How many grams are in 1 tablespoon. How many grams of bulk and liquid products in a teaspoon

05.09.2019 Soups

Every housewife who prepares food in her home kitchen, from time to time, has a question about the weight of the added ingredients specified in the recipe. The exact weight does not always need to be known, so it is easier and faster to use what is always at hand - a large spoon, and not kitchen scales, which sometimes can give inaccurate measurements.

Measure of weight in a tablespoon

Cookery print or internet publications, especially manufacturers of kitchen appliances, are trying to make the work of housewives easier. It has become a rule to attach recipes for main dishes with an indication of proportions and weight, so that it is faster and more convenient to navigate. How many grams are in a tablespoon of this or that product, you can find out from various sources and draw up a small memo that will be stored in the kitchen and can be useful at the most necessary urgent moment.

It is convenient to have such a list, or it is better to arrange everything with a table. The volume of a tablespoon in grams will differ depending on which product is to be measured. Everything will depend on the density of the product and the degree of filling of the container. The specific gravity of a tablespoon of the same volume of water, salt or oatmeal differs relative to each other. Starting to cook, you need to decide how it is more convenient to measure the necessary products, which units are prescribed according to the recipe.

How many grams are in one tablespoon

It is worth considering the most commonly used products in the kitchen and finding out what the measure of a tablespoon in grams is if you use it instead of a scale. The tips will be especially useful for young hostesses who are just learning to cook and are not yet very confident near the stove. Most formulations are given with a list of ingredients and their weights for liquid or bulk products. If, when preparing some dishes, it is not essential to observe the proportions, but you can experiment, then others require a careful approach and careful measurement.


Sugar is used not only in the preparation of sweet dishes or baked goods. To add a special taste and piquancy, this product is added to some salads or seasonings, sauces. The weight of sugar in a tablespoon, poured flat, will be about 12 g. High room humidity can reduce the volume of the sweet product, leaving the same weight with an increased density of granulated sugar.

Together with a sweet confectionery ingredient, citric acid, dry yeast, and gelatin are often used in parallel. It is especially important to know the weight if the hostess herself prepares baking powder to obtain a fluffy pastry. By weight, the products required for baking are identical to powdered sugar and equal to about 20 g, if you do not pour a high slide.


Flour is used very often as an ingredient in various dishes. For baking cookies, cake layers, pies, another larger container (glass, measuring cup) is taken. When making a breading or tomato sauce made from pasta, it always comes in handy to know how much flour is in a tablespoon in order to measure out the exact amount required for a recipe.

By average standards, a large spoon, which is more comfortable to use in the kitchen so that your hands get less dirty, holds 25-30 g of wheat flour or potato starch, if not piled up. This is convenient, because with an excess amount of flour in the sauce, it will be very thick, and the dough, where an inaccurate amount of flour has been added, will "float" or will be very tight, dry and tasteless.


No dish can be cooked without salt, otherwise it will lose its taste, it will be bland. Small portions of white crystals can even be added to sweet desserts and cakes. Salt has a heavy specific gravity. It is important not to overdo it with quantity. A tablespoon of salt in grams weighs 25 to 30 g dry. So much will be needed when cooking first liquid dishes or for a large number of servings.

The weight is indicated for an average kitchen appliance, which may differ slightly in shape and capacity. Salt has different degrees of grinding. The finer the granules of the mineral, like the Extra brand (No. 0), the heavier the mass. In the kitchen, cooking stone grinding No. 1 or No. 2 is often used. When the salt is scooped up with a good slide, then you need to start from a mass of 30-35 g.


Bee honey, produced in natural conditions by bees, tends to become sugar-free if stored for more than a year after harvest, even inside a sealed container. When baking biscuits, where this product needs to be added according to the recipe, it is better to use fresh. The viscous liquid is evenly distributed, and it is difficult to make a mistake without even knowing how many grams of honey are in 1 tablespoon. The weight of bee nectar will be up to 40 g.

The capacity of the container chosen for measurement must be taken into account, this will save the final taste of the prepared dish from being oversaturated with honey. Otherwise, the lack of sweetness will also have a negative effect. Using a honey scale is not very advisable, because the container that will be used for filling will leave some of the product on its walls.

Sour cream

The dishes to which sour cream is added are varied. Sour cream is used for salads, mayonnaise, cottage cheese casseroles, baking cakes, whipping creams, and cooking chocolate glaze. Knowing how much sour cream is in 1 tablespoon, you can create a uniquely tasty dish, since the proportions will be respected. The mass will be slightly different, it all depends on the thickness and fat content of the product. Inside the cavity of a large spoonful of sour cream, about 24-26 g of weight is placed. The kefir used for baking dough is slightly lighter - 18 g.


When you need to season a salad or extinguish soda while mixing the dough, sometimes the recipe indicates the grams of how much vinegar it is recommended to add. The answer to the question is simple, how many grams of vinegar in a tablespoon is a little more than 10. It is worth paying attention to the percentage of acid recommended by the recipe (from 6 to 9%). The volumetric designation in milliliters is more often used, but recipes are created using different measuring units, so knowledge about the weight of vinegar that can hold a large cutlery is useful.

Vegetable oil

For sunflower or olive oil, the measurement in grams is very rare. More widespread methods of use are such as milliliters, fractional ratio to a glass, or the number of spoons. Any experienced housewife should remember how many grams of vegetable oil are in a tablespoon in order to use this knowledge in practice when the opportunity arises.

The mass of one unit with such a measurement will be approximately 17-18 g. It should be borne in mind that when cooled, the volume of vegetable oil decreases, leaving the same weight. Therefore, to measure accurately, you need to use room temperature. There is one more small nuance - vegetable oil should be used without sediment, which will increase the mass and spoil the taste of the prepared dish.


Housewives do not always manage to professionally cook semolina porridge so that it turns out to be the same viscosity as it was originally intended. Classic recipes contain information on how much cereal should be added for a given volume of milk. It is especially important to apply this knowledge and skills if the family circle consists not only of adults, but also small children or someone from the environment follows a diet.

It is not necessary to weigh the bulk product. You need to remember how many grams of semolina are in 1 tablespoon, and the weight is 20-25. Buckwheat and split peas have the same volume and weight, which are used to make porridge and soup. Buckwheat is especially "capricious", where it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions so that the porridge from it turns out to be crumbly, without water or sticking to the bottom of the pan.


It is more convenient to measure butter by cutting the packaged package, calculating the percentage of the total weight. A standard pack has a weight of 200 g, which makes the task of calculating easier. What if you bought a weight oil bar? Based on the number of grams indicated in the recipe, knowing how much butter is in a tablespoon, it is easy to calculate the total. For melted butter, an approximate weight of 17 grams is taken, for solid chilled butter - about 20.

How much water is in a tablespoon

In recipes, it is not common to find the volume of water measured in scoops or grams. This is one of the few products where the mass and volume are exactly the same, so it is better to use the services of a measuring cup or cup. Sometimes you need to add very little liquid, and then the experience will come in handy, how much water is in a tablespoon by weight. With this measurement, the mass of the liquid will be 17-18 g. Steaming raisins, observe the proportion of water by weight 1: 1. Dried grapes, pine nuts go well with rolled oats. The resulting mass tastes like muesli.

How much cocoa is in a tablespoon

Cocoa is used in the brewing of hot milk-based beverage or used for confectionery purposes. Getting chocolate glaze, cream, brown cake layers is not complete without this powder. How many grams of cocoa are in a tablespoon without a large slide, all housewives know, but according to various sources, the numbers can differ from 15 to 25 g. The denser the powder is, the greater the mass. This figure may differ for different cocoa producers and will fluctuate from the bottom to the top.


Everyone knows that the main secret of successful dishes is the right recipe. In each of them you can find a list of ingredients that are indicated in a certain amount. Not all housewives manage to determine by eye, for example, how much flour is in a tablespoon in grams or how much is in a glass. When there is no kitchen scale at hand, knowledge about the measure of food in spoons or glasses will come in handy.

How to measure flour in tablespoons

Of course, the amount of flour depends on the dish that the hostess intends to cook. If this is some kind of sauce, then it is not necessary to know exactly how much flour is in a tablespoon, since you can add it gradually and stop when the sauce reaches the desired consistency. The situation is different with baked goods or various kinds of casseroles. In such dishes, a strict dosage of flour is preferable so that they keep their shape and turn out fluffy after cooking. For casseroles, pancakes and pancakes, it is very convenient to measure flour in spoons, since it does not require much of it. Knowing how much flour is in a tablespoon, you can quickly and accurately measure out the required portion. However, there is a difference, whether to take flour into a spoon with a slide or not, because this will change its weight. How many grams of flour are in a flat spoon? If we are talking about ordinary wheat flour, then it will be 15 grams. In a spoon with a small slide - about 20, and if you scoop up a lot of flour, with a large slide, you get 25-30 grams.

How to spoon out 100 grams of flour

When it comes to pies or other baked goods, it may seem inconvenient to measure out flour with a spoon, because, as a rule, there is enough of it in such dishes. But if you have a recipe at hand that clearly indicates the amount of flour in grams, then this can be done without difficulty by measuring out 100 grams of flour with spoons per portion. How many spoons will it take to measure out such a portion? If you count on a spoon with a slide - then only 4. Thus, you can easily bake pies, knead the dough for pancakes or pancakes, having a clear recipe in front of you. The main thing is to remember that the ability to cook delicious and rich pastries comes with experience, because, as you know, two women who bake according to absolutely the same recipes can get completely different tasting pies. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense not to get hung up on grams, but to see how good the consistency of the dough is for a particular dish.

How much flour is in a glass

In many recipes, you can find the measurement of flour in glasses. What should be done in this case? Usually, a glass means an ordinary one. In such a vessel there will be exactly 130 grams of flour, therefore, knowing, it will be possible to easily measure the required amount into a glass. Thus, for delicious homemade baked goods, you do not always need to have a kitchen scale on hand, although it is undoubtedly more convenient to use with them. The usual one will always come to the rescue, which you can measure absolutely any ingredient for a recipe in the required amount. But do not forget that the data indicated in the article correspond in weight to flour, sugar or butter will have a completely different weight in the amount of one spoon.

For any housewife, when preparing a new dish according to an unfamiliar recipe, it becomes a real problem if there is no culinary (kitchen) scale at hand. Especially when the dose of ingredients is indicated in grams.

Therefore, today we will consider how much baking soda, table salt, cinnamon, granulated sugar and many other products are in one teaspoon with and without a slide. Because the weight of a particular substance depends on its type, consistency and can be very different.

It is clear that if you do not observe the proportions when preparing a dish, this can change its taste for the worse. Even make food unusable, especially when it comes to salt, seasonings, soda and baking powder.

The question of the correct addition of the required amount of products is relevant! And if there is no special scale in the kitchen to determine the volume of a teaspoon in grams, there is no measuring cup? What to do when many recipes use a standard measure and contain instructions listing food ingredients in grams?

There is an exit! You can quickly and easily find out the required amount of different substances from the following table:

Product name How many grams are in one teaspoon
Peanuts, peeled 8
Jam / jam 5
Water 5
Hercules 6
Shelled peas 10
Mustard powder 4
Buckwheat 8
Dried mushrooms 4
Dry yeast 5
Raw yeast 15
Powdered gelatin 5
Raisin 7
Caviar 7
Cocoa 9
Citric acid 8
Ground cinnamon 8
Ground coffee 8
Potato starch 6
Creatine 5
Corn groats 6
Semolina 7
Oat groats 5
Sago groats 6
Barley groats 6
Poppy 5
Margarine 5
Olive oil 5
Vegetable oil 6
Butter 6
Liquid honey 10
Powdered milk 5
Rye / wheat flour 8
Ground pepper 6
Pearl barley 8
Protein dry 5
Rice 8
Sugar 8
Powdered sugar 10
Condensed milk 11
Sour cream 6
Soda 12
Extra salt 8
Coarse salt 10
Breadcrumbs 6
Cottage cheese 10
Tomato paste 10
Vinegar 6
Beans 11
Cornflakes 2
Lentils 7
Egg powder 6


Probably, table salt is one of the most commonly used foods in cooking, so it is very important to know how much salt is in a teaspoon so as not to spoil the dish.

You can see that the table above indicates how much a gram fits. But keep in mind that this is with a slide:

  1. Salt "Extra" is finer and lighter than large table salt, so one spoon will fit up to 8 g (with a slide).
  2. Large crystals of salt weigh more - about 10 grams.

Keep this in mind, only jam or jam can be cooked without salt.


The second most popular component is granulated sugar. Moreover, it is used very widely: preparation of drinks, desserts, as well as unusual side dishes of meat, fish, sauces and milk cereals.

It is important to understand how much sugar is in a teaspoon if you take:

  • without a slide - 5 g;
  • with a slide - 7 gr.

All is well, that in moderation! If all proportions are observed, the dish will not be bland or cloying.


Natural bee honey is a beekeeping product with many beneficial properties. Adding the correct proportions of an ingredient so as not to spoil the sauce, drink, dessert or marinade obliges any culinary specialist to know exactly how many grams of honey a teaspoon can hold!

Remember, in a teaspoon fresh liquid honey is placed about 9 grams. If it begins to crystallize - 10 grams or more. Then peel off the hill a little from the spoon, adjust the recipe.

Of course, flower honey comes in many different varieties. I will say in advance that dark varieties of honey weigh several lighter varieties. But, I suppose that this is not critical. Just know that when honey is thin enough, it spreads better in the spoon to match the edges of the spoon. Candied natural sweetness - will be a piece.

Dry yeast

Most housewives at home prepare pastries and delight their households. The main secret of making delicious cakes and pies is a properly kneaded dough containing yeast.

Of course, the quickest option to use is dry powder. I wonder how many grams of dry yeast are in a teaspoon?

It is this type of dry yeast that contains from 3 to 5 g. Moreover, if there are no special scales, then three grams of yeast is in a spoon without a slide and five grams - with a slide!

Lemon acid

In fact, lemon is very wide in use. It is added to various mousses, drinks, desserts, sauces, marinades for meat and soups. Even a very small amount of it gives an original refreshing taste to the dish. However, if you overdo it, the food will be spoiled! So how much citric acid can there be in 1 teaspoon?

Strictly observe this proportion: 5 g is placed in a teaspoon of citric acid. This is the secret of preparing delicious dishes and successful preservation.


A coffee drink, aromatic and tasty, can be obtained as such when preparing, when you know exactly how many grams and how many spoons of coffee you need to add.

Coffee can be instant or natural ground. Its weight in a teaspoon will depend on the type of product in question. A teaspoon holds 8 g of natural ground coffee.

It is extremely difficult to prepare such a professional recipe without precise proportions.

Weighing the same volume of instant coffee, you will find that it is much lighter than ground coffee beans and weighs 6 g in one teaspoon.


Making pancakes, pancakes and pies without soda is very problematic. Moreover, baking soda with the addition of a drop of vinegar can completely replace an industrial baking powder. The dough rises, becomes more fluffy and fluffy.

Soda is even involved in making homemade medicines.

When the taken dose of baking soda exceeds, the dish tastes bad or the medicine cannot be prepared. Therefore, you need to know how much a gram of soda fits in a teaspoon:

  • no pea - 7 g;
  • with a slide - about 12 gr.


You know that there are many varieties of oil: sunflower, olive, corn and others. Each type of oil has its own characteristics and composition.

The oil is widely used in the preparation of first courses, meat, baked goods, desserts. Adding it more than the norm is impractical, otherwise the dish at the exit may no longer be useful, too fatty or vice versa.

How many grams of oil in a teaspoon, of course, depends on the type and variety, but the average figure will be 6 g.

Sour cream

Sour cream, one of the most popular fermented milk products! With her, pancakes are served to the table, borscht is "whitened", added to pastry sauces and creams.

One teaspoon contains 9 g of sour cream (with a 30% fat content).

Of course, it is not easy to guess the weight of natural product substitutes and numerous sour cream. The above proportion is correct when buying natural tasty sour cream.


Flour is used not only in the production of baked goods, but it is also used in the preparation of creams for cakes, sauces, pastries and many meat and fish dishes. Most types of flour - wheat, buckwheat, corn have the same specific gravity.

It is important to find out how many grams of flour are in a teaspoon:

  • with a slide - 5 g;
  • without a pea - 4 g.

To prevent the dough from getting too thick, know how to choose the right proportions.

Weight in teaspoon: Table of food measures in grams

Watch a useful video on the Druzhnaya Semeyka channel about how much flour, sugar, salt is in a glass, in a tablespoon and in a teaspoon.

Most recipes list the ingredients in grams, but you rarely see a scale in your home kitchen. Therefore, they are measured mainly with improvised means: a glass, a tablespoon and a teaspoon. But for everything to work out, you need to know what is in different products. The taste, aroma and even the appearance of the finished dishes often depend on this.

Spoons are different ...

However, any housewife, looking at the available spoons in the kitchen, will easily notice that they clearly have different capacities. And how, then, to measure? After all, this also changes in a tablespoon. In fact, everything is easier than it seems. You just need to follow some simple rules.

It is believed that an ordinary tablespoon holds 18 ml of water. Thus, using a beaker or a regular syringe, you need to measure the volume of all spoons in the house. In this case, water should be poured to the very edges. The one in which the indicated volume will fit, in the future, should be used for measuring products. Today you can do it easier and not look for a suitable cutlery at home. In any dishware store, you can easily find a special kitchen set, consisting of a measuring dining room, a tea room, and Sometimes a convenient

How to measure correctly

But it is important not only to choose the right spoon, but also to measure the food correctly. The weight of food in a tablespoon also depends on this. So, all liquids must be poured flush with the edges or, as they say, whisk. But thicker foods, such as sour cream, honey or jam, should be measured in such a way that they are with a slight slide.

You should also measure with a tablespoon and bulk products. At the same time, they do not need to be preliminarily shaken, rammed, or, on the contrary, sifted. This can greatly affect the amount in a tablespoon. Do not forget that the final weight of the contained product can be affected by its moisture content and general condition. So, fermented kefir is always slightly thicker than fresh, and wet sugar is heavier than dry sugar.

Table. Measure of weight in a tablespoon

Bulk products
Wheat flour25
Potato starch30
Powdered sugar25
Granulated sugar30
Ground crackers15
Ground coffee25
Baking soda28
Lemon acid20
Viscous products
Sour cream25
Cottage cheese17
Condensed milk30
Tomato paste30
Vegetable oil25

The table shows data on commonly used products in cooking. Of course, all this is almost impossible to remember. Therefore, you should always keep such a table at hand. For example, it can be printed and placed on the refrigerator or in any other accessible place. Then it will be possible to know exactly what is the measure of weight in a tablespoon of the desired product.

And a little more about the rules of measurement

Of course, it is important to follow the recipe you choose. However, an error of 2-3 grams cannot in any way affect the taste and quality of the finished dish. In addition, many ingredients (for example, spices) are put at all to their liking, completely not focusing on what is indicated in the recipe. Only with experience can one achieve that, even by smell, determine whether certain products are enough.

Those who are not yet confident enough in their abilities can be guided by how much food is contained in a tablespoon and measure exactly according to the recipe. It is even better if a kitchen scale is used for the measurement. They can be easily purchased at specialized stores. This is especially important when baking bakery products and preparing desserts. But when making soups, main courses and snacks for homemade soups, it is quite possible to experiment and add spices and foods to your liking.

How many grams are in spoons? Let's figure it out.

You want to cook something and have already found a recipe on the Internet. But then there were difficulties with the fact that you do not have a kitchen scale. This is not a problem if you know how many grams are in a tablespoon, tea and dessert spoons.

Most importantly, spoons are much easier and more convenient to use than scales. Very often people wonder how many grams are in a tablespoon of sugar, flour and dry yeast. In this article, you will find the full answers to your questions.

  • tea spoon.5 ml is about 5 grams;
  • dessert spoon- 10 ml of liquid - 10 grams;
  • tablespoon- 15 ml of liquid - 15 grams.

How many grams are in spoons table

Measurements of products in grams are used in order not to oversalt the dish, and also not to oversweeten. Usually, the authors of the recipes indicate the weight of the food with a spoon with a slight slide. Sometimes recipes are used with a flat spoon, but the author must indicate this. The measure of weight in our table is indicated in the generally accepted spoon with a slide and without a slide.

How many grams are in a tablespoon table

If we talk about bulk products that are contained in a tablespoon, then we mean that they are recruited to the level of the rims of the spoon. In some cases, a small slide is provided. If you want to know how many grams are in a spoonful of certain products, then refer to the table.

Bulk products

Product No slide With a slide
Flour 20 30
Sugar 20 25
Powdered sugar 22 28
Cocoa powder 20 25
Starch 20 30
Extra salt 22 28
Rock salt 25 30
Baking soda 22 28
Rice 15 18
Ground coffee 15 20
Gelatin 10 15
Dry yeast 8 11
Cinnamon 15 20
Lemon acid 12 16
Barley grits 25 30

Liquid Products

The table shows the weight of liquid products (in grams). This takes into account the fact that liquids are collected in a spoon with a slide, and if the products are more rare, then they are poured to the edges of the spoon.

Product gram
Honey 30
Water 18
Jam 50
Vinegar 16
Whole milk 18
Condensed milk 30
Vegetable oil 16
Melted margarine 15
Peanut paste 16
Sour cream 25

How many grams in a teaspoon table

If 1 teaspoon of flour is indicated, then it means a spoon with a slight slide. Accordingly, 1 small spoonful of flour without a slide can also be prescribed in recipes, then this is how it should be.

Bulk products

Product No slide With a slide
Cocoa powder 9 12
Buckwheat 7 10
Starch 6 9
Dry mustard 4 7
Dry yeast 5 8
Raisin 7 10
Gelatin 5 8
Ground cinnamon 8 12
Ground coffee 7 9
Instant coffee 4 5
Groats (barley, pearl barley) 8 11
Cornflakes 2 4
Lemon acid 5 8
Poppy 8 12
Semolina 8 12
Powdered milk 12 14
Potassium permanganate 15 18
Flour 9 12
Cereals 6 8
Nuts 10 13
Ground pepper 5 8
Rice 5 8
Baking powder 5 8
Rock salt 8 12
Sugar (and its powder) 7 10
Soda 7 10
Extra salt 7 10
Ground crackers 5 7
Sorbitol 5 7
Dry cream 5 6
Dry mashed potatoes 10 12
Beans 10 12
Medicinal herb 2 3
Lentils 7 9
Egg powder 10 12
Tea 2 3

Liquid Products

Liquid products (water, milk, vinegar) must be filled completely into the spoon. It is worth noting that the given grams are relative, so if you need to know the exact weight, then it is better to use an electronic or kitchen scale.

Product gram
Peanut paste 8
Water 5
Jam 17
Red caviar 7
Potassium permanganate 5
Honey 10
Mayonnaise 10
Liquor 7
Whole milk 5
Condensed milk 12
Vegetable oil 5
Butter 5
Melted margarine 4
Fruit puree 17
Sour cream 10
Cottage cheese 4
Soy sauce 5
Tomato paste 5
Apple vinegar 5

How many grams are in a dessert spoon

How many grams are in spoons? The size of the dessert spoon is between the dining room and the tea room. Its purpose is to serve as a table device for eating sweets. The dessert spoon copes with the measurement mission just as well as its older and younger "sister". Find out how many grams of products (liquid and bulk) it contains in the table.

Product gram
Sugar 15
Vanillin 4,5
Lemon acid 12
Salt 20
Flour 16
Water 10
Milk 10
Vegetable oil 11
Vinegar 10

Today in the article you learned in detail how many grams are in spoons (table, tea and dessert). This table does not have to be memorized, you just keep it close at hand and open it when necessary. Now you will have no difficulty in weighing certain foods. Delicious meals and bon appetit!