Homemade ice cream taste of Soviet ice cream step by step recipe. Homemade ice cream sundae classic recipe from the ussr

08.09.2019 Fish dishes

I can find the composition and proportions later, now I'm not at hand. In the meantime, I will describe the cooking process itself, as an answer to Paul instead of a comment.

It makes sense to have a way to make homemade ice cream in your arsenal for one main reason - you will not put a single gram of inedible food there. Only natural, tasty and understandable: milk, butter, egg yolks, sugar, vanillin. Only hardcore, as the famous Maria often writes)).

Another reason to be able to make such an ice cream is the ability to portray a chic ice cream cake in several tiers. Moreover, now there are various decorations that can be used for such a cake. Although I made do with berry juice, regular real chocolate and fresh berries. My children probably don't even remember that I prepared such a miracle for their birthdays several times. There was a time, there was nothing interesting on sale, no cakes or, as now, ice cream in jars, rolls, with filling and so on. I had to turn on my imagination, look for interesting recipes. I don’t even remember where I got it from. Either from an old book on home economics, or from the magazine "Family and School". In that magazine, amazing things were printed to help parents.

First, a mixture of milk (cream) -eggs-butter-vanillin-sugar is prepared. The milk is warmed up, the butter is dissolved there in pieces in a warm, not hot. The yolks are ground with sugar, vanillin on the tip of a knife. Then stir it into the milk-oil mixture. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally to prevent the yolk from curdling into lumps.

Cool it down. Pour the mixture into a plastic bag (two together for reliability). Pour it so that there is room for air - about 2/3 of the volume. This air will be the main preparation of our ice cream. Because there were no plastic clips-latches, I took ordinary linen wooden clothespins and clamped the folded edges of the bags with them. The bag is laid flat in the freezer.

All this is half frozen in the freezer. Then it is whipped by shaking the bag in your hands. It takes a little skill. From the warmth of the hands, the mixture is slightly leveled in consistency, and you cannot overheat it. Better to put on mittens or do it through a towel. Throw the bag back and forth in your palms. The milk mixture is saturated with air. So we repeat several times (freeze-shake) until the state of soft ice cream.

Several portions are made in different packages. This allows you to add a different filler to them - grated chocolate, juice or fruit puree (very little!). Lay out on the cake tins and freeze again. We take out, slightly warming the bottom of the form from the outside in hot water and spread it in a pyramid on a wide dish.
Before the guests arrive, we put the cake in the freezer again. We turn out the packages after the ice cream and lick the tasty leftovers))

This recipe for a classic ice cream will be of little interest to those who were born in the 21st century. And all because they have nothing to compare with, and the phrase "just like the Soviet one" is not close and incomprehensible to them. Therefore, we will try for all those who sadly and regretfully recall "that ice cream sundae for 20 kopecks." Preparing it at home will not be difficult. Moreover, there is nothing complicated and exotic either in the process or in the components. However, see for yourself!

Calorie content

Before proceeding with the recipe, let us note the calorie content of the ice cream sundae prepared according to our recipe!

100 grams of homemade ice cream contains:

  • Fat - 14.5 grams;
  • Protein - 3.6 grams;
  • Carbohydrates - 21.8 grams;

The calorie content of the dish is 233 kilocalories.

As you can see, not that much. Homemade ice cream sundae is an excellent, tasty and easy dessert!


We need the following ingredients for making a classic ice cream:

  • Liquid cream (the fatter the better) - 500 ml;
  • Milk - 500 ml;
  • Eggs, or rather the yolks from them - three ... four pieces;
  • Granulated sugar - 150 grams;
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 grams


To make a classic ice cream, you will need the following dishes:

  • A saucepan for making a classic ice cream;
  • Capacity for freezing it;
  • A small bowl for grinding sugar with yolks;
  • Hand whisk or electric blender;
  • Large, long-handled spoon or spatula.

That's all, let's get started!


Step 1 - preparing the base for the classic ice cream

1. Mix the cream with milk and heat it regularly, stirring it.

2. Eggs - only yolks (we don't need whites) with simple and vanilla sugar, grind them completely into a homogeneous mass. So the very yellow, village eggs for this you do not need.

3. Add them to milk with cream and stirring continuously, heat. But the mixture for the classic ice cream should not boil, so adjust the heat yourself, but rather put the pan with it in a water bath.

4. After five ... seven minutes the mixture is ready. Now refrigerate it by simply leaving it on the table, remembering to stir it occasionally, or for those who are especially impatient, put ice over the mold.

Step 2 - freezing

5. But this Step is the most responsible.

No, no, there is nothing complicated in it: take the container with the hardening classic ice cream from the freezer, mix it well, especially remove it from the walls, and put it back in the freezer for an hour. And so on until it solidifies completely, and this is six ... eight (everyone has different freezers) hours.

So the preparation of a classic ice cream should be planned in advance, otherwise you will end up with an icy sweet milk lump, and not delicious and delicate ice cream.

That's all the wisdom, bon appetit!

Concluding, if you are not limited in time, then making a classic ice cream is very, very simple! And you've just seen this in theory. Now it's worth putting this into practice. And our step-by-step recipe for making homemade ice cream will help you with this!

Ice cream sundae at home recipe on video

For those who find it more convenient to make ice cream sundae by video - we offer a video recipe on how to make sundae at home! See one of the homemade ice cream recipes!

If you have already tried our ice cream sundae recipe - share your impressions in the comments!

Check out other interesting recipes - you might like them!

Calorie content: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

Homemade sundae ice cream is a favorite delicacy of adults and children. Delicate balls of this dessert can be served with various toppings, sprinkled with nuts, decorated with fruits and jam. In the composition of ice cream from the store thickeners, milk powder, preservatives and taste improvers. I advise you to make homemade ice cream, the taste and benefits of which are undeniable. A detailed step-by-step recipe will help you quickly and easily prepare such ice cream and taste the taste of the Soviet ice cream. I also suggest you cook this.

You will need:

- icing sugar - 1.5 tablespoons,
- condensed milk - 1.5 tablespoons,
- pasteurized cream - 400 ml.,
- vanilla sugar - 0.5 sachets.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Place the condensed milk and icing sugar in a beating glass.

Add vanilla sugar. Stir.

Top with chilled cream and whisk until soft peaks.

Pour the whipped mixture into an ice cream maker and turn it on for 20 to 30 minutes.

After the allotted time, you will have a lush mass of sweet dessert.

Transfer the mixture to a plastic container and refrigerate in the freezer for 12 hours.

After 12 hours, the dessert will get stronger.

Make ice cream balls. If you do not have a special ice cream spoon, dip a regular tablespoon in boiling water and sweep over the mass to form a ball. Place the balls in a bowl.

Chop tangerines, add fruit to the dessert.
Sprinkle with grated chocolate on top and serve.
Ice cream can be made without an ice cream maker. Transfer the mixture to a container and send it to the freezer for 1.5 hours. Then whisk with a blender with a whisk to prevent ice crystals.
Ice cream is made from natural products, so its shelf life is no more than a week.
can be given to children without fear. If you add a tablespoon of cocoa to the cream, you get a chocolate ice cream.

No one can argue that adults and children are so fond of this sweet delicacy that they are ready to eat it both in the heat and in the cold. The season has already ceased to be the determining factor when choosing ice cream as a dessert. This can be confirmed by the always full freezers in stores, where even in the middle of winter there is a good selection of various ice cream. Thanks to this, you can enjoy the taste of the dessert at any time, but that's not all. When you learn how to make ice cream at home, which will be tastier, easier and healthier than store-bought ice cream, there will be no obstacles for you on the way to real bliss of taste.

I will honestly say that I was skeptical for a long time about this possibility, to prepare ice cream on my own at home, believing that it could not be so simple and tasty. I thought that it was no coincidence that large-scale production facilities were so complex, probably, and the recipes were abstruse and inaccessible to the common man in the street.

This is partly true, of course, recipes for store ice cream are not available to us, but do we need them? I made sure that they are not needed. After several successful experiments with attempts to make ice cream at home, I realized that homemade ice cream recipes are incredibly simple, and the delicacy itself turns out to be many times tastier and healthier, without chemicals, additives and all kinds of substitutes. All my household members in chorus abandoned store-bought ice cream in favor of homemade ice cream, and even began to take part in its preparation, adding their own ideas, tastes and decorations.

Let me tell you what recipes I tried on my own experience and gave solid fives!

To begin with, I was the first to try to make the simplest ice cream with my own hands. Or as it is also called ice cream. I believe that this is a classic that is relevant for all times and is loved by almost everyone. Add fruits, syrups, chocolate to it and there is no tastier dessert even for a holiday, even on an ordinary day. Fresh berries from the garden, jam from stocks, syrup from the store, chocolate chips - these are what can be added to the most ordinary creamy ice cream made at home.

How to make Sundae ice cream at home

For myself, I call this recipe for homemade ice cream "Sundae according to GOST". I cannot vouch that this is how the recipe is presented in GOST, because I could not find the original document on the Internet, only its reprints and interpretations on many different sites. But the most important thing that was learned was that all products should be natural and no vegetable fats and substitutes.

The recipe for ice cream according to GOST from recognized chefs of the Internet includes:

  • cream 30-35% - 500 ml,
  • milk - 150 ml,
  • granulated sugar (or powder) - 150 grams,
  • egg yolks - 3 pieces,
  • vanilla extract / vanilla / vanilla sugar for vanilla flavor.

DIY ice cream, step by step recipe:

1. The secret that I understood over time and now strictly follow it - the cream for making ice cream at home must certainly be cooled. So put them in the refrigerator beforehand.

2. Separate the egg yolks from the whites. In case you don’t remember how to do this, I remind you: split the egg shell into two even halves and open it so that the yolk remains in one of the halves, and the protein flows into another container (cup, plate). The protein will drain, but not completely, so while continuing to hold the egg over the cup, carefully pour the yolk from one half of the shell to the other, some more of the protein will merge. Repeat once more if the white remains, until there is one yolk in the shell. Put the separated yolk in another cup or saucer, do the same with the rest of the eggs.

If such a “grandmother's” method is difficult for you, now you can buy special devices for separating yolks in stores. Most of them are like a spoon with slots into which the protein flows down, while the yolk remains inside.

3. In a separate bowl, grind the yolks and sugar until smooth. Sugar cannot be completely dissolved, so many people use powdered sugar. But even if you have ordinary granulated sugar, this is not scary, later you will understand why.

4. Pour milk into a bowl of eggs and sugar and stir with a whisk.

5. Pour the resulting yellowish mixture into a saucepan and place on the stove over low heat. It is necessary to heat the mixture, but do not let it boil, otherwise the eggs will boil. To make the ice cream thick at home, this mixture must be heated to a maximum of 80 degrees and constantly stir.

Gradually, it will begin to thicken. Egg yolks will help her with this. If you don't know, professional chefs use yolks to thicken anything from creams to sauces and gravies. This has long been known throughout the world using natural products.

Don't worry about using raw eggs in your ice cream, just this kind of heating will rid them of bacteria, being the homemade version of pasteurization. The same heating will help to finally dissolve the sugar. Our homemade ice cream won't crunch on your teeth.

To understand that the mixture is ready, you need to dial a spatula or a wooden spoon in it. The mixture should remain on the spoon, and if you run your finger or a knife, the groove will not blur or drain. Something like this.

6. Now this mixture must be cooled to room temperature. To do this, take a larger saucepan and pour ice cold water from the tap into it, you can pour ice cubes. Then place a saucepan with an egg mixture in it, as if you are going to cook in a water bath. Stir the mixture with a spoon for a few minutes so that the lower cooled layers mix with the warm upper layers until the whole mass has cooled.

As it cools, the mixture will become a little thicker. The egg yolks keep working!

7. When the egg mixture is ready, remove the cream from the refrigerator and whisk in a large bowl until it is a nice thick cream. The main thing is not to overdo it so that they do not thicken to the state of oil. Unfortunately, this is another problem that can arise when making ice cream at home.

I check that the whipped cream is done so that it doesn’t come out of the bowl when tilted well, but it doesn’t move.

8. The next step is to combine the whipped cream and egg mixture. At the same time add vanilla sugar (1 whole bag) or vanilla liquid extract (teaspoon) to add vanilla flavor to ice cream.

Stir gently with a spoon or spatula so as not to knock off the creamy foam. In this case, it is better not to use a mixer. You need to achieve a uniform texture and color. The result should be a creamy, creamy thick cream (by the way, it tastes amazing. It is checked by all household members who control the process).

9. Now the ice cream needs to be frozen. But this must be done taking into account the fact that it will have to be taken out of the freezer several times and beaten with a mixer in order to break the ice crystals and saturate it with air. This is the only way to get real delicate ice cream at home.

Any large container is suitable for freezing, in which it will be convenient to re-beat. It can be the same bowl covered with cling film (we don't want extra odors from the freezer in ice cream), a plastic food container with a tight lid will do. Even plastic jars from grocery stores that have already been eaten will work. The main thing is to wash them thoroughly.

Cover the ice cream and place in the freezer for an hour.

10. In this recipe, I make ice cream at home without using a special ice cream maker, so exactly an hour later we take out a container with ice cream and beat it again with a mixer.

After an hour, it will only slightly thicken and it will be easy to beat it. Stir the ice cream well from the edges to the middle. Cover again and place in the freezer for another hour.

After an hour, repeat the procedure. The ice cream will become tighter and lump at the edges of the container. Stir until smooth with a mixer and put back in the freezer.

In my experience, it is necessary to whip ice cream at least 3-4 times, then it turns out to be airy, like real. If this is not done, then its texture in the frozen state is so dense that it will be very difficult to get it out of the bowl even with a special spoon. Without whipping, you get a great creamy brick.

11. After a few beats, leave the ice cream in the freezer for 8-12 hours. Ideally at night. In the morning, an amazing treat awaits you.

To get it out of the bowl, use special round spoons heated in boiling water. You can do this with a regular spoon. Just hold the spoon in a cup of hot water for literally a couple of minutes.

This is how easy you can make ice cream at home, and not just ice cream, but a real creamy ice cream! Help yourself, treat your guests and enjoy incredible yummy!

If this recipe seemed too long and complicated for you, go to the second one, which is already difficult to come up with easier.

The simplest ice cream at home made from cream and condensed milk

I can't help but tell you about this interesting homemade ice cream recipe. On the one hand, it can be called a recipe for the lazy, since they simply did not come up with an easier way to make creamy ice cream at home. But on the other hand, the result is very decent.

The only feature of this recipe that I don't even think is a minus is that the ice cream turns out to be very creamy and sweet. That is, absolutely not dietary. But if you are not a strict dieter, this is simply unimaginable yummy. Of all the acquaintances whom I treated with this ice cream, everyone was satisfied, and the children generally squeaked with delight, because the delicacy is better than any sweets.

What is the secret of this homemade ice cream recipe? It uses just 2 ingredients, plus vanilla for flavor.

  • natural cream 30-35% - 500 ml,
  • condensed milk - from 200 ml.
  • vanilla sugar or vanilla essence to taste.

Why is the measure "from" indicated for condensed milk? It's simple, the more condensed milk, the sweeter the ice cream will be.

After several tests carried out with different amounts of condensed half of the recipe, I found a combination of products acceptable to our taste: 1 part of condensed milk to 2 parts of cream.

I started my tests with the simplest proportion of a standard half-liter bag of cream and a standard 380 ml can of condensed milk. It turned out simply amazing, but much sweeter than the usual store-bought ice cream or ice cream according to the recipe above, made of milk and cream. There was clearly less sugar.

Another cooking feature: the taste and quality of ice cream at home will depend on the taste and quality of cream and condensed milk. Bad cheap cream with a suspicious unnatural composition from little-known manufacturers spoiled everything. Condensed milk with vegetable fats and milk powder spoiled everything. No, we did not poison ourselves, but the taste suffered very seriously. There was a strange mealy on the tongue or unpleasant vegetable fat settled on the lips.

Therefore, the most important principle of choice: always take proven tasty and high-quality cream and condensed milk with a good uniform consistency and sufficient thickness. 30% cream cannot be liquid, like milk, it simply does not whip into an airy mass. Condensed milk from other than whole milk can spoil the taste and texture. Choose everything wisely and it will be delicious.

Making ice cream at home from cream and condensed milk:

1. Cool down both the cream and condensed milk well before making ice cream. A couple of hours in the fridge, no less. This is necessary to ensure that the products foam well.

You can also cool the whisk of the mixer with which you will beat.

2. Whisk the chilled cream until a thick, airy mass, until it is fluffy enough not to flow out of the plate. Well-whipped cream is like cream.

3. Add vanilla sugar (1 sachet). Then, without stopping whisking at low speed, pour in the condensed milk. You can mix condensed milk with cream with a wooden spoon or spatula until you get a uniform consistency. At the same time, the mass will turn out to be a little more liquid than the cream was before, with a pronounced vanilla smell and a delicate creamy shade.

4. Pour the future ice cream into a freezer container. For this, a large bowl that can be covered with cling film, a plastic food container with a tight lid, or, for example, boxes and containers from store-bought ice cream that you have eaten a long time ago, are suitable.

In fact, the main thing is that the container can be tightly closed and put in the freezer. Foreign odors stick to this creamy mixture very easily.

5. Now the most important thing that will turn our delicacy into a real ice cream - every hour it must be stirred or whipped at a low mixer speed.

Why is this necessary and why is it so vital? The thing is that the secret of ice cream is precisely that the creamy mass is filled with air. According to the GOST of Soviet ice cream, up to 200% air in the ice cream mass was allowed. Imagine what an airy yummy it turned out.

From my own experience, I'll tell you that when I did not whip the ice cream at home at least three times, it turned out to be too hard and it was extremely difficult to take it out of the mold. One tablespoon was bent almost irrevocably, despite its preheating in boiling water. And eating ice cream melting on the tongue is much tastier.

The whole process of mixing / whipping comes down to the fact that the ice cream must be removed from the freezer, open the lid and whip it well right in the freezer container. Do this several times until you realize that it is too thick to whisk.

The freezing speed depends on the volume of the container and the power of the freezer, so it can be different for everyone. Small flat trays freeze much faster than a large bowl. For small containers, it is advisable to beat the mass after half an hour, not an hour.

6. Homemade condensed milk ice cream will be ready in time in about 8-12 hours. You can serve it on the table!

Homemade ice cream with Kit-Kat and Oreo

This is how you can diversify this simple recipe for making homemade ice cream by adding your favorite Oreo chocolate chip cookies and Kit-Kat waffles.

This is a real holiday for children, as well as for any other real sweet tooth. You can replace this yummy cake at a children's party or just enjoy it as a dessert.

Now that you are armed with the knowledge of how to make delicious and natural ice cream at home, chances are that you will forget for a long time from the store counterparts with questionable ingredients and dreaded E-additives. Take care of your health and the health of your children!

Bon appetit and more festive mood in the kitchen!

Ice cream is the most desirable delicacy in the summer season. It is not only tasty but also refreshing. It is also often used as an addition to summer drinks and for serving some desserts. Below are a few recipes that describe how to make ice cream at home.

Classic milk ice cream

Simple milk ice cream at home:

  • milk 3.2% - 330 ml;
  • egg - 2;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • oil - 80 gr;
  • vanillin.

Beat the butter and half the sugar using a mixer or whisk. Next, drive in the eggs and add the remaining sugar, you can immediately add vanilla. We continue to work with the mixer for a few more minutes, until the consistency of the contents of the bowl becomes uniform.

Milk is poured last into the ice cream blank. Beat everything again with a mixer at maximum speed.

Pour the mass into a saucepan and boil over low heat, so that it begins to thicken a little. We work through the hot mixture for a couple of minutes with an immersion blender. After that, we put the container in a larger bowl with ice water so that the workpiece cools down faster. Pour into a freezer container and place in the freezer overnight.

On a note. The ice cream blank cannot be sent to the freezer hot or even warm. Be sure to wait until it cools completely.

Popsicle recipe

  • cottage cheese - 250 gr;
  • icing sugar - 100 gr;
  • cream - 250 gr;
  • white chocolate - 100 gr;
  • chocolate tubes - 5 units;
  • crushed walnuts / pistachios.

Eskimo is prepared by gradually whipping products. First of all, cream with powdered sugar is whipped, after which cottage cheese is gradually introduced. It turns out a rather thick creamy consistency.

Melt the chocolate and pour into the piece. Beat for a minute or two.

Pour nuts into ice cream molds, lay out the blank, stick a tube deeply into the center. Place in the freezer for 2-3 hours.

vanilla ice cream

  • fat cream - 750 ml;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 150 gr;
  • egg yolks - 6 units;
  • vanillin.

Combine milk and a third of the cream in a saucepan, pour ⅔ sugar there. Put on fire and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.

In the meantime, grind the remaining sugar and yolks with a mixer. When the mass is very clear, pour in the milk-cream mass in small portions, continuing to beat.

We pour the resulting workpiece back into the saucepan and send it to warm up over low heat, stirring constantly. The consistency will gradually thicken, resembling a custard. Put the saucepan in a bowl with ice and, stirring, cool. The result is a French cream Anglaise - smooth and shiny.

Whisk the remaining cream at high speed until medium thick. Pour chilled milk-sugar cream into them and mix with a spoon.

We distribute the resulting vanilla delicacy in special portioned containers or in one large container and send it to freeze in the freezer for several hours.

Creamy treat

In this recipe ice cream does not feel water crystals, as is the case in store ice cream or when using a large amount of water in the preparation.

The recipe is very simple and preparing homemade ice cream will not take more than ten minutes.

Ice cream made from cream turns out to be unrealistically tender, with a rather dense structure:

  • cream with a fat content of 30% - 550 ml;
  • condensed milk with sugar - 170 gr;
  • gelatin - 7 gr.

First, let's prepare the gelatin: fill it with a stack of boiling water. It is important that there is as little water as possible.

Pour cream and condensed milk into a mixing container. Beat with a mixer until smooth - it will take just a minute. After that we turn on the speed to the maximum. By this time, the gelatin will dissolve in boiling water and it can be added to the creamy condensed mass. We work with a mixer for a few more minutes. We spread the mass in a container, close it and send it to the freezer for at least 5 hours.

Homemade creme brulee

  • 500 ml of cream from 33%;
  • vanillin;
  • 25 grams of flour;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 180 grams of boiled condensed milk;
  • 150 ml of milk.

We put milk on medium heat to warm up.

Separate the 4th table from the prepared volume of cream. spoons in a separate cup and add flour with vanilla, yolks and boiled condensed milk to them. We rub everything very well with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is obtained without dense lumps.

Put the resulting mass into the warmed milk and mix well with a whisk. We send it further to warm up. You need to warm up while stirring, as the cream will thicken. This will give you the consistency of a thick custard for cakes. When the cream becomes thick and begins to boil a little, it must be removed from the heat and left to cool.

Let's deal with the remaining cream. Beat them until a dense foam is obtained, sugar can be added if desired. Then we spread the cooled custard and mix with a mixer.

Close the whole mass with a lid, or tighten with foil. Place in the freezer for several hours. It is recommended to stir the mass with a spoon every hour, as long as possible - this is necessary to prevent crystallization and create a lush, friable consistency of the dessert.

On a note. This ice cream does not need to be frozen and can be used as a cake cream.

Homemade chocolate dessert

Chocolate ice cream with a delicate, creamy texture can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • heavy cream - 500 ml;
  • fine sugar - 180 gr;
  • cocoa - 25 gr;
  • salt - 2 g;
  • egg yolks - 5-6 units;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • high-quality dark chocolate - 125 gr.

First of all, we chop the chocolate into small pieces.

Combine salt, cocoa and half the sugar in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Stir. Pour in some milk and stir until smooth. The result is a glossy chocolate paste. Pour in the rest of the milk and cream, mix again. We put on low heat and stir until boiling. As soon as it begins to boil, immediately remove from heat.

While the milk mixture is warming up, let's work on the yolks: combine them with the remaining sugar and stir with a whisk until a light creamy mass appears.

Now you need to combine the milk mixture and the yolks. This should be done very carefully, as the milk is still hot enough and the yolks may curl. Therefore, at first, pour quite a bit of the chocolate-milk mass into the yolk mass, mix with a whisk. Then pour in a little more and mix again. Now the yolk mass has warmed up and will not curl up, pour in the milk mass in a thin stream, constantly working the mass with a whisk.

Put the saucepan on the fire again, cook for five minutes, stirring constantly. The fire should be slow, the mass should not boil, otherwise the yolks will cook. The mass should thicken and resemble the state of a cake custard.

Remove the saucepan from the heat and put the chocolate in the contents, stir vigorously until the pieces are completely dissolved.

Cool the ice cream blank in a container with ice water. Stir from time to time so that a crust does not form.

Pour the cooled workpiece into a deep container for freezing. We close. We leave it overnight.

On a note. The ice cream blank cannot be sent to the freezer hot or even warm. Be sure to wait until it cools completely.

Fruit and berry ice cream

  • 150 grams of blackberries;
  • 150 grams of peach pulp;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 2 cups cream
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 6 egg whites.

First, beat the whites until a stable foam, then combine with sugar, without stopping whipping. Whisk the cream separately until thickened.

Add the thickened butter cream to the sweet egg mass in small portions, continue to beat at maximum speed for several minutes.

Reduce the mixing speed, pour in the milk in a thin stream. We work for 1-2 minutes.

Rinse the berries and fruits, cut the peaches into small pieces. Separately, use a blender to prepare blackberry and peach puree. We divide the protein-creamy blank into 2 approximately equal parts. We combine one with berry puree, the other with peach. Mix thoroughly.

Put fruit pieces in containers and freeze, tightly covered with a lid / film.

No added eggs

  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • sugar - 90 gr;
  • powdered milk - 35 gr;
  • starch - 10 gr;
  • heavy cream - 250 ml;
  • milk 3.2% - 300 ml.

Combine all dry ingredients in a saucepan (except for starch). Pour more than half of the milk to dry products, mix.

Combine the rest of the milk with starch, stirring it well.

We heat the milk mixture with sugar, milk powder and other products over low heat, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil. As soon as it starts to boil, pour in the starch mass and stir. When the mass begins to thicken, pour into a container through a sieve and leave to cool.

Meanwhile, whip the cream. When the workpiece has cooled, combine with cream and beat for a few minutes. After that we set the ice cream to freeze.

  • 2 jars of yogurt;
  • 2 sticks for stirring coffee;
  • a couple of glasses of boiling water.

The recipe is extremely simple, and even children can handle it. The basis of ice cream in this version is yoghurt - fruit, berry or natural, we take our favorite. In the foil with which the jar is sealed, we make a small incision in the center, insert a stick into it so that it sinks well into the yogurt. We send the resulting structure to the freezer for 2-3 hours.

  • 3 bananas;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 150 gr icing sugar.

Peel and cut bananas into rings. Wipe off the zest from one lemon, then squeeze the juice from both citrus fruits and mix with the zest and banana pulp, pour the powder into the container. With a blender, turn the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

Before serving, you need to remove the ice cream for 10 minutes from the freezer - the dessert will become softer and tastier.

If you want a simple lemon flavor, make a simple creamy or vanilla treat and add lemon juice and zest to it, and stir well before freezing.