Is beer possible when breastfeeding. Drinking beer while breastfeeding, what's in store for the baby? Beer safety rules

10.04.2019 Desserts and cakes

Relaxing with a bottle or a glass of a fragrant intoxicating drink, at least not forgetting about the limitations for a while, is the dream of many women. Pregnancy, childbirth, sleepless nights, childhood illnesses - all these circumstances knock out of the usual way of life, provoking stress. What if not light alcohol, will take it off the best?

It is easier for mothers of artificial babies in this regard: the main thing is not to consume alcohol in an amount leading to severe intoxication and loss of control over themselves and their children. But for those who are breastfeeding, it is more difficult. So: is beer possible with guards, and if so, how much, what kind, how and when? This is what we will talk about today.

Yes or no? Beer with guards - "for" and "against"

The first impulse of many ordinary people is to answer this question in the negative: there is a certain strength in beer, which means there is alcohol. Alcohol with guards is a strict taboo.

Non-alcoholic beer with guards: what does science say?

And science on this issue just does not have an unambiguous opinion. On the one hand, if you really want beer with guards, it is better to have alcohol in it minimal amount (non-alcoholic modification of the drink is only called "zero", in fact it contains about 0.5% alcohols). On the other hand, non-alcoholic beer cannot be alive, carbon dioxide is always present in it, and the conservation technology involves the use of a large amount of sugar, which is also not very good - for both mother and baby.

Thus, non-alcoholic beer with gv can be consumed, but, in the same way as traditional: in small quantities and good quality... Moreover, hops are present as raw materials in both variations. And here lies another danger - the appearance of allergic reactions in the crumbs.

Beer and lactation: is there a relationship?

Of course there is. However, it is not at all what many ordinary people think, who believe that a daily liter of beer with gv will fill the breast with full-fledged milk and thereby help solve problems with lactation. Not at all.

The feeling of fullness in the mammary gland, which many inexperienced mothers mistake for the arrival of milk, is due to the fact that beer contributes to fluid retention in the body. That is, the tissues are simply filled with water, in other words, they swell. At the same time, the passage of milk through the ducts becomes difficult, the child applies more effort, to "get" it from the chest, gets tired and falls asleep. In addition, even a small dose of alcohol has a noticeable sedative effect on the baby. And my mother has a false impression that the baby has eaten "to the full," so she is fast asleep.

This is precisely the main danger: even a little beer with breastfeeding, if consumed regularly, leads to systematic malnutrition of the child. Again, we are talking about a constant habit, and not about a one-time action of relaxation.

How much beer is withdrawn during breastfeeding: average time norms

It is believed that in order to leave the body, ethyl alcohol contained in beer takes about 1.5-2 hours. That is why, if you really need this coveted glass of beer while breastfeeding, it is better to drink it immediately after feeding, and next time attach the baby to the breast in two hours.

However, it should be understood that these norms are very approximate: each organism needs a certain time to remove alcohol. It depends on body weight, the work of the liver, kidneys, excretory system, the amount of other liquid drunk on that day, the volume and quality of food eaten. Therefore, if possible, it is better to replace the next feeding with pre-expressed milk or even a mixture. This approach makes it more likely that the beer drunk by the woman will not enter the baby's body.

In general, not everything is so scary. As practice shows, and as young mothers, authors of beer reviews with guards, say, moderate irregular consumption of this drink, beloved by many, will not harm the baby's health and will not make him an alcoholic already in the first year of life. It is important to comply with all the above rules and conditions, not to get carried away, not to lose control over yourself and the amount you drink, choose the highest quality and natural hop product and, of course, monitor the individual reactions of the crumbs.

Do you know the answer to the question, is it possible for a nursing mother to have beer? Are you sure so? For most new moms, alcohol is a taboo product. On the other hand, many believe that lactating beer is beneficial. Let's think about this topic with you and find the right answers.

Myths and reality

Many moms believe that a hoppy drink can help breast milk flow. Some people feel this effect immediately after drinking the drink by breastfeeding their baby.

Have you guessed that this is a banal self-hypnosis? The authenticity of medical hypotheses is based on clinical and laboratory research - it is a fact. Not alone clinical researches never proved this claim.

Bulanov Leonid Yurievich, Kiev, central city polyclinic, pediatrician

The question of whether beer is possible with HW is complicated. There is no definite answer to it.

I advise my patients to avoid drinking alcoholic drinks during lactation, replacing them with the same kvass.

Beer does not possess magical properties, no matter how much some mothers would like it... A woman's milk flow is caused by various factors:

  • drinking hot tea;
  • massage of the cervical area;
  • while taking a hot bath.

Various situations contribute to this phenomenon. In fact, the hormone oxytocin is promoted. It is produced in the body in response to the breastfeeding baby. Also, the hormone is produced under the influence of massage, warmth and pleasant emotions.

The feeling of a rush of milk is associated with the pleasure of drinking the intoxicated drink. The rush of pleasant emotions affects the production of oxytocin, as mentioned in the article above.

Also, the sensation of increased lactation is associated with relaxation of the milk ducts and the expansion of blood vessels through which milk flows from the milk lobules.

It is better not to drink beer on an empty stomach, as you can get drunk faster

This is a short-term phenomenon that only the first glass of intoxicated drink contributes to. One a glass will not significantly increase blood alcohol levels.

If you continue drinking beer, it will cause reverse effect and lactation will worsen significantly. This is facilitated by ethanol, which reduces the concentration of oxytocin in the blood. At the same time, the breast seems to be full, the baby is attached to it, but receives a minimum of milk.

Among mothers, there is another opinion that drinking beer during lactation can be more than one glass a day.... This helps the baby sleep better and gain weight. This statement is partly true.

Indeed, if you drink more than one glass of intoxicated drink, then the baby becomes drowsy after breastfeeding. However, this is not good for him. During sleepiness, he is malnourished, which leads to weight loss.

In addition, ethyl alcohol affects the passage of milk through the ducts, which also affects the normal feeding of the baby.

If you think that smoking will not kill your child, then you are wrong. The article on lists all the consequences of this habit.

Drinking cannot be prohibited, where to put a comma

So we come to the main question, is it possible for a nursing mother to drink beer? Many young couples are looking for a definite answer to it. Let us calm down all lovers and connoisseurs of the foamy drink - daily use 250 ml alcoholic beer will not do any harm.

This applies to weak sorts of beer, the alcohol content of which does not exceed 6%, while the child must reach 3 months of age.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have non-alcoholic beer? It is possible, but not more than 500 ml per day. It should not be forgotten that even non-alcoholic beer contains alcohol, which often does not exceed 1.5%. This is more than regular kefir, however, less than in live kvass.

Zaitsev Yuri Vasilievich, Odessa, children's clinic, pediatrician

Many people ask me if beer is possible with breastfeeding? Often, young mothers after the birth of a child are in a difficult psychological state and in this way try to “relax”.

I advise you to use exclusively non-alcoholic, not more bottle in a day. This way you will not harm your baby's health.

It is also necessary to monitor the child's reaction to:

  • carbon dioxide, which is an integral part of the foamy drink;
  • hop;
  • malt and other components of the drink.

The above refutes the myth about after drinking foam, so as not to harm the health of the baby during feeding.

To be more likely to prevent the penetration of unsafe substances contained in beer, the following rules should be followed:

If mothers realize that alcohol for a newborn is a strong poison, then they will probably refuse alcohol-containing drinks in any form.
  • it is better to postpone the tasting of alcoholic beverages until your baby is 3 months old... At this age, his intestines will learn to filter out harmful substances more efficiently;
  • the daily portion of the intake of the intoxicated drink should not exceed 250 ml. Non-alcoholic - 500 ml;
  • before you start drinking beer, feed your baby so that after 1.5 hours there is no ethyl alcohol left in the milk;
  • if the effect of intoxication is present, even after one sip, this indicates an alcohol intolerance of the body. Also, there may not be enough enzymes to digest it. In this case, it is necessary to completely stop taking any alcoholic beverages, as they pose a huge danger to mother and baby.

Influence of beer on a baby

Everyone knows that the foam contains ethyl alcohol. It is a poison that destroys the liver. First of all, the nervous, reproductive and hormonal systems are affected..

We emphasize that this is the effect of the intoxicated drink on an adult with a strong immune system. Imagine what the effect of beer on the body of an immature baby is! As a consequence of this, the obvious answer begs to the question, is it possible for a nursing mother to have beer in large doses.

Until one year old, the immunity of babies is not able to produce special enzymes that are aimed at removing alcohol and harmful substances from the body.

It is difficult for a baby's body to fight ethyl alcohol. The following happens:

  • the child's liver cannot cope with alcohol, its young cells degrade and die off, turning into scar tissue;
  • the next blow is taken by the center nervous system. Disorders of the child's behavior, poor sleep, developmental delay, impaired motor skills are noticed;
  • the digestion process is disrupted, most of the nutrients are not absorbed during the digestion of food;
  • the child's addiction to alcohol is formed, which is fraught with dependence at an early age.

Watch a video showing what will happen to the human body who regularly drinks beer:

Why does mommy want beer

Many mothers are perplexed when they are seized by a sharp desire to drink this product, even if this drink they don't give preference. Why is this happening?

Breastfeeding after drinking alcohol is not recommended for 24 hours

Beer contains a complex of vitamins B2 and B1, which help a nursing mother to restore the normal metabolism of the body. Moreover, these vitamins improve skin elasticity and tone.

Brewer's yeast contains a unique substance that is converted into vitamin D2 when exposed to light on the skin. This substance strengthens the bones, nails, teeth of the mother and her baby.

Mom's body during lactation is deficient in these nutrients. This explains the cravings for beer. However, this can be fixed. Observe balanced diet during lactation, this will provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

If you feel a craving for beer, start consuming whole grains. bakery products, meat, vegetables, fruits. You can resort to using pharmaceutical brewer's yeast.

It should be remembered that despite the usefulness of the vitamins for the body, which are contained in the foam, fusel oil and hops negate their value. Drink this drink in limited doses, especially during lactation.

What should be the first month after the birth of a child, read in the next article.

Malyshev Vladimir Nikolaevich, Moscow, city central clinic, pediatrician

From many years of professional experience, I would advise, if you have an uncontrollable desire to drink beer during lactation, do not deny yourself this.

But follow some rules: do not exceed the dose of 250 ml, drink 1.5 hours before the next feeding.

How to replace a hoppy drink during breastfeeding

This question may arise if mommy is sure that beer, even in small quantities, cannot be consumed during breastfeeding, because the opinions of doctors on this matter are strikingly different.

For example, many reputable doctors advise to use a bottle of non-alcoholic drink once a day if mommy has a craving for it. They don't see anything wrong with that. However, they emphasize that you need to drink a drink only when a person feels an irresistible urge to drink it.

Find a replacement non-alcoholic beer you can always. The same percentage of alcohol is contained in kefir or live kvass... This alternative will be more beneficial for you and your baby.

What to do if you have postpartum depression, how to get rid of it, and how to understand that this is it,.

Can I drink beer while breastfeeding? Today this question sounds on many programs about your baby's health and is discussed on forums for young mothers. Oddly enough, the opinions of doctors and some nursing mothers are divided. The fact is that in this alcoholic drink were indeed found useful material... However, the harm of such a drink is fusel oilsthat will neutralize all the benefits.

In addition, doctors say that beer does not at all contribute to an increase in lactation, and this is already a common self-hypnosis. Moms, in turn, describe the miraculous effect of alcohol in small quantities. They tell how they tried all the remedies and teas, but nothing helps. Then one of them drank some beer, which led to a large rush of milk.

How can this be explained? It has been scientifically proven that this drink tends to accumulate in tissues, which leads to their stretching and swelling. Thus, the mother begins to feel the rush of milk, but feeding is difficult for the baby. Why? Beer retains fluid in the body, including maternal breast milkthat makes the baby suck hard.

Is it possible to drink beer while feeding - the answer is ambiguous. If a young mother uses, for example, at least 250 ml unfiltered beer, then, undoubtedly, it gets into milk, however, after some time. If you drink non-alcoholic, then the permissible dosage is about 500 ml, nothing will threaten the baby's health.

Of course, there are times when you want to drink, but you need to think about the child first. Any, even a small amount of alcohol is harmful to the baby. Studies have shown that the drink itself has an effect on milk production, but this can be both beneficial and harmful.

Many mothers cannot imagine their life without alcohol. As for pregnancy, then all sorts of bad habits should be excluded. After childbirth, it is usually necessary that at least 3 months have elapsed so that breastfeeding and alcohol can be combined.

Maybe this is self-hypnosis?

Modern mothers both smoke and drink. Then they just wonder why their child is sick. It has been proven that during breastfeeding, the baby absorbs with milk everything that the mother ate and drank the day before. That is, if you did drink, then, depending on the weight and amount of the drunk, the baby cannot be fed for some time.

Experienced mothers advise all other nursing mothers to drink a little beer, they say, it helps you to relax, and the baby is well-fed. However, something quite different is happening. You could not resist and allowed yourself a glass of alcoholic drink and soon decided to feed the child. He seemed to have eaten (as it seems) and fell asleep. In fact, alcohol enters the body and, consequently, into milk. It becomes good, you relax. Further, the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for milk production, slows down this process, and you feel that there is a lot of milk in your breast. During breastfeeding, a baby who tries to suck on milk (and it doesn’t come out well) finally stops doing so without having eaten. Soon he falls asleep and is fast asleep. This happens under the influence of alcohol that got into the milk during feeding. It is good if you drank a little, and the child is over 3 months old.

If you want to increase lactation, then it is not necessary to use a product whose benefits you doubt. Usually milk appears when you experience any positive emotions, take a hot shower, directing it to the back at the level chest, or from a hot drink. Here, as in the well-known proverb, all means are good. The main thing is to be pleasant. This, by the way, can be achieved with an ordinary massage or watching a good movie. But alcohol in any form and quantity has never been beneficial to nursing mothers.

The point here is in self-hypnosis, which refers to the psychological aspect. This is a kind of placebo method, that is, a person inspires himself that it is useful, necessary, necessary, but in reality - on the contrary, or no result at all.

Therefore, do not flatter yourself when, on some forum, one young mother advises you to drink your favorite alcoholic beverage. And then you won't have to look for reasons to drink a glass a day.

Beer and breast milk: is there a benefit?

Most often it happens like this: my mother gave birth, and then she was drawn to beer. Why? Although she is not an alcoholic, she sometimes really wants to drink. This is due to the fact that in real beer there really is a substance that possesses useful properties... This is brewer's yeast. The smell of beer is bready, and the body of a young mother associates it with vitamins such as B1 and B2, as well as D2. In the first case, the vitamin improves metabolism and restores strength, and in the second, the skin is renewed, which has a beneficial effect on appearance... Vitamin D2 is essential for strong teeth and fast hair growth. In addition, the above microelements help the development of the child.

Therefore, as soon as you feel the urgent need to drink beer, reconsider your diet, it lacks these vitamins. Try increasing your bran intake. whole grain bread, vegetables, meat products and, accordingly, fermented milk. It is very important to keep an eye on what you eat while feeding, as this is how you feed your baby too.

How to drink beer correctly and what can be substituted for it

So, here you have to take into account that you will drink an exclusive non-alcoholic beer. But even it contains about 0.5-1.5% alcohol. If the child is not allergic to the components of this drink (for example, to hops) and does not react to carbon dioxide, which is an integral component of beer, then 500 ml will not bring much harm to either mother or baby.

Regarding 6% alcoholic content of this drink, then the dose should be halved, that is, 250 ml. Do not forget that you cannot feed your baby for an hour, since ethyl alcohol has not yet been removed from milk.By the way, after this time, there is no need to express milk, there will be no alcohol in it.

Beer while breastfeeding: some tips.

  1. The child should be fed before drinking alcohol and after 1-1.5 hours. So you will protect him from alcohol getting into his body.
  2. Do not drink beer if you get drunk even from one sip. This is due to the fact that there are not enough special enzymes for the assimilation of alcohol, or there is an individual intolerance.
  3. Remember, the lower the weight, the slower alcohol is excreted. However, due to the fact that almost every seventh mother uses alcohol (mainly beer or wine), doctors have drawn up rules to protect the child from the harmful effects of alcohol.
  4. One of the main conditions is the age of the child. Until 3 months, his intestines are unable to filter good and bad substances. When breastfeeding, he assimilates absolutely everything. Therefore, put yourself a ban on alcohol at least in the first few months of his life.

You can always replace beer. The same percentage of alcohol is contained in live kvass and kefir. This is much more useful, and the effect is the same. However, if there is a repeated need for alcohol, it means that the mechanism for the development of alcoholism has started, and when a person regularly drinks (especially a woman), this can become an incurable problem.

To increase lactation while breastfeeding, consume more water, juice, tea.

The latter can be purchased at the pharmacy, it is based on herbs that promote milk production.

What to do if you really want to drink during lactation?

There are cases when a woman, during breastfeeding, for some reason cannot refuse alcohol, for example, on her birthday. You need to protect your baby from possible negative consequences... To combine beer and feeding good option will express milk in advance for one or two feedings. When feeding, it is advisable to consume no more than 0.5 liters of beer, and the gas must first be released. Breastfeeding after alcohol is not recommended for 12-24 hours, it is better to use milk prepared in advance.

One more point: it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol (even beer) on an empty stomach. Always grab something to eat and drink afterwards. Otherwise, you will quickly get drunk, and the alcohol itself will be completely eliminated after many hours. A nursing mother cannot take such risks.

Thank you for your feedback.

Comments (1)

    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Did anyone manage to save your husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying out, I don’t know what to do ((I thought about divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, so he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he does not drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why are they selling on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their marginal markup. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonia, hello. This drug is used to treat alcohol addiction really is not sold through pharmacies and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. To date, you can order only on official website... Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I did not notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is in order for sure if the payment is on receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methodsto get rid of alcoholism? Father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    What kind of folk remedies did not try, father-in-law both drank and drinks

Doctors unanimously state that alcohol and breastfeeding not compatible. Even small doses of alcohol inhibit the normal development of the baby and contribute to the occurrence of diseases and abnormalities.

Recently, there has been an opinion that beer, due to the presence of some useful elements, stimulates an increase in lactation. However, experts deny this information. Research shows that beer does not affect the amount of milk in any way... And all the benefits of the drink fades into the background due to harmful and dangerous substances.

Let's see if beer can be consumed while breastfeeding.

Beer improves lactation: myth or not?

Some researchers say that you can drink beer while feeding, however, with strict adherence to the rules of use. This opinion was formed due to the fact that brewer's yeast is part of the foamy drink. This component has beneficial properties.

  • B1 improves metabolism, restores strength, relieves depression;
  • B2 stabilizes the skin condition, improves its structure and appearance;
  • D2 strengthens teeth and promotes hair growth.

If you feel an urgent need to drink beer, then you are missing these vitamins.

To replenish supplies it is not necessary to drink alcohol. These useful elements can be obtained from other products as well. Increase the dose of bran, bread from whole grain, vegetables and dairy products.

If you do decide to drink alcohol, then choose non-alcoholic beer. The presence of hops and barley in beer drink improve mom's mood and hormone production. And carbohydrates and minerals will become a source of nutrients. At the same time, there is a minimum amount of alcohol in such a drink.

On the Internet, you can often find a story that beer increased the amount of milk. Indeed, when drinking this alcoholic drink, it may seem that there is more milk. However, this is self-deception. Beer does not improve lactation.

It is proved that foamy drink accumulates in tissues, as a result, they swell and stretch. That is why the rush of milk begins to be felt. At the same time, feeding is difficult. Alcohol retains breast milk, and the baby is forced to suck harder.

And to increase lactation, it is better to drink more fluid... it natural juices, drinking water, tea and dairy products.

remember, that a large number of used alcohol will cause irreparable harm to the baby!

Harmful effects on a child

  • Delay in baby's motor development. Non-alcoholic alcohol is not an exception either. Despite this name, the drink still contains not large dose alcohol;
  • Sleep disturbance, lethargy and weakness;
  • Underweight baby
  • Risk of hypoglycemia;
  • The drink retains fluid in the body and interferes with the outflow of breast milk;
  • Increased heart rate and lowering blood pressure;
  • Colic, gas, inflammation of the esophagus, stomach or intestines;
  • Frequent consumption makes the baby quickly addictive, which subsequently leads to dependence.

Rules for drinking beer during lactation

Occasional drinking will not affect breastfeeding or harm your baby. Therefore, if you really want beer, you can drink a little. However, during lactation, the rules of use should be strictly observed:

  • Non-alcoholic beer contains 0.5-1.5% alcohol. For comparison, kefir contains about 0.6%, and kvass - about 1.2%. In this case, you can drink no more than 500 ml of the drink;
  • Weak beer with an alcohol content of up to 6% can be drunk occasionally and no more than 250 ml;
  • Before use, check if the child has allergic reaction for hops, barley, carbon dioxide;
  • Any alcoholic beverages, including non-alcoholic beer, must not be drunk for at least three months after childbirth;
  • Do not take canned beer as it contains a lot of preservatives;
  • Feed your baby before drinking alcohol. After drinking, wait until the alcohol has completely evaporated. The weathering time depends on the weight of the mother and the type of drink. A woman weighing 55 kg, drinking 250 ml of beer with a low alcohol content (up to 6%), will take on average two hours;
  • If, even after a sip of beer, strong intoxication occurs, then alcoholic drinks should be urgently excluded. This indicates a lack of enzymes for the assimilation of alcohol in the body;
  • If, after drinking beer, you notice a deterioration in the child's well-being, then it is also not recommended to drink in the future;
  • You cannot drink on an empty stomach! This will increase the time it takes for the alcohol to be eliminated from the body.

The drunk alcohol enters the digestive tract, where it is located for 20 minutes. It then travels to the intestines where absorption takes place. The alcohol is thrown into the bloodstream and processed for 10 minutes. The maximum concentration of alcohol in the blood is an hour, then gradually disappears.

The baby will receive the highest dose of alcohol when feeding 30-60 minutes after drinking the beer. Therefore, it is important to wait for the complete weathering of alcohol from the body. As mentioned earlier, for a 55 kg mom, it will take at least two hours.

The longer the time interval between drinking and feeding, the better. If you are afraid of negative consequences, then you can express milk before drinking.

Thus, occasionally you can drink non-alcoholic or weak beer in small doses... A single use will not cause serious damage. If a nursing mother periodically needs beer, then replace the drink with live kvass or kefir.