Fruit jelly from gelatin recipes. Jelly with fruit - a light and bright delicacy

22.09.2019 Grill menu

Gelatin is nothing more than processed collagen (a protein of animal connective tissue), so many girls find it extremely beneficial to consume one to two teaspoons of dry gelatin daily. Doctors do not comment on how much it is actually absorbed by the body, so it is better to use it for its intended purpose - to cook delicious dishes from it, including wonderful and simple desserts. Due to the fact that the product is of animal origin, it should not be eaten by vegans who are encouraged to prepare jelly from pectin or agar-agar as an alternative.

Basic recipe for gelatin
Gelatin is taken at the rate of approximately 40 grams per 1 liter of liquid. Since the classic packaging is 15g per pack, you need to take about 3 packs. Empty the contents into a glass and top up with cold water. To make the gelatin swell evenly, stir occasionally (once every 10 minutes), and after 40 minutes the jelly base will be ready. In order not to waste time, as soon as you fill the gelatin with water, start preparing what you are going to make jelly from. For example, rinse the berries, cover with water, put on fire, bring to a boil and boil a little. Then add the swollen gelatin and, stirring constantly, bring your "compote" to a boil again. Then remove immediately. Pour the liquid into molds and refrigerate for at least 2-3 hours, and preferably overnight if you have a very deep mold. The jelly is ready!

You can take any fruits and berries - this will not affect the solidification in any way. The only problem may be that the jelly will not set if you did not report the gelatin, so measure the proportions accurately. You can take ready-made liquids (for example, juices), then they do not need to be boiled. Just dissolve the gelatin on the stove after soaking, pour into the juice and stir.

Recipes for different types of jelly
In addition to simply pouring gelatin over fruit compotes, you can play with fillings and make this dessert interesting both in appearance and in taste!

  1. Striped flight. Make several blanks for jelly of different colors - oranges and pineapples, apples and pears, strawberries and cranberries, etc. To get started, fill in only one of these liquids with gelatin - pour into your molds in a small layer (1-2 cm, depending on the depth of the mold). Leave in the refrigerator for an hour, and then, as the mixture hardens, add the next liquid on top, into which you just poured gelatin and brought to a boil. Also refrigerate. Repeat with all remaining foods.
    You can make a dessert with one or two ingredients, alternating often if you don't have many ingredients. You can put a berry or a piece of fruit on the previous layer before pouring a new one ... In a word, do not be afraid to experiment!
  2. Avalanche. For this recipe, you will need sour berries and milk. First prepare the berry base with gelatin, and pour it into molds. Place in the refrigerator so that the mixture is in your shape at an angle - such a dessert will look beautiful in a wine glass. It is necessary that this layer is frozen in exactly this position - this will be our "mountain".
    We will make the next layer from milk - pour the mixture of gelatin base and milk brought to a boil into your glass and put it in the refrigerator in an even position. After solidification, the dessert is ready! A layer of milky snow lies beautifully on the red mountain, and the delicate taste of milk goes well with sour berries. It also tastes good with strawberries.
  3. Storm in a glass. This option is more likely to amuse your friends. It is better to strain the fruit and berry mixture from the seeds and pieces of fruit. Before pouring gelatin into the prepared liquid, add a little vodka there, about 1/8 of the volume (do not overdo it with the amount!). After pouring the gelatin and bringing to a boil, pour the liquid into small glasses and leave to solidify in the refrigerator. This recipe can be made with orange juice too.
  4. Sour cream recipe. Take about 1 liter of not very fatty sour cream, beat with a mixer with about one hundred grams of sugar. Finely chop the prunes (the amount is limited only by your taste) and mix with the resulting mixture. After soaking, bring the gelatin until completely dissolved on the stove and pour into the resulting mass. Stir well and distribute into molds.
Even a novice cook can handle gelatin, and the variety of ingredients will allow you to constantly experiment. Jelly cannot be called a dessert that you can pamper unexpected guests, since it still takes time to prepare, but it is an excellent budget option for a homemade treat that will not harm your figure (of course, it depends on the filling you choose).

Ease of preparation, the use of only natural and healthy ingredients, an original look - all this jelly homemade. You will also need jelly recipes if you want to make an extraordinary cake or pastries. Jelly is a bright, tasty and extraordinary gelatinous dessert, which is obtained due to the presence of pectin in the ingredients, or the use of gelatin. The base of the jelly can be different, it is she who gives the predominant taste of the jelly. The most commonly found fruit jelly. The gelatin-free fruit jelly recipe uses apples, since these fruits contain a lot of pectin, which causes the jelly to freeze. Otherwise, gelatin, pectin or agar is added. Delicious fruit jelly, this is currant jelly, orange juice jelly, raspberry jelly. Sometimes a dessert such as fruit in jelly is also served. You can also make fruit jelly from jam. Fruit usually produces clear jelly. This cannot be said when preparing sour cream jelly, curd jelly, milk jelly or chocolate jelly. Milk jelly, sour cream jelly are prepared from the same gelatin that is used to make other types of jelly. The preparation of milk jelly or jelly with sour cream is just as simple: you soak the jelly, add it to warm boiled milk, stir, add vanillin, and set it to freeze in a cold place. As it hardens - your milk is ready jelly... The recipe with gelatin is one of the fastest and most accessible, gelatin hardens faster than, say, agar. By combining several multi-colored jellies, you can make a funny jelly broken glass. It can be fruit jelly of various colors and milk jelly. The glass is just like real glass, it is very tasty and children like it very much.

A common question is how to make gelatin jelly. The main thing here is to correctly calculate the proportions. For 1 part of gelatin, you should take 8-10 parts of water. After the jelly has solidified, the excess water should be drained. If you are interested in how to make homemade jelly, the video will be a good tip. There are other nuances of how to make jelly. Do not use aluminum cookware. Another secret on how to make jelly at home without lumps: the bottom of the gelatin dish should not be cold. And when the jelly hardens and you need to remove it from the dishes, you should put the dishes in hot water for a few seconds, then put your jelly... The photo recipe will show you how. Choose the appropriate recipe and see how to make homemade jelly, photos and comments are attached. You can also make delicious homemade jelly from agar. The recipe is similar, but agar should be taken 2 times less than gelatin. Finally, it should be noted that jellies are good for the body. Gelatin is good for joints, and pectin and agar are excellent intestinal absorbents.

Mousse- the recipe that was presented to us, again, by the French pastry chefs. "Mousse" translates to foam, and making a mousse essentially boils down to whipping the various ingredients into a frothy state. With jelly, mousse is related to the use of gelatin or pectin, which fix the foam. Although some mousses are also prepared on the basis of egg whites, glutinous semolina. There are also fruit and dairy mousses. Usually prepared cranberry mousse, apple mousse, strawberry mousse, curd mousse, chocolate mousse. Fruit mousses are the healthiest. They can be made very light, but if you use cream, butter, then they will be more satisfying. It is also important that the mousses are very colorful, they look very bright and festive. For example, chocolate mousse is a recipe that can be prepared in an extraordinary way, decorating it with berries, nuts, candied fruits. After spending quite a bit of time and learning how to make mousse, you will close the question of a quick and tasty dessert for yourself. It will also be useful for you to learn how to cook mousse if you are planning a buffet or sweet buffet. This portioned dessert is as if created for such feasts. And of course, you can make healthy baby mousses. Recipes with photos will reveal to you all the secrets of making delicious and beautiful mousses.

Three jellies at once! Cherry, orange, sour cream. The process of preparing multi-layer jelly, although more time-consuming, is not at all laborious.

So, the recipe for multi-layered jelly. 4-5 servings.


  • cherry jelly - 1 sachet
  • orange jelly - 1 sachet
  • sour cream - 150 ml
  • sugar - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
  • instant gelatin - 2 tsp

For decorating "frost"

  • sugar - 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • ready-made jelly or water - 1-2 tbsp. spoons

How to make beautiful layered jelly

In a bowl, according to the instructions, dissolve the cherry jelly. In other dishes it will also go with orange jelly. Advice. It is advisable to use 50 ml less water when preparing jelly.

While they are hardening, you can decorate the glasses, make "frost" around its edges.

Cooking "frost" ... To do this, pour a couple of tablespoons of light jelly or water into a shallow plate. Dip the neck of the glass in jelly to wet the edges. Pour sugar into another bowl and immerse the damp rim of the glass in it.

While the jelly cools down to room temperature, the edge of the glasses will dry out a little.

Now place the prepared glasses in a container or other suitable container, at an angle.

Gently pour some cherry jelly into the glasses. Put them - in the same, reclining, form in the refrigerator so that the jelly hardens.

Dissolve instant gelatin in 40-50 ml of water. Combine sour cream with sugar and vanilla sugar separately.

Beat the mass with a mixer until fluffy (it should hold on to the beaters of the mixer).

If the gelatin is not completely dissolved, bring it to homogeneity in a water bath. Pour the gelatin into the whipped sour cream mixture and mix thoroughly.

Pour some sour cream jelly into glasses on top of the cooled cherry jelly to form a small layer. Place in refrigerator again until solid. When the jelly hardens again, pour the next layer - orange jelly, and finally - sour cream again.

Advice : so that the layers do not mix, it is advisable to pour the next layer only after the previous one has completely solidified.

To create a beautiful picture, you need to fill the glasses from the opposite side. To do this, place the glasses in the container so that the empty part is at the bottom. Repeat layers, alternating cherry, then sour cream.

A V-shaped depression forms in the center of the glass, fill it to the rim with orange jelly. It remains to place the glasses in the refrigerator until they cool completely. The layered jelly is ready and ready to be served.

A bright, summer, refreshing, light and healthy dessert - all this can be said about the gelatin jelly recipe. It is prepared from countless berries and fruits, dairy products (kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese and milk) are used as a base. The treat can be served in portions or be prepared in the form of a cake. The main thing is that it does not take much time to create this delicious beauty, and all the subtleties will be discussed below.

How to prepare the base and dilute the gelatin for jelly

In cooking, several gelling substances are used: pectin, which is obtained from fruits (citrus fruits, apples), agar-agar - the same substance of plant origin (from algae) and gelatin, obtained from animal raw materials.

The latter product is most commonly found in recipes. Therefore, before proceeding with how to make gelatin jelly, you need to familiarize yourself with all the rules for its preliminary preparation.

First, gelatin is soaked in cold water. The amount of water is taken depending on which product is used. The gelatin sheet can be poured with very large amounts of water as it can then be easily drained off. For powder or granules of the product, they usually take liquids 3-5 times more than the weight of gelatin.

The swelling time may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. In this matter, it is worth focusing on the terms indicated on the package.

Melt the gelatin soaked in moisture to a liquid state, but so that it does not lose its gelling properties, it must not be allowed to boil. Therefore, the best way to melt is with a steam bath or a microwave oven, “Defrost” mode. After that, the gelatin is completely ready for further use.

Fruit juice jelly with gelatin

Fruit juices without pulp with a rich color, such as grape, pomegranate, orange or cherry, are suitable for this dessert. Using them as a base allows you to get a bright delicacy with a rich fruity taste.

In the recipe for jelly from juice, gelatin and liquid are taken in the following proportions:

  • 500 ml of any fruit juice;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • sugar to taste if the juice is not sweet enough;
  • 25 g of gelatin.

Cooking technology:

  1. Pour water into the thickener and leave to swell according to the recommendations on the package.
  2. Sweeten fruit or berry juice to taste and send to the stove, wait for a boil and boil for ten minutes.
  3. If the gelatin is already swollen, but there is still water, carefully drain it. Remove the hot juice from the heat and put the gelatin into it, stir the jelly base until all the gelatin particles have dispersed.
  4. Pour the slightly cooled mixture into prepared molds. Garnish with fresh fruit if desired. Allow the dessert to freeze completely in the refrigerator.

Jam recipe

Cherry, raspberry or other jams can be the basis of a refreshing summer treat - jam jelly. If there are pieces of fruit or whole berries in the preparation, they will add zest to the dessert.

List of ingredients required for jelly:

  • 200 ml of jam;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 25 g of gelatin.


  1. Prepare gelatin for further use (soak and dissolve to a liquid state) as indicated in the instructions on the package. The amount of water required to prepare it is not included in the list of ingredients.
  2. Pour the jam with the amount of water specified in the recipe, add sugar and stir. Then boil the mixture for 10 minutes and cool to about 50 degrees.
  3. Combine the jam base and liquid gelatin, pour everything into molds and put it in the refrigerator for four hours until it solidifies. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream, garnish with a sprig of mint.

Cooking with sour cream

Sour cream jelly is undeservedly considered a high-calorie dessert, because contrary to popular belief, it is not fatty homemade sour cream that is ideal for its preparation, but a store product with a fat content of 15%.

To prepare a delicate sour cream dessert on gelatin, you will need:

  • 400 g low-fat sour cream;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 30 g of gelatin.

Priority of actions:

  1. So that the sugar dissolves faster in the sour cream, and the gelatin does not curl up in lumps, take all the ingredients of the dessert out of the refrigerator in advance, allowing them to warm up to room temperature.
  2. Beat the sour cream with a mixer into a fluffy mass, gradually adding vanilla and regular sugar.
  3. When all the grains disperse in the dairy product, transfer a couple of tablespoons of sweet sour cream to a container with prepared liquid gelatin, mix and combine with the total mass.
  4. Spread the sour cream jelly in the bowls and send to the cold until it solidifies. Part of the jelly can be dyed brown with cocoa and put into a mold, like a multi-colored dough when baking a Zebra pie. You can also make a flaky dessert by alternating fruits (anything other than kiwi and pineapple) and jelly.

Homemade milk jelly

The simplest milk jelly requires only three ingredients: prepared gelatin, milk and sugar. But this low-calorie dessert can be varied by adding various spices (vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon), chocolate or cocoa, coffee and fruits.

For classic homemade milk jelly, take:

  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 4 yolks;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 10 g gelatin;
  • powdered vanilla to taste.


  1. Put milk on fire and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, add sugar and vanillin to the yolks, grind everything until a homogeneous creamy mass.
  2. Pour hot milk to the yolks with sugar, stir until smooth. Then put the swollen gelatin and warm everything up a little with constant stirring, without heating the mass above 60 degrees.
  3. Pour hot milk jelly into a prepared dry container and, after it reaches room temperature, put it in the refrigerator until it is completely stabilized.

Jelly can be served in bowls, cups or other molds in which it has solidified, or you can dip the mold in hot water for a couple of minutes and carefully remove the jelly onto a plate. This creates more room for effective presentation.

How to make dessert from compote

As for the use of winter preparations for making summer desserts, you can make not only jelly from jam, but also from compote. A pinch of citric acid, vanilla or cinnamon can add a special taste to the dish.

The ratio of components for compote jelly will be as follows:

  • 500 ml of compote;
  • 30 g of gelatin.

Cooking process:

  1. Strain the compote to filter out fruits and berries. Pour out the required amount of liquid and pour gelatin over it. Leave the mixture alone for 30 minutes.
  2. Then put the compote with gelatin on the fire and warm it up, not allowing it to boil, until all the grains are completely dissolved.
  3. Pour half of the jelly base into silicone muffin tins and send to the refrigerator, filling them to the middle.
  4. When the jelly in the molds hardens, put the berries from the compote on it and pour the remaining jelly. Serve after completely hardening, taking out of the molds.

Kefir option

According to the same principle as sour cream jelly, a dessert is prepared based on another fermented milk product - kefir. The dish can be just white, or you can prepare a beautiful multi-colored treat using food dyes, but even without them you will be able to make a beautiful vanilla-chocolate jelly.

It will require:

  • 1000 ml of kefir;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 100 g dark chocolate without additives;
  • 15 g gelatin;
  • 3 g vanillin.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Beat kefir at room temperature with a mixer operating at medium speed with sugar and vanilla.
  2. When all the sweetener crystals have melted, add the prepared gelatin. Divide the jelly base into two equal parts.
  3. For serving, take beautiful stemmed wine glasses. Fix them horizontally at an angle so that they can be half filled with liquid. Pour in the vanilla jelly with kefir and remove in the cold.
  4. Melt a bar of chocolate in a steam bath and add the jelly to the second part, whisking the mass with a mixer. When the white part has hardened, place the glasses upright and fill them with chocolate jelly, after which the dessert is ready to serve.

Curd jelly with gelatin

Curd jelly can be prepared only on the basis of curd, sugar and prepared gelatin. In this case, it is better to soak and dissolve it not in water, but in milk. But there is a recipe for a more delicate curd dessert that looks more like a soufflé.

For curd jelly with a delicate creamy taste, take:

  • 900 g soft dietary cottage cheese;
  • 100 ml vanilla syrup;
  • 20 g vanilla sugar;
  • 16 g gelatin;
  • 250 ml heavy confectionery whipping cream.

How to make gelatin and cottage cheese jelly:

  1. Put the cottage cheese in a container of a suitable size, pour in the vanilla syrup and grind with an immersion blender until smooth. Next, add the prepared liquid gelatin and mix everything with a blender again.
  2. Whisk the cooled cream until firm peaks with vanilla sugar. In order not to over-whip the cream and dissolve all the particles, sugar can be ground into powder in a coffee grinder.
  3. Next, gently mix both masses (creamy and curd) with a spatula. Arrange in prepared containers and after hardening, you can enjoy the creamy curd tenderness.

Strawberry at home

In the strawberry season, it will be a big oversight not to try to make delicious jelly from juice and whole strawberries.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 550 g of strawberries;
  • 220 g granulated sugar;
  • 200 ml of cold water;
  • 15 g of gelatin.

Cooking strawberry dessert as follows;

  1. Strawberries, sort out, remove the stalks, rinse and dry on a paper towel. Squeeze the juice out of about half of the total number of berries.
  2. Cover the rest of the strawberries with sugar and add water, bring to a boil and boil for 3-4 minutes. Then strain the broth, and gently arrange the berries in the molds.
  3. Prepare gelatin using strawberry broth. Combine the loose thickener with strawberry juice and pour over the berries, and after waiting for everything to freeze, you can proceed to tasting.

Step by step preparation from cranberries

The recipe for jelly with gelatin and cranberries allows you to get not only a very healthy, but also an original dessert. After all, the benefits of cranberries are preserved due to the fact that the grated berries do not succumb to the influence of high temperatures, and the pink airy jelly foam makes the dish more interesting.

The proportions of the ingredients used:

  • 160 g fresh or frozen cranberries;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 10 g gelatin.

Cooking steps:

  1. First, pour 100 ml of cold water over gelatin and safely forget about it for the next 30 minutes.
  2. If using a frozen product, defrost cranberries, then rinse, dry and puree with a blender.
  3. Rub the resulting mass through a sieve. Pour the cake with the remaining 400 ml of water and send it to the fire, and the mashed potatoes will be needed a little later.
  4. Pour sugar into boiled water with oil cake and boil for a couple of minutes until it is completely dissolved, remove from heat.
  5. When the liquid cools down a little, add the swollen and melted gelatin into it. Strain the resulting mixture through a sieve and mix with cranberry puree.
  6. Pour 2/3 of the liquid jelly into portioned dishes, without adding a few centimeters to the brim, and send to the refrigerator until it solidifies.
  7. Cool the rest of the jelly to a liquid jelly and beat with a mixer into a foam, which is then spread over the frozen jelly, and again put the dessert in the refrigerator.
    1. After removing the pits, cut the washed plums into small pieces, pour 0.5 liters of water, add sugar and boil everything on the stove after boiling for five minutes.
    2. Using the remaining 100 ml of water, prepare the recipe amount of gelatin.
    3. Pour hot plums in syrup into a blender bowl and beat into a homogeneous mass. Then return to the pan and combine with prepared gelatin.
    4. When the jelly has cooled to room temperature, it should be distributed in portioned containers and sent to the cold for 2-4 hours.

    Cherry Jelly with Gelatin

    This dessert looks like an expensive restaurant dish when poured into bowls and garnished with whipped cream and a cocktail cherry before serving. You can make cherry jelly from jam, juice or compote, and in season you can take fresh cherries.

    List of products used:

  • 300 g cherries;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 600 ml of water;
  • 20 g of gelatin.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the gelling component with 100 ml of water and leave to absorb moisture. Depending on the product used, it will take up to half an hour.
  2. Place the remaining water and sugar in a saucepan of the correct displacement, stir and heat.
  3. While the syrup is boiling, remove the seeds from the washed cherries. Then put them in a boiling sugar solution and boil for ten minutes.
  4. Remove the cherries from the heat, put the swollen gelatin in them, stir until smooth. After that, it remains only to pour the jelly into the bowls and let it freeze.

Fruit jelly at home with gelatin takes my rightful place among others. This dessert perfectly refreshes and looks appetizing on the festive table. The peculiarity of this dessert is that any berries and fruits can be used to make jelly.

Various juices, compotes or dairy products are usually taken as a basis. Earlier I told you, but today I will tell you how to make jelly from gelatin and juice. I used cherry juice for the recipe, but any other juice will work as well. You can combine several types of drinks and pour them in layers in several steps.


  • 400 ml cherry juice
  • 4 tsp instant gelatin
  • 100 g cherries and berries for garnish

How to make homemade fruit jelly with gelatin:

There are several types of edible gelatin: regular, sheet, and instant. If you are preparing jelly from regular gelatin, then it must first be soaked in cold water. For one pack weighing 15-25 g, you will need 50 ml of water. Fill the powder with it, mix and leave to swell for 1 hour.

Leaf gelatin must also be soaked in cold water (the amount does not matter) for 3-5 minutes and then squeezed out.

Instant gelatin powder is the most convenient to use. Therefore, today we will be making jelly from fruit juice and gelatin, which does not need to be pre-soaked.

Pour the fruit juice into a saucepan or ladle and put on fire. When the juice gets hot, add 1 teaspoon of instant gelatin to 100 ml of liquid.

Attention! In no case should the juice be brought to a boil. Only heat up to about 55-65 degrees. If gelatin is poured into boiling water, it will lose all its gelling properties, and the jelly will not solidify as a result!

Mix the ingredients thoroughly with a whisk so that the gelatin is completely dissolved, following the recipe for gelatin jelly at home. If you suddenly find undissolved gelatin granules, be sure to strain the mixture through a fine sieve.

Next, let's prepare the jelly dishes. You can use glass glasses, bowls, clear cups, or silicone molds. Pour some fruits or berries at the bottom. I used cherries, red and black currants.

Fill the fruit with fruit juice and gelatin.

Cover the top with fruit jelly at home with gelatin with cling film and put in the refrigerator. After about 1-2 hours, the jelly will harden and be ready for use.