Deli measure weights. How many grams of sugar are in glasses of different sizes

23.04.2019 Fish dishes

In order to find out how many grams of sugar are in 1 tablespoon, it is not necessary to climb into the cabinet behind the kitchen scale or memorize the information. Sugar, as well as other bulk products, weigh about the same.

Sizes of spoons, their capacity

  • a tablespoon - this means a standard one, 7 cm - length and 4 cm - width - holds 20 g (without top) or 25 g (with top) granulated sugar;
  • in a smaller spoon, 5 cm - length and 4 cm - width, 10 and 15 g of this sweet product fits without a slide and with a slide, respectively.

It turns out that not all devices are the same? You can measure your devices for the sake of interest, suddenly you make a mistake, superimposing them granulated sugar.

Determine the number of spoons by weight of the product

Many housewives use a measuring spoon. It is more accurate than usual, since you can slide your finger and pour a perfectly even amount of product without a slide.

But what if you need to know: 50, 100, 150, 200 grams of sugar is how many tablespoons? Half of a faceted glass contains 100 grams of sugar, but if there is none, then you can get by with a spoon. They will be required:

  • 2.5 incomplete or 2 filled is 50 g;
  • 5 incomplete or 4 filled are equal to 100 g;
  • 7.5 incomplete, 6 filled - 150 g;
  • 10 incomplete or 7.5 filled is equal to 200 g.

Note that 7.5 incomplete and full spoons differ by 50 g and may result in an accuracy error. For 100 and 200 g, it is more convenient to measure sugar with a spoon without a mound, and for 50 and 150 - with a mound.

How many grams of sugar, salt and other foods are in a tablespoon

Bulk products vary slightly in weight, they are all about the same. The lightest of the products - Wheat flour, which weighs only 10 g, and the heaviest - salt which weighs 25 g.

It is worth noting that usually the value is given in full tablespoons, that is, with the top. The list below shows the maximum values.

For dry food:

  • sugar (sand) - 25 g;
  • powder (sugar) - 25 g;
  • table salt - 30 g;
  • white rice - 25 g;
  • wheat flakes - 9 g;
  • oatmeal - 14 g;
  • white flour - 10 g;
  • barley groats - 20 g;
  • millet - 25 g;
  • pearl barley - 25 g;
  • semolina - 25 g;
  • buckwheat - 25 g;
  • dark raisins - 25 g;
  • hercules - 12 g.

For liquid products power supply:

  • table vinegar 15% - 15 g;
  • tomato paste - 30 g;
  • village sour cream - 25 g;
  • cow's milk - 20 g;
  • condensed milk - 30 g;
  • bee honey - 35 g;
  • melted butter - 17 g;
  • ghee - 20 g;
  • olive or sunflower oil - 17 g;
  • ordinary water - 18 g;
  • berry or fruit jam- 50 g.

It should be noted that not all liquid and viscous products you can apply a full tablespoon of, for example, butter or condensed milk. In this case, by default, it is assumed that the device is not completely filled.

In the table below, you can see how many grams of sugar and other foods are in tablespoons of different sizes:

Usually sugar in a recipe is indicated in grams. It is more convenient, of course, to use a kitchen scale, but if they are not there, a glass or a teaspoon can be a good substitute.

There are several options for measuring:

  1. To weigh a product with a glass, you need to decide what kind of glass it is. If faceted with a rim, then 250 g will enter into it, but if without a rim, then only 200;
  2. A tablespoon holds 25 g. Dessert - 10 less than a table spoon, 15 g. It is most inconvenient to measure, of course, with a teaspoon - it contains only 7 g.

So, correctly pouring the number of grams of dry food with a glass or spoon is not as difficult as it seemed. All these utensils contain a weight that is quite convenient for counting. Perhaps someday you will be able to sprinkle by eye the right amount granulated sugar when preparing a dish.

Preparation culinary masterpieces often requires precise dosage of ingredients. Sugar is an integral and essential part of many desserts, creams, cakes, syrups and other goodies. After all, the success of the dish depends on compliance with the recipe.

How is it measured required amount substances? The most comfortable and exact way- measurement with scales. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the tare weight, and look at the indicators of divisions or simply at the display. Another in the usual way is the use of a measuring container. It should be borne in mind that the markings must be special, and not free-flowing or for water (it is known that its weight is heavier).

What if you don't have a scale or measuring cup at hand? How to measure, for example, 100 g? To do this, you need to use alternative methods, you will need other containers and devices. These can be glasses, spoons, mugs, or plates.

How to measure sugar with a spoon?

Spoons are the most affordable cutlery... Every housewife and every kitchen has them, so this measurement method is used most often. But even among the tablespoons, there are differences. Depending on what the appliance is intended for (soup, broth or sauce), the diameter and depth differ. To measure the exact amount, you should carefully study appearance cutlery.

  • An ordinary soup spoon, 19–21 cm in diameter, holds 25 g of sugar, so 100 needs 4 pieces.
  • The diameter of the sauce spoon is 18-19 cm, it contains 23-24 g, that is, 4.2 is required.
  • The size of the broth spoon is smaller, it has 16-17 cm, granulated sugar will fit 20 g. To measure 100 g with the broth device, you need 5 spoons.
  • The dessert spoon has a volume of 10 cm, which can hold 14 g of sugar.
  • A teaspoon, 5 cm in diameter, contains 7 g of granulated sugar.

Important! A slide in a tablespoon gives a difference of 5 g, in a dessert spoon - 4 g, and in a teaspoon - 3 g.

How to measure sugar with a glass?

It is more convenient to measure granulated sugar with glasses if necessary. a large number of sweet product. Because pouring 50 or 100 teaspoons, for example, takes a lot of time and requires a lot of patience.

Measurements can be made with faceted or ordinary thin-walled glasses.

Traditional and classic glass considered faceted. It is sturdy with a faceted surface. The total volume of the container with a rim to the top is 250 ml, which holds 200 g of the substance. And without a rim it contains 200 ml of liquid, the weight of granulated sugar, filled to the brim, is 160 g.

Advice! For the accuracy of measuring the amount in a faceted glass, you must first collect a full container, it is possible with a slide. And then brush off with a knife, as if to cut off, the top. Thus, you get exactly 200 g in a glass with a rim.

Thin-walled glasses have a volume of 250 ml, and if you fill it with sugar, then the weight will be 200 g.

How to measure 100 grams of sugar using a glass?

In order to get 100 g, you should dial an even half to the mark of the faceted glass. In a container without a rim, there should be a little more than half. A thin-walled glass should also be half full.

How many grams of sugar are in 100 ml?

Sometimes there is a need to add ingredients in milliliters. So, a 100 ml container contains 80 g of granulated sugar. A pile or half a glass of 200 ml will help to measure.

How to measure 100 grams of sugar without scales?

You can determine the amount of a substance without scales using almost any utensil that is at hand.

For measuring a bank will do, with a volume of half a liter and a liter, since it will be difficult and inconvenient to measure in large sizes (2 liters or 3 liters).

There are cups in every kitchen, of different volumes and sizes, they are perfect for this purpose. The main thing is to know the volume of the selected measuring cup.

We measure out 100 g of sugar.

Similarly, you can measure the substance in the plates, knowing their parameters.

Your attention is a visual video on how to measure the required amount of sugar:

Unusual ways

  • Cork from large standard plastic bottle holds 8 g of substance, and for 100 g you need 12.5 plugs.
  • A matchbox has a volume of 20 cm³, which is equivalent to 20 ml. This means that you need 5 matchboxes for 100 g of granulated sugar.
  • Ladles and ladles can also serve as measuring utensils, but for this you need to know their exact volume. A small ladle (250 ml) should be half full, and in a large (370 ml) sugar should take up a third.

We read about the calorie content of sugar in this

What foods can not be eaten with diabetes mellitus?

Sugar in honey

Honey is undeniably very sweet and useful product, therefore, it is not at all surprising that it is often used for cooking, replacing sugar. Sometimes due to intolerance, as healthy eating or lack thereof. But how much honey you need to take to get the equivalent of 100 grams of granulated sugar depends on the composition of the honey, but there are average indicators.

Honey consists of water, vitamins and carbohydrates (sucrose, glucose, fructose). The latter are usually called sugar of natural origin.

  1. Sucrose - up to 5%
  2. Fructose - about 50%
  3. Glucose - up to 45%

The amount of sugar in 100 grams of honey varies from 75 to 82, with an average of 78 grams. A tablespoon of honey (30 grams) contains 23 g of granulated sugar. For 100 g, you need 4 tablespoons.

You can measure sugar different ways: from classic scales and measuring cups to teaspoons and coffee cups... Therefore, it is easy to observe the accuracy of the recipe in order to guarantee the incomparable result of the dish. It is enough to find any container and measure the required amount of sugar.

In contact with

How many grams of sugar are in a glass and spoon (teaspoon and tablespoon)? Look for answers in this article.

In many culinary recipes the amount of sugar is indicated in grams. But what should those housewives who do not have kitchen scales do? How can you measure granulated sugar? How many grams of sugar are in a glass or spoon? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

You can measure sugar with a spoon and a glass.

  • If you need a lot of this product, for example, for jam, then it is inconvenient to measure with a spoon. How to measure sugar with a glass?
  • The weight of the product in a glass is usually indicated without a slide. To make the desired weight of the product, put sugar in a glass with a slide and slide it over the top with a knife to remove excess.
  • Accordingly, half a glass will be equal to half a measure. Of course, it will not be possible to measure exactly to the gram, but the approximate amount will be known.

Advice: If you need an accurate weight of sugar, then it is better to use a kitchen scale or ask to weigh the product at any nearest store or market.

How many grams of sugar are in one faceted 250 ml glass and 200 ml glass: measure and weight of sugar

Everyone knows that there is 250 ml of water in a faceted glass with a rim. But sugar is heavier than water, so its weight values ​​will be different. How many grams of sugar are in one 250 ml faceted glass and 200 ml glass? Measure and weight of sugar:

  • Large faceted glass measure with rim - 250 ml, the weight of sugar in such a glass is 200 grams
  • The measure of a faceted glass without a rim is 200 ml, the weight of sugar in such a glass is 160 grams if it is filled to the brim without a slide.

If you have a measuring cup, you can measure the weight in it. To do this, multiply the required weight in grams by 1.25 and get the volume in milliliters. If you need to calculate the other way around, and convert milliliters to grams, then multiply the number of milliliters by 0.8. See the table for an example:

On the Internet, you can find recipes in which sugar must be measured with a glass. But many, especially young housewives, do not have a faceted glass. After all, such containers could be bought back in the days of the USSR, now other glasses and the weight in them will also be different. But you can measure the required volume with tablespoons and teaspoons. How many teaspoons and tablespoons are in a glass of sugar?

  • One heaped tablespoon holds 25 grams of sugar. Now we calculate: there are 200 grams of sugar in a glass, which means that 8 tablespoons of this product will fit in it.
  • A heaped teaspoon holds 8 grams of sugar, which means there will be 25 teaspoons of the product in the glass.

By the way, teaspoons and tablespoons are also different, and if you need the exact weight, then choose these products standard form- deepened and slightly elongated.

To calculate how many cups of sugar are in one kilogram, you need to use simple mathematical calculations again. It was indicated above that in a large faceted glass with a rim, filled to the top, 200 grams of sugar. Accordingly, in 1 kilogram (1000 grams) 5 cups of sugar: 1000 grams: 200 grams = 5 cups.

2 cups of sugar: how many grams are it?

If the recipe says that you need to put 450 grams of sugar in the dough, jam or other dish, then how to measure this weight? From the above measures, it is clear that 2 cups of sugar is 400 grams. Add 2 more tablespoons of this product and you get 450 grams of sugar.

Now you know that you can do without a kitchen scale. There is always a glass and a spoon in the house with which experienced housewives use to measure the weight of different bulk products food - convenient and easy.

Video: How to Measure Without Weights [Bon Appetit Recipes]

If you don't have a measuring cup at hand, then the volume or weight of liquid or bulk products can be measured using an ordinary glass. However, glasses are different: large and small, faceted and smooth, thick and thin, with or without a rim - it is not a fact that their volume meets the standard.

Weight and volume in a faceted glass (ml, g)

How many ml is in a glass? Volume of faceted glass

- If you fill a glass to rim, then the volume of the product will be 200 ml. - If you fill to the top, then the volume will be equal to 250 ml.

How many grams are in a glass?

Different foods have different weights: water, flour, sugar, salt, etc. - you can measure the weight of these and other products according to the table.

How many grams of water are in a glass?

If you pour to the rim, you get 200 grams water. If you pour it to the top, it will be 250 g water.

How much does an empty glass weigh?

Normal faceted glass(empty) weighs 220-230g.
The weight of other glasses can be from 170 to 250 grams.

Volume of other glasses

After conducting non-standard order books, we discovered two golden rules:

1. If a glass with a rim
- then you need to fill to rim
- then it will turn out 200 ml

2. Glass without rim
- must be filled to the top
- then it will turn out 200 ml

But there may be exceptions to any rule, therefore, if you use glasses in everyday life that are different from standard faceted glasses, then we advise you to measure their volume once. This information will definitely come in handy when preparing dishes. Even if u

How to measure the volume of a glass

The easiest way to measure the volume of a glass is by pouring water into it from a measuring cup.

But more accurately you can determine the volume only with the help of scales.

First, set the balance to measure in grams.

If your scale has a zero correction function or "tare compensation" (all electronic scales have), then you can immediately get the weight of the water poured to the edge and to the top.

If there is no zero correction, then:
- first weigh empty glass (1 ),
- then fill it with water to the edge, weigh ( 2 );
- then fill in to the top, weigh again ( 3 ).

From the obtained values ​​in grams ( 2 and 3 ) you need to subtract the weight of the glass itself ( 1 ).

The result is net weight poured water, which will exactly correspond to the volume of the glass, expressed in milliliters (ml).

Study of the volume and weight of various glasses

In cooking, and just in life, it is often necessary to measure the volume of flour, water, milk, etc. with a glass. But the glasses are different, so we decided to measure different glasses in order to bring everything to a common denominator. First of all, we are interested in the answers to the questions:

1. What is the volume of the glass (how many ml).
2. How many grams of water fits in a glass.
3. How to fill the glass to obtain 200 ml.
4. How much does an empty glass weigh?

So, we have four types of glasses at our disposal. All measurements are made on a medical scale with an accuracy of 0.1 g.

Faceted glass with a border (200 ml) (glass No. 33, price 14 k)

Empty faceted glass weighs 220-230 grams.

If you pour water evenly into such a glass to the rim, then its volume will be equal to 200 ml, and its mass is 200 g (verified experimentally). If you fill it to the top, then the volume will be 250 ml, and the mass of water is 250 grams.

So, for the correct measurement of the volume of water, flour and other products and substances, a faceted glass should be filled exactly to the edge, or exactly to the top.

The measurement accuracy with such a glass can be quite high, for example, when checking the first time and without special preparation, 200.3 grams of water was poured into the glass.

A faceted glass should be filled exactly to the rim - this corresponds to a volume of 200 ml, or a mass of water of 200 grams.

A faceted glass filled to the top holds 250 ml, which corresponds to the weight of water 250 g.

Thick glass with a border (200 ml) (glass # 24)

An empty glass weighs 226 grams.

If you pour water evenly into this glass to the rim, then its volume will be equal to 200 ml, and its mass is 200 g.

This glass should be filled exactly to the rim - this corresponds to a volume of 200 ml, or a mass of water of 200 grams.

Small glass with curly edges (glass # 42)

An empty glass weighs 206 grams.

This glass has no rim. If this glass is filled to the top(until it starts pouring out), then the volume of the product will be 200 ml, and the mass of water is 200 g.

So, for the correct measurement of the volume of water, flour and other products and substances, such a glass should be filled to the top.

Antique glass with diamond-shaped edges

An empty glass weighs 173 grams.

This glass has no rim. If this glass to the top fill with water (until it starts pouring out), then the volume of the contained water will be equal to 200 ml, and its mass is 200 g (verified experimentally).

This glass should be filled to the top - this corresponds to a volume of 200 ml, or 200 grams of water.


Based on the measurement results, we found that all the glasses tested allowed a volume of 200 ml to be measured. Therefore, in each glass, you can take exactly 200 ml of the product, subject to the following conditions:

Glasses with a rim should be filled exactly up to the rim.

Glasses without rim should be filled to the top.

When preparing almost any dish, we measure the amount necessary ingredients in our usual ways, be it a glass, a cup or a spoon. And everything would be fine, but only glasses and cups are not the same for everyone, and in many recipes the weight is indicated the desired product in grams.

In such cases, an indispensable thing is which indicates both the number of milliliters for various kinds of liquids, and the weight in grams for dry products. Even with this useful kitchen appliance it does not hurt to know the volume of the dishes most often used in food preparation.

A teaspoon contains 5 ml of water, three times more, that is, 15 ml; familiar to everyone, which is also called "Stalinist" or "Soviet", there are two types - with a smooth rim and without it. A glass with a rim is considered a tea glass, since it was in it that the train conductors carried tea around the carriage, the volume of this glass is 250 ml; the same glass, but without a rim - 200 ml.

It is important to remember that the volume of the dishes is not always equal to the weight of the food. For approximate data, a table of measures and weights of products may be useful. In grams, many dry foods weigh much less than their volume in milliliters.

The tables below provide the gram equivalent weight, breaking down foodstuffs into convenient subcategories.

Note: The table of measures and weights of products in grams is designed taking into account the filling of the dishes as follows:

  • spoon - with a small slide;
  • glass - to the brim;
  • can - to the neck.

Bulk products

This type includes cereals, flour and some others. The table of bulk products offers the main methods of measurement - a spoon and a glass, dividing them into several types, according to the volume. For ease of preparation large portions cans with a volume of half a liter and a liter were added.

Always read the recipe carefully - one cup of flour does not mean 200 g of flour, even if your cup is slightly larger than 200 ml. Remember that in the "Stalinist" teacup filled to the brim with only 160 g of flour.

Note: If there is no traditional at hand in your kitchen, then it can be replaced with a plastic one. A standard clear polypropylene disposable cup holds exactly 200 ml of water.

Product name

Weights in grams



0.5 liter can

Bank 1 liter




200 ml

250 ml

Shelled peas

Pearl barley


Corn flour

Wheat groats

Barley groats

Wheat flour

Powdered milk

Oat flakes



Spices and additives (ground)

Since in the preparation of most dishes, spices are needed a little, a teaspoon and a tablespoon become their main yardsticks. For convenience, a standard volume of 10 ml was added. Spoon measures of weight of food are not equivalent to volume.

The weight of most spices and additives depends on the grind and quality of the product. For example, large ground coffee will weigh slightly more than finely ground coffee.


  • The table of measures and weights of products in grams does not guarantee an absolutely accurate weight, since the consistency and size of many products is not always the same.
  • Very often spices are measured in pinches, in one pinch about a quarter of a teaspoon.


Product weight

Tea spoon

Dessert spoon


Baking soda

Powdered sugar

Lemon acid

Baking powder

Ground coffee


Instant coffee



Liquids are almost always measured in milliliters, which makes food preparation much easier, since it is enough to know the volume of the dishes in which the food is usually measured. In the case when prescription liquids are measured in grams, their weight is as close as possible to the volume.

Liquid product

Product weight in grams

Tea l.

(5 ml)

Dessert L. (10 ml)

Dining room l.

(15 ml)

200 ml

250 ml

500 ml

1000 ml

Ghee butter

Melted fat

Sunflower / olive oil

Melted margarine

Solid foods

Note: The following table of measures and weights of products in grams provides approximate data. The exact weight of products depends on their size and type..

Product name

Weights in grams



0.5 liter can

Bank 1 liter




200 ml

250 ml

Small lentils

Whole peas

Large lentils

Ground walnut


Peanuts, peeled

Peeled hazelnuts

Walnut, whole peeled


Peeled almonds

Viscous products

Consider the last variety of products.

Product name

Weights in grams



0.5 liter can

Bank 1 liter




200 ml

250 ml

Boiled condensed milk

Berry / fruit puree

Jam / Jam

Condensed milk

Tomato paste