Vinaigrette classic recipe with peas and salted. Vinaigrette salad: composition, ingredients, best recipes

31.10.2019 Desserts and cakes

Vinaigrette is a familiar salad that has changed a lot recently. Whatever is added to it! You can find the most unexpected combinations of products that will surprise you greatly, for example, herring, olives or mushrooms. But the old versions of the salad are still the most delicious. Here are step-by-step recipes for a classic vinaigrette with that familiar taste.

Vinaigrette Classic - General Cooking Principles

The main component of the vinaigrette is boiled vegetables. Traditionally used potatoes, carrots, beets. You can cook them ahead of time and let them cool down. Then the tubers need to be cleaned and crumbled. All products in the vinaigrette are always diced. About the size of a pea, if vinaigrette with peas. Or cut a little larger if beans are used in the salad.

What else can be added:

Onion, green;

Traditional vinaigrette dressed with vegetable oil. You can take the product with or without a smell, mix it with mustard or black pepper. Oil is added at the very end. If you don’t want the beets to color other foods and like the multi-colored vinaigrette more, then you can season the beets separately in a bowl, also season the rest of the ingredients, then combine.

Vinaigrette classic: step by step recipe with cabbage (sauerkraut)

This is one of the most favorite salad options in Russia. Often, in order to save time or products, only potatoes and beets were added to it, it is also sometimes called beetroot. But here is a step-by-step recipe for a classic vinaigrette, which is prepared according to all the rules and from a large number of products.

  • 400 g beets
  • 400 g sauerkraut;
  • 250 g carrots
  • 350 g potatoes;
  • 150 g cucumbers (salted, pickled, pickled);
  • 100-150 g canned peas.

1. We take a standard can of canned peas, open it, drain it into a colander. You can rinse the peas directly in a colander under the tap. Leave to drain the liquid.

2. Wash beets and other root crops. We put the beets in a saucepan, fill with water, put on the stove. After boiling, the fire will need to be reduced, cook until soft for 30-50 minutes, depending on the size.

3. Potatoes with carrots need to be put in another pan, they are also brought to readiness. If the carrots are small, then it can cook faster, but more often the potatoes are the first to reach softness. In this case, you need to remove it, and boil the carrot for a few more minutes.

4. Cool all vegetables. Warm ingredients should not be mixed. You can pour everything with cold water, the root crops will cool faster, it will be easier to clean. We take off the skins.

5. Cut carrots, potatoes, boiled beets into medium-sized cubes. Pour everything into a large bowl.

6. Immediately you can shift the previously prepared peas. While you do not need to stir anything, so as not to crush the products once again.

7. Peel the onion. It is better to use salad varieties of vegetables, you can have blue or red, lilac onions, the vinaigrette will turn out even more beautiful. Cut into small pieces, shift.

8. Add the chopped cucumbers next. Cabbage will still give the main taste, so you can even take not very pickled cucumbers.

9. Squeeze the sauerkraut from the remnants of the brine. We will definitely try. Sometimes it's too sour. In this case, soak for several minutes in cold water or just rinse, it all depends on taste. But do not forget to re-squeeze well. There should be no water in the vinaigrette.

10. Add cabbage and now mix the salad thoroughly. We add spices at our discretion, you can cut a little greens into a vinaigrette, it turns out delicious with feather onions. However, if it will not be used immediately, then this is better not to do it.

11. At the end, we season with vegetable oil and the classic vinaigrette according to the original step-by-step recipe is ready! Decorate with herbs, serve to the table.

Classic vinaigrette: a step by step recipe with pickles

A step-by-step recipe for a classic vinaigrette without cabbage, no matter how strange it may sound. It is she who is absent in technological maps. Salted (not pickled) cucumbers give a special taste to the salad. This is a real version with boiled beans, but if desired, we can replace it with canned legumes in our juice or in a light marinade.

80 g beans (dry);

Four cucumbers (salted);

1 tsp mustard (optional);

Greens as desired.

1. Add cold water to the beans, soak for at least five hours. Then change the water, put on the stove and boil until tender. If there is no desire or time to do this, then you can simply use canned beans, you need about a glass of beans without marinade.

2. Rinse potatoes, no need to peel, transfer to a saucepan. Also wash the carrots, add to the potatoes, add water and boil until tender, but do not overdo it. As soon as the vegetables begin to pierce normally, turn off. Drain the boiling water, fill it with cold water, hold for five minutes and also drain. We clean.

3. Beets are always boiled separately from other vegetables, otherwise it will spoil their taste. Rinse medium-sized root vegetables, put in a saucepan, pour water and boil until soft. Then pour cold water over and leave to cool. Clear.

4. Cut all the vegetables into neat cubes, the size is slightly smaller than the beans. Put in one large bowl. So that the potatoes do not fall apart and the cubes turn out neat, it is important not to overcook them. You can additionally hold the cooled tubers a little in the freezer, half an hour is enough for them to get stronger.

5. We clean the onion, cut it smaller than the rest of the ingredients, pour it into a bowl.

6. We also cut the pickled cucumbers finely, like onions, so that they are evenly distributed in the vinaigrette. If the cucumbers are small or not too vigorous, then you can add a couple more things.

7. Fall asleep cooked or just canned beans. You can take red beans, white or any other to your taste.

8. We try for salt. If the taste of cucumbers is not enough, then add. It is important to salt before the oil is poured in. Otherwise, the grains simply will not have time to dissolve.

9. Dressing the salad. We combine vegetable oil with mustard, grind and add to vegetables. Or just add oil.

10. Carefully, gently stir the vinaigrette. You can use two spoons for this, so as not to knead the boiled vegetables and not spoil the look.

Classic vinaigrette: a step by step recipe with fresh cabbage and peas

If there is no sauerkraut, then the vinaigrette can be prepared with a fresh vegetable. It is also not a problem if there is no beans, no desire to cook them, or just not quite to your taste. In this step-by-step recipe for a classic vinaigrette, the main ingredients are slightly modified with no less delicious counterparts.

500 g fresh cabbage;

Four pickled cucumbers;

One can of canned green peas.

1. Chop the cabbage into strips. You can use a grater, but do not make too long pieces. If they turned out like that, then you can cut it several times with a knife.

2. Add a teaspoon of vinegar, sugar. Salt and lightly mash with your hands. Leave the cabbage to marinate while the rest of the vegetables are cooked.

3. Boil the beets in one pan, and the potatoes and carrots in another bowl until tender. Cool down.

4. Peel all root crops, cut into small cubes, pour into a bowl.

5. Peel the onion, cut it into small cubes, pour over the rest of the vegetables in a bowl.

6. We return to the cabbage, which has already been marinated. At the same time, she released the juice. We squeeze it. Transfer the cabbage to the bowl with the vinaigrette.

7. We cut cucumbers. If they are watery, then we first throw them into a colander, let the brine drain. But you can just wring it out with your hands, like cabbage.

8. Open a jar of green peas, drain all the liquid, pour the product into a bowl with a classic vinaigrette. Canned beans can also be used in this step-by-step recipe.

9. Stir all the vegetables until evenly distributed. Let's taste it, salt it.

10. We fill with vegetable sunflower, but you can also use olive oil. Pepper to taste, add fresh herbs.

If the onion is too spicy, the vinaigrette will be bitter, and the unpleasant taste will pass to other vegetables. To prevent this from happening, the vegetable can be cut, put in a sieve or in a colander, scalded with boiling water from a kettle. But add it to the salad only after it has completely cooled.

Beets boil for a long time, but do not want to become soft? If more than a minute of cooking has already passed, you can drain the boiling water and put the beetroot under a stream of cold water, after half an hour the vegetable will reach full readiness.

Fresh vinaigrette is not very tasty. That is why pickles and pickled vegetables are always added to the salad. But it happens that they do not give the desired acid, or they are quite insipid in themselves. In this case, pickling onions will help improve the taste. The vegetable must be cut, poured with an acetic acid solution, let it brew, then squeezed and added to the vinaigrette.

What we have is probably the most famous salad. I think you will agree with this. For as long as I can remember, and many years have passed, he has always been there. And although this is a simple dish, for some reason it was served infrequently. Our grandchildren, especially the youngest, are ready to eat it every day and in a large cup.

Again, it is not clear what is so drawn to him. Boiled beets, for example, I do not like and do not eat, but a salad with the same boiled beets, with pleasure. Of course, green peas can be eaten without a salad, just with a spoon, but it tastes better in a salad.

In general, we apparently cannot unravel the secret of vinaigrette. It's just delicious.

How to make a vinaigrette. Classic recipes for vinaigrette with peas step by step

I always eat vinaigrette with unrefined sunflower oil, especially if the oil is homemade. Well, the whole family eats with anyone except unrefined. Keep this in mind when you serve the salad on the table, you can serve the oil in decanters separately. Let them add what they like.


  1. The recipe for the original vinaigrette with peas and mushrooms


  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 - 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 2 - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 head
  • Green onion.
  • Canned green peas - 3 - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Pickled mushrooms - 100 gr.
  • Sauerkraut - 150 gr.
  • Salt, pepper, suneli hops - to taste.
  • Horseradish - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 gr.
  • Dijon mustard in grains - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Flax seed - 1 tbsp. l.


In this recipe, we use mushrooms, because, firstly, it is delicious, and secondly, we are preparing a salad for tomorrow. And such a salad with cucumbers, if stored, can turn sour. With mushrooms, you can leave it in the refrigerator and not be afraid that it will go bad.

1. Potatoes, carrots, my beets and boil in water until cooked, do not peel the peel. It is advisable to cook the beets separately so that they do not paint over the carrots and especially the potatoes. Readiness is checked by piercing the vegetables with the tip of a knife. If the knife enters easily, the vegetables are soft, then they are cooked. We cool all vegetables to room temperature, i.e. fully.

2. After the vegetables have cooled, take the beets, now peel them and cut them into small cubes.

3. We send the beets into a deep plate or cup and immediately pour over vegetable oil. The oil coats the beetroot pieces and they won't color the rest of the vegetables as much.

4. Mix the beets with butter. Add ground black pepper and a little suneli hops. You can leave out the spices if you don't like it. Mix everything again.

5. Peel potatoes, carrots. We clean the onion from the husk, cut all the vegetables into small cubes, except for the mushrooms. Mushrooms cut into 4-6 parts, depending on the size. The green onion is also finely chopped. If your sauerkraut is long, then cut it too. All vegetables are added to the beets. We mix everything. From the jar we take out with a spoon with holes to drain the juice, green peas. We send it to the vegetables last.

Let's start preparing the dressing

6. Put the grated horseradish into a deep cup. We usually buy horseradish already grated on the market. True, sometimes we take the root and do it ourselves. Add the same amount of granular mustard to horseradish. Add vegetable oil. Mix everything very carefully.

7. Season the salad with a well-mixed mixture. Add a spoonful of flaxseeds. Flax seeds are very beneficial for the body. But you don't have to add them. Especially if there are guests. They will not spoil the taste, but will simply fall on the teeth. Out of habit, not very pleasant. But the fact that this is very useful, you will not tell at the table.

8. For yourself, you can try it in a separate plate, but if you like it, then add it to the salad. Mix everything thoroughly.

Well that's all. It wasn't all that difficult. Our fragrant, beautiful, very tasty salad - vinaigrette is ready.

Bon Appetit!

  1. Classic recipe for vinaigrette with peas


  • Large potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Green peas - 5-6 tbsp.
  • green onion
  • Cucumbers - 1 large, or 8 gherkins
  • Vegetable oil


1. Vegetables, potatoes, carrots, beets, wash and cook until tender without peeling. We cook the beetroot in a separate saucepan, or you can also bake it in the oven or microwave. You can do the same with carrots. Cool completely.

It is very good and convenient to boil vegetables in the evening, and the next day they will be completely ready for salad.

2. We begin to clean the vegetables. Peel potatoes and cut into small cubes. We also clean the carrots. Cut it into smaller cubes. You can cut and the same as potatoes. I like it when it's cut smaller.

3. We clean the beets, cut them into small cubes and send them to a separate cup. Salt it a little and pour it with vegetable oil.

4. Cut the cucumbers or one large one into small cubes. In general, beets and pickled cucumbers create an excellent contrast, sour-salty and sweetish.

5. Finely chop the green onion and send it to other vegetables. Salt a little. Please note that our cucumbers are already salted. If you want, you can pepper. Mix and taste for salt.

6. Vegetables are already collected in a salad, only beets remain. Add beets to vegetables. We mix. The beets in oil practically did not let the juice go and will not greatly color the vegetables in the salad.

7. Well, the final touch is green peas. We take ordinary, canned green peas. Add peas to vegetables.

8. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and the salad is ready.

From this amount of ingredients, we got 4 not very large servings. classic vinaigrette with peas. The salad used products that are always in the kitchen.

Let's try it soon.

Bon Appetit!

The article offers you some of the most delicious vinaigrette recipes.

Vinaigrette is a delicious salad made from simple ingredients that every housewife can prepare for lunch or dinner. Depending on your preferences, the salad ingredients can be changed, but the main ones remain unchanged: beets, carrots, potatoes. The secret of the special and unique taste of vinaigrette is the mixing of salted, pickled and fresh boiled vegetables.

How much to cook vegetables:

  • Potatoes - 20 minutes (time may vary, plus or minus 5 minutes, depending on size and variety).
  • Carrot - 20-30 minutes (depending on how big the carrot is).
  • Beet - 35-50 minutes (depending on how large the beets are).

IMPORTANT: You can check the readiness of vegetables by piercing them with a sharp thin knife, if they are soft and the tip passes through, the vegetables are ready.

However, the intensity of the fire is different for everyone, so be careful not to overcook the vegetables. Check for readiness a little earlier.

How to cook vinaigrette salad so that the vinaigrette does not stain: tips

Vinaigrette - the salad is very bright due to the fact that the beets in its composition give a coloring pigment. However, many do not like this feature, which does not appear immediately, but after a few hours.

To prevent the salad from “painting”, you should cut the beets separately and store them in another container (not with the rest of the ingredients).

The ingredients should be mixed just before serving and in small quantities right on the plate, after the rest of the ingredients have been coated with vegetable oil, which will not allow the beet pigment to quickly spread to other products.

This way the dish will retain all of its bright colors (orange, green, white, pink, yellow, brown) and not be a solid pink.

Vinaigrette ordinary classic with sauerkraut, green peas: composition, step by step recipe

The classic recipe consists of the main ingredients (pickled and fresh vegetables) added in equal amounts.

What you need to have:

  • Potatoes -
  • Carrot -
  • Beet - 1-2 large fruits (adjust the amount of beets to your liking).
  • Polka dots -
  • Bulb -
  • Sauerkraut - 100-150 gr. (you can sauerkraut with onions and carrots).
  • fresh greens -

How to prepare:

  • Vegetables are boiled, then peeled
  • Each ingredient is cut into small cubes.
  • Place all ingredients in a large bowl or saucepan
  • Drain the brine from the peas, pour it into the salad
  • Add cabbage without brine to the total mass, you do not need to cut it.
  • Season everything with oil, if desired, the vinaigrette can be salted.

Vinaigrette with beans, salted mushrooms and vegetable oil: ingredients, recipe

The vinaigrette must have "sourness". You can achieve it in several ways by putting canned peas, sauerkraut or pickles, mushrooms in a salad. You can just sprinkle the salad with some vinegar or lemon juice.

INTERESTING: Salted mushrooms are not added to every vinaigrette. This is a fun way to diversify an already bored salad. You can use any mushrooms, but when adding them, exclude cucumbers and cabbage so that the vinaigrette is not too salty.

What ingredients should you have:

  • Potatoes - 3-4 pcs. (boiled "in uniform", the number of potatoes depends only on their size).
  • Marinated champignons - 1 jar in 500 g (mushrooms are preferable because they can be easily diced, but you can use absolutely any mushrooms if you wish).
  • canned beans - 1 jar (required without tomato).
  • Beet - 2 pcs. medium size (according to your taste).
  • Bulb - 1 PC. (large: white or blue)
  • Carrot - 2 pcs. large (can be smaller)
  • Homemade sunflower oil a few tbsp.
  • Greenery - dill or parsley (for serving or adding to a salad).
  • Green onions - half a bunch, crumble into a salad

How to do:

  • Potatoes, carrots and beets (it can also be cut and folded separately so as not to “color” the entire salad) cut into small cubes and pour into a salad bowl.
  • There, add the beans from the jar without brine, as well as mushrooms, chopped in the same way as the rest of the vegetables.
  • The onion crumbles finely, the same is done with greens.
  • The salad is dressed with homemade oil, you can add salt and mix everything thoroughly.

Vinaigrette with fresh cabbage and pickles: ingredients, recipe

This is another "classic" vinaigrette recipe that is prepared quite often.

What you need to have:

  • Potatoes - 3-4 pcs. (boil in uniforms)
  • Carrot - 2-4 pcs. (the number of fruits depends only on their size).
  • Beet - 1-2 pcs. (adjust the amount of beets to your liking).
  • Polka dots - 1 bank in 300 gr. (canned)
  • Bulb - 1 PC. (large white or blue)
  • Sauerkraut - 100-150 gr.
  • Vegetable homemade sunflower oil - a few tbsp. (Corn is also perfect.)
  • fresh greens - a bunch of dill with parsley to serve or add to a salad.

How to do:

  • Boiled vegetables are peeled and cut into small cubes.
  • Canned peas from a jar without its brine should be added to vegetables.
  • Cucumbers cut into cubes, added to vegetables
  • Onion finely chopped
  • All ingredients are mixed, sauerkraut is put
  • Vinaigrette dressed with oil and sprinkled with herbs

Vinaigrette with seaweed, dressing with mustard and vinegar: ingredients, recipe

This is one of the most original vinaigrette recipes. Seaweed is always sold in assortment (canned or by weight, spicy with garlic or vegetables) in modern stores. She will “diversify” the usual vinaigrette. Such a dish can be served without hesitation on the festive table or cooked for yourself, observing a proper diet.

What will be required:

  • 3-4 pcs. (the amount depends on the size of the fruit).
  • Beet - 2-1 pcs. (if large beets, then 1 piece will be enough).
  • Carrot - 2-3 pcs. (Depends on how big it is)
  • 200-300 gr. (necessarily "sour").
  • Green pea - 1 can (canned without brine)
  • Bulb- 1 PC. (if you like)
  • seaweed - 120-150 g (any: spicy, marinated, with garlic, red pepper).
  • a few tbsp. (store-bought is also suitable, but homemade is more fragrant).
  • Mustard - 1-2 tsp (needed to prepare dressing in such a vinaigrette, adjust its amount to taste).
  • Vinegar - 0.5 tsp (required for the preparation of dressing, it is better to take apple or wine).
  • Green onions - small bundle

How to cook:

  • Vegetables are boiled and cooled, after which they should be completely peeled and cut into small cubes.
  • Pickled cucumber and onion are also cut, peas are simply spilled to the bulk.
  • Put seaweed without marinade in a common salad bowl and mix everything thoroughly, seasoning the vinaigrette with a special sauce.
  • Crumble the green onions onto the salad before serving or while mixing the ingredients.

IMPORTANT: In a bowl, mix a few tablespoons. oils with vinegar and mustard. Pour this dressing over the entire salad and mix thoroughly.

Vinaigrette with fresh cucumbers: ingredients, recipe

This is a “special” salad recipe, because it mixes 5 types of vegetables: boiled, canned, pickled and fresh. Such a vinaigrette is relevant in the hot, summer season. If desired, you can add any greens, lemon juice, green onions, fresh sweet or bell peppers to it, some cut a tomato.

What will be required:

  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs. (depending on the size of the potatoes)
  • Carrot - 1-2 pcs. (large or small)
  • Beet - 1-2 pcs. (if large, one will be enough)
  • Fresh cucumber - 2-4 pcs. (depending on how big they are).
  • Green peas - 1 can (canned)
  • Sauerkraut- 100-150 gr. (mild, white)
  • Homemade oil (from sunflower)- a few tablespoons
  • Bulb - 1 PC. large
  • Green onions, any greens - small bundle

How to cook:

  • Vegetables are boiled, cooled, peeled, cut into neat cubes.
  • To them is added fresh cucumber, cut in the same way, peas without brine and sauerkraut without marinade.
  • Greens and onions should be finely chopped, added to the total mass or left for serving.
  • Vinaigrette is dressed with oil and, if desired, it can be slightly salted, sprinkled with lemon juice.

Vinaigrette with herring and mayonnaise: ingredients, recipe

This salad recipe is very similar to the classic "Herring under a fur coat", but differs in the nature of the cutting of ingredients and some components. Nevertheless, it is very tasty due to the compatibility of ingredients and such a vinaigrette can be safely served at the festive table, cooked for dinner or for a change.

What you need to have:

  • Potatoes - 3-4 pcs. (not large potatoes "in their uniforms")
  • Carrot - 2-4 pcs. (the amount of carrots depends on its size).
  • Beet - 1-2 pcs. (1 large or 2 small)
  • Herring - 1 large fish (salted or lightly salted)
  • Polka dots - 1 bank approximately in 300 gr. (canned).
  • Bulb - 1 large (any: white or blue)
  • Pickled cucumber - 2 pcs. (can be excluded if desired)
  • Fat mayonnaise - a few tbsp.
  • fresh greens - a bunch of dill with parsley to serve or add to a salad.

How to prepare:

  • Vegetables are boiled, then cooled and peeled
  • All ingredients are cut into small cubes and poured into a large salad bowl.
  • Peas without brine are poured into a salad
  • The herring is cleaned of the insides and skeleton, cut into cubes and added to the total mass.
  • Season everything with mayonnaise, if desired, you can sprinkle the vinaigrette with fresh herbs before serving.

Vinaigrette diet without potatoes for weight loss: ingredients, recipe

Vinaigrette is a great dish for those who follow a healthy diet and are trying to lose weight. The main thing is to choose the right ingredients and exclude the most high-calorie ones.

What will be useful:

  • Carrot - 1-2 pcs. (large)
  • Beet - 1-2 pcs. (depending on size)
  • Bulb - 1 PC. (medium or large)
  • Green onions - a small bunch (you can also use any other greens).
  • Green pea - 1 can (canned)
  • Sauerkraut - 100-125 gr. (no brine)
  • Pickle - 1-3 pcs. (depending on size)
  • Canned or boiled beans 100 gr. (canned without tomato).
  • Vegetable oil - a few tbsp.
  • A clove of garlic - optional

How to cook:

  • Boiled vegetables are peeled and cut into cubes, poured into a salad bowl.
  • Chopped pickles, boiled beans and canned peas are added to them.
  • After that, you can chop the greens and squeeze a clove of garlic.
  • The salad is seasoned with oil (olive or linseed, you can use any) and mixed thoroughly. You can season with salt and pepper, dried herbs.

Herring option: salad serving

Vinaigrette without cucumbers and green peas: ingredients, recipe

What you need:

  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs. (the amount depends on the size of the potatoes).
  • Carrot - 1-2 pcs. (large or medium)
  • large beans - 100-150 gr. (dry)
  • Fresh cucumber - 2-3 pcs. (quantity depends on size)
  • Beet - 1 PC. (large)
  • Green onions - a small bunch (you can use any greens).
  • Bulb (blue) - 1 PC. (medium)
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 PC. (large, can be replaced with a couple of ordinary sweet peppers).
  • Sauerkraut white cabbage 100 gr.

How to cook:

  • Vegetables and beans are boiled until tender, cooled and peeled.
  • Pour chopped vegetables into a salad bowl, add cucumber and boiled beans, bell pepper.
  • Finely chop herbs and onion
  • You can fill the salad with sunflower oil or dressing based on oil, vinegar and mustard (spicy with Dijon).

Vinaigrette with apple and without cabbage: ingredients, recipe

An apple is an unusual but very tasty ingredient for vinaigrette. It is important to choose the “correct” sweet and sour apple (sweet will not work, because it is the beets that should give sweetness to the salad, and the sour will spoil the whole taste of the vinaigrette).

What to prepare for the salad:

  • Potatoes "in their uniforms" - 2-3 pcs. (small)
  • An Apple - 1 PC. (varieties I-Dared, Ligold, Jonathan)
  • Pickle - 2-3 pcs. (depending on size)
  • dark beans- 100 gr. (boiled)
  • Carrot - 2-3 pcs. (medium size, not very large)
  • Beet - 1 PC. (large enough)
  • Bulb (blue or white) - 1 head (not large)
  • Parsley - 11 small bunch
  • Sunflower oil - a few tbsp.

How to cook:

  • Boiled vegetables are cooled and finely diced.
  • The same should be done with an apple and a pickle.
  • The onion and greens finely crumble, you can add green onions.
  • Season the salad with oil, add salt and any aromatic spices and spices.

Vinaigrette with egg: ingredients, recipe

Such a vinaigrette is more satisfying and has a mild taste, fatty and rich due to the addition of eggs and mayonnaise to the salad.

What will be required:

  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs. (boiled in uniforms)
  • Egg - 4-5 pcs. (hard boiled)
  • Carrot - 1-2 pcs. (also boiled)
  • Beet - 1 PC. (large fruit)
  • Bulb - 1 head (medium)
  • Pickle - 2 pcs. (medium)
  • A bunch of any greens - little
  • Mayonnaise - a few tbsp. (bold)
  • Canned peas, corn or beans - 1 small jar.

How to cook:

  • Pour chopped boiled vegetables into a salad bowl, chop cucumbers and onions to them.
  • Greens should be chopped very finely, and eggs should be cut into cubes.
  • Pour a jar of peas (or beans, but without a tomato).
  • Season the vinaigrette with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly, you can improve the taste of the salad with any spicy seasonings.

Vinaigrette with meat: ingredients, recipe

Of course, this is not a "classic" vinaigrette, but, nevertheless, a tasty and satisfying salad for any occasion: for dinner or lunch, on the festive table.

What you need:

  • Potatoes - 2 pcs. (large, boiled in their uniforms)
  • Beet - 1 PC. (large)
  • Carrot - 1 PC. (large)
  • Beans - 200 gr. (boiled or canned)
  • Cooked meat - 300-400 gr. (you can also use beef or chicken).
  • Sauerkraut - 100-150 gr.
  • Bulb - 1 small onion (white or blue)
  • Green onions - small bundle
  • salad dressing - a few tbsp. oil (or mayonnaise), a little mustard and vinegar.

How to cook:

  • Boiled vegetables should be peeled and finely chopped
  • Add beans and sauerkraut to vegetables in a salad bowl.
  • Meat should be cut as finely as vegetables.
  • Greens and onions are very finely chopped, added to the rest of the ingredients.
  • Pour dressing over salad and mix thoroughly.

Vinaigrette with corn instead of peas: ingredients, recipe

Corn will allow you to improve the taste of the usual vinaigrette.

What will be required:

  • Potatoes (boiled in uniform) - 3-4 pcs.
  • Beet - 1 PC. (large)
  • Carrot - 1-3 pcs. (depending on size)
  • Pickled cucumber (or gherkins) - 100-200 gr.
  • Canned corn - 1 can
  • Bulb- 1 PC. (small)
  • Sauerkraut - 120-150 g.
  • Sunflower oil (homemade) - a few tbsp. (Shop or corn is also suitable).

How to cook:

  • Vegetables are boiled and cooled, cut into small cubes.
  • Pickled cucumber and onion are crushed, corn is poured out to the bulk.
  • Put cabbage and finely chopped greens to the rest of the ingredients.
  • Dress the vinaigrette with oil

Vinaigrette with sprat: ingredients, recipe

Sprat is a small fish with a rich and salty taste, somewhat reminiscent of a herring. It can also be added to a vinaigrette for a more modern version of a salad.

What will be required:

  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs. (small, boiled in their uniforms).
  • Beet - 2 pcs. (small size)
  • Korean carrot - 100 gr. (with garlic)
  • Pickle - 1-2 pcs. (medium size, not small)
  • Green peas (canned) - 0.5 cans (without brine).
  • Sprat - 200-300 gr. (purified)
  • Refueling - a few tbsp. oils, mustard seeds and spices

How to cook:

  • Potatoes and beets are boiled, then cut into cubes.
  • Vegetables are poured into a salad bowl, chopped cucumber, peas and Korean carrots are added.
  • Pour in dressing and mix thoroughly.
  • Put the sprat on top of the salad (fillet without backbone)

How to make a tasty vinaigrette: with Tips:

  • For salad, choose the "old" beets, it has a richer taste and sweetness.
  • For dressing, you should use homemade oil, which has a richer taste and aroma than filtered store-bought.
  • Corn, olive or flaxseed oil is also suitable for dressing (choose to taste).
  • The secret of a delicious vinaigrette is the abundance of vegetables and different ways of preparing them (boiling, pickling, pickling, salting).
  • You can also fill the vinaigrette with sour cream or mayonnaise (or serve).
  • Add a clove of garlic to your salad for a spice.

How to decorate a vinaigrette for a festive table for the New Year, Birthday March 8, February 14, February 23, wedding, anniversary: ​​ideas, photos

Vinaigrette can be served in many ways, it is not at all necessary to put it on a slide or put a huge salad bowl on the table. Try to highlight the main ingredient, especially if it is very unusual for a classic salad recipe.

How to decorate:

  • greenery
  • green onion
  • onion rings
  • Rosette carved from carrots or beets
  • boiled egg
  • Fish fillet
  • Salad can be laid out in an unusual form
  • You can not mix the salad, but lay out each ingredient beautifully.

Video: "Principles of making vinaigrette"

Salad of boiled vegetables - vinaigrette - everyone knows and loves. It is good at any time of the year, as it consists of quite affordable products, is easy to prepare and very tasty. And this dish is also a salvation for those who follow their figure and weight: you can make it so that it contains a minimum of calories, but a maximum of benefits for the body.

Vegetables that are included in the vinaigrette: beets, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage and others - do not contain many calories. And when cooked (fresh ones are not used for this dish, except for cabbage in some recipes), they also lose some of the calories. To prepare a diet vinaigrette (the classic recipe with peas will be the basis for it), you need to exclude potatoes and get by with a minimum of dressing. It can be built from three percent vinegar, ground pepper, salt and a small amount of vegetable oil. Under such conditions, the average calorie content of 100 grams of lettuce will be within 65 kcal. And if you take one oil - up to 74 - 85 kcal. It will turn out to achieve a record minimum of 35 kcal per 100 grams. To do this, boiled and chopped carrots, beetroot, peas from a jar are mixed with greens, practically not salted (or just a drop), and kefir with the lowest percentage of fat content is added as a sauce or mixed with low-fat cottage cheese. So you don’t have to worry about the figure, but the benefits for the body are great: there are a lot of trace elements and vitamins in the dish.

The easiest recipe

The classic vinaigrette is prepared from the main list of products, without which the salad will cease to be this same vinaigrette.

For him you need:

  • potatoes (5 tubers of medium size);
  • large head of onion;
  • three carrots (large);
  • beets (a couple of small ones or one larger root crop);
  • pickled cucumbers (you can also pickle or pickled, five is enough);
  • green canned peas (350-gram jar);
  • vegetable oil (a third of a glass);
  • salt (you can do without it).

What do we do next?

  1. We thoroughly wash the vegetables (with the exception of onions) from dirt and cook (right in the peel, no need to salt the water).
  2. We take everything out when the fork becomes easy to enter the root crops, but does not break them apart. (Beets will cook longer than others). Cool down.
  3. Now we clean the skin (it can be easily removed), cut everything into medium-sized cubes or cubes
  4. Do not forget to remove the husk from the onion, chop it. We do the same with cucumbers (if you want the salad to be more tender and not crunchy on your teeth, we free them from the peel).
  5. We collect everything in a deep bowl or saucepan, pour in the peas, season with oil and mix.
  6. The process is completed, you can lay out in portions and start eating.

When you want the salad to turn out to be colored, you first need to mix all the vegetables without beets. Then add vegetable oil to the chopped beet, and only after that add it to the general composition. If you put everything at the same time, the vinaigrette will acquire a uniform dark pink color.

With herring for a spicy taste

Often housewives add herring to the classic vinaigrette. Firstly, it goes well with boiled potatoes and beets. Secondly, it gives the taste of originality. And, thirdly, it makes the salad more satisfying.

It is necessary to prepare the following components:

  • 200 - 250 grams of potatoes, carrots (boiled);
  • 300 - 350 grams of boiled beet;
  • from 200 to 250 grams of sauerkraut and green peas;
  • 150 - 200 grams of pickles;
  • Atlantic herring (piece);
  • a small onion;
  • a couple of green onion feathers (for decoration);
  • vegetable oil (for flavor you can "live");
  • salt (optional).

Vinaigrette with herring is prepared very simply.

Cooking steps step by step:

  1. All vegetables (cooked and cooled ahead of time) cut into small pieces.
  2. We do the same with cucumbers and onions.
  3. We put the vegetable slices in a common bowl.
  4. Open a jar of peas, drain the brine. We introduce peas into our mixture of vegetables.
  5. Squeeze the sauerkraut from excess juice and also put it in a bowl (finely cut it first).
  6. It's the fish's turn. We disassemble it, free it from the bones, and cut the fillet into cubes the size of vegetables.
  7. Add to the salad, season everything with oil and mix.
  8. The final touch - sprinkle with chopped onion feathers. Now you can serve food on the table.

To cook vegetables at the same time, choose them of approximately the same size.

Carrots and potatoes can be put in one pan. Buryak is cooked separately and longer (depending on the hardness and size of the fruit).

Puff with mayonnaise

This is one of the variations of vinaigrette with a somewhat unusual consistency and dressing: all components are rubbed with a grater and stacked in layers, and mayonnaise acts as a sauce.

To implement the recipe you will need:

  • from 200 to 250 grams of cooked beets;
  • the same number of pickled cucumbers and fresh apples (preferably green, sweet and sour varieties);
  • 150 - 200 grams of onions and boiled carrots;
  • small onion;
  • from 300 to 350 grams of boiled potatoes;
  • three to four hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • jar with canned green peas;
  • salt (optional);
  • mayonnaise.

Once everything is assembled, let's start cooking.

  1. We process boiled vegetables and eggs, fresh apples on a grater with small cells.
  2. Finely chopped onion pour boiling water. After fifteen minutes, drain the liquid, and wash the onion under a cold stream.
  3. We turn cucumbers into small cubes.
  4. At the bottom of a capacious salad bowl we put a layer of potatoes. Slightly add and cover with mayonnaise.
  5. Next is the carrot. Then more sauce.
  6. Then, in turn, onions, peas, cucumbers and eggs (do not forget to grease each layer with sauce).
  7. Apples go penultimate, and a layer of beetroot falls on top.
  8. We let our vinaigrette salad brew and pleasantly surprise the guests.

Add seaweed

And now let's see how to cook an even more unusual vinaigrette. The list of products is quite impressive, but they are all available and inexpensive. And the salad is awesome.

It includes the following ingredients:

  • cabbage: sauerkraut (200 g), or dry sea (100 g), or frozen sea (0.5 kg);
  • salted tomatoes - a couple;
  • boiled vegetables - carrots (one large root vegetable), beets (not too large);
  • pickled berries (lingonberries, cherries or plums) - two tables are enough. spoons;
  • dill, parsley (literally a couple of green twigs);
  • one (maybe two) pickled cucumber;
  • a pinch of ground ginger and freshly ground black pepper;
  • 60 - 80 g of fish (you can canned salmon);
  • green peas (enough for two or three tablespoons);
  • ½ cup soy mayonnaise;
  • salt (to your taste).

Let's start creating a culinary miracle.

  1. To dry sea kale (it has already spent about three hours in water), add a couple of glasses of boiling water. Waiting for it to boil. We put it in a colander. If we use ice cream, you need to lower it into a liter of salted boiling water and cook for three to five minutes. Then - in a colander to glass well. Pickled white cabbage is squeezed from the brine.
  2. Chop the fish or mash with a fork.
  3. We cut all the vegetables: beets and carrots into cubes, cucumbers with tomatoes into neat rings.
  4. We put them in a deep salad bowl, and cabbage in the same place.
  5. Then we send fish, peas, greens to the dishes. Let's not forget the berries. Season with spices and salt. Now it's mayonnaise.
  6. Mix and try. Overeat!

Vinaigrette salad is a dish that has long become a classic for all time. This nutritious, light and colorful vegetable salad is always popular in lenten, everyday and holiday menus.

There are many versions and ways of preparing this dish, but today I propose to prepare a universal, classic version of the salad - vinaigrette with green peas, made from boiled vegetables, with the addition of onions, pickles and cabbage, and a spicy dressing based on vegetable oil, mustard and a small amount vinegar. Let's start?!

To prepare a classic vinaigrette with peas, you will need the ingredients listed in the list.

Boil beets, carrots and potatoes until tender and cool completely.

Peel and cut the beets into small cubes. Place the beetroot pieces in a salad bowl, add 2 tbsp. unrefined sunflower (or olive) oil and mix everything well. Enveloping the pieces of beetroot, the oil will delay the spread of beetroot juice to the rest of the salad components and add a light aroma and flavor to the dish.

Cut the onion, pickles, boiled carrots and potatoes into small cubes. Chop the sauerkraut with a knife. If desired, the salad can be prepared without adding sauerkraut, increasing the number of cucumbers to taste.

In a separate container, mix 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. wine vinegar or lemon juice, 1 tsp. mustard, 0.5 tsp salt and 0.5 tsp. ground black pepper.

Connect all prepared components. Add canned green peas (after draining all the liquid). Mix well.

Lastly, gently fold the beets into the salad.

Pour in the prepared dressing and mix well again. Taste the salad and add a pinch of sugar, salt, ground black pepper, or a little more vegetable oil to taste.

The classic vinaigrette with peas is ready. If desired, sprinkle the salad with finely chopped green onions and serve.