Useful properties of tuna. Tuna: benefits and harms to the human body

10.04.2019 Fish dishes

Tuna is a generic name for 15 species of marine fish that form the Thunnini tribe in the mackerel family. Representatives of this taxonomic rank live in the subtropical and tropical waters of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Tuna are a valuable fishery. In most countries of the world, their meat is considered a delicacy. It is eaten raw, canned, fried, smoked, baked and salted. In addition, tuna fillets are used to make sushi, sashimi and baking fillings.

Fish appearance

The tuna has an elongated, fusiform body, sharply tapering to the caudal peduncle, a large conical head, small rounded eyes with a golden iris, and a large mouth with one row of sharp teeth on each jaw. The belly and sides of the fish are silvery, the upper part of the body is dark blue or black. The entire body of the tribe is covered with large scales.

There are 2 fins on the back of the tuna. The first of them is elongated, concave, and the second is short, crescent. The pelvic, anal and pectoral fins of the fish are small, pointed. Tuna has a crescent-shaped tail. On the dorsal and ventral side of the caudal peduncle, there are 8 to 12 processes that resemble short spines in appearance. The color of the fish's fins ranges from pale blue or light yellow to black.

The size and weight of tuna directly depend on the species. So, makreletunians weigh no more than 1.8 kg. The body length of representatives of this species rarely exceeds 50 cm. At the same time, the largest bluefin tuna, which was caught by fishermen in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, weighed more than 680 kg. Its body length was 460 cm.

The nutritional value

100 g of fresh tuna contains:

  • 24.382 g protein;
  • 4.557 g fat;
  • 69.114 g water;
  • 1.644 g of ash;
  • 38.606 mg cholesterol;
  • 0.416 g omega-3 fatty acids.

The meat of this fish is rich in essential and non-essential amino acids, monounsaturated and saturated fats.

Vitamins in the product

Tuna fillet is a real storehouse of vitamins. This product contains:

  • niacin equivalent, PP, 15.604 mg;
  • choline, B4 - 65.018 mg;
  • pyridoxine, B6 - 0.767 mg;
  • retinol equivalent, A, - 19.968 μg;
  • folic acid, B9, 5.558 mcg;
  • riboflavin, B2, 0.241 mg;
  • cobalamin, B12 - 9.427 mcg;
  • tocopherol equivalent, E, - 0.196 mg;
  • pantothenic acid, B5, - 1.049 mg;
  • thiamine, B1, - 0.277 mg.

In addition, tuna contains calciferol (vitamin D3). The concentration of this nutrient in fish fillets is 5.669 μg per 100 g.

Useful elements

Macronutrients in 100 g of tuna:

  • phosphorus - 281.064 mg;
  • potassium - 348.066 mg;
  • sodium - 74.644 mg;
  • calcium - 30.004 mg;
  • sulfur - 189.802 mg;
  • magnesium - 29.088 mg;
  • chlorine - 158.731 mg.

Trace elements in 100 g of raw fish:

  • manganese - 0.128 mg;
  • nickel - 5.899 mcg;
  • iron - 0.993 mg;
  • zinc - 0.688 mg;
  • fluorine - 99.003 mcg;
  • copper - 100.064 mcg;
  • iodine - 51.034 mcg;
  • selenium - 36.478 mcg;
  • cobalt - 39.755 mcg;
  • chromium - 91,154 mcg;
  • molybdenum - 3.969 mcg.

Calorie content of tuna

100 g raw tuna contains 138,794 kcal. Energy value the same portion smoked fish - 142.614 kcal, fried - 234.711 kcal, salted - 141.012, baked - 140.609 kcal. The calorie content of canned tuna is 98.163 kcal per 100 g.

Product benefits

  • Tuna is a rich source of easily digestible animal protein. This product is useful for professional athletes, persons recovering from complex surgical interventions or long-term illnesses, who are engaged in heavy physical or mental work.
  • It has been proven that regular consumption of dishes from this fish helps to reduce the concentration of triglycerides in the blood.
  • The nutrients found in tuna meat increase the rate of metabolic processes in the body.
  • The nutrients that enter the digestive tract along with this product help to normalize blood sugar levels.
  • Tuna is rich in compounds that promote the elimination of excess low density lipoproteins, toxins and poisons from the body.
  • Dishes made from this fish help reduce pain in arthrosis and arthritis.
  • The antioxidants found in tuna meat help slow down the processes associated with tissue aging. In addition, they reduce the risk of tumor growth.
  • Tuna contains whole complex nutrients that increase the body's immune forces.
  • Consuming this fish regularly has been shown to help boost brain activity and improve memory.
  • Fillet is rich in compounds that improve digestion, prevent the development of putrefactive processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Tuna contains substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. People who include its meat in their diet at least once a week endure stress and psycho-emotional shocks more easily, suffer from depression less often, and sleep better.
  • Fresh fish fillets help normalize arterial pressure with hypertension.
  • Phosphorus, calcium and other beneficial macronutrients that make up tuna strengthen bone tissuepreventing the development of osteoporosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Dishes from the meat of this fish have a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system in men and women. The substances that enter the body during their use increase potency, improve the composition of sperm, prevent the development of inflammatory processes, and help get rid of infertility.
  • Tuna is rich in substances that improve the condition of the skin and prevent aging. Regular consumption of this product helps to accelerate hair and nail growth and reduce the risk of alopecia.

Contraindications and harm to tuna

  • An absolute contraindication to eating tuna is an allergy to fish and seafood.
  • Abuse fried fillet can cause obesity.
  • Mercury often accumulates in the meat of marine fish with a long lifespan. Large tunas are no exception to this rule. That is why it is not recommended for pregnant women and children under the age of 3 years to eat dishes prepared on the basis of their fillets more than once a month.
  • If the rules for storing tuna are violated (for example, when re-freezing after thawing), histamine may accumulate in fish fillets. Therefore, this product can only be bought from reliable suppliers that have proven themselves well in the market.
  • Tuna is contraindicated in people who have previously been diagnosed with kidney failure.
  • To persons suffering from cardiovascular disease, you should minimize the consumption of salted, canned and smoked fish.

Tuna today has become one of the most beloved and demanded seafood delicacies. The meat of this fish, which has a beautiful red color, is prized for its tender pleasant taste, complete absence of foreign odors and high protein content. Sea fish has a huge range of useful properties, but not everyone knows how to properly cook and store tuna, what are its benefits and harms.

Medicinal and beneficial properties

Thanks to a huge number vitamins, minerals and useful microelements tuna meat contributes to the enrichment of the body with enzymes and substances important for its work, and also serves to prevent various diseases.

  • Due to the polyunsaturated fatty acids in its composition, tuna meat has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and vascular system... Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acid reduce cholesterol levels, which prevents the development of heart attack and the possibility of thrombosis.
  • With the help of this sea product, immunity is strengthened, since with it regular use the body produces antibodies that prevent various manifestations allergic reactions: dermatitis, skin rashes, redness.
  • Meat contains a very important trace element for the body - selenium. It accelerates the cleansing of the liver from toxins and other harmful substances, which means that the work of the digestive and circulatory systems improves.
  • The benefit of tuna is that it is able to prevent cancer. The product contains enzymes that successfully deal with free radicals that activate the formation of tumors.
  • Tuna activates brain activity, therefore, people engaged in mental work should consume this delicacy at least once a week.
  • There are no carbohydrates in the chemical composition of meat, which makes marine product indispensable for people with diabetes mellitus.
  • With osteoporosis and other changes in skeletal system, especially for the elderly, it is necessary to include this seafood delicacy in the diet.
  • Due to the large amount of vitamin A, which prevents premature aging of the body, and vitamin B1, which normalizes metabolism, the product is indispensable for losing weight.
  • Delicious and beautiful meat cheers up, therefore it is recommended to use it when nervous disorders and depression.
  • Tuna normalizes the reproductive system in women and men.
  • Tuna meat contains about 25% protein, which is quickly and completely absorbed by the body. This makes the product a favorite treat for athletes looking to gain muscle mass.

Tuna harm

Despite undoubted benefit sea \u200b\u200bfish, it can be fraught with danger. Tuna should be eaten with caution by people who are allergic to fillets of mackerel fish. In the presence of such a pathology, a seafood delicacy should be introduced into the diet in small portions, 20-25 grams each, and the reaction should be monitored.

When choosing a fish, do not flatter yourself by its size. Large fish becomes towards the end of life, and beyond long years many hazardous substances, in particular mercury, accumulate in her body, which harms the human body. The property to accumulate heavy metals are possessed by almost all long-lived inhabitants of the deep sea. Together with algae, they absorb the smallest particles of methylmercury, which do not dissolve in water and are not excreted from the individual's body.

The presence of mercury in tuna meat makes the use of this product dangerous for young children, pregnant and lactating women.

Usually fish is canned in own juice or with the addition of oil. Canned tuna retains all its beneficial features, but still a product that does not contain excess fats is more useful.

Canned tuna differs from fresh fish in calorie content. Nutritional value sea \u200b\u200bdelicacy in fresh is 134 kcal, for canned food in its own juice this figure is slightly lower - 96 kcal. The calorie content of canned food with the addition of oil is 200 kcal. The amount of protein and fatty acids in canned food is slightly less than in fresh product, but their number is quite enough to consider it beneficial for human health.

How to choose the right canned food

Tuna is one of those seafood that even after heat treatment do not lose their beneficial properties. Salads and pates, sauces and snacks are made from canned tuna.

To choose really fresh and delicious canned food, you should pay attention to the following nuances.

  • The jar should be flat, without seams and dents. Appearance jars are very important, since the presence of seams indicates the possibility of rust and damage to canned food penetrating into the container, and dents indicate a change in pressure, which is also not desirable.
  • When choosing canned food, close attention should be paid to the date. It is squeezed out from the inside of a tin can at the time of filling the container with canned food. The presence of a stamp on the date of manufacture in the form of a barcode should alert the buyer.
  • Full conservation of tuna occurs three months after immersion in the container. It is after this period that the fish is soaked in its juice and is completely ready for use. This means that the date of purchase of canned food should be three months later than the date of manufacture.
  • The marking must contain the letter "P". This means "fish", otherwise anything can be in the bank.
  • When shaking the can, no splashes of liquid should be heard. Conscientious manufacturer fills the jars with fish completely, adding only salt and pepper.
  • The inscription "albacore" on canned food indicates that they are made from white tuna, the most useful and delicious, which is caught off the coast of Italy, Spain and Japan. Canned foods made from tuna caught in Thailand or around the Seychelles may contain dark meat.
  • The Russian manufacturer makes canned food from a frozen product, so their quality leaves much to be desired.
  • Tuna is a very large fish, so the manufacturer tries to put it in a jar whole piece... High-quality canned food should contain meat consisting of large fibers without a large number bones.

How to cook tuna

Dishes with the addition of tuna are good for blood vessels, the heart and the nervous system, improve vision and increase immunity, but only if the fish is properly cooked. Tuna meat is very dense and flaky, dries quickly, so it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days, and even better, use it immediately after purchase.

Fresh fillets have a uniform pleasant reddish color, without dark spots. If the carcass is bought whole, it is better that its weight does not exceed 2 kg. The fish should have intact fins and smell of sea water.

Before fillet is cooked, it is cut into not too thick slices, rubbed with salt and pepper, or dipped in a marinade. After half an hour, when the meat is saturated with spices, you can start cooking.

In a skillet with hot vegetable or butter place fillet pieces and fry for 2-3 minutes on each side until formed golden crust... To make sure that the dish is ready, pierce a piece of fillet with a fork. The fish should stratify a little, and a light pink flesh will appear from the inside. This means that the dish is ready, you can start your meal.

Tuna fish, unique in its chemical composition, is natural pantry fast digestible protein, vitamins and minerals.

More and more people around the world are beginning to give up unhealthy foods, switching to foods that will only benefit the body. Although today it is not so easy to choose absolutely harmless food. Therefore, it is worth deciding on the one from which the benefit will be greater than the harm.


That seafood has a lot necessary for the body substances have been known for a long time. Therefore, their presence in the menu is mandatory. Their use is used in the preparation of menus by doctors to their patients in case of various diseases. Today, one of the most accessible representatives among the marine fauna is considered canned tuna... Its use is recommended for almost all groups of people. You should definitely eat canned tuna for those who have problems with such organs:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • hematopoiesis;
  • thyroid gland;
  • vision;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • brain.

The benefits of tuna, which many experts equate to the action of some drugsable to provide beneficial influence in cases of such diseases:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • arrhythmia;
  • low hemoglobin levels;
  • very weak immunity;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • various stages of goiter.

Eating tuna is also recommended for disease prevention. The elements that make up this marine life help to activate brain activity, helps to avoid heart attacks, improves metabolic processes in the body. In addition, tuna gives strength, and also increases efficiency, if consumed in enough, but do not exceed the recommended rates.

Also, this seafood has a low calorie content, therefore it contributes to weight loss.

The beneficial properties of seafood are also used in ophthalmology. As for canned tuna, it is characterized by the following qualities:

  • protects the retina from moisture loss and drying out;
  • prevents the formation of glaucoma;
  • prevents degeneration at the macular level.

Cancer is another terrible disease of our time. The health benefits of canned tuna have also been used to combat this ailment. Eating this product at least once a week will be a good prevention. oncological diseases chest, mouth, chest, gastrointestinal tract organs.

In addition, the Omega-3 acids contained in canned tuna give it antidepressant properties, normalize hormonal background... By activating brain activity, improving blood supply to organs, this seafood helps to overcome stressful situations, avoid Alzheimer's disease and other diseases of this type.

The flavoring properties of canned tuna have benefited many foodies around the world. The use of seafood for cooking has long been a popular phenomenon. Tuna is one of the healthiest and most affordable of these. True, it is best to buy this seafood in its own juice.


Of course, the health benefits of canned tuna are undeniable, but they also have negative characteristics that can be harmful to the body. First of all, it is worth noting that any food stored in the form of canned food already has preservatives, from which there is zero benefit. Therefore, doctors recommend eating fresh tuna.

Mercury, which accumulates in tuna through the integument of the body, can also bring harm to the body. Daily use this seafood can provoke problems with the vestibular apparatus, hearing organs, vision, impair speech, impair memory. They manifest themselves through the following symptoms:

  • sensory disorders;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • problems in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • imbalance.

It also happens that an excess of this seafood in the diet contributes to the development of diseases of the nervous system, to cause diseases of the urinary tract, gout, and lead to intoxication.

But, if you adjust your diet and stop eating canned tuna every day, the symptoms disappear and over time all disorders in the work of certain organs stop.

Having some mercury in tuna is not a reason to ditch it entirely on the menu. Repeated studies have proven that the harm from it is minimal, especially in comparison with the benefits. Therefore, this seafood should not be excluded from the diet.

Although sometimes it happens that the amount of mercury exceeds the norm, and this leads to severe poisoning organism with a toxic substance, providing great harm health. In such cases, the following symptoms appear:

  • laryngeal edema;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • dizziness;
  • nasal congestion;
  • rashes.

These signs require a doctor's examination, so you should immediately go to the hospital.

Calorie content

Seafood is known for its nutritional benefits. But at the same time, their use will not lead to obtaining more energy. Their calorie content is quite low. Canned tuna is no exception. Its calorie content is significantly less meat or other products with similar beneficial ingredients. But at the same time, tuna does not lose its exquisite taste characteristics... Such properties make it possible to use it during diets in order to receive all the necessary substances and not harm the body. A more detailed decoding of information about what calorie content of canned tuna is given in the table below:

Tuna in its own juice:

100 g 1 glass 1 tbsp 1 tsp
Calorie content 96 192 24 6,7
Protein 21.0 42,0 5,2 1,5
Fats 1.2 2,4 0,3 0,1
Carbohydrates 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0

Tuna in oil:

100 g 1 glass 1 tbsp 1 tsp
Calorie content 197.9 395,8 49,5 13,8
Protein 29.1 29,1 7,3 2,0
Fats 8.2 16,4 2,0 0,6
Carbohydrates 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0

Eating canned tuna provides a lot of daily rate essential proteins and fats. But it should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to eat it every day in order to avoid some health problems.


The seafood is very useful product... They are recommended to be consumed frequently. But there are categories of people who should not get carried away with canned tuna. As already mentioned, this is due to the presence of a certain amount of mercury in it, as well as other individual signs of intolerance.

Contraindications to canned tuna are:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • patients with asthma;
  • those who have kidney problems.

These recommendations are pretty relative. Each person must independently determine the reaction of his body to given seafood... But, besides this, contraindications include the fact that it is not recommended to eat it more often than 1-2 times a week.


Closed canned food with tuna has good handling and kept closed for up to 3 years. You can find out in more detail the shelf life of a particular canned food from the information on the jar itself. At home, canned tuna is best placed in a cool, dark place.

After opening the canned tuna, the contents must be transferred to glass jar and close tightly with a lid so that less air gets inside. You need to store it in the refrigerator, but no more than a day, that is, 24 hours from the moment of opening.

The nutritional value

The nutritional value tuna is of great importance for human body... Despite the fact that this seafood contains absolutely no carbohydrates, and it also has low calorie content, proteins and fats in the composition, as well as other substances compensate for them.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are especially beneficial. The nutritional value is also increased thanks to amino acids and other elements. You can find out in more detail about their quantity in 100 grams. from the table:

Tuna in its own juice:

Tuna in oil:

Canned tuna is considered one of the most popular seafood in terms of nutritional value. The value is due to the presence of a large number of useful elements in it, as well as the availability in stores and supermarkets.

Vitamins and minerals

As with many other seafood, canned tuna contains many different vitamins as well as minerals. It is thanks to their presence that such benefits are obtained from this seafood.


Tuna in its own juice:

Name Weight in 100 gr., Mg
1 Vitamin PP 9,80
2 Vitamin B1 0,05
3 Vitamin B2 0,15
4 Vitamin E (TE) 0,20
5 Vitamin PP 14,00

Tuna in oil:

Name Weight in 100 gr., Mg
1 Vitamin PP 9,20
2 Vitamin B1 0,04
3 Vitamin B2 0,12
4 Vitamin E (TE) 6,10
5 Vitamin PP 13,20


Tuna in its own juice:

Name Content in 100 gr.
1 Calcium 24.0 mg
2 Magnesium 24.0 mg
Sodium 960.0 mg
3 Potassium 296.0 mg
4 Phosphorus 228.0 mg
5 Chlorine 165.0 mg
6 Sulfur 225.0 mg
7 Iron 1.2 mg
8 Zinc 0.7 mg
9 Chromium 55.0 μg
10 Fluorine 430.0 μg
11 Molybdenum 4.0 μg
12 Nickel 6.0 μg

Tuna in oil:

Name Content in 100 gr.
1 Calcium 25.0 mg
2 Magnesium 25.0 mg
Sodium 961.0 mg
3 Potassium 298.0 mg
4 Phosphorus 238.0 mg
5 Chlorine 165.0 mg
6 Sulfur 220.0 mg
7 Iron 0.8 mg
8 Zinc 0.7 mg
9 Chromium 55.0 μg
10 Fluorine 430.0 μg
11 Molybdenum 4.0 μg
12 Nickel 6.0 μg

Magnesium and iron are able to fill the deficiency of these minerals necessary for the body, which in many ways affect the functioning of all organs. B-group vitamins are an excellent medicine against depression, significantly strengthen nervous system... Eating canned tuna can satisfy the need for essential nutrients.

Canned tuna is a seafood that has entered the homes of many people. It has many useful properties that are perfectly preserved even in canned form. In addition, it is one of the most affordable forms of this delicacy. Not everyone can afford fresh tuna. But useful elements everyone needs, so canned food will be an excellent analogue, but cheaper.

True, in no case should we forget that this delicious seafood, even processed, should not be consumed daily. Otherwise, you can harm your health, more use... Nutritionists and other medical professionals recommend pampering yourself no more than once a week.

He noted a number of useful properties, and tuna is famous for its special wonderful taste. European gourmets call it "sea veal" or "sea chicken", because tuna is practically devoid of the characteristic pungent fishy smell, and nutritional properties even superior. Another poetic name for tuna is "rose of the seas". So it is called because of the color of the pulp.

Let's see what benefits are hidden in tuna, why they love it all over the world and can there be any harm from this fish?

Nutritional value (per 100 g):

Essential vitamins (per 100 g):

Minerals (in mg per 100 g):

How is it used for weight loss

Due to its lack of carbohydrates, tuna is included in various low-carb diets.

Slimming can't choose canned food with butter, it is better to stay on fresh tuna. It is sometimes included in short-term, fast-food diets or fasting days... It is considered that optimal options slimming dishes are tuna salads.

Application in healthy and curative nutrition

Tuna dishes are regularly included in sports dietsbecause, thanks to its high content of easily digestible proteins, tuna helps to build muscle mass.

As already mentioned, tuna dishes are also necessarily included in the diets of patients with diabetes mellitus and hypertensive patients.

How to choose tuna products

Usually in stores there are four options for tuna:

  • fresh;
  • frozen;
  • canned in oil;
  • canned in its own juice.

The benefits, harms and features of choosing canned tuna

The least preferred tuna is canned in oil because it is too fat for healthy eating... If you are buying fresh fish, then it is worth remembering that the best season for this is from May to August... Do not take pieces that are brownish or discolored. The color of healthy fish ranges from pink to dark red.

When choosing canned tuna, check when it was produced and by what date it is good for food. There are also some ethical restrictions: it is recommended to buy canned food that is labeled "dolphinfriendly". This means that the fishing technology was not violated, the fish was not caught by poaching, and dolphins did not die when catching tuna.

How to store tuna products

Tuna meat can be stored frozen... Fresh meat must be stored in the refrigerator, after wiping off excess moisture, and it is recommended to use it within 1-3 days... Canned tuna is stored in a cool, dark place for an expiration date, which must be printed on the package.

How to use it correctly

Tuna is one of the most varied dishes... If the canned tuna is too tough, you can make it soft. healthy pate... Many soups and salads are made from tuna.

It is often used as a main dish, supplemented with vegetables as a side dish. When frying tuna, it is important to remember that you do not need to fry it for long, about 1-2 minutes on each side, otherwise the fish will become tough!

When cutting tuna, you need to carefully examine the pulp and remove dark areas.

Harm and contraindications

Tuna is enough healthy product, and he has few contraindications:

  • doctors forbid the use of tuna for patients with kidney failure;
  • with caution, you need to eat the meat of large individuals, because mercury can accumulate in it;
  • pregnant women should not eat tuna dishes (breastfeeding mothers too);
  • children can eat tuna no earlier than 3 years old;
  • there are cases of individual intolerance to the product.

It is also worth remembering that excessive use the product may be harmful. Don't forget about a balanced diet!

Tuna is very tasty and healthy fish... It is almost impossible for him to find an equivalent analogue - he alone replaces an entire grocery store. Let's discuss fresh and canned tuna healthy recipes in the comments!

Tuna - sea \u200b\u200bfish family of mackerel. The name of the species comes from the word "thynō", which translated from Greek means "to rush", "to throw". The fish habitat is tropical and subtropical waters of the Indian, Pacific, Atlantic oceans. This is an important fishing facility. Tuna meat is highly valued in the world market due to the highest protein content (22.26%) among all fish, as well as unique omega-3 fats, essential, vitamins A, E, PP, macro- and microelements. This is the record holder for the presence of chromium, cobalt and iodine.

Useful properties of tuna: prevention of the development of pathologies of the heart, kidneys, prevention of heart attack, Alzheimer's disease, breast cancer, reduction of the inflammatory process in arthritis, normalization of the heart rate, lowering blood pressure.

Currently, canned food from. They are harvested in vegetable oil or your own juice and used as an independent snack. The taste of tuna favorably sets off greens, lemon juice. Besides, canned fish used for cooking vegetable salads, pizza, pie fillings.

Botanical description

Tuna are excellent swimmers, reaching speeds of up to 77 km / h in pursuit of food. The main food is crustaceans, molluscs and small fish (, mackerel, sardine).

The tuna meat is colored red due to the presence of the iron-containing protein myoglobin, produced during the "high-speed" movement in the muscles. The ability to lay eggs occurs in females at the age of three. Spawning takes place in June-July in warm waters subtropics. The fish is extremely prolific and can lay 10 million eggs per year.


Common (red) tuna

Habitat - the equatorial waters of the Atlantic and the northeastern regions of the Indian Oceans, the Caribbean and Mediterranean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico. Redfin tuna is rarely found in the Barents Sea and off the coast of Greenland. The largest representative of this species reached 4.58 m in length and weighed 684 kg.

Atlantic (black) tuna

Distinctive features of the species are compact size, yellowish sides. The length of adult specimens, as a rule, does not exceed 1 m, and the weight is 20 kg. Atlantic tuna has the shortest lifespan, which does not exceed 6 years. This kind distributed only in the warm seas of the western Atlantic (from Cape Cod to the coast of Brazil).

Bluefin tuna

It is the largest species. Its thick body is circular in cross section. Maximum weight reaches 690 kg, and a length of 4.6 m. Large scales resemble a shell along the lateral line. Bluefin tuna is of the greatest commercial importance. The habitat is very wide and stretches from polar to tropical ocean waters.

Yellowfin (yellowtail) tuna

A distinctive feature is the bright yellow color of the hind fins. An adult of the species has 20 vertical stripes on a silvery belly, reaches 2.4 m in length and gains weight up to 200 kg. Habitat - tropical and temperate latitudes, except for the Mediterranean Sea.

White (albacore) tuna

Famous for fatty meat, which is considered the most valuable among representatives of mackerel. Inhabits tropical, temperate ocean latitudes. It is a small fish, weighing about 20 kg.

Interestingly, tuna ranks second in popularity among seafood, behind shrimp. Japan is the largest consumer of red fish meat. Every year the inhabitants of the country rising sun consume more than 43 thousand tons of tuna. In France, the taste of fish is equated with steamed veal.

Chemical composition

The nutritional value of salted and smoked tuna is 139 kcal per 100 g, boiled tuna - 103 kcal, fried - 254 kcal. Fish contains 19% fat and 22% protein. 100 g of the product contains 400% of daily allowance cobalt, 180% chromium, 77.5% niacin, 40% pyridoxine, 35% phosphorus, 33% iodine, 20% thiamine, 19% sulfur, 14% potassium.

Table No. 2 " Chemical composition sweet tuna "
NameNutrient content in 100 grams of product, milligrams

Tuna is a unique bony fish that is able to keep the main parts of its body warm. She, like most fish, misses cold water through the gills, which are 30 times larger in area than those of other bodies of water. In addition, tuna has a heat exchange system that retains heat. The body of representatives of mackerel is covered with parallel blood vesselsproviding movement of warm and cold blood in opposite directions. Thanks to this feature, heat is stored in the tissues, and does not leave through the gills.

Most healthy tuna - young with light flesh, because he has not yet managed to accumulate mercury in his body. In addition, its meat tastes more tender.

Positive effect on the body

Tuna Benefits Facts:

  1. Excellent vision. Fish meat contains beneficial omega-3 acids. They prevent macular degeneration, which is the most common cause of visual impairment in the elderly.
  2. Healthy heart. Suppresses the formation of blood clots in the vessels, increases the concentration of "good", prevents arrhythmias, fights inflammation of various localization.

Pickled tuna

Cut the fillet into layers, 2 cm thick, put in a glass container. Prepare two-part marinade soy sauce and 1 part sesame oil, lemon juice, salt to taste. Pour the fish with the resulting mixture, leave for 12 hours. After the specified time, drain the marinade, dry the slices. Serve with green onions under olive oil.

Tuna is a universal fish that goes well with vegetables, fried and stewed. They cook from her meat and spine delicious fish soup... Blanched or, fresh tomatoes, cheese, eggs, cucumbers and olives harmoniously set off delicate taste canned tuna.

After buying or catching fish, it is better to cook on the same day. Refrigerate for a maximum of 1 day. To extend the shelf life fresh tuna wrapped in cellophane and frozen. Wherein, canned fish persist for two years.

Tuna is on sale in stores all year round... However, the best period to buy it is May-September. Fresh fish has a pleasant meat flavor, dense pink-red fillet. Brown tint near the bones indicates that the carcass has not been in the supermarket for the first day.

"Tuna with Provencal herbs"


  • the black ground pepper, salt - ¼ tsp;
  • tuna steaks - 4 pcs;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • provencal herbs - 2 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 15 ml.

Method of preparation: mix all the ingredients, grate spicy mixture tuna, put in a hot skillet. Cook for 3-4 minutes on each side until browning. Decorate with lettuce leaves.

It is a very popular product, widely used in salads, soups, side dishes. Canned tuna can be consumed as independent dish... However, it should be remembered that this is a fatty product (230 kcal per 100 g) layered structuretherefore obese people should stop using it. Tuna meat separates well from the bones. A representative of the marine fauna (in canned form) retains all the beneficial properties of fresh fish and is indicated for use by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, organs of vision, brain, hematopoiesis, and thyroid gland.

  • arrhythmia;
  • cholecystitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • very weak immunity;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • low hemoglobin levels;
  • Goiter;
  • inflammatory processes.

Tuna canned food contains an omega-3 complex, a set of vitamins, macro- and microelements, 8 essential amino acids. They are virtually free of cholesterol, carbohydrates and saturated fat. Due to its rich composition marine life increases efficiency, improves metabolic processes, activates brain activity, prevents the formation of glaucoma, protects the retina from drying out, prevents degeneration at the macular level. Contraindicated in obesity, as it can provoke weight gain, heart rhythm disturbances, sensory disorders.

Criterias of choice


Tuna is canned in cans. Inspect the surface of the container for rust, chipping, deformation, streaks or stains. Remember, any mechanical violation of the integrity of the can can lead to loss of tightness and damage to the fish. As a result, the tuna is saturated with metals, it loses its freshness and becomes unusable. In addition, if the bottom of the canned food is swollen, it means that the product has deteriorated.


Give preference to a delicacy sealed in tin can new sample. On such canned food, the marking is embossed on the outside or squeezed out from the inside. Such products are more difficult to counterfeit, unlike those where product information is indicated on a paper label, which is easy to re-stick. If the data is inked, inspect all numbers and signs. They must be clearly visible. Remember, rubbing is impermissible!

Weight is a fundamental indicator of product quality. The label must indicate the total weight and weight of the fish itself, corresponding to the standards of GOST 7452-97 “Canned fish, natural. Specifications". In addition, the product code "OTN" is prescribed in the labeling. If not, the taste of canned food will not please you.

Shelf life

As a rule, manufacturers prescribe on the label the ability to store products for 3 years. However, it is important to understand that every month the number of useful substances in it is significantly reduced. That is why nutritionists recommend not buying stale goods, but preferring a tin made 1-2 months ago. From the use of such a product, you can get the maximum benefit and enjoy the exquisite taste.

Remember, canned food should contain only 3 components: tuna, salt, water. Quality product produced in Spain or Italy.


The preferred way of processing is steam.

Canned tuna in vegetable oil or its own juice is very popular in the world market. Japan is considered to be the largest consumer of fish. To maintain a healthy body, it is recommended to consume at least 100 g of tuna per week. Preference is given to juveniles, since large individuals are capable of accumulating mercury, which is especially dangerous for the health of children, pregnant and lactating women. Before consumption, the fish is cleaned of bones and skin, processed, served with herbs and fresh / salted vegetables.