Jelly currant jam 11 glasses. Classic black currant jam "5-minute"

26.07.2019 Beverages

The taste of berry jam is familiar to all of us from childhood. Caring grandmothers and mothers enthusiastically closed jam, jams, confitures, because they knew for sure: you can't do without such a delicacy in winter! It has always served as a delicious pie filling, a piquant cream component or an independent dessert. And in unpleasant periods when colds happened, it also helped a lot to fight the disease. This means that you and I cannot ignore this tradition if we want to have a rich table and good health. the site suggests to start small - to make currant jam "five-minute" which recipe can save time and efforts of modern housewives.

About the benefits of black currant

According to doctors and folk experts, this berry is the most valuable among horticultural crops. It contains such a concentration of vitamin C that even with freezing or heat treatment of currants, this element does not disappear anywhere. And in combination with vitamin P, it is able to resist atherosclerosis. Currants will also help with problems with the respiratory system, liver, kidneys. The berry is able to prevent malfunctioning of the heart, a decrease in the IQ level in the elderly, Alzheimer's disease, and even the appearance of malignant tumors. Blackcurrant juice is used as a restorative agent after operations and serious illnesses. Folic acid contained in currants reduces the harmful effects of radiation, removes toxins and heavy metals.

Advice! Just 50 grams of jam or fresh berries a day will fill you with nutrients that any body needs so much.

However, it must be remembered that currants are not a panacea, and in some cases they can be dangerous. For example, with thrombophlebitis, it can increase blood clotting, which will lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition. And undiluted berry juice can become an allergen for a small child.

How to make five-minute currant jam?

Cooking berries. We sort out black currants, weed out green or overripe berries, remove stalks, leaves, twigs. Wash thoroughly in cool water, you can twice. The purer our raw materials are, the better the jam will last in winter.

How to pack confit yur? Both "5-minute" blackcurrant jam and other types of jam are best closed in small jars, about half a liter in volume. We select exclusively whole cans, without chips or cracks. Wash them thoroughly with baking soda and sterilize using any known method. We do the same with the lids: perfectly flat (better new ones), wash and boil without traces of rust or mold. We cover sterile jars with lids and put them in a place where no one temporarily bothers them and does not violate the absolute internal cleanliness, because the safety of the blanks also depends on it.

What else do we need? To make jam, you need a spacious container. For example, an enamel pot, copper or aluminum food bowl. The optimal volume of such a pan is from 2 to 6 liters. A wooden spoon or long-handled spatula is also needed to stir the hot mass and pour it into the jars. If you prefer to sterilize pre-packaged pieces, metal preservation tongs come in handy. Kitchen scales or measuring containers and, of course, a seaming machine will not be superfluous.

Important! If there is no seamer on the farm, or you just don't want to bother with traditional capping, you can close the jam with ordinary nylon lids. Such blanks will be leaky, so they will stand less than their counterparts under a metal cover. The solution is simple: we store the jars in the refrigerator and eat the contents first.

Some tricks. To prevent the jam from burning, you should bring it to a boil over medium heat, and boil it on the smallest one. In addition, you can use a divider - it will evenly distribute the heat and prevent the jam from sticking to the walls of the dish.

Classic black currant jam "5-minute"

Take equal proportions of sugar and currants, as well as half a glass of water. Bring one glass of sugar and all the water to a boil to make a syrup. Pour 1 glass of berries into this liquid and boil for 5 minutes, stirring continuously. Again add a glass of currants and sand, boil for 5 minutes. We put all the ingredients in such portions. When the mass has boiled down enough, pour it into jars and seal it. Although this currant jam is called “five minutes”, the actual cooking time is longer and directly depends on the available volume of berries. Nevertheless, its taste exceeds all expectations and fully justifies the several hours spent.

Classic black currant jam "5-minute"

Black currant jam "five-minute jelly"

In this recipe, everything is much simpler, and the finished product is not inferior in quality characteristics. Thanks to the natural gelling properties of the berries, you can cook a wonderful jelly-like blackcurrant jam “5 minutes”. Such a delicacy will definitely be appreciated by households and guests, because here your favorite taste is combined with an unusual shape.

We need 6 cups of sugar, 4 cups of currants and 2 cups of water. Pour half of the sugar with water, boil. Add all the berries, boil for 5-7 minutes. Then add the remaining sugar, gently change the mass and boil for another 5 minutes. We pack the hot jam into prepared containers, roll it up, put it under a warm blanket until it cools completely.

Black currant jam "five-minute jelly"

Express Blackcurrant Jam with Orange

This method of preparation is also called "raw" jam, because it does not use heat treatment of the product. For a kilogram of currants, take one and a half kilograms of white granulated sugar and one orange. Grind the citrus directly with the peel in a meat grinder or blender until puree. We do the same with the berries. We combine both masses, cover with sugar, mix well and leave for a couple of hours so that the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Then we pour the jam into sterile jars. Pour a centimeter layer of sugar into each container on top so that fermentation does not occur. We store the dessert in the refrigerator.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Summer is in full swing, and we gladly strive to feast on our favorite berries. For some it is strawberry, others prefer raspberries, but for me there is nothing tastier than black currant!

You can make sweets, jam, sweets from it, but I will offer you jelly-like currant jam, which has many interesting recipes.

Blackcurrant jelly is not only tasty, but also very healthy. The fruits have many, just magical properties. In the summer, fresh, they are able to perfectly heal the body, and in the winter they will saturate us with vitamin C and other valuable substances.

What kind of black currant has beneficial properties and contraindications?

First, let's figure out the benefits that this berry brings. What can be found in it from vitamins?

  • ascorbic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • carotene;
  • niacin, etc.

Not devoid of currants and trace elements:

  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • copper.

Based on this composition, one can understand why traditional healers revered her so much:

  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • used in the treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • thanks to the large amount of antioxidants, it successfully fights cancer;
  • affects brain health;
  • helps with stomach and intestinal disorders, diarrhea;
  • enhances blood circulation, therefore it is used in the treatment of the female genital area;
  • heals skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema;
  • acts as a medicine for kidney disease, as it has a diuretic effect;
  • due to the vitamin composition, it is prescribed for vitamin deficiency.

However, not everyone will benefit from black currant. Fruits are not recommended for the following diseases:

  • hepatitis and other liver diseases;
  • stomach diseases, including ulcers and hyperacidity;
  • increased thrombus formation.

Contraindications should be considered during pregnancy. If present, the berry is best consumed in limited quantities.

How to make jam?

Many readers don't like messing around with jam, especially in the summer. It’s hot, but I don’t want to stand by the stove! But if black currant grows in your country house, five-minute jelly jam will be very useful. Cooking is not difficult. Let's look at the recipe step by step.

Five minutes


  • 4 tbsp. fruits;
  • 6 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. water.


  1. Pour half of the sugar into the water.
  2. Boil.
  3. Put the currants and boil for 7 minutes.
  4. Pour in the rest of the sugar.
  5. Cook for another 5 minutes.
  6. Pour the currants into sterilized jars and roll up.

Store cooked jam for five minutes in winter in a cool place.

Jam for 7 glasses of berries

You can make jam in any proportion. It all depends on how many berries you have. Here is a recipe for 7 cups of currants. Ingredients:

  • 3 tbsp. water;
  • 10 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • 7 tbsp. fruits.

The cooking method does not differ from the previous one. The only difference is in quantity.

Jam for 11 cups of currants

Here are some more proportions for more jam. A recipe for 11 cups of berries will require the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 tbsp. water;
  • 11 Art. berries;
  • 13 Art. Sahara.

Jam for 22 cups of currants

And here's another recipe for 22 glasses:

  • 6 tbsp. water;
  • 26 Art. Sahara;
  • 22 Art. berry base.

However, in the last recipe for 22 cups, the cooking method is slightly different:

  1. In the 6th Art. Pour 12 tbsp of water. Sahara.
  2. Cook for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Pour in the currants and cook for 15 minutes after boiling.
  4. Pour in the remaining sugar, boil and remove from heat.
  5. Pour into sterilized jars.

Whichever recipe you choose, the jelly jam will turn out to be delicious!

Jam in a slow cooker

Of course, not everyone wants to stand near the stove in the heat. Therefore, if you have kitchen appliances that will make the jam for you, it will be just fine!

I propose a recipe that will simplify the life of many housewives. Cooking jam in a slow cooker!


  • 700 g of the main product;
  • 700 g sugar.


  1. Wash the fruits and pour into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Pour sugar on top and let the food stand a little. This measure avoids adding water. The product should start juicing.
  3. Turn on the "extinguishing" mode and leave for 25 minutes.
  4. At this time, sterilize the cans and lids.
  5. When the jam is ready, let it cool slightly.
  6. Divide into jars. If you want the jam to be stored all winter, the filled jars must be additionally sterilized in hot water.

So, multicooker cooking is less troublesome, but it does not allow you to immediately prepare the product for long-term storage. If you won't be eating jam anytime soon, it is best to use the traditional gas cooking method.

This dish can be used as a complete dessert. Over time, after settling in jars, it hardens and really resembles jelly. It is not a pity to treat relatives and friends with such a dish.

What are the benefits?

The advantages of this cooking method are obvious. Usually, in order to get a high-quality harvest, you have to stand the fruits for some time with granulated sugar, so that they let the juice out. Then the currants are boiled for a long time.

The secret of this dish is a large amount of granulated sugar, which acts as a preservative. Of course, at the present time, the option is not cheap, but if you value time, then this is for you.

Until next time, friends!

No matter how hard one tries, he cannot overestimate the benefits of black currant and currant jam. This berry is especially valuable for its incomparable aroma and taste, which originally combined bright sweetness, pleasant acidity, and also a slight bitterness. Processing currants does not destroy its amazing qualities, which allows us to harvest healthy berries in different ways. The best and most common of these is jam cooking. Everyone loves blackcurrant jam - both adults and children. It is always appropriate on the table during dessert or tea drinking. Thrifty housewives, thinking about the winter vitamin-free time, always try in the summer, during the berry season, to prepare several jars of this wonderful jam. Whoever has currants in the garden, at the dacha, jam is not a problem at all. Especially if it is black currant, the jam made from it is the richest and tastiest. There is also red currant, jam from it is made less often, it usually goes in a mixture with other berries. The prepared currant jam for the winter will unmistakably point you to the warmth and comfort in this house, to the hospitable hosts who also care about the health of their family.

The process of cooking currant jam is no different from any other jam. You can cook currant jam in the traditional way, by long-term heat treatment. And you can also use the express method of making currant jam "Pyatiminutka", which involves quickly boiling berries in syrup. Methods for making raw jam, sugar-free jam, frozen currant jam, etc. are also used. Since currants have a rather fleshy pulp, a small amount of water is used in the preparation of these jams. Therefore, jam-jelly is also successfully obtained from currants. Currant jam has all the useful properties of fresh berries, besides, it is perfectly stored even in a city apartment. Sometimes, if in the cold, then they can be stored under simple lids.

In winter, such a jam is just a godsend. In addition to just a delicious couple or two spoons for tea, a lot of excellent desserts are prepared from this jam: currant jam pie, currant jam cake, etc. Be sure to prepare currant jam for the winter, you can easily find the recipe on our website. Moreover, to prepare for cooking this product, it does not matter what kind of jam it will be - from red or black currant jam, its recipe is practically no different. Much depends on the size of the berries, the degree of their ripeness, the sugar content of a particular variety.

How to cook currant jam, some of the nuances will be suggested by our tips:

Experienced summer residents will collect and harvest black currants a week after ripening. The main thing is to prevent the berries from overripe;

The taste of the jam can be varied by mixing different berries in the proportion you like, which also depends on the sweetness of the different berries. Study the recipes carefully;

Experienced chefs advise to pre-blanch the berries for a few minutes for the tenderness of the berries;

Elderly people need to take into account the ability of currant jam, which is undesirable for them - it enhances coagulability and blood density;

The usual proportion of berries and sugar for jam is 1 to 1.5;

To prevent the jam from spoiling during long-term storage, keep in mind that the berries and jars must be absolutely clean, and it is better to store them in a cool place;

A variant of a wonderful dietary breakfast: bread toast with currant jam with a piece of feta cheese.

Hello! Let's talk today about very tasty and healthy black currant jam. I have selected very good recipes for this delicacy for you.

In addition to being very tasty, it is also very healthy. Currants will give us their vitamins in winter. At the same time, it strengthens the immune system and it is useful to drink fruit juice from it for colds and coughs. I usually just mix the jelly with some water and drink.

And in cooking it can be very useful. For example, to grease cakes, or you can also pour ice cream on them. It will be very tasty. As a child, I always loved to feast on. And I also always liked to just spread on a white bun and eat with milk, mmm ... just lick your fingers.

For me, the most difficult thing in making this jam is to sort out the berries, especially if there are a lot of them. As a child, my grandmother in the village was the one who was charged with doing this. Oh, how I did not like it, especially when your friends went to the river or somewhere else.

Be sure to sort out the berries, clean them of twigs and leaves. Then rinse and dry with a paper towel.

To begin with, I want to present a very simple recipe for making our jam. The berries are really boiled for only 5 minutes. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations described and then you will get just an amazing jam with the aroma of fresh berries.


  • Black currant - 500 gr
  • Sugar - 600 gr
  • Water - 50 ml

The proportions can be changed, the main thing is to observe the ratio of the ingredients.


1. Put the berries in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. Then cook for 5 minutes, remembering to stir. It should be cooked over medium or high heat, the main thing is that it is constantly in a state of boiling.

2. Then add sugar, stir until dissolved and bring to a boil. Then leave to cool. Then put it in pre-sterilized jars and close with lids. Store in a cool place.

How to cook blackcurrant jam for the winter

This recipe is considered traditional. This is how my grandmother cooked. When you eat it, you can feel the taste of childhood and the warm, affectionate look of grandma, who, although she was strict with us, she loved all her grandchildren very much.


  • Black currant - 5 kg
  • Sugar - 5 kg
  • Water - 7.5 cups


1. Put sugar in a cooking bowl and cover with water. Bring to a boil. Simmer until the syrup is clear.

2. Then put the berries in the boiling syrup. Stir gently and turn off heat. Leave in this position for a day.

3. After a day, put on fire again, bring to a boil, remove the foam and turn it off. Leave it for a day again.

4. The next day, put on fire again, bring to a boil, remove the warbler and cook for about 15 minutes.

Put 2-3 tablespoons of jelly on a clean, cool plate. Refrigerate and sweep down the middle with a spoon. If the edges don't start to converge, then the jam is ready.

5. Arrange everything in sterile jars, close and send to a place to store your blanks.

A simple recipe for jam through a meat grinder without cooking

Here's a recipe, you can't imagine any easier. Personally, I just like to cook with the raw method. The aroma of fresh currants is felt even in winter.


  • Black currant - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 2 kg


1. Twist the clean and dried berries through a meat grinder. Add sugar there and stir.

2. Arrange in clean sterile jars, leaving a distance of 3-4 cm to the edge. Put a layer of sugar on top. Close the lids and store in a cool, dark place. Although with this recipe, it can be stored at room temperature.

Blackcurrant jam with orange for the winter

Currant with orange is a very interesting combination of flavors. Try this jam. you should definitely like it. I will present two options for raw cooking without boiling, which are slightly different from each other.


  • Black currant - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 2 kg
  • Orange - 1 piece


1. Cut the orange into slices, removing the seeds. Then twist the berries and orange slices, right with the peel, through a meat grinder.

2. Then pour into a bowl with sugar and mix well. Cover the jam with cling film and leave for 2-3 hours.

3. Transfer the present delicacy to sterile jars and close the lids. You can store them at room temperature.

Now check out another recipe. In addition to the orange, a banana is also added here. Having tasted this jam, you just lick your fingers.


  • Currants - 3 cups
  • Sugar - 4 cups
  • Orange - 1 piece
  • Banana - 1 piece

It turned out to be a very tasty and vitamin delicacy. I'm sure you haven't tried it yet. And I already tried it last year. I highly recommend this yummy.

Jam (jelly) from black and red currants - five minutes

Another option that I love. In general, I like to make all sorts of assortments, mixing flavors. I recommend that you try to do it this way. The proportions of black and red berries are not critical. Put it on your own.


  • Red and black currants - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg


1. Mix berry platter with sugar and stir until they give juice.

Rinse the berries, but it is not necessary to peel the branches.

2. Then place on the stove, bring to a boil. Cook for 3 minutes, stirring constantly.

3. After boiling, pour everything into a saucepan through a sieve. Squeeze the berries well through it. Try to keep all the cake dry.

From the remaining cake, you can make a wonderful fruit drink. So take your time to throw it away.

4. Use a clean spoon to remove any foam from the jelly. Then pour into sterilized jars. Leave to cool. After it has cooled, close with clean lids and store in a storage area. You should have a very thick and incredibly tasty jelly.

Black currant mashed with sugar for the winter - a recipe without cooking

I also want to share this wonderful way of making jam for the winter. A simple and quick version of fragrant confiture will remind you of the taste of summer and fresh berries, like from a bush.


  • Currant - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1-2 kg

The proportion of sugar depends on how you store the jam. If at room temperature, then add 2 kg, but if in a cold place, 1 kg of sugar is enough.


1. Rinse the berries and place them on a paper towel. Be sure to dry them. Then sort through, remove the twigs and leaves.

2. Put the berries in a blender and add sugar. Twist until jelly-like mass.

3. Pour into a dish and leave for a few hours until the sugar is completely dissolved. Stir every half hour.

4. After a few hours, put everything in sterile jars, pour 2 tablespoons of sugar on top and close the lids. Then just put it away in storage.

Video on how to make blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker

For those who like to cook in a multicooker, I have selected a video. It describes in great detail the entire cooking process. And what is very convenient - put it in the right mode and go about your business without worrying about anything.


  • Currant berries - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg

It turns out very tasty and not worse than on the stove. But in winter you can enjoy wonderful jam. Yes, and with a cold, it helps very much. When I have a fever, I make myself a drink from it and drink constantly. Tasty and healthy.

Well, my dear friends, for today I presented to you the best, in my opinion, selection of recipes for black currant jam. I think that when the harvesting season for this berry comes, they will be useful to you.

I myself have personally tried all these wonderful options in different years and I can say that I have not decided on my preferences, since they all turn out very tasty.

Good harvest and successful harvests!

Whoever has never tasted currant jelly has definitely lost half his life, this is an axiom that cannot be disputed under any circumstances! If you are just one of those who have lost their happiness, do not rush to despair, this article is just for such unique ones: we will tell you popularly, step by step, clearly and clearly how to make currant jelly at home, how to prepare it for desserts and for fillings in pies, for the winter and to eat right now, with currant leaves and vanilla, with and without sugar, boiling and without heat treatment.

If you know what currant jelly is and are seriously determined not to be surprised at anything, readjust - “Magic Food” has prepared for you several surprises that will reveal familiar things from a new side.

The benefits and contraindications of currants

Shiny, glossy, black, filled with juice and sun, currant berry has an incredible taste - very rich, aromatic, characteristic, strict and even a little harsh. They either love her or do not understand her at all - a neutral attitude towards currants is impossible.

The composition of the plant is unique. Firstly, this berry contains a huge amount of potassium that a person needs - twice as much as in bananas, the universally recognized champions in this microelement. Secondly, currants boast a tremendous amount of vitamin C - there is 4 times more of it than in lemons (to satisfy a person's daily need in this matter, it is enough to eat 15 berries a day). Thirdly, there are so many antioxidants in it that you can safely use this plant as an anti-aging serum, as a means to combat age spots, for the prevention of Alzheimer's.

Morodin is a natural antiseptic: for tonsillitis, for example, its juice is diluted with water and gargled. A folk remedy that helps no worse than expensive medicines. With the help of this berry, they shorten the recovery period after operations, help with bleeding gums, and prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system. In general, a miracle berry and almost a panacea. On the farm - an absolutely necessary product.

However, if you suffer from thrombophleitis, alas, currants are contraindicated: the berry contains substances that increase blood clotting. In addition, be careful if you have stomach problems: the acidity of this product can be dangerous for gastritis, ulcers and related diseases. In addition, please note that pediatricians do not recommend giving pure currant juice to children - it can cause allergic reactions.

Jelly making utensils

Like any jam, currant jelly does not tolerate aluminum bowls, preferring enamel basins and "stainless steel". Try not to neglect this issue, because it will be a pity for the effort spent if, together with a useful product, you get an indistinct berry something: old grandmother's aluminum is categorically not suitable for making currant jelly, and even if the whole village of old women tells you that they have been like this for a thousand years do not believe it.

Another option is copper basins for making jam. Special, beautiful, luxurious. It is clear that very few people manage to acquire such happiness, so focus primarily on stainless steel and enameled dishes.

The second important point is that the dishes for making jam should be wide. Very wide. This not only ensures better safety and integrity of the berries (the upper ones do not crush the lower ones with a huge weight), but also significantly accelerates the evaporation time of excess liquid, reducing the heat treatment of the jam. In general, have you already realized the need for a large pelvis? And yes, for the same reason, jam is not made in pots and pans.

By the way, do not forget that if you are preparing "live" jelly, it is a good idea to scald the dishes with boiling water - this not only minimizes the risk of jam fermentation, but also removes excess trace elements that probably remain in the dishes after cooking the previous dish.

Preparation of berries

For the preparation of currant jelly, an exceptionally ripe, well-ripened berry, collected from a bush no more than a day ago, is suitable. What the godfather of your uncle's cousin's brother passed on last week does not fit categorically. Only fresh, high quality, selected berries. As a last resort - the same beautiful, ripe and wonderful, which you did not have time to immediately process and, after washing and drying, sent to the freezer.

To make currant jelly, the ideal berry should be sorted out, removed leaves and twigs and rinsed well under running water. After that, the currants are laid out in an even layer on a cotton towel (several disposable towels) and wait for the berries to dry. After that, you can work with her.

There is one more thing to consider when preparing currant jelly. This plant loves sunny, but not at all hot weather - only under such conditions the berry ripens correctly and retains all its properties, moreover, not only medicinal - we are also talking about its high ability to gel. If the summer turned out to be unsuccessful, it is quite possible that you will get just delicious currant jam, but not jelly at all.

Classic blackcurrant jelly without cooking

Do not reduce the amount of sugar - if you do not follow the recipe, you will not get thick jelly, but ordinary liquid jam. Also, in general, delicious, but a little different.

1 kg of currants;
1.5 kg of sugar.

Put the prepared berries in a clean bowl, add sugar and grind with a blender until smooth (scroll through a meat grinder). Pour into sterilized jars, cover with lids and put in the refrigerator for storage. Such jelly can stand all winter and always be at hand if necessary - fresh, healthy, fragrant.

Blackcurrant jelly, or five-minute jam

In a light jelly-like syrup of a stunning dark ruby ​​color, whole currant berries float freely ... A frosty winter evening, a boiling teapot, fragrant tea, fresh homemade buns and a jar of currant jelly ... Isn't this a holiday for the soul?

1 kg of currants;
1.2 kg of sugar;
1.5 cups of water.

Mix water with sugar, cook syrup - bring to a boil, reduce heat and boil for at least 7 minutes. The finished syrup should thicken, but in no case darken.

We sort out the berries, wash them and dry them thoroughly, then transfer them to a basin and evenly fill them with boiling syrup. Leave for 2-3 hours, then bring to a boil, reduce heat, boil for 5-7 minutes. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars, wrap it in several blankets and leave it to cool completely. Perhaps at first it will be watery, however, during storage it will thicken and become like a light jelly.

Thick currant jelly

We'll have to tinker a little, yes. But what is the result! The jelly is dense, thick, it can be cut with a knife and put on a piece of bread, while gurgling with pleasure and obscenely greedily absorbing sweet vitamins, unable to stop for a moment.

1 kg of currants;
1 kg of sugar.

We sort the berries, wash them, put them in a metal sieve and blanch them in boiling water for about 3 minutes, then rub them thoroughly in mashed potatoes, removing skins and seeds (the cake is perfect for making compotes or pie fillings). Mix the resulting mass with sugar, leave for 2-3 hours, then simmer for 15-20 minutes, making sure that the jam does not burn. We pour it into jars, close it, wrap it up with a blanket, leave it for a day, and then put it in the pantry for storage.

Blackcurrant jelly with orange

The bright taste of black currant is perfectly combined with a delicate citrus note. It turns out a magnificent jelly, which is not ashamed to be poured into small jars, beautifully decorated and given as Christmas surprises to family and friends. Of course, if by this time there is still something left in the closet.

1 kg of currants;
2 large oranges;
1.5 kg of sugar.

Wash oranges, pour over boiling water, cut into slices and carefully remove the seeds.

We sort out the currants from the twigs-leaves, wash, dry.

Pass the berries and citruses through a meat grinder, mix with sugar, leave for 2 hours. After that, bring the mass to a boil, boil for 5-7 minutes and pour it into previously sterilized jars. We close it with lids, wrap it in blankets, leave it until it cools completely, then transfer it to the pantry and store it until you want to feast on a spoonful of jelly from the aromas of summer, sun and heat.

Currant jelly with apple and cinnamon

The first apples, juicy and incredibly fragrant, will make a wonderful company to the currants - the jelly from these fruits will be dense, tasty, with an amazing smell and a rather restrained, balanced taste.

1 kg of apples;
1 kg of currants;
2.4 kg of sugar;
1 glass of water.

We sort out the currants, wash them, dry them and put them in the basin. Fall asleep with sugar, fill with water. Leave for 3 hours, then bring to a boil and, reducing heat to low, cook for about 10 minutes.

Peel the apples, remove the core, cut into arbitrary pieces of approximately the same size. We spread it in a basin with currants. We leave for 3-5 hours, after which we bring the jam to a boil a second time and boil for 15-20 minutes. Leave it for 5-7 hours again, then boil it for the third time (15-20 minutes), then pour the jelly into sterilized jars, close it with lids, wrap it in blankets and leave it to cool completely. After that, currant-apple jelly can be stored in the pantry.

Clear currant jelly

Lightweight, weightless, this jelly looks unusually beautiful in cans, plays in the sun with stunning highlights and cheers up with its one color. There is no need to talk about a delicate bright taste!

1 kg of black currant;
1 kg of red currant;
2.2 kg of sugar.

Wash the berries, sort out, then blanch in boiling water for 2-4 minutes. Throw it back on a sieve and wipe it from skins and bones.

Mix the resulting puree with sugar, leave for 5 hours, then bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes and pour into sterilized jars, close with lids and wrap in several blankets. After cooling completely (about a day), the jars can be transferred to the pantry for storage, while you should strictly ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on the currant jelly.

Sugar-free currant jelly

Troubled, yes. But it is beautiful, natural and very bright. Natural taste, concentrated aroma, quintessence of usefulness.


Press the prepared berries (washed and dried) with a potato grinder or pass through a meat grinder. We put the resulting puree in the largest jar that you only have on the farm, put the jar in a stainless steel bucket, on the bottom of which cotton fabric is laid. Pour water over the "shoulders" of the jar, bring to a boil and boil the jelly over minimal heat to the desired degree of consistency, but not less than 4 hours. After that, we pour the jam into small sterilized jars, close the lids, wrap them with several blankets and leave until they cool completely, then the jars can be transferred to the pantry for storage.

Sugar-free currant jelly goes very well with raspberries - for this, add pure raspberries to the same jar and cook the jam together.

An old recipe for currant jelly

A simple and unusual recipe for currant jelly. Add a dozen leaves from a bush to a saucepan with berries - the taste of the jam will be extraordinary!

1 kg of currants;
about 1.5 kg of sugar.

A clean berry is spread on the bottom of a wide saucepan and pressed with a lid smaller in diameter than the diameter of the pan. Begin to heat slowly. The berries will burst when the temperature rises - as soon as the juice boils, it should be drained into sterilized jars, directly from the pan, without lifting the lid. We fill the jars to half, fill the remaining space with sugar. Stir with a clean spoon until the sugar dissolves, after which we close the jars with lids and wrap them with several blankets. After cooling completely, the jelly can be transferred to a cool, dark place and stored until use.

The remaining berries are reused to make jelly - add a cup of water and bring the juice to a boil again, then repeat the procedure in the same way. It is not recommended to cook jelly from the same berries for the third time, but they are great for compotes.

Blackcurrant jelly in a slow cooker

A totally lazy recipe for a delicious winter treat, cold medicine and grated pie filling.

1/2 glass of water
1 kg of currants;
1.2 kg of sugar.

We put the washed and dried berries without stalks, twigs and leaves in a multicooker bowl. Fall asleep with sugar. We pour water. We turn on the program "Jam", setting a delay of start for 3 hours. After the readiness signal, pour the resulting jelly into the jars, cover with lids, wrap with blankets. A day later, we transfer it to the pantry for storage.

If your model of a multicooker does not have the "Jam" program ("Jam", "Jam"), currant jelly can be prepared using the "Stew" program.

    1. The classic proportion for cooking jam is 1: 1, however, if you want to reduce the amount of sugar (and calories at the output), you can reduce it, while you should carefully monitor the consistency of the boiled syrup: most likely, the cooking time will have to be increased to achieve the desired thickness ...
    1. To make the jam thicker and faster, use natural pectin-based thickeners. Ready-made additives such as "Zhelfix", "Confiture", "Quittin" are not the most popular and classic solution, however, it will allow you to quickly and without unnecessary hassle prepare a thick beautiful jelly, the syrup of which will retain its natural bright color.
    1. Do not be lazy: it is better to remove the foam that forms when cooking the jam with a slotted spoon or a special spoon with holes. This will remove from the finished product extraneous "dirty" impurities of granulated sugar, minor particles of debris, fractions of fat and coagulated protein. The color of the jam will be cleaner, more transparent, such a product is stored better and more reliably. In addition, skimming the jam improves the flavor of the berries.
    1. Do not forget that any jam is cooked on minimal heat.
    1. The jam can be considered ready if a drop of its syrup does not spread over the plate, but remains a beautiful convex hemisphere.
    1. The jars into which you plan to pour the jam should be sterilized - over steam, in the microwave or oven.
    1. Caps - we must sterilize. A trifle that should not be neglected.
    1. To be on the safe side and keep the jam from mildew, you can cut out parchment paper circles, moisten them in alcohol, and place them on top of the finished product before closing the jar with a lid and storing it.
    1. The optimum temperature for storing classic jam (not "live", but boiled) is 10-12 degrees. Do not forget that, ideally, there should be no light at all, or at least not fall with direct rays on the banks.
    1. Do not be lazy to make labels for jars of jam - you can print all kinds of ready-made templates from the Internet or make them yourself. This affordable thing will not only make storage easier and save time searching for jam, but also add a little aesthetics to your pantry, which, you see, is just nice.

    1. Do you know that if you organize a competition on vitamin C content between lemons and currants, not the first ones will win? The tart black berry contains 4 times more of it than the replicated overseas citruses.
    1. The name of the berry comes from the old word "currant", which meant "strong, pungent smell." The aroma of currants is really pronounced and even a little intrusive, and, moreover, the statement is true not only in relation to fruits, but also leaves and twigs.
    1. The leaves of this plant contain no less vitamin C than berries - that is why tea brewed from currant leaves is so useful.
    1. Starting from about the 9th century, the currant was called the monastery berry - this is due to the fact that it was grown in huge quantities at the monasteries, and was used not only for culinary, but more for medicinal purposes. After about 5 centuries, the berry also came to ordinary people, after which the emphasis shifted to gastronomic purposes.
    1. It is important to collect the currants on time - as soon as they are ripe. Incredibly, 2 weeks after this very moment, the loss of important and necessary vitamin C in berries reaches 70%. And yes, slightly unripe currants are many times more useful than slightly overripe ones.
    1. When preserving, currant leaves are often added to jars - they not only slightly increase the "vitamin content" of the product, but also bring their original shades into the overall taste palette.
    1. Currant belongs to plants that can "fight radiation" - it contains substances that actively release radioisotopes, so the berry is especially indicated for people working in hazardous industries associated with radiation pollution.
    1. Nice figure - only 60 calories in 100 grams of berries. Losing weight and watching their own weight - highly recommended!
    1. This plant is a wonderful honey plant, and honey collected from currant bushes is considered especially healing.
    1. Currants are not only raw materials for making jams, jams and jellies. It is also used in compotes, jelly, sweet and savory sauces, vinegars, and even in the production of wine and liqueurs.