn, onions, cauliflower, butter, horseradish, natural (no preservatives and fatty) mayonnaise, salt, a little black pepper.
Place the cheese in a plastic bag and tie it up. Dip the bag of cheese in boiling water, thus boiling the cheese in salted water until soft (close to melted). Remove it from the water and, without removing the cheese from the cellophane, roll it out with a rolling pin until it becomes a thick large pancake (if the cheese is too thick, the filling will not fit, and if it is too thin, the roll will have tears).
Put the prepared mixture on the cheese. The amount of the product is then determined by eye. Prepare the filling from the following ingredients: finely chop the ham into cubes (you can with fat), any contrasting in color canned vegetables, which must also be finely chopped: canned carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers, canned peas. Add finely chopped herbs (dill, onions, parsley, etc.), you can also add pickled mushrooms, pickled corn, onions, cauliflower. Soak the filling with a mixture of a small amount of butter, pounded with horseradish, natural (without preservatives and fatty) mayonnaise, salt, add a little black pepper (for spiciness). Beat the mass with a whisk until smooth. Remove the cheese from the cellophane and put on another hot cheese the soaked filling, wrap in the form of a roll. Wrap the roll in parchment paper and tie it with threads on top so that it does not open. Put in the refrigerator for 1 day. After a day, take out, cut into relatively thin - about 1 - 2 cm thick - circles and serve on
plate. The success of the dish is colossal.

Laid out in a ring in layers:
- boiled beets, grated on coarse grater;
- finely chopped onion;
- boiled carrots, grated on a coarse grater;
- finely chopped fried or boiled chicken;
- boiled potatoes grated on a coarse grater;
- decorate with pomegranate seeds on top.
Each layer is greased with mayonnaise. Let the salad sit in the refrigerator for several hours.
To make it more convenient to organize the "ring" and it was even and beautiful - put a jar in the middle of the salad dish. For example, a liter, glass (depending on the size of the dish and desire :) And put the salad around. Then you take out the jar and an even ring is in front of you
Original appetizer
spread thin pita bread with butter (not a lot. In the original there is melted cheese, but then you get salty). Put slices of salted red fish on top of the oil (slices in the package - salmon, for example ...). You can sprinkle with herbs. Roll the pita bread into a tight tube. (Can be done in advance in the evening, in a bag, in the refrigerator). Before serving, cut this roll into small circles, place them on a plate with the base and put red caviar on top of each roll. Mustache thinks that these are pancakes with caviar - do not overpersuade!

Tasty dish, a flatbread with cheese and tomatoes, is popular all over the world today. The secret to a delicious pizza is the right dough. Currently, there are a great many recipes: in milk, in water, with or without yeast.

Ingredients for 2 thin pizzas:

  • flour top grade- 1 glass;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • yeast (dry) - half a teaspoon;
  • salt and sugar - 1/2 teaspoon each;
  • water - 150 ml.

For the sauce:

  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • fresh tomatoes, ketchup or tomato paste - your choice;
  • basil leaf.

How to make the dough

Sift flour. Add all the ingredients to it. Heat the water, add in portions and mix thoroughly each time. If the dough is too tough, you can add some more liquid.

Knead for about 15 minutes, until a homogeneous plastic mass is obtained. Then cover with a clean napkin and leave to come up in a warm place. An hour later, when the dough rises, it needs to be kneaded, divided into two parts.

It's good if there is special form for baking with holes all over the surface. This is necessary so that the pizza bakes evenly and quickly. You can use a regular baking sheet if it is not very thick. The pizza is not in the oven for long, the main thing is that the cheese must melt. Too thick form takes a long time to heat, the dough will be soggy, and the cheese will just burn.

Pizza Pouring

Chop the garlic and fry in oil for a few minutes. The oil is saturated with garlic, absorbs its smell, then the garlic can be carefully removed - it is no longer needed. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the peel, grate, combine with oil. It is undesirable to use large pieces of pulp, it is better to remove them.

In winter, if there are no fresh tomatoes, you can use homemade preparations. tomato paste or ketchup without additives. Combine the tomato content with the tomatoes and garlic oil, wait for the mixture to boil. Add basil, stir, remove from heat.

If the sauce is sour, add a spoonful of sugar. In the sauce, if used fish filling, add fried onions for taste. Also, the sauce can be served with pasta and other side dishes.

Cooking a dish

Roll out the dough, grease with sauce, put the filling. Boiled lean meat is suitable as a filling, preferably chicken, boiled or semi-smoked sausage, olives, sweet bell peppers, you can put pickled cucumber. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top.

Although this dish Italian descent as an essential ingredient has proven itself very well Russian cheese: it spreads evenly over the entire surface of the dough and does not burn.

The pizza is ready for baking: it remains to heat the oven to 200 degrees, put a baking sheet in it, wait 20 minutes. Bake the second pizza in the same way.

Calorie content of classic pizza: 320 kcal. Baking time: 25 minutes.

Making thin pizza dough like in a pizzeria

For 4 thin bases:

  • flour - 400 g;
  • water - 130 ml;
  • dry yeast - 4 g;
  • salt -10 g;
  • sugar -5 g;
  • vegetable oil - 20 g.

The filling can be chosen freely or the same as in the previous recipe. Sift flour into a bowl, add cold water, then all the other ingredients. Knead quickly, in a food processor - 5 minutes. The dough should be soft, elastic and not sticky to your hands.

Knead 4 identical balls, cover with a clean napkin, leave to rest for half an hour. Stretch each lump with your hands to the size of a brazier, about 35 cm. Put on a baking sheet, raise the edges.

Grease with sauce, stepping back from the edges 1-1.5 cm. Sprinkle with cheese (for each 125 g), put the sausage cut into slices on top. Bake for 10 minutes at 200 degrees.

Caloric content - 250 kcal.

Yeast dough with milk

  • flour - 1 glass;
  • milk - 1/4 cup;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • yeast - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • egg.

Put dry yeast in warm milk, stir, wait until they dissolve. Add all food except flour. Beat with a whisk. Sift the flour, add a little, mix well each time. Knead, cover, leave to rest for 1 hour.

Stir again and bake 2 pizzas. Since the dough contains milk instead of water, the calorie content of the dish will be higher - 270 kcal. Cooking times vary slightly.

  1. To obtain a more delicate and airy consistency, the dough is kneaded in one direction. To prevent it from sticking to your hands, you need to grease your palms with oil or water.
  2. The yeast dough will become softer and more porous if it is kept in a warm place longer.
  3. When kneading, you can add tomato paste; when you exit, you get a scarlet base color and an unusual taste.
  4. The dough will turn out to be crumbly if you add cottage cheese.
  5. The quality of the base will be higher if the yeast dough is mixed several times intermittently.
  6. Be sure to sift the flour, then the baking will turn out fluffy.
  7. The dough in milk will be tender if you add grated boiled cathophelin.
  8. Mayonnaise and other dairy products will add an unusual taste.
  9. Instead of eggs, use a baking powder with citric acid, small semolina, cereal flakes, starch.
  10. More satisfying and useful basis obtained by adding bran, herbs, sesame seeds, nuts.
  11. To reduce the number of calories, take skim milk, coarser flour.
  12. Spices and herbs add piquancy.
  13. Instead of sunflower oil, olive oil will give the dish a real Italian flavor.
  14. Before baking, grease the mold with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  15. If the pizza burns, you can put a low bowl of water down while cooking.
  16. When baking, the base around the edges becomes dry and hard, so before that it must be thoroughly greased with sauce or vegetable oil.
  17. More vigilant supervision is necessary for sweet dough during baking, as it burns easily.

The pizza goes well with any table. Among the wide variety, you can choose a dish to taste. If you have enough free time, cook it yourself gourmet treat will not be difficult.

It's hard to find someone who doesn't like pizza. There is sure to be a filling that will win the heart of the most fastidious gourmet. Someone likes thin pizza, someone - on a thick yeast dough crust. But its main secret is not at the heart. It's in the sauce. Therefore, today we will try to cook real sauce for pizza - a recipe, like in a pizzeria, as if it will not leave anyone indifferent! We will not argue for a long time, but immediately proceed to the practical part. Open the refrigerator, there will probably be everything we need.

What you need to make the sauce, the main ingredients

You can cook any pizza, even "Margarita", even "Four cheeses" based on the very different test, but sauce always plays a decisive role in it.

It should be juicy, bright, saturated enough, but at the same time not interrupt the taste of the dish itself, but only set off it.

Traditionally, it is customary to distinguish between three types of sauces:

  1. Red is tomato-based. You can use both fresh and canned tomatoes for this. In the first case, it is better to choose sour varieties so that the taste of the filling is not bland. If there are no tomatoes at hand, you can take ready-made pasta. The effect, of course, is not the same, but still, with some effort, the result will come out quite decent.
  2. White sauce is not so popular in pizza, but it also finds its connoisseurs. It is usually prepared on the basis of cream or soft cheese... It happens that kefir is added to the composition.
  3. Green sauce is a rarity in our pizzerias and on our tables. This is usually the classic basil-based pesto that gives the mass its color. But there are other, more exotic options, which we will talk about below.

The first type of sauce is usually used in meat pizzas. It goes well with sausages, pork, bacon, olives. Creamy dressing is often used to grease a dish with seafood - salmon, shrimps, mussels. It is also best added to pizza with mushrooms and vegetables. But cheeses and chicken are "friends" with both types of sauces. As for green, it is very self-sufficient in itself, and therefore cannot be combined with complex fillings. It can be supplemented with poultry, vegetables, fish, olives.

  1. As additional ingredients greens are always added to the sauce. These are basil, cilantro, dill and other herbs.
  2. Not without hot pepper... Depending on preference, regular ground pepper or a slice of real cayenne can be used.
  3. By the way, speaking of pepper, one cannot forget about Bulgarian. His delicate taste perfectly complements tomato dressings.
  4. For piquancy, garlic is very often added to sauces. You can take fresh or dried - it doesn't matter which one is at hand. But, of course, if there is plenty to choose from, give preference to the young. It is more aromatic.
  5. Onions are also a frequent guest at the gas station. It is usually cut into the thinnest, almost transparent half rings. To eliminate a specific aftertaste, onions are sometimes pickled.
  6. Oil must be present in the sauce. It should be neutral. Better to take olive or sunflower, but refined.
  7. White sauces are prepared with the obligatory addition of butter and flour. Cream, sour cream, kefir, cheeses of all stripes can also be introduced here.
  8. Do not forget to add salt to the mixture so that it is not fresh. Sometimes a pinch of sugar is also present in the sauce.

Housewives love to add mayonnaise everywhere. Is not best ingredient as part of the dish. With the same success, you can spread the pizza ready-made tomato ketchup"Spicy" and do not fool yourself.

Sauce recipes that are easy to make at home

So, for sure a decent set will be gathered in the corners of the refrigerator, which will be enough for our purposes.

To make pizza sauce at home, we need:

  • selected vegetables (washed and peeled);
  • knife and cutting board;
  • saucepan or small saucepan;
  • pan;
  • blender;
  • spatula.

It remains to decide on the type of filling and you can start.

None of the suggested recipes are canonical. You can easily modify them, change them to suit your tastes and capabilities.

Or maybe some recipe will inspire you to create an author's sauce.

Classic Italian pizza sauce

This recipe is a strict classic. It is simple and versatile, like a black little Chanel dress.

The ingredients you need are the simplest:

  • ripe tomatoes - 5 pieces;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • basil - a twig;
  • butter - spoon;
  • hot pepper and a little salt.

Fresh tomatoes can be substituted for canned ones. It is also permissible to add tomato paste to the filling, if the vegetables themselves are sweet, without sourness. Strong, sour tomatoes do not need pasta. So how to make pizza sauce?

  1. Tomatoes are put peeled. To make the skin peel off easily, throw the fruits into boiling water for 15-30 seconds (depending on the variety), after making a cruciform incision on the "bottom".
  2. Cut the peeled tomatoes into halves or quarters and set aside temporarily to let the excess liquid go away.
  3. Preheat a frying pan, pour oil into it.
  4. Chop the garlic finely or pass through a garlic press and fry.
  5. Transfer the tomatoes to the skillet and mash them with a fork until smooth. Reduce fire to medium.
  6. While the tomatoes are languishing, chop the basil into small pieces and add it to the pan towards the end of the process.
  7. Remove the dishes from the heat when the amount of tomato mass has been reduced by about three times. Rub it through a sieve and grind with salt and pepper.

Traditional tomato sauce ready for pizza - grease the cakes! It can be put in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, and left in the freezer for up to two months.

Tomato pizza sauce

If you plan to use a complex multicomponent filling, then give preference plain sauce, for example, from some tomatoes.

  1. Cut the tomatoes into halves and place on a baking sheet. Sprinkle them with salt and pepper.
  2. Bake a few minutes until tender.
  3. Remove the skins from the tomatoes (they can be easily removed), grind them with a blender and transfer the tomato mass to a saucepan. Boil for just a few minutes - you're done!

Creamy pizza sauce

The most the best choice there will be a classic Italian dressing for fettuccine.


  • 2 cups of the fattest cream (you can use homemade);
  • a glass of grated parmesan;
  • a third of a glass of milk;
  • 4 tablespoons of butter (pre-melt);
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • garlic and green onions.
  • salt and pepper.

Let's get started!

  1. Fry the chopped garlic until golden brown in butter.
  2. Add cream and milk, stirring slowly, heat but do not simmer.
  3. Add flour to thicken the mixture. Depending on the fat content of the cream, the amount may vary, so add a little. When the mass thickens, remove from heat.
  4. Bye cream sauce not cooled down, add grated parmesan, chopped onion into it. Season with salt and black pepper.

Stir it conscientiously and use it on pizza, pasta, or just for bread.

Pizza sauce "white"

This is a very simple recipe that requires a minimum of cooking time. The taste of the finished filling is neutral, and therefore will suit absolutely any filling.


  • meat broth - half a liter;
  • butter - 40-50 grams;
  • a couple of tablespoons of flour.

Please note that for meat fillings you need meat broth, and fish broth is suitable for seafood.

  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan and fry the flour in it, adding a couple of tablespoons of broth.
  2. Add broth little by little to the thick mass, stirring constantly.
  3. Let the mixture boil and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Strain the finished filling and immediately grease the cake.

Tomato Pizza Sauce

There is no tomato, there is a blizzard outside, and there is only tomato paste in the fridge? Let her go!

  • 2 tablespoons of pasta;
  • a spoonful of oregano;
  • two pinches of red pepper;
  • some olive oil.

You can add garlic, herbs to the sauce, and generally replace tomatoes with them in any of the recipes described. But the proposed option is an excellent basis for the first experiment.

  1. Put the paste in a bowl and dilute with a little water.
  2. Pour in dry oregano, add oil and red pepper.
  3. Salt and mix well until smooth.

You can start forming the pizza. Since we went the easy way, you can safely add sour cream and a little mustard - an excellent soft sauce will come out.

Sour cream pizza sauce

If you plan to put mushrooms and chicken in the pizza, then the sauce for it should only be sour cream! it classic combination flavors, win-win and everyone's favorite.

  • sour cream - a glass;
  • melted butter - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • two pinches of salt, pepper.

it traditional recipe but you can diversify it by adding two hard-boiled egg yolks and mustard. A great addition will become herbs, garlic and a spoonful of ordinary tomato paste.

  1. Pour flour into a skillet and fry. Let cool.
  2. Put butter on the flour, heat again to melt.
  3. Slowly add sour cream, stir constantly. Bring to a boil.
  4. Add pepper and salt. Cook for a few minutes and strain before using.

Garlic pizza sauce (caesar)

Options garlic sauce incredibly many. You can simply push the garlic through a press, pour it into a jar of olive oil, add salt and let it brew for 3-5 hours. Refined and European. Well, we love fatter and meaner.

  • garlic - half a head;
  • sour cream - 6 tablespoons;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice.

You don't have to stew and fry anything. Simply crush the garlic in a mortar, add salt, oil and lemon juice. Whisk. Then gradually add fat sour cream and continue whisking until the sauce comes out light and fluffy.

By the way, French aioli is also suitable as an excellent garlic dressing for pizza. Not all laurels are for Italians. Grind raw yolk with garlic, add butter, whisking. Salt, pepper, add a little vinegar and water. Whisk well.

Unusual green sauce

Consider two options - truly European and Eastern, Thai. Both are green, but completely different from each other.

In Italy, they love pesto and use it, among other things, as a pizza sauce.

There are only five ingredients:

  • grated parmesan - 150 grams;
  • vegetable (preferably olive) oil - 150 ml;
  • peeled Pine nuts(can be replaced with walnuts) - 4 spoons;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • basil - a lot!

Cooking takes a couple of minutes. Grate cheese, herbs with garlic and nuts, grind in a mortar into a homogeneous gruel. Mix the resulting mixture with cheese and butter - your pesto is ready to go to the crust.

Thai sauce has an emerald green color and a very unusual taste. The ingredients are also specific. But if you want to really surprise your guests, believe me - this is your choice.

So, prepare:

  • green chili - 4 pieces;
  • onion;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • cilantro, lemon zest - spoonful;
  • butter - spoon;
  • cumin, turmeric, cinnamon - a teaspoon each.

Unripe chili is not as hot as red, but if you find it too hot, replace some of it with bell peppers.

  1. Peel and chop the pepper. Chop the onion and garlic with herbs in a blender.
  2. Transfer all prepared ingredients to a saucepan, add oil and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  3. Add the spices at the end and let the mixture sit.

Quick recipe

Guests on the doorstep and every minute counts? Write down a quick recipe!

You will need:

  • a can of ready-made tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • vegetable oil;
  • any herbs.

We cook quickly. Cut the garlic into slices and brown in oil. We spread the tomatoes and knead with a fork. While the tomato-garlic mass "gurgles", finely chop the basil, cilantro, dill, or whatever was found there. We put everything in a frying pan, salt, cover with a lid and leave to rise while we prepare the filling and dough.

Gourmet Red Wine Sauce Recipe

Fast fill is great.

Now let's add some delicacies for real gourmets:

  • a pound of tomato;
  • a glass of red wine;
  • vegetable oil;
  • onion, carrot, celery;
  • garlic;
  • thyme, basil, oregano, rosemary - a teaspoon each.

To prepare this sauce, first chop the vegetables finely and grind the herbs in a mortar.

  1. Fry vegetables in oil in a preheated skillet.
  2. Add garlic, and all the greens at once - let them thoroughly saturate the vegetables with aroma.
  3. After a couple of minutes, pour the wine over the mixture.
  4. While the wine is heating, peel the tomatoes and chop them finely. Add to the skillet.
  5. Stew for up to half an hour, add salt and leave to rise under the lid.

Before use, you can grind the mass in a blender until smooth.

Mushroom pizza sauce

This filling option is perfect for meat or mushroom pizza. Delicate and aromatic, yet unobtrusive.


  • ¼ kg of champignons;
  • 250 ml of fat (35% or more) cream;
  • a couple of spoons of flour;
  • dill and a pinch of salt.

Add garlic or sautéed onions to the sauce, if desired.

  1. Chop the mushrooms and put in the pan. Simmer until the juice is allowed.
  2. Add the cream and bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. Add flour little by little to thicken the mixture.
  4. Finally, season with salt and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

It is better to grind the whole mass in a blender so that mushroom flavor was somewhere on the periphery, without interrupting the main components of the pizza.

Sauce "Neapolitania"

This sauce smells of the sun on the southern coast of Italy, where one of the largest cities in the country, Naples, is located. Pastas and pizzas are incredibly popular here with the addition of tomato sauce with onions, which is classic for these places. We call it "Neapolitania" or "Neapolitano". For cooking you will need:

  • a pound of fresh tomatoes;
  • large onion;
  • clove of garlic;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of oil;
  • basil;
  • salt, a pinch of sugar and black pepper.

Traditionally, we start cooking by peeling the tomato from the skin.

  1. Chop the onion as finely as you can, it will have to completely "disperse" in the tomato mass, leaving only its own taste.
  2. Chop the garlic into a gruel so that the pieces do not come across in the finished sauce.
  3. Cut the tomatoes.
  4. Chop the basil. Optionally, you can add oregano to it (oregano, in our opinion).
  5. Heat a frying pan, add oil and put onion. Fry until golden brown. Add garlic and sauté for another minute.
  6. Put the tomatoes in a frying pan and simmer for up to half an hour, until the excess liquid is gone, and the fruits themselves completely turn into porridge.
  7. Grind the sauce with herbs and salt, add a little sugar and ground black pepper to taste.

Leave the sauce to infuse under the lid for about 10 minutes and you can use it.

Vegetable sauce

A spicy mixture of vegetables will well set off the taste of the meat filling.

  • 3 meaty tomatoes;
  • 2-3 pickled cucumbers;
  • 250 grams of champignons;
  • garlic, a couple of cloves;
  • carrots, onions;
  • a third of a glass of sour cream.

Prepare all the ingredients: peel and chop the tomatoes, finely chop the cucumbers, mushrooms, onion with garlic, rub the carrots.

  1. Fry the mushrooms, add onions and carrots to them.
  2. When the vegetables are half-cooked, transfer the tomatoes and cucumbers to them.
  3. Pour the whole mass with sour cream, bring to a boil. At the very end, add garlic, salt and pepper.

You can leave the sauce as it is, but it's better to grind everything well with a fork, mixer or blender.

Searing hot tomato sauce

If you want something hotter, then prepare a fiery fill. For this in regular sauce from tomatoes (according to the recipe indicated above) at the cooking stage, add chili pepper, chopped in a mortar and ginger if desired. To make the mass thicker, boil 2-3 hard-boiled eggs and add the yolks to the tomato mass. Stir well.

Red bell pepper pizza sauce

And in this recipe, tomatoes are not present at all, but no one will forbid adding them if you have such a desire.

  • 3-4 large Bulgarian peppers;
  • half a glass of chicken broth;
  • basil leaves;
  • a pinch of chili;
  • salt.

Cooking doesn't require any special cooking skills. It's simple. Bake the peppers on a baking sheet until tender, then peel them and grind them into gruel with a fork or blender. Transfer the mass to a saucepan, add spices and herbs, pour over the broth. Simmer the pot over low heat until thickened.

Any of the proposed sauces is not difficult to prepare and will give in to even a young hostess. Therefore, feel free to start culinary experiments and be sure - it will come out delicious!

Homemade pizza - as tasty as your favorite pizza pizza

Wheat flour 2 cups
Olive oil 4 tsp
Dry yeast (with a slide) 1 tsp.
Salt 1 tsp
Sugar (Jamie doesn't add it, but I think it's better that way) 1.5 tsp.
Warm water 300 ml

Sift flour into a bowl. Add yeast, salt, olive oil - stir, warm water- mix. Read about the rules for using yeast here. Add water gradually, stirring it into flour. The amount of water is indicated approximately, it may be needed a little less, or a little more. Knead the dough for 5-10 minutes. The dough should be plastic, steep enough. Cover the dough cling film and a towel and leave for 2 hours in a warm place. After this time, my dough looked like this:

It has risen and doubled in size. If not more. After that, knead the dough, divide it into 2 or 3 parts (depending on whether the pizza will be thin or thicker). Roll out to the desired thickness. Putting it on a mold I bought myself this mold especially for baking pizza:

All these holes ensure that the pizza bakes evenly and quickly in the oven. Well, this is already particular, any other form or baking sheet will do. The main thing is that it is not too fat. The fact is that the pizza filling itself does not require long heat treatment, the main thing is for the cheese to melt. And if the form is too thick and heats up for a long time, then the cheese may already melt, and brown and even burn, and the dough is still not baked. The idea is clear.
Now about one more nuance - pizza pouring. Typically used in most cases tomato base... I used to just grease the dough with tomato paste or ketchup. All of this is good. It was. Until I tried, again according to Jamie Oliver, cook real Italian tomato filling for pizza.
This sauce is just a miracle. He is beyond competition. I would say that the rest of the filling, which will then be put on top of the dough, is nothing compared to this sauce. Do not be lazy, spend 10 minutes to prepare it, and then the pizza will find its unique taste and aroma.
So, let's prepare tomato pizza sauce. Peel 2-3 cloves of garlic, cut it into wedges not too finely. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and fry the garlic in it for 2-3 minutes. Garlic must give its smell to the oil, this is the whole point of this process. Then carefully remove the garlic from the oil, we no longer need it.
Now tomatoes come to the fore. If you have fresh tomatoes, then use them. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, peel and grate. Remove the large pieces of pulp and add the rest to the oil pan. When I don't have a tomato in the fridge (in winter I don't like to use imported "silicone" ones), I use classic ketchup without additives. Many people make tomato twists, tomato paste for the winter, is also suitable. In general, add the ketchup or tomato mixture to the oil and wait until it begins to boil.
Then add the basil. It would be nice to live somewhere in Italy and grow basil on your balcony. But in view of the incredible fragility of this perspective, I face the truth and use dried basil... It is already available to everyone. So, add the basil, stir, remove from heat.
Try it! If you don't have enough salt for your taste, add. I don't usually do this. Another point - if the taste of tomatoes is too sour and harsh - for balance, I add 1 tsp. Sahara. The sauce does not become sweet from this, but the desired taste is achieved. Agree, this wonderful sauce is easy to make, but what a taste!

By the way, you can use this sauce instead of ketchup for adding to any other dishes. It will be especially good with pasta. So, roll out the dough to the size of the mold and grease it with sauce:

And then we lay out the filling. A little later I will tell you about what options for classic pizza toppings are used in Italian and not only pizzerias. Well, at home you can take everything that is at hand: peppers, tomatoes, pickles, olives, ham, chicken, sausage, smoked meats ... And, of course, cheese.
Contrary to popular belief, I don't use Parmesan to bake my pizza. Of course, if I lived in Italy and had the opportunity to buy a real Parmigiano, I would certainly use it. But the cheese that is sold in our stores, and which is called Parmesan, is something only vaguely reminiscent of the original. When baked in the oven, it does not melt, but immediately browns. On ready-made pizza it looks unaesthetic and tastes like crispy straw. In general, I use ordinary cheese like Russian when baking pizza. It melts perfectly and is in no hurry to fry.
We bake the pizza in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes over medium heat.

No cheese?

This is not a reason to give up pizza!

Without it, you can also make an amazing open pie, if you just want to.

Here you can see all the subtleties, tricks and recipes for pizza without cheese.

Pizza without cheese - general cooking principles

If you have a favorite pizza dough recipe, then you can safely use it. If not, you can prepare the base using the recipes below. The dough can be yeast, liquid, quick and even purchased. You can always choose a base to your taste and even buy a ready-made flat cake in the store.

For the filling, you can use everything that can be found in the refrigerator. Most often, this is sausage, tomatoes, mushrooms, pickled cucumbers, onions. To prevent the products from scattering without cheese, use egg fillings with mayonnaise, sour cream. You can simply cover the layers of the filling with thin circles of tomatoes. They will keep the ingredients in the base.

Pizza is usually baked in the oven at a temperature of 190-200 degrees, unless other parameters are specified. Readiness is determined by golden brown test. Sometimes an open pie is fried in a pan. In this case, they are also guided by the readiness of the basis.

Pizza without cheese with yeast dough sausage

Option for a fluffy pizza without cheese. For cooking, homemade yeast dough in water or milk is used.


200 ml of water;

1 pinch of salt;

3 tablespoons of oil;

1 tsp Sahara;

1 tsp yeast;

2.5-3 cups flour.

In the filling:

0.2 kg of sausage;

2-3 tomatoes;

1 bunch of onions;

4 tablespoons of sour cream;

3 spoons of ketchup.


1. We heat the water. Milk can be used instead. We throw in all the other ingredients, stir and add flour. We make a soft dough, but not sticky to hands.

2. Place in a large bowl, cover with a towel. We leave for an hour.

3. Cut the sausage into arbitrary, but thin slices. Chop the onion, chop the tomatoes in circles.

4. Make the fill. Beat eggs and sour cream, throw in spices, herbs, you can add dry Provencal herbs.

5. Roll out the dough into a thin cake. You can make two cakes if that's more convenient. Move to a baking sheet.

6. Lubricate the base of the open pie with ketchup.

7. Sprinkle the green onions with the next layer, put the tomatoes on it.

8. Watering the pizza egg sauce as evenly as possible.

9. We put to bake until tender.

Pizza without cheese from quick dough (for oven and pan)

This recipe is simple and quick test on mayonnaise with sour cream. You can cook it at the very last moment, when all the other ingredients are already cut and waiting for the bookmarks.


5 tablespoons of sour cream;

5 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

12 spoons of flour;

For filling:

3 tomatoes;

0.5 onion;

150 g sausage;

Some ketchup.


1. Cut a half of the onion very thinly so that the pieces are baked and do not remain soggy.

2. Chop tomatoes, sausage optionally.

3. Mix all the ingredients of the dough. It is best to throw the food into a bowl and beat it for a minute with a mixer, but not at high speeds.

4. Pour the dough onto a small baking sheet, make a layer up to 5 millimeters.

5. Put ketchup on top in some places, gently spread it with a spoon.

6. Scatter the onion pieces, sausage on top of it. Filling to liquid dough you do not need to press.

7. Lay out the tomato slices, put them in the oven.

8. In a frying pan, pizza is assembled in the same way. Then put the pot on a small fire, cover, bring the dough to readiness.

Pizza without cheese with puff pastry mushrooms

Puff pastry is good for cooking different baked goods, including for pizza without cheese. You can cook it in a few minutes.


1 piece of dough 250-300 g;

2 spoons of ketchup;

3-4 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

3 tomatoes;

0.25 kg of pickled mushrooms.


1. Roll up a piece of dough. Most often, the layers are in the shape of a rectangle, we shift them to a baking sheet. If you want to make a round pizza, you can attach the lid from the pan and cut off any excess.

2. Grease the dough with a layer of ketchup or other tomato sauce.

3. Cut the pickled mushrooms into slices, scatter a layer of ketchup. Add onions or green feathers if desired.

4. At the top are ripe tomato circles.

5. Now you need to cook egg filling with mayonnaise, season with salt, pepper, you can add a spoonful of spicy adjika or mustard, it will be tastier.

6. Pour the sauce over the pizza.

7. Bake in the oven, the average temperature is 200, it is better not to do lower. Determine the readiness by the color of the fill, it should brown.

Pizza without cheese with pickles and sausage (thin crust)

Another option for yeast pizza, but thin dough... This is what is most often prepared in pizzerias. This dough perfectly tolerates freezing, you can cook it in advance, roll it out and make blanks for future open pies. It is advisable to use olive oil.


Flour 250-280 g;

1 tsp olive oil;

0.5 tsp yeast;

0.3 h salt;

200 ml of water;

1 tsp Sahara.

For the filling sausage, pickles, onions, tomato sauce, fresh tomato.


1. Heat the water, add all the ingredients except flour and oil. Stir until dissolved.

2. Add flour, add olive oil while kneading.

3. Divide the dough into as many slices at once as you want to make pizzas. Remove the approach by covering with a napkin.

4. After an hour, you need to roll out the cakes. Italians do it with their hands, but you can use a rolling pin.

5. Grease the tortillas with tomato sauce, spread slices of cucumbers, sausages, onions.

6. Cover the filling with thin slices of fresh tomato on top.

7. Drizzle the tomatoes with olive oil.

8. Send pizza for baking.

Vegetable pizza without cheese with olives

She is also a recipe for yeast dough. It is cooked in milk with butter, it turns out rich, aromatic, reminiscent of a bun. You can use margarine.


180 ml of milk;

40 g butter;

15 g fresh yeast;

3 cups flour;

0.5 tsp salt;

15 g sugar.

In the filling:

2 eggplants;

2 tomatoes;

A little olive oil;

15 olives (olives);

Provencal herbs.

1 sweet pepper;

2 onions.


1. Heat milk, add yeast to it, add sugar. Leave it on for ten minutes.

2. Add melted butter, salt and knead the dough with flour. It will take about three glasses, do not make a steep mass, the dough should spread slightly on the table.

3. Transfer it to a deep bowl, leave to warm for 1.5 hours.

4. Chop the onion, fry in a skillet for a couple of minutes.

5. Rinse the eggplants, cut into cubes and transfer to the onion, fry the vegetables together for another five minutes, season with spices, aromatic herbs.

6. Cut the tomatoes into circles, the pepper into small cubes, the olives in half. Olives can be used.

7. Roll out one or more tortillas from the dough.

8. Arrange the fried vegetables. It is not necessary to lubricate the layer; there is enough oil from the filling.

9. Scatter slices of pepper on top, on them circles of tomatoes.

10. Place the halves of the olives between the tomatoes.

11. Sprinkle the filling with oil on top, bake the pizza for 15 minutes at 220 degrees.

Pizza without cheese with chicken (puff pastry)

Another recipe that uses puff pastry. This significantly reduces the time spent on cooking. Fillet is used for filling.


250 g of dough;

300 g of chicken;

1 onion;

3 tomatoes;

2 tablespoons of soy sauce;

30 ml of oil;

2 tablespoons of sour cream;

Spices, herbs;

2 tablespoons of mayonnaise.


1. Chicken fillet boil until tender. But! You can use baked chicken breast or another ready-made product that is available.

2. Cut the cooled chicken into cubes, sprinkle with soy sauce and a spoonful of vegetable oil, leave.

3. Pour oil into a large skillet. We set to heat up.

4. Put chopped onion into small cubes.

5. After 2 minutes, throw in the grated tomatoes. Fry the sauce to make it thick. We fill to your taste.

6. We collect pizza. We spread tomato sauce on a layer of dough, before that it needs to be cooled, spread the layer.

7. On top is chicken seasoned with soy sauce.

8. Beat eggs, sour cream and mayonnaise, salt, pour evenly all the chicken pieces, set to bake.

Pizza without cheese with crab sticks

Option lazy pizza, for which you can use absolutely any dough. It's all about the filling!


300 g of dough;

8 sticks;

3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

2 tomatoes;

Herbs and other spices.


1. Roll out the dough, put it in a round (or rectangular) shape with small sides.

2. Break eggs into a large bowl, add mayonnaise, put herbs, you can use dry herbs, salt and pepper. Beat with a whisk or ordinary fork until smooth.

3. Cut the crab sticks into any pieces, add to the egg mixture. Stir.

4. Pour the filling over the dough.

5. Scatter tomato circles on top. You can add sweet peppers, olives, they also go well with chopsticks.

6. We bake such a pizza at 200 degrees, it cooks quickly enough, about 12-15 minutes,

To avoid crumbling the filling without cheese, it is not necessary to pour the egg on top of the ingredients. You can beat it, spill a layer under the tomatoes.

It is the tomato sauce that makes pizza special. Add all kinds of spices, herbs, zest, and Provencal herbs to it. Replace your usual ketchup with browned tomatoes. Amazing sauces are obtained from canned tomatoes, which are also fried in a pan.

Most often in open pies put sausage. It's fast, simple, economical. But with smoked or boiled chicken, brisket, bacon and others meat products the dishes are much tastier.