How to make liquid jam thick for filling. To prevent the filling from leaking

03.03.2020 Vegetable dishes

What has not been tried in the modern world. And in what products did they not find useful properties.

Pork ears are among such foods, the use of which will strengthen your physical health, namely, increase the strength of bones and joints.

Preliminary preparations

In order to start preparing any dish from such an unusual product, this very product must first be washed and cleaned. Sometimes you can get already singed, clean and smooth ears, but if not, then you have to work a little. Hair vegetation of the ears should be singed, shaved off or pulled out. Then you need to get rid of the small ear, since it is in this that the main dirt and grease is contained.

As a rule, dishes from pork ears require preliminary cooking of these very ears. To do this, they must be placed in a saucepan filled with water so that the ears are completely in the liquid, bring to a boil and cook for 2 - 3 hours, regularly removing the resulting foam. About half an hour before the end of cooking, the ears should be salted and seasonings should be added to taste, for example, a few bay leaves, a little clove and peppercorns, which will emphasize the taste of the dish. Finished pork ears should be soft and flavorful.

Tastes of the peoples of the world

Further preparation of the ears depends only on your taste. For example, the Korean people prefer pickled ears. To prepare them, cooked, chilled and cut into strips ears are marinated for 24 hours in sauce in glass jars, tightly closed with a lid. For the sauce, chop bay leaf and garlic, add seasoning to Korean carrots, apple and wine vinegar and dilute everything with vegetable oil.

The French prefer to use the Béchamel sauce for making exquisite ears: melt about 40-50 g of butter, mix with the same amount of flour and pour a glass of milk into the mixture. The resulting sauce is poured over the pre-cooked ears, laid out on a baking sheet, and sprinkled with cheese on top.

Among the Slavic peoples, it is customary to combine pork ears with sauerkraut, beer or vodka, hence the names of the dishes "Pork ears for beer" and salad "Under vodka". Sauerkraut gives the ears an unusual sourness. To do this, wash the cabbage with cold water, squeeze it well, mix with the ears cut into strips in a preheated pan and lightly fry.

Crispy toasted pork ears will serve as an excellent beer snack. To do this, put ears, gloves, salt, season to taste in a pan with heated vegetable oil, add garlic and fry until a beautiful golden crust appears. The cooled ears are laid out on a dish and sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

An excellent and original appetizer with vodka on your table will be a salad prepared with a certain Korean accent. For its preparation, marinated pork ears, which are loved by Koreans, and fresh cucumber and bell pepper, which are widespread in Slavic countries, cut into small pieces, are used. All ingredients are seasoned with mayonnaise, and Korean carrots combined with sesame seeds and herbs will give an unforgettable taste to this dish.

It turns out that such an unusual product on our tables can pleasantly surprise gourmets and lovers of something new and special. Representatives of various peoples and nationalities have long ago declassified the useful and amazingly tasty features of pork ears, now it is our turn for our mistresses-magicians. Experiment, invent and delight your loved ones with new discoveries in the field of culinary. Enjoy your meal!

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Not everyone knows that a by-product such as pork ears contains a huge amount of nutrients useful to humans. They contain not only minerals but also vitamins.

Although there is a negative side - there is a lot of cholesterol in the ears, so those who suffer from a high content of this substance in the blood, it is better to refrain from dishes with them.

Processing and preparation of pork ears for cooking

First of all, after the fresh ears have been brought in, it takes a lot of effort to make them suitable for cooking. First, you need to thoroughly clean the auricles, auditory canals, tan (occurs when the ears are smoked with straw).

The treated ears are pale pink. So you need to scrape them thoroughly with a knife. Bristles and hairs are removed by burning over gas.

The next stage is heat treatment. Prepare a saucepan, pour water into it and wait until it boils. When this happens, we put our ears there for 5 minutes, after which we immediately take them out under cold water. Then we take a saucepan of water and put our ears in it. We leave them in it to "sour" for half a day.

After the allotted time, you can take out the ears and proceed directly to cooking.

We bake ears in the oven

Oven ears are an incredibly tasty dish. It is not for nothing that they are considered a delicacy in some countries. To create this masterpiece you will need:

  • Ears - 1 kg;
  • Onions - 1 pc;
  • Butter - a small piece (about 40-50 g);
  • A couple of glasses of milk;
  • Coarse mustard - 50 g;
  • Flour - 75 g;
  • Ground pepper, peas, salt, cloves.

The first step in this recipe is to boil the ears. To do this, you need to take a saucepan, pour water and put it on comfort. The ears must first be processed, after which each cut into two or three parts and add to the saucepan.

While the water is still boiling, you need to peel and cut the onion. When it comes to a boil, you can kill the fire, add half of the onion, cloves, peppercorns, and cook for about 2-3 hours. You need to focus on the softness of the ears. As soon as they become soft, then you can get it.

As long as you have two to three hours free, you can start preparing the sauce. To do this, melt the butter in a small saucepan. Then add a little flour (preferably sifted) and pour in the milk. Add a little pepper, moth, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of mustard. We keep on low heat until it bubbles and thickens. After that, it can be set aside.

Boiled soft ears need to be cooled a little and cut into thin strips (straws). We put them in a baking dish, then fill in the sauce and send them to bake in

oven for half an hour at 180 degrees.

How to deliciously fry pork ears in Korean

For him you will need:

  • A pair of ears;
  • Onions - 2-3 pcs.;
  • 2-3 carrots;
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • Soy sauce - 3 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Vinegar (table) - 3 tablespoons;
  • Pepper, coriander, herbs, salt, lavrushka;
  • Water - 2.5 liters.

Once the ears are prepared and properly processed, you can start boiling them. To do this, prepare a suitable container in which you need to add salt, one peeled onion and lavrushka. When the water boils, we throw our ears. Cook for at least one and a half hours.

After the allotted time, the ears are removed from the broth and deposited on a plate to cool. At this time, you can peel and cut a couple of onions into small pieces. Put them in a frying pan and fry with vegetable oil until the onion turns golden brown.

While the onions are fried, quickly wash and rub the carrots. Add it to the onion and fry for another 5-7 minutes. After that, set aside the pan with onions and carrots.

The cooled ears should be cut into long strips, and then poured into a deep plate or bowl. Then add onions with carrots, vinegar, salt, herbs, spices, soy sauce there. Garlic needs to be peeled and squeezed through a press, added to the rest of the ingredients.

However, this is not a ready-made dish yet. Now it needs to be sent to the refrigerator, where it will be marinated for another hour and a half. After the ears can be taken out, laid out on plates and decorated with lemon, olives and herbs.

How to prepare pork ears for beer

The ears are incredible for beer. In addition, making a snack from them is not so difficult. Of the products you will need:

  • Ear - 1 pc .;
  • Salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Spices (you can taste them: pepper, paprika, thyme, basil, rosemary);
  • Olive oil;
  • Apple cider vinegar;
  • Sugar.

The ear needs to be washed, cleaned and boiled. Cook for about an hour and a half with the addition of bay leaves. After an hour and a half has passed, remove the ear and set it aside to cool.

Now you can start preparing the marinade. We take a bowl or a small bowl. Put spices, salt, sugar, a little olive oil (50 ml), apple cider vinegar (about half a teaspoon) there. We mix everything. While the marinade is infused a little, we return to the ear.

The ear should not be cut into thin strips or small cubes. We pour them into a small bag, where we pour the marinade next. Then they need to be mixed well and left for half an hour. The mixing procedure and half an hour's rest must be repeated at least two times. After that, the ears can be taken out and served with beer.

Fried pork chop in a pan in batter is one of the simplest dishes that can be found both on the everyday menu and on the festive table. Read interesting recipes.

Learn how to properly fry pork in slices in a pan.

How to cook pork ears in a slow cooker

Your household will be extremely happy with stewed ears in a multicooker. For their preparation, the following components are needed:

  • Ears - 3 pcs.;
  • Canned beans - 0.4 kg;
  • Olives - 250 g;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Smoked sausages (sausages) - 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • Tomatoes canned in their own juice - 350 g;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Chili (you can use both fresh and dried) - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt.

First of all, we immediately prepare the multicooker bowl. Put the cleaned and processed ears in a bowl and fill with water. We select the "Stew" program and the standard cooking time for this program.

During this time, peel the onion and pepper. We cut sausages, peppers, onions, olives, chili. Beans need to be thrown in a colander so that they glass. Tomatoes also need to be chopped.

When the "Stew" program is over, the ears need to be removed, cooled and cut into strips. The bowl where the ears were cooked must be washed, then the ears cut into strips, as well as all the prepared components, are again laid out there. We turn on the Baking program. One hour is enough.

Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped or pressed garlic.

What else can you cook from pork ears

Pork ears can be used not only as a snack. Many delicious salads can be made with this product as well.

For a salad with pork ears you will need:

  • Ears - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Green beans - 200 g;
  • Onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt;
  • Vinegar - half a teaspoon;
  • Ground pepper;
  • Olive or sunflower oil.
  • Processed ears should be put in a saucepan, covered with water and cooked for at least 3 hours over low heat. For half an hour before the end, add salt and spices. After this time, they are taken out of the water and cooled. After they have cooled, they are cut into strips or any other shape that you like best.

    Onions need to be washed and peeled. Cut into half rings and pour into the pan. Add oil and lightly fry. After a couple of minutes, add the beans to it. It can be used both fresh and frozen. Close with a lid. The vegetables should be roasted for 7-10 minutes, until each is cooked.

    In a convenient bowl, combine the chopped ears, fried onions and beans. Add spices, salt, vinegar. Add the liquid left over from frying vegetables.

    This salad can be served both warm and chilled.

    Pig ears will decorate any table. Lovers of beer and cartilage will be especially delighted with them. There are also some tips to help with your cooking:

    1. Today on the market you can buy not only fresh pork ears, but also prepared ears, which will not take much time to process;
    2. It is very important to treat and prepare the ears before cooking. If bristles are found, it must be shaved off;
    3. By and large, the ears can be cut into strips before boiling them. However, this is quite difficult, and you will also need a very sharpened knife;
    4. After you boil the pork ears with onions and spices, the broth remains. It doesn't have to be poured out. It is better to use when cooking other dishes (for example, jellied meat);
    5. If your ears still have their characteristic supply, onions, ginger and half a spoonful of wine will help remove it.

    Pig ears are a very tasty product and a big delusion for most housewives. Having cooked one of the dishes with ears a couple of times, you will receive a lot of praise from your family.

    Boil pork ears for 3-4 hours

    Cook pork ears in a slow cooker for 3 hours

    Cook pork ears in a pressure cooker for 45 minutes

    How long does it take to cook pork ears?

    If you have frozen pork ears, start by defrosting them first. Then wash the product well. Soak pork ears in cold water for 2 hours. Then rinse again. Pour cold water so that the offal floats. Add salt, a pinch of sugar, bay leaves, black peppercorns. You can add any spices you like. Place on the stove. Bring to a boil. Boil pork ears for 3-4 hours over medium heat, periodically remove the foam. Add the peeled onions and carrots an hour before the end of cooking. You do not need to grind vegetables.

    How long does it take to cook pork ears in a slow cooker?

    Defrost, wash and soak the offal. Place in a multicooker bowl. Fill with water. Then close the cover. Now select the "Bake" mode and set the timer for 2 hours. After the beep, add salt, a pinch of sugar, peeled carrots, onions and spices to taste. Close the cover again. Select the "Stew" mode and cook for another 1 hour. After this period of time, the product is ready. Cook the pork ears in a slow cooker for a total of 3 hours.

    How long does it take to cook pork ears in a pressure cooker?

    Defrost pork ears, soak, wash. Place the offal in a pressure cooker bowl. Then fill with cold water. Season with salt, bay leaves, black peppercorns, a pinch of sugar and other spices to taste. Now close the lid. Then cook the pork ears in a pressure cooker for 45 minutes.

    Pork ears are suitable for cooking jellied meat. Cook them for soups. Can be used for salads and as an appetizer. In the latter case, cut the finished offal into thin strips, add a few drops of soy sauce and lemon juice, rub with fresh herbs.

    Also, the offal is smoked, fried, stewed and baked.

    Pork ears are a healthy and tasty offal

    The calorie content of boiled pork ears is 210.9 kcal. They contain: proteins - 21 grams, fats - 14.1 grams, carbohydrates - 0 grams.

    Pork ears contain a large amount of protein, which helps to normalize metabolism. Also in the offal are magnesium, zinc, calcium and collagen. Thanks to the use of this product, the condition of the skin, hair, nail plates is improved, there is a positive effect on the joints. It is not recommended to use pork ears for people with problems of the cardiovascular system.

    Only those who have never tasted skillfully cooked pork ears before can wrinkle their nose with disgust and claim that it is simply impossible to eat them. But in many countries they are considered a real delicacy, on their basis all kinds of snacks and salads are prepared, dishes from pork ears are served in the best Asian restaurants. And in Europe they know a lot about them. Gourmets from Lithuania, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Germany or France can prepare dozens of mouth-watering dishes from pork ears.

    Ears baked, smoked, fried, pressed, stuffed, marinated in honey or soy sauce - this is not a complete list of pork ears delicacies, which, among other things, are considered by many connoisseurs to be one of the best beer snacks.

    We will now talk in more detail about the simplest way to cook them - how to cook ears.

    Before you start preparing them, you will have to buy the ears, which is not always so easy to do. Often, butchers sell whole pork heads, but you need to find a place where they are sold in separate "spare parts". Ideally, the ears should be well finished so that you don't have to shave the stubble on them at home and singe them over the gas stove. When the ears are acquired, it is time to prepare them.

    How to cook pork ears

    • The first step is to prepare your ears for cooking. If necessary, burn them, then scrape them clean with a knife, wash and soak overnight in cold water. If you have little time, then a few hours will be enough.
    • After soaking, we finally scrape out the ears and rinse them. They should be smooth and white and pink.
    • We put the ears in a saucepan, fill with water and put on the stove. When the water boils, reduce the heat and cook the ears with a barely noticeable boil.
    • After an hour, add some salt to the broth to taste, an hour before the end of cooking, you can add a few peppercorns, onions and carrots to it.
    • As for how much to cook the ears, the opinions of experts differ somewhat. Some say that two and a half hours will be enough, while others say that at least four. Our advice is to check the readiness with a fork, then cut a piece and try, if it seems that it’s ready, then it’s so.

    Even more interesting

    How much to cook pork ears step by step video recipe

    We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand the step-by-step cooking process.