How to understand that eggs have deteriorated during cooking. How to check the freshness of an egg using water: the most accurate ways

20.10.2019 Soups

Many housewives find it quite difficult to answer the question of when the eggs stored in the refrigerator were purchased. Not to mention the fact that it is not known how long they were in the store. Therefore, the question of how to check eggs for freshness often becomes very relevant. This article will cover the ins and outs of identifying "old" eggs and how to run simple yet powerful freshness tests.

Checking chicken eggs for freshness at home

Eggs are considered a valuable source of trace elements and vitamins. “Chicken caviar” is used as an independent dish or various dishes are prepared on its basis.

But if fresh this product brings only benefits to the body, then eating spoiled eggs can lead to poisoning, which entails serious health problems, including death.

You can identify a product that has been stored for a long time even in a supermarket.

So, the freshness of eggs is determined by the following criteria:

  • Surface structure. The shell of fresh eggs is dull and slightly rough to the touch. The old ones will stand out with a glossy shine and turn out to be smooth.
  • Smell. Eggshells have the ability to absorb the smells of surrounding objects, like a sponge. If fresh food smells like lime, then over time, they will attract foreign aromas.
  • Shaking sound and vibration level. If you bring a raw chicken egg to your ear and shake it slightly, when it is fresh, there will be no extraneous sounds. Gurgling and vibration occurs if the product has been stored for a long time.
  • Product weight. If a fresh egg weighs from 55 to 70 g, then as a result of long-term storage, this figure will decrease.
  • View of the egg in the light. If possible, you need to bring the egg to a window or lighting fixture. When the product is fresh, it will be perfectly visible, in addition, there are no dark inclusions inside. And the "air chamber" located in the wide part of the egg will be barely noticeable. The longer the product is stored, the greater this formation.
  • Reaction to unwinding. If there is a flat horizontal surface not far from the counter, it is worth laying an egg on it and spinning it with your fingers. The fresh product will quickly stop its movement, and the one that has been stored for a long time, just like the boiled one, will turn into a "top".

    It is quite difficult to determine the freshness of an egg by sight, but since eggs are quite often used in the preparation of any dishes and even just for food, you need to know how to determine their freshness. An egg should be lowered into a saucepan with cold, slightly salted water, if it lies horizontally, then this egg is fresh, if it is 3 weeks old, it will stand upright, but if it is rotten, it will immediately float up. Worldwide focus? With long-term storage, the egg dries up, the air chamber at the blunt end of the egg becomes larger. Sometimes you have to use cracked or slightly broken eggs during cooking, their freshness can be determined by smell or, so as not to risk breaking them into a separate dish and there to examine for color and smell.

    I will not repeat myself, I will note one more aspect.

    Our family kept chickens for a long time, so I can easily distinguish fresh egg from stale just to look.

    A fresh egg has a shell of a clean, even color - white or brown, depending on the breed of chickens. The top of the egg is covered with an inconspicuous film that makes it a soft matte tone. This film preserves the egg for a long time, if you wash it, the film will wash off and the egg will quickly deteriorate.

    When the eggs are already stale, then the color of the shell becomes dirty-gray, and if it is already completely unusable, then the egg darkens, this is noticeable even if it is not broken. There is no glow from the inside that a fresh egg has.

    Another sign of not very fresh eggs is when they shine. This means that the matte film is broken. Of course, it is not at all necessary that such eggs are rotten, but this is a signal that they are more than one day old.

    There are many ways to tell if an egg is fresh or rotten.

    1. Look at the egg at sunlight or at the light of a lamp, if you do not see anything dark, then the egg is normal.
    2. When shaking, you can hear a flop if the egg is rotten.
    3. roll the egg, the fresh one will not spin.
    4. dip in water, the foul will float.
  • How to check if an egg has deteriorated or not. I check in this way, I dip the egg in cold water, if it floats up, then it’s better not to risk it, such an egg is not the first freshness.

    You can shake a chicken egg near your ear, and if you hear a knocking sound (as if there is another egg in the egg), the egg is probably spoiled.

    There are at least three ways check if the egg is fresh or is already rotten.

    1. Sinking or floating?... Pour cold water into a bowl so that the water level is twice as high as the egg. Put the egg in the water and watch - if the egg drowns, it is most likely fresh (in addition to this, the fresh egg is on its side). If the egg mostly stretches to the surface of the water, and the sharp end is at the bottom, the egg is about three weeks old. But if the egg does not sink, but floats on the surface of the water, it is definitely spoiled and cannot be eaten.

      What do you hear? Bring the egg to your ear and shake well several times. If you don't hear anything, chances are the egg is still in order. If side sounds, gurgling, squelching are clearly heard - throw it away.

      What's inside? You will have to break the egg for this test. It is better to break it on a flat plate or saucer so that you can clearly see the contents. When looking at the white and yolk, pay attention to the shape of the yolk. A fresh egg should have the yolk above the white and should fit snugly against it. If the yolk is a little drowns in the protein, and the protein looks quite transparent, the egg can still be eaten, but it is already three or four weeks old. In this case, it is better to cook it so that the yolk does not remain liquid (you never know what)). If the yolk looks too flat, and the white seems too liquid, watery, then the egg is clearly stale and it is better to just throw it away.

  • Determine the freshness of an egg in several ways:

    • with the help of salted water (put the egg in a container with salt water: the fresh one will lie horizontally, the old one - vertically, the rotten one - will float on the surface of the water)
    • shake the egg. Fresh filling will not boot up and make suspicious sounds
    • to the light. This requires powerful lighting, bright sunlight will do. A fresh egg is filled evenly, in a rotten egg there will be places of thickening.
    • can be compared by weight. Of course, by eye, but nevertheless, a spoiled egg is somewhat lighter than a fresh one of the same size.
    • if you wash the shell with a fragrance-free detergent and smell it, the smell of a spoiled egg can be felt through the shell, because hydrogen sulfide destroys the inner membrane and seeps out through the pores of the shell

    The shelf life of eggs is on average 30 days, however, they are considered dietary only 7 days after they are laid by the chicken.

    I always determine the freshness of the egg by dropping the egg into the water. If it does surface, it’s not fresh, but that doesn’t mean it’s rotten. A rotten egg is determined when to break it - it is green and has a terrible smelly smell.

    Always the first thing to do is to look at the light, there are no spots in the lumen, which means the egg is normal. There are doubts, we proceed to the second step.

    The second way, we spin it on the table (the fresh one does not want to spin).

    For more persuasiveness, take another third step - put it in the water, float up with a float - send it to the trash bin, such an egg should not be consumed.

    The most effective method to check if the eggs are out or not is to sniff the eggs) Sounds very funny, but it is. If the eggs smell bad, it means the eggs are out.

    In addition, you should know that eggs are edible for only 15 days, after which you can throw them into the trash can.

    There are several ways to determine if this is a good egg or an already spoiled, rancid one. The most popular way is to dip the dubious egg into a container of water. Moreover, water must be poured much more than the height of the egg itself. And if the egg remains at the bottom of the container with water, then the egg is not spoiled. Conversely, if the egg is afloat, then most likely it is spoiled.

    You can also simply shake the egg next to your ear. Shake and listen, a good egg makes almost no sound. But the spoiled, rotten will gurgle, you will hear splashing inside the egg. Well, I can suggest a way to determine the quality of an egg - spin it on the table around its axis. A good egg won't spin.

    You can check the freshness of any egg using various methods. For example, through water, for this we pour only cold water into a bowl and put the egg to check, if the egg immediately goes to the bottom, then it is fresh. And if it sinks and lies on the barrel, then it is also fresh. If the egg does not want to sink at all and floats on the surface of the water, then this is an indicator that it is already spoiled and cannot be eaten.

    You can check by ear and shake the egg near your ear, and if it starts to gurgle and squelch, then it is already spoiled.

    You can also break an egg into a bowl and look at its appearance, a good egg can be seen immediately, but if there is any unpleasant smell, then you need to throw it away immediately.

    You can lower the egg into a container of water, if it floats up, then spoiled

Good afternoon, guests of the site and regular readers. Today we will tell you about ways how to check eggs for freshness - a rotten egg or not? Eggs are a source of protein, vitamin A and riboflavin, and some nutritionists claim that this product can lower cholesterol levels.

The ingredient is often used in baked goods, for making batter and omelet, fried, baked, boiled, or consumed raw. give us the most dietary product!

A rotten or simply spoiled egg that does not yet have a characteristic odor can cause severe food poisoning. Low-quality products are found both on the market and in large supermarkets, so you need to know how to determine the freshness of the purchased product.

A dietary egg - up to 7 days of proper storage - is the freshest to eat.

If the egg is a baking ingredient or just a frying dish, break it on a flat plate before using it and take a closer look.

  • In fresh specimens, the yolk looks like a ball or oval around which the protein gathers.
  • The transparent liquid has an elastic consistency, sometimes it has a greenish or yellowish tint, caused by the presence of carbon dioxide. But such a product can be safely eaten.
  • The yolk that has sunk almost to the bottom of the plate indicates that the egg is nearing the end of its shelf life. The ingredient should only be consumed when the protein is transparent and gathers around the oval base.
  • Throwing away the component is necessary if the yolk literally spreads on the plate, although its shell is not damaged, and the protein looks more like water with an unpleasant perfume.

How to check eggs for freshness video

Swimming lessons

How to test eggs for freshness in water? A product that needs to be boiled without breaking can be tested with a bowl of water. There must be a lot of liquid so that the egg can be distinguished: the egg has sunk to the bottom, or floated to the surface.

Fresh ingredients usually fall like a stone and do not move. Components that are a little over a week old also sit snugly on the bottom of the container, but the blunt end lifts slightly upward.

Eggs 2-3 weeks old take an upright position, the sharp end looks down. They are still suitable for consumption, but preferably after thorough heat treatment.

A product that has completely floated to the surface of the bowl should be thrown away without regret, because it is definitely spoiled.

This method works because over time, liquid and carbon dioxide evaporate from the chicken ingredient, but the concentration of oxygen increases, which pushes the egg out of the water.

Shake and listen

In a store, you cannot test products with water, and in order not to buy a dozen rotten copies, experts advise to bring each one to your ear, shake it, and listen.

If nothing is heard and the hand does not feel how the yolk is hitting, the component can be taken. But eggs that emit a squishing sound are best returned to their place, because they are not suitable for consumption.

Identify by color or smell

Some people claim that spoiled chicken has a specific flavor that comes from the shell. But this statement will be correct for rotten specimens that are too stale on store shelves.

Others argue that fresh eggs have a matte shell, with an even color without spots and blotches, and the coating of old ones acquires a bluish tint and becomes shiny.

Light and temperature will reveal the truth

In good light, the product is worth looking at in the sun: if the yolk is clearly visible and floats strictly in the middle, you can safely buy it. In rotten components, the yellow filling is closer to the shell, sometimes sticks to it, and it is difficult to see it.

There are suggestions to try a blunt and sharp end with your tongue: if the first is warmer than the second, the ingredient is fresh. Missing eggs have the same temperature on both sides.

The method is very dubious, because it is quite difficult to fix the difference without a thermometer. Additionally, there are risks of licking off some bacteria, or even tasting salmonella.

Help marking

How to check eggs for freshness? "Young" dietary eggs, which are no more than a week old, fall into the category of the highest grade. The first indicates that the product is 7 to 14 days old, the third - that the chicken ingredient will soon become unfit for human consumption.

Sometimes eggs are divided into diet and table eggs, which can be seen on the blue markings. Some varieties are dated when exactly they were demolished. Therefore, when buying a product, you need to carefully inspect it and read the corresponding inscriptions.

You can check the freshness of a boiled egg only by breaking the shell, because they successfully pass tests with water and shaking. The approximate shelf life of such varieties is about a week, provided that the shell remains intact.

Bloody blotches are just pieces of blood that got into the egg from a burst capillary at the time of formation. They are a kind of guarantor of freshness, because they dissolve in protein over time.

How to check whether a quail egg is rotten or not

We have told you how to check eggs for freshness at home using water and ovoscopy. Watch the video, let's just say - disgusting!

When buying eggs, the buyer runs the risk of purchasing a stale product. Poultry farms may not comply with the required storage conditions, thereby reducing the shelf life. Also, stamps may not correspond to reality, and in the case of domestic eggs, the landmark is completely lost. In such cases, you need to be aware of various cunning tricks. One of them will be described in this article.

There are bacteria that can cause serious foodborne illness, and we can consume it without knowing it. Pathogenic bacteria are not visible to the naked eye, and we often do not perceive changes in the taste or smell of food. Therefore, we must be very careful when handling food.

A very common bacteria in eggs, poultry, ovaries, domestic animals, among others, is salmonella. A person may also be a carrier of Salmonella and not even know about it. Cross-contamination is another example of salmonella contamination. Cross-contamination can occur through our hands or through the utensils or equipment we use.

At home, you can use a quick method that requires regular or salted water. The popularity of this method caused by the fact that nothing has to be broken, and everything will remain intact for future use. Let's list what is required in order to check the eggs for freshness:

  1. An ordinary glass of water with a capacity of a quarter liter, filled with cold water from the tap;
  2. The product itself to be tested;
  3. Information on how to check the freshness of eggs in water.

Having lowered the product into a container of water, it will lie on the bottom and acquire a horizontal position. Does this make it fresh or rotten? It is worth remembering forever - fresh!

This will require

This is the utensil you can see below. He parted with the egg and placed it on the dowel, where the cleaning dripped through the dowel holes into the bowl. The dowel is designed to bend, but a cleaner spacer is more effective. Salmonella is one of the most infectious bacteria. It is a common bacterium in the digestive tract of chickens, which makes it easier for eggshells to become contaminated. One way to get rid of Salmonella is to cook your food very well.

How to check a broken egg for freshness

Care should be taken when cooking eggs. If you have broken or cracked eggs, you should not bring a crate of eggs. You must inform the store clerk that there are broken eggs in the box; During the buying process, he must also observe whether the egg is old or new. The bark of an old egg is smoother and shinier; Do not place a box of eggs inside refrigeration equipment. Never forget to remove the expiration date of the eggs and place them next to them.

  • When buying eggs, you must check the expiration date and open the box.
  • A card is a material that easily absorbs dirt or other contamination.
The photos below show my balls.

When checking, you ask yourself the question, how does this method determine the spoilage of an egg? The fact is that his shell fits snugly to the membrane, and if the product is fresh, it is characterized by the absence of air inside.

Chicken Egg Expiration Process

This happens due to the penetration of air through the pores of the shell, which facilitates the detachment of the membrane from it, thereby inflating the air bag. A similar process occurs gradually during storage. Significantly reduces shelf life improper storage of the product and high temperature, which causes the development of bacteria. If, when dipping an egg into salt water, it floats on the surface, it is worth taking into account that it has already deteriorated.

You should only remove the eggs needed for cooking, because eggs that are left in a warm environment and have not been used should not be returned to a cold environment; When preparing food, do not put eggs next to the oven heat; Eggs to be cooked must be washed before entering the cooking water; The eggs should be broken one by one in a separate container before being added to the rest. If one egg is damaged, it does not contaminate the others; A fresh egg is almost odorless when opened. Clear, translucent and translucent, it is gelatinous and the gemstone is protruding. If the egg white is smooth and the egg yolk is flat, it is very likely that the egg is old or old. Shaking the egg vigorously, if it is outdated, a characteristic noise is heard; The eggs should be placed in the trash immediately; You should wash your hands thoroughly before and after using eggs. You should dry your hands on roll paper; The use of cookware or equipment that comes in contact with the eggs should be washed very well. Place the egg in a container of salt water and pay attention.

Doing this at home can also help you know the degree of freshness by providing additional guidance. This will let the hostess know if the product is fresh or not, and where it is worth putting it in.

How to determine the freshness of eggs?

In the first week of their existence, they are considered dietary, and can be used in the preparation of dishes that are demanding on the shelf life. If the eggs take a horizontal position in the water, then there is no doubt about their freshness. This product can be used to prepare any kind of food.

Egg about one week old halfway upright; An old egg appears on the surface. If the egg is fresh, no sound is heard because the air chamber is small; If the egg is old, the air chamber enlarges and there is more free space, as it is heard when shaking. If the egg is fresh, it stays in the background. ... Often, eggs at home have leftovers of excrement or straw. This situation can transmit salmonellosis. Don't wash the eggs, this is because the eggshells are porous and washing them pulls contaminants from the eggshell into the egg.

The period from a week can be determined by looking at the same vertical position. However, this time the blunt end floats a little to the surface, but the sharp end still touches the bottom. Such a period suggests that the product is suitable only for boiling it, or for making an omelet. If the term is two weeks, you should not expect fried eggs with an attractive appearance, because the protein will lie flat in the pan, like a pancake.

In this situation, you should scrape the egg with paper or a sponge and reserve it for cooking only, because only high temperatures eliminate Salmonella. These eggs should never be eaten raw. To understand, homemade eggs are prohibited in the food and catering industries.

Also with homemade eggs, be careful to make them fried, diluted or scrambled, as this may contain salmonella if the egg is contaminated. The egg is an organic body developed in the body of the so-called ovoid males. It consists of a shell containing white or albumin, yellow or vitella. The white, rich in proteins, is viscous, transparent and soluble in water: it bleaches when heated, the yellow contains the germ that gives the chick after hatching.

Provided that the sharp end does not touch the bottom, remaining in the center with the blunt end on the surface, it is worth talking about a two-week shelf life. The egg is edible and hard-boiled in ten minutes. It can also be added to salads. But there is a plus in this state of affairs: cleaning will be much faster and will not be difficult.

Pick, Consume, Save Egg

The average egg weight is 60 g, but it can reach very different weights depending on the varieties: a quail egg, with a beige shell, variegated with brown, weighs 20 g, and an ostrich - 1 kg. Egg selection: Without mentioning the word egg, it refers to a hen's egg, and eggs such as quail, guinea fowl, goose, duck and lapwing are also sold. A fresh egg has a shiny and velvety shell. After a few days, the "fresh" eggs become "fresh". A fifteen day old egg is perfectly edible as long as it's cooked.

If the check of eggs for freshness ended in a fully horizontal position, this indicates their spoilage. Their decomposition process has already begun, which indicates the impossibility of using this product for food.

The reader is now aware of how to test an egg for freshness in water. To extend the term suitability it is recommended to do without washing before putting the product in the refrigerator, and to check for freshness right before use. After all, the pores cover the eggshell, which maintains the shelf life, therefore, as soon as they come into contact with water, the protective shell is washed off. Air enters in faster, increasing the air sac, and the product deteriorates.

Consumption of an egg: An egg is a complete food, the preparations of which vary infinitely. Yellow is used for soups and sauces, beaten egg whites to stabilize desserts. Take out the refrigerator one hour before using them. Store the egg: An egg tastes easy like other foods: keep it refrigerated in your compartment. Once broken, the egg cannot be preserved: use white for 6 hours. An unused egg can wait 3 to 4 days, unless it is hidden.

Preparing, Cooking and Presenting the Egg

To test its freshness: dip it in salted water: the egg of the day remains at the bottom, the less fresh it is and the more it rises to the surface. Prepare the egg: Put your fresh eggs in an airtight box of truffles or vanilla pods for a few days, they will smother themselves delicately.

A little about other ways to determine the freshness of eggs

An important question is the rules for eating eggs. Costs pay special attention these tips:

And one last bonus tip: you should take care of your stomach!

Prepare an egg: never boil a preparation containing egg yolk: it breaks down. Cook the eggs in salted water and count the cooking time when the boil starts: 3 minutes for the boiled egg, 4-30 minutes for the calf, 10 minutes for the boiled egg.

Introduce the egg: For a good cut in the shell, use an egg cap. To shape hard boiled eggs, use cookie cutters. The origin of Easter eggs dates back to the establishment of Great Lent: the Church forbade the use of eggs during these 40 days, then it was necessary to accumulate eggs accumulated during this period as soon as possible.

Surely in every home there is such a product as eggs. Many housewives, without hesitation, take this product from store shelves, placing them in their refrigerator. But already in the cooking process, the most important question arises: how to check the freshness of the eggs.


By itself, this product can be an independent dish, or it can serve as an ingredient. It is this ability that makes eggs such a unique and sought-after product. They can be boiled or fried, baked in the oven as an omelet or soufflé, or added to broth. With only eggs, sugar and flour, you can bake a delicious biscuit. The variety of recipes is amazing. There are several types of eggs that humans eat, but the most common are chicken and quail eggs.

Eggs sold in stores must be stamped with a code. This code is required for tracking. It starts with a number between 0 and 3, which is a type of laying hen breeding system. What should I mention packaging? Packaging center authorization number. Eggs are graded in the center of the package according to their quality and weight and are divided into different quality and weight classes. The quality class, namely "class A" or the letter A, is accompanied or not by the word "fresh". Weight class. Minimum retention date. A recommendation to keep eggs fresh after purchase.

Breeding method, namely “organic”, “outdoor breeding”, “rearing” or “rearing in animal welfare cages”. Explanation of the manufacturer's code. How about weight grades and eggs? Eggs are divided into different categories, especially based on their weight class: small, medium, large or extra large. The mention of “different sizes” on some bags means that the weight of the eggs is variable. Eggs for sale in stores must meet certain quality requirements established by law.

Before cooking, it is necessary to check this product. After all, it will not be very pleasant to eat spoiled eggs. There are several ways to check the freshness of your eggs. It is worth considering each of them in detail. Only then will you choose the option that is right for you.


It is worth noting that it is almost impossible to outwardly determine how long an egg has been stored. How to check the freshness of quail eggs? Just like chicken, for example, by shaking.

They cannot be sold in stores. If the package contains the words "extra" or "extra fresh", the eggs should have been laid less than 9 days before and were packed a maximum of 7 days before. Once these deadlines are exceeded, the trader must remove these links. What's the best way to preserve eggs?

The egg can be stored for approximately four weeks from the date it is laid. Keeping eggs cool and protected from light is recommended to keep them fresh and reduce the risk of salmonella. Eggs lose their freshness in one day than in a week in the refrigerator. It is best to keep them in the refrigerator in their original packaging. Odors can penetrate the porous shell of the eggs. Do not store them near foods with strong odors such as garlic or smoked fish. Also, avoid contact with moisture, as bacteria can enter the shell and contaminate the egg.

Take the egg with two fingers of your hand and bring it to your ear. Get your hand in motion and make a few sharp swings. If you hear the characteristic knock of the yolk against the shell wall, it is better to refuse the preparation of this product.


There is a way to check the freshness of eggs using a regular kitchen scale. If you initially know what mass the product had, then after weighing it after a certain time, you will see that it has become smaller. This is due to the fact that during long-term storage, moisture comes out through the porous structure of the shell and the egg becomes much lighter.

Clean eggs last longer than mud-covered eggs. Indeed, the shell of the egg is porous and can easily pass bacteria. Clean them with a cloth if necessary. It is also best to hold the eggs with the tips, because this way the egg yolk stays best in its place. Eggs should be stored with the air chamber facing up, otherwise the air will rise and the membrane will come off.

Here are some tips to help you check the freshness of an egg. During the development of the egg, an air chamber appears between the inner membrane and the outer shell of the shell. This inner tube gets larger as the egg gets older. The next test is used to control the freshness of an egg: Put the egg in a bowl filled with salt water, if it falls to the bottom of the bowl, it is that the egg is fresh. The older the egg, the more the egg will tend to rise to the surface. The egg white can also tell you freshness.


Perhaps the most popular testing method is to check the freshness of eggs in water.

In order to properly carry out this manipulation, you will need a glass of clean water and a tablespoon of salt. Add the free-flowing substance to the liquid and wait for it to dissolve. Then gently dip the product into the water. If the egg sinks to the bottom, feel free to eat it. In the event that it completely rises to the surface, it means that it has been stored for at least a month.

Established shelf life for eggs

If the egg is fresh, the egg white is stable. Gently shake the egg next to your ear, you will hardly hear anything. Do the same with the cooler and you will hear its contents move. Turn the egg over to make sure it's raw or cooked. The fried egg will spin quickly, and the raw egg will stop spinning quickly.

During egg production, it is sometimes possible for a small blood vessel to crack in the chick's ovaries, which may explain the presence of a small amount of blood in the egg. It is wrong to think that the egg is fertilized. A small trace of blood can be easily removed with a dampened spoon.

Using this method, you can both check the freshness of chicken eggs and decide on quail eggs.


This method is only suitable if you need to cook a broken egg. Open the shell and pour the contents onto a plate. It is desirable that it be black or dark in color. This will give you a better view of the protein.

In a fresh egg, the white is dense and completely surrounds the yolk, which rises beautifully and has an elastic consistency. If the inside of the egg is flimsy and sticky, you should refuse to cook it.


Odor testing is another popular method for determining the freshness of an egg.

In order to carry out this manipulation, you need to break a raw egg and just smell it. A good, unspoiled product is practically odorless. If the egg is spoiled, you will smell a strong unpleasant smell. It is better to just throw such a product away.

In order for the eggs to retain their freshness as long as possible, they must be properly stored. To do this, after purchase, place them in the refrigerator in a special compartment. It should be said that the shells pass strong odors and various microbes quite well. That is why it is worth keeping this product away from others, especially those with a strong aroma. The required temperature for finding eggs is between five and ten degrees.

When stored properly, eggs can remain edible for several months. The opened egg must be stored in the refrigerator, filling the yolk with cold water. In this state, he can remain up to two days. Protein tends to maintain its freshness for up to two weeks. It is worth saying that when storing broken eggs, it is necessary to separate the white from the yolk so as not to damage the consistency of the latter. You do not need to fill in the protein with water.

For longer storage of opened eggs, it is recommended to freeze them. As such, they can remain edible for up to four months. The whites are frozen separately from the yolks and placed in a plastic or glass container.


Summing up all of the above, we can conclude: how to check the freshness of eggs depends on the method of their preparation. Choose the method that's right for you.

Be sure to check the quality and freshness of this product before eating, this will save you from possible food poisoning.

Store your eggs properly so they stay fresh for as long as possible.

Sometimes even the most responsible housewife cannot remember how long chicken eggs have been in her refrigerator. A stale product can poison the whole family, so be sure to check the suitability before cooking. The problem of expired products can be not only in spontaneous markets, but also in supermarkets that have a well-known name.

Eggs contain vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats, amino acids. They take pride of place not only in the adult, but also in the children's diet. In terms of importance, they can be put in second place after milk.

You should not start cooking until you are convinced of the excellent quality of the eggs. Don't forget that they can be torn down weeks before they hit the shelves. How to determine if an egg is rotten or not?

Why are they useful?

The protein of this product is completely absorbed by the human body. Better to eat them boiled or fried. But raw can be dangerous if there is an infection in them. They are rich in magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc and other beneficial elements.

They must be eaten by people who rarely go to the sun, because they contain a lot of vitamin D. It is simply indispensable for strengthening bones. Lecithin has a beneficial effect on the liver, brain activity, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Lutein improves vision, and choline inhibits the development of cancer cells. Folic acid is essential if you are considering becoming a mom.

The shell contains more than 30 trace elements, approximately 2 grams of calcium. It is good to use it in combination with lemon juice. Chop the shells, stir and add to food by teaspoon.

But to get all these benefits, you only need to eat good fresh quality food.

How to check the quality?

How to tell if an egg is rotten? Unfortunately, some unscrupulous consumers indicate the expiration date inaccurately. Therefore, the hostess must learn to determine the freshness of an egg "by eye". Then it will be possible to avoid indigestion and other serious diseases that are treated only in a hospital.

Rotten and fresh differ according to the following basic criteria:

  • A three-day product does not have an unpleasant odor, unlike a spoiled one;
  • If you shake a fresh egg, there will be no noise inside;
  • The contents are rotten if they do not sink in a container of water;
  • Unroll it - if it does not stop for a long time, it means that it has been lying for a long time.

The easiest way to recognize a rotten egg is to sniff. Stale has a characteristic odor that is difficult to confuse with any other. Another criterion is the yolk. He should not shake or knock on the walls. If you put it in the light, then the yolk should be clearly visible. On a flat surface, rotten will spin for a long time - this is another method that helps to determine freshness.

Many people know how to identify a rotten egg by placing it in water. This method is based on the laws of physics. Put two-thirds of the water in a glass and place the egg in it. If it is "not older" 3 days, it will immediately drown in water. Eggs a week old will remain tilted, and rotten eggs will float to the surface.

This is because they are not airtight. Microorganisms can enter the pores that are present on the shell. If putrefactive processes have already begun, then gases will be released, which will rise to the surface.

Of course, these methods cannot always be used in a store. The quality of the product is influenced not only by the weight, but also by the time when it was demolished. Eggs that have not yet turned three days old are assigned the highest grade. A product of a week old belongs to the first grade, and three weeks old to the second.

How can you spot a rotten egg without breaking it?

Its surface should be uniform, without cracks and chips. If the shell has a grayish tint and there is no shine, then it is already stale.

There is another test method that can help a shopper in a supermarket determine the freshness of a product. It is necessary to use an ovoscope - a special device for transillumination. When a dark yolk is immediately visible, and it is closer to the shell or sticks to it, darkening is visible, then the product is "old". The spoiled ones are not visible at all. If you do not have a device, you can bring the product to a light source and make sure there are no dark spots under the shell.

When you break the egg, take a close look at the yolk. In fresh produce, it is tight and convex. If it is not the first freshness, then the yolk will be flat, and the white will be watery. Fresh is much more difficult to clean than old.

How to store?

Fresh they can be stored for quite a long time, but no more than six weeks. They must be placed in the refrigerator separately from other foods.

They absorb foreign odors very quickly. In addition, infections can enter through the pores if infected meat or fish lies nearby. To close the pores, brush the shells with vegetable oil.

They need to be folded with a sharp "nose" down. Then the yolk will not touch the air layer, and "settle" in the center. In this position, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five weeks. If the shell is cracked, they should be eaten as soon as possible.