Recipe for airy pancakes with milk. How to make pancakes without soda in sour milk

02.08.2019 Bakery products

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Option 1: Pancakes with lush milk without yeast - a classic recipe

Lush, appetizingly ruddy pancakes are a temptation for old and small. The simplest way to achieve such a result, knead yeast dough. But today we cook pancakes exclusively without this component, and they will turn out, believe me, not worse at all. Let's start with the most typical recipe.


  • milk - a full glass;
  • two large eggs;
  • a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and the same amount of fresh lemon juice;
  • 75 grams of sugar;
  • oil, lean - three tablespoons;
  • a third of a spoonful of salt and the same amount of soda;
  • 260 gr. wheat flour.

Step-by-step recipe for fluffy milk fritters without yeast

Step by step video recipe

Carefully break the eggs one by one. Pour the whites into a dry small bowl, put the yolks in a mixing bowl.

Pour sugar into the yolks, rub white with a spoon. You can simplify the process - beat thoroughly with a mixer.

Without stopping whisking, add milk to the yolks in small portions, at the end add vegetable oil in the same way.

Separately pour soda apple cider vinegar, stir thoroughly. As soon as the mass stops hissing, pour into the yolk mass. While stirring, we begin to add the sifted flour in parts.

Having received a homogeneous mass, we begin to whip the proteins. Be sure to add salt and quite a bit of lemon juice, the process will go faster. We mix dense protein mass into the dough.

We fry pancakes in thick-walled pan. We spread the dough with a spoon in a well-heated oil. To check, drip a little first, if the dough grabs immediately and does not float, you can fry.

Option 2: A quick recipe for fluffy milk fritters without yeast

The classic recipe is not so simple, and it takes a long time. Dough for pancakes can be prepared much faster and slightly sour milk will help with this. Please note that we do not need yogurt and not classic kefir for this baking.

Such milk is often sold at a bargain price in supermarkets as a last-day product, feel free to take it. An alternative is to acidify the milk yourself, which can be done by adding a little curdled milk to the pasteurized product and keeping it warm, for example, on a sunlit windowsill.


  • two glasses of partially sour milk;
  • one and a half glasses of white flour;
  • two large eggs;
  • seven spoons vegetable oil and one vinegar;
  • a little less than half a spoon of soda;
  • half a glass of sugar.

How to quickly cook fluffy pancakes in milk without yeast

After pouring the eggs into an enameled container, shake them in a circular motion with a whisk and combine with milk.

We measure the required amount of soda into a cup, pour it with vinegar and stir well with a knife blade.

Pour slaked soda to milk, add sugar and a little, about 0.25 tablespoons, salt. Add three tablespoons of oil, mix thoroughly. Try to completely dissolve all loose components.

The flour sifted twice, poured into milk in small parts, and, stirring thoroughly each time, start the dough. It should not drain, but smoothly slide off the spoon in a lump. Let the dough stand for about 10 minutes.

Over moderate heat, in a small frying pan, heat the rest of the oil. Scooping with a spoon, lay out small cakes and fry the pancakes on each side until a thin crust.

Option 3: Lush custard pancakes in milk without yeast and eggs

Lush pancakes in milk are sometimes prepared not only without yeast, but also without eggs. Everything is quite simple and easy - the dough will be custard. Milk should be exclusively the first freshness, so that it does not curdle when boiling.


  • a teaspoon of ripper;
  • two glasses of sifted flour;
  • sour cream, medium fat - a glass;
  • two tablespoons of white sugar;
  • oil, highly refined;
  • 200 ml of milk.

How to cook

Beat sour cream with sugar in a mixing bowl, mix thoroughly with flour.

Bring the milk to a boil on high heat.

Intensively stirring the flour mass, pour the warmed milk into it in a thin stream.

We mix the ripper into a homogeneous dough and stand for five minutes.

Fry the fritters in oil. We stand each side until blush, do not cover with a lid.

Option 4: Lush curd pancakes with milk without yeast

With cottage cheese, not only familiar and favorite cheesecakes are easily and simply prepared. Fritters without adding yeast on this fermented milk product are just as delicious and tender. Any cottage cheese is suitable, even grainy. Grains will not come across in the dough, as we will rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, which will give the pancakes a wonderful splendor.


  • 9 percent cottage cheese - 200 gram pack;
  • large egg;
  • 50 grams of refined sugar;
  • four full tablespoons of flour and half a teaspoon of soda;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • non-aromatic oil;
  • small bag vanilla sugar.

Step by step recipe

We wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve into a mixing bowl. Break an egg into it, adding vanilla and regular sugar and a third of a spoonful of salt, carefully grind.

Having measured the flour in the right amount and adding soda, we sift it into a bowl with cottage cheese and again carefully knead and stir.

Pouring to curd mass milk, bring the dough to the desired consistency. Stir thoroughly without leaving lumps.

Slightly heat the pan, pour in a little oil and heat it well. Posting curd dough canteen or dessert spoon, fry from both sides.

Option 5: Lush oatmeal milk pancakes without yeast

Pancakes are baked not only from flour. If you soak oatmeal with hot milk, they will become an excellent basis for air fritters. Products are no less lush and non-caloric. To get a rich aroma, take Hercules. If you do not like a bright smell, use flakes intended for instant cooking.


  • a full glass of instant oatmeal;
  • baking powder, factory - 1 tsp;
  • one and a half glasses of wheat, first-class flour;
  • 0.5 liters of three percent milk;
  • large chicken egg;
  • a spoonful of sugar.

How to cook

Pour milk into a saucepan, put on high heat and bring to a boil.

Pour the oatmeal into a bowl, pour hot milk. After stirring, set aside for half an hour. The flakes should swell well and have time to cool.

In a small bowl, shake the egg until smooth and pour it into the oatmeal. Salt a little, put sugar and ripper, mix thoroughly, add all the flour.

Pour a three-millimeter layer of oil into the pan, carefully warm it over medium heat. Spreading the dough in hot fat, fry, as well as classic pancakes, from both sides to a slight blush.

Option 6: Lush sour milk apple pancakes without yeast

Fritters without additives are simple and tasty at the same time, but by adding grated vegetables or fruits directly to the dough, they get an amazingly mouth-watering treat. Classic variant"hearty" fritters - with grated zucchini, but sweet dessert usually cooked with apple chips. The choice of apples is not limited by anything, fragrant to one taste, sour fruits to the other, it is also good to mix them.


  • a third of a liter of sour milk;
  • big sweet apple;
  • one egg;
  • a spoonful of dry soda and half - citric acid;
  • 30 gr. Sahara;
  • eight tablespoons of wheat flour;
  • half a small lemon;
  • salt, table salt - 1/2 tsp, finely ground.

Step by step recipe

Cut off the peel from the apple with a thin layer, rub it on coarse grater into a bowl. Apples tend to darken, to avoid this, sprinkle fruit chips freshly pressed lemon juice.

Pouring sour milk into a mixing bowl, mix it with soda. Milk can be slightly warmed up, then the ripper is activated better, and the pancakes will turn out more magnificent.

We break an egg into a bowl with milk, add a little sugar and lightly salt, beat thoroughly with a whisk, mix in the flour. It may require less or a little more, it all depends on the quality. It is important to get a homogeneous dough, not thicker than fresh homemade sour cream is usually.

Pancakes are a favorite delicacy not only for children, but also for most adults. To date, there are many options for making dough, we suggest you try out a simple recipe, even a novice hostess can make fluffy pancakes in milk without yeast. crispy golden brown and delicate structure pancakes, what could be better?

Fresh milk will be used to prepare the dough, it will give the pancakes special taste. We will cook without adding yeast, instead of them we will take soda, it will provide splendor and porous structure to the dough. You can add sugar as you like. Great addition pancakes will be honey, jam, sour cream, syrup, condensed milk or your favorite topping. Treat your loved ones with something tasty, your efforts will be appreciated!

Taste Info Fritters


  • flour premium- 180 g;
  • drinking soda - 0.5 tsp or baking powder 1 tsp;
  • fresh milk - 280 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • vinegar - to extinguish soda;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • refined oil- for frying;
  • salt - a pinch.

How to cook fluffy yeast-free pancakes with milk

Take a deep bowl, beat in the eggs, then add some salt.

Advice: Instead of chicken eggs, you can also use quail eggs, but one batch of them may need 4-5 pieces.

Pour in required amount granulated sugar, start whisking everything with a whisk. The sugar needs to be completely dissolved.

On a note: To make the egg mass more magnificent, you can use a mixer, in just a few minutes it will double in volume.

Now you need to pour in some milk (preferably not cold, room temperature).

Sift the flour beforehand, add to the dough, continuing the beating process.

Advice: Introduce flour will need to be introduced in portions, slowly mixing. Thanks to this, it will be possible to maintain the airiness of the mass.

Slowly pour in the remaining milk, thus bringing the dough to the desired consistency. In terms of density, it should resemble sour cream.

Put the pan on the fire, heat its surface, then pour in the refined oil. At the final stage of kneading the dough, add baking soda, which was quenched with vinegar or lemon juice. Mix everything very carefully, now you can start frying.

Spread the dough on a hot surface with a spoon, fry pancakes in milk without yeast on both sides until browned, while the pan will need to be covered with a lid.

Advice: For frying, use exclusively refined oil, it is odorless, so it will not affect the taste of the dessert.

Put the frying pancake field on paper towel to get rid of excess oil.

Lay out yeast-free pancakes on a plate. If desired, put berries or chopped fruits on top, pour over with honey. Delicious dessert ready, serve it quickly on the table. Enjoy your meal and great mood!

Cooking Tips

  • To diversify the taste of pancakes, add any chopped fruits (apples, pears, bananas, peaches) while kneading the dough.
  • To make dessert healthy, replace some of the wheat flour with oatmeal (you can make your own from oatmeal by grinding it in a coffee grinder).
  • For frying, use enough refined oil.
  • Before frying, heat the pan well, otherwise the pancakes will settle, not turn out fluffy and tender.
  • You can use vanillin as an aromatic additive, vanilla sugar or cinnamon.
  • Do not add too much soda to the dough, as this may adversely affect palatability finished products.

Homemade breakfasts are always more attractive than snacks at catering points. Treat the family familiar dish with a new twist.

Agree that satisfying and delicious pancakes- a great idea for a morning snack. It is easy to cope with such pastries, so even a debuting hostess will master the recipe without any problems, following our culinary recommendations. We offer the usual cooking recipe to diversify with raisins. It turns out lush pancakes in milk with a "pleasant surprise inside." So get to know the right products for the dough and start cooking.

Preparation of ingredients

The recipe will require products:

  • chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • milk - 1 cup (200 ml);
  • wheat flour - 1.5 cups;
  • salt - to taste;
  • raisins - a handful;
  • soda - ¾ teaspoon;
  • vinegar for quenching - 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

Step by step cooking process

A step-by-step cooking recipe will help novice housewives master the culinary science.

  1. Take the declared number of chicken eggs and break them into a suitable dish.
  2. Pour in after the right portion granulated sugar. Those with a sweet tooth can increase the amount of the sweet ingredient.
  3. Don't forget to season the eggs with salt.
  4. Pour immediately into chicken eggs milk.
  5. At this stage, you will need a whisk or mixer. You need this kitchen appliance in order to mix well the ingredients already entered for the future test. The mass in the end should be homogeneous.
  6. Time to sift wheat flour. We recommend not to omit this process and not be lazy. So the pancakes will be more airy.
  7. Simultaneously enter slaked soda, thanks to which the pancakes will be lush.
  8. Mix well.
  9. Add raisins (previously scalded with boiling water).
  10. Knead the dough with a spoon.
  11. Pour vegetable oil into the pan. The recipe uses sunflower, familiar to most housewives. Spread the dough on the pan with a spoon, grabbing the raisins.

Fry pancakes with raisins on both sides. Fritters should acquire a golden hue.

These are the lush pancakes in milk you should get.

Sure there's a surprise inside delicious pastries in the form of raisins will be appreciated by your household. Read about what other toppings you can add to pancakes. Enjoy your meal!

Look out for others step by step recipes and cooking ideas delicious meals on our website.

Step-by-step recipes for making fluffy pancakes in milk, with and without soda, with fruits, berries, cheese and fresh fragrant herbs

2017-12-19 Mila Kochetkova





In 100 grams ready meal

6 gr.

12 gr.


34 gr.

271 kcal.

Option 1: Milk pancakes with soda - a classic recipe

There are many cooking recipes home baking, which are great for simply and quickly feeding the family delicious breakfast or an afternoon snack. Pancakes with milk with (or without) soda is the easiest of the recipes for what you can cook in the morning.


  • 220 gr. wheat flour;
  • A bag of vanilla sugar or vanillin;
  • A pinch of soda;
  • 1-2 large chicken eggs;
  • 225 ml. fresh cow's milk;
  • A pinch of coarse salt;
  • 3-5 art. spoons vegetable oil without smell.

A step-by-step recipe for making fritters in milk with soda

In a container, you need to combine all the bulk ingredients from the recipe, without adding only soda. In another bowl suitable for kneading the dough, mix the warmed microwave oven milk with eggs and add soda. Mix the resulting mass well so that the eggs are evenly distributed in the milk.

Pour in gradually bulk products into the milk mixture, kneading the dough. It should be elastic and thick, and from the addition of soda it should bubble a little.

Actually last step vegetable oil is added to the dough so that when baking, the pancakes do not absorb too much fat from the pan.

The dough can be allowed to stand for a while so that the soda gives the pancakes more splendor, and then baked in a preheated pan in oil, frying on both sides. After you have turned the pancakes over and fried them a little, you can cover the pan with a lid so that the dough inside is exactly baked.

Pancakes are served in milk with and without soda, sprinkled with powdered sugar with thick homemade sour cream.

Option 2: Milk pancakes without soda - a quick recipe

Not all of us have time to knead and bake pancakes for breakfast in the morning, waiting until the dough is infused so that they turn out to be airy and fluffy. But there is a little trick - ready pancake dough. In this case, to prepare pancakes in milk with or without soda, you only need fresh milk.


  • 1.5 cups pancake flour;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of fine crystalline sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 30 gr. good butter;
  • 130 ml. fresh cow's milk;
  • Odorless oil for frying.

How to quickly cook pancakes in milk without soda

In a large and convenient bowl for kneading the dough, mix the flour with sugar, add the egg and with a wooden spatula, continuously stirring, pour a little warmed milk into the mixture. lovers fluffy pancakes on milk with soda and without soda, it is recommended to make the dough thicker, then when frying, they will greatly increase in volume.

Melt some butter good quality, and pour it into the dough, mix well, and let the cooking mixture brew for about 12-15 minutes.

Put the pan on a medium level of heat, heat it with the addition of odorless sunflower oil and spread the dough in portions with a tablespoon, fry the pancakes on both sides. If they turn out to be very large and lush, then it is recommended to cover the pan with a lid for a couple of minutes.

Serve morning breakfast best with homemade fragrant jam or jam.

Option 3: Hearty pancakes with milk and soda with ham and cheese

Fritters fast and hearty meal, and the addition of ham and cheese will help you to diversify family breakfasts in a pleasant way. Pancakes with milk with soda and without soda with ham and cheese can be given one of the places of honor in order to have a quick and tasty snack.


  • 1 glass of normal fat milk;
  • 8 art. tablespoons of good quality wheat flour;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of soda;
  • A little dry parsley, salt and black pepper;
  • 80-90 gr. good ham;
  • 95 gr. hard low-melting cheese;
  • 1-2 small chicken eggs;
  • 3 branches fresh dill or parsley;
  • Vegetable oil (without the smell of seeds) for frying.

Step by step recipe

In a bowl, mix eggs with salt and black ground pepper. Add a glass to the mixture warm milk and a pinch baking soda, mix.

Sift wheat flour and add to the milk-egg mixture, stirring so that lumps of undissolved flour do not form in the dough. The amount of flour added may be less or more, depending on the type and grade of flour. The dough should be of medium thickness so that it slides off the spoon quite easily.

Cut the ham into very small cubes, add to the dough. hard cheese which melts well, rub on fine grater and mix in the dough with the rest of the ingredients.

Add a little dry parsley, finely chop fresh herbs and add it to the dough in the same way. Now you need to be a little patient, and let the pancake mixture stand for a while. After about 5-7 minutes, you can once again mix all the ingredients in the dough and start frying in a hot sunflower oil from two sides.

You need to fry the pancakes on both sides, carefully watching so that they do not burn. Since there is cheese in the dough, and it needs time to become famous, you can cover the pan with a lid for a couple of minutes, or bake pancakes over low heat.

These pancakes are best suited sour cream sauce with the addition of sweet paprika, a clove of garlic and fresh herbs.

Option 4: Pancakes in milk with soda, with the addition of apples without eggs

An unusual recipe for making pancakes, the dough for which is kneaded without eggs. Apples for cooking are recommended to use sweet and sour, with dense pulp, juicy.


  • 225 ml. fresh milk medium fat;
  • 1.5 cups of high-quality wheat flour;
  • 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons of fine granulated sugar;
  • 2 large juicy apples;
  • A pinch of coarse table salt;
  • A little baking soda;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying fritters.

How to cook

To prepare pancakes, you will certainly need warmed milk, this will allow the soda to be activated in the dough and begin its work to increase the volume of the dough during baking.

Add salt and sugar to the milk, a pinch of soda and add the sifted flour. Be sure to use a wooden spatula when kneading so that the dough does not oxidize from the use of metal products.

Without cutting the apples, peel and grate, it is advisable to use the middle side so that the texture remains after baking. After thorough stirring, you can start frying pancakes in a pan.

Best served with sour cream apple jam or jam.

Option 5: Pancakes with milk without soda with the addition of fresh cottage cheese

planning to cook hearty breakfast, it is worth considering in milk pancakes that cottage cheese acts in them as the main component, and not just flavor additive. Therefore, for cooking it is recommended to use a product with normal fat content, soft texture.


  • 125-130 ml. fresh milk of normal fat content;
  • 2 small chicken eggs;
  • A large pinch of baking soda;
  • 5-6 gr. vanillin or fresh vanilla;
  • 265 gr. soft cottage cheese;
  • 50 gr. fine brown sugar;
  • 125 gr. white wheat flour;
  • Sunflower oil for frying pancakes.

Step by step cooking recipe

To begin with, it is worth separating the egg yolks from the whites, and the first ones need to be ground with brown sugar to a homogeneous mass. egg whites salt and beat until a fluffy stable foam is obtained, and then gently mix with tender soft cottage cheese.

To egg yolks add milk, soda with sugar and mix well the resulting mass, which, thanks to sugar, will acquire a beautiful caramel color. Add beaten cottage cheese and flour, vanillin to the milk-egg mixture and mix.

Bring the mixture to the desired density by adding flour, and pour in a little vegetable oil so that the pancakes do not absorb oil during frying. Bake, frying them on both sides until golden and golden brown.

One can only dream of pancakes in milk with the addition of soft cottage cheese on a chilly rainy morning, but, as can be seen from the recipe, it is not at all difficult to cook them.

Fragrant pancakes are a dish that many people love for breakfasts and afternoon snacks. They can be eaten both hot and cold. Of course, warm, flavored with sweet fresh honey or homemade berry jam, they are much tastier. It should be noted that the dish can be prepared on different basis, but pancakes in milk are the most tender, melting in your mouth. Experienced housewives it is advised to use butter - this will only increase the tenderness of taste, and the aroma will gather hungry household members in a matter of minutes.

Classic pancakes with milk

Lightweight and fast option making pancakes based on milk has long been popular. Second option quick pancakes- with water instead of dairy products, but such products are not too tender and fragrant.

Ingredients for classic pancakes:

  • stack milk;
  • Art. l. vinegar;
  • soda - ¾ tsp;
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • flour - 1 ½ cups flour;
  • egg;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • oil - 2 tbsp. l. and for frying.

First, oxidize the milk by pouring a little vinegar into it.

Separately, beat the egg mass, prepare the ghee.

Combine bulk products in a large container.

By this time, the milk will be sufficiently oxidized, it can be combined with egg mixture and oil, pour into the flour mass and knead the dough.

Put a spoonful of dough into hot oil and cook until bubbles appear on the top side. Now you can turn over for a couple of minutes, then transfer to a dish.

On a note. Can be served with condensed milk, sour cream, jam from fresh berries, jam, honey.

Quick recipe

When big family urgently requires breakfast, pancakes for hastily will be most welcome.

After all, the hostess in the kitchen will always have:

  • milk - 1 liter;
  • flour - 4 stack. (may enter less);
  • eggs - 2;
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • oil - 2 l. in the dough and the same amount for cooking pancakes.
  • raspberries - about a glass.

Combine eggs with salt with a mixer, set aside for a while.

Warm up the milk and dissolve the sugar in it. Combine with egg mixture.

Mash the raspberries to a puree state and combine with the milk and egg mass.

Sift the flour in portions, stirring the dough with a spoon. The consistency will be like thick sour cream.

Pour in the prescribed amount of oil and leave for a few minutes.

Grease a frying pan lightly with oil and heat up. Spread a tablespoon of dough and bake, as in the previous version.

Serve with tea and jam - perhaps the best option tasty, sweet, hearty breakfast.

On a note. Adherents healthy eating can make pancakes according to any recipe using wholemeal flour.

Fluffy pancakes with milk and yeast

Air pancakes can be made with yeast. The dough requires more time to prepare, because in addition to connecting with all the products, it needs time to increase in volume.

Pancakes come out not only lush, but also very tasty!

Pancakes with milk and yeast are prepared from the following ingredients:

  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • eggs - 1;
  • flour - 3 stacks;
  • oil - Art. false;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dry yeast. - 1 tsp

Dissolve yeast, stirring, in warmed milk. After a quarter of an hour, they will begin to interact well and you can add other components - an egg, butter, salt and sugar.

Sift the flour in small parts into a mass and mix well. Leave for an hour and a half in a warm place so that the dough begins to rise. You can then bake as usual.

Yeast-free cooking method

If a yeast baking you don’t like it or the yeast wasn’t at hand at the right time, it’s quite possible to cook pancakes without them. There is a chance that they will not rise very much - it depends on the freshness and quality of the product. But in any case, the pastry comes out soft, with a pleasant milky aroma.

Prepare in advance:

  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • fatty milk - 2 glasses;
  • eggs - 2;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • van. sugar - 1 tsp;
  • drain. oil. - 2l.

Warm the milk slightly, beat together with the eggs. Slowly sift in the flour, stirring constantly. Salt, add the prepared amount of sugar. Stir until the smallest lumps are dissolved - the dough should be homogeneous.

Melt the butter and spread the dough in portions on it. Cook covered for 2-3 minutes on each side.

with soda

Baking soda is often used in baking because it helps create an airy, porous texture. flour product. Fritters can also be cooked with baking soda. It is important not to overdo it with its quantity, otherwise the dish will acquire an unpleasant soda taste and smell.

We offer a recipe with soda:

  • eggs - 2;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • slaked soda - 1 tsp;
  • milk - 1 stack;
  • flour - 2 stacks;
  • oil.

With a mixer, beat the eggs with sugar into a frothy mass. Salt. Add milk to the resulting mass and mix again. Sift the flour-soda mixture little by little, mix until a homogeneous consistency.

The dough is ready to be baked in hot oil.

Advice. In dough to give delicate aroma you can add a small amount of vanilla or cinnamon.

On sour milk

If there is some milk left that has become sour, do not rush to pour it out! It comes in very handy for making fluffy pancakes.

Of course, there are a couple of factors to consider:

  1. milk should initially be of high quality, then even in a sour state it will smell pleasant;
  2. milk should not curdle.

Fritters with sour milk are prepared from:

  • flour - 1 stack. (you may need a little more, depending on the variety);
  • egg - 2;
  • sour milk - half a liter;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • hot water - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • oil.

Work with a whisk (manual or automatic) a mixture of eggs with sugar and a couple of grams of salt until a foamy mass. Pour in the milk and whisk again.

Boil some water, pour into a separate glass right amount and extinguish the soda in it. Then combine with the egg mass, mix.

Sift flour little by little, constantly working with a whisk. Put in hot water so that the soda works better, for a quarter of an hour. Then you can start baking hot pan.

Products are tender, porous, fragrant. Best served warm, of course.

On a note. Fritters fried on butter, are obtained more fragrant due to the creamy taste.

With the addition of apples

Apples and cinnamon are a spicy, mouth-watering combination.

And in order not to dream of a sweet dessert in vain, we suggest cooking according to the following recipe:

  • sweet apples - 2 fruits;
  • milk - 2 stack;
  • eggs - 2;
  • flour - 2 stacks;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • oil.

Initially, wash the apples, cut out the middle and leg, grate coarsely.

Then prepare the dough: mix all the ingredients well, add apples at the end and mix gently. Immediately start baking in a hot pan with oil so that the fruit does not give juice.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

On a note. Apples can be cut into slices and put in a few pieces on the bottom of the pan, and pour the dough on top with a spoon.

With oatmeal

Adherents of a healthy diet and those who simply want to lose weight will definitely appreciate this recipe. Fritters with oatmeal- what could be more interesting and useful at the same time! Coarse fiber has a positive effect on digestion and saturates no worse than ordinary flour.

  • half a glass of fat milk;
  • 1.5 stack. oatmeal flakes;
  • a couple of spoons of sugar;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • Apple;
  • a pinch of soda and salt;
  • a few drops of lemon juice;
  • oil.

Pour cereal with milk, leave to soak for a third of an hour. Meanwhile, combine eggs, salt and sugar. Work the mixture well with a whisk so that it turns into a homogeneous, mute foamy mass. Grate the apple, you can first remove the skin (optional). Combine all the blanks together and mix with a spoon until smooth.

The ingredients of banana pancakes are as follows:

  • banana - 2;
  • flour - a glass;
  • milk - a quarter of a stack;
  • egg;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • oil.

The easiest way to prepare the dough according to this recipe is with a blender. It perfectly grinds fruit and gives more thick consistency ready test.

So, first grind the peeled banana pulp - it will turn out banana puree. After introducing all the products, each requires a separate study with a blender. Flour is added last, it is recommended to sift it in small portions.

Finished products acquire a brown tint.

with raisins

Raisins give a pleasant sweetness to pastries. Raisin pancakes can be served as a dessert, along with berry syrup or liquid jam. Cocoa, tea with milk and honey, homemade fruit compote are well suited as a drink.

  • raisins - a handful;
  • eggs - 2;
  • sugar - 2 table. l.;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • milk - stack;
  • flour - 1 ½ cups;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • vinegar, oil.

Eggs are combined with sugar, a small amount fine salt convenient way. In the process, gradually pour in the milk, without stopping to work out the mass. The result is a homogeneous, light, foamy liquid. Then sift the flour, pour in the slaked soda and again work with a whisk. It turns out a slightly thick dough.

Rinse the raisins and at the same time add the oil to the dough. Mix with a spatula or spoon.

The dough is ready to be fried. Cook in the same way as in previous recipes, in hot oil. It is important not to overcook and use moderate heat so that the dough does not burn.

The fritters are very tender and sweet. Can be served with fragrant cocoa, warm herbal tea with honey or a glass of milk.