How to make fish liver pate. Boiled fish pate

01.11.2019 Seafood dishes

Everyone loves crispy toasted chips: children love to crunch yummy potatoes in front of the TV, adults adore them as an excellent snack with beer.

Store chips usually contain various harmful additives, flavors, GMOs, preservatives, etc. Homemade chips consist only of natural ingredients: potatoes, salt and vegetable oil, and therefore are absolutely harmless to the body.

Making chips at home is easy and the whole process takes only a few simple steps. Moreover, this does not require the presence of any special devices, such as a deep fat fryer. Homemade chips can be cooked in the oven, in the microwave, and in a regular frying pan.

Homemade Chips Recipes

One serving of potato chips, equal to about a small bag of commercial chips, takes one medium-sized potato. The amount of oil is determined depending on the size of the container in which the chips will be prepared (its level should not exceed 2-3 cm). Add salt to the chips to taste.


  • Medium potatoes;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt.

Homemade Frying Chips Recipe

  1. We clean the potatoes and wash them thoroughly. Cut into thin circles. It is better if you use a vegetable cutter for this - it is more convenient with it, and the circles for the chips are more or less the same.
  2. Put the cut slices on a towel so that they dry a little.
  3. Pour oil into a deep frying pan (cauldron, thick-walled pan) and bring it to a boil.
  4. We throw the dried slices one by one in boiling oil so that they do not come into contact with each other. Stir the chips slightly with a wooden spatula.
  5. The readiness of the chips is determined by the color (they should be golden, not brown) and by the characteristic tapping of the chips with each other while stirring.
  6. We take out the chips on a plate covered with a napkin or paper towel to glass the excess vegetable oil.
  7. Then, salt the chips while still hot to taste.

Classic natural potato chips are ready. However, if you don't want to mess with the boiling oil, you can cook the chips in the oven.

Homemade chips recipe in the oven

  1. Dry the washed potatoes and cut into thin slices on a paper towel.
  2. We put the resulting circles in a deep plate or salad bowl, and sprinkle with about 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  3. Salt a little and gently mix the chips so that the oil is evenly distributed over the entire surface, but without breaking the slices.
  4. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper, grease with vegetable oil.
  5. We put potato wedges in one layer on the surface of the baking sheet, so that they do not touch each other.
  6. We put in an oven heated to 180-200 degrees and bake until golden brown.
  7. We spread the ready-made chips on a paper towel. Sprinkle with more spices and salt if necessary.

This recipe uses less vegetable oil than potato chips. If you want to avoid adding oil to your chips altogether (for example, if you cook chips for children), cook them in the microwave.

Microwave homemade chips recipe

  1. Dry the peeled and thinly sliced ​​potatoes on a paper napkin.
  2. Put the prepared potato circles on special baking paper, making sure that they do not come into contact with each other.
  3. We set the power on the microwave to about 600-750 W (you can't definitely recommend it, it all depends on the type of microwave), and cook for about 5-7 minutes.
  4. When the chips are browned, immediately take them out and put them on a wide plate.
  5. Add salt and spices to taste to the still hot chips.

Cooked in a microwave oven, chips will be as tasty as cooked in an oven or a pan, but they are much healthier and safer for children. And they are made much faster and easier.

Homemade chips - cooking features

  • For homemade chips, choose only smooth and smooth “perfect” potatoes. If you cut out "eyes" and other defects, the chips will turn out to be uneven and ugly.
  • It is best to rinse the potato slices in cold water after cutting to remove excess starch. This will prevent the chips from sticking to each other during frying.
  • To prevent the ready-made chips from sticking to the plate, I use baking paper as a "bedding" for the chips. As a last resort, sprinkle a thin layer of flour on the plate.
  • The flavor of homemade chips is not pronounced compared to store-bought ones, as they do not have flavors. However, you can add spices to your liking: paprika, a mixture of spicy or Provencal herbs, etc. If you know other natural spices for homemade chips, share this discovery with us.

Making homemade chips is a rather lengthy process and therefore should be done only when there is enough free time.

Fish pate - general principles of preparation

Fish is good for children and adults, and it’s very strange that during the Soviet era there was only one fish day in canteens - Thursday. It is in your power to make fish the basis of your diet. But if your family gets tired of constantly eating fish, you can turn it into a variety of "unfamiliar" dishes. For example, you can try saddle fish pate. It can be made fatty from fried fish or sprat, or it can be made almost dietary from white fish varieties.

Fish pate - preparation of food and dishes

Fish pate can be made from raw fish meat, lightly salted, fried, and even canned. The essence of the preparation is simple - you grind the fish to a uniform consistency, add spices, seasonings, fat and bake in the oven or multicooker. If you bake the fish mass in a dough, according to the international culinary classification, you will get a dish called "pate" at the exit, and if in the form, then such a dish is called "terrine". However, all these subtleties are useless. Today, a paste is called a meat or fish "spread" for a sandwich.

Goose pate recipes:

Recipe 1: cod liver fish paste

A very quick option for making a pate, since you will spend no more than 15 minutes preparing it.

  • 1 can of cod liver
  • 1 chicken egg
  • 1 spoon of olive oil
  • Garlic 1 prong
  • Condiments
  1. Peel the garlic off.
  2. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until a paste.
  3. Put the finished mass in a mold (preferably silicone) and bake in the oven for about ten minutes.

Recipe 2: Fish paste from salmon fillet (recipe for a multicooker)

Try raw red fish pâté. This is not at all difficult to do, but the finished dish will shake your imagination.

  • 250 grams salmon fillet
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 40 grams white buns
  • 2 egg yolks
  • Condiments
  • Dried Provencal herbs
  • Spices
  1. Thoroughly peel the fish - even a tiny bone can spoil the taste of the pate. Wash the fillets and cut into pieces.
  2. Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and stir until smooth.
  3. Put the resulting mass in the multicooker bowl. Set the temperature to 120 degrees and cook in general mode for 15 minutes. Cool the finished pate and serve.

Recipe 3: fish paste from white fish meat

A fish paste will turn out to be quite light and practically dietary if you prepare it from the meat of white fish - cod, pollock, hake.

  • 400 grams of white fish meat
  • 50 grams of cod liver
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 spoon of sour cream
  • Vegetable oil 1 spoon
  • Condiments
  1. The fish must be washed, pitted and cut into pieces.
  2. In a blender, combine cod liver, fish fillets, egg yolks, olive oil, a spoonful of sour cream.
  3. Preheat the oven. Set the temperature to 150 degrees.
  4. Transfer the fish mass to a mold, greased with sunflower oil, and bake for fifteen to eighteen minutes.

Recipe 4: Fish pate with sprats and tomatoes

You will get a fairly tasty spread-paste if you make it from ordinary canned sprat. You will need some canned food, sun-dried tomatoes, and dill. It should be noted that you do not need to use heat treatment methods to prepare such a pate.

  • 2 cans of sprat
  • Cod liver 1 can
  • 50 grams of canned tomatoes
  • Fresh dill
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Condiments
  1. Open a jar of sprats and cut off the tails of all fish. Also try to cut off the fins of each fish and remove the bones.
  2. Open a can of cod liver oil.
  3. Wash the dill.
  4. Put cod liver, sprats, egg yolk, sun-dried tomatoes, dill, seasonings in a blender bowl. Grind everything into a homogeneous mass.
  5. Place the pate in the refrigerator and consume chilled.
  • Fish goes well with olive oil, not only in taste, but also in healthiness. By combining fish and oil, you get a whole complex of fatty acids that the body needs for a full existence and work.
  • Try making a pate by baking it in dough baskets.
  • Fish pate can also be served at the festive table, having previously decorated it beautifully. To do this, spread thin croutons or loafs with pate, placing a basil leaf with a slice of lime on top of the "spread".
  • How can you diversify the taste of fish pate? If you are making a paste from lightly salted fish, it would be quite appropriate to add capers, green olives or lightly salted cucumber - a slight sourness will make the finished dish spicy. For boiled or fried fish, salted capers are an excellent addition. Add a spoonful of lemon juice to the red fish pate.
  • If you make a pate from canned fish, then after chopping it with vegetables, there is no need to thermally process it. Add boiled grated carrots and mushrooms to such a paste.
  • Another good addition to fish pate is a boiled egg. It will make the dish more satisfying and healthy.
  • What spices are appropriate for making fish pate? It can be basil, dill, mustard seeds, dried Provencal herbs, green onions.
  • You can add squid meat to the fish paste to make it thicker in consistency. To do this, mark the raw squid carcasses in boiling water for one and a half to two minutes, remove, remove the film, cut and grind well in a blender with other ingredients. Squid can be added to any kind of fish paste, as it has a neutral flavor.
  • If you are making a paste from salted red fish, you can use a sweet and sour apple as one of the ingredients. The bright juicy taste will make the food delicious for perception.

Agree that we rarely eat fish pates, even if we love fish. Except that ? For some reason, more popular and Meanwhile, fish pates, home-made including, an appetizer is wonderful in all respects. First of all, it's delicious. In addition, fish pate is an interesting, non-trivial option for any menu, even everyday, even festive: it will become an excellent substitute for salted or smoked fish, and you will not have to bother with removing bones at the table. In addition, place a plate with small bread toast, crunchy pieces of pita bread or puffed rice cakes and you will see how quickly the fish disappears from the table.

The appetizer is prepared simply, the number of ingredients is minimized: the pate consists of hot smoked mackerel, processed cheese and Tartar sauce. Ideal if you cook. If there is no time, add some chopped pickled cucumbers and a couple of olives to the mayonnaise, and nothing else is needed.

Mackerel fish paste is similar in consistency, since small pieces are preserved in it. This gives it an extra zest. Due to the fact that the fish is hot smoked, it will not be difficult to divide it into tender pieces.

Cooking time: 15 minutes / Yield: about 300 grams


  • hot smoked mackerel 1 carcass
  • processed cheese 1 piece
  • Tartar sauce 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • hot mustard 1 tsp
  • ground black pepper to taste


Quite often, fishing ends with a rich catch of various little things, with which many do not know what to do at all. Many people release the fish back into the pond or it goes to feed the cat. However, a rather tasty dish can be prepared from small fish - pate.

In this article, we will share a simple recipe for making fish pate from small fish. What is noteworthy, you can use absolutely any fish: small perches, crucians, roach, bleak, etc. will do. etc.

Previously, small fish were used as food for the cat.


First of all, you need to clean and gut each fish. Agree, it's a dreary business. But you can quickly and easily peel small fish if you know one.

Then it is necessary to cut off all the fins from each fish and cut off the head. After that, it was the turn to skip the catch through a meat grinder. This procedure should be done several times so that the minced meat turns into "porridge". To do this, you will need to scroll 3 or 4 times.

After that, the resulting minced fish should be transferred to a saucepan or cauldron with a thick bottom. You need to add a certain amount of water and a little vegetable oil to the minced meat. As soon as the future pate begins to boil, you need to reduce the heat to the minimum, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for about 2 - 2.5 hours.

Periodically, the pate should be checked, adding boiled water if necessary, stir and make sure that it does not burn. During this heat treatment, all bones that have not been rolled will completely boil and soften.

10 minutes before the end of cooking, you need to salt the pate (to taste) add ground black pepper (also to your taste). If you wish, you can also add a little tomato paste, which will give the finished paste a slightly reddish tint.

But from small fish, you get a funky fish paste.

However, not everyone loves the fishy smell in an apartment or car. But, there is one thing that will help get rid of unpleasant odors, both the smell of fish and tobacco smoke, dust, pollen, etc.

This is an auto ionizer that can also be adapted to work in an apartment. If you buy this little thing, then neither in the car nor in the house there will never be such an unpleasant fishy aroma for some.

After that, it remains to transfer the finished pate into a glass container (plastic containers can be used). When the pate is completely cool, close the lid tightly and put in the refrigerator. Before serving, you can sprinkle the sandwiches with herbs.

Small fish can also be made, an excellent snack for Friday's beer.

Boiled fish pate

125 g butter, 250-300 g fresh fish, 1 onion, 2 boiled potatoes, crumb of two pieces of stale bread, 1 teaspoon of raisins, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar, a pinch of zest, black pepper and salt to taste.

Peel the fish, cut into large pieces and boil together with the onion in slightly salted water (as soon as the water boils, add vinegar). When the fish is ready, strain the broth, and separate the fish from the bones and rub through a sieve along with boiled potatoes. Add salt, pepper and soaked in broth and squeezed bread. Stir the mixture well, add raisins, zest and butter, whipped into foam.

Garnish with parsley, lemon wedges and hard-boiled eggs and olives if you're using the pate as a stand-alone dish.

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BOILED FISH SOUFFLE Products: fish 145 g, milk 30 g, butter 5 g, 1/3 eggs, salt. Boil the fish fillet in a vegetable broth, remove the skin from the finished fish and mince it twice. Add thick béchamel sauce, butter, egg yolks to the crushed mass

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STEAMED SOUFFLE FROM BOILED FISH Products: fish 145 g, milk 30 g, butter 5 g, 1/3 eggs, salt. Boil the fish fillet in a vegetable broth, remove the skin from the finished fish and mince it twice. Add thick béchamel sauce, butter, egg

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Pea and fish pate 1 can of sprat, 1 small can of canned peas (250 g),? medium apple without peel (not very sweet),? onion heads Drain the liquid from the peas, oil from the sprat. Put all the ingredients in a blender, grind into a paste

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Fish pate Ingredients: 200 g white fish fillet, 1 carrot, 1.5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1.5 tsp. butter, citric acid to taste. Simmer the fish fillet in a little water over low heat until tender. Simmer small carrots in a little water with