Apple jam recipe step by step. Delicious apple jam - a recipe with step-by-step photos of how to cook a sweet preparation at home for the winter

If you want to learn how to make homemade jam, start with apple jam. You can easily process apples and make jam from them, which will certainly suit your taste. Just pick the right apple variety and consider whether you want to make regular apple jam or add spices like cinnamon, ginger or nutmeg to it. If you like quirky recipes, you can make ginger, lemon, or cranberry jam. If you plan on eating jam soon, you can store it in the refrigerator. If you want to preserve the jam and enjoy it on cold winter evenings, you need to canned and sterilized it - this will allow you to store jars of jam for a year.


  • 8-10 measuring cups (1500-1800 g) of hard, crunchy apples (first remove the skin and core and cut the apples into small cubes)
  • Water if needed
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon (2.5 g) ground cinnamon (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon (2.5 g) ground ginger (optional)
  • 1/8 teaspoon (0.3 g) ground nutmeg (optional)
  • 50 grams of powdered pectin
  • 4 measuring cups (770 g) granulated sugar
  • 220 grams of brown sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon (2 g) butter


Part 1

Making apple jam

    Peel the apples and slice them. Wash and peel the apples. Remove the core and stem from each apple. Chop the apples into small pieces to make cubes no more than 5-6 millimeters in size. Take a large measuring cup and pour the sliced ​​apples into it, then add cold water up to the 1000 ml mark. Transfer the water and apple slices to a large saucepan.

    • Many varieties of apples are suitable for making jam. You can use Cortland, Pink Lady, Pepin, or Jonagold apples to make a wonderful jam. Also try combining more than one apple variety to make your jam more flavorful.
  1. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix thoroughly. Add 2 tablespoons lemon juice and 50 grams of powdered pectin to a saucepan. If you want, you can add spices: one teaspoon each of ground cinnamon and ginger and nutmeg on the tip of a knife. Stir the contents of the saucepan thoroughly so that the additional ingredients mix evenly with the apples.

    • If you add spices, the apple jam takes on the flavor and aroma of apple pie. If you prefer the apple flavor without additives, you won't need cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil and add sugar. Place the saucepan over medium heat and heat until the contents begin to boil. Add 770 grams of granulated sugar and 220 grams of brown sugar. Stir the sugar thoroughly and bring the mixture to a boil again, stirring continuously, let the jam simmer on the stove for one minute.

    • Don't turn down the heat - when you stir the jam, it should boil constantly.
  3. Add butter and skim off the foam. Turn off the heat and carefully move the pot of hot jam to the cold burner. Add half a teaspoon (2 grams) of butter to the jam. This will reduce foam and give the jam a light, creamy flavor. Take a large cooking spoon and skim off any foam that has formed on the surface of the jam. When the contents of the pot have cooled slightly, try the jam and season to your liking.

    • If you don't skim the foam, your jam will form unappetizing clumps and tough lumps.

    Part 2

    Making jam according to original recipes
    1. Make honey and lemon apple jam. To make citrus-flavored jam, you need to boil the apples prepared for the jam with lemon juice until they become soft and the mass begins to acquire a puree-like consistency. Add natural honey and sugar and mix thoroughly. Place a saucepan over medium-low heat, bring to a boil and add liquid pectin. Simmer the jam for another two minutes, then add the lemon zest. If you will be canning jam, you will need seven 0.5 liter glass jars. To make jam according to this recipe you will need:

      • 12 measuring cups (2 kg) diced apples, skinless and core;
      • 2 measuring cups (450 ml) lemon juice
      • 2 measuring cups (680 g) honey
      • 3 measuring cups (570 g) granulated sugar
      • 100 ml of liquid pectin (can be replaced with dry pectin, at the rate of 2 teaspoons of powder instead of 1 tablespoon of liquid pectin);
      • zest of three lemons.
    2. Try apple ginger jam. To prevent the taste of ginger from being too harsh, you need to take 340 grams of chopped ginger root, add 240 ml of water and chop until puree. After that, strain the resulting mass through cheesecloth - you should get about 2 cups of liquid. Pour this liquid into a large saucepan, add 1.5 kg of peeled apples without a core there (cut them into cubes or grate them beforehand). Add 1 kilogram of sugar to a saucepan, place on the stove and bring to a boil. Leave the jam to simmer for 25-30 minutes. You should have about 2.5 kilograms of finished product. If you want the jam to last for a long time, put it in jars and sterilize it.

      • If you use a kitchen thermometer to determine if the jam is done, make sure the temperature is 100–105 ° C.
    3. Make apple cranberry jam. Place the prepared apples, fresh whole cranberries, and sugar in a large saucepan. Add water, put the pot over high heat and wait until the contents begin to boil. Leave the pot to simmer for another 10-15 minutes, then add the juice and zest of two lemons. Simmer the jam over low heat until thickened. If you will be canning jam, you will need 4–5 0.5 liter cans. For this recipe you will need:

      • 8 measuring cups (1500 g) of apples;
      • 4 measuring cups (400 g) whole cranberries
      • 6 measuring cups (1150 g) granulated sugar;
      • 1 measuring cup (240 ml) water
      • juice and zest of two lemons.
    4. Try a traditional American apple jam. If you like the taste of apple jam but want less sugar in your product, try making your apple jam in a slow cooker. Take 2.2 kg of apples, cut each into four pieces and place in the bowl of a slow cooker. Add 1 measuring cup (240 ml) of apple cider and 1 measuring cup (240 ml) of apple cider vinegar there. Cook until the apples are tender (usually 3-4 hours), then mash and rub through a sieve to remove seeds and skin. Add 110 grams of brown sugar, 2 tablespoons (30 ml) maple syrup and half a teaspoon (1 g) ground cinnamon and an equal amount of ground nutmeg to this mixture. Cook in a slow cooker for about two hours, until your jam thickens. The finished jam should fit in three 500 ml glass jars.

      • Remember, you can't just reduce the amount of sugar in your jam recipe. Sugar acts as a preservative, so if you use less sugar than the recipe says, your jam may go bad. So make apple cider jam, which uses less sugar in a recipe.

    Part 3

    Canning apple jam
    1. Sterilize jars and lids. Place clean screw jars and lids in a large pot filled with water. Heat the saucepan so that the water slowly boils, but does not boil. It is best to use new screw caps for preserving jam, although if your caps are in good condition from previous use, you can use those as well.

Greetings friends. Summer will be over very soon. Time flies so quickly and imperceptibly that it becomes even a little sad. Although each season is good in its own way. But the months of August and September usually bring us a rich harvest of aromatic apples.

First of all, you need to eat these fruits fresh, because they are very useful. And of course, you can't eat all the supplies, so you need to make different preparations for the winter. For example, you can cook or healthy jam. These sweets are very good and are great for tea drinking or for filling, cakes.

And since we have already considered the methods of making jam with you, today I will dwell in detail on cooking jam from apples. Usually, the cooking technology in recipes does not differ much. The only thing you can do is add additional ingredients to the composition. Although I prefer the classics of the genre more and add only the fruits and sugar themselves.

By the way, do not forget that you can make very tasty and lush fruits from these fruits. And you can also make awesome homemade marmalade from ripe fruits. I recently came across a selection of recipes describing this dessert. If you are interested, you can also check it out on this site

Homemade apple jam according to a simple recipe

As I wrote above, usually they try not to put anything superfluous in the composition of the treat, only sugar and apples. Therefore, initially I suggest you make a classic jam. Please note that color and flavor may vary depending on the type of fruit.

You can choose absolutely any variety of apples.


For 1 liter jar:

  • Apples - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 500 grams.

Depending on the sweetness of the fruit and your own taste, you can increase or decrease the amount of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, you need to prepare the fruits. Wash them thoroughly and then cut them into 4 pieces. Remove all seeds, stem and core. If the apples have irregularities, bad spots, cut them off too. Cut the peel as desired, I usually leave it, because this way the treat turns out to be much healthier.

  • Using a steamer: load all the slices into the compartments and put them on steaming for 20 minutes;
  • Using a multicooker: just turn on the "stew" mode and cook the fruits until soft;
  • Using a pot: Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of water, place the wedges, cover. Then turn on low heat and simmer until soft, remembering to stir the mass so that nothing burns.

3. Now the softened fruit needs to be mashed. To do this, grind them with a blender, crush or pass through a sieve.

If you are using a sieve, then be sure to remove the skins.

4. Transfer the resulting puree to a cooking container and put on low heat. Add sugar, stir. Cook for an hour, while stirring the consistency periodically.

The jam will splash heavily during cooking, so be careful not to burn yourself.

5. After an hour, the mass will still be liquid, but do not be alarmed. It is during the cooling process that the delicacy will thicken. And if you keep it later in the refrigerator, it will be even thicker.

6. The hot treat should be transferred to sterile jars and screwed with lids. Next, wrap the jars with a towel and leave at room temperature until they cool completely. Then store it in the closet.

How to cook a tasty and thick apple jam for the winter

But I propose to diversify the next recipe and add ground cinnamon for aroma. Well, the cooking technology is slightly different from the previous version. Incidentally, I like it more. I love when treats are made in their own juice.


  • Apples - 2 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Ground cinnamon - 1/2 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse fruit well and pat dry. Peel and remove seeds. Cut into wedges.

2. Now pour sugar over the slices.

3. Stir the contents with a wooden spoon so that the sugar is evenly distributed over the pieces.

4. In this state, leave the apples for 2 hours so that they give juice.

5. After the time has elapsed, place the container on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 7-10 minutes. Then remove from heat and cool. Grind the fruit with a blender.

6. You should have mashed potatoes. Pour cinnamon into it and mix everything well.

7. Put the container back on the stove, turn on a low heat and bring the consistency to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes. Then pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up under the metal lids.

Cool the workpieces and store in a cool place. It turns out to be a very aromatic treat!

Classic apple jam recipe white filling

Well, this cooking method is good because overripe fruits are suitable for it. Plus, the use of a variety of white filling allows you to make preparations very early, for example, in Tula, these fruits are already in full swing. So I have already put a couple of jars in the pantry.


  • Apples - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Wash and dry the fruit. Peel the fruit, remove the core and seeds.

2. Now finely chop the apples or grate them on a coarse grater.

3. Sprinkle the apples with sugar, cover and leave for 30 minutes.

4. After 30 minutes, juice will appear. Stir the workpiece and put on low heat.

Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove the pan from the heat and wait until it cools completely. When the brew has cooled, put it back on the fire and cook for another 5-10 minutes.

Repeat the above procedure 3-4 times to make the fruit pieces soft and soft. For a uniform consistency, you can grind the apples with a blender.

5. The finished treat should have a caramel shade and a uniform consistency. Jam must be poured hot into sterile jars and closed with lids. Then wrap the jars with a blanket and leave overnight to cool.

Store the workpieces in a cool and dark place in the morning.

The easy way to cook in a multicooker

Also, apple treats can be cooked in a slow cooker. There are no difficulties here, the only thing we will add is a little water.

You will need: apples - 1 kg; sugar - 500 gr.; water - 200 ml.

Apple jam with orange for the winter

And now I propose to dilute our yummy with citrus notes. Plus, you'll get an amber treat. It also contains spices. You can choose not to add them.

And the recipe is a little more complicated than in the previous versions, but it's worth trying it.


  • Apples - 2 kg;
  • Brown sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • White sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp.;
  • Water - 3 tbsp.;
  • Vanilla - 1 tsp;
  • Cinnamon - 2 tsp;
  • Nutmeg - 0.5 tsp;
  • Orange - 2 pieces.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fruit and cut it into quarters. Remove the core.

2. Take a large saucepan and pour water into it, bite. Place the container on moderate heat. Next, bring the liquid to a boil and then add the apples.

3. Cover the pot with a lid, reduce heat and simmer for 45 minutes. In this case, the fruits must be mixed frequently.

4. After cooking, cool the billet, and then rub through a sieve. Discard the skin.

5. Transfer the applesauce to a saucepan and add sugar. Next, you need to add orange juice and zest, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir the mixture well and put the container in the refrigerator overnight.

6. The first 4 hours the mass should be stirred every 30 minutes, and in the last 2 hours - every 15 minutes.

7. In the morning, pour the jam into sterile jars and cover with lids. Sterilize the blanks in the usual way for you, roll up. Cool and store in a storage area.

How to cook apple jam through a meat grinder

Usually jam we always associate with a homogeneous puree-like mass. In previous recipes, we achieved this consistency using a blender, sieve or crush. Now I propose to use a meat grinder, and why not? After all, before only it was used).


  • Peeled apples - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 300-400 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Wash, peel and cut the fruits into 4-5 pieces. Remove the bones.

2. Pass the slices through a meat grinder and cover with sugar. Mix everything well.

3. Simmer the resulting puree over low heat for 40 minutes. Remember to stir the contents. When the apples are soft and do not crunch, then the treat is ready.

Pour it into sterile jars and roll it up. Cool and put in the cellar.

Cook quickly transparent apple jam in slices

But some people like to make this dessert the other way around, without turning the fruit into puree, but cook it in slices. Well, let's analyze this technology as well.


  • Apples - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 800 gr.;
  • Citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • Water - 300 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the apples, cut the cores and cut them into wedges. Pour water into a bowl and dilute citric acid in it. Dip the fruit slices into the liquid, but for no more than 20 minutes so that the fruits do not darken.

3. This is how the workpiece should look like over time:

4. Now put the bowl on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil. Then boil the treat for 10 minutes and remove from heat. Cool it down.

5. The cooled jam must be put back on the fire. Then bring it to a boil, boil for 15 minutes and cool. After cooling down, repeat this procedure again.

Apple jam at home for pies

As you can see, all the recipes are almost the same and uncomplicated. The main thing is to collect ripe fruits and not to digest the treat. That is, boil the dessert in several approaches, with breaks for cooling.

And to consolidate, I propose to watch a detailed video on cooking classic apple jam for the winter.

This concludes the story and say goodbye to you! Do not forget to share recipes on social networks, write comments. And be sure to prepare a couple of jars of thick and tasty apple jam in the winter.

When the conservation season is in full swing, housewives prepare both regular food and sweet desserts for the winter. One of the most original sweets is jam, which is made from the popular fruit of our country - an apple. Differs from jam in simplicity of preparation, taste and consistency. It can be eaten as a stand-alone dish or used for baking.

The peel contains pectin, a substance responsible for the jelly-like consistency. But, when making jam, the skin is cut off. To get the desired result, you have to cook it a little longer. On the one hand, this is even better, since the jam thickens well.

Some housewives leave the peel and boil the apple slices with it. After that, you have to take a sieve and wipe the mass so that it becomes homogeneous. To make the fruits cook faster, they are grated or finely chopped with a knife. If you don't want to chop the fruit thoroughly, you can cut it into 4 pieces.

How to choose and prepare apples

The process begins with product selection and preparation. It is better to give preference to local fruits, since imported ones are not suitable for jam. The best dessert is obtained from late varieties of apples. Their feature is the preservation of a dense structure and aesthetic appearance.

Apples harvested in summer are not suitable, as they are loose during heat treatment. But someone may like a mushy state, then you should take semi-cut fruits. Regardless of the type of jam, the fruit should be clean, without seeds and stalks, crumpled places should also be cut off.

How to make apple jam at home

Jelly apple jam is an amazing dessert that is easy to make yourself. If there are no cooking skills, they prepare a dish according to a classic recipe. It includes the minimum number of ingredients, which is not reflected in the taste. In the future, you can improve the recipe by adding various ingredients and applying special techniques.

A simple recipe for the winter

The easiest recipe with just two ingredients:

  • apples;
  • sugar.

Step by step cooking:

  • Take equal amounts of apples and sugar.
  • Place the chopped fruits in a saucepan and cover with sugar.
  • Leave for 2 hours to melt the sugar a little. Put on medium heat.
  • As soon as the mixture boils, reduce heat while continuing to stir.
  • Gradually, it will become thicker. In this case, you need to constantly remove the foam.
  • To make the apple mass homogeneous, at the end of cooking, grind it additionally with a blender.

This recipe makes jam quickly. It can be consumed immediately or preserved for the winter. In the second case, it is distributed among sterilized jars and rolled up.

During cooking, make sure that the jam does not burn to the bottom of the pan.

Apple jam with cinnamon and lemon

If not everyone in the family loves sweetness because of the homogeneous structure, you should not give up the dish and your favorite apple flavor. There is a way out of the situation - to cook the confiture. This is one of the varieties of jam. The peculiarity of the jam is that the finished product consists of pieces of aromatic apple pulp. And cinnamon and lemon will help to revive the familiar taste.

Apple jam with lingonberries

Jam with apples and lingonberries is a classic recipe that will never lose popularity. Sweet and sour apples and tart lingonberries are a great combination. The resulting product has a "zest". The taste and color is somewhat reminiscent of currant jelly (from red currant). For cooking, fruits are taken in the same proportions or depending on taste preferences.

In a multicooker

A multicooker can help in cooking. Every modern housewife cannot imagine cooking without this assistant. In fact, this is the same saucepan that is presented in the form of a bowl. Thanks to the even distribution of heat, apple jam is much more aromatic and the structure is softer. Making it even easier than using a saucepan.

With orange

The orange in apple jam has a characteristic citrus acidity. Sweet and sour taste, bright color and rich aroma will please every person. During cooking, only orange pulp is used without transparent partitions. To further diversify the taste, aroma and texture, jam can be cooked with the addition of crushed zest. During the cooking process, the pieces of the skin become sweet and pleasantly tingle in the mouth after chewing.

With chokeberry

People call it blackberry - a berry with a lot of nutrients. Thanks to mountain ash, the color is dark and saturated. Even gourmets will like the original taste. Harvesting in the form of apple-mountain ash jam will provide a person with vitamins and all the necessary components in the winter.

In a bread maker

In addition to the multicooker, bread makers are no less popular. Almost everyone has a Jam mode. Using the cooking device will save time for the hostess. While the apples are boiling, you can do other daily activities. Moreover, this jam also tastes great.


If a person adheres to the correct diet and does not want to give up apple jam, there is a way out. You can make apple jam without sugar. It turns out to be the same spicy and aromatic, and the cooking process is no different from the usual. Before you start cooking, you need to choose sweet apples.

Without sterilization

When making apple jam, you can bypass the sterilization process. After all, you really don't want to mess with jars, make a steam bath, achieving almost medical sterility. Pasteurization will help ensure long-term storage. The cooked jam is laid out in jars, covered with a lid and boiled in a container filled with water. The pasteurization process destroys germs and makes the jam usable even without sterilization.

From sour apples

Sour and sweet apples differ in taste. Someone prefers sweetness, others love sourness. For such a case, recipes for jam from sour apples are designed. They are usually tougher and have to be boiled down to soften. They have one important advantage - they are most suitable for jam because of their gelling properties.


The finished jam does not have to be sent to the shelves in the cellar or pantry. They can be enjoyed at any time of the year. If the dessert is not intended for long-term storage, it is placed in the refrigerator and eaten whenever you want. In this case, you need to ensure that liquid and baking crumbs do not fall into the container to the mass. Otherwise, it will start to deteriorate quickly.

If you think that making apple jam yourself is very difficult, then you are very mistaken, because it is done quite simply, although it takes a lot of time for this. If you have this valuable resource, then be sure to make such a sweet preparation in the coming autumn, when the apples will be especially tasty.

Classic apple jam for the winter

Apple jam for the winter is prepared according to a traditional recipe, and then it is laid out in sterilized jars and put away for storage.

Required products:

  • a kilogram of apples;
  • about 800 grams of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the apples and immediately cut them into thin slices. Moreover, it is not necessary to remove the skin from them, the middle also remains, since it is these parts that contain a lot of tannins.
  2. Put the sliced ​​apples into a large container that can be heated, while sprinkling each layer with sugar. Leave the fruit for at least 8 hours at room temperature. During this period, the mass must be mixed twice.
  3. We put the pan on the stove and wait for the contents to boil, after which we cook it for 30 minutes. In the process, moisture should evaporate, and the mass will become thick enough.
  4. Distribute the finished jam to the jars and close.

Cooking in a multicooker

If there is no possibility or desire to mess around with cooking on the stove, then we will use the "services" of a multicooker.

In this device, the consistency of the jam is obtained exactly as it should, thanks to the constant uniform maintenance of the temperature during the cooking process.

Required products:

  • half a kilo of sugar;
  • one glass of water;
  • kilogram of apples.

Cooking process:

  1. Remove the skin from the apples, remove the center and cut the flesh into slices.
  2. Place the skins from the fruit in the multicooker bowl, cover with water and boil for 10 minutes in the "Steam cooking" mode.
  3. Then remove them from the bowl, and leave the resulting broth.
  4. Pour the apple slices and sugar into it, mix and turn the multicooker to the "Stew" mode for 60 minutes.
  5. Then again we change the program to "Baking" and continue to cook for another 40 minutes. After this time, the jam will be ready.

What kind of blanks are not made from apples, but those who are especially appreciated by the housewives, the time and effort for the preparation of which takes a minimum. Jam can also be attributed to such express blanks. Unlike jam, there is no need to worry about the safety of the fruit pieces in the finished dish and the clarity of the syrup. Apple jam is a versatile dish. It can be used as a spread on a slice of fresh bread, as a filling for baked goods, or as a sauce for pancakes.

You can take absolutely any varieties of apples for jam, but sweet and sour varieties are especially appreciated. For jam with apple pieces, the original product should have a dense juicy pulp, but from overripe fruits, jam is generally made with a uniform structure. To do this, the cooked pieces are mashed with a blender.

Should you peel apples before cooking? There is no exact answer to this question. It only depends on your taste preferences. If the apples are crushed into small cubes or grind through a meat grinder, then the peel can be left, however, a jam from pre-peeled apples will be much softer in consistency.

A selection of the most delicious apple jam recipes

A simple jam recipe

Three kilograms of apples are peeled and minced. As soon as possible, before the fruit turns black, they are sprinkled with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and covered with 2 kilograms of sugar. Mix thoroughly and put on medium heat. To prevent the thick mass from sticking to the bottom of the cooking container, it is constantly stirred with a wooden spatula. The cooking time is usually 30 to 40 minutes. This recipe is the fastest, but due to the fact that apples are crushed raw, the finished product takes on a dark shade. A recipe for mashed boiled apples will help to avoid this.

A video from the Radhika channel will tell you about making jam from apples, chopped through a grater

Boiled apple jam

There are two cooking options here. The first involves boiling unpeeled slices for 10 - 15 minutes, and then grinding the mass through a metal sieve. In the second cooking method, the apples are completely peeled and cut into at least eight pieces. Apple slices are also cooked for a quarter of an hour and then minced with a hand blender. Water for both cooking options must be used in such an amount that it completely covers the apple cuts. After making thick applesauce, add sugar to the mass at the rate of 700 grams per 1 liter of finished puree. The jam is brought to readiness, heating it for half an hour on minimal heat. The readiness of the product is determined by a drop of jam, laid out on a cold saucer. If the mass does not spread in different directions, the jam is ready.

Jam with apple pieces

Peel apples and seed boxes. The cleaned mass is weighed. To prepare the dessert, you will need 2 kilograms of apple cuts. You can grind apples in any way: thin plates or small cubes. Peelings and trimmings left over from cutting out seeds are poured with 200 milliliters of water and boiled for 15 minutes with the lid of the pan open. After that, the remains of apples are removed from the broth, and pre-prepared apple slices are added to the hot liquid. Cook the jam for 60 - 70 minutes, removing the foam if necessary. The finished jam turns out to be thick and viscous, with delicious, translucent apple pieces.

The video from the channel "Delicious recipes for a multicooker from MamaTwice" will tell you how to make apple jam in a multicooker

Delicate jam from apples baked in the oven

Three kilograms of apples are peeled and seeds removed. At the same time, the fruits are cut into four parts. Spread the slices in a dense layer on a baking sheet, lightly greased with vegetable oil. The main product for making jam is baked in the oven for 20 minutes. The oven heating temperature is 170-180 degrees. The readiness of the apples is checked with a knife or skewer, piercing the pieces. The baked slices are rubbed through a fine metal sieve. The puree is poured with 1 kilogram of sugar and boiled on the stove for another 10 minutes. At the very end of cooking, add ½ teaspoon of citric acid to the apple mass.

How to diversify apple jam

There can be many additives to apples when making jam. Consider the most popular among culinary specialists:

  • Dry spices. Apple jam works well with additions of ground cinnamon, ginger, mint and nutmeg. The amount of these ingredients must be selected individually, focusing only on your own taste preferences.
  • Fruits, vegetables, berries. Apple jam can be prepared in combination with any kind of berries and fruits. From vegetables for making jam, you can use zucchini or pumpkin.
  • Dried fruits. Dried fruits behave well in jam. Dishes prepared with the addition of dried apricots, raisins or prunes are especially tasty.

How to store apple jam

In order for the workpiece to be stored for up to two years, it is packaged in sterile, well-dried jars. The lids are also treated with boiling water or steam. The storage location can be any, but it is advisable to store the workpiece in a dark, cool room.