Delicious recipes for different creams for biscuit cakes. Delicious and easy to prepare cake creams

13.08.2020 The drinks


This is a universal cream, suitable for both a layer of biscuit cakes, and for decoration, keeps its shape well, ideal for all kinds of oil roses and flowers in the Malaysian technique, as well as for covering a cake with mastic. Afraid of heat.


  • 100 grams of butter;
  • 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar.

For such a cream, you need to take high-quality butter, due to long beating, the taste of the cream is not butter, but butter. The butter should be softened and creamy, similar to leaving the butter in very hot weather. Begin whisking the butter, adding the powdered sugar in small portions. After all the powder has been added, beat on medium speed for 10-15 minutes until an airy fluffy mass is obtained. If necessary, cool slightly in the refrigerator. In Soviet times, it was the most popular cake cream. Another type of it is butter cream with condensed milk. To do this, beat 200 grams of butter and half a can of condensed milk.

# 2 Butter cream Charlotte

Flourless custard, good for interlayers and decorating cakes, for mouthpieces on cupcakes.


  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 6 tablespoons of milk;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 eggs.


Boil milk and sugar. In a separate saucepan, lightly beat the eggs with a broom and, without interrupting whipping, pour hot milk with sugar in a thin stream here. Stirring continuously, bring the mixture to almost a boil, remove from heat and cool slightly. While the mixture is cooling, beat the butter until fluffy white. In the process of whipping butter, pour in the cooled egg-milk mixture in a very thin stream, beat until a fluffy cream is obtained.

# 3 English custard

Custard goes well with custard and puff pastry. It can also be used as a filling for tartlets, profiteroles. Without this cream, it is impossible to imagine Napoleon cake or eclairs.


  • 500 ml milk
  • 150 g sugar
  • 4 yolks
  • 50 g flour
  • 1 vanilla pod


Grind the yolks with sugar, add flour. Cut the vanilla pod in half and scrape out the seeds with a sharp knife and put them in the milk. Bring the milk and vanilla to a boil. Reduce heat to low. Gradually add the egg-flour mixture in small portions, stirring continuously. Continue stirring until the cream thickens. Cool the cream. To prevent a dense crust from forming on top, cover directly the surface of the cake with cling film.

Read also 5 cream recipes every pastry chef should know

# 4 Cream Patisier

This is a type of custard, used for interlayers of cakes, eclairs, tartlets, can be served with pancakes and crepes. In Patissier cream, unlike the classic English cream, starch is used instead of flour, it is thanks to him that the cream never curls on fire.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 30 g starch;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 vanilla pod


Cut the vanilla pod in half, scrape the seeds out with a sharp knife and put them in the milk, slightly heat the milk with vanilla and leave to brew for half an hour. Mix eggs, starch and sugar in a saucepan. Add half a glass of milk and stir well again, then add the remaining milk and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring continuously. When a lot of bubbles pop from the bottom, simmer for another 2 minutes and remove from heat. Add oil and cool, the cream will become thick. Very good cake cream.

# 5 Cream Muslin

Add whipped cream to Patissier cream (for 300 g of cream, 100 ml of cream), and you get Muslin cream. This cream works well for Millefeu and Napoleon.

# 6 Swiss oil meringue

World renowned as Swiss Buttercream Meringue, the favorite of many pastry chefs. Great cream for decorating cakes and cupcakes! It keeps its shape well and looks very beautiful. Can be refrigerated for up to 72 hours.


  • 3 squirrels;
  • 90 grams of sugar;
  • 250 grams of butter;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vanillin.


Place proteins and sugar in a saucepan. Build a water bath, while the pan with proteins should be heated with steam, i.e. should not come into contact with water. Heat the mixture, stirring vigorously with a whisk. Once the sugar is completely dissolved, remove from the bath. The mass should be homogeneous and smooth, rub a little of the mixture between your fingers, there should be no grains of sugar. Add a pinch of salt and beat with a mixer on high speed until spicy. The mass should be glossy, dense, if you turn the container with proteins, they should remain motionless.

Take softened butter, the butter must be of high quality, this is important for the taste and structure of the cream. Beat until fluffy white.

Then add the whipped butter to the protein mass by a teaspoon, and here is a very important point, you need to whisk the mass after each portion of the butter so that the butter is completely dispersed in the proteins. Add vanillin and dyes to the finished cream.

Read also Rafaello Cream

This cream works well for flowers in the Malaysian technique.

# 7 Cream cheese or cream cheese

Another extremely popular cream. The simplest to make, very tasty, slightly salty due to cream cheese (or curd cheese, Cremette, Almette, Hohland). It keeps its shape well, beautiful mouthpieces for cupcakes are made from it, and it is also used for sandwiching and decorating cakes and pastries. Perfect cake cream.


  • Cream 33% - 100 gr
  • Cream cheese - 500 gr
  • Powdered sugar - 70 gr


Beat the cream until hot peaks. Be careful with the cream, do not over-beat, otherwise the butter will separate. The cream must be cold! You can also refrigerate the whisk and bowl where you will whip the cream. Then add the icing sugar and cream cheese and beat again until smooth. Put in the cold for an hour to stabilize.

There is another popular recipe cream cheese with butter... It has an excellent structure for decorating cupcakes and cakes, for example in the Malaysian technique.


  • Curd or cream cheese - 500 gr;
  • Butter 82.5% fat - 180 gr;
  • Powdered sugar - 150 gr.


The main condition is cold cheese, butter at room temperature. Mix all ingredients in a mixer bowl. Keep refrigerated.

# 8 Italian meringue

The densest of all meringues. Suitable for decorating cupcakes, cakes, tartlets.


  • 2 egg whites, room temperature
  • 40 ml water
  • 120 g sugar
  • a pinch of salt


Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until hot peaks.
Boil the syrup from sugar and water. To do this, mix sugar with water, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. While the syrup is cooking, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until hot. Without ceasing to beat the whites, pour the syrup in a thin stream. After pouring in all the syrup, beat for another 3-4 minutes. The cream is ready to go.

# 9 Chocolate ganache

Ideal for covering a cake with mastic, it can also decorate cakes and cupcakes, make fillings for desserts.


  • high quality chocolate
  • cream with a fat content of at least 33%

For dark ganache (50-60% cocoa content) you will need 2 parts dark chocolate and one part cream of at least 33% fat. If the ambient temperature is quite high, 2.5 or even 3 parts of chocolate should be taken.

For milk ganache (30% cocoa content) you will need 3 parts milk chocolate and one part cream at least 33% fat. In warm weather, the amount of chocolate should be increased to 3.5-4 parts.

A simple cake cream made from egg whites

Read us


Chicken eggs - 2 pieces (s) Granulated sugar - 150 grams Water - 50 grams Vanillin - 1 pinch Lemon juice - 1 tsp.

  • Servings:1
  • Time for preparing:20 minutes


The easiest cake cream

The puffed protein mixture is often used to coat cakes and as a tube filling.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil a syrup from sugar and water.
  2. Stir the mixture to prevent the syrup from burning. When it boils, then reduce the heat.
  3. Check the syrup is done. Drop a little of the mixture from a spoon into cold water, if it is solid, then the syrup is ready.
  4. Separate the whites from the yolks and beat with a mixer to a stable foam.
  5. Pour the hot syrup into a bowl of whites in a thin stream.
  6. Beat the mixture until fluffy.

The ready-made protein mass is used immediately, otherwise it quickly solidifies.

Simple cream for cake with condensed milk


  • Condensed milk - 100 gr;
  • Creamy margarine - 200 gr;
  • Egg yolks - 2 pcs;
  • Vanilla - a pinch;
  • Liqueur - 2 tsp.

Remove margarine from the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft. Mix it with condensed milk and beat. Gradually introduce the yolks, continuing to beat with a mixer. At the end of cooking add vanillin and liqueur for aroma.

Recipe for a simple semolina cake cream

Products for cooking:

  • Milk - 0.5 stack;
  • Semolina - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Margarine - 1.5 tsp;
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc;
  • Vanillin - a pinch.

Boil milk and add vanilla sugar. Add semolina, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. Grind the yolk with granulated sugar until it turns white. Add margarine to the mixture and stir until smooth.

Mix the prepared semolina porridge with the butter mass. Beat with a mixer until fluffy.

Simple Butter Cake Cream

A simple homemade cake cream can be made with milk and butter. By increasing the amount of liquid in the recipe, you will get a mass of a more delicate consistency.

  • Sweet butter - 250 gr;
  • Milk - 100 gr;
  • Powdered sugar - 1 stack;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 packet.

Remove the oil from the refrigerator in advance. Bring milk to a boil and cool to room temperature. Combine all ingredients and beat with a mixer until smooth. Whisking time from 3 to 5 minutes.

The finished mass is tender, airy and with a light vanilla aroma. It is used for cakes, cakes and rolls.

These simple recipes should be in the piggy bank of every housewife. On their basis, you can prepare an unusual cream by adding food coloring, nuts or coconut to it.

How tasty and different are the cakes, there are a lot of recipes, but the question always arises, which cream to choose. Of course, every housewife has her own proven recipe, which has helped out many times. But seasoned pastry chefs know that experimentation is welcome in the kitchen, especially when it comes to preparing such a special dish. Today I have compiled a selection of simple, delicious creams for various types of cakes and desserts.

Custard - a classic recipe

The easiest classic custard recipe. It is suitable for rolls, cakes and the popular Napoleon cake. The cream turns out to be very thick, smooth, with a light creamy aroma and taste. I recommend trying it!


  • Milk - 400 ml.
  • Sugar - 175 g.
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 100 g.
  • Cornstarch - 3 tbsp l.
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g.


  1. Pour milk into a non-stick saucepan. We put on medium heat and bring to a boil.
  2. While the milk is heating, whisk the eggs, sugar, starch and vanilla sugar in a bowl with a whisk, if desired. If corn starch is not available, you can substitute it with potato or wheat flour. But it will be much tastier with cornstarch.
  3. Stirring constantly with a whisk, pour the boiling milk into the egg mixture in a thin stream. To prevent the eggs from curdling, be sure to add milk in small portions.
  4. Put the egg and milk mixture back into the pan. We send it to the fire, cook, stirring continuously until it thickens.
  5. As soon as the mass begins to thicken, remove it from the stove and cool it a little. Then add softened butter, mix everything thoroughly. If the cream comes out with small lumps, do not worry, just strain it through a sieve.

Cream cheese for cakes and cupcakes

There are two versions of this cream. The first is based on heavy cream, the second is butter. Both options are very versatile and hold their shape perfectly. Cremchise is used to decorate cupcakes, to layer and line cakes, and many other desserts. It is also the highlight of the famous Red Velvet cake.

Cream cheese


  • Cream cheese - 600 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 195 g.
  • Cream 33% fat - 190 ml.


  1. Grind cold cream cheese with a mixer until there are no lumps left.
  2. Continuing to beat, in portions, 1 tbsp. l., add sifted icing sugar. It is not worth replacing the powder with granulated sugar, it simply will not dissolve.
  3. Then add heavy cream, which must be very cold so that the mass is whipped well.
  4. After beating to the required consistency, put the cream in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes, so it will become even denser.

Cheese in butter


  • Cream cheese - 600 g.
  • Butter - 200 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 200 g.


  1. In this version of the cream, all ingredients should be at room temperature. Add butter to the cream cheese. Beat with a white mixer.
  2. Gradually introduce sifted icing sugar. Beat until fluffy, smooth, homogeneous.

Custard-ice cream "Diplomat"

The cream turns out to be very delicate, tasty, but loose. It can be used to fill a cake or pastry, but it is not at all suitable for aligning and decorating them. It is also well suited for assembling biscuit cakes such as "Honey", "Napoleon", "Heart". It is used for filling eclairs, profiteroles, croissants, biscuit rolls.


  • Milk - 400 ml.
  • Sugar - 185 g.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 100 g.
  • Cream - 200 ml.
  • Cornstarch - 3.5 tbsp l.


  1. First, pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Meanwhile, pour the egg into the pan. Add sugar, corn starch. Stir until smooth.
  3. Stirring the egg mixture continuously, pour hot milk into it.
  4. Put the egg and milk mixture back into the saucepan and cook on the stove. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly with a whisk until thick, about 7-8 minutes. Then we remove from fire.
  5. Add butter to the hot custard, mix everything again.
  6. Next, the custard base must be cooled to room temperature. To do this, put the saucepan in a bowl of cold water or cover with cling film "in contact" and put it in the refrigerator.
  7. While the custard base is cooling, let's turn to the cream. Whisk well chilled cream until soft peaks.
  8. As soon as the cream begins to hold its shape, we begin to introduce the custard in portions. Mix everything until smooth. The main thing is that the cream and the custard are at the same temperature.
  9. Diplomat cream is ready. It's delicious, I recommend trying it!

Boiled condensed milk and sour cream cream for desserts

Everyone's favorite cream, suitable for any cake layer. Fast, inexpensive and delicious!


  • Sour cream - 250 g.
  • Boiled condensed milk - 350 g.


  1. In a bowl with a deep bottom, combine sour cream and boiled condensed milk. It is advisable to choose sour cream fatter, and all products must first be cooled.
  2. Mix everything well and beat with a mixer for 5-6 minutes, until the mass becomes tender and airy.

Curd cream

A great, win-win recipe for lovers of curd creams. It turns out to be moderately sweet and tasty. You can substitute sugar for liquid honey or any natural sweetener if you wish. This curd cream can be used to cover cakes, decorate cupcakes, and can also be used in filling.


  • Butter - 150 g.
  • Curd 9% - 400 g.
  • Sour cream - 250 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 5 tbsp. l.


  1. Pour cottage cheese into a container, preferably 9% fat, the main thing is that it is not dry. We also add sour cream with a fat content of at least 20%.
  2. Next, thoroughly interrupt this mass with an immersion blender until smooth for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Put butter at room temperature into the second container. Beat white at medium speed of the mixer.
  4. Then add the icing sugar and beat for another 1-2 minutes.
  5. We mix both masses. The butter should be completely mixed with the curd. We will beat for another 3-4 minutes, first at low speed, and then at the highest speed.

Sour cream with powdered sugar

A recipe for the laziest, a budget option, but very tasty, moderately sweet, with a slight sourness. Most often, sour cream is prepared for cakes "Medovik", "Pancho", "Ladies' whim" and fruit pies.


  • Sour cream 25-30% - 250 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 4 tbsp. l.


  1. For this recipe, fatty sour cream is needed, but even it contains a lot of whey. Therefore, it must be weighed, that is, put in cheesecloth and a sieve. Then refrigerate for 4-7 hours. After that, the sour cream will become thick, and the cream will be strong.
  2. In a bowl, combine sour cream, powdered sugar, vanilla if desired. Beat everything well with a blender or mixer at high speed for just a couple of minutes.

Creamy chocolate cream

Perfect cream for chocolate cake. Delicate, light, holds its shape well, and the muffins cooked on it will perfectly complement a cup of aromatic coffee. A recipe for true gourmets. Try it!


  • Butter - 200 g.
  • Condensed milk - 250 g.
  • Cocoa powder - 3 tsp
  • Dark chocolate - 1 bar.


  1. Put soft butter in a bowl with a fat content of 82.5%. Beat well with a mixer until fluffy.
  2. Next, add condensed milk, ordinary, not boiled. We continue to whisk.
  3. Cut the dark chocolate into thin slices. Pour the chocolate into a bowl, then add the cocoa. Mix with a spoon until smooth.

Protein Custard - Italian Meringue

The easiest protein custard recipe, as to make the original Italian meringue, you must first prepare the syrup correctly. And already hot syrup is gradually introduced into the proteins, without ceasing to beat. The cream holds its shape well, so it is suitable for decorating cakes and various decorating of confectionery.


  • Egg whites - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 240 g.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tsp
  • A pinch of salt.


  1. We break the eggs into a clean dry container, we only need proteins. We try to separate the yolks so that the protein is absolutely pure.
  2. Add a pinch of salt and lemon juice. With a mixer at medium speed, beat the whites until soft peaks.
  3. We also add sugar here in small portions, while we do not stop whipping the protein.
  4. Then we take a saucepan with only boiled water, put a container with meringue on it so that it comes into contact with the water.
  5. Now beat the whites in a water bath for another 5-6 minutes. The mixture will begin to thicken pretty quickly, the main thing is not to stop and beat constantly.
  6. After obtaining the required consistency, remove the container from the water bath. The cream is ready, it keeps its shape well, does not fall off, it is very pleasant to work with it.

Chocolate cream to flatten the cake

A dense, stable chocolate cream based on cream and chocolate.


  • Dark chocolate - 200 g.
  • Cream 33% - 200 g.
  • Cream cheese - 250 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 50 g.


  1. Bring the cream to a boil, but do not boil, that is, the first bubbles appear, immediately remove from heat.
  2. Pour chocolate with hot cream. Stir with a spatula until the chocolate is completely melted, or punch it with a submersible blender until it emulsifies. The result should be a smooth, smooth, shiny chocolate ganache.
  3. Cover the finished ganache with cling film "in contact", put it in the refrigerator for 5-7 hours.
  4. After the ganache has frozen, let's move on to the rest of the ingredients. In a separate bowl, combine cold cream cheese, powdered sugar and beat with a mixer.
  5. Then add the ganache to the whipped cream cheese. Beat on medium speed with a hand mixer for about two minutes until smooth.

Yoghurt cream with gelatin for sponge cake

This recipe will appeal to lovers of light, non-greasy creams. It is especially good for assembling children's cakes. Eclairs and cakes with it are also very tasty.


  • Thick fruit yogurt - 500 g.
  • Fat cream - 200 g.
  • Gelatin - 15 g.
  • Filtered water - 90 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 4 tbsp. l.


  1. First, soak the gelatin in cold water. As soon as it swells, we melt it in the microwave with short pulses, but do not overheat it.
  2. Whisk cold heavy cream in a separate bowl.
  3. In cold yogurt, I have strawberry, add powdered sugar. Next, add cooled gelatin in a thin stream with constant whipping.
  4. Then combine the yoghurt mixture with the whipped cream. Gently mix everything with a kitchen spatula.
  5. We send it to the refrigerator for 30–40 minutes so that the cream grabs properly.

Banana cream

A bright, aromatic and of course delicious banana cream recipe that is ideal for fruit cakes.


  • Bananas - 3 pcs.
  • Cream 33% - 450 ml.
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g.
  • Gelatin - 7 g.
  • Water - 40 ml.


  1. Soak gelatin in cold water, and then melt in the same way as in the previous recipe.
  2. Beat the cream, starting at the minimum speed, gradually increasing it to a dense state.
  3. Chop 3 medium bananas into a bowl. Pour icing sugar here. We punch everything with a blender. To prevent the bananas from darkening, you can also add about 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. But if you do everything quickly, lemon juice is not needed.
  4. Add the cooled gelatin to the banana puree. We interrupt everything again with a blender.
  5. Combine the whipped cream and banana puree in several steps using a spatula or whisk.

Classic butter cream with condensed milk

The recipe for this cream is basic, you can add various additives and dyes to it. The most popular flavors are vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, lemon, coffee, coconut. It is often used to make a variety of pastries. For the butter cream to be fluffy and uniform, all foods should be at room temperature.


  • Butter - 190 g.
  • Condensed milk - 190 g.


  1. Transfer the soft butter to the churning bowl. Beat with a mixer until the mass turns white and becomes airy. Add the necessary flavors, for example, vanilla sugar, if desired.
  2. Without stopping whipping, we begin to introduce condensed milk in portions. Beat the mass until smooth after each portion of condensed milk.
  3. If necessary, cool the cream in a cold place for about 1 hour, then it will better keep its shape.

Coconut cream for Raffaello cake

Quite a simple recipe for coconut filling for cakes and cupcakes with the taste of Raffaello sweets.


  • White chocolate drops - 110 g.
  • Heavy cream - 255 g.
  • Coconut flakes - 35 g.


  1. Pour the required amount of cream into a saucepan, add coconut flakes, send over medium heat. Heat the mixture, but do not bring it to a boil.
  2. Remove the cream from the stove and add the white chocolate. Leave for a few minutes, then start stirring. The chocolate needs to be completely dissolved.
  3. Once the chocolate has dissolved, pour the mixture into a whipping bowl. Put in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.
  4. After the required time has passed, the coconut ganache should thicken and acquire a dense texture. Now beat at medium speed of the mixer until fluffy.
  5. We transfer the whipped mass into a pastry bag.

Lean semolina and orange juice custard

Lean custard for impregnating biscuit cakes prepared without eggs or dairy products. A win-win recipe for a real lean cake. Orange juice can be substituted for any berry or fruit juice.


  • Semolina - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Orange juice - 1 glass.


  1. Pour 1 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice into a saucepan, but you can also use a store-bought one. Add sugar, semolina and mix everything with a whisk.
  2. We put the saucepan on low heat. Cook, stirring continuously, until thickened. Remove from the stove and, continuing to stir, cool.
  3. Whisk the cooled cream with an immersion blender, so it becomes more airy and tender.

As you know, traditional cake or pastry cannot be imagined without cream. It allows you not only to decorate and add originality, but also to emphasize the main taste of a particular culinary product. There are many types of creams. Fortunately, most of them can be cooked at home. In addition, even a novice hostess can do it. So, today we propose to answer the question of how to make cake cream at home together. We will look at several recipes for preparing a coating for culinary products.

Cream cream "Pyatiminutka"

If you are thinking about how to make a cake cream at home without spending a lot of time and effort, then be sure to take this recipe into account. This culinary product prepares quickly and is perfect for cakes, pastry rolls and a wide variety of other baking options. So, we propose to find out what we need in order to make butter cream.


To prepare this delicious and delicate cream, we need simple and affordable products. Among them: butter - 250 grams (it should be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that it warms up to room temperature), 200 grams of powdered sugar, 100 ml of milk (you can take more, in which case the cream will turn out to be more tender and less fatty), a bag of vanillin.

Cooking process

Creamy homemade cream is quite simple to make. So, first, you should boil the milk and leave it to cool to room temperature. Then add butter, powder and vanillin to it. Beat with a mixer until the mass becomes homogeneous and becomes pearlescent. This process takes an average of three to five minutes. However, in some cases it may take longer. Please note that whisk the cream only with a mixer (not a food processor or blender) at the lowest speed. As a last resort, you can also use a whisk for this purpose, but the cooking time in this case will increase. The finished butter cream will be tender, fluffy and airy, with a light vanilla aroma. It will be a great addition to a wide variety of cakes and pastries.

How to make lemon cream?

If you want to pamper your household or guests with pastries with an original taste, then be sure to take this recipe into account. Moreover, cooking with it is not at all difficult. Overall, the lemon cream recipe can be said to be very reminiscent of the classic custard. Only citrus juice is used here instead of milk. As for the ingredients, we need the following: two glasses of granulated sugar, three chicken eggs and five yolks, a glass of lemon juice, a tablespoon of lemon zest, 5 tablespoons of butter and a pinch of salt.

Let's go to cooking

Combine egg yolks with sugar and salt in a deep bowl. Beat with a mixer until the mass turns white. Continuing to beat, add eggs one at a time. Using a fine grater, remove the zest from the lemons and add it to the egg mass. Then we squeeze the juice out of the citrus fruits, filter and also pour into a bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Mix everything well. Then we put our future cream in a water bath. After the mass heats up a little, add softened butter to it and stir well. We keep our cream in a water bath until it thickens, remembering to stir it regularly. Then we tightly cover the dishes with cling film so that it lies directly on the surface of the resulting mass. We put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. After our lemon cream has cooled, you can coat your prepared culinary product with it.

Curd cream recipe

If you follow the figure, but still cannot resist delicious cakes and pastries, then try replacing the standard creamy or custard cream with a curd counterpart. It is less high-calorie and also contains substances useful for our body. In order to prepare curd cream, we need to stock up on the following products: 300 grams of cottage cheese, 200 milliliters of 33% cream, three quarters of a glass of granulated sugar.

Cooking curd cream

The process of preparing this culinary product will take you no more than 10 minutes. First, cool the cream thoroughly, and then beat it with granulated sugar in a deep bowl. Put the cottage cheese in a blender bowl, add a few tablespoons of cream and grind to a pasty consistency. Then we combine the curd mass with cream and sugar and beat well with a mixer. The most delicious cream is ready! Enjoy your meal!

How to make cake cream at home: biscuit cream recipe

If you are planning to make a biscuit, then this light, delicate and airy cream will go well with it. To make it, you only need two products: a can of condensed milk and butter (180 grams). The process of making the cream is quite simple. To begin with, butter and condensed milk should be kept at room temperature for some time. Then put the butter in a deep bowl and begin to beat with a mixer. When it softens, add the condensed milk a little at a time. We continue to beat the mass until smooth. The biscuit cream should be airy and strong. It fits perfectly into baked goods, retains its shape and adds flavor to the main culinary product. Enjoy your meal!

Classic custard

One of the most popular and delicious options for filling and decorating cakes and pastries in our country is undoubtedly custard. There are several options for its preparation. We offer to start with a classic recipe, which many housewives use to spread the cakes of the Napoleon cake, beloved by millions of our compatriots. To prepare it, we need the following products: two chicken eggs, a liter of milk, 200 grams of butter, a glass of sugar and 3-4 tablespoons of flour.

Combine eggs, flour and granulated sugar in a small saucepan. We grind these ingredients until smooth. Gradually add milk to the pan and stir well. You should have a mixture of uniform consistency. We put the saucepan over medium heat. Bring its contents to a boil, remembering to stir constantly. Then remove the mixture from the heat and cool. Add a little warm butter to the already cooled cream and beat well with a mixer. The mass should be light and airy. The custard cream is ready! You can use it for Napoleon or other culinary products. Enjoy your meal!

Protein custard

For the preparation of protein cream, egg whites, whipped with granulated sugar or powdered sugar, are used. It can be made both raw and custard, and a variety of additives are often used. Custard is usually prepared by those who do not want to use raw egg whites in their culinary products for fear of contracting salmonellosis. So, for cooking, we need the following ingredients: two egg whites, five tablespoons of powdered sugar or ordinary granulated sugar, 30 ml of water and one teaspoon of lemon juice.

Pour sugar into a small saucepan or ladle and pour water. We put on medium heat and cook the syrup. Its readiness is checked very easily. You need to scoop up the syrup with a teaspoon. If the liquid flows down in a thin stream, similar to a thread, then the syrup is not yet ready. If the jet is thick, then the saucepan can be removed from the heat. Please note that the syrup must be brought to readiness. Otherwise, the cream will be unstable and you won't be able to cover the cake or pastry with it.

We continue cooking. Whisk the precooled egg whites until thick. Then gradually we begin to pour hot syrup into them, while not ceasing to beat. After pouring in all the syrup, add lemon juice and continue to beat the mass for about 4-5 minutes. The custard protein cream is ready! It is best used to coat cakes and pastries on top.

So, today we figured out how to make cake cream at home. Of course, the variations of this culinary product are not limited to the recipes we offer. Plus, you can always experiment with the ingredients. We are sure that very soon you will have your own signature recipe for homemade cream.

As you know, traditional cake or pastry cannot be imagined without cream. It allows you not only to decorate and add originality, but also to emphasize the main taste of a particular culinary product. There are many types of creams. Fortunately, most of them can be cooked at home. In addition, even a novice hostess can do it. So, today we propose to answer the question of how to make cake cream at home together. We will look at several recipes for preparing a coating for culinary products.

Cream cream "Pyatiminutka"

If you are thinking about how to make a cake cream at home without spending a lot of time and effort, then be sure to take this recipe into account. This culinary product prepares quickly and is perfect for cakes, pastry rolls and a wide variety of other baking options. So, we propose to find out what we need in order to make butter cream.


To prepare this delicious and delicate cream, we need simple and affordable products. Among them: butter - 250 grams (it should be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that it warms up to room temperature), 200 grams of powdered sugar, 100 ml of milk (you can take more, in which case the cream will turn out to be more tender and less fatty), a bag of vanillin.

Cooking process

Creamy homemade cream is quite simple to make. So, first, you should boil the milk and leave it to cool to room temperature. Then add butter, powder and vanillin to it. Beat with a mixer until the mass becomes homogeneous and becomes pearlescent. This process takes an average of three to five minutes. However, in some cases it may take longer. Please note that whisk the cream only with a mixer (not a food processor or blender) at the lowest speed. As a last resort, you can also use a whisk for this purpose, but the cooking time in this case will increase. The finished butter cream will be tender, fluffy and airy, with a light vanilla aroma. It will be a great addition to a wide variety of cakes and pastries.

How to make lemon cream?

If you want to pamper your household or guests with pastries with an original taste, then be sure to take this recipe into account. Moreover, cooking with it is not at all difficult. Overall, the lemon cream recipe can be said to be very reminiscent of the classic custard. Only citrus juice is used here instead of milk. As for the ingredients, we need the following: two glasses of granulated sugar, three chicken eggs and five yolks, a glass of lemon juice, a tablespoon of lemon zest, 5 tablespoons of butter and a pinch of salt.

Let's go to cooking

Combine egg yolks with sugar and salt in a deep bowl. Beat with a mixer until the mass turns white. Continuing to beat, add eggs one at a time. Using a fine grater, remove the zest from the lemons and add it to the egg mass. Then we squeeze the juice out of the citrus fruits, filter and also pour into a bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Mix everything well. Then we put our future cream in a water bath. After the mass heats up a little, add softened butter to it and stir well. We keep our cream in a water bath until it thickens, remembering to stir it regularly. Then we tightly cover the dishes with cling film so that it lies directly on the surface of the resulting mass. We put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. After our lemon cream has cooled, you can coat your prepared culinary product with it.

Curd cream recipe

If you follow the figure, but still cannot resist delicious cakes and pastries, then try replacing the standard creamy or custard cream with a curd counterpart. It is less high-calorie and also contains substances useful for our body. In order to prepare curd cream, we need to stock up on the following products: 300 grams of cottage cheese, 200 milliliters of 33% cream, three quarters of a glass of granulated sugar.

Cooking curd cream

The process of preparing this culinary product will take you no more than 10 minutes. First, cool the cream thoroughly, and then beat it with granulated sugar in a deep bowl. Put the cottage cheese in a blender bowl, add a few tablespoons of cream and grind to a pasty consistency. Then we combine the curd mass with cream and sugar and beat well with a mixer. The most delicious cream is ready! Enjoy your meal!

How to make cake cream at home: biscuit cream recipe

If you are planning to make a biscuit, then this light, delicate and airy cream will go well with it. To make it, you only need two products: a can of condensed milk and butter (180 grams). The process of making the cream is quite simple. To begin with, butter and condensed milk should be kept at room temperature for some time. Then put the butter in a deep bowl and begin to beat with a mixer. When it softens, add the condensed milk a little at a time. We continue to beat the mass until smooth. The biscuit cream should be airy and strong. It fits perfectly into baked goods, retains its shape and adds flavor to the main culinary product. Enjoy your meal!

Classic custard

One of the most popular and delicious options for filling and decorating cakes and pastries in our country is undoubtedly custard. There are several options for its preparation. We offer to start with a classic recipe, which many housewives use to spread the cakes of the Napoleon cake, beloved by millions of our compatriots. To prepare it, we need the following products: two chicken eggs, a liter of milk, 200 grams of butter, a glass of sugar and 3-4 tablespoons of flour.

Combine eggs, flour and granulated sugar in a small saucepan. We grind these ingredients until smooth. Gradually add milk to the pan and stir well. You should have a mixture of uniform consistency. We put the saucepan over medium heat. Bring its contents to a boil, remembering to stir constantly. Then remove the mixture from the heat and cool. Add a little warm butter to the already cooled cream and beat well with a mixer. The mass should be light and airy. The custard cream is ready! You can use it for Napoleon or other culinary products. Enjoy your meal!

Protein custard

For the preparation of protein cream, egg whites, whipped with granulated sugar or powdered sugar, are used. It can be made both raw and custard, and a variety of additives are often used. Custard is usually prepared by those who do not want to use raw egg whites in their culinary products for fear of contracting salmonellosis. So, for cooking, we need the following ingredients: two egg whites, five tablespoons of powdered sugar or ordinary granulated sugar, 30 ml of water and one teaspoon of lemon juice.

Pour sugar into a small saucepan or ladle and pour water. We put on medium heat and cook the syrup. Its readiness is checked very easily. You need to scoop up the syrup with a teaspoon. If the liquid flows down in a thin stream, similar to a thread, then the syrup is not yet ready. If the jet is thick, then the saucepan can be removed from the heat. Please note that the syrup must be brought to readiness. Otherwise, the cream will be unstable and you won't be able to cover the cake or pastry with it.

We continue cooking. Whisk the precooled egg whites until thick. Then gradually we begin to pour hot syrup into them, while not ceasing to beat. After pouring in all the syrup, add lemon juice and continue to beat the mass for about 4-5 minutes. The custard protein cream is ready! It is best used to coat cakes and pastries on top.

So, today we figured out how to make cake cream at home. Of course, the variations of this culinary product are not limited to the recipes we offer. Plus, you can always experiment with the ingredients. We are sure that very soon you will have your own signature recipe for homemade cream.