Cream with boiled condensed milk and sour cream. Sour cream with condensed milk and gelatin

03.08.2019 Meat dishes

Any bad mood is best lifted by sweet pastries, only one of her fragrance is able to make forget about spiritual non-judgment. For an impressive result, the delicacy should be prepared by itself, I will ideally, if you make your own hands and cakes, and cream from sour cream and condensed milk for cake. From the time-consuming process you will get a pleasure, and from the relatives, tasted treats, are extremely high words and compliments.

Why many mistresses prefer cream prepared on the basis of sour cream and condensed milk? The answer is very simple: because the sour cream filling is an excellent option for quick impregnation of any type of cortex.

In addition to lubricating cakes, the cream is suitable for filling the waffle tubes, as well as for the preparation of homemade cakes. Cream filling perfectly impresses every piece of baking, making it gentle, soft and incredibly juicy.

Condicive Cream Cream Cream Classic


  • - 20 g + -
  • Condensed milk - 1 bank + -

How to cook cream boiled condensed milk and sour cream

We pour into a bowl of a jar of condensed milk in a bowl, add sour cream to it, after which it is whipped with a mixer products on medium speed. There should be homogeneous and lush mass.

Everything is a cream with a condensedum and sour cream ready, we can proceed to cortex lubrication.

Since warm cream more actively impresses the cakes, then the cream filling is preferably able to warm up (for example, in a water bath).

What you need to know when cooking cream

Good cream has its own secrets of success. And they are mainly in 2 simple culinary nuances:

  1. Used sour cream should be high fat (at least 25%), it is necessarily fresh and cold enough. That is, it is necessary to get it from the refrigerator before the start of cooking, and not half an hour or an hour before cooking.
  2. Condiculka, on the basis of which cream impregnation is made, should be boiled. This does not mean that the cream will not work out of raw condensed milk.

Cream prepared with boiled condensed milk will have completely different indicators: saturated caramel-coffee taste, resistant aroma and thick consistency, incomparable with store products.

Sour cream cake cream with condensed milk: recipes with additives

The sour cream-filling has a wonderful feature - it is combined with all the additional ingredients, which can only be imagined. Grocery additives are very finely emphasize the taste of the baked delicacy, making the emphasis on their uniqueness and sophistication. Creamy oil and sour cream

A fairly popular combination of products in the cream. Slightly deciding oil, cold sour cream and boiled condensed milk, whipped by a blender, give a stunning result in the form of a thick cream filling of a pleasant caramel shade.

Sour cream and fruit

To get a truly spicy impregnation - it is worth adding a piece of fresh fruits into a cream filling, dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots), berries or even fruit puree.

Perfectly combined with a sophisticated cream taste, a gentle banana puree.

Original additives in sour cream condensed cream

Cake with sour cream can be prepared with other additives:

  • honey;
  • nuts, almond;
  • cream (sometimes, they are put into cream simultaneously with sour cream);
  • sugar powder;
  • cognac;
  • grated chocolate;
  • berry or fruit jam;
  • jam;
  • fruit syrup, etc.

The technology of cooking cream impregnation, with such unusual ingredients, the same as in a classic recipe. Additional products are laid at the last stage (sometimes, as an exception, they are added even at the initial stage of preparation), when the condensed milk and sour cream are already whipped.

After adding the "highlight" to the cream stuffing, do not forget to mix it again with a mixer.

Is it possible to store cream from sour cream and condensed

Remember that it is not worth keeping the finished cream impregnation for more than 5 hours, even in the refrigerator.

During this time, it will paint their shape and taste. So immediately after cooking, start lubricate the cakes.

Make cream-filling a little more than you need directly for cortex lubrication. The "excess" portion is removed in the freezer for a while, so you can get a great homemade cream ice cream.

Delight from such a delicacy will be not only your children, but you yourself.

So that the cream from sour cream and the condensed milk for the cake turned out to be a real masterpiece - experiment with the ingredient composition. Finish the classic of cooking with your fantasy - and let your cream delicacy become a great basis for beloved baking.

Bon Appetit!

The most popular and favorite cream of every mistress. 10 cream recipes with a condensed milk for cake - on our website.

Due to the oil basis, this cream is capable of holding a shape for a long time, so it is suitable not only for the beggar layer and biscuit, but also for decorating cakes and cakes.

  • butter cream - 300 g;
  • condensed milk - 1 bank;
  • vanilla sugar is optional.

Cut the oil with pieces and leave soften at room temperature.

With the help of a whisk or mixer, beat the oil to a completely uniform lush mass.

Add vanilla sugar and condensed milk to it.

Continue whipping until the ingredients are completely mixed, and the mass will not become homogeneous.

Recipe 2: Cream Cream Cream for Cake

The easiest cream is preparing very quickly. Creamy oil with condensed milk will give a very gentle taste.

  • pack of cream oil (200g);
  • bank of condensed milk (not boiled).

Pour condensed milk into a rather deep container - so that when scraping the splashes are not spilled, and cut the same softened oil.

Note: Later, I learned that the cream is cheaping better, if you first beat the oil to the pomp, and then, continuing to beat, pour into it a condensedum.

We are whipped with a mixer condensed milk with oil on the principle of the biscuit: starting with a small speed and gradually raising turns.

First cream will be liquid, light yellow. Continue to beat 2-3 minutes, and now you will notice that the cream suddenly thickened and brightened.

That's just when it becomes white, thick, and the whiskers of the mixer will leave clear tracks - the cream is ready.

If he persistently does not want to reach the condition, perhaps too hot. Put a bowl for a few minutes in the refrigerator.

The finished cream before scolding the cortex or filling of the cakes is also better to cool in the refrigerator. Then it will be well keeping the shape (you can decorate the pastries with beautiful patterns from the confectionery syringe), besides it will be tastier!

Recipe 3: Cream for Cake with condensed milk and sour cream (step-by-step photos)

Adding a condensed milk into cream instead of sugar or sugar makes it much more gentle. Also special tenderness and juiciness cream adds sour cream. Condication cream, sour cream and oils are especially well suitable for glorifying biscuit and honey cakes.

  • oil - 400 gr
  • sour cream - 400 gr
  • condensed milk - 350 gr

Recipe 4: Cream for biscuit cake with condensed milk and brandy

  • Creamy butter - 400 grams
  • Condensed milk - 400 grams
  • Cognac - 50 grams

Soft oil to take a mixer.

Gradually add condensed milk.

Then add cognac, all beat.

The cream is obtained dense, tasty and very easy to go to the cake.

It can be used not only for biscuit dough, but also for other homely flour products. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 5: Oil cream with condensed milk and white chocolate (with photos)

The aroma of the cream is chocolate, and the taste is very sweet. The cream is suitable for a cake with neutral or acidic taste.

  • 100 grams of milk or 20% cream
  • 200 grams of white chocolate
  • 1 bank of condenbies
  • 20 grams of butter
  • 1 tsp. Soluble coffee

In a small saucepan, pour milk, put a broken chocolate and put a saucepan on a small fire.

If you wish in milk, you can pour soluble coffee and stirred until the coffee is completely disperse.
Pour condensed milk.

Cook with continuous stirring until the mass thickens.
Put a piece of butter. After that, the mass will be a little aliens.

We respect the mass to the desired density.

To cake cream to apply hot.

Nuts are well combined with this cream. They can be interfered with or possible when applying cream to a cake to sprinkle cream layers with nuts.

Recipe 6: sour cream with boiled condensed milk for cake

The greater sour cream, the easier the cream will take. Sour cream with low fatty (15-20%) It is recommended to leak into the gauze and squeeze the serum, then the cream will turn out dense. With boiled condensed milk, the cream will be tastier, and the form will be denser.

  • Condensed milk boiled - 1 bank
  • Sour cream - 300 ml
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 bag

In the bowl, lay out all the sour cream, after throwing it into the gauze and getting a more dense consistency. Add half of condensed milk and vanilla sugar or vanilla. Why half? And to regulate the degree of sweetness of the cream. Beat a condensed milk with sour cream to homogeneity.

Try, and if little sweets, add more condensed milk.

Well whipped cream has a lush and homogeneous structure.

The cream is ready!

Recipe 7: Curd Cream Cream for Cake

Curd cream is an excellent alternative to the oil cream, it turns out easier with small sourness.

  • 400 gr. Soft cottage cheese 9%
  • 100 ml. Liquid cream 20%
  • 1 bank of boiled condensed milk
  • chipping Vanilli.

For cream, it is better to cook condensed milk on your own, the shop has not such a pleasant taste, and the composition of the shop milk is not particularly good.
With the help of a mixer, beat cottage cheese with boiled condensed milk and vanilla.

Continuing to beat, add gradually cream and beat a few more minutes until the cream becomes a homogeneous mass.

You yourself can adjust the thickness of the cream - adding additionally cream.
Such a cream is perfect for soft cakes, such as biscuit, for filling custard cakes, hournd baskets.

Recipe 8: Gentle cream for biscuit cake, sour cream with condensed milk

The sour cream cream for the biscuit cake is very easy to prepare, but the finished dessert has a special taste, tender consistency and sophistication.

  • Sour cream (fat. Not less than 20%) - 400 grams.
  • Sugar powder - 100 grams.
  • Milk - 300 ml.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack.
  • Gelatin - 20 grams.

Gelatin should pour cold milk for about 40-60 minutes so that it sweeps. Instead of milk, it is possible to use boiled water, but then the finished cream will turn out to be less gentle.

Nobuch gelatin put on a slow fire and with constant stirring completely dissolve it. Watch that the mass does not boil! As soon as the gelatin is dissolved, remove the container from the fire and leave at room temperature.

Sour cream in advance, then add sugar powder with vanilla sugar and beat the mixer, gradually increasing the number of revolutions.

Pour into sour cream cream cooled gelatin, continuing to beat about 3 minutes on the small torch of the mixer.

The resulting cream immediately oversleep the cakes and remove the cake in the refrigerator so that it froze (2-3 hours).

Recipe 9: Cream for Napoleon cake with condensed milk

With this cream, the cake is very gentle, sweet, but not apparent.

  • Condensed milk - 2 banks
  • Oil - 1.5 packs
  • Cognac - 1 spoon

The cream oil is pre-obtaining from the refrigerator to be soft, but not to pull out.

In the mixer we send condensed milk, butter and beat the cream until the air will become. You will understand the form, the mass will become loose and easy. Add a tablespoon of brandy there, it is necessary to say that only the best product is going to the cream! We beat for a few more minutes and the cream is ready.
Each cortex is well aware of the finished cream for Napoleon, the top layer is also lubricated with cream.

Be sure to leave soaking a cake for the night in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator, otherwise the cream will freeze and the cakes may be dry.

Recipe 10: Chocolate-nut cream with condensed milk for cake

Taste - Sweet, with a nut aftertaste. Aroma - chocolate. The consistency is finely bulky. At room temperature - thick, pulling, in the refrigerator freezes to the state of the rustic sour cream.
Can be used to cover cakes, as well as on a sandwich. Hunger quenches well and perfectly suitable for morning tea.

  • 1 cup (100g) fried nuts,
  • 50g cream mala,
  • 1 large dark chocolate tile (100g),
  • 200g (0.5 banks) of condensed milk,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • if desired, 1 hour a spoon of brandy or 3 ~ 5 drops of Essence (vanilla, almond, brandy, etc.)

Nuts can be taken any, to taste. You can also take a mixture of different nuts or add to Nuts Mac. Nuts grind in a coffee grinder as much as possible.

In a small saucepan put butter and breakdown on slices of chocolate. Pour a small pinch of shallow salt.

Put on the fire just below average. Continuously stirring. When oil and chocolate are completely melted, pour the condensed milk.

If you wish, you can add flavors to your taste - brandy, rum, Amaretto, various essences. When stirring, bring the mass before boiling. Cook from 2 to five minutes. The longer the mass be boiled, the clever cream will turn out.

Pour nuts, mix, cook 1 minute and remove the saucepan from the fire.

Shoot the cream in a jar, cool, close the lid and remove into the refrigerator. Bon Appetit!

Cream from sour cream and condensed milk universal. It can also be used for cakes, and for cakes, and as a sweet sauce to baking or there is a spoon just like that. And if it is freezing it, it will look like a creamy ice cream.

Tender, melting texture of the cream will not leave any sweet tooth indifferent.

Such cream is prepared very quickly and without much costs. Any cakes are easily soaked due to the properties of sour cream. In addition, light sourness will eliminate the cake from the relationship. Adding different ingredients can turn sour cream with condensed milk into something completely new and unrecognizable.

Each hostess should have a recipe for a delightful cream.

How to cook sour cream cream with condensed milk

I spread the sour cream in a bowl and beat a little mixer a little so that it becomes more air.

Open the jar of condensed milk and carefully pour its contents into sour cream. We whist all together before getting the lush mass.

Our cream from sour cream and condensed milk is ready. You can smear the cakes. Only they must be cooled so that the cream does not "swam".

It was a classic recipe for cream, such a cream is perfect for a cake from a biscuit or puff pastry, as well as for a honey.

Cream from sour cream, condensed milk and oil

A cooked sour cream cream cream has a more dense and viscous texture and is suitable even for decorating the cake, and also good for the filling of various cakes.


  • Sour cream - 200 ml;
  • Condensed milk - ½ banks;
  • Butter (no spreads, only real oil with fatty at least 72.5%) - 200 g.


Oil must be taken from the refrigerator approximately half an hour to cooking cream so that it becomes soft. We cut it into pieces and whipped with a mixer or blender in a bowl.

Then gradually pour condensed milk, continuing to beat, and then add sour cream. Everyone is whipped together for another 10 minutes until we get a homogeneous air cream.

If you wish, you can add cocoa cream to get brown or fruits for the desired color. Remember that the taste will change.

Cream with sour cream, condensed milk and gelatin

If it is necessary that the sour cream cream with a condensedum for a biscuit cake was stronger and thick (and it is sometimes overwhelmed with liquid), you need to prepare it with the addition of gelatin. It will be possible and wrapping the layers and decorate the top of the cake.


  • Fatty sour cream - 200 ml;
  • Condensed milk - 200 ml;
  • Warm water or milk (normal, non-condensed) - 50 ml;
  • Gelatin - 1 tsp.


  1. First you need to dissolve gelatin. Pour it a little heated milk or water and leave swell (the required time is indicated on the package). Withstand the time according to the instructions, mix the gelatin and heat the water bath, without bringing to a boil. Then it will be necessary to cool the mass so as not to spoil the cream.
  2. While gelatin cools mix and beat sour cream with condensed milk, as in a classic recipe.
  3. Now neatly enter gelatin and mix by manually or a mixer at the smallest speed.
  4. To thunder, we will remove the sour cream cream with a condensed milk in the fridge for 2-3 hours, and then you can already begin to design a cake.
Mistress note:
  • It happens that the sour cream cream is too liquid, usually this happens if the sour cream is not fat. To avoid this, it needs to get rid of the excess fluid in advance: I spread gauze on the sieve in 2 layers, it is sour cream, and so we leave it for the night.
  • The cooked cream can be stored 1 week in a tightly closed jar in the refrigerator.
  • If there is a freshly sour cream from sour cream and condensed milk in the cream and decorate with fresh berries, a great festive dessert will be.
  • If you add cocoa, coffee or other bulk ingredients, seek them with a pitch, so that there are no lumps in the cream.
  • Any flavors (vanillin, essence, etc.) are added at the very end of preparation.
  • Cognac added to cream will give it the taste and aroma of walnuts.
  • Instead of sour cream for cream, you can use thick cream, adding, if you wish the sourness, some lemon juice.
  • You can cook sour cream and with boiled condensed milk, then the taste of the cream will resemble an iris, and his color will become beige. But due to the thickness of boiled condensed milk, the cream may not be well made well, so in this case the condensed milk is thoroughly sharpened without sour cream to soften, or is diluted with ordinary milk (also with active whipping).
  • To give a cream from sour cream and condensed milk for a cake of different colors and taste, you can add any fruits and syrups, chocolate, ground nuts and coconut chip into it.

Once, in the distant 1856, American Gail Borden came up with how to save the freshness of milk for a long time. By boiling product with sugar, everyone has a favorite condensed milk. Today it is actively used both independent dish and add to various recipes. Especially popular creams for a condensed milk cage, which differ not only by their amazing taste, but also by naturalness. If, of course, choose the right product.

Types of condensed milk:

  • classic with sugar;
  • with additives (coffee, cocoa, chicory, vanilla);

For creams, the classic product is most often used, which is then mixed with other ingredients. It is important to purchase a real condensed milk, and not a mixture of palm fats, sugar and dry milk. To do this, you must carefully read the packaging and find the GOST icon on it. Or read the composition. In addition to milk and sugar, there should be no other ingredients in it. Only from such a product will be truly delicious and useful cream for cake from condensed milk.

For a recipe supplement, dairy products, butter, cocoa, chocolate, nuts are commonly used. The taste of the final product also depends on the quality of these ingredients.

Condensed milk cream: general preparation principles

Cooking cream for a condensed milk. Usually, no more than 3-5 ingredients that need to be mixed or beat are used in the recipe. When preparing it is important that the mixing products have the same temperature, it will prevent the bundle bundle, the formation of lumps and the mass will be homogeneous.

If the berries and fruits are used in addition, it is important that they are without damage to damage and rot. Otherwise, the cream will acquire an unpleasant taste. You also need to know that the fruit cream for cake from condensed milk is not subject to long-term storage and it must be used immediately. To extend freshness, you can use a thermally processed puree.

If the cream does not need to be heated, then do not take to prepare an aluminum container. It is better to give preference to plastic or enameled cups. To whip it, it is better to use a regular mixer, the blender is not allowed to get a magnificent mass.

Recipe 1: Classic condensed milk cream

Classic condensed milk and oil cream is great for cleaner cakes, cakes, cortex layers. It is wonderful combined with fruit, chocolate, caramel and honey. It can be smeared on a piece of fresh bread or use as a filling for ice cream. It is difficult to find a person indifferent to taste of a vanilla cream from condensed milk and oil.

Milk condensed 200 gr.;

Butter creamy 200 gr.;

Egg yolk 2 pcs.;

Vanillin 0.5 gr.

Creamy oil must be removed in advance from the refrigerator and hold 2 hours at room temperature so that it becomes soft. But if it melts, the cream from condensed milk and oil will not work. Therefore, in no case cannot be put out the product on the plate or use a microwave.

Next, the soft oil you need to beat the mixer to the appearance of a lush white mass. Gradually add to it one yolk. Not stopping to beat, pour the condensed milk with a thin flowing. At the end of the beating add Vanillin. Also to give taste cream from condensed milk and oil you can add some liqueur.

If there are concerns about the use of raw yolks in food, they can exclude them and simplify the recipe for a classic condensed milk and oil.

Recipe 2: Cream of condensed milk with sour cream

Cream from condensed milk and sour cream has a pleasant, light taste with small sourness. It is wonderful for biscuit, honey cakes. Also cream from condensed milk and sour cream can be used to fill the custard cakes. It is not only very tasty, but also useful. It can safely be used in baby diet. And if you need to reduce calorie, then natural yogurt can be used instead of sour cream.

Condensed milk 300 gr.;

Sour cream at least 20% fat content of 300 gr.;

Vanillin 1 gr.;

Cognac 1 tablespoon.

Sour cream you need to beat the mixer, but it is neat, not more than 3 minutes. Otherwise, she can take the oil grains and moistened. Then, without stopping to beat, in parts add condensed milk. At the end, pourping vanillin, add cognac. Mix everything thoroughly.

Sometimes a condensed milk cream and sour cream can get liquid. In this case, it is possible to correct the position with the help of butter. Beat 200 grams. Product in lush foam and gradually, in small portions add liquid cream to it. It turns out sour cream from condensed milk and oil, which can also be used in any desserts.

If there is no cream oil or there is no desire to increase the calorie content of the condensed milk and sour cream, then you can use gelatin. For this, 10 gr. The powder is poured 50 ml of water or milk, allowed to be sweese for 30 minutes. Then heated on a water bath and combined with condensed milk and sour cream. Mass need to be removed half an hour in the refrigerator, it will become more thick.

Recipe 3: boiled condensed milk

Boiled condensed milk is a delicacy from childhood. But if earlier it was not always possible to buy it and often it was necessary to boil, today in the store you can buy a ready-to-use product. It is easy to prepare an incredibly delicious cream of boiled condensed milk, which will decorate the cake, cakes, various desserts and even all the favorite nuts cookies.

Boiled condensed milk 400 gr.;

Butter creamy 300 gr.;

Vanilla at will.

Softened oil you need to beat, gradually add condensed milk. When boiled condensed milk cream becomes homogeneous, you can add vanillin. It is also well combined with nuts that need to be preheated and crushed. If the cream made of boiled condensed milk turned out to be very thick, then the nut crumb will score it even more. Mass will be difficult to smear the cake. In this case, it is better to sprinkle with nuts already blurred with a cream of boiled condensed milk.

If at home there is no boiled condensed milk, but there is an ordinary one, then you can cook it. But it is important that it is real and consisted of whole milk, without vegetable fats. The bank must be released from the label, put in a pan, pour water and cook for 2 hours, having linked after boiling fire.

Recipe 4: condensed milk cream with bananas

Air, banana cream from condensed milk and butter can be used in cakes and cakes, as well as as an independent dessert. And if you add to it gelatin or agar-agar, then the dessert resembles soufflies. He does not give anything to the bird of taste. This is a great way to use cream, if excessive excess.

Condensed milk 300 gr.;

Bananas 2 pcs.;

Butter creamy 200 gr.

For cooking, remove the oil in advance from the refrigerator so that it was soft. Beat up white and lush mass, then gradually add milk. To carefully kill and put in the refrigerator. Clear bananas, put in a blender and kill in a puree. It is important that they were ripe, but without black enclosures. Remove the cream from the refrigerator and gradually add a banana puree to it.

So that the banana cream with condensed milk and butter turned out to be delicious and fragrant, you need to choose good fruits. It is better to navigate not in appearance, but by smell. Good and sweet bananas are always fragrant, but if they do not smell anything, it is better to pass by. Challenges and soap fruits only worsen the quality of the cream.

Recipe 5: Chocolate condensed milk cream

Condensed milk and chocolate is two products, before any sweet tooth can stand. So why not combine them? A delightful chocolate cream made of condensed milk and butter is remarkably combined with biscuit, layers, sandy and honey jams. It can also be used for sweet sandwiches as a chocolate paste.

Chocolate tile at least 72% cocoa 100 gr.;

Milk condensed 200 gr.;

Butter creamy 200 gr.

Chocolate tile crumble on pieces and put on a water bath for molding. At this time, beat the oil and remove it into the refrigerator. Thugs to pour into a bowl and a thin ridge to add melted chocolate, while whipping a mixer. Remove the oil from the refrigerator, immerse the mixer and gradually add a chocolate-milk mixture. Beat until homogeneous mass.

Similarly, you can cook cream with white chocolate. If you add some coconut chips to it, then the taste will resemble a popular banthi bar. Both options are well combined with nuts. We are not necessarily weighing the recipe, it is enough to add a small handy, grinding in a coffee grinder. And the delightful fragrance is provided.

Recipe 6: condensed milk cream with cottage cheese

Is it possible to make dessert at the same time delicious and useful? Of course! If you use cottage cheese cream with condensed milk and butter. Gentle, rich in calcium and protein, the product will even love those people who do not taste cottage cheese. What is especially relevant in baby food.

Cottage cheese 200 gr.;

Condensed milk 200 gr.;

Creamy oil 50 gr.;

Vanillin 0.5 gr.

So that the cream turned out to be delicate, air, without a tart taste, it is important to thoroughly crushed cottage cheese. You can do it, rubs through a sieve, but it is better to use a blender. If the mass is too thick, you can add several spoons of condensed milk. Separately mix butter and condensed milk, thoroughly pierced. Connect both masses, gradually adding milky in cottage cheese, pour vanillin and mix.

Based on the basic recipe for cottage cheese cream with condensed milk and butter, you can prepare various layers for desserts: nut, chocolate, fruit and berry. But especially beautiful cakes can be obtained, alternating layers of cream with jelly layers or marmalade strips. Also, this recipe can be used for the filling of the eclairs.

Recipe 7: Cream of boiled condensed milk and cream

Cream made of boiled condensed milk and cream is light, air. It is wonderful not only for cakes, but also for filling the eclairs. And, which is important, the caloric content of such a product is lower than that of a condensed milk and oil cream.

Boiled condensed milk 400 gr.;

Cream of at least 30% fat.

Condensed milk must be put out of the jar into the cup, it is good to break through the mixer so that the mass becomes homogeneous. In another container, pour cream and beat into a magnificent foam. Better, if they are specifically designed for whipping, in this case you will need 2-3 minutes of the mixer.

Next, the mixer needs to be switched to the slowest mode and gradually, without stopping to beat add condensed milk. If you wish, you can add vanillin or any essence, but the aroma of the routine itself is saturated and resembles cream-brule.

If the consistency of the cake cream from condensed milk turned out to be too lush, then you can break through the high speed of the mixer. Foam will fall, and the mass will become more supplied in the work. And filling the custard cakes is better in lush mass, so they are less shown and light.

Recipe 9: Custard condensed milk cream

This custard recipe from condensed milk and butter will appreciate the lovers of sweet, saturated and calorie desserts. It will fill any, even the most fresh and primitive crude taste. Boiled condensed milk gives a pleasant cream color and caramel fragrance.

Cow's milk 400 gr.;

Flour 3 tbsp. spoons;

Creamy oil 200 gr.;

Boiled condensed milk 300 gr.;

Sugar 200 gr.;

Milk, sugar, flour need to prepare a classic custard. For this, milk must be put on the stove, the sugar is mixed with flour and pour into milk. Gradually stirring to bring to a boil, as soon as the mass starts to turtle, turn off and cool.

While the custard is cooled, you need to beat the softened butter and condensed milk. Then gradually add a cooled custard mass. To kill everything and pour vanilla. Remove the cream for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator until it is frozen. Boiled condensed milk can be added more than the recipe. In this case, the taste will be sweeter and saturated.

Recipe 10: Rafaello condensed milk cream

Popular candy Rafaello leave no one indifferent. This taste is familiar to many, but few knows that it is very easy to recreate him at home. Such cream can be used in the preparation of desserts, but it is especially successfully combined with fresh croissant or air bun.

Condensed milk 400 gr.;

Creamy oil 200 gr.;

Coconut chips 100 gr.;

White chocolate 100 gr.

Coconut chips need to soak 100 grams in advance. boiled, but cooled water. Let it be broken by periodically stirring. Water at the bottom of the Tara should not stay.

Beat the creamy oil, add half of the condensed milk to it and mix thoroughly. Chocolate melt in a water bath. It is important not to give water to boil. White glaze does not like high temperatures and can curl. For the same reason, you should not use the microwave. Mixed chocolate mix with the residue of condensed milk and gradually enter into the oil mixture. All beat and add a wake-up coconut chips. Stir and cream can be used.

  • When adding bulk ingredients (sugar, coffee, cocoa), you need to sift them through the siete or simply to stretch lumps. In the finished mass to do it difficult.
  • Vanillin, essences and fragrant spices need to be added at the end of the cooking process. In this case, turn on the mixer for the minimum speed.
  • Oil, sour cream, cream before mixing with condensed milk, you need to beat separately. So the cream will be easier, air and less pronounced.
  • A spoon of brandy, added to the finished cream, will give the aroma of walnut and make the taste of deeper.
  • Cream of boiled condensed milk is distinguished by its density. It is difficult to mix with other ingredients. Therefore, you can pre-break through the mixer condensed milk with a small addition of fresh milk, cream or boiled water. The mass will become plastic.

These simple tips will help to prepare the most delicious and useful cake cream from condensed milk, which will have to taste and children and adults.

The sour cream cream with condensed milk is preparing incredibly easy and fast. He perfectly impresses dry biscuit cakes and thanks to him the cake always turns out to be stunningly gentle and soft. It is preparing from an easily accessible ingredients that will always be in your refrigerator.

Sourished cream with biscuit cake condensed milk


  • condensed milk - 450 ml;
  • sour cream 20% - 400 ml;
  • cognac - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla liquid extract - 1 h. spoon;
  • concentrated lemon juice - 50 ml.


Chilled sour cream lay out in the pinch and beat 5 minutes by a mixer to a lush state. Then we pour the condensed milk, we introduce a little vanilla and concentrated lemon juice. At the very end, we pour cognac and with the help of a mixer bring cream until ready, whipping the ingredients in the air mass. A bowl with cream tighten the food film and remove for 3 o'clock in the refrigerator so that it thickens. After that, we use it for the impregnation of biscuit cakes. If at the end you have a small amount of cream, then we shift it into a dry clean jar, close the lid and store in the refrigerator for about a week.

Oil-sour cream cream with condensed milk


  • milk Natural condensed - 200 ml;
  • sour cream 20% - 200 ml;
  • creamy butter - 200 g;
  • nuts purified walnuts - 300 g


In a deep bowl, lay a soft butter oil and pour condensed milk. We hit the contents of a blender to a smooth and homogeneous state. Next, we enter sour cream and beat well again. Peeled walnuts are slightly frying, and then finely rub the knife, pour out into cream and mix the wedge.