Is it harmful to drink non-alcoholic beer. Non-alcoholic beer is more harm than good

26.09.2019 Lenten dishes

Is non-alcoholic beer harmful? What benefits and harm does it bring to the body? These questions often come off the lips of fans of a fragrant intoxicating drink at times when, for whatever reason (medical diet, pregnancy, driving a car), they have to give up alcoholic nectars.

In fact, even the most elite non-alcoholic beer contains alcohol. True, in small doses - only 0.5-1.5% ethyl alcohol, which is 10 times less than in a regular drink, and 2 times less than in kvass.

The controversy regarding the benefits and harms of non-alcoholic beer still continues. Many alcoholics claim that it is absolutely harmless and even to some extent beneficial to the body, while doctors call it the same harmful product as its alcohol-containing counterpart. Today we will consider the opinions of both parties and try to find out what are the benefits and harms of non-alcoholic beer.

But first, let's get acquainted with the technologies of its production.

How alcohol-free beer is made

The soft drink is produced in two ways:

  1. By reducing the percentage of ethyl alcohol in it by suppressing fermentation processes.
  2. By eliminating alcohol through evaporation or double filtration.

In the field of beer production, the latter method is more common, since its use does not affect the structure and taste of the drink. They call it the method of dealcoholization. Beer is brewed using conventional technology, and then "degrees" are removed from it. The drink is either heated so that the ethyl alcohol gradually evaporates, or double filtration is carried out.

In the first case, barley wort is treated with special yeast, which reduces the activity of enzymes responsible for fermentation. This prevents malt sugar from being converted to alcohol. Fermentation processes with this method are slowed down by a low-temperature regime, which cannot but affect the taste of the drink - it differs slightly from the alcohol-containing analogue by the dominance of sweet malt notes.

However, in general, no matter how the non-alcoholic beer is produced, it differs little from the traditional one - the same taste and aroma, the same dense head of foam. Is that it is not enough degrees - no more than 5%.

The harm of non-alcoholic beer, or 5 reasons to stop drinking it

  1. According to doctors, the harm of non-alcoholic beer is that it is often the cause of alcoholism. The fact is that people can drink such a drink in unmeasured quantities without feeling drunk and seriously believing that it is absolutely harmless and cannot provoke alcohol dependence.
  2. Alcohol-free beer affects a man's hormones in a similar way to a traditional drink. And, as you know, ardent fans of the "mug of fresh, cold" suffer from a shortage in the body of the male hormone testosterone, which is replaced by the female - estrogen. As a result, the "beer belly" grows, the mammary glands enlarge, the pelvis expands, and the potency decreases.
  3. As for the influence of non-alcoholic beer on the female body, on the contrary, male hormones begin to dominate in it. Regular use of the drink provokes the growth of unwanted hair on the face and body, coarsening of the voice, and excess weight. Braga abuse can even lead to infertility.
  4. In order to increase the foam in the drink, many manufacturers season it with the chemical element cobalt, which adversely affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.
  5. The low content of ethyl alcohol in the drink is by no means a reason to use it for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Despite the absence of degrees in beer, there are enough other harmful substances (cobalt, hops, malt, yeast) that can negatively affect a tiny child's body.

Benefit, or 6 pluses in the piggy bank of non-alcoholic beer

The harm of non-alcoholic beer has been confirmed, however, the benefits of the drink for the human body have also been proven:

  1. According to the Japanese luminaries of medical science, such a drink inhibits the growth and development of cancer cells, preventing the occurrence of oncological ailments. This statement has been confirmed by numerous experiments and experiments on animals.
  2. Beer supplies the body with nutrients. For example, barley malt contains B vitamins, which are known for their beneficial effects on the brain, hormones, hematopoiesis, etc.
  3. Drinking in small doses lowers blood cholesterol levels.
  4. Non-alcoholic beer contains fewer calories than traditional beer.
  5. The drink is allowed to be consumed (in moderation) by people driving, as well as by those who are contraindicated in alcoholic cocktails.
  6. Alcohol-free beer does not cause hangovers and other unpleasant syndromes.

Benefits of non-alcoholic beer- a drink containing from 0.02 to 1-1.5% ethyl alcohol and generously saturated with various kinds of flavors, flavorings, foaming agents and preservatives - more than conventional.

The benefits and harms of non-alcoholic beer

The Japanese story about the increased anticarcinogenic resistance of the body in laboratory mice drinking exclusively non-alcoholic beer still requires serious confirmation. And even if scientists from the Land of the Rising Sun are right, it will be much more expedient to isolate the corresponding chemical compound and prepare an effective medicine based on it.

The harm of non-alcoholic beer- on the one hand, the alcohol content in drinks of this kind can be ten times lower than in ordinary beer. Thus, from this point of view, the conditionally non-alcoholic option is capable of causing significantly less harm to our body. However, in this case, we are not talking about the complete absence of the negative impact of ethanol.

On the other hand, with the exception of the amount of alcohol, the drink we are interested in contains the same ingredients as a full-fledged beer; we are talking about hops, barley sugar, carbon dioxide, etc. Accordingly, in the presence of medical contraindications associated with all these products and substances, the use of such an advertised drink will not be the solution to the problem.

And, finally, one should not forget about those not at all harmless chemical additives, whose content in beer soft drinks is much higher than in classic drinks. That is, instead of increasing the level of ethanol, which is quite acceptable in reasonable doses, adherents of the "zero option" feed their bodies with completely alien and at the same time much more toxic substances.

  1. Harm of non-alcoholic beer for men

    Regardless of the alcohol factor, regular exposure to foam sooner or later can backfire unpleasantly for the stronger sex. The result of exorbitant beer libations, in this case, is a decrease in the level of the male hormone in the body: testosterone and its replacement with a herbal variety of female hormones obtained through the drink: estrogens. The result of such changes, as a rule, is the expansion of the pelvis, thickening of the fat layer, an increase in breast volume and the appearance of high notes in the voice.

    It is curious that completely opposite processes take place in the organism of beer-loving ladies. As a result, there is a decrease in the timbre of the voice and the appearance of beer whiskers.

  2. Antibiotics and non-alcoholic beer

    Ethanol is also ethanol in Africa. Even a small dose of ethyl compounds can weaken or pervert the effect of antibiotics on the human body.

  3. Is non-alcoholic beer bad for the liver?

    Judge for yourself. Our liver is a natural filter that, at the cost of destroying its own cells, protects our body not only from excess ethyl alcohol, but also from other toxic substances. And you are going to unleash a stream of chemicals on her, and even indulge in ethanol for a snack. The conclusion suggests itself. It is not for nothing that doctors do not welcome the use of non-alcoholic drinks for liver diseases; for example: with hepatitis.

Non-alcoholic beer for some other diseases

    Non-alcoholic beer for pancreatitis... In this case, the answer will look even more categorical. For even the slightest bit of alcohol can irritate a damaged pancreas.

    With prostatitis even symbolic drinking is highly undesirable. Especially if the treatment of the disease involves taking antibiotics.

    With hemorrhoids drinking this drink can also cause complications. The reason for this is the negative effect of ethanol on the mucous membrane of the anus, aggravated by an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide.

    With diabetes beer the non-alcoholic is also a rather risky thing. After all, a decrease in the alcohol content in a drink does not in any way affect the presence of barley sugar in it - maltose.

    For epilepsy the use of non-alcoholic beer is undesirable. This is due to the diuretic properties of the drink. Excessive stress on the kidneys can raise blood pressure and thereby increase the likelihood of an attack.

    With gout doctors categorically prohibit non-alcoholic beer drinks. The substances contained in them are processed by the body into uric acid, which is extremely harmful to diseased joints.

    With gastritis beer "zero" is unconditionally excluded. This time, the point is in the presence of fermentation by-products, which, with the feasible support of ethanol, irritate the walls of the unfortunate stomach.

    With cystitis physicians are advised to limit the use. The diuretic properties of the drink, in this case, could be of some benefit, but it will be negated by the irritating effect of such a liquid on the inflamed bladder. If it came to treating the disease with antibiotics, then in this case there is no room for discussion at all.

    Rabies vaccine... According to Western manufacturers of rabies vaccines, the medical products they offer have no contraindications to drinking both non-alcoholic and regular beer.

Non-alcoholic beer and antidepressants

While taking antidepressants, the use of a conditionally dealcoholized beer product is either completely excluded or strongly discouraged.

The first case concerns medicines of the MAOI category (monoamine oxidase inhibitors). A protein substance contained in a non-alcoholic beer: tyramine, in combination with the aforementioned group of drugs, can lead to a sharp uncontrolled increase in blood pressure.

In the case of other categories of antidepressants, even a conditional dose of ethyl alcohol can contribute to impaired coordination, the appearance of drowsiness and an increase in the workload on the heart. At the same time, it should be noted that the manifestation of such side effects depends on the individual properties of each individual organism. Accordingly, it is better, after all, not to experiment.

Do you get fat from non-alcoholic beer?

From the drink itself, if we are not talking about the aforementioned hormonal changes in men, they do not get fat. Moreover, in view of the low alcohol content, its calorie content is equal to some 30 kcal per 100 ml (while the energy value of 100 ml of regular foam is around 60 kcal). However, the whole point is that the problem of excess weight among beer lovers is not so much in the drink itself, but in obscenely high-calorie traditional beer snacks: chips, crackers, smoked meats, etc.

That is, theoretically, the product of interest to us can be consumed even while on a diet. But, at the same time, you need to be mentally ready to resist the excessively played appetite.

Can non-alcoholic beer be encoded

According to experts, any low alcohol drink is evil.

On the one hand, drinking a bottle or two of non-alcoholic beer, not associated with negative consequences, can create an illusion of permissiveness in a person who is tied up.

On the other hand, the ethanol contained in the drink is enough for an alcohol addict to fail the brakes. The combination of these factors often leads to the transition to regular beer, with all the negative consequences that are possible when encoding.

Can the driver drink non-alcoholic beer

The drink we are interested in, first of all, was created for people who want to combine beer gatherings with driving a car. But even in this case, this near beer misunderstanding is malfunctioning.

First of all, you cannot drive earlier than 10 minutes after emptying a half-liter container of a fake soft drink. In addition, the pronounced smell of a freshly consumed drink can greatly exacerbate an already ambiguous situation.

If you managed to post 2 liters, for the same reasons, you should not think about driving for the next half hour.

In addition, there is another piquant moment. During the use of "zero" in a friendly company, and even with a classic beer snack, a kind of Placebo effect can work.

That is, for several tens of minutes, signs of mild intoxication are possible: speech retardation, rush of blood to the skin, minor coordination disorders, etc. about the producers of "safe" beer in very obscene terms.

Beer lovers appreciate it for its different qualities. This is both the taste and the ability to choose the strength of the drink. The number of admirers of foamy pleasure is increasing. This is not surprising, since the existing variety of varieties, and the affordable price range, allow you to satisfy any request. Some people, deprived of the opportunity to consume strong alcoholic drinks, believe that non-alcoholic beer is absolutely harmless to the body. Until now, for many, the benefits and harms of non-alcoholic beer remain controversial issues.

A bit of history

Beer has been known since ancient times. It was brewed from various raw materials, passing the recipe down from generation to generation. Over time, its production has acquired a production scale. Due to the variety of flavors, there have always been beer lovers.

A non-alcoholic cousin of the beloved foamy drink, appeared in the United States of America. Under the conditions of Prohibition, the sale of alcohol was practically prohibited, and was under the full control of the state. The alcohol producers suffered huge losses. Through their efforts, a drink was invented that retained all the qualities of natural beer. According to the law, such a product could not be considered alcoholic, but there was still a slight alcohol content in it. That is why non-alcoholic beer has taken root in the market. Gradually, the drink gained popularity, especially among motor vehicle drivers.

INTERESTING! It is believed that Budweiser was the first non-alcoholic beer. It is still produced by the American company Anheuser-Busch.

Features of production

The main thing to know about non-alcoholic beer is that it contains alcohol. Depending on the recipe and production technology, the drink contains from 0.2 to 1.5% ethyl alcohol. Why is it called non-alcoholic? There are special regulatory documents that establish the amount of alcohol and define the drink as alcoholic. Since the amount of ethanol in non-alcoholic beer is lower than the regulatory requirements, it is considered non-alcoholic.

How are non-alcoholic varieties produced? The trick is to eliminate alcohol from regular beer. This is achieved by such technological methods as:

  • Minimizing alcohol during an incomplete fermentation cycle.
  • Thermal alcohol removal by vacuum evaporation or distillation.

The composition of such a product may include dyes, preservatives, flavorings, foam stabilizers. These additives and the alcohol content make the drink not as safe as it is commonly believed. Which beer is more harmful - alcoholic or non-alcoholic? Experts believe that both types of products pose an equal hazard.

Impact and consequences

Why is non-alcoholic beer still popular among the population? The main consumers of this drink are people who are trying to limit the effects of alcohol on the body. These include the following groups:

  • Vehicle drivers.
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  • Minor adolescents.
  • People fighting alcoholism.

Is non-alcoholic beer harmful to health? This can be said for sure, since all non-alcoholic varieties of such products are still a source of ethyl alcohol, which has a negative effect on the body. The consequences of regular consumption of a drink with a low alcohol content affect almost all body systems. The main problem is that the effects are not as obvious as those of regular beer, but they certainly are.

Harm to internal organs

Drinking beer, like any other alcoholic beverage, directly affects various internal organs of a person. The harm of non-alcoholic beer can be traced in the following situations:

  1. Liver and related organs. The ethyl alcohol contained in the drink is very dangerous for the liver and biliary tract. Toxins and additives have a destructive effect on cells and tissue structures. Regular use can cause alcoholic hepatitis and fatal cirrhosis of the liver. Pancreatitis, cholecystitis, dyskinesia are exacerbated by alcohol.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, gastritis, etc.). With such pathologies, even a small amount of alcohol leads to an exacerbation of diseases and contributes to the chronicization of negative processes.
  3. Diabetes. Since the body of diabetics functions with impairments, non-alcoholic varieties can aggravate the patient's condition. Ethyl alcohol causes a sharp drop in blood sugar levels. This leads to hypoglycemia, which can result in coma and death.
  4. Diseases of the central nervous system, such as epilepsy, myasthenia gravis, neuralgia and others. The attacks accompanying these diseases are aggravated by the influence of alcohol.
  5. Rheumatic and arthritic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Alcohol in non-alcoholic beer is partially converted to uric acid, which damages joints.
  6. Kidney disease. Since the drink has diuretic properties, it can trigger a nephrotic attack.
  7. The cardiovascular system. People suffering from high blood pressure and various heart pathologies are strongly discouraged from drinking alcohol, even in minimal amounts.

Incompatibility with medicines

The action of ethyl alcohol, which is present in non-alcoholic beer, distorts the medicinal properties of drugs. Some of them lose their properties, while others become hypertoxic, which can threaten the patient's health and lead to death due to toxic shock. In no case, you can not combine the intake of antibiotics and antidepressants with this drink.

Harm to the male body

Non-alcoholic beer is especially insidious for men. Like regular foamy drinks, it stimulates the production of the female hormone estrogen in the male body. Under the influence of this hormone, the structure of the male body gradually changes, adjusting to the female type. The fat layer begins to actively develop in the abdomen and thighs. Gynecomastia appears - an increase in the mammary glands.

The influence of non-alcoholic beer also affects potency. Erectile function and libido decrease, and in some cases, impotence may develop. Sperm production also suffers. They become lethargic, their number and vitality drop significantly.

ATTENTION! If men have problems such as prostatitis and prostate adenoma, alcohol should not be consumed. Its negative effect aggravates the disease and distorts the effect of drugs.

Harm to women

Hormonal imbalance and the rapid development of alcoholism are the main danger for women who consume non-alcoholic beer. Hormonal disorders cause pathological changes in the female body. Beer promotes rapid weight gain and can cause fertility dysfunction. Also, addiction to beer contributes to the rapid development of alcoholism, since the resistance to addiction, in women, is much lower than in men.

Non-alcoholic beer is absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women. Ethyl alcohol penetrates the placental barrier and negatively affects the development of the fetus. A child who is exposed to alcohol intoxication in the prenatal period risks no less than the mother. He can be born with a variety of pathologies, both mental and physical.

Effects on weight

A product such as non-alcoholic beer does not contain enough calories to affect weight gain. But estrogen, which is produced in large quantities when drinking the drink, as well as high-calorie snacks (crackers, chips) contribute to rapid weight gain.

Harm for special groups

It is believed that non-alcoholic beer can be consumed safely in all situations. How true is this statement? It is definitely not true. The alcohol content in it, albeit to a small extent, makes such a drink dangerous for the following categories:

  • Vehicle drivers.
  • Workers with access to traumatic mechanisms and devices.
  • Persons coded from the use of alcoholic beverages, or undergoing treatment for alcohol dependence.

People who fall into such groups should refrain from non-alcoholic beer. Ethyl alcohol, which is part of it, affects the reaction rate and an adequate assessment of the situation, and can also be fatally incompatible with the drugs used for coding (disulfiram).

Useful qualities

There are adherents of the theory that non-alcoholic beer is good for the body, at any age. As an example, a study by Japanese scientists is cited. According to their experiment, in the bodies of mice taking regular doses of non-alcoholic beer, substances were produced that reduce the risk of developing cancerous tumors. It should be noted that there is no data confirming the conformity of this experiment for the human body. It is also claimed that the high content of B vitamins helps to strengthen the nervous system, and the low calorie content of the drink helps in weight loss.

The benefits of beer free of high alcohol concentrations are questionable. Ethyl alcohol and various additives negate all the hypothetical beneficial properties of this drink, and the harm can be quite noticeable . When deciding whether or not to drink non-alcoholic beer, one should be guided by the circumstances and state of the body.

Nonalcoholic beer is made using the same technology as the alcoholic version, therefore it contains a small proportion of alcohol. When creating a non-alcoholic version, this drink is filtered, ridding it of excess degrees even during the fermentation process. Since such a drink contains a very small amount of alcohol, it becomes not so harmful to the body, and in some places even has a number of positive properties. From the issue you will learn about the main positive properties and disadvantages of non-alcoholic beer, whether it is harmful during pregnancy, whether it is effective for losing weight, and much more.

Useful and medicinal properties of non-alcoholic beer

If non-alcoholic beer is made from natural products in compliance with all the required technologies, then such a drink will contain a number of useful trace elements and an impressive amount. This is due to the fact that the basis of any beer - barley- a plant rich in substances that we need for the proper growth and development of the body.

The main benefit of the soft drink is to protect against cancer, as well as to develop increased resistance to carcinogens that cause cancer. Through experiments, scientists have found that under the influence of carcinogenic substances, oncological neoplasms appear in the human body. Useful components in beer inhibit the assimilation of harmful elements, literally flushing them out of the body.

Another beneficial property of non-alcoholic beer is to improve digestion. The point is that barley and malt are good sources of B vitamins- valuable substances that directly affect the positive work of the gastrointestinal tract and improve the metabolic rate. The absence of harmful toxins and toxins in it depends on how quickly and efficiently our body digests food without residue. However, this benefit is highly questionable, since these substances can be easily obtained from less harmful foods.

Finally, non-alcoholic beer has the greatest value in quality cosmetic product, allowing you to successfully cope with the restoration of the skin of the face and hair. If yeast is indicated in this drink, then it will be incredibly useful for restoring and strengthening hair. Cosmetologists often advise using only natural products, especially if there is an unbalanced diet in life, constant stress on the hair in the form of coloring or using a hair dryer / iron. Beer mask allows you to make lifeless and ugly hair strong and shiny.

Also, a mixture of non-alcoholic beer and other equally useful ingredients can be used to restore a fresh look to aging and tired skin. The rejuvenating blend is ideal for all skin types and, in addition to elasticity, helps to get rid of imperfections on the face (pimples, acne and blemishes).

Can pregnant women and lactating mothers drink non-alcoholic beer while breastfeeding (HB)?

It is a mistake to believe that if beer is non-alcoholic, then it is completely safe for some categories of people, especially for pregnant and lactating girls. Even a drop of ethyl alcohol that has entered the body of the expectant mother will seriously harm both the woman and her fetus. Once in the body, ethanol easily penetrates the placenta into the child's body and has a detrimental effect. Most often this is manifested in a violation of the liver in an already born baby.

In addition, during pregnancy and childbirth, the state of the mother's liver is burdened by the influence of the load in the form of the fetus. The extra burden of an "innocent" sip of a soft drink will make things even worse.

Chemical composition and calorie content of non-alcoholic beer

How many proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU) and calories are in non-alcoholic beer?

It should be noted that the positive properties of a soft drink include it low calorie content... There are only 29 calories per 100 ml of the product. This is a fairly small figure compared to other alcoholic beverages.

The nutritional value:

What vitamins, macro- and microelements are contained in non-alcoholic beer?

The vitamin composition in non-alcoholic beer is not as diverse as, for example, in wine and wine drinks.

This drink contains a small amount calcium and phosphorus- minerals that have a positive effect on strengthening bones. However, since beer has a diuretic effect, most of the minerals are simply flushed out of the body.

But even so, the benefits of such a product are much less than harm. As a foam stabilizer, beer is added cobalt- a toxic element that has a detrimental effect on the work of the heart, as well as provoking inflammation of the stomach and esophagus.

How is it used for weight loss

Oddly enough, but in the world of dietetics there really is beer diet, the use of which is only questionable. The fact is that one bottle of non-alcoholic beer contains a quarter of the calorie intake of people who are losing weight. If you add such a drink to your diet, then you will hardly be able to lose those extra pounds. In addition, where there is beer, there are also snacks, which is another significant increase in calories.

Also, non-alcoholic beer is one that gives the body light energy, causes a jump in blood sugar and interferes with the breakdown of body fat. All that can be achieved on such a diet is a beer belly and liver problems.

Use in a healthy diet

A beer drink that does not contain alcohol in its composition, it perfectly quenches thirst in hot weather and protects from intoxication. Cold beer has been shown to quench thirst better than water. At the same time, the use of this drink will not in any way affect the reaction, coordination and the ability to make quick decisions. Accordingly, people who have drunk non-alcoholic beer will not suffer from hangovers and other unpleasant syndromes that alcohol causes.

How to Pick a Good Product

Before purchasing a non-alcoholic beer, you need to carefully read the label and carefully study some of the important signs of a quality product. The safest drink is considered to be beer sold in spill... This product does not contain preservatives, has a pleasant barley flavor and malt aroma. The store version, in contrast to "live" beer, contains preservatives and chemical additives.

If it is not possible to purchase draft beer, then first of all it is important to read the composition of the drink indicated on the label. The fewer impurities are indicated in the ingredients, the more useful such a product is. The safest ingredients are hops, malt, water and yeast. If sodium benzoate or E-additives are listed among the ingredients, such a drink is unlikely to be beneficial.

How to use the product

Frequent consumption of even non-alcoholic beer will cause irreparable harm to health. Drinking a small amount once a month will reduce the risk of disease and reduce the harmful effects.

Can you drink non-alcoholic beer while driving?

During the experiments, it turned out that when drinking a non-alcoholic version of the drink, the analyzers of the degree of alcohol intoxication show 0.0 ppm... This means that non-alcoholic beer can be drunk even if there is a long car trip in the future.

Harm and contraindications

Still, there is more harm than good from non-alcoholic beer. First of all, such a drink affects the hormonal background of men and women. This is due to phytoestrogens, showing primary female sexual characteristics in men and directly affecting potency. In women, however, such substances stimulate the production of the male hormone - testosterone... As a result, men have a beer belly, swollen breasts and an enlarged pelvis, while women have a mustache, a hoarse voice and infertility.

The non-alcoholic version has a negative effect on the liver, kidneys, endocrine system, heart and brain. Frequent consumption of this drink can lead to migraines, weakness and irritability.

It is also worth refraining from drinking non-alcoholic beer for those who are susceptible to alcoholism. The myth that such a drink is not capable of causing addiction has long been dispelled. As it turned out, drinking beer, even one in which there are no degrees, is much more dangerous than using stronger drinks.

Despite the clear presence of positive properties in non-alcoholic beer, it is still worth limiting the consumption of this product and replacing it with more healthy drinks. Moreover, in modern realities it is quite difficult to find a really high-quality beer drink that will not harm the body.

Many people believe that non-alcoholic beer is completely harmless and can be consumed every day. This is a misconception. The presence of alcohol in a frothy drink is not the only factor harmful to human health. This is especially noticeable when a person drinks beer every day.

Video: Non-alcoholic Beer and Antibiotics

Difference between regular beer and non-alcoholic beer

Someone will say that the difference between these two drinks is very great. In the first case, there is alcohol content, and in the second, it is not. We dare to assure you that the difference between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beer is not so significant. The non-alcoholic foamy drink also contains alcohol, but in a very small amount (about 0.5% of the total). Initially, such a cocktail was invented so that it could be drunk by persons who cannot consume alcoholic beverages in view of their activity. This group of people includes drivers. A kind of marketing ploy to increase beer sales and nothing more. Otherwise, there is no difference between them. Alcohol-free beer is made from the same ingredients and using the same technology as regular beer. Its composition is completely identical to the classic foamy drink. The absence of alcohol in beer affects only its taste.

Video: Channel 5 story about non-alcoholic beer

The non-alcoholic version of the drink is made using all the different filtration methods of classic beer. After such screening, alcohol is removed from the liquor, and all other substances and trace elements, including harmful ones, remain in the finished nectar. Therefore, the harm of the non-alcoholic option, as well as of regular beer, depends on the amount drunk. If you drink liters of such beer every day, then the beer belly and health problems will not keep you waiting long.

Non-alcoholic beer for pregnant women: harmful or not

It is strongly discouraged to consume non-alcoholic beer for pregnant women.... It contains a lot of yeast, chemicals and preservatives. During pregnancy, all of these substances can affect the normal development of a bearing fetus. If you want your child to be born healthy, then you should refuse to use any alcohol-containing drinks. Also we we do not recommend drinking non-alcoholic beer for people with problems with the kidneys, nervous and cardiovascular systems... The consumption of this kind of drinks has a detrimental effect on their health and leads to an even greater development of diseases.

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