Recipes for cooking canned fish at home. How to make delicious canned food at home

10.08.2019 Lenten dishes

Today it is quite difficult to find tasty and at the same time safe canned food in supermarkets. After all, manufacturers often sell us goods from low-quality raw materials and with a high content of preservatives. In this article, you will learn how to cook canned fish at home. As well as some tricks used by experienced housewives.

Homemade canned fish: basic cooking rules

For the preparation of home canned food, you need to take only fresh fish that does not have any defects or damage. In this case, you can choose both sea and river. Everything will depend only on your personal preferences.

As a filling, only oils of vegetable origin should be used. It can be sunflower, as well as olive or corn oil. You can use tomato sauce, the recipe of which will be described in detail below.

Home canned food (fish) should be rolled up only in glass jars. This will ensure not only high tightness, but also allow you to evaluate the appearance of the product after long storage. It is better to choose jars with a volume of 0.5 to 1 liter. This volume is not only convenient for serving, but also allows you to evenly boil the fish in the oven.

Canned fish in a multicooker

Such a modern kitchen appliance as a slow cooker also allows you to cook home preservation. In this case, you do not need to lay out the fish in banks. It is enough to flavor it with spices and put it in a multicooker bowl. For complete cooking, it is enough to use the "Extinguishing" mode for 20-30 minutes. Only after that the fish is laid out in sterilized jars and poured with oil or sauce.

Canned fish in a slow cooker is superior to the traditional cooking method only if you have a small amount of fish. After all, the bowl of this kitchen gadget is rarely more than 4-5 liters.

What kind of fish to choose for home preservation?

Almost any fish can be used to make canned food at home. If we talk about freshwater species, then it can be bream, crucian carp, carp, roach and even pike. However, experienced housewives praise canned mackerel very much. After all, it is this fish that is traditionally associated with store-bought canned food, which is so popular in our country. But this does not mean at all that you should limit yourself in the choice of raw materials. For example, canned fish from river fish, although they are distinguished by a high content of bones, are prepared several times faster than marine species.

Ingredients such as carrots, garlic, dill, parsley and other greens will help reveal the taste of fish. Therefore, you can safely experiment in search of the most successful combination of products.

Canned fish in oil

The easiest recipe for homemade canned food involves using a lot of oil. For cooking you will need:

  • 2 kilograms of large fish;
  • salt, black pepper and bay leaf;
  • 200 grams of vegetable oil.

The fish should be cleaned and cut into pieces 4-6 centimeters long. In sterilized jars, you need to lay the pieces so that the distance between them is minimal. In a bowl, mix salt, black pepper, oil and a little water. Pour canned food with the resulting sauce and add bay leaf. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees and place the cans of fish on a baking sheet. To prevent glass jars from bursting, you should constantly monitor the cooking process. After 3 hours, you can remove the canned food from the oven and roll it up with an airtight lid. Before sending the jars to a cool place, you need to completely cool them at room temperature.

Canned fish based on oil will appeal to everyone without exception. After all, this product will remind you of the one that was produced on the territory of the former Soviet Union and met the increased requirements for quality and safety.

Canned fish in tomato sauce

To give canned food a more piquant taste, you can prepare a filling based on tomatoes. The cooking technology will be similar to the recipe using oil. However, in this case, you must first make the sauce. To prepare it you will need:

  • 500 grams of tomato paste;
  • 2-3 large onions;
  • 300 grams of carrots;
  • salt, pepper and spices to taste;
  • 300 ml of water.

Onions and carrots should be cut into small cubes and fried in a pan. After the formation of a golden crust, add tomato paste and water. Salt and season with spices. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. The fish laid out in sterilized jars should be poured with the resulting tomato sauce and sent to the oven for 3 hours. Such canned food will have a rich taste and very soft fish fillets.

How long can homemade preserves last?

Unlike a store-bought product, home preservation does not last as long. This is due to the fact that preservatives are not added to the fish, as happens in plants and factories. Therefore, the home process of producing a delicious delicacy requires maximum sterility.

After preparation, canned fish can be stored for no more than 6 months in a cool place. It is good if it is a basement where a constant temperature is maintained. Before opening the jar, be sure to evaluate the appearance of the fish. If you notice the formation of plaque or a change in color, it means that the seal was broken during the cooking process. Such canned goods are unsuitable for consumption. It is better to dispose of the product and keep it away from the table. That is why it is very important to mark conservation with a marking with the date of manufacture. This will help to avoid poisoning and other troubles that may be associated with expired products.

Canned fish prepared at home is a great way to diversify your diet with not only a delicious, but also an extremely healthy dish. After all, such a product can be served on the table as a snack or used to prepare holiday salads.

Hello to all readers of my blog. Today I dedicate an article to fishing enthusiasts. As I said earlier, my husband loves to fish, and it's not just summer fishing. He fishes all year round.

So we had to figure out what to do with a lot of river fish. Of course, part of the fish goes to prepare various dishes, another part - to cook ram. And it is eaten with beer with great pleasure! But there is another way to save the fish. How do we do it?

We prepare canned fish at home. To be honest, my beloved husband is involved in the entire procurement process. And I'm just happy about it. Well, I don't like cleaning fish! What can you do?

True, the cooking process is not short. We will cook it in the oven. But it's really worth it! And I would also call this dish not just economical, but super economical. Don't believe! Then look at the required ingredients.

Required Ingredients

  • any river
  • salt to taste
  • peppercorns
  • seasoning for fish
  • Bay leaf

I'm not listing the ingredients here, as the salt and seasoning will be to your taste. And the amount of pepper and bay leaf I will indicate below.

How to do

To prepare this dish at home, do the following:

  1. We clean, gut and wash the fish.
  2. Then cut the fish into pieces.
  3. Add salt and seasonings to taste.
  4. We leave the fish for an hour and a half so that it is saturated with all the flavors.
  5. During this time, I wash the banks. Usually we use half a liter.
  6. At the bottom of each jar we put two bay leaves and three peppercorns.
  7. After that, fill the jars with fish and close them with foil on top.
  8. Then we put the jars on the wire rack in the oven, and under them we put a baking sheet with water. We do this so that the liquid that boils in the jars does not stain the oven and does not burn.
  9. We set the grid to the second division from the bottom. The temperature in the oven is 180 degrees.
  10. After boiling, the temperature decreases to 100 - 120 degrees.
  11. In general, the fish is stewed for 8 hours. After this treatment, the bones in canned fish become very soft.
  12. About half an hour before the end of cooking, heat the vegetable oil and carefully pour it into jars.
  13. We cover the jars with metal lids and keep in the oven for another half an hour. In the end, of course, we roll up the cans.

Ours in oil at home is ready!

Of course, it is much more convenient to cook this dish in an autoclave. Here here you can buy it.

Do you like canned fish, but doubt the quality of a store-bought product? Cooking them is not difficult at all and with your own hands. Canned fish in tomato at home is prepared from any type of fish and according to different recipes. The best of them will be presented in our article.

Homemade canned fish

One of the advantages of canned food is that even an inexpensive fish turns out to be amazingly tasty. You can cook such a dish not only on the stove, but also in a pressure cooker or slow cooker. The result will surely please you.

Canned fish in tomato at home is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. A kilogram of fish (herring, capelin, herring) is cleaned from the head, entrails and tail, washed and cut into 4 cm pieces.
  2. Carrots and onions (300 g each) are chopped into cubes. Carrots, if desired, are rubbed on a coarse grater.
  3. Tomatoes (500 g) are mashed with a meat grinder or blender. Instead of a tomato, you can take tomato paste (about 3 tablespoons), but then it must be brought to the desired consistency with water, topped up to a volume of 500 ml.
  4. In a saucepan with thick walls or in a multicooker bowl, first put the tomato in layers, then the fish, vegetables and spices (50 ml of vinegar, 100 ml of sunflower oil, 25 g of salt and twice as much sugar).
  5. The stewing time of the dish under the lid on the stove is 3 hours, in the multicooker ("Stewing" mode) - 4 hours, in the pressure cooker - 1.5 hours. The fish should literally languish in tomato sauce, then it will turn out to be very tender, all the bones will become soft, like in industrial canned food.

How to cook gobies in tomato at home

One of the most favorite canned foods since childhood are gobies cooked in tomato sauce. This fish is inexpensive, affordable and tasty. They are prepared at home in just 4 hours and are identical to the store product.

Prepared (cleaned and washed) fish is placed in layers in an enamel pan. Between the layers add onion rings, salt, pepper to taste and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. In this way, the pan is filled to the top. Then table vinegar is diluted to taste with water to make a sour liquid, and poured over the fish. 100 ml of vegetable oil is also added there. The pan is covered with a lid and sent to the stove. The fish will languish over low heat for 4 hours. 40 minutes before the end of cooking, a tomato is added (3 tablespoons per 3 liter saucepan). This fish will keep in the refrigerator for up to two months.

Sprat in tomato at home

Favorite canned food "Sprat in tomato" is not at all difficult to cook on your own. According to this recipe, the dish will be baked in the oven for 1 hour, after which it can be safely served for dinner. Home-cooked sprats in tomato can be stored in the refrigerator, but not for long, since vinegar is not added to the dish.

To prepare such canned food, the sprat is washed and, if necessary, the head is removed. In a frying pan, fry the onion, cut into half rings. Then it is transferred to a refractory baking dish, put fish, salt (1/2 teaspoon) and sugar (1 teaspoon), coriander, garlic and other spices to taste on top, pour a glass of tomato juice and add 3 tablespoons of ketchup . After that, all the ingredients must be mixed and sent to the oven to bake at 180 °.

Canned fish for the winter

Canned fish prepared according to the following recipe are sealed for the winter without prior sterilization. At the same time, they “hibernate” very well in a dark and cool place, the jars do not open, the dish does not deteriorate.

Canned fish in tomato for the winter is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Fish (1500 g) is cleaned from the insides, head and tail.
  2. Grated carrots and onions (500 g each) are fried in separate pans in vegetable oil.
  3. Tomatoes (1500 g) are crushed in a meat grinder or blender.
  4. Tomato, carrot and onion are mixed with salt (3 tablespoons), sugar (4 tablespoons) and vegetable oil (100 ml).
  5. The fish is placed in layers in the pan and then it is sent to a slow fire for 3 hours.
  6. 10 minutes before the end of the stew, vinegar (50 ml) is poured into the pan.
  7. Canned fish in tomato at home is laid out in sterilized jars, covered with lids and corked with a can key.

From this amount of ingredients, 5 half-liter cans of delicious homemade canned food are obtained.

How to cook canned fish in an autoclave?

Absolutely any fish can be canned in an autoclave. The bream, perch, and capelin are also tasty. You can even take fresh-frozen mackerel, and it will also be very tasty.

Preparing canned fish in a tomato in an autoclave according to the following recipe:

  1. Mackerel (2 kg) is peeled and cut into large pieces.
  2. Onion (2 pieces) is fried in vegetable oil, after which finely chopped tomato (2 pieces) is added to it.
  3. Tomato paste is added to the vegetables in the pan, vegetable oil is poured (2 tablespoons each), 2 cups of water, salt and sugar to taste.
  4. Pieces of mackerel are laid out in sterilized half-liter jars and poured with prepared sauce. After that, the jars are sealed with lids using a can key.
  5. will cook for 45 minutes at 110°.

The following tips will help you cook very tasty fish quickly and efficiently. They are as follows:

  1. At home, canned fish in tomato is prepared from any kind of fresh or frozen fish. Bream, capelin, herring, mackerel, saury, sprat are equally soft and tender.
  2. Fresh tomatoes in the recipe can always be replaced with tomato paste or juice. From this, the taste of the dish will not become worse.
  3. To keep canned food longer, it is recommended to put them only in sterilized jars.

9 Unique Fish Canning Recipes

Fish lovers! Here is the most popular selection of fish canning recipes. I hope you find the best recipe for yourself.

1. Fresh-frozen pink salmon - 2 kg,

Tomatoes - 2 kg. Carrots-800 g. Bulb onions-500 g. Salt -1.5 tbsp (30g), Sugar -200g. Vinegar 9% - 5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil - 400 ml. Bay leaf -3 pieces, black pepper to taste. But, fish can be any.

Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder and simmer for 20 minutes. Cut the onion, fry in vegetable oil. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and fry in oil. Prepare the fish (remove the heads, tails and entrails, bones). Combine everything together and simmer for 1 hour. Add vinegar 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Put the finished mass into sterilized jars, roll up, wrap until completely cool.

2. Sardines

Before cooking sardines, you need to gut all the insides of the fish, clean it from scales, cut off the head, tail and fins. Salt the fish to your taste and leave to lie for 30-40 minutes at room temperature. Transfer the fish to a colander and dip in boiling sunflower oil and fry for 2 minutes. In prepared jars for preservation, put 1 bay leaf, 3-5 peas of black allspice at the bottom. Put the cooled fish in jars, pour in sunflower oil, in which there were sardines for 2 minutes. Cover the jars with a lid and heat over low heat for 45 minutes. Then roll up the jars with the contents hot. Sterilize rolled jars for 50-60 minutes. Repeat the sterilization process 3 times every 24 hours.

3. Sprats at home

From small fish (perch, roach, minnows, ruffs, dace, etc.) at home, you can cook a dish that tastes like sprats. To do this, the fish must be cleaned of scales, remove the insides, heads, fins and tails, rinse the carcasses. At the bottom of the pot (or pressure cooker) you need to put a layer of onion, cut into rings, salted carcasses on it. Lay three or four layers in this way, but at the same time fill the pan no more than 2/3 of the volume. Add allspice, bay leaf, pour vegetable oil, vinegar and dry white wine or water. For 1 kilogram of fish, 200 grams of onion, 100 grams of oil, 50-9 percent vinegar and 150 grams of dry wine or water, spices and salt to taste will be required. Simmer over low heat under a tightly closed lid for three to five hours (in a pressure cooker 1-1.5 hours). In cooked fish, the bones become so soft that they do not need to be separated from the fish meat when eaten.

4. Canned fish in oil

After removing the entrails, the fish (mullet, bonito, etc.) are thoroughly washed from blood, drained and cut into pieces depending on the size of the dishes intended for canning. Then the fish is kept for half an hour in a saline solution (250 g of salt per 1 liter of water). It is washed from salt and fried on all sides in vegetable oil until browned. Fried fish is placed in a glass jar. Between the pieces put grains of black and allspice, bay leaf and slices of lemon. Then it is poured with vegetable oil, in which the fish was fried, so that there is a 2 cm oil layer on top of the fish. Store in a cool place.

5. Fish in tomato sauce, home canning.

Recipe for 4 standard jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters. In asp, pike perch, carp, gobies, the belly is cut, in horse mackerel and mackerel, the heads are cut off, the insides, tails and fins are removed. Peeled asp, carp and mackerel are cut into pieces, gobies and horse mackerel are preserved whole. The fish is washed when the water drains, sprinkled with salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 kg of fish and rolled in flour after 30 minutes, fried in vegetable oil on all sides. Cool for 30 minutes, put in jars and pour boiling tomato sauce 2 cm below the top of the neck of the jar. To prepare the tomato filling, 300 g of onion are peeled, cut into slices and fried until golden brown in 150 g of vegetable oil. 2 kg of mashed tomatoes are poured into an enamel bowl, put on fire, add fried onions, 4 cloves, 4 bay leaves, 4 grains of bitter and allspice, 4-5 tablespoons of sugar and a tablespoon of salt, 4-5 tablespoons of 5% - vinegar, bring to a boil. Banks are filled 2 cm below the top of the neck, put in a pan on a wire rack. The amount of water in the pan should be 3-4 cm below the top of the neck of the jar, and its temperature should be 70 degrees.

The pan is put on fire, covered with a lid, brought to a boil and the jars are heated for 50 minutes. After that, each is covered with a lid and sterilized for 6 hours. After sterilization, the jars are cooled without being removed from the pan and without opening it. The amount of fresh fish for 4 cans with a capacity of 0.5 l: asp - 2 kg, pike perch - 2.4, carp - 3.6, gobies - 3.2, horse mackerel - 2.2, mackerel - 2.4 kg. To reduce the processing time, you can use the method of re-sterilization. To do this, the filled jars are closed with lids, placed in a saucepan with water heated to 70 degrees, boiled for 50 minutes, the quality of the cans is checked and sterilized three times for 90 minutes with breaks of 24 hours.

After each sterilization, the jars are cooled in the same pan where the heat treatment was carried out, without draining the water and without opening the pan lid. The initial water temperature during the 2nd and 3rd sterilization is 20-30 degrees.

6. Recipe for preserving pink salmon at home

Salt like this: take a steak, put it in a plastic bag, add salt and a little sugar there. For about 0.5 kg of fish, a tablespoon of salt and half a teaspoon of sugar. Shake the bag and refrigerate. Take out a couple of times a day to shake and clean again. After 2-3 days salted pink salmon is ready.

7. Minnows stewed in marinade

Put oil, finely chopped onion, parsley root and greens into a saucepan or pot, pass through. Add bay leaf, salt, pepper, chopped tomatoes, not gutted minnows, simmer for at least 4~5 hours and let stand. Serve with mashed potatoes sprinkled with dill. Such minnows are obtained like sprats in tomato sauce with soft bones. Store below 15°. 600 g minnows, 50 ml oil, 2 onions, 3 tomatoes, 1 bay leaf, 6 peppercorns Other fish are also made, especially small fish. If simmering in a pressure cooker, then 30 minutes is enough.

8. Recipe for canning small fish

How to preserve fish at home. Get smaller fish, such as perches, brushes, crucian carp, etc. clean them. Then cook vegetable frying from grated carrots and finely chopped onions. Add sugar, salt, vegetable oil and your choice (tomato paste, tomato juice or tomato sauce) to it, then mix all the ingredients well. After that, put raw carrots on the bottom of the pressure cooker, then fish, add salt, pepper, onion and tomato. Then repeat again carrots, fish, onions and so on until almost the end of the pressure cooker. Pour all this with vinegar, add 100 grams of preferably white wine, bay leaf, black pepper and 1/2 cup of water for piquancy. Stew all this for about one hour, but this is the time for small fish, if you have a large fish or cut into large slices, it must be stewed for about two hours over low heat in a pressure cooker. After full readiness, spread the prepared composition into small jars

9. Canning fish at home

If you have a lot of fish, it is not necessary to salt or dry it. You can stock up on excellent canned fish. Any kind of fish is suitable for canning - river, lake, sea.

Only fresh fish is suitable for the preparation of canned fish. It must be processed only in a clean room. The utensils and materials that are used must be kept in perfect cleanliness, strictly follow the recommended recipe and processing conditions. The time of sterilization of canned fish (8-10 hours) can be reduced by repeated or multiple sterilization.

Bon appetit!

Very often, after fishing, a large number of small fish remain. What to do with it if the cat already refuses to eat it? There is no point in frying small fish. There is nothing left of her. Yes, and you can’t put it in your ear - just bones. From such a product you can cook an excellent snack that will appeal to both children and adults. Canned fish at home from river fish are very tasty and satisfying. The main thing is to follow the recipe and all the rules of preparation.

Is it worth it to cook

Many experts do not recommend cooking. This is due to the fact that the heating temperature of food containers is 100 ° C. Sterilization of such blanks should be carried out in an autoclave. This is the only way to achieve the complete destruction of all bacteria. In addition, sterilization takes much longer in a pressure cooker. To roll up the containers, it is necessary to wait for their complete cooling. At the same time, the pressure in the pressure cooker must be reduced gradually. During this time, canned food may darken and lose its attractive appearance.

If you do not have a special autoclave, then it is recommended to sterilize canned food for a long time. You can also stew food separately, and then lay it out in containers and roll it up. Otherwise, bacteria that can exist without oxygen, anaerobic bacteria, may remain in the finished canned food. Some of them are capable of releasing strong toxins.

Sprats from small fish

Canned small fish can be prepared with any marinade. However, sprats are very popular with many housewives. In addition, the recipe for their preparation is quite simple. To make these preserves, you will need:

  1. Small fish - 1 kg.
  2. Bulb onion - 200 g.
  3. Vegetable oil - 100 g.
  4. Water - 150 g. If desired, this component can be replaced with dry wine.
  5. Vinegar 9% - 50 ml.
  6. Spices and salt - to taste.

Food preparation

To prepare homemade canned food in oil, you should carefully prepare all the ingredients. Onions should be peeled, washed and cut into rings. As for fish, roach, minnows, ruffs, perches and so on are suitable for cooking. Each carcass must be peeled, while removing the tails, fins, heads and entrails. It is recommended to wash the fish thoroughly.

Put the prepared ingredients into a bowl. At the bottom of the container is to put a layer of onion rings, then a layer of fish. Carcasses should be salted. After that, you need to lay out a layer of onions and a layer of fish. Products must be alternated until 2/3 of the entire volume of the pan is filled. After that, a bay leaf should also be put in the container. It is also recommended to pour in water or wine, as well as vinegar and oil.

Heat treatment

The container with future canned food should be placed on the stove. Products should be stewed over low heat for 3-5 hours under a lid. If canned food is cooked in a pressure cooker, it will take less time. As a rule, it takes from 1 to 1.5 hours.

While the fish is cooking, you should wash and sterilize the jars. Such canned fish is usually rolled into glass containers, the volume of which is 0.5 liters. The readiness of the product can be determined by the condition of the fish. The bones of the carcasses should become very soft. When the canned food is ready, they should be laid out in jars and hermetically sealed.

in an autoclave

Recently, home canning autoclaves have appeared on the shelves of specialized stores. These devices greatly facilitate the process of preparing food for the winter. How to cook canned fish with them? To begin with, it is worth preparing all the products. For cooking you will need:

  1. River fish, fresh - 2 kg.
  2. Vinegar 9% - 7 ml per container, the volume of which is 0.5 liters.
  3. Peppercorns, salt.
  4. Vegetable oil. In this case, you should use walnut, pumpkin, linseed, olive, corn or sunflower.

Preparing banks

The indicated number of components is enough to prepare 3 jars of canned food with a volume of 0.5 liters. To make the appetizer tasty and fragrant, you should carefully prepare the fish. To do this, it is recommended to clean each carcass from the husk, while removing the heads, tails, fins and entrails. The fish should also be washed in running water. If the carcasses are large, then you can cut them into several parts.

Put a layer of fish on the bottom of the jar, add spices and drip a little vinegar and vegetable oil. Fill the containers in this way to the very top. At the same time, it is worth leaving a small gap between the top layer of the fish and the lid, at least 3 centimeters high. Otherwise, the banks will burst. Filled containers should be rolled up and then placed in an autoclave.

Further preservation

Home canning autoclaves are very easy to use. The main thing is to follow some rules. Containers with fish should be placed in the autoclave in layers, and then filled with water. The liquid must cover the containers to a height of at least two centimeters. After that, the unit should be closed, tighten the bolts, and then pump out the air so that a pressure of 1.2 atm is created inside the device.

It is recommended to check the tightness of the connection. This can be done by ear or with soapy water. If all is well, then under the autoclave it is necessary to kindle a fire. The water must be heated inside the unit to a temperature of 112 °C.

Under such conditions, all bacteria will die. After 50-70 minutes, the fire under the unit can be removed. The autoclave should be allowed to cool to a temperature of at least 30°C. After that, you should carefully bleed the air and open the lid. It is recommended to drain the water and only then take out the containers. Canned food at home from river fish is cooked much faster in this way. The result is a delicious snack.

Canned carrots

Canned food at home from river fish can be prepared not only with onions, but also with carrots. This will require:

  1. River fish - 1 kg.
  2. Carrot - 700 g.
  3. Bulb onion - 700 g.
  4. Vegetable oil.
  5. Peppercorns, salt.

Cooking process

So, how to preserve river fish. To begin with, it is worth preparing the carcasses. It is recommended to clean the fish from the husk and entrails. In this case, you can remove the fins and heads. After that, the fish should be placed in a deep container and salted. It is recommended to keep the product for an hour. During this time, you can prepare onions and carrots. Vegetables should be cleaned and washed. Carrots can be grated on a coarse grater, and onions can be cut into rings.

Now you can connect the products. The fish should be removed from the brine and mixed with chopped vegetables. Pour 3 tablespoons of vegetable-based oil into 0.5 liter jars and place the fish loosely. Otherwise, when boiling, excess liquid will pour out of the containers. Banks should be closed with tin lids and placed in a cold oven. After that, you can turn on the fire and heat everything up to 200 ° C. The fish should be stewed for 4-5 hours. Then the containers can be taken out, rolled up, turned over and wrapped. When homemade canned river fish have cooled down, you can transfer them to the basement.

carp in oil

Canned carp are no less tasty than a snack from small fish. For cooking you will need:

  1. Fresh carp - 1 kg.
  2. Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Garlic - 1 clove.
  4. Onion - 1 head.
  5. Black pepper, coriander, ground dill, salt - to taste.

Cooking method

First you need to clean the carp from the husk, fins and entrails. After that, it is worth separating the head and cutting the carcass into small pieces. The fish should be salted and sprinkled with spices. Carp must be decomposed into banks. Top with a layer of onion rings. Capacities should be covered with lids, and then sterilized. Canned food at home from river fish should be well stewed. It takes up to 10 hours.

Water during the sterilization process must be topped up as it evaporates. The liquid should not be cold, but boiling. Otherwise, glass jars will burst. The finished snack should be rolled up and then stored in a cool place. In a similar way, canned bream is prepared.

Catfish in own juice

To prepare canned catfish, you will need:

  1. Fresh catfish - 1 kg.
  2. Salt - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
  3. Allspice and black pepper.
  4. Carrot.
  5. Bay leaf.
  6. Citric acid - 0.5 g per jar, the volume of which is 0.5 liters.

How to cook

Thus, it is possible to prepare canned food not only from catfish, but also from carp, tench, carp and silver carp. The first thing to do is prepare the fish. It is cleaned, washed thoroughly and cut into small pieces. When the water drains from the fish, it is necessary to place the product in a container and cover it with salt. In this case, it is recommended to observe proportions. For 1 kilogram of fish, only 1 tablespoon of salt is required. The product should be kept for one hour at room temperature.

During this time, you can prepare glass jars and other components. Carrots should be peeled, washed and cut into pieces or chopped into a coarse grater. At the bottom of the prepared containers, it is necessary to lay out a bay leaf, a few grains of black and Then it is recommended to make a layer of carrots and add citric acid. After that, the jars can be filled with fish, leaving a free space between the lid and the products, at least 2 centimeters high.

How to sterilize

The containers should be covered with lids and placed in a saucepan. Do not put glass jars directly on the bottom. They may burst. To avoid this, it is worth placing a grate at the bottom of the container, and then placing the cans. After that, you can pour water into the pan so that its level is 3 centimeters below the lids.

Sterilize canned fish under a closed lid for 8 hours. Periodically, water should be added to the pan. The liquid should not be cold, but boiling. Otherwise, glass jars will burst from temperature changes. It is also recommended to lift the lids of the containers and squeeze the air out of the canned food with a spoon. In conclusion, the jars of fish need to be cooled without removing from the pan, and then rolled up.