Prepare a creamy cake. Quick Cake Cream

  • 400 ml banana juice (from tetrapack)
  • 6 plastic gelatin
  • 100 grams of honey
  • 50 g butter
  • a couple of drops of essence of rum
  • 400 ml vegetable cream
  • 1p. vanillin
  • 50 gr. Sahara

Heat the juice with butter, bring the honey to a boil. Remove from heat, add rum and soaked gelatin, cool to a jellied state in the refrigerator. Whisk in the sugar and vanilla cream. Connect both masses.
I sandwich the cakes with cream and put banana slices in it, everyone thinks that it is bananas that give such a taste.

1 plate of gelatin = 4g. Sprinkle the bananas with plenty of lemon juice before placing in the cream.

Protein custard

  • 4 squirrels
  • 70 ml water
  • 200 gr sugar

Boil the syrup from water and sugar, stirring constantly.
Check the syrup for readiness, so if you drop a drop on a plate and touch the drop with a dry finger (carefully hot) or with a dry spoon and slowly lift your finger from the drop, a "string" of syrup should be pulled by your finger, then the syrup is ready. The main thing is to learn how to cook it correctly, if you do not cook it, the cream will be liquid, if digested it will become sugar.
While cooking the syrup, at the very beginning, carefully remove all the saccharins from the sides.
Whisk the whites at the same time, start whisking at low speed for 1 minute, then increase the speed to maximum and beat until firm foam, add 1 tsp. sugar powder and beat for a few more minutes.
The syrup and proteins must be prepared at the same time.
Then, in a thin stream, introduce the syrup into the proteins, constantly whisking on average speed, after the syrup has been introduced, increase the speed to maximum and beat for another 10 minutes.
In 4-5 minutes. add dry lim until the end of whipping. acid on the tip of the knife.

It is important when boiling the syrup, do it with dry hands, in order to avoid water droplets getting into the syrup.

Custard coffee

Yolks, grind with sugar, stir in 1/3 cup milk and put on water bath or on a very small fire.
Bring the remaining 1/3 cup of milk to a boil and stir in instant coffee.
Pour coffee with milk into the egg mass that starts to boil and cook until thickened with constant stirring.
Cool the mass and beat with butter room temperature.

Custard for Napoleon

For 1 liter of milk

  • 8 yolks
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 3-4 table. tablespoons of flour
  • essences at will (I have vanilla) a few drops.

Mix the yolks with sugar until smooth, pour in some of the milk and add flour with a whisk, mix until smooth and stir in the rest of the milk. We put the saucepan on the smallest fire and, stirring so that it does not burn. we bring the cream to thickening.
Do not boil under any circumstances !!!

Custard on yolks with cherries

  • 500 ml milk
  • 5 yolks
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1-2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp potato flour (starch)
  • 1 tbsp wheat flour
  • 300 g butter or margarine
  • 3 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 can of canned cherries (without water 400 grams), drain the juice and set aside

In a saucepan, whisk milk with yolks and sugar with a whisk, add vanilla, flour and mix well with a whisk. To put on medium fire and constantly stirring to bring to a boil. Continue stirring to cook until thickened. Cool the resulting pudding.
Beat butter until fluffy with a mixer. Add chilled pudding and cocoa one spoon at a time. At the very end, add the cherries and stir until the cherry breaks slightly.

Cornstarch Egg Custard

  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 tablespoons corn starch
  • 0.5 tbsp sugar
  • 2 yolks
  • vanilla

Dilute corn starch 0.5 tbsp of cold milk and mix with sugar, yolks and vanilla.
Put 1.5 cups milk on the fire in a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
Pour the mixture into hot milk and stirring constantly over medium heat until the cream thickens. Do not boil!
Cool at low speed in a mixer.

Egg custard

  • 200 g butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1.5 tbsp. milk
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 pack. vanilla sugar
  • 1 tsp potato flour
  • 1 tsp flour

Potato and wheat flour mix in a mug, gradually dilute with 0.5 tbsp. cold milk so that there are no lumps and pour the mixture into 1 tbsp. boiling milk, stirring, let the mass boil. Cool, stirring constantly, so that a film does not form. Grind butter with sugar and egg and, gradually adding a tablespoon, rub in the cooled milk mass, adding vanilla sugar... Put the cream in the refrigerator.

Custard without egg

  • 1/2 cup sugar (1 cup = 250 ml)
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • vanilla
  • 125 g butter, or margarine

Mix sugar with flour and vanilla. We dilute with milk so that there are no lumps and cook, stirring, until it thickens and puffs. We cool it down.
Beat the butter well with a mixer until peaks and gradually, continuing to beat, add the custard by spoon. Ready cream put in the refrigerator.

Sea buckthorn custard

  • 2 tbsp flour
  • ~ 4 tbsp Sahara
  • 2 eggs
  • 300 ml. sea ​​buckthorn juice diluted with water 1: 1
  • a piece of butter (~ 30 g)

Mix sugar with flour, add eggs, stir well (preferably with a blender), pour in sea ​​buckthorn juice, stir. While stirring, bring to a boil. Remove from heat, add oil, stir until dissolved. The cream should be very sweet.
Well suited for box cakes (the lid is cut off the biscuit, the contents are mixed with the cream). In general, orange juice is used in the original, but I tried to put it in a local way - it turned out delicious.

Custard with condensed milk

  • 1 can of condensed milk (cook 50 minutes to three and a half hours if desired)
  • 200 g butter
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 tbsp. l. with a large heap of flour or starch
  • 1 yolk

For the cream. Or beat the condensed milk with butter according to the first option.
Or mix flour (starch), yolk and a little milk until a homogeneous gruel. Boil the rest of the milk, combine with the rest, put on a low heat and stir until boiling and thickening. Then cool (you can simply beat with a mixer, cool instantly) and then beat with butter and condensed milk.

Mirror chocolate icing

Mirror chocolate filling can be obtained without glazed syrup or honey. I have no proportions, always by eye. The trick is to take sour cream instead of milk, cream or water as a base. Sour cream + sugar + cocoa + chocolate - while stirring, bring to a boil and boil for a couple of minutes. Amazingly shiny and delicious fudge for the cake.

Mirror chocolate icing for cake coating

  • 200g chocolate
  • 1/3 Art. cream
  • 1/4 tbsp. water
  • 2 tbsp liquid glucose syrup

Combine the cream, water and glucose in a saucepan, bring to a boil and add chopped chocolate to the saucepan. stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved and beat lightly with a mixer or whisk until you get smooth glaze... pour over the surface of the cake. The glaze has a mirror-like shine and a soft texture.

Yoghurt Banana Chocolate Cream

Whisk 100 g of cream, add 100 g of banana yogurt, gently add the melted chocolate bar without stopping whipping. Grind the banana in a blender and also gently add to the cream. The cream is very stable and tasty.

Yoghurt cream soufflé

Pour 15 g of gelatin with 50 ml of cold water and leave for 30 minutes, then heat in a water bath until the gelatin dissolves. Whisk 600 ml of chilled cream until soft peaks, take 3-4 tablespoons of cream and mix with gelatin, pour gelatinous mass into cream and beat until firm peaks. Spoon or whisk 500 ml of chilled 2.5% yoghurt with whipped cream.

Caramel or caramel sauce

  • 1 1/2 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1/3 Art. water
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 2/3 st. cream
  • 2 tbsp sl. oils

Stir sugar, water and lemon juice in a saucepan.
Boil. Cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes, moistening the sides of the saucepan with a damp brush to prevent crystals from forming. As soon as the syrup changes color to dark brown, remove from heat and, stirring with a whisk, add cream (be careful, hot syrup, when adding cold cream, may sprinkle over the edge of the dish). Stir in butter and cool to room temperature. The finished caramel will taste soft butterscotch... It can be kept in the refrigerator in a sealed container for about 1 week. Warm up slightly before use. it freezes.

Caramel cream

  • 350-400g butter
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk
  • 700g caramel pudding or alternatively vanilla pudding with caramel syrup.

Caramel syrup: 0.5 tbsp sugar and a little water in order to just moisten the sugar, melt in a saucepan until golden brown caramel color and let it boil for 5 minutes. Take 1/2 part of the syrup and mix with the same amount of hot milk, cool.
Cook the vanilla pudding according to the instructions and beat it with caramel syrup in such a proportion so that the caramel pudding comes out about 700g.

You can soak the cakes with the remaining caramel syrup.

Cream for eclairs

Grind egg yolks (4 pcs.) With sugar (3-4 tablespoons) until it is completely dissolved, add flour (1.5 tablespoons) and starch (1.5 tablespoons), beat well until smooth.
Bring milk (1 cup) to a boil and pour in gently egg mixture stirring constantly. Cook for 2-3 minutes.
Then mix with vanilla sugar (3 teaspoons), mix well, cover with plastic wrap and let cool for 1-2 hours.
Add whipped cream (1 cup) to the cooled cream and whisk again. If you add Art. a spoonful of cocoa, you get a chocolate cream.

Cream of cream

  • 2 tbsp. cream
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp vanillin
  • 2 plates of gelatin (1 plate 3 gr)

Whisk 1 3/4 tbsp. cream with sugar and vanilla until soft peaks. Soak the gelatin plates in cold water for 3 minutes. Heat 1/4 tbsp. cream until hot (not to a boil), squeeze out the soaked gelatin, and stir it in hot cream until completely dissolved. Cool to room temperature and whisk at low speed, pour into the bulk of the cream. Increase mixer speed and beat until stable peaks (this will take a few seconds, depending on the power of the mixer).

If you need a cream for a layer of cake, then add another 1 tbsp to the original amount of ingredients. sour cream.

Cream of cream and sour cream

(the yield of the cream is large, if you need less, reduce the number of products by half).

  • 450 ml cream
  • 600-700 gr sour cream
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 tbsp vanilla or cognac

Beat everything, add vanilla or cognac at the end.

Cream of cream with raspberries

  • 1 3/4 cups plus 2 tablespoons chilled whipping cream
  • 3 tbsp icing sugar
  • 2 tsp raspberry brandy (optional)
  • 3/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 cups fresh raspberries (can be frozen ... thawed, drained)

Cream "Kanasha"

400 g chocolate, 200 g cream, 2 tbsp. honey, 80 g butter, a little rum.

Bring the cream to a boil and remove from heat, add the pieces of chocolate and honey, stir with a whisk until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Cool while stirring. Beat the softened butter until light and increase in volume. Beat the chocolate-cream mass, combine with butter. Stir in the rum slowly. The rum should be at the same temperature as the cream. Half of the cream can be replaced with milk.

Butter cream with condensed milk and cocoa

Put 200 g of soft (do not melt !!!) butter in a saucepan. Pour 4 tablespoons of cocoa there, mix with butter. Then pour in 1 can of condensed milk (not boiled, ordinary). Stir, it turns out a brown mass. Now we take a mixer and whisk our cream. Readiness criterion - the color becomes light brown, like cocoa with milk.

Cream mousse

  • 175 ml milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 bag of gelatin (15 g)
  • 1 tsp vanillin
  • 50 g chocolate
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1.5 tbsp. cream

For the filling, boil the custard. When cooled, add vanillin, melted chocolate and cocoa. Whisk until smooth and gently combine with whipped cream.

Semolina cream

  • 750 ml milk
  • 7 tbsp semolina
  • 200 g butter
  • 125 gr margarine
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • juice from 2 lemons

In a saucepan, bring milk to a boil, add sugar and stir. Pour into boiling milk semolina and continuously stirring to cook until thickened for several minutes. Remove from heat and cool.
Beat butter and margarine with a mixer. Continuing to beat, gradually add semolina and lemon juice.

Creamy mass with multi-colored jelly

  • 4 packs of jelly, different colors and flavors (strawberry, orange, red currant, lemon)
  • 250 ml 33% whipping cream
  • 250 ml thick sour cream or 500 ml. 30% sour cream

Prepare the jelly according to the instructions, but with less liquid than indicated
V end result you should have a fairly dense consistency.
Put in the refrigerator to cool.
Whip the cream and sour cream, and gradually add strawberry jelly, which barely grabbed, that is, did not have time to harden. The cream will turn soft, pink color.
Frozen jelly (three others), cut into cubes, mix together, and then gently stir into the sour cream mass.
Put the cream on the prepared biscuit and refrigerate until it solidifies.

Semolina Lemon Cream

Boil semolina porridge from 2 glasses of milk and 3 tablespoons of semolina. Cool down.
Grind 200 grams of butter with 1 cup of sugar.
Grate 1.5-2 lemons with the peel and add to the cooled porridge.
Put butter and sugar there in parts.
Beat the cream and refrigerate for 20-30 minutes.
Then, with a layer of 1.5-2 cm, grease all layers of the cake, alternating between dark and light cakes.

Sour cream

a glass of sour cream+ mix half a glass of sugar + 100 grams of softened butter ... beat more ..

Curd yoghurt cream

Low-fat quark cottage cheese (or creamy in briquettes), if too thick, add a little low-fat yogurt (kefir). Sugar to taste, as well as flavoring (you can take sugar with the smell of caramel). Beat this for about 10 minutes.

Tofi cream

Boil the cream, add the condensed milk, boil, stirring, for 2-3 minutes until smooth. Pour the chopped chocolate with the mixture, stir until the chocolate dissolves, cool in the refrigerator, beat with a mixer.

Charlotte cream

  • 250 g butter
  • 0.5 cups fresh milk
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 egg

Vanillin or liqueur, cognac to taste
Grind the egg with sugar, add milk, stirring constantly, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Cool to room temperature. The oil should warm to room temperature. Beat the butter into a foam, whisking, add the cooled mixture gradually. Flavor the cream with liqueur, vanilla, cognac, etc. You can add cocoa, coffee, nuts.

Butter cream on proteins

The output of the cream is about 1200 gr.
Heat 8 proteins and 450 grams of sugar over low heat, stir (preferably in a water bath), add salt, a pinch, and make sure that it does not burn, stir! As soon as the sugar dissolves, remove from heat and put to cool.
at this time, beat the butter 600 g with a mixer until creamy. As soon as the proteins with sugar have cooled, beat them until dense peaks,
and add whipped butter to them while they are whipped, the mass will increase by about 3 times.
Beat the cream until it shines. And then use this cream as you wish, and it transfers the paint, both dry and liquid, and heat, in general cream for all occasions!

And the same cream with slight changes in proportions

Stir 4 squirrels with 220 g of powdered sugar and put in a water bath until the sugar powder dissolves, remove from the bath and beat with a mixer for 5-6 minutes - you get a fluffy white mass, cut 330 g of butter at room temperature into 10 pieces and continue whisking add 1 piece each , at first the cream will be watery, but after the last piece it will begin to thicken, you can put a cup of cream with whipping in a container with cold water.
The cream is good for a layer of biscuits, and for jewelry and for mastic.
My notes: if the oil is yellow, the cream will have a slightly yellowish tint, if the oil is white, the cream will be snow-white.

Creamy chocolate cream

  • 2 cups heavy (> 30%) cream (0.5 l.)
  • 250g baking chocolate

Heat the cream almost to a boil, pour it over the chopped chocolate, stir until it is completely dissolved. Cool and refrigerate overnight. Whisk into a fluffy creamy mass.

Curd sour cream

Recently I "invented" an excellent cream - delicious, keeps its shape well, does not flow. Any curd mass (I take vanilla) is kneaded and mixed with sour cream (in such proportions to get the consistency of a cream). I did it for pancakes, so I added a pear cut into cubes, I think it will also work for a layer of cake, but of course nothing needs to be added for decoration.

Truffle cream

  • 450 g chocolate
  • 750 ml cream

Chop the chocolate finely. Heat 250 ml of cream almost to a boil and pour over the chocolate, stir until a homogeneous smooth mass (ganache) is obtained. Cool for 10-15 minutes. Whip the remaining 500 ml of cream until soft peaks and gently mix into the chocolate mass in 3 steps.

Chocolate icing for cake

  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1.tbsp butter
  • 1 tbsp sour cream
  • 2 tsp cocoa.

Mix to boil, cool a little and pour over the cake.

Chocolate cream

300 g chocolate
1 tbsp. Cream

Bring the cream to an almost boil and pour over the finely chopped chocolate. Cool, beat lightly with a mixer.

Chocolate cream

  • 150 g dark chocolate
  • 2 tbsp. Cream

It is better to start cooking it the day before the cake is assembled. Bring the cream to a near boil and pour over the chopped chocolate. Chill in the refrigerator for several hours (or even better overnight). On the day of assembling the cake, beat the cream until firm peaks.

Chocolate mousse

  1. 4 small egg yolks
  2. 80 ml syrup (from 25 g sugar and 25 ml water)
  3. 200 g chocolate
  4. 300 ml whipping cream

Prepare chocolate mousse... Whisk the yolks. Bring sugar and water to 120 g. C, pour into the yolks and continue beating until cool. Melt the chocolate and, stirring occasionally, pour into the yolk mixture. Whisk in the cream and stir into the chocolate mixture. Refrigerate.

Chocolate cream

500ml cream + 400g chocolate (I take porous milk with tiramisu taste, the taste is excellent)


Lemon biscuit impregnation

  • 2 tbsp. boiling water
  • squeeze the juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 bottle of essence, can be lemon

Stir until sugar dissolves. Cool down.

Cognac-cherry impregnation

Pour into a cup about 1/3 of the cherry juice, add 1-2 tbsp. sugar, 3-4 tablespoons brandy and add water so that the total amount of impregnation was about 1 cup. I calculated the amount of impregnation for a multi-layer layer, if you make one cake, half a serving may be enough for you.

Here are some tips to help you make caramel.

* Caramel, like chocolate, requires patience and some prerequisites.
First, don't try to cook it in a regular saucepan. The dishes must be stainless and always have a thick bottom (for uniform heating, otherwise the temperature of the sugar will rise faster than it dissolves, which will lead to the formation of these very crystals, which cannot be eliminated).

Secondly, everything should take place over medium heat with stirring only until boiling. After that, you cannot interfere. You just need to moisten the sides of the saucepan with water.
It usually takes 7-10 minutes to cook the caramel, again, this depends on your stove. If it takes longer for you to bring the syrup to a caramel color, don't panic, let it simmer.
And most importantly, be very careful (so as not to burn yourself) when adding cream (always at room temperature), because the mass begins to boil very actively.

* Stir caramel only in one direction !!! Now, if you started to interfere in a clockwise direction, then continue to interfere this way until the end. And the cream should be at room temperature.

What cream is better to make grass, basket, wool, rose

I like ganache 1: 1 (cool before decorating), protein-oil cream, work with it right away.
Vegetable cream + condensed milk. For 200 gr of cream 150 gr of condensed milk. Add condensed milk when the cream is whipped into a strong foam. The cream turns out to be elastic, easily settles out and does not crack. V pastry bag apply a little, the rest can be kept in the refrigerator, gradually applying from there. You can keep the cream at room temperature while decorating, provided that it is not hot in the apartment.

The cream is a fluffy mass prepared by whipping butter, eggs, cream with sugar and other products.

The cream, due to its high nutritional value, excellent taste and plasticity, allows you to create jewelry of the most intricate forms.

However, along with the advantages, the cream also has a major drawback - it quickly deteriorates and is very sensitive to all kinds of bacterial contamination.

Store the cream in a cool place, given that at a temperature of 2-5 °, the reproduction of microbes slows down.

Bacterially contaminated cream can be a source of illness and poisoning. Microbes can be introduced into the cream with raw materials, from dishes or from hands. The cream should not be prepared for future use.

Products with cream cannot be stored for more than 36 hours, and with custard for more than 3 hours at a temperature of 5 °. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare pastries and cakes with cream shortly before use.

When making a cream, it is necessary to observe the cleanliness of hands, dishes and equipment. The cream is prepared only from good quality and fresh products.

Recipe explanations

Citric acid is found in lemon and some other fruits and berries, but it is obtained mainly by fermenting sugars. Citric acid goes on sale in crystals. 1 spoon of crystalline citric acid is dissolved in 2 tablespoons of hot water and the resulting solution is used in the manufacture of blanks, dispensing it with drops or teaspoons (in 1 teaspoon of acid solution 50-55 drops). The juice from one lemon corresponds to about 5 g of crystalline acid, or 2 teaspoons of its solution.

Food paints

Creams, glazes and other preforms can be tinted with harmless natural and artificial coloring agents. Dyes quickly deteriorate from the action of light, air and moisture, so they must be diluted in small portions and stored in dark glass bottles. When coloring blanks and products, it should be borne in mind that too bright and unnatural coloring of food causes an unpleasant feeling. Dissolve the paint in warm boiled water, the dosage is set at will.

White coloring give powdered sugar, lipstick, milk, cream, sour cream, white creams.

Yellow coloration it turns out: from saffron, diluted in warm water, vodka or alcohol; from lemon peel; from carrot mass made from equal parts butter and pounded carrots, fried for 3-5 minutes until softened and strained through cheesecloth or strainer; from powders or pastes of tartrazine and safflower, readily soluble in water.

Green coloring obtained by mixing yellow with blue or squeezing green juice from spinach.

Brown coloration give a strong coffee infusion, a very strong tea brew, or burnt sugar.
Zhzhenka is prepared as follows. Pour 1 tbsp into the pan. spoon granulated sugar and, stirring occasionally, heat over low heat until the sugar turns dark brown and smoke begins to evolve. Continuing to stir, gradually add 0.5 cups of hot water and stir until the lumps dissolve.
The resulting sticky dark brown solution is filtered through cheesecloth or strainer and stored in a bottle.
Stir gently with a long spatula or stick to avoid splashing hot burnt sugar. With insufficient burning of sugar, the color will be weak, and the burned sugar will curdle into a hard lump and there will be little burning.

Red and pink coloration obtained by adding: juices of raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, dogwood, lingonberries, currants, cherries; red syrups, jams, wine; red cabbage or beets, which are finely chopped, poured with the same amount of acidified water, brought almost to a boil and drained; carmine, which is dissolved with ammonia and, after adding water, boiled until the smell of alcohol disappears.

Orange coloring gives a mixture of red and yellow paint, as well as orange or tangerine peel juice.

Blue coloration is obtained from the dye indigo carmine, which is a bluish-black paste that dissolves in water. forms a pure blue solution.

Pistachio coloring formed by mixing yellow paint with a small amount of blue.

Chocolate coloring can be obtained by adding chocolate or cocoa powder, or by mixing burnt sugar with red paint.

I. Basic oil creams

Oil creams are the most widespread; they very easily take on various relief forms and maintain them steadily.
Below are recipes for five basic creams (with different dosages of butter): with condensed milk, sugar syrup, powdered sugar, milk and eggs, on eggs.
Butter, which is the base oil creams, must be unsalted, uncontaminated, free of foreign tastes and odors.
Basic creams differ in product composition, manufacturing methods, shelf life and taste.
Any of the basic creams can be given a different flavor and aroma by adding an aroma or flavoring agent.
Along with recipes for basic creams, the book contains recipes for various flavored creams.

1. Butter base cream with condensed milk

Products / Quantity
(EXPLANATION: Stepwise, that is, if you take 50 g of draining oil, then you need to add 2 tablespoons of condensed milk to it, you will get 110 g of cream at the output)
Sweet butter, g
Condensed milk, Art. spoons
Cream output, g

Heat the oil in a saucepan until the consistency of thick sour cream and beat it with a metal broom or wooden spatula until a fluffy elastic mass is obtained white... Then, without stopping whipping, pour condensed milk into the butter in small portions and beat for 10-15 minutes until a fluffy homogeneous mass is obtained.
If condensed milk is saccharified, it must first be boiled and cooled to room temperature.
If the cream is "cut off" (becomes pockmarked), you need to slightly warm it up and beat. If this does not help, the cream should be cooled, mixed, thrown back on a fine sieve and, after separating the liquid, slightly warmed and beat again or add a little softened butter.
Decorations made of warm cream have a beautiful glossy surface, but the drawings made from such a cream are not embossed; cold cream decorations - matte, embossed drawings.

2. Butter base cream with sugar syrup

Sweet butter, g
Granulated sugar, art. spoons
Water, Art. spoons
Cream output, g

Pour granulated sugar into a saucepan, pour in water, stir with a spoon, boil until the sugar is completely dissolved, remove the foam. Cool the finished sugar syrup to room temperature.
Beat the butter, as indicated in recipe 1, and while whisking, gradually pour in the cooled sugar syrup in small portions.
Beat until fluffy.

3. Butter base cream with powdered sugar

Products / Quantity (explanation "Butter base cream on condensed milk")
Sweet butter, g
Powdered sugar, Art. spoons
Cream output, g

The cream is made in the same way as butter cream on condensed milk (recipe 1), with the only difference that during whipping add small portions of fine, carefully sifted icing sugar.
At the end of whipping, speed up the process.

4. Butter base cream on milk and eggs (Charlotte)

Products / Quantity (explanation "Butter base cream on condensed milk")
Sweet butter, g
Granulated sugar, art. spoons
Eggs, pcs
Milk, Art. spoons
Cream output, g
Prepare milk syrup from sugar, milk and eggs. To do this, pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar and, stirring occasionally, bring the mixture to a boil. In a separate saucepan, lightly beat the eggs with a broom and, without interrupting whipping, pour hot milk with sugar in a thin stream here. Bring the total mixture to almost a boil, then cool the milk syrup to room temperature.
While the syrup is cooling, beat the butter as directed in recipe 1.
Without stopping whipping the butter, gradually pour the chilled milk syrup into it in small portions and beat until a fluffy cream is obtained.

5. Oily base cream on eggs (glaze)

Products / Quantity (explanation "Butter base cream on condensed milk")
Sweet butter, g

Granulated sugar, art. spoons
Eggs, pcs.
Cream output, g

Put granulated sugar and eggs in a saucepan. Warming the mixture to 45 °, beat it with a broom until the volume increases 2.5-3 times. Then, while continuing to beat, cool the mass to room temperature.
In a separate saucepan, heat the butter until the consistency of thick sour cream, beat it white and, continuing to beat, gradually pour in the mixture of eggs and sugar.
Beat the total mixture until a fluffy cream is formed.

Scented oil creams

At the end of the whipping of any basic cream prepared according to recipes 1-5, various substances can be added to give the creams varied taste and aroma.
In the presented recipes for flavored creams, the additives are calculated on a serving of the base cream made from 100 g of oil.
If, in fact, the portion of the base cream will be more or less, then the amount of flavor additives should be changed accordingly.

6. Apricot oil cream

Add 1 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). spoon apricot tincture or apricot liqueur, or syrup from apricot jam... Tint the cream in orange (see the beginning of the page).

7. Pineapple oil cream

Add 1 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). a spoonful of syrup from canned pineapple, touch up in yellow(see the beginning of the page) and mix well until a uniform color is obtained.

8. Orange oil cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5) add juice from% orange (recipe 129) and juice from orange peel (see at the beginning of the page), you can add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of orange liqueur. Tint the cream in orange (see the beginning of the page).

9. Benedictine oil cream

Add 1 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). spoon of liqueur "Benedictine", paint the cream in pistachio color (see at the beginning of the page) and mix well.

10. Vanilla butter cream

Add 1 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). a spoonful of vanilla liqueur, or 2 g of vanilla sugar, or 2-3 drops vanilla essence... The color of the cream is white.

11. Cherry oil cream

Add 1-2 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). tablespoons of cherry juice (recipe 138), squeezed from cherries, or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cherry liqueur or cherry liqueur, or cherry jam syrup. Tint the cream pink (see the beginning of the page).

12. Strawberry oil cream

Add 1-2 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). spoons of juice squeezed from strawberries (recipe 150), or syrup from strawberry jam... Tint the cream pink (see the beginning of the page).

13. Strawberry oil cream

Add 1-2 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). tablespoons of juice squeezed from strawberries, or syrup from strawberry jam, or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of strawberry liqueur. Tint the cream pink (see the beginning of the page).

14. Cognac oil cream

Add 1 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). spoon of brandy and mix well.

15. Coffee butter cream

Add 1 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). spoon coffee liqueur or coffee liqueur(see the beginning of the page). If at the same time the cream turns out to be light, add burnt substances (see at the beginning of the page).

16. Lemon oil cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5) add juice from 1/2 lemon and grated lemon zest, or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon liqueur or lemon tincture, or 2-3 drops lemon essence... Tint the cream yellow (see the beginning of the page).

17. Raspberry oil cream

Add 1-2 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). tablespoons of juice squeezed from fresh raspberries (recipe 165), or syrup from raspberry jam... Tint the cream pink (see the beginning of the page) and add citric acid to taste (see the beginning of the page).

18. Tangerine oil cream

Add 1-2 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). tablespoons of juice squeezed from tangerine (recipe 169), and juice of the zest from one tangerine. Tint the cream orange (see at the beginning of the page) and add citric acid to taste (see at the beginning of the page).

19. Cream butter honey

Add 2 teaspoons to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5) natural honey and mix well.

20. Almond oil cream

Add 2 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). tablespoons of roasted peeled finely ground almonds or 3-4 drops of almond essence. Stir the cream well.

21. Butter nut cream

Add 3 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). tablespoons of peeled roasted finely ground nuts. Pass the fried nuts through a meat grinder. Stir the cream well. To improve the taste of the cream, you can add 1 tbsp. spoon of liqueur "Aromatic" or "New Year". Color the cream with a burnt nut color (see at the beginning of the page).

22. Praline oil cream

Add 2 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). tablespoons of praline mass and beat with a spatula until smooth.
To prepare the praline mass, you need following products:
1 tbsp. spoon of nuts, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of almonds, 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder.

Prepare the praline mass in the following way:
Roast the nuts (kernel) and peeled almonds in the oven until golden brown; remove the husk by rubbing the nuts between your palms.
Roasted nuts, put the almonds and sugar in a small (not tinned) saucepan, put on low heat and stir with a wooden spatula until the sugar melts and turns a light yellow color. Gently place the hot, sticky mixture on a lightly oiled baking sheet or plate and chill.
After cooling, the mixture will turn into a hard glassy lump, which must be crushed in a mortar and passed several times through a meat grinder with a fine mesh. Skipping the mass for the penultimate time, add cocoa powder to it.
Transfer the finely ground praline mass into a tightly sealed glass jar, from which to take the mass as needed.

23. Cream oil pink

Add 1 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). a spoonful of rose liquor or a drop of rose oil. Stir the cream well and paint pink (see the beginning of the page).

24. Rum butter cream

Add 3-4 drops of rum essence or 1 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). spoon of rum and stir well.

25. Pistachio oil cream

Add 2 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). tablespoons of peeled finely chopped pistachios and mix well.

26. Tea oil cream

Add 2 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). spoons tea infusion(see beginning of page) and mix well.

27. Blackcurrant oil cream

To the main butter cream (recipes 1-5), add 1-2 tbsp at the end of beating. spoons of juice squeezed from fresh berries black currant (recipe 182), or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of blackcurrant liqueur or liqueur. Add acid to taste and color the cream pink (see the beginning of the page).

28. Chartreuse oil cream

Add 1 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). spoon of liqueur "Chartreuse" and paint in pistachio color (see at the beginning of the page).

29. Chocolate butter cream

Add 1 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). a spoonful of sifted cocoa powder or 50 g of chocolate. Heat the chocolate over low heat until liquid and mix quickly with the cream.

30. Apple oil cream

Add 1 tbsp to the main butter cream (recipes 1-5). spoon apple tincture or 2 tbsp. spoons of natural juice (recipe 187). Add to taste food acid and mix well.

II. Protein creams

The basis of protein creams is egg white, beaten with sugar. Protein creams are used to spread and decorate the surface of cakes and pastries, as well as to fill tubules and rolled wafers.
Due to their delicate and fluffy structure, these creams are unsuitable for interlayers, that is, for gluing baked layers.
Flavors and flavors can be incorporated into basic protein creams to produce flavored protein creams.
The dosage of these substances, recommended for oil creams from 100 g of oil, is also suitable for protein creams made from three egg whites.

31. Raw protein cream(basic)

Products / Quantity (explanation "Butter base cream on condensed milk")
Egg whites, pcs.
Powdered sugar, Art. spoons

Cream output, g
Pour proteins into a saucepan, put it on ice or in cold water and beat with a metal broom for 10-15 minutes until a thick, fluffy white foam is obtained, which should be held on the raised broom. Without stopping whipping, gradually, in small portions, add fine, carefully sifted powdered sugar (1/3 portion) to the whipped egg whites and continue whipping for another 2-3 minutes.
Then take out the broom, add the rest of the icing sugar, aromas, paints, citric acid and stir the cream quickly.
Use the cream immediately after production, as it loses its splendor during storage.

32. Custard protein cream(basic)

Products / Quantity (explanation "Butter base cream on condensed milk")
Egg whites, pcs.
Granulated sugar, art. spoons
Water, glasses
Diluted citric acid, drops
Cream output, g

Put granulated sugar in a saucepan, pour water, stir well and cook until sample on a thick thread. Pour the egg whites into another saucepan, put in cold water or on ice and beat with a metal broom until a thick, fluffy white foam forms, which should hold on to the raised broom. Without stopping whipping, pour the prepared hot sugar syrup into the whites in a thin stream, then beat for another 1-2 minutes, quickly stirring the whole mass.
If you pour undercooked syrup into the proteins, then the cream will turn out to be weak, vague, if overcooked, then with caramel lumps; lumps can also form from pouring hot syrup into proteins in a thick stream and from poor stirring of the cream in a hot state.
Immediately after brewing, at the end of whipping, add citric acid and for touch-up and taste - paint, fruit juices and other fragrances used for oil creams.
The cream should be used immediately after manufacture.

33. Protein-fruit cream (marshmallow)

Ingredients for 240 g cream: 3 egg whites, 2 tbsp. spoons of jam, jam or jam, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon of gelatin.
Heat the washed and soaked gelatin in 1/4 cup of water until completely dissolved. Beat the whites until a thick, fluffy mass is obtained. Warm jam, jam or marmalade a little, rub through a sieve, add sugar and cook for 5-10 minutes.
Mix the hot boiled fruit mass with the dissolved gelatin and pour gradually into the well-beaten whites, whisking them continuously. Then add aromas to taste.
Use the cream immediately, in a warm form, since when it cools it turns into a gelatinous mass.

34. Protein cream from Antonov apples

Ingredients for 450 g of cream: 4 egg whites, 1 glass of granulated sugar, 300 g of Antonov apples.
After removing the core with seeds, bake the apples in a frying pan in the oven until they are completely softened, rub them through a fine sieve. Add sugar to the resulting puree and boil for 3-5 minutes. Pour the mass hot into the well-beaten egg whites.
Use the cream immediately in a warm form.

III. Basic custards

Custards turn sour and spoil quickly, especially if stored in a warm place.
To prevent the custard from burning, it must be heated in a saucepan with a thick bottom over low heat and stirred not with a broom or spoon, but with a wooden spatula that fits snugly against the bottom of the pan.
After boiling, the cream is cooled to about 10 ° in the refrigerator. If there is no refrigerator, put the pan with the cream in cold water or between the pieces of ice, cover it with another pan (basin), on which you also put ice (snow) and sprinkle it with salt. In such conditions, the cream cools quickly.
To prevent a dense crust from forming on the surface of the cream, sprinkle it with sugar or stir the cream periodically during cooling. The chilled cream is quickly used for the preparation of products.
Custards should not be used to decorate the surface of cakes and pastries, as they do not produce embossed patterns.
These creams are used to fill tubes, baskets, rolled wafers, as well as to decorate the surface of yeast products and, less often, for interlayers and spreading of cakes and pastries.
By replacing individual products in recipes with creams or adding new ones, you can get flavored custards with different tastes and aroma.

35. Custard cream on eggs(basic)

Products / Quantity (explanation "Butter base cream on condensed milk")
Milk, cream or water, glasses
Granulated sugar, art. spoons
Eggs, pcs.
Cream output, g

Instead of eggs, you can take twice the amount of egg yolks.
Put sugar, starch in a small saucepan (preferably enameled) and pour out the eggs; after stirring for 1-2 minutes, add milk, put on the stove and, stirring with a wooden spatula, heat to almost a boil (up to 80-85 degrees C), that is, until it thickens (in no case should the cream be overheated or brought until boiling, otherwise it will be cut off).
Remove from the stove and put the cream on cooling.

36. Custard cream with flour(basic)

Ingredients for 350-400 g of cream: 1 glass of milk, cream or water, 1 egg, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar, 2 teaspoons of flour.
Stir the egg with flour in a saucepan until the lumps disappear, add 1/4 of the milk provided for in the recipe, mix again.
In a separate saucepan, boil the rest of the milk and sugar, stirring with a wooden spatula. Pour the boiling milk mixture in a thin stream into the egg-flour mass while stirring with a spatula, then put the total mixture on the stove and, stirring continuously, bring until thickened, but do not boil.
To improve the taste and sterilize the wheat flour, lightly fry it on a baking sheet; you can replace it with starch (wheat, corn, rice).
Cool the boiled cream.

37. Custard air cream(basic)

Ingredients for 400 g of cream: 1 glass of milk or cream, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar, 4 eggs.
Separate the yolks from the whites. Grind the egg yolks and sugar in a saucepan, pour in the milk and, stirring occasionally, bring the mixture to a boil. In another saucepan, beat the whites well in the cold, mix them quickly with a hot mixture. Heat the total mixture, stirring, for another 2-3 minutes.
The cream will turn out to be airy, and after cooling it will be slightly gelatinous, so it should be used in products warm.
Finished goods refrigerate with cream in a cold place.

Flavored custards

38. Apricot custard cream

Prepare in the same way as the basic custard (Recipes 35-37), but instead of a whole glass of milk use 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup apricot marmalade(recipe 119) or mashed potatoes, rubbed through a fine sieve.
Instead of mashed potatoes, you can add 1 tbsp to the main cream. a spoonful of apricot liqueur or liqueur.

39. Pineapple custard cream

Prepare in the same way as the basic custard (Recipes 35-37), but instead of a whole glass of milk, use 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup pineapple juice from canned pineapple or fresh pineapple.
Finely diced fresh or canned pineapple can be added to the cream.

40. Orange custard cream

Prepare in the same way as the basic custard (Recipes 35-37), but add another 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar and instead of a whole glass of milk, take 1/2 cup of milk and 1/2 cup orange juice(recipe 129) or, after boiling and cooling, add juice from the zest of one orange.

41. Vanilla custard cream

Add to the main custard (recipes 35-37), made from 1 glass of milk, 1-2 g of vanilla sugar or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vanilla liqueur.
For cream intended for filling, you can use vanilla at the rate of 1/4 stick per glass of milk. Put vanilla in milk before boiling, and remove after it.

42. Lemon custard cream

Prepare in the same way as the basic custard (Recipes 35-37), but add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar and take 3/4 cup instead of a whole glass of milk. After boiling and cooling slightly, add the juice squeezed from half the lemon and the zest.
You can also, without diminishing milk, add 1 tbsp after cooking. a spoonful of lemon liqueur or tincture.

43. Tangerine custard cream

Prepare in the same way as the basic custard (Recipes 35-37), but instead of a whole glass of milk, use 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup tangerine juice and juice from the zest of two tangerines.

44. Cream of custard honey

Prepare in the same way as the main custard (recipes 35-37), but take 2 tbsp for 1 glass of milk. tablespoons of sugar and 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

45. Almond custard cream (nut)

Prepare in the same way as the main custard (recipes 35-37), but add 2 tbsp for each glass of milk at the beginning of boiling. tablespoons of roasted finely chopped almonds, nuts, peanuts.
Use the cream only for the filling.

46. ​​Chocolate custard cream

Prepare in the same way as the main custard (recipes 35-37), but add 2 tbsp for each glass of milk at the beginning of boiling. tablespoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder or one 50 gram bar of chocolate (no added sugar). Break the chocolate into small pieces.

47. Apple custard cream

Prepare in the same way as the basic custard (Recipes 35-37), but instead of a whole glass of milk use 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup apple juice(recipe 187) or applesauce light color with pleasant taste. Simultaneously increase the dosage of sugar by 1 tbsp. spoon.

IV. Basic buttercreams

Whipped cream cream is distinguished by its splendor, tenderness and lightness, high nutritional value and great taste... The preparation of this cream requires the mandatory observance of a number of conditions.
Fresh liquid cream it is necessary to heat it on low heat for 20-30 minutes at 80 ° (pasteurize), after which microbes die, causing spoilage and souring of the cream. Then cool the cream to a temperature of 3-4 ° and keep at this temperature for 24-36 hours. During this time, the cream matures, becomes thicker and more foamy.
Best temperature for churning cream 2-3 °, and already at 10-13 ° the cream churns badly, curds and turns into butter. Therefore, cream, dishes and brooms should be cooled as much as possible. The surrounding air should be cold and clean, as foreign odors are easily perceived by the cream.
Heavy cream containing 35% fat, whip well; from cream with 20% fat, the cream can be obtained only with the addition of gelatin.
Whisk the cream with a broom, slowly at first, then faster, until a thick, fluffy foam is obtained. If the cream curdles during whipping (form a non-uniform pockmarked mass), stop whipping, put the cream on a clean sieve and drain the liquid, then continue whipping. Repeated failure indicates that the cream was liquid or warm and will not be able to cream. You can continue to beat this cream with a wooden spatula until you get butter.

Cream must be prepared before use. Products with this cream can be stored for no more than 2-3 hours in a cold place.
Whipped cream without gelatin quickly loses its shape and spreads; cream with gelatin retains its shape better and longer, but its structure is not airy, but gelatinous.
Creamy creams are used to decorate the surface of pastries and cakes, as well as to fill tubules, baskets and rolled wafers. For the interlayer, butter creams are used only in biscuit cakes and pastries.
It is not recommended to sandwich sand and flaky layers with these creams, since the cream "sits down" under the weight of the upper layer, and is squeezed out during cutting and during eating.

48. Creamy cream without gelatin(basic)

Products / Quantity (explanation "Butter base cream on condensed milk")
Cream 35% fat, glasses
Powdered sugar, teaspoons
Vanilla sugar, g
Cream output, g
For this cream, use only 35% fat cream. Pour the chilled cream into cold pot, put in cold water, on ice or snow and beat with a broom until a thick, fluffy foam is obtained. Without stopping whipping, add a little vanilla sugar and powdered sugar, stirring well.
The finished, well-whipped cream is held on a raised, frequent broom.
This cream is very unstable during storage, quickly sour and creeps.
After beating, the cream should be used immediately, and the products with this cream should be placed in the cold. This cream should not be tinted, only vanilla sugar can be used for flavoring.

49. Creamy cream with gelatin(basic)

Ingredients for 400 g cream:
- 1.5 cups cream 20-35% fat,
- 1/2 teaspoon tablespoons of gelatin,
- 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Rinse the gelatin in water and discard on a fine sieve, put in a glass, add 1/2 cup of cream and stir. After 2 hours, when the gelatin swells, place the glass in hot water and stir the contents until the gelatin is completely dissolved, then slightly cool the gelatin solution (up to 40-50 °).
Whisk the rest of the chilled cream with a broom at low temperature until a thick, fluffy foam is obtained. Without stopping whipping, gradually add powdered sugar and pour in a thin stream of gelatin solution.
Tint cream food paints(see the beginning of the page) until it becomes gelatinous, and be sure to flavor to destroy the gelatin flavor. Chopped nuts or pieces of fruit can be added to the cream used for the filling. Use the cream immediately after adding the gelatin.

50. Creamy egg cream with gelatin(basic)

Ingredients for 400 g cream:
- 1 glass of cream 20-35% fat,
- 3 eggs,
- 2 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar
- 1 teaspoon of gelatin.
Prepare a gelatin-cream solution as described in Recipe 49.
Thoroughly grind the eggs with sugar with a broom, heat the pan with the mixture in a water bath to 40-50 °, whisking the mixture at the same time. Remove the pot from the water bath, place it in cold water and continue whisking the mixture until a fluffy mass is formed, cooling it down to cold water temperature.
In a separate saucepan, beat the chilled cream until thick and fluffy. Then stir the whipped cream with the beaten eggs, adding a warm gelatin solution (40-50 °).
Flavor the cream as described in the recipes below, touch up and quickly use into products until it becomes gelatinous.

Flavored Butter Creams

Flavors and aromas can be added to the basic gelatin creams made according to recipes 49 and 50, resulting in a variety of flavored creams.

51. Creamy apricot cream

Add 2 tbsp to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before adding gelatin. tablespoons of apricot liqueur or tincture or 2 tbsp. tablespoons of finely grated apricot puree.

52. Creamy pineapple cream

Add 2 tbsp to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before adding gelatin. tablespoons of pineapple syrup or juice or finely grated pineapple puree. Tint the cream yellow (see the beginning of the page).

53. Creamy orange cream

Add juice from one orange (recipe 129) and its zest to the base cream (recipes 49, 50) before adding gelatin. The cream can be tinted orange (see at the beginning of the page).

54. Creamy vanilla cream

Add 5 g of vanilla sugar to the cream of the base cream (recipes 49, 50) at the beginning of whipping or before adding gelatin - 2 tbsp. spoons of vanilla liqueur.

55. Creamy cherry cream

Add 1 tbsp to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before adding gelatin. a spoonful of cherry liqueur or tincture, or 2 tbsp. tablespoons of juice squeezed from fresh cherries (recipe 138) or cherry jam syrup (recipes 140, 141).

56. Creamy strawberry, strawberry, raspberry

Add 1/2 cup juice, jam or fresh strawberries, strawberries, raspberries to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before adding gelatin (recipes 150 or 165).
Tint the cream pink (see the beginning of the page).

57. Creamy cognac cream

Add 2 tbsp to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before adding gelatin. spoons of brandy.

58. Creamy coffee cream

Add 1 tbsp to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before adding gelatin. a spoonful of coffee liqueur or 2 tbsp. tablespoons of strong coffee infusion made from 1 teaspoon of natural coffee.

59. Creamy lemon

Add juice and zest from 1/2 lemon or 1 tbsp to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before adding gelatin. a spoonful of lemon liqueur, or 3-5 drops of diluted citric acid (see the beginning of the page) or lemon essence.
Tint the cream in yellow (see at the beginning of the page).

60. Creamy tangerine

Add juice and zest from one or two tangerines (recipe 169) or 1 tbsp to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before adding gelatin. a spoonful of tangerine liqueur.

61. Creamy honey

Add 2 tbsp to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before adding gelatin. spoons of a little warmed up natural honey.

62. Creamy almond cream(walnut)

Add 1/2 cup toasted and chopped nuts or almonds to the base cream (recipes 49, 50) before adding gelatin, you can add 1 tbsp. spoon of liqueur "Aromatic" or "New Year".

63. Creamy praline cream

Add 2-3 tbsp to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before adding gelatin. spoons of recipe praline filling 22.

64. Creamy pink or rum

Add 2 tbsp to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before adding gelatin. tablespoons of liqueur "Pink" or 4-5 drops of rum essence, or 2 tbsp. spoons of rum, or 1 drop of rose oil.

65. Creamy tea cream

Add 2 tbsp to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before adding gelatin. spoons of strong infusion made from 1 teaspoon of dry tea.

66. Creamy chocolate cream

Add a mixture of cocoa powder and powdered sugar (1 tablespoon each) or 50 g of preheated chocolate to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before adding gelatin.

67. Creamy apple cream

Add 1-2 tbsp to the main cream (recipes 49, 50) before adding gelatin. tablespoons of apple tincture or 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of apple juice (recipe 187), mashed potatoes or finely chopped fresh (canned) apples.

V. Sour cream and creamy sour cream creams

Sour cream for the preparation of the cream should be fresh, without signs of fermentation, without sharp acidity. Better to use sour cream top grade containing 30% fat.
Just like cream, sour cream must be strongly cooled before whipping, whipping it should be at a low air temperature.
Sour cream and creamy sour cream unstable during storage, products with them can be stored no more than 2-3 hours in a cold place.

68. Sour cream without gelatin

Ingredients for 350 g cream:
- 1 glass of sour cream,

- 5 g vanilla sugar.
Put a saucepan with sour cream in cold water, on ice or snow and beat the sour cream with a broom until a thick, fluffy foam forms, which should be held on the raised broom.
Sift the icing sugar, mix with vanilla sugar and stir in a broom with whipped sour cream.

69. Sour cream with gelatin(basic)

Ingredients for 350 g cream:
- 1 glass of sour cream,
- 4 tbsp. tablespoons of powdered sugar,
- 1 teaspoon of gelatin.
Prepare the cream according to recipe 68, but at the end of whipping, pour into it a thin stream of warm (40 °) gelatin solution prepared in 1/2 glass of water (recipe 49) or milk. Flavor the cream with different substances, which are added at the end of the whipping before adding gelatin.
The dosage of fragrances is given in the previous recipes.

70. Creamy Sour Cream

Ingredients for 400 g cream:
- 1 glass of cream 20 or 35% fat,
- 2 tbsp. tablespoons of powdered sugar,
- 4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream 30% fat,
- 5 g vanilla sugar.
Pour chilled cream and sour cream into a saucepan, place in cold water, ice or snow and beat the contents with a broom until a thick, fluffy foam forms. Without stopping whisking, add the sifted mixture of powdered sugar and vanilla sugar and mix.

71. Kaymak cream

Ingredients for 400 g cream:
- 3/4 cup 20% cream,
- 1 glass of granulated sugar,
- 100 g butter,
- 1 g vanilla sugar.
Sugar and cream, stirring constantly, boil until sample on a thin thread, add vanilla sugar and cool to 15-18 °, beat butter for 10-12 minutes and gradually, in 5 steps, add milk syrup. Mix well.

Vi. Different creams

72. Creamy margarine cream

Ingredients for 200 g cream:
- 100 g creamy margarine,
- 3 tbsp. tablespoons of condensed milk,
- 2 teaspoons of jam syrup,
- 2 teaspoons of brandy or wine,
- 2 g vanilla sugar.
Boil condensed milk and cool. Heat the margarine in a saucepan until the consistency of thick sour cream and beat it with a broom or wooden spatula until a fluffy mass is obtained; then, without stopping whipping, add condensed milk, syrup, cognac, vanilla sugar and mix well.

73. Peanut cream

Ingredients for 280 g cream:
- 100 g butter margarine or butter,
- 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of roasted peanuts, finely ground,
- 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder
- 3/4 cup powdered sugar
- 2 g vanilla sugar.
Whisk the butter as described in Recipe 72. While whisking, add the peanuts and the mixture of powdered sugar, cocoa powder and vanilla sugar, mix well.

Do you like sweets? We tell you how to cook pastry cream for a cake at home!

If the holiday begins with a cake, then the cake itself is with cream. Creamy, butter, custard, protein, ganache, cottage cheese ... There are a million options, but the main names are just that. However, there is something to say about each. And everyone has to try.

Butter cream

So oily. The most classic one possible. It was popular in the Soviet Union both in production and in the kitchens of housewives. Holiday symbol. Thick, glossy, heavy. Perfect for a layer of biscuits.

The simplest variation of it sounds like this:

  • butter - 200 g;
  • condensed milk - 300 g.

Beat butter at room temperature at high speed until fluffy. Without stopping whipping, pour in condensed milk in a thin stream. As soon as the mass has become glossy, homogeneous and fluffy, the cream is ready.

Charlotte cream

If you are the kind who is ready for complex technologies and exquisite tastes, - keep the recipe butter cream entitled Charlotte. It is ideal for leveling and decorating cakes, and suitable for filling choux pastries.


  • butter - 250 g;
  • sugar - 190 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 150 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp (grind into powder);
  • alcohol (cognac, rum, liqueur, etc.) - 1 tbsp.

In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, combine milk and egg until smooth. Add sugar and simmer until boiling. After boiling - a few more minutes. Until the syrup thickens. Remove from heat, stirring occasionally, and cool the resulting mass.

At this time, beat butter at room temperature with vanilla powder in a separate bowl.

If the syrup is already cold , gently add it to the butter while whisking. Add alcohol to the cream for a special flavor.

Protein cream

The next most popular is protein cream... It is good in combination with products from shortcrust pastry... This cream is based on proteins chicken eggs and sugar. And here additional ingredients and cooking technologies vary. The simplest version is a non-brew cream.


  • egg whites - 60 g;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife.

Beat the whites with sugar until dense peaks. Add a pinch of acid when finished. Ready!

despite the simplicity of preparation, many housewives are confused by thermally unprocessed protein. Therefore, below is the recipe for protein Boiled cream... Ingredients should be calculated as follows: sugar is 2 times more than proteins. Water is 4 times less than sugar.

Custard Protein Cream


  • proteins - 100 g (from 3 chicken eggs);
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife;
  • vanilla - 3 g.

In a saucepan, mix sugar and water and begin to boil. This should take about 5 minutes. At this time, you can beat the whites. If the protein mass has increased in volume and thickened, you can add vanilla. When the syrup reaches about 120 degrees, add citric acid and remove the saucepan from heat. If you do not have a confectionery "thermometer" in your arsenal, be guided by appearance mixtures. The sugar crystals should dissolve, and the syrup itself should drain from the spoon in a continuous stream. As soon as the syrup is ready, without stopping whipping, pour it into protein mass thin stream. When the cream thickens, becomes very thick and glossy, it can be used.

Curd cream

If you find it difficult to imagine what it tastes like, remember legendary cake"Narcissus". Yes, this cream is surprisingly good both as a separate dessert and as an interlayer for biscuits. At the heart of the cream, of course, is cottage cheese. But the additional ingredients may vary. The most classic option is with butter.


  • cottage cheese (maximum% fat) - 250 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • icing sugar - 250-300 g (be guided by your taste, it is not forbidden to sweeten it);
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp

Grind cottage cheese with vanilla sugar until smooth. Add butter at room temperature and beat with a mixer on medium speed. Then gradually add the powder while continuing to beat.

A here is more gentle and air option:

  • cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • whipping cream - 200 ml;
  • vanillin - 1 tsp
  • icing sugar - 100 g (be guided by your taste).

To begin with, whisk the cream until dense peaks and put it in the refrigerator. Then grind the cottage cheese with vanilla until smooth, beat the resulting mass with a mixer at medium speed. Add powder on a spoon, without stopping whipping. Now in curd mass add whipped cream with a spatula. Stir gently until smooth.


There is an opinion that it is almost the most difficult possible. Probably because it walks hand in hand with the Napoleon cake and French eclairs. But in fact, its preparation is by no means difficult.


  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
  • milk - 0.4 l.
  • granulated sugar - 0.2 kg.
  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp. l. (with a slide).

Put the milk on medium heat in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. At this time, mix eggs, 2 types of sugar and flour in a separate container. Introduce the homogeneous egg mixture in a thin stream into the boiling milk. Continuously stirring, boil until thickened. After removing from heat, let the cream cool at room temperature.


Ganache is a cream of chocolate and cream. Like buttery, it is suitable for leveling, decorating, and interlayering cakes. Is an good coverage under mastic and excellent filling for body sweets. In its creamy-buttery performance, ganache looks like this.


  • bitter chocolate - 200 g;
  • cream 33% fat - 120 ml;
  • butter - 80 g.

Place the cream in a thick-bottomed ladle and bring it almost to a boil. After removing the container with cream from the heat, pour finely broken chocolate into it and mix with a whisk until smooth. When the mixture becomes warm, add oil at room temperature. It should give elasticity and glossy shine. After cooking, cover the ganache cling film, as they say, "in contact", and send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. If you need more cream, beat the already chilled ganache with a mixer.

Cream cheese cream

And finally, the “youngest” cream is creamy cheese. Has become widespread in the last couple of years and I think this is just the beginning. Good in combination with biscuit and as a base for various mousses.


  • creamy cottage cheese(salty) - 300 g;
  • cream 33% fat - 200 ml;
  • icing sugar - 80-110 g (for your taste).

We start with the cream. Beat them until dense peaks, gradually introducing the icing sugar. We grind the cheese in the most thorough way until a homogeneous elastic state. Gently mix the two masses with a spatula. We cover the container with cling film and send it to the refrigerator to infuse. After half an hour, the cream is ready.

Some novice cooks often ask themselves the following question: "What kind of cream is it desirable to use for this?" And to avoid this question, I decided to write this article, where, focusing on my past experience, I will say right away: in its consistency, it should be quite stable in order to confidently keep inside.

Take, for example: too liquid cream, in this case, under the weight of the cakes, it will flow, especially if they are heavy and thoroughly soaked. Just too much thick cream it should not be for a layer, because it will be dry and not tender enough.

So, in today's article we will analyze the recipes for the most delicious creams for biscuit cake, which have been verified more than once by me and my friends. Of course taste qualities all recipes will be different, but for this I will try to explain as clearly as possible what will be the result and you can choose the one you like best. I also recommend studying.

If you follow all of the above recommendations, you will get a delicate mass, which can be supplemented with sour cream or butter. I want to note that this filling turns out to be very light. And in addition, it can be used not only for making cakes, but also for cookies, waffles and pastries.


  • Butter 82.5% - 180 gr
  • condensed milk - 120 gr
  • cognac - 1 tsp
  • vanillin optional.

Cooking method:

First of all, we prepare everything necessary products, after which we start cooking. Transfer the softened butter into a deep bowl and beat it with a mixer for 4-5 minutes.

Then add condensed milk, vanillin if desired and one teaspoon of brandy. Then we bring to a homogeneous state.

Cognac gives not only a delicate and pleasant aroma, but also the taste is simply awesome.

Then we send this wonderful cream to the refrigerator for 10-12 minutes, and then we will use it for its intended purpose.

How to make sour cream cream

There are several good ways how to cook at home sour cream filling for the cake. One of them will be presented in this article.


  • Sour cream 20% - 680 gr
  • sugar - 150 gr
  • butter - 125 gr.

Cooking method:

In order for all excess liquid to escape, preferably at night or for 5-7 hours, hang sour cream in gauze. We transfer it to a small saucepan and add sugar here (the amount is indicated above).

In the meantime, we need to cut the softened butter and beat it with a mixer, or on a food processor.

Now add the cooled sour cream mixture to the whipped butter in small portions and bring to a homogeneous state.

Here is such a gentle and elastic cream.

Chocolate fudge with cream

Recently I suddenly wanted to bake biscuit cake... The fondant for him had to be prepared from those products that were in the refrigerator - this is cream for whipping and dark chocolate... It was decided to make the filling from these components.


  • Dark chocolate - 400 gr
  • cream - 400 gr.

Cooking method:

Pour cream into a saucepan, put it on medium heat. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly and remove from the stove immediately.

While the cream is still hot, combine it with the prepared chocolate and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

After all the chocolate has dissolved, we put this mass in the refrigerator, just not so that they put it on and forget it, but be sure to take it out and mix it every 10-15 minutes. This procedure took me about 1 hour. Then we take a mixer and bring our mixture to a consistency, where for the first 1-2 minutes we beat at low speed, and then at full power we bring it to a thicker consistency.

Such a wonderful chocolate cream turned out.

Mascarpone recipe

It is according to this recipe that I most often like to cook this dessert. Because it is suitable not only for biscuit cakes and cupcakes, but also for eclairs, which generally make space with it!


  • Mascarpone cheese - 300 gr
  • sugar - 150 gr
  • vanilla - 10 gr
  • fat cream - 600 ml.

Cooking method:

1. In a deep bowl, put the prepared ingredients, which are indicated above, and begin to beat, at a slow speed for 1.5 minutes.

2. Then we gradually increase the speed and bring it to obtain a fluffy, smooth and very tasty cream.

3. This is a real lifesaver when your guests are on the doorstep. You can make cakes with it or put it in bowls and serve with your favorite berries or cookies.

Cooking cream from boiled condensed milk


  • Butter - 400 gr
  • boiled condensed milk - 400 gr
  • ordinary condensed milk - 400 gr
  • orange extract - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

Using a mixer, beat the softened butter in small portions until it turns slightly white.

Now we also add in parts boiled condensed milk and mix thoroughly.

Next, we send the usual condensed milk, one teaspoon of orange extract, or a few teaspoons grated on fine grater orange zest and beat again.

The finished filling is quite stable, suitable for both the layer of cakes and the formation of roses.

Video on how to make cream with fruit

Banana fudge is incredibly tasty and flavorful. A win-win, will please not only little sweet lovers, but also adults.

Bon Appetit!!!

Every housewife should always have recipes for creams on hand so that at any time you can bake quickly and without problems. delicious cakes or desserts.


500 ml. milk
200gr. Sahara
1h a spoonful of vanilla sugar
50gr. flour
4 egg yolks

How to cook:

We grind egg yolks with sugar, vanilla and flour until smooth. We bring our milk to a boil. Pour hot milk into the egg mass, stir, put the resulting mass on fire and cook until thickened. Ready!


Packing of butter - 200 gr
4 chicken eggs
Sand sugar 1 cup
Powdered sugar 100 grams
A pinch of vanilla, if desired, without it.

How to cook:

Let's start with the thickest-bottomed pot. It must be dry. We break four testicles into it. Mix them with sugar. Turn on the fire and start heating. We stir constantly, do not move away from the stove. You will get a thick mass. We remove from the heat and put on the table. stir the mass, wait for it to cool down. Beat butter in a bowl with powder. Add the egg mixture to the butter. A little vanilla for flavor. The cream is ready, we store it in the refrigerator, we spread it only on the cooled cakes.


Softened butter 200 gr.
Condensed milk 100 gr.
Eggs (yolks) 2 pcs.
Vanillin or liqueur

How to cook:

Beat softened butter with condensed milk.
While whisking, gradually add the egg yolks.
For flavoring add vanillin or another spice, or 30-50 gr. liquor.


1 can of condensed milk
1 pack of butter

How to cook:

Beat butter and condensed milk until smooth. The oil should be at room temperature. Cool the cream.


1/2 cup milk
1 tbsp. l. semolina
1 tsp Sahara
1/2 tsp butter
1 yolk
1 tsp vanilla sugar

How to cook:

Boil milk with vanilla sugar. Mix semolina with a little water, pour the mixture into hot milk and bring to a boil over low heat. Grind thoroughly egg yolk with sugar and butter until fluffy, homogeneous. Add semolina porridge to it in small portions, constantly whipping it with a broom, so that the cream is fluffy and light.

6. Cream cheese "Mascarpone"

Try it! Cooking is very easy, fast, inexpensive.


Cottage cheese (in a pack 18%) - 200 g
Cream (33%) - 200 ml

How to cook:

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve (preferably twice).
Pour in cold cream.
Beat the mass at low speed until creamy.
Cream cheese "Mascarpone" is ready to use!

7. "Custard"


2 eggs
1 cup of sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar
1.5 cups milk
2 tsp melted butter
2 tsp flour

How to cook:

1. Combine flour and eggs in a saucepan until the lumps disappear.
2. In another saucepan, boil the milk and sugar, remember to stir.
3. Pour the sugar and milk into the flour mixture, stir vigorously with a spatula.
4. Put the resulting cream on a low heat, stirring constantly, bring to desolation. Don't bring the cream to a boil !!!
5. After that, remove the cream for eclairs from the heat, adding vanilla sugar and butter to it. Stir well and then refrigerate quickly by placing in ice or cold water.

The custard can be used for eclairs or other pastries, cakes, cakes.

8. Butter cream"Five minutes"

The cream is made so easily and quickly, but it turns out so delicious!


Butter - 250 g (room temperature)
Powdered sugar - 200 g
Milk - 100 ml (you can add 150 grams, you can add 200, more softer cream turns out to be less bold!)
Vanillin - 1 packet.

How to cook:

Boil the milk and cool to room temperature.
Connect all components.
Beat with a mixer until the mass becomes homogeneous, pearlescent color. About 3-5 minutes. (Sometimes only after 5 minutes the cream begins to whisk, so beat as much until it beats, and preferably at the lowest speed. Experience has shown that the cream is not beaten either in combines or a blender, so if there is no mixer, then whisk it into the hand with a whisk. or whatever is convenient for you)
The cream turns out to be lush, delicate, with a light vanilla aroma.
You can coat cakes and pies (rolls).

Bon Appetit!