Can I eat ice cream while breastfeeding? Is ice cream allowed for a nursing mother during breastfeeding? How to choose ice cream

28.04.2019 Seafood dishes

For many women, this dessert is the best in raising their spirits. After all, sweets stimulate the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness. And if a woman loved ice cream before pregnancy, then during breastfeeding she will think about whether it is now possible to use it. Let's figure this out.

Components of a modern product

Many nutritionists today recommend not overusing dairy products. The reason is that cow's milk contains a protein that causes allergies and digestive disorders. And this is highly undesirable for pregnant and lactating women. This protein is found in any type of ice cream. In the preparation of this dessert, thickeners, preservatives, dyes, flavorings, and flavor enhancers are used. All this together makes ice cream appetizing. But there may be too little benefit in such a product. Indeed, often in its preparation, not natural milk is used as a basis, but dry milk, other synthetic additives are also used.

You should also have information about the fat content of this dessert.

Less fat (up to 3.5%) is contained in milk ice cream. Creamy has a fat content of 8-10%. The most high-calorie product from this series is ice cream. Its fat content is up to 15%.

If we talk about fruit ice, then, in theory, there should be no fat at all. But there are many in it.

Up to 30% of sugar is contained in fruit form ice cream, in milk it is 12-20%.

Therefore, nursing mothers, deciding to pamper themselves with such a dessert, should pay attention to its composition. Choose a product with the lowest fat content, flavors, giving preference to well-known manufacturers. You can add jam to it yourself at home.

Pay attention to the expiration date. If such a dessert succumbed to freezing a second time, then it may be deformed.

When a woman is prone to allergies, then she can manifest herself on this healthy dessert... In such situations, ice cream should be abandoned for the entire period of breastfeeding.

It is better not to buy lactating mothers and multicomponent desserts with yogurt, berries, chocolate, nuts.

We make ice cream ourselves

Its use for breastfeeding increases the fat content of milk.

For making dessert at home, you should use an ice cream maker. It is an apparatus that transforms milk composition into ice cream by stirring and cooling. If there is no ice cream maker in the house, then the mixture must be placed in freezer at 12 o'clock. So, we offer several options for making homemade ice cream:

  1. From goat milk. It is much healthier than cow's. Goat milk contains many useful microelements... In addition, it is a hypoallergenic product. You need to take one liter of milk, three yolks of homemade eggs, 200 grams granulated sugar and two tablespoons of flour top grade... First, grind the yolks and flour thoroughly with sugar. Dilute them a little with milk. Heat the rest and combine with the sugar and egg mass. Keep the entire composition on low heat, stirring constantly until it thickens. When everything has cooled, place in an ice cream maker.
  2. Low fat dessert. Prepare a liter of store milk, a glass of sugar, five yolks, twenty grams butter and a tablespoon of starch. First heat the milk and add butter to it. Bring to a boil. Next, mix the starch, yolks, sugar until smooth. Slowly add this compound to the boiled milk. In this case, you need to constantly stir everything in order to avoid curling the yolks. Bring everything to a boil again, cool completely, place in an ice cream maker.
  3. Ice cream. Prepare 0.5 liters of high fat cream, a glass of milk, 5 yolks, 150 grams of sugar, vanilla, 1 teaspoon of starch.

First, you need to dissolve sugar in warm milk. Then the yolks are added to it and everything is whipped. The mass is placed on slow fire and cooked until thickened. Next, starch is diluted in a small amount of cream and added to the above mass. Then you need to put a container with future ice cream in cold water and add the whipped cream. Transfer the cooled composition to an ice cream maker.

During the period of breastfeeding, a woman is faced with many prohibitions and restrictions associated with food intake. And, of course, each of them tries to adhere to the foundations of the correct and balanced nutrition... But sometimes even the most responsible mother dreams of eating something tasty and a little harmful instead of healthy products. Well, just to cheer yourself up. One of the favorite treats for those with a sweet tooth is ice cream. And a nursing woman is no exception. But how will such a relaxation in the diet affect the woman's body and the baby's health? Let's try to figure it out.

Composition and properties of ice cream

This delicious dessert is based on milk, cream and sugar. Depending on the type of ice cream, it may contain additional components: condensed milk, nuts, butter, pieces of fruit and fruit syrups, cocoa, chocolate. At unscrupulous manufacturers, cold sweetness can be "enriched" with a cocktail of stabilizers, thickeners, dyes, and artificial flavors.

Anyone who thinks that ice cream is just a childish delicacy that does not bring any benefit to the body is deeply mistaken. Thanks to milk and other components of the product, it contains:

  • vitamins A, PP, D, E, B vitamins;
  • calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium;
  • amino acids (tryptophan, valine, leucine, lysine, etc.);
  • easily digestible animal fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Ice cream from natural milk is a nutritious and high-calorie product. It can not only cool us on a hot day and give us pleasant taste sensations... Having eaten a portion of ice cream, we can replenish our energy reserves and even satisfy the feeling of mild hunger.

A portion of sweet ice cream will not only cool you on a hot day, cheer you up, but also dull the feeling of slight hunger

According to the degree of fat content, ice cream is divided into:

  • cream;
  • creamy;
  • dairy;
  • fruit and berry.

The most high-calorie ice cream is ice cream. 100 g of this product contains 232 kcal. Therefore, overweight people should choose less nutritional species cold treats: creamy (183 kcal), dairy (126 kcal) or fruit and berry (112 kcal). And also it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the product, and give preference to a dessert without fillers and emulsifiers.

Due to its high calcium content, ice cream will help strengthen bones, teeth and hair, which is important for any woman, and even more so for a nursing mother. This delicious dessert cheers up and, as a result, helps fight stress.

However, despite all the benefits that ice cream can give, doctors do not recommend using it for people suffering from diabetes mellitus having elevated level cholesterol and excess weight... You also need to give up flavored ice cream, as these artificial additives can provoke an allergic reaction.

Video: five interesting facts about the benefits and dangers of treats

Rules for the selection and use of the product

Ice cream is definitely a delicious and healthy product. A nursing mother can also afford to introduce it into the diet, if she adheres to some rules:

  1. When choosing a cold treat, you must remember that only natural ingredients should be included in the product. And even better if the ice cream is made at home and with your own hands.
  2. Avoid ice cream that contains stabilizers, emulsifiers, artificial flavors and colors. Remember, the shorter the shelf life, the better and more natural the product.
  3. Like anyone New Product ice cream is gradually introduced into the diet of a nursing woman. Try eating a few scoops of the treat first. After observing the baby and making sure that everything is in order with him (there is no rash, does not bother the tummy), you can increase the dose.
  4. It is important to remember that ice cream is high-calorie product and its use can lead to an increase in fat content breast milk and, as a consequence, to problems of the child's digestive tract. Choose low-calorie varieties ice cream.
  5. Ice cream containing nuts, chocolate and fruit should be avoided during breastfeeding. These foods can cause allergic reactions in mom and baby.
  6. Try to maintain a sense of proportion - eat ice cream no more than 2-3 times a week.

Ice cream is a great antidepressant

Observing these simple rules for choosing and eating ice cream, a nursing woman will not harm herself and the baby. A cold sweet treat will cheer her up, enrich the body with vitamins and minerals and, possibly, help get rid of postpartum depression.

Contraindication to the use of ice cream may be individual lactose intolerance or negative reaction the child's body to one of the ingredients of this delicacy.

A little about ice cream

Today, there are many varieties of this cold dessert. They differ not only in taste and composition, but also according to production technology.


Sundae is the most favorite type of ice cream, which contains only animal fats.

Sundae, produced in the USSR, had in its composition exclusively organic products

People born during the Soviet era still remember the taste of the delicious Soviet ice cream. What's his secret? Very simple - this dairy treats very poor composition and all the products used for its preparation were natural. Manufactured Soviet ice cream strictly according to GOST. And, of course, the use of artificial additives was absolutely not allowed at that time.

Now you can find a similar product on store shelves. GOST R 52175 2003 defines the composition of a modern ice cream:

  • cream;
  • whole milk or skim milk;
  • condensed milk with sugar;
  • butter;
  • eggs;
  • sugar.

The use of emulsifiers, stabilizers and natural dyes is allowed.

Sundae is an ice cream that contains at least 12% milk fat.

Table: energy value of ice cream

Plombir, unlike other types of ice cream, is the most free from harmful additives. Therefore, if the child is not allergic to cow protein, then a nursing mother may well please herself with this type of cold dessert.

Video: ice cream at home

Ice cream

Creamy - ice cream based on natural cream.

The composition of ice cream is similar to ice cream, but without the use of butter

It is made from the same ingredients as the ice cream, but without butter. Therefore, it differs from the ice cream in a smaller amount of milk fat (less than 12%) and a lower calorie content.

Table: energy value of the product

Ice cream, like ice cream, is also a fairly high-calorie and allergenic product. Therefore, when using it, a nursing mother will need to be careful.

Video: homemade cream ice cream

Milk ice cream

One of the main ingredients in milk ice cream is whole milk or powdered milk.

Milk ice cream is low-calorie product

Milk ice cream is the least fatty and high-calorie when compared with ice cream or creamy. It is this kind of ice cream that can be a good alternative for a nursing mother if she really wants to pamper herself with this delicacy, but worries about her figure and is afraid of colic or loose stools in the child. The disadvantages of a milk treat include the fact that it does not have the same rich taste like the previous two.

Milk ice cream contains: milk, sugar.

Video: milk ice cream according to GOST

Table: energy value of milk ice cream

Popsicles and sorbet

Fruit ice and sorbet - chilled mass based on natural fruit juices and purees.
Natural fruit juice, fruit puree and sugar are the main ingredients of sorbet and fruit ice

Sorbet and fruit ice are composed of fruits, berries, juices and sugar.

For a nursing woman, whose child reacts sharply to milk protein, fruit ice will be an excellent way out of a situation when you really want ice cream. In addition, there are practically no calories in this kind of cold dessert, because there is absolutely no fatty component of the product in it. This type of ice cream will prevent a woman from gaining excess weight, and will protect the child from allergy to milk protein.

It is important to remember that despite the lack of milk protein in popsicles or sorbet, these types of desserts can also cause an allergic reaction, because natural juices berries and fruits are natural allergens.

Table: energy value of fruit ice

Unfortunately, popsicles sold in stores contain a large amount of dyes, preservatives, and artificial flavors. And fruits and juices when industrial production delicacies are often taken unnatural. This fact can harm health not only infant but also a nursing mother. Therefore, it will be much safer to make such ice cream at home using only natural products.

Video: fruit ice at home

During lactation, many of the usual products for a young mother are blacklisted. This is usually associated with an increased threat to the baby's health. Many sweet tooths are interested in whether ice cream is possible with breastfeeding?

Sweet delicacy for a long time was the main joy for a nursing woman. However, times are changing, the desire to reduce the price of goods has also affected this delicacy. Modern commercial ice cream is quite often a risk factor for a little person due to its composition.

Read in this article

Why is the usual sweetness dangerous for a nursing woman and baby?

Before introducing any new product into the diet of a young mother, special attention should be paid to its composition. Are all ingredients completely safe? Ice cream contains enough substances that can cause pathological reactions in a child.

How ice cream is made

The basis of most varieties of this delicacy is the usual cow's milk... In some types of delicacy, it is used in pasteurized form, while in others this product is added in the form of cream.

According to the production technology, milk is brought to a temperature of 90 degrees and kept in this form for several minutes. It is impossible to use boiling milk for making ice cream, and this is one of the main dangers. of this product for a child.

Pediatricians say that casein, contained in cow's milk, adversely affects the digestion of the baby, since his body is simply unable to process this protein. Boiling destroys most of the casein molecules, however, this method of sterilization is not used when preparing ice cream.

A condition arises that is differentiated in medicine as a child's allergy to milk protein. This pathology usually goes away with the development of the baby's immune system, however, the period of its adaptation to whole dairy products can be delayed.

Ice cream while breastfeeding a newborn is completely prohibited for mothers. The introduction of such a product into the diet is possible after 6 months of feeding and then only under the supervision of specialists.

In addition to formula milk, confectionery factories and other components are added. These are sugar, vanillin and various emulsifiers. In the good old days, eggs and starch were used as thickeners. Under the influence of chemical reactions from finished product goes away excess water, therefore, it can be stored for a certain time.

What is included in the main varieties

Most varieties of this delicacy differ significantly in their components. The main types of cold delicacy include:

  • For the preparation of delicacies according to the technology, it is recommended to use cow's milk without preprocessing, in rare cases, it is allowed to replace it with a dry product.
  • V certain types ice cream, its fat content is increased by adding butter made from cow's milk or cream.
  • To add flavor and shape, experts add chicken and sugar to the nutritional mixture.
  • Fruit varieties this delicacy does not contain milk or oil, but includes only juice and processed fruits. The fat content of such ice cream is usually around 0%.

In addition to the listed components, the manufacturing technology of the product involves the inclusion of vanilla, chocolate or cocoa beans, starch into its composition. For early preparation use a special thickener.

If all manufacturers of this delicacy adhered to the rules in its manufacture, then a young mother could afford ice cream while breastfeeding in the first month. But in the pursuit of higher profitability, most confectionery factories are replacing natural ingredients cheaper products.

It is common practice to replace cow's milk or cream during ice cream production. vegetable oil or palm milk. For a longer preservation of the product, various preservatives are introduced into its composition, among which there may be soda or washing powder.

Popsicles and frozen juice can also be dangerous for mom and baby, since the manufacturing technology fruit additives often far from ideal. Various fillers or cocoa are an immediate threat to a young child.

Given the unpredictability of the manufacturing process of this sweet delicacy, a woman should avoid it during the first months of breastfeeding. As a last resort, there is always the opportunity to cook on your own favorite treat.

Features of the introduction to the diet

If, nevertheless, a nursing mother cannot resist the temptation to eat a cold treat, she should remember that different types delicacies differ in their effect on her body and on the condition of the child. It all depends on their composition.

Sundae for a young mother

Experts do not recommend ice cream "Plombir" for breastfeeding to women due to its high fat content and increased concentration cow's milk in it. Excess fat can cause a young mother to gain weight, which is already common during lactation.

A large percentage of cow's milk in the delicacy causes an excess of casein in the baby's body, which will lead to gastrointestinal problems in him. The calorie content of the product in question is up to 500 kcal, and the fat content is at least 25%.

Given the high energy content of this type of ice cream, doctors allow their patients to include it in their diet only after a year of feeding. In this case, the frequency of admission should be no more than 2 times a week, one serving.

What you need to know about creamy ice cream

This type of delicacy is on the second place in fat content after “Plombir”. This is due to the fact that the basis of the product is milk cream.

Nevertheless, this variety is quite high in calories and also contains cow's milk, which is contraindicated for a baby before the formation of his gastrointestinal tract system. And for mom, 300 kcal in 100 grams of delicacies are completely superfluous.

Creamy ice cream for breastfeeding can be introduced into the diet of a young lady as early as six months after the birth of a child. Like any delicacy, creamy cold product should not become an everyday food. 2-3 times a week will be enough to lift a woman's mood.

Popsicles for breastfeeding

Experts refer to the fruit varieties of this delicacy as sorbet and fruit ice... The production technology of the product provides for the use of various juices, purees prepared on the basis of fruits, low-calorie yoghurts. Some recipes allow you to include in the composition of such ice cream green tea or instant coffee.

If such delicacies do not add extra pounds to the mother, then they can pose a certain threat to the baby. Almost all products contain caffeine, which is harmful to the child, cocoa beans can cause disturbances in the work of his intestines, and various fruits provoke an allergic reaction.

Although pediatricians are convinced that fruit treat of all types of ice cream, the safest for breastfeeding. It is allowed to be introduced into the diet of a nursing woman three months after the birth of a child. True, this should be done under the supervision of a physician.

Chocolate ice cream and lactation

This variety of sweet product is loved by many women for its unique taste and high tonic properties. But while breastfeeding given view can be allowed to mom only after a year of lactation.

This recommendation is due to the fact that, in addition to milk and cream, which is already harmful for the baby, cocoa beans may also be included in the product. These ingredients are prohibited for a young mother as substances that can cause a strong.

In addition, chocolate, getting into the baby's blood, negatively affects the work of his central nervous system. Chocolate ice cream for breastfeeding by negative impact on mother and child is in no way inferior to "Plombir", and in some components it even poses a more serious threat to the health of the entire young family.

Watch a video about feeding a nursing mother:

How to properly introduce ice cream into mommy's diet

Pediatricians suggest that young women adhere to several simple rules when introducing a sweet product into your diet. What you need to remember first of all:

  • You should immediately decide on the type of delicacy. Doctors advise fruit juices, but if the baby does not have a reaction to cow's milk, then it is better to stop at cream or milk ice cream. Lacetin, which is part of the composition, is necessary for a child for the formation of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic processes.
  • Dessert is introduced into the diet gradually, in small portions., carefully observing the reaction of the little person to the new product.
  • Before purchasing a treat, you must carefully study its label. The composition should include only natural products, although the annotation for the purchase does not give a full guarantee.
  • When breastfeeding, a woman should only eat uniform ice cream. Any mixtures and fillers are more likely to cause allergic reactions in the baby.
  • A young mother should introduce all new products into her diet only in the morning. In the evening the immune system her and the child is more labile, so the likelihood of a pathological reaction increases.

Often young girls do not understand why ice cream is not allowed while breastfeeding. It should be noted that we are talking primarily about a factory product, which is really recommended for a woman to eat no earlier than 6 months after giving birth.

However, there is another solution to the problem. You can make ice cream yourself. In this case, the likelihood of problems for the mother and baby decreases significantly.

A simple recipe for your favorite treat

In order to avoid the risk and indulge in this cold delicacy, a woman should put in some effort:

  • 0.5 liter heavy cream mixed with 200 grams of sugar, poured into enamel pot and simmer for half an hour, being careful not to bring the mixture to a boil. The resulting mass is heated to room temperature add 5 egg whites and beat thoroughly using a mixer or blender. After that, the mixed components of the future ice cream are placed in the freezer for 60 minutes. It is recommended to shake up and send for re-freezing 2 - 3 more times.

Such a dish also requires some care on the part of the mother. A negative reaction of the baby to milk protein is possible, but homemade ice cream can be eaten after 2 - 3 months of feeding the baby.

It has long been known that the first months of lactation are the most difficult for a nursing mother. Hormonal changes are in progress, the body is tired after pregnancy and childbirth. Your favorite treat can become an excellent remedy to raise the vitality of a woman in this period, which is quite difficult for her.

After the birth of a child, if a woman is breastfeeding her baby, she should adhere to some dietary rules. A considerable number of products are banned: honey, chocolate, nuts, some vegetables and fruits, sweets. A large number of of inhibitions creates an irresistible feeling of being pampered with something delicious, such as ice cream. Many mothers often have this question: is it possible to eat ice cream while breastfeeding.

Ice cream as a product

The ingredients in ice cream have a direct bearing on whether it can be consumed by women while breastfeeding. Most doctors advise against eating any dairy products, especially in large quantities... The reason for this is the protein found in cow's milk and is one of the main ingredients of real ice cream. It can provoke an upset stomach or cause an allergic reaction in the body. In addition, ice cream contains dyes, fillers, flavors, thickeners, sugar and other ingredients that adversely affect the mother's body. When using such ice cream, part harmful substances penetrates into breast milk with which a woman feeds her baby. Based on the above, it should be noted that when buying your favorite delicacy, you need to study its composition in detail.

There are 3 main types of ice cream that can be consumed in moderate doses during the feeding period:

  • Cream
  • Creamy
  • Dairy.

Milk ice cream contains the smallest percentage of fat - about 4%. In butter - up to 10%, and the sundae has the highest fat content. According to the norms, it must contain at least 20% fat.

Among the large assortment of the product offered on the market, there is also popsicles. It does not contain fat at all, since it does not contain milk. But its disadvantage is that only artificial colors and flavor enhancers are used in its manufacture, which makes its use during breastfeeding extremely undesirable. A lot of sugar is added to fruit ice cream, about 30%. In dairy - this figure is 2 times less. It is also rare to find a favorite treat with real fruit added.

In the photo, the mother feeds the baby with breast milk

So is ice cream possible?

Yes, ice cream can be included in a woman's diet while breastfeeding her baby. Here are some rules to follow when choosing your favorite treat:

  1. Fresh. Its shelf life should not be long. Only in this case, you can be sure that there are few preservatives and stabilizers in the composition.
  2. Ice cream should be introduced into your diet gradually, like other products, not earlier than a month after childbirth. Monitor the baby's reaction.
  3. Consume no more than one serving per day.
  4. Give preference to a product that is free of fillers and chocolate.
  5. Do not buy fruit sorbets due to their unnaturalness.

In addition, during breastfeeding, a woman should be careful about her health, so you need to use ice cream correctly. In the first place, it should not cause allergic reactions from the mother herself. It is possible that an allergy can occur in a baby. All a woman's food affects the quality of her milk, and therefore it is still better to give preference not to a manufactured product, but to ice cream made by herself. Homemade ice cream allows you to add a lot of useful things (fruits) to its composition and exclude harmful additives(reduce sugar content).

You need to eat your favorite sweet not only in small portions, but also slightly often. When breastfeeding, it's best to limit yourself to 2 servings of ice cream per week. One ice cream is divided in half and consumed in 2 passes, one half in the morning, the other in the evening. It is advisable that it melt a little to avoid the likelihood of getting sick.

If a child has any Negative consequences in the form of a swelling or rash, then your favorite treat will have to be abandoned altogether. During the period of breastfeeding, for a good mother, the health of the baby should come first, and not his own desires. Soon the baby will grow up, and together you can enjoy your favorite delicacy.

The nutritional features of a nursing mother are detailed in this video:

After the appearance of the baby, each young mother asks many questions, one of which is: is it possible for a nursing mother to have ice cream.

For a newborn baby, breast milk is the main food. Therefore, it is worth taking seriously the issue of its quality. It is important to know which foods must be included in the mother's diet, and which ones are better to exclude. Ate to eat junk food, which will negatively affect breast milk, then there is a high probability of poor health of the baby. This is especially true of the first months of his life. V summer time When you really want to pamper yourself with something tasty and refreshing, many mothers wonder if ice cream is possible with breastfeeding.

Benefit and harm

To answer the question that interests many young mothers, you need to figure out what is included in ice cream. Its main ingredients are milk, protein and sugar. Also, this delicacy may contain cocoa, fruits, berries. In small quantities, these products will not harm the body of a newborn who is already one month old.

It must be remembered that in modern ice cream there can be various chemical substances, preservatives, additives that are undesirable to use during lactation. In principle, a nursing mother can eat ice cream, but it is better that it be prepared at home. In this case, you can always know what is included in its composition and not worry about the child's health.

At home, you can make your favorite ice cream since childhood, fruit or chocolate ice cream. Using only fresh and healthy foods, you can get useful vitamins and trace elements. Eating homemade ice cream rather than store-bought ice cream can even improve the quality of your breast milk. However, do not eat this delicacy very often.

Introduction to the diet

If, during the GW, the young mother wanted to eat ice cream, but she cannot cook it on her own, then you need to carefully study the composition of the purchased ice cream. It is better to use the product of an already familiar manufacturer, in which you can be sure. You also need to pay attention to the production date.

During lactation, you need to eat a little ice cream or another kind of ice cream. After a couple of hours, it is important to observe the behavior and well-being of the baby. If everything is fine, then you can increase the portion. And if a child has problems, then it is better to postpone eating this sweet delicacy for a while.

Can lactating people have ice cream? In many cases, the answer is yes. An exception may be lactose intolerance and a poor reaction of the child's body to an ingredient. If everything is in order, then the young mother can calmly pamper herself with this sweet product. And what kind of ice cream to choose, sundae or fruit, each woman decides for herself.

How to choose ice cream

It is better to start with low-fat, simple ice cream. Chocolate or with fillers is best left for later - when breastfeeding, you need to be careful about cocoa, which is a strong allergen. It is also worth remembering that ice cream is a high-calorie product, so the mother should not get carried away with it during lactation.

Oftentimes, store-bought ice cream contains many unwanted ingredients. In addition to protein, which can cause allergies, manufacturers use various thickeners, preservatives, dyes and other chemicals in the preparation of this beloved delicacy. To find out if there is a lot of ice cream harmful products, you need to look at its expiration date. The smaller it is, the less unwanted ingredients it contains.

Market quality products is constantly growing and developing, and in modern pharmacies in large cities you can already find high-quality ice cream, using fructose instead of sugar and completely natural composition no chemical additives.

How to make ice cream yourself

If a young mother has the opportunity, then it is better for her to cook on her own favourite dish.

You can use quite simple recipe banana ice cream.

To prepare it, you need to take:

  • 375 grams of milk;
  • 375 grams of cream;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 2 bananas.

First you need to turn the banana pulp into a puree. A blender can do a great job with this. Then the remaining ingredients are added to the resulting puree. The mixture should be cooked over low heat, stirring constantly. You cannot bring it to a boil. After the mass has cooled down a little, it can be poured into molds and sent to the freezer for several hours.

Instead of ice cream, a young mom can treat herself fruit juice... It can be simply poured into molds and placed in the freezer. After solidification, the frozen juice is ready!

Ice cream is wonderful product, which will not only help to endure the heat, but also cheer up. However, during lactation, a young mother should remember that you cannot consume your favorite delicacy in large quantities. But this is not a big problem, especially since the health of the baby should come first.