Cocoa when breastfeeding. Cocoa in the diet of a nursing woman: about the possibilities and rules of use

In the first months after the birth of the long-awaited baby, a period of a kind of fasting begins in the life of every mother.

At this time, there are many prohibitions regarding food and drink, but many are interested in the question: is it possible to breastfeed Nesquik cocoa? On this score, a huge number of opinions and disagreements arise among newly-made mothers, who still lack knowledge and experience.

Due to the loss of a large amount of energy and resources during childbirth, a woman's body naturally tries to replenish all this by increasing her appetite. But the acceptable list of products is not so desirable, and therefore every mom is trying to find an outlet for herself that will not harm the baby. Most often this applies to sweets and drinks that are favorite in the usual period of life.

One of these is cocoa, which is considered by many to be harmless, unlike coffee. But is this so, and is it possible to breastfeed Nesquik cocoa? This issue must be carefully sorted out in order to avoid irreparable damage to the health of the baby.

Cocoa itself is a forbidden product during lactation, as it is quite allergenic. But this is not the only reason why experts do not recommend it during this period.

  • Due to the high content of caffeine in cocoa, it has an exciting effect on the fragile nervous system of the child.
  • The presence of theobromine in cocoa beans has a similar effect, but in addition, it negatively affects the cardiovascular system of the baby.
  • This substance is capable of removing calcium from the body, therefore, the use of cocoa becomes extremely dangerous, since the leaching of such an important trace element from a growing body can lead to irreversible consequences.

What then can we say about the use of semi-synthetic cocoa Nesquik during breastfeeding, which contains flavors and preservatives, due to which the negative effect increases significantly.

This detrimental effect is observed with the systematic use of the drink, and even in large quantities.

Despite all the disadvantages of this product, it contains many substances that can have a beneficial effect on the child's body and the mother's lactation function. If the baby does not suffer from frequent allergic reactions, he has a healthy sleep and a good appetite, then a couple of cups a week of Nesquik milk cocoa will not harm your child.

  • Many experts prohibit the use of cocoa in the first weeks, or even months after the birth of a child.
  • As soon as you decide to try natural cocoa or Nesquik drink, you should know that it should be introduced from 1 tablespoon. with an interval of 2-3 days. Slightly increasing the dosage each time.
  • It is advisable to consume non-concentrated drinks, and dilute them more with water.
  • You should enjoy your favorite drink in the morning to avoid the increased activity of the child in the evening.
  • If the baby has negative signs, such as: various allergic reactions, bloating, constipation or disorder, you need to take a break for a couple of weeks, and then try the cocoa drink again. When the symptoms recur, it is better to refuse it altogether, so as not to cause such inconvenience to the crumbs.
  • In a good scenario, you can drink one cup of the drink 2-3 times a week.

And now let's summarize and give an answer to the question of interest to many: is it possible to breastfeed cocoa Nesquik? Of course it is possible, if the baby does not have negative reactions to this product and if the maximum permissible dosages are observed. After all, when the mother is happy, then the child will behave calmly.

Compliance with strict limits is not always good, as it can increase the percentage of irritation in the mother, and the child will behave accordingly. Therefore, spoil yourself occasionally with your favorite delicacies!

After giving birth, a young mother adheres to a strict diet, and most grandmothers begin to give advice and recommendations to protect them from mistakes. According to doctors, due to improper nutrition of the mother, the baby may have stomach cramps, healthy sleep will be disturbed, and the body will be covered with an allergic rash. However, despite the numerous prohibitions, I really want to eat fruits, nuts, drink your favorite coffee or cocoa, which is a powerful allergen.

Benefit or harm

Many breastfeeding women are concerned about the question, is it possible to breastfeed cocoa? Before answering this question, it is important to understand its benefits and harms. Beans contain caffeine, which passes into breast milk. This leads to the fact that the excitability of the mother and baby increases.

After drinking a cup of your favorite drink, the baby will become irritable, whiny. It is important to note that the content of this substance is 0.1%, which is much less than in coffee and tea. It contains an alkaloid that excites the central nervous system, flushes calcium out of the body.

In addition, breastfeeding cocoa is very dangerous for the simple reason that the product is included in the highly allergenic group. That is why breastfeeding and cocoa are incompatible things. As a result, it is possible to cause an allergic reaction in the child. As for coffee, it has less developed allergenic properties than cocoa with hv.

In the first months of a baby's life, a young mother should not introduce highly allergenic products, drinks: cocoa, coffee into the diet. This is due to the fact that the intestines of the newborn baby are not mature enough, therefore, it is not able to restrain the flow of allergens from the mother's breast milk. Then the woman should gradually introduce these products into the menu, observing the baby's reaction.

Beneficial features:

  • stimulation of endorphins - hormones of happiness;
  • tonic effect;
  • the composition contains important minerals - phosphorus, potassium, as well as vegetable oils, antioxidants.

That is why, when asking the question whether it is possible to have cocoa or Nesquik, the answer will be obvious - no. It is strictly forbidden to drink a drink for mom if the baby is not even a month old. For the first time, cocoa can be introduced into the diet after three months, but not earlier.

According to the majority of neonatologists and pediatricians, in the first months of the GV, it is necessary to completely abandon highly allergenic products. You should not look at its benefits and amazing properties, as there will be more harm.

Many doctors forbid drinking the drink for the first three months after giving birth. If you decide to try it, then you need to take into account some important nuances. For cooking, take low-fat milk, you can dilute it with water, following a 2: 1 or 3: 1 ratio. It is advisable not to add sugar.

After giving birth, you should drink cocoa only before lunch, immediately after feeding. This is necessary in order to observe the baby's reaction to a new product that is an allergen. If there is minimal suspicion of allergies - itching, redness, rash, stop this experiment immediately. You can try again after a few weeks. If the baby reacts normally, you can drink 100 ml of the drink once a week.

The opinion of the famous doctor Komarovsky

Many parents listen to the opinion of the popular Ukrainian pediatrician, author of many books and television programs, candidate of sciences - E.O. Komarovsky. His popularity is due to the fact that he is able to explain in an accessible and intelligible way how to treat children, what medicines and methods to use.

Better not to experiment. When mom does not eat chocolate, strawberries, citrus fruits and cocoa, as these are dangerous allergens, the baby feels great. If you drink a chocolate drink, Mom will regret it a little later, since there is a high probability that the baby will itch and become covered with a rash.

Cocoa is both a useful ingredient during pregnancy and lactation, but also very dangerous. Before introducing it into your diet, you need to consult with your doctor, consider all the existing Pros and Cons. After that, you can make a well-considered decision.

Drink recipe

It's best to make your own chocolate drink. You will need the following ingredients for one serving:

  • cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • a little sugar;
  • water - 150 milliliters;
  • milk - 200 milliliters.

Cooking technology:

  1. Mix water with milk, warm up.
  2. Combine cocoa and sugar, add to milk liquid, boil. Cook for three minutes.
  3. Pour into a prepared cup, then you can drink.

How to remove stretch marks with cocoa butter

During pregnancy, you can safely apply the oil of this product in the fight against stretch marks. In simple words, stretch marks are not a disease, but a cicatricial transformation of the skin, which does not cause discomfort or pain, but spoils the appearance.

Stretch marks can appear on the hips, chest, and abdomen. As for the oil, it effectively penetrates deep into the skin layer, where it has a healing effect.

Product properties:

  • tones up;
  • regenerates;
  • moisturizes.

The oil provides an amazing effect in the fight against old stretch marks. It does not need to be mixed with additional ingredients. To even out the skin, take a piece of the product in your hands, warm it, then rub it on the problem area of ​​the skin. Repeat the procedure every day, you can notice the healing effect after several sessions.

Good to know! The oil is perfectly absorbed, leaving no stains or traces of fat after it. Collagen synthesis is noticeably improved, which helps to make the skin smooth, firm, elastic.

Thus, drinking the drink during lactation is not recommended in the first three months. Then you can carefully try and observe the reaction of your child. In addition, this product is a good remedy in the fight against stretch marks, which are a problem for any woman.

The question of whether cocoa is possible with breastfeeding is a fairly often discussed topic in various thematic forums. As with many other issues, the opinions of "experts" differ somewhat, and some argue that drinking cocoa is not only not harmful, but also beneficial for a nursing mother, while others argue that this is not worth doing. We will not seek the truth on thematic forums, but we will try to approach the problem from the point of view of science and find out whether it is possible for a nursing mother to drink cocoa.

Leading HB experts note that cocoa is categorically contraindicated for nursing mothers in the first months of a child's life. Often, young mothers, during breastfeeding, replace the usual cup of morning coffee with a cup of cocoa in milk, mistakenly believing that it is much healthier for the baby. It should be borne in mind that, one way or another, but cocoa also contains caffeine, albeit not in such quantities as coffee. When breastfeeding, all substances that enter a woman's body literally "with mother's milk" enter the child's still not strong body.

The effect of cocoa on the baby's body

This can be quite dangerous, since the products contained in cocoa can easily have the following negative effects on the newborn's body:

  1. To adversely affect the state of the baby's nervous system, which is in the stage of active formation during the infancy. Under the influence of caffeine, a child develops hyperexcitability, sleep function may be disrupted, and therefore your baby may become moody and demanding.
  2. Cause a fairly serious allergic reaction, since cocoa is recognized as one of the strongest allergens. For this reason, cocoa for a nursing mother, especially in the first months after childbirth, is categorically contraindicated by specialists.

Thus, we can conclude that cocoa while breastfeeding is not the best choice, and you should refrain from it at least temporarily, until the baby gets a little stronger and his immunity is not ready to meet new stimuli.

When you can't, but you really want to

It is definitely not recommended for a nursing mother to drink cocoa until 3 months. Is it okay to drink cocoa when you cross this line? And this question is difficult to answer unequivocally. If you cannot do without a delicious hot drink, then you can start drinking cocoa, but this must also be done with great care, and following certain rules.

Cocoa with HB should be started to drink "in homeopathic doses" - every mother should understand this! The first time it is allowed to drink no more than two sips, and then at least two days to observe the child's reaction. If the baby has skin rashes or other manifestations of allergic reactions, then the idea will most likely have to be left indefinitely. You should not continue the experiment in order to avoid serious negative consequences that will not take long to appear. If the intake of cocoa during lactation did not cause any response, then you can continue and the second time to slightly increase the "dosage". Gradually, the amount of the drink can be brought to a volume of 100 ml, but doctors categorically do not recommend to abuse it.

If you do decide to afford a cup of cocoa while breastfeeding, then you should follow these rules:

  • replace sugar with fructose;
  • do not introduce other new products into the diet so that you can accurately track the baby's reaction to cocoa;
  • make sure that the baby does not have allergies or other negative reactions to milk, as it can also become a rather aggressive product for the baby;
  • use skim milk;
  • do not drink the drink more than 2 times a week;
  • try to drink the drink immediately after you feed the baby, and not before feeding;
  • do not drink cocoa at night, all new products are introduced during the day;
  • in case of any negative manifestations, immediately stop the "experiment".

If you want to get an exhaustive answer to the question of whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have cocoa during hepatitis B, consult your doctor, he will be able to give answers to all your questions and help you do everything right.

Which variety of beans should you prefer?

Not all cocoa beans are suitable for a woman during lactation, but they are different. When choosing a powder for preparing a drink, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Country of origin. There are many products from China on the market today. It's no secret that the Chinese export, as a rule, not very high-quality products to our country, and cocoa is no exception. Considering the fact that beans do not grow in China, it can be assumed that enterprising Chinese buy not very high-quality, and sometimes even completely substandard raw materials and process them, obtaining a product of corresponding low quality. Therefore, when choosing a powder, it is better to give preference to manufacturers from South America.
  2. Product grade. There are three main types of cocoa beans: Criollo, Forastero, and Trinitario. Criollo and Trinitario are elite varieties that are rarely found on the domestic market. Forastero differs in that it has a characteristic taste, but is devoid of exquisite aroma.
  3. Fat content, the mass fraction of which in a quality product should not exceed 15%. The finer the grind, the better the product is considered to be.
  4. You should not use drinks like "Nesquik", as they often contain not only cocoa, sugar and milk powder of dubious quality, but also various preservatives and dyes, which are not at all useful for the immature organism of the baby. Very often, such seemingly harmless drinks cause complex allergic reactions in children.

Summing up, we can summarize that it is better to postpone the intake of cocoa until the baby is 3 months old, and even after that drink with great care. No one can forbid you to do this, but experts strongly recommend that you adequately assess the potential harm to the child with dubious pleasure for a nursing mother. Make the right choice and let your baby grow up healthy!

There are many taboos for nursing mothers: you cannot drink alcohol, you cannot eat spicy foods, you cannot smoke. All this is quite justified, since through milk the child receives everything that is forbidden and unhealthy that the mother had the imprudence to eat or drink.

Doctors also do not recommend cocoa for breastfeeding, since it is included in the list of highly allergenic foods. You should especially beware of consuming cocoa during lactation in the first 3 months of a child's life.

The kid can react to cocoa diathesis. In addition, he may develop aggressiveness. Some researchers link cocoa consumption by nursing mothers and baby's insomnia. The same applies to coffee and chocolate.

But is it really that scary? First of all, do not forget that all people are purely individual. And the fact that for some has an extremely negative effect on their well-being, for others it does not cause any reaction at all.

And yet - is it possible for nursing mothers to have cocoa? Of course, there is no definite answer to this question. You need to determine the degree of influence of this drink on your child. Have a cup of cocoa and watch your child that day. If the rash does not appear, the child will not become overly active and aggressive and will not react in any other way to the experimental cocoa intake, you can try again after a couple of days.

In any case, a nursing mother can drink cocoa not every day, but a maximum of two times a week. And you need to choose a time when the child has just eaten, preferably in the morning. Although caffeine is absorbed in small doses, it is absorbed! This means that it can in some way affect the well-being of the baby.

And more - if you desperately want to drink cocoa or coffee, choose natural coffee and high quality cocoa. As far as chocolate is concerned, it is best if it is pure and bitter.

Breastfeeding is a crucial moment in the life of a mother and baby. Mom's diet while breastfeeding is a topic shrouded in rumors, speculation and scientific evidence. Many are afraid of the word "diet" and represent the Spartan regime - soup with potatoes on water. This is not true, feeding implies the presence of all the nutrients in the mother's diet! The main principle of the diet is to eliminate harmful and allergenic foods, as well as significantly reduce the amount of fat consumed. Moreover, with each month the child grows, the mother's diet should expand!

Breastfeeding cocoa is a controversial issue. Science has proven its ability to cause allergies, as well as the presence of caffeine, which is dangerous for the crumbs. Nevertheless, in various forums, when asked "is it possible to drink cocoa", mothers confidently say: "I drank cocoa from the first week of a child's life and everything is fine!" How well the child feels, the pediatrician will say a little later, based on the test results, it is not advisable to completely trust such statements.

Is it possible for a nursing woman to cocoa

Can cocoa be breastfed? The answer is yes. It's about time and quantity. Cocoa is allowed to be introduced into a woman's diet while breastfeeding from the third month of a child's life... At the same time, the baby must be absolutely healthy and not prone to allergies. To determine whether a child has an allergy, cocoa should be tried according to the scheme for introducing the first complementary foods - in the first half of the day, after feeding the child, drink one or two sips of the drink and observe the reaction of the child's body for two days. If there is no rash, itching, redness, problems with stools and disturbances in sleep, a nursing mother can afford to drink two cups of cocoa per week.

The benefits and harms of cocoa for a newborn and mom

Cocoa is included in the list of undesirable products due to the contained elements that adversely affect the child's body.

More about harmful sides:

  1. Caffeine. It not only excites the nervous system, but affects the work of the heart and blood vessels. Just like the mother, the child experiences a leap in the work of the system. If a sharp increase in tone affects the adult body to some extent favorably, the baby may experience abnormalities in the work of the heart, and spasm of the cerebral vessels easily leads to headaches. The child's body is not strong enough for this kind of change. Therefore, caffeine is prohibited during breastfeeding. In comparison with coffee, there is much less caffeine in cocoa - 0.1-0.2%. This allows it to be consumed in strictly limited doses.
  2. Theobromine. A double-edged sword. Possesses positive and negative properties. From the positive - suppression of cough, removal of spasms from blood vessels, tonic effect. When abused, cocoa promotes the removal of calcium from the body. Excessive tone also does not bring positive effects - increased excitability and sleep disturbance are guaranteed.
  3. Allergy. The scourge of newborns. It is she who is one of the main reasons for adhering to a diet while breastfeeding. The baby is very difficult to treat. The list of acceptable medications is extremely narrow, and finding out the cause of the occurrence is problematic - after all, the child cannot tell himself. Allergy manifests itself in a rash, itching and redness of the skin. Much more difficult and dangerous is the effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The intestinal microflora is unstable for the first 4 months and requires special attention. When substances that it is not able to digest enter the body, a disorder occurs, redness in the rectal opening, there may even be inflammation. This problem is solved for a long time and difficult, with the help of special preparations. The danger is represented by the fact that having once "ripped off" the intestines, the child can have problems in his work for a long time. If the mother abuses cocoa, in the future, the child may develop an allergy to this product. This means no chocolate, as it is made from cocoa.

In summary, we can conclude that drinking cocoa while breastfeeding is not a good idea. There are negative aspects, but there are practically no positive ones, except for the personal pleasure of the mother.

It is advisable to start drinking cocoa during GW as late as possible. In theory, the safe period is when introducing the first complementary foods. When a child's body begins to get used to a new type of food, the risk of causing negative reactions is significantly reduced.

How to drink while breastfeeding (by how much)

To drink or not to drink, that is the question! Taking into account allergies as the main obstacle to cocoa, you need to find out if there is any in order to make a decision. Cocoa should be tried according to the scheme for introducing the first complementary foods - in the first half of the day, after feeding the child, drink one or two sips of the drink and observe the reaction of the child's body for two days. If there is no rash, itching, redness, problems with stools and disturbances in sleep, a nursing mother can afford to drink two cups of cocoa per week.

It is important to drink cocoa immediately after feeding. Thus, most of the allergens will have time to dissolve in the female body and, to a lesser extent, remain in milk. Cocoa should not be strong, sweet and milk (cow or goat). Milk is fatty, therefore, its use with HS is not recommended. The drink is prepared with water or diluted with it.

Cocoa is always drunk in the morning! Even if at first there was no allergy, it can always appear. In addition, the child's personal biorhythms and the characteristics of his body - it is highly undesirable to load the liver and intestines before going to bed.

How to make hot chocolate

As mentioned above, it is better to abstain from milk during HB. You can make a 1: 1 ratio of water and milk if the mother is completely unbearable and the child has no contraindications. Sugar is limited in consumption. Better not to add it at all. Use 1 tsp for a glass of drink. cocoa powder and pour hot water, stir until dissolved - ready.

When breastfeeding, it is important to choose a quality product. Nesquik cocoa is not suitable, for this it is enough to carefully read the composition. It is more of an artificial substitute than natural cocoa powder. Although vitamins and microelements are painted on the packaging, in fact, Nesquik contains flavors, emulsifiers and flavoring additives that are harmful to both mother and child. The choice should be stopped on regular cocoa in a cardboard box. The manufacturer is not China! Cocoa does not grow on the territory of this state, just firms buy out spoiled cocoa beans on the cheap.